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mewtwoandme · 9 months ago
Your Honor, I found a few things during my research of your story’s lore and I found a few things.
Exhibit A
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The way Sivith is reacting to holding Huey in one of the comics you and TC collaborated on is gentle and loving. This indicates on her part that she must have had a baby similar to him.
Exhibits B1 and B2.
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The way Sivith’s facial expressions and reaction to the hinted reasons for keeping her scars show more evidence of the fact that something bad happened to her baby that she wouldn’t talk about until now. 
Exhibit C1, 2 and 3
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In context, Gwen was able to see somewhat into Sivith’s mind and judge her emotional state. What she felt was severe emotional trauma that is deeply rooted in Sivith and the “Him” that is referenced here seems to correlate perfectly with this universe’ alternate version of Huey.
In summary for the Jury, Your Honor, Sivith either had this baby taken from her or the ones that attempted to take him accidentally killed him in the process, causing Sivith to spiral mentally to the point where she attacked Jericho solely because he kept company with Lakota, a human that was housing him and his daughter. This intern damaged their relationship and caused resentment and hate toward each other for a time. 
The defense rests its case. 
(Sorry for the ramble, I think I’ve seen too much of Law and Order 😅)
I don't blame you. It's a good show XD
I plead guilty to the lore charges lol
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fluffy-umbreon · 1 year ago
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Crackship dump! started losing steam, but i loved how these all came out!
Novita is from @askthe-dawsons
Mewna from @absol1177
and Jack is from @vanessa-the-mewtwo
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tism-two · 1 year ago
how long do you think you’ll have Lucid pregnant for? A few weeks or about a month or so?
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“If I don’t say anything tomorrow, I’m probably not dead.”
“Sorry if I’m being a jerk, I’m tired.”
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churchofyolk · 1 year ago
YO! I'm back. You had plans? I'm here to help and watch the world burn. Could you be so kind and fill me in?
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@absol1177 Me and many others are trying to convince ash and everyone else that alpha isn't real so they let their guard down.
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gods-of-kanto · 1 year ago
To Peach: will you spare atleast some of us?
Not all of us are bad, and I know this is our first time meeting, but you seem really angry, something happened? I genuinely want to know, I'm not all caught up in this situation. But I do hope we can at least get along. Also, to ash: I don't know if this will reach you knowing you're calming down and everything, but how's life? Just a simple question.
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((All apologies were ignored in favor of breaking news, any items delivered have been safely returned back to sender!))
@absol1177 @foxyfanz @espyfandoms @enderman3033 @sunnythesheep
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pokemon-ash-aus · 9 months ago
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Timeline: Future
It was cold.
Ash was farely accustomed to the cold, his own skin and fur freezing to the touch at this point that it was hard to really feel the freezing temperatures of everything else.
And yeah, he maybe could have found a better way to get Victini out of here. Maybe he should have teleported away, maybe he should have broken something, but everything they did, didnt seem to work.
Zekrom's electricty crackled over his skin, sparking harshly everytime he tried to do something- anything- to save the small mythical.
"Ashton-" "Satoshi." The two smaller pokemon barked at him, one of worry and the other of anger.
He hadn't realized he had laid down, breathing heavily as the frost bit at his skin, eyes screwing closed as a shiver racked his frame. His transform still holding strong despite the urge to just fall apart.
"M'fine." He murmured out, reaching out a hand, brushing away some frost off his partner's fur.
The air was thinning, and the temperature was dropping, dropping-
Another violent shiver wracked his frame, the feeling of his skin wanting to burst heightened in that brief moment.
"Don't you dare, Satoshi." Pikachu sneered, trembling paws gripping at frozen skin, nearly flinching as the cold bit into his paw pads. "Indigo's gonna kill us if you leave him behind."
"Mah, mah, it-t-t-t's fine." Ash breathed out, teeth chattering slightly the moment his teeth clicked together. "You can hide under muh-me."
"That's not funny Ash!"
"I th-think, I'm hu-hi-hi-" He oaused, grunting as his tongue lolled lazily in his mouth. "I'm fun-n-ny."
"A right ole Comedian." Pikachu drawled, crawling over to curl up into his neck, and Ash could only feel pain as fur brushed across his freezing skin. "You better be fine."
"Ashton?" And Victini floated over, his little steps crunching loudly against the eyes as he waddled over. "The air is thinning."
Ah- it was getting colder.
"Ish f-f-fine." It wasn't, if his stuttering words ever got worse.
It was so cold.
"I th-think." Ash breathed out, watching the harsh steam of his breathe freeze in an instant. "I think i'm-m-m gon-n-na-,"
The wave of tired hit him in a brief instant.
It was cold and nice all of a sudden. A warmth building in his chest that he hadn't felt before.
Another wheeze, and he closed his eyes, feeling the beginnings of his transform failing. The shift a comfort amongst this all.
"'M... 'Mma schleep now."
He closed his eyes.
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mewtwoandme · 1 year ago
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Needless to say, he got approved multiple times ;3
(I did a quick test. Apparently, adding a background saved it from Tumblr's void. Sorry for the confusion)
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mewtwoandme · 1 year ago
Happy birthday siv heres a cake for you 😁
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mewtwoandme · 11 months ago
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Who is she? by I Monster works well for Jericho's mental state in the future. What do you think?
Paralyzed by NF
Hands down. Every time I think about Jericho in the future, this song plays in my head. The lyrics say it all.
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mewtwoandme · 1 year ago
Btw how did you become friends with TC anyway? Have you two ever met in person?
TC followed me pretty early on when I made this blog, then we just started talking and became friends through our shared interests, mostly mewtwo/pokemon at first, of course XD
We'd share comic/story ideas back and forth, still do lol, and back when I started going digital, she was a major help, filling me in on some useful tips and tricks that I continue to use.
We never met in person sadly. She's in Canada and I live in PA, but it would be so awesome if we ever get the opportunity to travel and meet up someday ^^
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mewtwoandme · 1 year ago
So I'm gonna assume that Ai Jericho was a private one right? Cause I can't seem to find it! XD
Mhm. I have him as unlisted/private. I just made him to test out the ai group chat. I rarely ever use that AI chat app but I was seeing a lot of Scarfy bot chats popping up in TC's asks, so I wanted to have some personal fun with it for a bit lol. Now it'll probably be another 5-6 months before I do anything with the app again XD
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mewtwoandme · 1 year ago
Hey Amber and Jericho, If you have watched the original Disney Dumbo what do you two think of the Pink Elephants sequence?
Oooo! The cufants on parade?!! I loved that part. Is so funny! XD
....The uh...the animators back then really were on some trip while making that...
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mewtwoandme · 1 year ago
So, You have a cat, right? How old are they now?
Yep! She's 3 and will be turning 4 in April
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mewtwoandme · 1 year ago
Hey Lakota how is Argon anyway? How does he deal with the cold weather? I hope he doesn’t get too cold. Give him a belly rub for me! ^^
The cold doesn't really bother him. He loves the snow. The big guy's like a living furnace XD We dont get really big snow storms or blizzards here, but if the weather does get too bad, we open the basement up, and he holds up in there during the nights.
Alright, next time he comes around, I'll be sure to do that ^^
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mewtwoandme · 10 months ago
Hey Jericho, if you wanted to learn how to dance with a partner which would you prefer? Waltz, Salsa, or just Freestyle?
Oh, I wouldn't go embarrassing myself with freestyling, no, no XD Now I'm not a big dancer, but the salsa sounds interesting
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mewtwoandme · 1 year ago
Jericho and Sivith, Which Southern pie is better? Apple pie, Pumpkin pie, or Pecan pie?
Seriously, what is it with you and pumpkin??
What? Pecan is nice too, but if I were to choose one or the other, it would be pumpkin, not only because it's delicious, but also because it's a soft texture. I normally don't care for crunchy nuts or fruits in pies
Oh, you're just being picky
I'm not being picky, I just know what I like! :V
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