straykept · 4 years
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@abvnai​ said:  “ you need to heal first. ”
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          his knuckles had ghosted from the grip he’d held on the kitchen counter, lungs winded and feet like cinder blocks dragging across the floor. the bandages hugging his midsection are fresh along with the sweats he could have sworn he wore at least three times since she’s been taking care of him. be it feeding his dogs or making sure the bed was comfortable to his liking, will was certain that his death would come in the form of her kindness. he wasn’t ungrateful nor had he been entirely unkind, but his tongue was sharp and his tone was always a mixture of salt and vinegar whenever she pointed out he wasn’t strong enough or too weak to move around on his own. it was simple things, too. going to the bathroom, down the stairs, even going outside to feel the crisp, autumn air chill his cheeks. never alone, because she walked him to and fro no matter the ungodly hours. sooner or later, she would clash heads with jack the moment he grew impatient from will’s absence on the field. something about killers don’t take sick days just because someone on the force got stabbed.
          will doesn’t want crawford involved in his personal life  ---  it’s been hell keeping hannibal sated with over the phone sessions as it was and stalling alana at the door when she showed up with get well items. he’s not hiding beau, or so he tells himself. there was a difference between hiding and keeping her uninvolved. was that the same? maybe it depends on how the person view it. ❛ if i didn’t know any better, i’d say i was paul sheldon and you were annie wilkes.❜  his smile is taut, prostrated. much like the rest of his body and he dare not to cave in to his obvious weakness from moving too much and too often.  ❛ i’m fine. the sooner i get back to work, the sooner i can stop being your burden. ❜
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phantsi · 4 years
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@abvnai​ said:  “  i’ve got your back, okay? ”
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      ❛ no,❜  he breathes out quickly. there’s an uneasy chill to the night air and the king can’t tell if an early fall is blooming or being elevated so high up on the balcony of the tower is playing its part. for a moment, t’challa forgets to respond once more and clarify why his answer had been direct. almost harsh, but not towards beau in any way  --- more towards the upcoming battle that would take place in his homeland.  ❛ not this time. ❜  the king closes his eyes for a moment before turning to face her, thumb and index digit worrying the mantle in a way that represents his unease with it all. thanos was an unpredictable foe and the casualties would be many, he knows. and while beau was a capable and strong woman, one t’challa admired and grew fond of, he cannot allow her to be by his side for this. he’s usually okay with her persistence and stubbornness when it comes to following him into battle or in general after he’s told her to stay put. this time, it is the order of a king. one who has no intention of dying yet no guarantee of returning either. however, her expression is foreign and he can’t tell if she’s pissed that he’s forbade her from joining him or if it’s an underlying fear that tonight is the last time she’ll see him alive and well. both?  ❛ i will carry you with me in spirit, mm?❜
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quadrv · 4 years
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@abvnai​ said:  ‘ how did you get in here? ’
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     from his seated position, delamain glances over to a stunned beau, silent momentarily as if processing the question in full. oh, she means the braindance simulation-- or so he assumes since this would be the first time she’s seen his hologram and not just a voice floating from the sleek v-tech. he is, however, connected to the net and therefore has access to her mental simulation. physically and not just a projected being this time around. ❛ it is your first time using night city’s tech, of course. what you’re experiencing is your own simulation, reality and so forth-- i merely hijacked into the system to keep an eye on your well-being and this was the state which i am being presented in.❜  the ai stands now, dapper in his appearance and such. most of the time, people do not seem to associate him with what he controls since most of the vehicles are not quite luxury and sleek looking.  ❛ i believe your subconscious was..curious as to what i would look like as a human instead of the quadra. but do not be alarmed, you may request this appearance outside of the simulation with one drawback. i will not be physical but holographic.❜
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laufaes · 4 years
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@abvnai​ said:  “ you said you wanted to talk. ”
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    oh, he did. at the time it seemed so wise, so brave, to talk about what kept him up at night. how he wished he could speak about the nightmares and images that plague his deepest, most inner thoughts when sleep called for him. for plenty, they craved the lulling and welcomed sandman into their space willingly. but loki? he fought and fought, an endless battle he was sure to lose after hours stacked. the only person who noticed was beau and in his exhaustion, words slipped out in a way he hadn’t meant. he hoped she wouldn’t come to the kitchen, see him so disheveled and unlike himself-- so different from the charade he put up around stark tower. head in hands, her gentle question sounds achingly genuine and the trickster peers at her, slow and heavy. ❛  i did. ❜
    he do. out of everyone who spoke, they were still hiding behind their distrust and hatred for his crimes. no amount of convincing would make them ever forget his crimes on midgard and he doesn’t blame them one bit. his source of comfort were books and the minor chit-chat with thor when he wasn’t busy. he knows beau won’t let him off the hook so easily with his reply and the god opts to be honest ( his tricks bagged ) and a coward in the same breath. ❛  forgive me for what i said earlier, it was the lack of sleep and nothing more. ❜  her kindness scares him. genuineness scares him.
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puinsharc · 4 years
smelt it first,   the ACCESS,   /     the beckon  :    some concoction of  gunpowder  &.  disaster in the air,   before he  felt  it ,             back to ground,  eye to obsidian.   this  crescendo of stillness,   OF ETHEREAL ESCAPISM,  becomes deafening.  a BOUNCING BALL, describes the gunshot rings, steady in it’s beating rhythm,  until it rolls to a stop,  down into the sewers,  (  WHERE DARKNESS WAITS ) then stops.  and there he lays,  a deadman,  recounting a world now agonizingly still  &. frozen.  one hypothesis is correct,  the fate of  circumambience  :   happenings do carry on ,    the shouting,   hurried footsteps to cement,  the pelting, sweet infinitesimal rainwater.   THEN A FAMILIAR FIGURE,   one made  SYLPHIC  by the shock,  grabbing and tugging.              ..ank ....   frank...        PLEASE.     ..    FRANK,   PLEASE   !   
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WAKE ,   ....    and for a moment,  he’ll reenter the world,   eyes open,   prepares the steps to his  infinite    &.     infamous    waltz  in the whirlwind of   hell’s  kitchen , 
  ❛❛    Y ...    YEAH,       yes,    you  are.     LOOK,   HEY         ❜❜   a lioness,  he’d describe her.   his lioness.   a  queen bee  even,   reigning champion,    (  HARDLY DOWN WITHOUT FIGHT, )    frantic in her reactions,   DEMANDING  in her tone,  &. familiar in it’s aesthetic,  to a  FRANK CASTLE  before his pivot.    ❛❛  hell are you doin’  ?!  ..  HUH  ?     ❜❜    palms against her neck,    ❛❛   rest’ll - rest’ll  come,   baby,    THEY  WILL,   THEY’LL TAKE YOU DOWN.   i  can’t. ❜❜         please.    he couldn’t fail again.  
the last of us (2013), + 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜.
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dvarapala · 4 years
“I believe you can do whatever you put your mind to.”
askbox fun // @abvnai 
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it’s really nice of beau to say that. because sometimes, udyati needs a little bit of encouragement. just a tiny bit. just a nudge, to let her know she’s on the right path. and so she beams at beau. “thank you,” udyati murmurs quietly and surges forward to give beau a hug. “i’ll remember that.”
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crimsonshe-a · 4 years
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   @abvnai​    :    [ guard ]
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    the yacht was still,   her office just as peaceful as the rest of her ship.   qi’ra herself was at peace,   her partner there with her for once.  the company of someone else,   someone she loved,   was comforting to her.   she sat at her desk,  fingers swiping away messages on the data pad in her other hand.  her foot bounces,   and qi’ra takes a moment to steal glances at the woman sitting on the curved couch on the other side of the desk.    -    it was a perfect moment,  until a sound echoed from the elevator caught her attention.  
    her head snaps up,  datapad returning to the surface of her desk.   it could be anything,  nothing good regardless.   qi’ra rose to her feet quickly,   pulling her blaster from the underside of the desk.     “    beau,   get away from the door.    ”    she was prepared to do anything she might need,   as long as the woman she loved was free of harm.     -     the doors slides open,  and a man armed to the teeth stomps his way in.   she can see the body of a guard in the lifts doorway,  just before the automatic doors shut once more.   qi’ra raises her weapon only to have it shot from her hand,   so easily.    it told her whoever he was needed her alive.  
    it was so sudden,    beau’s quick movements to block the mans path.  practically throwing herself over the desk to stand in front of her.   a hand placed protectively on qi’ras hip.    “    beau...    ”    her words trail,   wide eyes moving from the back of her head to the man barking orders at her to move.    qi’ra wouldn’t be able to carry the guilt if anything happened to her,   but she suspected that she would refuse to move. 
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mtchstck-archive · 4 years
abvnai replied to your photoset “incorrect quotes ft. @portraiyal”
I just laughed Bc livvy’s comment is valid
for the Full Effect, you must simply picture her saying that deadpan in her squeaky little kid voice while maintaining Strong eye contact 
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stardanser · 4 years
PLAYLIST: the best of the starter calls ARTIST: @abvnai​
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           greece was one of those places he wanted to visit when he was a kid.  his mother used to tell him stories of the greek pantheon.  not all of them were great.  zeus seemed like a prick but the stories always pulled him in.  whenever he asked when they could go visit some ruins his mother would simply say when you’re older, peter.  now that he was older he could recognize that money played a very big role in them not going.
          fortunately ( and unfortunately but peter tried not to dwell on it ) he had access to a spaceship now.  he’d avoided earth for as long as he possibly could.  there was nothing here he wanted to see, visit, or have any part of.  even knowing he was back in the milky way reminded him of the day his mother was taken away from him.  but, now there was a family to think of.  there were adventures to fuel and mouths to feed.
          there was a bounty for some old piece of armor.  apparently some dude named achilles wore is and it was a present from a blacksmith.  peter had no idea why any of that was important or why anyone would want some dusty old metal.  then again, the same could be said for most of the things he handed over for units.
          switch in his digital music player ( thanks rocket ), an earbud went in his ear.  head starts bopping.  his helmet materializes over his face so that the thief can use the installed hud to take a good look around.  “ oh....uh...pardon me, ma’am.  i didn’t know this site was already occupied.  not to worry.  official business.  carry along. “
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knifewields · 5 years
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                       ❝           shit, what ? ❞ it’s still a fucked up situation. he says it so casually, she would have thought he was merely talking about someone getting a mixed-up order at McDonalds, not a cause of death.  but other than her stunned expression at his correction, which leads to her narrowing her eyes in a glare, a hand on her hip and a fist midswing ( which later connects with his shoulder ) she isn’t really surprised.   ❝ any other lies you want to clear up before we get ahead of ourselves ? ❞
scream franchise prompts. @knifewields​
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he  stares  at  her  without  blinking  ,  the  corners  of  his  lips  curving  upward  as  he  watches  the  reaction  forming  upon  her  features  .  of  course  ,  a  laugh  quickly  follows  suit  to  mask  the  true  nature  of  his  statement  ,  tongue  sticking  out  as  shoulders  bounce  in  response  to  .     ‘   ------  ow  !   ’     he  mutters  when  she  hits  him  ,  brow  pinching  as  his  hand  lifts  and  swiftly  grabs  the  injured  shoulder  .  inspecting  it  ,  he  shrugs  with  an  air  of  indifference  ,  eyes  flickering  back  to  as  he  flashes  her  a  wide  smile  .     ‘   you  asked  me  to  tell  you  what  i  heard  happened  .  .  .  not  what  actually  happened  !  so  if  anything  ,  it’s  your  fault  ,  babe  ,  not  mine  !   ’
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phantsi · 4 years
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@abvnai​ said:  “  i like seeing you smile.  ”
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     ❛ enjoy it while you can as i try to not make it a habit.❜  he doesn’t seem to take her compliment serious at first, continuing to make his way towards the throne room. like half the other times, t’challa’s smile came from either a tease thrown his way or being asked to do something absurd and saying no a million times until he ended up partially caving anyway. it’s the latter with beau and he hadn’t noticed the beam she got when his lips curled up into a genuine smile that made him look almost boyish. it wasn’t one of those sly, witty and devious smiles he’d show during meetings or towards people who had no idea that t’challa sarcasm was a well thought out and satanically crafted plan ---  otherwise, he would show no reaction and offer no reply to the taunt if he had none. beau keeps staring and the king pauses, smile fading but still evident enough for her enjoyment.  ❛ my answer is still no and before you think of asking my sister to ask me, it is no.❜  off he goes yet again, departing behind the double doors.
misc sentence starters
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ironmartyr · 4 years
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jo’s getting used to hunting ALONE.  it’s not the same as that one time with the boys in philadelphia  ,  nor any similar to working with her mother breathing on her neck to be careful and bring two flasks of holy water instead of one  ---  for good measure.  still  ,  now she’s alone in a bar way too FANCY for her pocket  ,  the guy who offered her a drink is trying to make a move from across the room and her target won’t show up  ,  so her hand brings the phone an ear  ,  bobby’s number already on speed dial because if she’s got to ask ADVICES to anyone it’s him  ( at least she’s sure he won’t tell a soul )  when her gaze darts on the door  ,  a woman entering in the room and jo just knows they’re both there for the same thing.  phone drops back on the table before bobby can even answer  ,  and suddenly jo is up her feet and annoyed.  “okay  ,  one is an accident  ,  two is a coincidence... three is definitely a pattern.”
@abvnai​  /  sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ ᴄᴀʟʟ
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laufaes · 4 years
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@abvnai​ said:  [ calm ] your muse telling mine to ‘just breathe’
    in the vivid moments of torture and excruciating pain, he begins to wonder if not telling anyone about his year long absence was to blame for his predicament. of course, no one would dream of offering sympathy towards the mad god --- perhaps they would find solace in knowing he does indeed suffer in ways they cannot cause nor fathom to relation. sleep is no longer kingdom come and when red stains his vision, the sharp and searing burn of agony crawl up his spine, he feels the physical shift. something real and not tricks of the mind, someone calling out to him in a panic. he’s screaming, agony and rage knotted. he wrestles with the grasp around his waist, pleading ( begging ) for sweet death. he craves release from the hellish moments which had continued for so damn long. and she gives it to him without fully knowing how just her words alone is enough to make the trickster snap awake, jolting upright within her arms and almost crashing his forehead into hers. for a split, sweat-drenched moment, loki looks wild and unaware of the situation. even his breathing feels...wrong. why was she here?
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    he collects his composure steadily as deep breaths will allow, their close proximity not entirely helping the rapid beating of his heart. ❛ silly girl, ❜  loki breathes out, raising a hand to press a palm delicately to the side of her face, trembling and uncoordinated as fingers curl into the loose strands of her hair.  ❛ are you mad, grabbing me like this? ❜  i could have hurt you.  but he’s not willing to say much more than he already has, especially in his current state of disarray. withdrawing back against the headboard with a loud thud, his expression goes from composed to worn out, exhaustion seeping into his bones and making him limp. all he can do is stare at her before scoffing lightly and shaking his head, sending dark strands a scattering flock across his face.  ❛  i must be a bloody damn sight, am i not? if you’re going to mock me, best get on with it.❜
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wingedwarren · 5 years
@abvnai   ||   plotted starter
     the noise of voices and glass and other things are loud, almost loud enough to drown out the cheer when it’s finally time for tonight’s favourite to make his appearance into the club. the cage in the centre of it is now occupied by dancers, each graceful and clad in little clothing, but warren is glad his show is at least over. he has a swollen black eye, the tee he wears stains red where the fabric clings to a newly-patched wound, but he’s there, and he’s there to bask in his glory once more. arms and wings raise into the air and his victory cry is loud to announce his arrival to everyone, and then his round of praise and satisfaction begins.      by the time he’s done most of that, he’s tired and hanging at the bar, asking the girl behind it for a glass of wodka and a lollipop to ease his sweet tooth. his undamaged eye glances around to see what kind of crowd has come tonight, and he isn’t disappointed. mutants and humans alike, some easier to identify than others. when his order comes, his eye closes for a moment to enjoy the taste of his candy, and then he turns to lean against the bar, look around as if he owns the place (couldn’t be further from the truth), and then he grabs his glass and makes his way over to a girl with a face he’ll remember. puts his glass down on her table and takes a seat across from her, offers the bare minimum of a smile.      ‘i like your dress. the gold really works for you,’ he says, wings dragging on the floor and he barely even seems to notice it. ‘did you enjoy the show?’
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hesuited · 4 years
@abvnai​​        :   //            starter      call
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GUN       AIMED        BETWEEN        HER         EYES    ,                 like         a     stalking          black      cat      .                        ❛                     ‘been       sneakin’        on      me       for       a      bit      now    ,            yeh       ?                       ❜                       he’s        down      right        PISSY     .                brows    furrowed     so     much       they     cast     shows       over     his      light      green      eyes                       ❛               what        says      i       don’t         pop       a     cap      in      your     arse      ?                   ❜              
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gothsic · 4 years
@abvnai​ requested to DISTORT REALITY... ( or DID she? )
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" so... come to these things often? "
he knows it's a poor joke, and he laughs shortly after, lest this woman get the wrong idea. well, not a laugh, but rather a chuckle. he swipes a cookie off the table in front of him - a rather pathetic display of pastries and sweets that looked as if they'd been left out in the open air a day too long - and takes a bite. ouch. dry, stale. but there is still a hint of chewy sugar to the mix that he has the stomach to ingest it. he looks back at her, and smiles - the half-smile, just as rehearsed and fine-tuned as always. now then... what is the context for this little conversation, this blip in time? well, that's easy.
the paranormal, the unsolved, the mysterious. these were things that he, even as a child, had always been fascinated in. and, of course, when one was desperate for inspiration, they turned to the imagination to find it. but, he was struggling, he had to admit. it seemed as though everything truly horrific had been done before... but then, there were stories that were interactive, where everyone could join in. augmented reality games, they were called. and while searching for one to potentially join, he came across something different - a group of people chasing after a creature that was capable of jumping through unsuspecting victim's phones or computers, and eating their soul. so the story went. not that he believed it, as many on the forum assumed that it was simply a hoax and wrote it off, but the "creature" followed through. quite terrifyingly, in fact, with a message from one of the group's most vocal members - except, of course, that it wasn't him, but the creature informing the entire forum that they were next. they had to come find it, and eliminate it, before it took its next victim...
of course, jonathan laughed it off. but in a supposed panic, the moderator brought forum members into an ultimatum - to meet in real life and eliminate the use of all electronic devices so that they might figure out their next move. it wasn't the most clever way to elude such a creature, but it was a way, he had to admit. plus, he could not deny how curious he was about this supposed internet poltergeist. the very possibility that it could exist intrigued him. and so, biting the bullet, he took the first plane out to new york city just to see what would come next. maybe he was even curious about whether or not the creature was even real. but no. it had to be a game. there was no other way something like this would make sense.
now, back to the present. this woman he had noticed when he walked in, not for any particular reason, but rather for something that he rarely saw in people. how remarkably straight she sat while the moderator - channing morose, he was called ( what a fucking name, by the way ) - informed everyone about what they were to do next. some looked jonathan's way, presumably recognizing him, though none made proper contact with him. she was different, of course. she seemed quite interested in what mr. morose had to say, more so than the other participants, who were far more interested in preserving their lives than in deconstructing every possible angle to tackle this situation.
she was worth speaking to, he thought.
" i was surprised when the mod wanted to meet in real life, " he continues, though this portion of it was honest. " i thought these args were mostly always on the internet. no interaction with real living beings allowed, right? heh. well, i guess that makes it fun. though not gonna lie to you, i didn't turn off my phone to get in here. "
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" but its entertaining to think about whether a scary internet ghost is real. maybe it is. i don't know. hell, maybe it stole my soul already and i don't even know.  think it stole yours? i'll bet a stale stop and shop cookie on it. "
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