#absolutely hilarious i love my disasters ur honor
tiredassmage · 2 years
Welcome back to ‘Dot’s replaying SOR for another alt and had another Tyr related realization’ because, spoiler alert, I never actually knew how I got him involved, only that, by main character principles, he was going to be - because I said so and it was never a subject I planned to detail-explore in fics, so like, y’know... magical handwaving nonsense, we’ve all seen it. Despite Corellia and assignments on Makeb, he isn’t exactly keen on front line soldering work, after all, he got used to Intelligence. They were more a matter of circumstance and taking things on the chin because what else are you meant to do as a semi-homeless intelligence operative in the Empire that was already on the Dark Council’s naughty list once, right?
Well, I was half-inclined to handwave off Korriban and Tython happening a bit more simultaneously if I involve more ocs anyway, so if I sent a certain former Cipher to say, snoop around the Republic and see what the absolute hell just happened on Lana’s inquisitive behalf, he just might come across a certain SIS agent digging around and recruiting certain Republic heroes, wouldn’t he????
I will remember this thought. Hopefully. Because it’d go a long way to explaining why Lana suddenly pulls Tyr out of her pocket like ‘and here is my Cipher agent who knows everything about all of this despite not being involved before rn on Manaan.’ And also doubles as a bs teehee addition to how Theron and Lana ended up on each other’s radars as potential allies in all of this anyway. Fun times!!!
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