#abstragedy fanfic
astro-eats · 27 days
Abstragedy part two! <3 this ones more angsty y'all mb
This is mostly for @j3llyst6r cuz they liked my abstragedy other fanfic :3
Zooble was the first to wake. They mumbled softly and looked at the girl laying on them. Cute. They gently pet the back of her mask, debating whether to wake her up or not. They decided to let her sleep a little longer. She looked so peaceful.. The way she looked when she was sleeping. They wondered what she would have looked like back before the circus. Definitely cute. It was impossible for her not to be cute. Their mind continued to wander down that path, the path of wondering what would happen if they were both human. In the real world. Where they're supposed to be. Not trapped in this stupid restricting circus. They were stripped of most things that made them human. They could be taken apart with ease, they had a TRIANGLE as a head, and they had no mouth. No mouth. That means they could never kiss her. Stupid. They sighed as they ran their fingers up and down Gangles ribbon back. She slowly woke up.. Her eyes fluttered open. She mumbled softly.
"Z- zooble..."
"Heh.. Good morning Gangle.."
They pushed away the infuriating thoughts that filled their mind. It would probably make everything harder. They wanted to kiss her so bad.. Their thoughts were interrupted by Gangle nuzzling into them and speaking.
"I love you zooble.."
They chuckled.
"I love you too, Gangle."
How sweet. What a cute moment between two lovers. It sucks they're stuck. Stuck in this stupid, bright, chaotic circus. And they were both stripped of their humanity. What they would do to be human and in the real world. They could have a life with this girl. A life. A real life. Maybe they could've even gotten married and lived together and be happy and-
Her voice pulled them out of their thoughts.
"... Mhm?"
"What are you thinking about..?"
"... Uh.. Don't worry about it. Love you."
"... I love you too Zooble..."
This girl. She was sweet, to say the least. But they wanted to be on the real world with her. Not this. What did they do to deserve this hell? More importantly, what did Gangle do to be here? She was literally an angel. They just want to be home. Home.
They sigh and pet Gangle more. Gangle spoke up again.
"You keep sighing.. Something's wrong. Tell me."
"Gangle it's really noth-"
"Zooble. Tell me."
They stopped petting her. F(%*7(). They were making her talk about things. That's the opposite of what they wanted.
"Gangle i-"
"I don't want you to go insane. The best way to go insane is keeping something that's bothering you locked in the back of your mind. But its gonna resurface. That's how you abstract. Its gonna resurface and it's gonna be the only thing you think about. Talk to me."
As much as they hated it, she was right. They don't want her to be right. But she is..
"Fine. I'll talk to you. Ugh.. I just.."
Why was it so hard to admit they're hurting!?
"i - Ugh! Gangle this is stupid!"
Gangle gave them a worried but stern look. No way she was letting them keep things to themselves.
"Zooble. Please, just talk. Pretend I'm not here or something.."
Zooble sighed again. Damn, this was hard. So hard. They weren't as emotionally there as Gangle was. They were detached. Disassociated. How were they gonna do this without lashing out.. No. They had to do this for her. And if they get angry, she was there to regulate them. Ok. They can do this.
"Fine Gangle. I just.. I want.. Ugh! I want to go home! I'm so F(%*7()ING sick of being here! I hate it! I want- I need- Go home- in UGH!"
They gently as possible took her off of them. They were honestly a bit rough with her, but not enough to hurt her. They backed themselves against their colorful wall as Gangle spoke up again.
"Zooble.. It's gonna be ok.."
"NO! Its not gonna! I we were both taken from out lives and put it this F(%*7()ING HELLHOLE!"
Zooble tended to get angry instead of sad. And Gangle tended to get sad instead of angry. Gangle spoke in a sad tone:
"... If.. We never were taken out of our lives.. And put here.. We wouldn't have met.. Ever.."
That's A good point. They wouldn't have ever found her if they wouldn't have put on that stupid headset.
"Ok.. Im.. Tired. Can.. You come back.. Sorry for taking you off of me.."
They weren't feeling A lot better, but the fact that gangle listened to them and crawled back into their lap made them appreciate life a little more.
They laid back, bringing Gangle with them. Gangle whispered into the spot their ears would be, If they had any.
"I love you..."
"I love you too."
With that, zooble closed their eyes and tried to get some rest again. So did Gangle. Funny how a small thought can spiral into a mini crisis. But a mini crisis can spiral into cuddles.
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sillylunaa · 18 days
yeah this shit is.... taking a lot longer than i expected it to im so sorry lmaoo
anyways shitty wip tadc (very very slight abstragedy) fanfic upon ye
(i have left yall starving for too long you poor things)
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pink-pkmn-trainer · 5 months
i did it. i fucking did it. abstragedy be upon you all. finally.
Zooble watched from a distance as the ringmaster shoved everyone into the portal that had just appeared. They had decided to opt out of today’s adventure, so it was just them in the circus for today. Which they didn’t mind at all, in fact, they were happy to have alone time. It gave them a chance to think clearly without any interruption from any crazy people.
“Zooble, my dear!” Caine shouted as he teleported directly in front of them out of nowhere. Ugh. Speaking of crazy people…
“Don’t call me that.” they grumbled. “I’m not your dear.”
“Right, my apologies!” the dentures replied. “But since everyone else is over at the Candy Canyon Kingdom, I was thinking that maybe you, me, and Bubble could-”
“Not a chance in hell.”
“...Ooookay. That’s a no, then. So, um…in that case, I guess you can just do whatever you want.” And with that, he was gone as quickly as he had appeared.
Zooble rolled their eyes as they began to wander aimlessly. Why was it that they could never seem to catch a break? Oh well, at least now they had a bit of time to themselves. Hopefully Caine wouldn’t bother them again. It wasn’t long before their thoughts began to wander as well.
They recalled the events of the previous day, where they were kidnapped by the Gloinks and fed to their queen. They remembered the look of fear and worry on Gangle's face when they were carried off. And they remembered how, when Kinger had failed to grab them with his floating hands, they thought “If only Gangle was the one saving me”. She would've known what she was doing, plus they would've gotten to be held gently by her...
…Huh. Weird.
Brushing away those thoughts, they started to look around the giant main room. There wasn't really anything new to see, but there were things to notice. Like the dark red color of the curtains that hung over the stage, and how it reminded them of Gangle's red ribbon body. There was something so cute about the way it would wrap around you completely when she hugged you, and-
Zooble suddenly realized what they were doing, and patted their own face, bringing themselves back to reality. They just couldn't seem to focus today…
They tried to lean on one of the gigantic blocks in the room like it was a wall, but they unexpectedly slipped and hit the floor with a hard thud. Luckily there wasn't anyone around to see their embarrassing little tumble, but as they lay there shocked, they thought about all the times they saw Gangle trip and fall. Her body was so flimsy, it wasn't a surprise that it happened often. But no matter what, she always managed to get up again, which was something to be admired. And sometimes when they helped her up, she’d thank them and they’d feel all warm and fuzzy-
Zooble sat up in a panic and tapped the heel of their hand against their forehead, as if trying to shake the thoughts out of their brain. Why were they thinking like this? What was happening? 
They stood up frantically and began to walk in the direction of the hallway where everyone’s rooms were. They were supposed to go to their room, but their mind was so plagued with thoughts of Gangle, they accidentally walked to her room instead, which only made them feel worse. They slammed their forearms against the door and groaned in frustration. The door just swung open and they fell again. Zooble was feeling awful by this point, the thoughts were nice and all, but they had no idea why they were thinking these things and it was scaring the $&*! out of them. They eventually sat up and took in the sight of Gangle’s room. 
Most of the decor and furniture was in the same range of colors as Gangle herself; dark red and white shades, though things like the bedframe, wardrobe and vanity were all made of dark brown wood. Every surface was covered in craft supplies, plushies, manga, and other such things. Despite the clutter, the room was pleasant and cozy.
As if by instinct, Zooble stepped into the room and started to look around. They weren’t trying to snoop or anything, it was just that being in the room made them feel closer to the ribbon girl…if that made any sense. They eventually settled themselves into a corner, next to a box of art stuff. It was peaceful, sitting there in Gangle’s room. They sighed with relief, not feeling quite so lonely anymore. The mix-and-match toy felt like they might even fall asleep like this…
Zooble lept in place, startled by the sudden yell. Of course Caine had to ruin this for them.
“Caine, what the #&*%!?!?”
“Apologies, my mismatched pal! I simply wanted to check on you! And you had me worried for a while, I couldn’t find you anywhere!” He looked around the room with a puzzled expression. “...Why are you in Gangle’s room??”
Zooble felt their breath snag in their throat. He probably thought they were a creep or something. And they couldn’t blame him.
“...I don’t have a good answer to that question.”
Caine frowned at them. Or at least, they thought it was a frown. “What’s the matter? Are you feeling a little bit of FOMO about today’s adventure?” he inquired. Zooble would’ve laughed at his choice of words if they weren’t so lost in thought still.
“I’m fine, just lonely is all.”
“Lonely? Well, we simply can’t have that! Perhaps I could spawn in an NPC for you to talk to? Or you could hang out with me and Bubble! My offer still stands!”
Zooble drew in a sharp inhale, unsure of how to explain everything to the ringmaster.
“It's a bit more complicated than that. The truth is, I…miss someone.”
“Miss someone?” Caine was confused. His gaze wandered the room briefly, and when he looked at the portrait on the open door, it all suddenly made sense. A soft, sympathetic look faded onto his face, and he lowered himself to the ground, seating himself next to Zooble.
“…You miss Gangle?”
Zooble was surprised he got it so quickly, but nodded. They looked down at the box they were seated next to, their eyes falling on a roll of red satin ribbon. They picked it up and started to slowly wrap it around their hand. It felt almost exactly like they imagined it would feel to hold hands with Gangle…they felt their face grow warmer at the thought. They suddenly became aware of Caine mumbling something, but they couldn’t quite hear him. “What?”
“I’m sure she misses you too.”
Zooble blushed at the kind statement. “Oh…thanks.” They were silent for a long moment, then yawned and leaned on the box a little more. In their drowsy state, they didn’t even notice when Caine tiptoed out of the room and shut the door behind him. It only took a moment for them to fall into a deep sleep.
Gangle tumbled out of the portal back into the main room of the circus, clutching the shattered pieces of her comedy mask as tightly as she could. As she and everyone else stood up and grumbled, Caine appeared in front of them and did his usual greeting, with all the same sickly sweet enthusiasm.
“Welcome back, superstars! I trust you all had a fun time at the Candy Canyon Kingdom?”
The sound of groaning and complaining arose from the group, which the ringmaster ignored as usual. But after he presented the performers with their reward, his jaw curled into a grin as he drifted towards Gangle, and simply said:
“Someone’s waiting for you.”
Gangle had no idea what he meant by that. She allowed him to lead her to her room, where he swung the door open to reveal…Zooble? To her surprise, the mix-and-match character was sitting in the corner of her room, fast asleep, with a bunch of satin ribbon wrapped around their hand. Her initial look of shock quickly turned into a soft smile as she stepped closer and sat down next to them.
“Have they been waiting here the whole time?” she asked, her eyes still fixed on Zooble’s sleeping face. Caine grinned cheerfully as he answered her question. “Indeed they have! I must say, you have a good friend on your hands!”
“Yeah. A good friend.” she mumbled to herself. She leaned in and planted a kiss on the sharp corner of Zooble's triangular head, a faint pink blush appearing on her porcelain cheeks. Caine's jaw curled into another wide grin as he shut the door. It was just the two of them now. A girl made of ribbons and a mix-and-match toy…
Both of them, hopelessly in love.
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know-it-all-and-all · 8 months
The Emergent Digital City
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Summary of the Fic. By: @enby-denby
"The year is 2085, and Virtual Commuting is now a common practice for work and recreation. Dozens of companies, some as old as Intel and Apple but also up-and-comers such as C&A, now conduct 100% of their business through neural links and proxy agents, to minimize liability and maximize profitability. Depending on the level of integration and life support infrastructure, these VC systems can keep people in a digital workspace for hours, days, months or even years."
A young woman (Pomni) is pulled into a world of crime, intrigue, and overstimulating light and noise. The only thing keeping her sane (and alive) Is the cyber-assassin Ragatha, kindling something long suppressed within both of them. Together, along with a merry band of misfit criminals, they are on a mission to take down the evil corporation controlling the Digital city and gunning for their lives. If you ever wanted to read a Novelization of The Amazing Digital Circus co-authored by William Gibson in his Sprawl/Bridge trilogy era, this is the fanfic for you!
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ramencat12 · 3 months
Draw from the heart (Abstragedy fanfic)
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Ever since that day Zooble stood up to Jax for breaking Gangle's comedy mask Gangle had a strange feeling she never expected to have.
That day Gangle was in her room scribbling in her sketchbook when suddenly she kept having these thoughts about that certain figure, her cheeks flushed a shade of red
"Hm...That was really sweet of Zooble standing up for me like that" Gangle sighed
Gangle wanted to do something for Zooble to thank them but she didn't know what to do
"Maybe i could make them a drawing, im sure they would like that" Gangle though
Gangle took out her colored pencils and pieces of paper and began to draw what looked like Zooble, Gangle didn't seem very confident with how the drawings would come out she would toss them out and start over.
"Agh i can't seem to do it right!" Gangle said as she walked away from her desk and dropped onto her bed
"Oh its no use...i can't do it they probably won't even like it" Gangle sobbed she didn't seem very confident with her skills, then she heard a knock on the door
"Gangle are you okay? i heard you crying" cried a familiar voice
Gangle then got back up from her bed and went to open the door, It was Ragatha
"O-Oh hi Ragatha" Gangle sighed
Ragatha then noticed the pile of crumbled up paper on the floor and inside the trash she looked at Gangle with a worried look
"I-Im sorry if my room is a mess...Im trying to draw something for someone" Gangle sobbed
"Oh, for who?" Ragatha asked
"I wanted to draw something for Zooble...the way they stood up to me was very sweet i wanted to make something for them as a way to say thank you, but no matter how much i try i just can't seem to get the drawing right...i don't even see why i try they probably don't like me" Gangle covers her face
Ragatha felt sorry for Gangle she wanted to do something to help
"Gangle listen...You can't give up already i know you want to make this drawing for Zooble but you shouldn't push yourself down and give up already, i know Zooble would appreciate the drawing very much" Ragatha told Gangle in a comforting tone
"Y-You think so?" Gangle asked
"Of course they will" Ragatha replied
Then Gangle took a deep breath and smiled
"Thanks Ragatha...but i still don't know if its gonna look good"
"Gangle you are an amazing artist i know its going to look great, you just have to draw from the heart"
Then as soon as Gangle heard the word "Draw from the heart" she sat back at her desk and started drawing feeling confident.
as minutes passed she was finished, Gangle looked at the drawing proudly as Ragatha looked with admiration.
"Gangle this looks amazing i always knew you were an amazing artist!" Ragatha exclaimed as she had both of her hands together
"Eheh...Thanks" Gangle smiled
Then Gangle looked back at the drawing
"Do you think Zooble will like it?" Gangle asked
"Gangle i know Zooble will love it" Ragatha replies
Gangle then smiled "Well...i hope you're right, thanks for helping me Ragatha"
"Happy to help" Ragatha smiled
Then Gangle leaves her room as she waved to Ragatha before she left to look for Zooble to give them the drawing
Gangle then sees Zooble near the stage, Gangle's face flushed a bright red as she squeaked in embarrassment but with a deep breath she worked up the courage to go give the drawing to Zooble.
"Uhhh hi Zooble"
"Hm?" Zooble turned to Gangle
Gangle's face then flushed to a brighter shade of red
"A-Ah umm...i wanted to give you this" Gangle hands Zooble the drawing
Zooble was surprised as they looked at the drawing in admiration
"You drew this...for me?" Zooble asked
"Yeah...it was a way of saying thank you im sorry if it doesn't look very good but i do hope you like it anyway…" Gangle looked away fidgeting with her hands as she shyly looked away
Zooble was flattered and didn't know what to say, then Zooble's face felt warm
"You know...i think it looks great" Zooble assured Gangle
Gangle looked back at Zooble in surprise
"Y-You do!?"
"Well yeah...I think it was really thoughtful that you drew something for me" Zooble said
Gangle was speechless for a moment but she was very happy to know that Zooble liked the drawing.
"Hehe…well I’m glad you like it Zooble" Gangle smiled
"Well i appreciate it very much" Zooble then patted Gangle on the back "You're a pretty good artist you know?" Zooble told Gangle
Then Gangle blushed from the compliment
"Really you think so!?" Gangle said
"Well yeah...if you want maybe is it alright if i could come by and check out your drawings sometime?" Zooble asked rubbing the back of their neck as they looked away for a moment.
Then Gangle smiled as she squealed
"EEEEEE Of course i would love to!" Gangle exclaims
Zooble smiled seeing her all excited but then caught a bit by surprise as Gangle grabbed them by the hand, they both looked at each other and their faces were red.
"Uhh…sorry do you want me to let go?" Gangle asked
"No no its alright you don't have to let go" Zooble replied
"Alright...i think you're really cool Zooble" Gangle told Zooble with a bashful smile
"Heh...you're pretty cool too" Zooble replied as they blushed
Then they both walked in the hallway as they talked together.
(The end)
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 1 month
(Chapter: One)
A poorly written fic with bad grammer about my fluffy shipkid comfort au i made cuz because of one oc
Also Rogerg and My Able are here
And Queenie is alive Fuck it
Ships: Showtime, BunnyDoll, abstragedy, Checkmates
TW: Child trauma , bullying
Pomni was roaming the corridors of the Tent, she stopped and saw The cast members gathered around in a circle, looking at something on the floor
Zooble: Ew what is that thing?
Gangle: It kinda looks like a giant booger...
Jax: Why are we staring at this thing? This is like, the least weird thing here
Kinger: Look! Look! Its moving! its Alive!
Pomni tilted her head and walked over
Pomni: What are you all doing?
Queenie turned her head to Pomni
Queenie: Pomni, Dearie! You're close to Caine, do you know what this is?
She walked over and joined the circle, on the floor was a big green splat on the floor, It like Jello in process of rotting only it was pulsating gently like a slime mold
Pomni: wah- what is this?
Kinger: we don't really know, do think its edible?
Jax: I dunno, you should Try it
Ragatha: No, No you shouldn't! You dont know what it is
Pomni: Its probably nothing, maybe I should go ask Caine-
Gangle: Look! Its moving again!
The Splat Was pulling itself together and forming a small piller, The top of it Swelled bigger and bigger like bubble, until it stood atop of a thin neck connecting it to the body, the body slouched due to the weight of the bulbous head
Everyone was staring at it with awe as the slime took form of a vaguely humanoid shape, A single, Big, Bright Orange Eye opened
???: Wah- huh?- What the- where- where am I?
The voice of a young boy came out of the slimes mouth, his one eye shooting across the room and then staring quietly the cast members, The slime meekishly backed up form the cast members
???: w-whats going on?!
His voice was shivering with anxiety and confusion
Pomni: Oh my God thats kid!
She rushed over to the Boy, his breath audibly becoming heavy
Pomni: Are you okay?! Look, I-I know this is Scary but-
She was Cut off when The Child started Screaming like a Banshee
The Child slinked away and splated on the floor, he quickly pulled Himself Up and slithered away, Yelling like he was being murdered
The other Circus members trying to calm him down and catch him, He crashed into a trash bin and a weird looking Muppet thing with fly wings and antenna spilled out and crashed on the floor
Rogerg: GAH- WHAT THE (HONK)?!
The muppet and the slime just stared at eachother for bit before the fly puppet thing started shouting at the top of his lungs
The Slime leaped over the trash can, his body compacted into a sphere and started Bouncing all over the Circus, the Child screaming while he controllably spurng around the tent
Caine: Did Someone Called for me?!
Caine looked at the slimeball darting across the room and he grabbed him by the back of the neck, his gooey body went limp like a kitten, He sat him down on the floor, patting his head
Caine: Their you go! All better!
The boy was just silent, breathing quietly the confusion and fear still plastered on his face
Caine: You alright son? You look you've seen a ghost!
The Boy: .....Am.... Am I Dead? Because this doesn't look like heaven or Hell...
Caine chuckled and put his hand on his shoulder
Caine: No my Slimy friend! You certainly not Dead but digitally reborn! You my boy have entered A Digital world of Endless Fun and Adventure!!
The Boy perked up alittle
The boy: ....Adventure? Like... Dragons and Zombies?
Caine: Thats certainly a possibility!!
The Boy: That Sounds Sick!!
The Child's body bounced up and down, the confusion on his face turned into wonder and excitement
Caine was taken aback alittle about how Excited he was, usually new humans panicked and screamed at him when He explained the Digital world, but he was excited and even happy about His predicament
Caine: it certainly is "sick" my Boy! Let me show you around town!
He picks him up by his back againn and teleported him outside and told him all about the Grounds
The Boy: WOW! A free Carnival! They never let me in Carnivals! Awesome!
Caine: Now Thats the spirit son!! So glad you like it!
Caine teleported them back to the tent, and sat the Boy down next to the rest of the cast
They Boy: This place is epic!! I never wanna Leave!!
Caine: Love the enthusiasm Son! Im sure you'll have a great time!
The Boy: Yeah! I gotta go tell everyone about this place! There all gonna be so Jealous!!
The Boy sprinted to the door before stoping in his tracks coming to a terrifying realization
Where did he live? Where was everyone else? What was His name again? He didn't even remember what His face even looked like
He shuttered, Everything he knew was erased, his body became dead still, terror frozen on her face
He slowly turned his face back to the Ringmaster
The Boy: How..... How... Do I... Leave?
Everyone was uncomfortably silent and looking around, Jax tried to say something but Ragatha Shut him up
Pomni: Um.... Now don't freak out... but We... There isn't.... We don't Actually know....
The Boy: What Do you mean Dude?! I'm stuck here forever?!
Jax: Well yeah pretty much
Ragatha: Jax!
Jax: What? He was going to find out eventually!
The Boy was just Quiet, His pupil retracted and His mouth went agap, He started hyperventilating
His Gelatinous body starting shivering which looked a bit like jiggling, his eye started watering, His breath starting coming out in shaky spruts
Pomni: Hey! Hey! It'll be okay! ...Just ...Try to... um...
Ragatha: Think Positive! Its really not so bad here!...
The Child's crying became more profuse The cast tried to comfort him, embedding the tragic reality into His Head
Caine Quietly: Not again...
Caine looked the Child With sympathy, This ALWAYS happens whenever a new human eneters and never knew what to do to help them, Only it was worse this time because It was a Child, an innocent Child who was probably missing his Parents, his friends...
Wait... Friends... Pals... Caine got an idea
Caine: WELP! Son, you certainly got yourself into a pretty psychology damaging predicament, Which means theres only One thing to do!!
The Child looked up at him, Tears still in his eyes and Cast trying to comfort him
The Boy: .....What?
Caine: Social Therapy!!
The Boy: *sniff* what?...
Caine Took his baton and summoned a closed stage curtain
Caine: I give you.... Your Psychological Aid Liaisons!!
The Curtain opened and reveled 6 younger looking cast members
Caine: Your P.A.LS!!
The Boy looked at Caine confused and then the Pals, One who was a Black Chess piece like one of the Cast members, randomly fell on his face, The Boy looks back at Caine perplexed
Caine: Thats Right! These Googly Little Guardians are here to Bring you Endless Comfort and tranquility in Your lowest points in Life! Not To mention Tons and Tons Of Fun!
The Boy: ...What?
Before The Boy could question futher a Pal ran up to him, They were Brightly colorful like the circus they were in and made of Random shapes and parts, they could hardly run due to their fragile, lopsided body, They Shook his slimey with their ribbony one
Niku: Afternoon! My name is Niku, What a wonderful day it is such a swell person such as you!
The Boy: um... Okay-
A Rabbit Ragdoll, covered in Patches, bumped into Niku, toppling them over and smashing into pieces
Patchricia: Nice to meet'cha New friend! Cupcake?
She offered him a cupcake shaped like a bunny
The Boy: Um... I-Im good
Patchricia: suit yaself!
She ate the cupcake herself, two Chess pieces wearing Pink and Blue robes walked up Him and curtsyed
Princessa: A Pleased im sure, My Name is Princessa and this my Brother Princely
Princely: Hello! I like how green you are! Im certain we will be good friends!
Princely Extended his floating hand to him, The Boy slinked away in response, Princessa it and moved Her brother out of His way
Next, A Pal with Soma cube for a Head and one green eye went up to him, their calm and professional demeanor a contrast to the cutesy sailor suit they were wearing
Qwerty: Greetings, My name is Qwerty, I am here to assist with any inquiries or tasks you may have, Please let me know how I can be of service
Their monotonous and flat voice was unsettling to him, almost creepy sounding
The Boy: Uh-huh sure...
Qwerty: Alright then
They walked away and joined the Pals Who were helping Niku put them selves back together and adding new parts to them
Patchricia: sorry bout that, I got too excited
Nikus voiced changed to one androgynous to more high pitched and feminine
Niku: *Sniffle* oh no no no its all my fwault!!
Qwerty: unreasonable reason, Patchricia was the one who pushed you
The boy just stared at the absolute absurdity of the Artificial "Intelligences" that were supposed to help him
Ragtha: Isn't this great! Look at the new friends you have!
The Boy just stared with a dumbfounded face
Caine: One... Two... Three... wait, Wheres-
M' ere!
A little tooth-headed Boy wearing orange suspenders and a striped shirt ran up to the Ringmaster with Chocolate sauce all over his face
Caine: Ah! Enock! There you are Son!
Enock: I made a Chocolate foutain In the Bafroom!
Caine: Thats great champ! Say, why don't you go say to our new friend!
Enock: New Friend?! Well Hotdog! I love New friends!
Enock looked over to The slime Boy, He was bouncing up and down with Excitement, the Boy looked at him like he had two heads instead of a tooth one
Enock ran over as fast he could, and hugged and shaked him as hard as could, Squishing His Gooey body against him
Enock: HI! My names Enock!! I like to Sing and Dance and wear suspenders with my pants... Hey that Ryhmed!! Do you like it here?! I love it here! We can love it here together! Golly Gosh! You sure are Green! Like broccoli! I dont like broccoli, But I like YOU! Also your eye is my favorite color! And!... and...
Enock noticed The Boy was absolutely terrified by his over excitement so he went quiet as everyone else
Qwerty: ...I believe you have frightened him Enock
Enock: ....im sorry...
He looked down on the floor ashamed and sad he screwed up at an introduction so badly
Pomni and Caine looked at their child sympathetically, They hated seeing him so upset
Pomni: Hey um.. Enock.. why don't you go show your New friend Around the Tent?
Caine: Great Idea Love! Enock! Go show our little green friend The Magic of The Circus!
Enock: Really!? Hotdog!!
He jumped in the air with excitement
Patchricia: aw c'mon! Why does HE getta do it!?
Patchricia: I'm Sorry!
Later Enock was walking with The Boy through the Halls of the circus and they came to a colorful door with the words 'The Learning Room' in puffy, bold letters on it,
He opened the door to show a cartoony classroom with a alphabet puzzle carpet, circle tables spread across the area, arts and crafts covered the walls and storty books on the shelves and Big chalkboard with random doodles and phrases on it
Enock: Dishisda School room! We learn lossa things here! Like scince, Engrish, maff, arts, and Gramma! imma... not very good at dat last one... or tha others... ebendo.. My uncle is the teacher... and my dad is literally god... But das Okay! Because- Hey where'd ja go?
The Boy wasn't listening to Him, He was Staring into the affirmation mirror at his own reflection, a disconcert and absolute disturbed expression looking staring back at him
The Boy: This.... This... Isn't my face... I don't look like this...
Enock tilted his head
Enock: wattdiya mean? Weren't you Born slimy?
The Boy: ..... I don't know... I... I try to remember my face... my name...
His voice became shaky
The Boy: But... But its like it never existed in the first place...
Enock: Nothing?! Na' even your friends?... or your family? An all the People who love you?....
The Boy's voice hitches and Started tearing up...
The Boy: No... I- I don't...
Enock's demeanor quickly went from happy to one of sorrow
Enock: I.... I... *gasp* I know! You wanna A hug? Dey always make everything better!
He went up to him, arms outstretched to hug the distressed Boy, But The boy slid away from Enock's kind gesture
The Boy: N-no!
He had a bothersome manner like Enock was doing something absurd or wrong, Enock put his arms down embarrassed and twiddling his nonexistent fingers
Enock: well... Do you... Do you wanna go play with other pals with me?
The Boy: .....Sure
Later, Enock took The Boy to the Pal's Clubhouse, Inside they were all sitting in a circle sharing Cookies and Chips and talking with eachother
Patchricia: So I Ended up accidentally spilling the batter all over my dress and I, like, literally Jumped six feet in the air! Now, I know it was just batter, but it was like, in that weird goop phase that I hate, Like, Slimy things are just gross and I hate them
The Boy gave Patchricia a dirty look
Patchricia: Oh! um... No offense to you of course! Im sure you're very nice and clean!
Princessa: Tch! I really don't get your obsession with everything having to be sparkly clean all the time, gosh you're so dramatic!
Patchricia: Oh really? If you're so chill bout Dirty things, why don't I go dump Trash all over your perfect, clean, sparkly room?
Princessa: oh Nonono! Please dont do that!
Niku: I Find trash quite exhilarating experience! I get to discover all sorts of new bits and pieces and rebirth them into parts! And I also I can be in the presence of My Uncle!
Princly: Oh yeah Uncle Rogerg Is awesome! Hes so sweet and nice!
Patchricia: Oh yeah! Like, I wouldn't touch him without a towl but hes awesome!
Everybody started talking about how they love Uncle Rogerg, confuseing the Boy
The Boy: wait... you're not talking about the weird Muppet thing that lives in the trash are you?
Niku: Tehe! No silly im talking about my Uncle Rogerg! He's a felt marionette that lives in the garbage
The Boy was looking at them all weird when he noticed the absence of someone
The Boy: hey, wheres the Blockhead?
Princessa: Qwerty has a Special Curriculum, apparently, their learning how to make new worlds and people!
Princely: oh Yeah! They're like the smartest person ever!
Patchricia: They can pretty much do anything
Princessa: A true Renaissanceman in the humble package of an Everyman
Enock: They are also my cousin! Didja know that?!
He shook the Boy a little
Niku: That is true Enock, but you certainly act opposite!
Patchricia: I know right? Its like your not even related at all
Enock slowly quieted down, The boy tilted his head to look at him, he looked like something distressing him was on his mind
The Boy: So... what do you guys do all day exactly?
Niku: were all here to make people happy and help them when feeling distressed
Princely: that or were at school
Patchricia: or playing minigames
The Boy: okay, cool... so what do the Adults do? Do they have Jobs? Or do they wander around aimlessly too?
Enock: OH! OH! My Dad makes them all cool adventures that they can go everyday! Hes really REALLY cool and make Cool worlds and People and Makes everybody happy! And someday Imma learn ta make em Too someday! And- And- And- When I do, imma make all sorts of cool things and make everybody happy!! And- And- And- An- An- An- ima Make all sorta kewl things like A diner Run by Talking dinosaurs and make Magic hotdogs!! And then imma make a magic Moose that tells your the darkest desires and Birds that throw up more birds and giant skeleton hands that pick up you and takes you to nirvana! or giraffes that are actually snakes!-
Enock started endlessly rambling about random weird things, he was talking so fast it started sounding like absoulte gibberish and started shaking his hands and stomping his feet
When he calmed down, He noticed everyone was looking at him like he was deranged, especially The Boy
The Boy: ....dude...What is wrong with you?
Enock meekly hid his face in his knees
Niku: So... Adventures! They're funnest!
Princessa: You know yesterday, Father told about me that they explored a Cave full of gemstones, He told me it was Magical! I wish I was there with him
The Boy: what? Can't you?
Patchricia: No, Mr. Caine said their to dangerous for us, we do get to do other things instead though
The Boy: well... im not one of you guys, so can I go?
Princely: Well im sure you figure out when Mr. Caine announces the next one tomorrow
Enock: OH! OH! You're gonna love my Dad! He's like the coolest ever!! You're gonna love him! He tells Me all sorts of smart things!
Enock started grabbed The Boy and playfully shaking him faster and faster
Enock: Like- Like- Why We should never pay taxes! Or How bathing in toothpaste is actually good for you, and it also feels nice because its minty! I like the Mango flavored one because I like mangos! Did you know Mangos and cashews are cousins? Thats because cashews come from a fru-
Enock accidentally pushed the boy onto the floor, splattering him all over the other Pals
The Boy: OW!- *Splat!*
Princely: Enock, Why'd you do that?!
Enock looked absolutely humiliated, and grabbed his long eyestalks on the sides of head and covered his face and left the club house, leaving The boy a splat on the floor
At night, The boy found a little playmat to use as a blanket, He was trying to get comfy but everytime he tried to relax he oozed out of the blanket not to mention a jelly body wasn't exactly comfortable for him, He hated this body that wasn't his, he hated this place that wasn't his home, he hated all the weird and annoying people in this Dumb, stupid Circus, He just wanted to go home but he couldn't even fathom what 'home' even felt like, did he ever? Will he ever know? He curled himself underneath the blanket which he oozed out of
The Boy: Ugh! This place sucks (CAR HORN)!
Enock: How'd you dodat with your mouth?
Great, The Crazy Clown boy was back, it COULD get worse than this
Enock: Wire you sleeping onda floor?
The Boy: Go Screw yourself freak! You're making everything worse!
Instead of screwing off he sat down on the floor and scouched himslef closer to him
Enock: 何が問題なの?
The Boy: Stop! Just Stop! Everything here is so freaking weird! I just... I just wanna go home, But I dont even now what home is! I dont even remember what normal feels like and YOU being a total weirdo freakazoid IS. NOT. HELPING. So go AWAY!
The Boy: Ugh, can my life get any worse??
Enock: Do You... wanna A hug? Dey always make everything better!
He extended his arms to hug him, but he slithered away from him, His gelatinous body literally boiling and bubbling like a angry Cat hissing at a puppy, but Enock's arms were still extended
Enock: C'mon! It'll help!
The boys body sizzled louder, making the blanket burn off his body
Enock: ... pretty please?
Pomni far away: Ennie! Its Time for Bed!
Enock hesitated to leave for a bit, before sprinting away to his room, The boy continued helplessly to try to get comfortable on the hard floor, He felt his eye start to water and he started to weep, he didn't know why he was here, or what this place even his he just wanted to go home,
but... did he know even know home was?
Part 2
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fannele · 3 months
TADC x IHNMAIMS AU - Chapter 7 - Emilyf123 - The Amazing Digital Circus (Web Series) [Archive of Our Own]
I forgot to post chapter 7 on tumblr but TADC x IHNMAIMS AU is here.... about 5 months ago
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noble-crimson · 3 months
The Amazing
Folklore Fantasy
Please bear in mind that this post will more than likely receive updates, so I will keep it pinned to make it easy to find!
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Index for Characters:
Frequently Asked Questions:
May I create fanart/fanfics for this AU?
Yes, you are more than welcome to do so! I encourage any creativity and would love to see what you come up with! Just be sure to tag me for proper credit!
Who can I ship?
While there are set ships for my official fanfic (Funnybunny, Abstragedy, and Checkmate) you are free to ship whomever you like in this AU. Please remain respectful of the source material and creator though (me). Remember, nobody likes a ship-hater.
Intended audience?
This AU is currently set for teen and up audiences. However, there might be certain elements that venture into mature territory.
I am no stranger to adult content and most of it I am alright with, but only if you are a fellow adult. Bear in mind that myself and the characters are all adults, but I am not tolerant of minor interaction in that regard. Therefore, if you are under the age of 18, please refrain from creating any mature content for this AU. And please do not let me find it either, you will be reported and blocked.
If you have any further questions, my ask box is open! I hope you enjoy this AU!
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croissantberry · 5 months
*cutely shoves AU up your face*
🌽👩🏻‍🌾🐓!The Amazing Digital Farmstead MASTERPOST!🐓👩🏻‍🌾🌽
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Welcome to the beautiful land of Pixel Carnivalley! A vivacious seaside mountain range full of magic and wonder! In the heart of it rests Digit Town, a quaint little village full of wondrous townspeople from all over! Come along and uncover the mysteries and unleash the enchantment within this cozy farm sim game!
Croissantberry is proud to present a TADC AU loosely inspired by Stardew Valley with a few elements from Harvest Moon and Harvest Town!! But don't be fooled by the cute and cozy aesthetics, every Tudor Rose has it's thorns after all...
Q: Are there any ships? A: Yes. FunnyBunny (Jax x Pomni) and Abstragedy (Zooble x Gangle) are the main pairings! Q: Can I ship anything else? A: Of course you can!! Q: Can I make NSFW of your AU? A: Fine. Please just don't force it onto me. Q: Can I write fanfics? A: YES GO FOR IT!!! Q: Will abstracted characters like Kaufmo and Queenie appear in this AU? A: Yep! They will have their designs added soon! Q: Are OCs allowed? A: Yes of course pookie <3 Q: Is OC x Canon/Self shipping okay? A: Ha simps /j /lh Go ahead and be happy!!
Notable Information
Farmstead Calendar [TBA]
Farmstead Abstracast Info Cards [TBA]
Pixel Carnivalley Map [TBA]
Farmstead Facts!
It's Pride Month Pomni!!
!! use the hashtags: #the amazing digital farmstead, #farmstead au, & #tadc farmstead au !!
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art-beyond-the-stars · 4 months
The Amazing Digital Virus AU Masterpost
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[The Amazing Digital Virus Playlist]
Q: Can I make OCs for the AU? A: Absolutely! I'd be flattered!
Q: Can I make fanfics/fanart? A: Yes!!!! Please please please tag me in it if you do!!!
Q: Can I make NSFW? A: I'd prefer if you didn't, thank you! <3
Q: Can I ship the characters? A: You can do whatever you'd like! But be aware that there are a couple ships that are canon/semi-canon/implied in this AU that may contradict those ships! Specifically, they are Abstragedy (Gangle x Zooble) and Chewtoy (Ragatha x Caine)
The Void Remember You Rag Dolly
Concept Art
First Look Caine Pomni Gangle Zooble Ragatha Jax Kinger
Pomni Gangle Zooble Ragatha Kinger
Lore/Misc Drawings
Zooble v. The Abstracted Zooble v. Caine Ragatha v. NPCs Planning Close Call Asleep on the Job Run, Rabbit, Run Back Already? Breakout They can handle it, right? Short End of the Stick Workout Bubble Jax the Guard Kaufmo? Squimble HE SAW YOU Relic Freak Comedy Mask Do You Remember?
Harkness Test (suggestive)
Freakshow Caine Freakshow Pomni Pomni Pomni Pomni
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astro-eats · 28 days
Abstragedy idk
Gangle decided she wanted to hang out with zooble. She thought they were really cool. Everything about them. Despite the fact they're made of hard plastic, being held by them was the most comfortable thing she had ever experienced. Sometimes it hurts. Especially when they're wearing some of the more sharp parts.. But it was still more comfortable than laying on the best quality bed ever. They were the best quality person ever. They were everything. The way they walk, the way they talk, the way they make sure she's okay. They are her lifeline.
She stood up and walked towards her door. She stops for a second to thing. Maybe they didn't want her right now. Maybe they needed space. Maybe they would be upset with her. Maybe they're just pretending to like her. Maybe the only reason they're with her is to make her not abstract. What if they never loved her. What if they never wanted her. What if all they wanted was her to stay alive.
She awkwardly stepped back, stumbling back onto her bed. She had installed the thought into her head that they dislike her. She's just an annoying crybaby anyway...
The now sad girl shuffled into the blanket. It wasn't zooble laying on top of her. But she had to make it work for her. Besides, it was a weighted blanket anyways. But it would never be as comfortable as the person she loved. She needed them...
She spoke in a hushed tone. She just wanted them. But she didn't want to bother them. She shuffled again, before getting out of bed. She needed them. She made her way to their door and knocked. Even if they didn't want her, she wanted them. She still had the thought in her head that they disliked her, even if it was the opposite of the truth.
With a movement of the doorknob, the door opened. Revealing zooble looking at her. Zooble then spoke in a tired tone.
Their voice was tired. Like they needed sleep.
"Hey.. Can I come in..? I.. Missed you.. Heh..."
Gangle cringes as she realized how stupid she sounded saying that. She sounded like a desperate crybaby. But Zooble nodded. That must've meant they didn't secretly hate her. She walked in with zooble (closing and locking the door behind her) and sat next to them on their bed.
"So.. Why did you want to come in again?" Zooble questioned.
"I kind of just wanted to be with you.. I had a hard time sleeping..."
"Hm. Ok."
Zooble laid back on their bed. They looked at gangle. Gangle awkwardly stared at them. Zooble rolled their eyes and pat the spot next to them.
"Are you gonna stare at me all night or are you gonna lay down?"
Gangle quickly and awkwardly laid down next to them. She cringed st how dumb she must've looked just staring at them. She sighed as she got closer to them, the side of her ribbon body pressing against their plastic one. The best feeling ever.
Zooble would have been smiling. If they had a mouth, that is.
Zooble pulled her on top of them, causing Gangle to blush and squeak. This made them chuckle. In their opinion, she was the cutest girl ever. They held her close and ran their hands along her back. Well.. Her ribbons. So cute though.
Gangle smiled softly and felt.. Peaceful. This was her description of comfort. They were everything. They were everything except hurt and pain.
"... I love you, Zooble..."
"I love you too, Gangle."
Love. Pure love. Gangle felt herself getting relaxed and tired. Zooble was tired too. They both silently cuddled until falling asleep. They both slept so peacefully. Because they both had the best person that had ever came into their lives against them.
Kay that's it for now I might write more :3
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samicarabarbaru2137 · 3 months
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This is a masterpost (duh) for my au! It still needs some work so this post will have updates in future!
Hello! Here is the silly au I made! Here is quick what is it about!
Caine is an ower of a shelter and a vet! He takes all those poor little buddies to care for them, only problem is the cats don't see him this way...why? You will have to wait and see~
No nsfw asks
Please don't ship Caine with any canon character (I think you know why)
Please don't ship anyone with Bubble or Gloinks (I think you know why)
Other than that this AU will have Buttonblossom and Abstragedy
Can you draw fanart? Sure! If you would like to, make sure to tag me i want to see it! :0
Can you make other stuff such as fanfics? OFC!
If I make comics can you dub them? Yes! As long as you give credit
Can you ask canon characters? Yeah, this is what blog is about! You can ask anyone
Can you use my designs? I would love that!
Can you make ocs in this au? PLEASE THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!!!
How did I make the font for poster? Thanks to sm-baby (very cool artist check them out if you haven't) I found this site! https://www.textstudio.com/logo/the-amazing-digital-circus-font-1414
All characters asks are open right now!
Character designs (description cards coming soon)
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If someone wants to know more!
That's all for now, thank you for reading and thank you for staying <3
and feel free to ask anything
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pink-pkmn-trainer · 3 months
apparently my ao3 emails have been getting forwarded to my dad's inbox
so if i write that one particular abstragedy fic, he'll know about it the moment it gets a kudos or a comment
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know-it-all-and-all · 8 months
How’s the cover art for The Emergent Digital City so far?
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Last wip, the next one will be painted, I'm soo proud of how it looks so far, there's even a glimpse of Kaufmo design, Caine has no body in this au, and sometimes he doesn't have the top hat, the villain is a secret that @enby-denby and I know who they are, you have to read the fic to find out, so once again go on and read the Fic on AO3;
See you soon.
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ramencat12 · 4 months
Stargazing (an Abstragedy fanfic)
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It was another night at the circus and Zooble wanted to take a walk in the middle of the night, so they left the tent and started their walk. Then they spotted Gangle sitting on the grass with the daisies near the digital lake she looked like she just finished fixing her comedy mask which broke during the recent adventure with the crew, Zooble decided to check up on Gangle since she looked like she needed some company
"Gangle?" Zooble called
"Eh!?...O-Oh hi Zooble what are you doing out here?" Gangle said in surprise
Gangle was fidgeting with her hands as she felt a little shy seeing that Zooble was here
"Well i was just gonna take a walk out here you know get a little bit of fresh air but while i did that i saw you sitting by yourself and i thought maybe I'd come by to check on you" Zooble answered as their antennas began to twitch as they looked a bit embarrassed
"O-Oh...well i really appreciate that you came by to check on me that's very sweet of you" Gangle said as she smiled
Zooble was completely red in the face and they looked away as they tried to hide it
"Uh...its nothing" Zooble said as they sat by Gangle
Gangle and Zooble just look away silently for a moment as they were both feeling a bit shy
"Sooo...what are you out here for?" Zooble asked
"Well I was fixing my comedy mask but then i decided to stay out here for a bit and look up at the stars" Gangle said as she looked up
Zooble decides to look up as well then, they saw the sky filled with beautiful bright stars twinkling above them lighting up the night sky Zooble was quite amazed.
"aren't they beautiful Zooble?" Gangle asked
"They are very pretty...just like you Gangle" Zooble said to Gangle
Gangle's porcelain cheeks flushed with a bright red flustered from the comment
"EH!?...you really mean that?" Gangle asked
"...Of course i do sweetie" Zooble replied
Gangle giggled shyly from the compliment
"Ehehe...Thanks Zooble i think you're pretty too" She looked at Zooble lovingly
"Heh...well I appreciate that" Zooble's cheeks began to flush a bright red as well
Then they both decided to lie down together and watch the stars together as they twinkled it was quite a relaxing moment for them
"Thanks for coming to watch the stars with me Zooby, I love you..."
"No problem...I love you too"
And then the two continued to watch the stars and it was quite a wonderful experience because they got to experience it together.
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 12 days
(Chapter: 4)
I really love making these its so fun to write these characters even if im bad at writing :3
I can't wait for chapter five!!!
(Also plz leave comments it makes me happy)
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The Boy stormed out of Able's office after a long and boring lecture about "proper classroom etiquette" and "Treating others how you want to be treated" So stupid... He's definitely never going back to school again
Enock: Hi...
Enock was timidly waiting for The Boy outside
The Boy: What?
Enock: Umm... I- um.. I wanted to- umm...
The Boy: Ugh, Spit it out man!
Enock: Umm.... I thought you were really funny... and... I wanted to give you something...
Enock nervously, he gives him a folded piece of paper, The Boy rolled his eye and grabbed the paper from him
He unfolded the paper and saw a drawing in crayon of him with small angel wings and a halo, it was simple and scratchly drawn in green pen, the drawing itself looked a bit strange, the eye was drawn in a realistically oval shape contrasted to the boy's cartoony circled shaped one, He gazed at the image, examining every doodle surrounding the Strange depiction of the Boy, He could feel his Eye start to water
He started tearing up
Enock: I-I did I do something wrong?? Is it the Artstyle??
The Boy: No... its fine... thanks dude...
Enock: do... do you... wanna play?
The Boy: Uh... sure!
Later, Enock took the boy to a long hall in the circus, unlike the Brightly colored circus, it was cute and pastel, calming yet fun, Doors where placed along side of the pastel walls each having the face and name of the pals on them, on the end of the hallway, right was a Orange colored door in a wacky shape, Enock's picture and Name on it as well as stickers and glitter plastered all over it
Enock: dishes myoom!! I decorated it with pretty stuff! Cool right? Qwerty said it was childish but my mom and dad really likes it!!
The Boy: Wah- Huh- um cool
Enock opened the door and led The Boy inside
It was a spacious room with striped walls and decorated with Drawings, photos and random decor, plushies and toys were everywhere, a small doghouse was sitting against a wall with balloon dog (giraffe?) Was sleeping peacefully, in the corner was a small twin sized bed ridden with plushies and colorful pillows, opposite to the door he entered was a out of place fancy looking door with stickers spread across it to make it blend in more, it was probably just a closet or something
The Boy was utterly entranced by the room like it was a world forged from his wildest dreams
The Boy: sick room dude!!
Enock: really? Forgor to clean it today
Enock: Hey! You wanna see something cool?? I always wanted to show it to someone
The Boy: Okay, hit it
He sit down on the floor
Enock: Okay, here it goes...
Immediately, Enock's body started to morph, he rapidly grew five new pairs of arms and legs, his torso split and his head went into the new cavity, he started levitating in the air
Enock: Guess wha I am!!
The Boy was equal parts gobsmacked and terrified, and a bit impressed
Enock: look Ima Sunshine!!
The Boy: Cool!!
Enock remorphed into his original form
Enock: Really? Everyone says its creepy
The Boy: Its totally awesome man!! What else can you do?
Enock: well... I can do this!!
Enock in Qwerty's voice: My Name is Qwerty and I'm reaaaallly boring and I talk in a boring voice like thiiiissssss
The Boy laughed, And Enock made alot of random cartoon noise in response
The Boy: thats so awesome!!! I bet you can pull a @#$% ton of pranks with that!
Enock: Nah, well, sumtimes, but I usually just make music!
The Boy: You make music too?! What do you sing about?
Enock: usually about things I like, my family, dinosaurs, sometimes death on occasions, food i like, or just random things I like!
The Boy: I always wanted to make music, I can't though, But If I could I would sing about how cool I am! Or maybe about something about dragons
Enock: I love Dragons!! My favorite are the rainbow ones!!
The Boy: I like the Big ones who have GIANT horns and Wings!!!
Enock: Golly! If I had Wings I'd fly just like my dad! And why I could visit Ms. Sun and Moon everyday!!
Enock and The Boy rambled with eachother, topics changing in a second, Enock started flailing his arms and legs and the boy bobbed his head back and forth
Enock: -Ms. Queenie is always in her garden, I like it there! Its really pretty, But she dosent like me in there she says always I step in the flowers, so I have to stare at the flowers from atleast five feet away, Marigolds are my favorite to look at, they're really, really pretty! And its my favorite color!! It also a symbolism of Death! I like death! He sure seems Lika swell guy!! He has a skull for a head lika cally-vara!! I've never had a cally-vara before, My mommy says all that sugar isn't good for me, But I really, really want to! She says I havta eat more veggies, but I don't like veggies at all! There gross, slimy, and green... Oh sorry! I didn't it like that!-
The Boy: No I totally get it! I hate veggies! They're totally gross, And I love gross things! Like, mud and swamps and green moldy cheese and bugs and barf and other stuff! But I don't like Adults, they don't like gross stuff and yell at me when I do things, I hate them!
Enock: I like some adults actually, Like momma and papa and miss sun and moon and miss Ragatha and Miss Gangle and mister miss Zooble and Mister Kinger and Queenie, I don't like Mister Jax though, He's mean to me, each is way I think Patchricia is mean to me, I'm happy my parents are nice, they're the best! My dad is super cool and Can make anything and my mom is super smart! I'm happy I have them And not other Adults, well Ms. Moon and Sun could be my parents, Miss Moon already Likes my mom and Dad and- Hey, Are you Okay?
The Boy was silent, he stopped bobbing his head and had a uncomfortable expression, they just stared at eachother awkwardly for a bit
Enock: Did... Did I ruin it?
The Boy was Still silent and looking at the ground, Enock could sense he was upset, he tired to think of something to cheer him up, and then he got a idea
Enock: Yanna see my house?? Its really cool and fun!!
The Boy: Isn't the Circus You're house?
Enock: No, nota Circus, My dad's manor!
Enock unzips one of his plushies and Grabs a key inside of it, he Goes up to the door opposite from the door they entered and unlocks it
The Boy rolled his eye Enock and the Boy stepped out of His room, Enock took his hand and guided him through the dark halls illuminated by candles sparked with crimson flames
The Boy: Oh Great, I great see your boring bourgeois house
The Boys Jaw drops when he steps out of the halls and sees a long hall draped in vibrant red, long marble pillers accented with gold stretched to ceiling, the ceiling was covered with an artistic mural of the heavens, diamond chandeliers hanged down like willow branches, Sunshine shined through the tallest stained glass windows he had ever seen, a long red velvet carpet spread out before the two childern rolling out farther than the boy could see, it looked like he stepped out of the mortal plane and into some kind of Valhalla
Enock: see? Its pretty isn't it?? This is only wonuva halls though, the actual rooms are much cooler
The Boy was silent, Astonished and completely overwhelmed by the sublime halls of the manor, Enock poked him to get a response
Enock: 大丈夫?
The Boy snapped out of his daze
The Boy: Wah- Huh- Uh.. I mean yeah its cool or whatever I guess...
The Boy tried to keep a cool and uninterested demeanor but Enock could sense he was impressed
Enock: Heyawunna seemy favorite places?
The Boy nodded his head and Enock Eagerly tugged him through the hall, Enock turned left and entered a twisted hall, it looked like it was melted and refrozen again, Enock stopped at a abstract door
Enock stepped aside urging The Boy to Open the door, The boy rolled his eye and pushed the door open, Enock then shoved him into the room
The Boy: Hey!-
Inside of falling on his face like he thought he would, he floated in the air like he was in outer space, floating furniture was scattered across the room, Enock jumped in to join the slimy boy
Enock: Dishestha Gravy Room!!
The Boy: Woah!- uh, Don't you mean Gravity?
The Boy awkwardly turned his body to face him, his jelly body hard to move in zero gravity, Enock Pushed away a full gravy boat the was floating towards him
Enock: Uhh yeah!
Enock: I like this room alot, Its really fun to pretend your flying or in space, I useto bring Qwerty in here, but they don't like it very much, But now you can play with me!! Tag!!
Enock poked his eye and flung himself from a floating table
The Boy: Hey!!
The Boy thrusted himself foward towards Enock, propelling himself like a fish in the water, Enock pushed himself against the wall dodging The Boys attempt to Tag him, they continued to play with eachother, Jumping from Floating furniture and bouncing off walls, after a while, They exited the Gravity room so they could explore more of the manor
Enock: C'mon!! I wanna show you more!!
They sprinted across the mansion, sliding down spiral stair railings and swinging from from antique chandeliers like a Jungle gym, they jumped from room to room, exploring the wacky wonders of the palace, They snacked on the walls and furniture in the candy room, explored in the Giant room, playing with the giant toys, and running from a giant soccer ball rolling towards them, bounced through the bouncey room and walked through an aquarium tunnel that was big enough to fit a blue whale, They Boy was especially estatic at seeing all the Different kinds of sharks
Enock: C'mon Greenie!! I haven't showed you the Safari Room Yet!!
The Boy: Im Coming Man! I'm still getting used to my Body!
The Two boys were running through the halls, Enock zipped past the rooms, The Boy barely being able to keep up with him with his gelatinous form, The Boy reached a fork in the road between two entrances, The right entrance emitted a soft glow, Curiously, he went right
He entered a large foyer, its colors where split down the middle, on the Side The Boy was on was bright warm red and on the opposite side in front of him was a soft blue manor, he slowly squirmed his way to the boy side
Enock: STOP!!! そこへ行かないで!!
Enock grabbed The boy and placed him on the red side of the manor
Enock: where not allowed to go on that side! My Uncle is kinda weird about his part of the house, Its boring there anyway so I don't like going there anyways, Qwertys allowed on my dads side because My dad is alot more fun than my Uncle, and also I think that My dad likes Qwerty more than My Uncle likes me, Momma says I'm being silly and that he loves me but I'm not really sure because he never wants to play with me and looks at me funny when I talk and-
Enock turned to see the boy staring up at the giant family painting placed between the red and blue side, He had a strange strange expression that Enock couldn't really identify
Enock: Hey... you al'ght?
The Boy: Im Fine....
Enock: No you're not, I can tell you're sad-
The Boy: I said Im FINE!!
Enock jumped back at the Boy's yelling, The Boy looked back at the Ground awkwardly, Enock could tell he was upset, he hated when his friends were sad, he had do to something, anything but stay here where he was upset
Enock: You... You Wanna go Play with The other Pals?
The Boy: ......
in the grounds the Pals are hanging out and play with eachother, Patchricia and Niku are playing tic-tac-toe together, Princessa and Princely are identifying bugs with eachother and was quietly Qwerty is reading a book
Patchricia: AH! I win again!
Niku: How do you keep beating me?? Are you playing a trick or something??
Patchricia: Nope, Guess im just naturally skilled!
Enock walked to join them, The boy trailing behind him
Enock: おはようございます、皆さん!!!
All of pals let out a audible groan
Qwerty: Enock, it is 4:05 pm, it is not morning anymore
Enock: I-I knew That!!
Enock twiddled his hands nervously before turning to the boy
Enock: So umm... Whattawanna play?
The Boy: I dunno, I'm done for anything
Enock: OH! OH! Can we play play space cowboys?? I never get to play that game!
The Boy: Uhhh.... Okay, sounds cool
Enock and the Boy were having a pretend standoff, using sticks as Laser pistols
Enock: This Spaceship ain't big enough for the both of us!!
The Boy: oh Yeah?? Well you know is big enough for the spaceship?
Enock: Who??
The Boy: YOUR MOM!!
They Boy let out a war cry and charged towards him, followed by Enock making a High pitched Screech while sprinting towards the boy, The crashed into eachother and thudded on the ground, they got off the ground and chased eachother, giggling while doing so
The Other Pals gave them passing looks, trying to ignore the loud racket the two boys where making
Enock: You're time is up Space Criminal! You can't out run the law!!
The Boy spinned around
The Boy: Well I can Out laser the Law, with this SICK @#$ HELL RAILGUN!
The boy positioned his hands to look like he was holding an invisible gun
Enock: WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! PAUSE, PAUSE! Who know what would be cooler than a pretend railgun??
The Boy cocked his head
Enock: a REAL Railgun! I can manifest it!
The Boy: You can Do that?!
Enock: Yeah!! JusHolon, I neda focus...
Enock took a deep breath and closed his eyes, he held his hands close together leaving a small space between them, The Boy watched as Enock's body strain and jitter
The Boy stared at him confused on what he was doing exactly, His confusion quickly turned to amazement when he saw a low polygon shape glitching into existence forming between his hands
The Boy: Dude!! That is Sick!!
Enock strained his body harder, beads of sweat trickling down his tooth face, he gritted his teeth together forcing all his mind power into his craft, the random pile of polygons glitched and flickered until it took on a rectangular shape, it flashed random colors it and started lighting up like a lantern, Qwerty Looked up from their book
Qwerty: ENOCK!-
In a split, A loud boom erupted throughout the the grounds, The pals were thrown violently, their screams lost amidst the chaos. Debris rained down, scattering in every direction, while dust and smoke stained the air
Slowly, they all got up, racked by the explosion and covered in dirt and smoke
Patchricia: Is everyone okay?..
Niku: ...No...
Enock crawled out of a small crater created by his attempt at creation
Enock: ugh... ....Cheesy rice...
Patchricia: ENOCK!!
Patchricia ran up to Enock, Rage filled her Cotten body
Enock Shrinked into himself, stroking the tendrils that dangled from his head to calm himself from the shaking panic that spread through his body
Enock: I... I didn't...
His breath hitched, tears welling up in his eyes, Niku waddled up to the Two, limping due to the pieces they lost
Niku: its not his Fault Patchy, He- He didn't know
Patchricia: I KNOW, he never means to mess things up, but he keeps doing things he KNOWS are Stupid!!
Patchricia: Maybe He should pay more Attention to the Real world instead of playing pretend all day and babbling about Skeletons and zombies like a He's a Stupid Baby!!
Tears streamed down Enock's face his voice hitching between sharp breaths
Enock: ...I'm... I'm notta dumb baby...
The Boy reformed his shape form from his compact shape and stood between Enock and Patchricia
Patchricia: Well That FUN Could've killed us!!
The Boy rolled his eye at what seemed to him as hysterical complaining
The Boy: You're Just Jealous that he's Funner, cooler and Awesomer than a Uptight, Bratty, STUPID B#$%@ LIKE YOU!
All the Pals gasped, mouths agaped, Patchricia stomped her foot on the ground and pinned her crinkly ears back, her teeth gritted and snarled at him, The boy was completely unfazed with the angry bunny and continued to stare her down
Qwerty walks inbetween them
Qwerty: Cease this behavior immediately, both of you are acting in an immature manner, Patchricia, your reaction was inappropriate and resulted in Enock becoming upset, When You are aware of his sensitivity to shouting
Patchricia thumped her foot repeatedly before slowing down
Patchricia: Yeah... I guess you're right... sorry...
Patchricia rubbed her arm awkwardly, And Qwerty turned to Face The Boy
Qwerty: I understand you are new and unfamiliar with our procedures, but your behavior was inappropriate, You should not have enabled Patchricia's unprofessional conduct, Additionally, Enock has made a dangerous mistake that he has repeated multiple times and must face appropriate consequences for his-
The Boy: Im not taking rules from a Guy in a PINK TUTU!
Qwerty: My wardrobe is not my choice, Please return to the subject at-
The Boy: Enock didn't do anything wrong! He just wanted to play!! Somthing YOU are Cleary above!
The Boy shoved Qwerty and they fell to the ground
The Boy: You think You're so smart but they're an Stupid kid like the rest of us!
The Boy: You're just trying to compensate for the fact that Enock is a Gazillion times more personality than you do! I mean just because you're an NPC dosent mean you have to act like One!
The boy grabbed Enocks arm
The Boy: C'mon Ennie, we're to cool for these LOSERS
The Boy Took Enock back Inside the circus, Enock was still teary eyed
Enock: No one... no one ever stood up for me like that... Thank you...
Enock Smiled warmly at the Boy, The Boy looked puzzled at Enock's expression, But slimed regardless
The Boy: Uh.. Um.. Thanks, I guess...
The Boy: Do You... Do ya wanna hang out more?-
A Loud warping rang through the Tent, indicating that the portal reopened
Enock: Mama!!
Enock ran off to the main area of the Circus,
The Boy followed and observed the Pals greeting their parents, Hugging them, telling them about their day, he saw Caine lift Enock off the Ground and spun him around Playfully and hugged him tightly
The Boy felt a Sting run through his body as he watched the Pals with there parents, he was overcome with a feeling of bitter resentment For the other kids, Kids, Like they were even kids, they weren't kids, they weren't even people, they were nothing but machines with preprogrammed responses, they didn't have feelings or thoughts, they were nothing but AIs, and to think he made a real friend...
Enock hugged his mother tightly, savoring each second with her
Enock: Oh! Oh! Mommy! Guess what?!
Pomni: what is it Ennie?
Enock: No, You havta guess!
Pomni: You... um... You taught Bananer a new trick?
Enock: Noooooooooooo
Enock Swayed side to side, his eyes glistening with Happiness, Caine floated down to Enock's height, Hanging upside-down
Caine: Well what is it Son?
Enock: I Made a New friend today!! A real friend!! And I wanna him to you!!
Enock Grabbed his mom's arm and dragged to where The Boy was, But he was gone
Caine: Oh! Is this another one of your invisible friends!
Enock: Huh- Wuh- No, he was right here and... Um... Nevermind momma...
In The manor, Pomni was washing the dishes that was generated every evening, Enock was telling his mom about all things he did with his friend
Enock: -And than we walked through the Fishy tunnel thing, He really liked the Sharks! Especially the Big ones with Sharp teeth!
Pomni: Wow, its sounds like you had a alot fun today!
Enock: Yeah, he also says alot of funny things I don get...
Enock: Hey momma?
Pomni: Yes Enock?
Enock: Whats a NPC?
Pomni felt her body freeze
Enock: Mamma? Whats wrong?
Pomni: ...Where did you learn that word?
Enock: My Friend said it to Qwerty today, Whats wrong mommy?
Pomni: NOTHING! N-nothing is wrong! Why would anything be wrong?? Haha!! I- Uh- I need to go talk to your Father
Enock watched as his mother ran off down the halls, He could tell She was lying to him, he could always tell
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