84reedsy · 6 years
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Sticking to the Plan (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/ZFrLzixmOU The Alaskan Bush People family has made quite the name for the Brown Family of nine. But not all who've come to know this family are impressed with what they've seen. When new visitors make their way to Hoonah to hatch a devious little scheme, will the stakes remain harmless? Or will hearts and desires get tangled, threatening the plan's very core? Featuring: Joshua Bam Bam Brown, Matt Brown, Bear Brown, Gabe Brown, and Noah Brown.
Chapter 18 is live now!
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84reedsy · 6 years
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50 Shades of Alaskan Bush People - The Brown Boys (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/AJIjB5nHhU Collection of One-shots with the Brown boys in compromising situations ;)
Um, Yep. Reblogging because, why not!
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84reedsy · 6 years
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Joshua The Scotsman (Outlander-esque AU) - Joshua: The Scotsman (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/9fW2pTEs9T Featuring: Joshua Bam Bam Brown/OC (Alaksan Bush People) Word Count: 1783 Description: Joshua has been absent for a few days and his wife is all to eager for his return.
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84reedsy · 7 years
50 Shades of Christmas: Matt
So as a little gift to my bush babes, I’ve written a little,short drabble for each Brown brother, posting one a day through Christmas! Each story follows the couples from the original ‘50 Shades of’ series. 
Characters: Matt/OC
Word Count: 821
Warnings: A little steam, slight smut, dirty language
Description: Matt is excited for Jessica to open her Christmas gift.
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Jessica eyed the little wrapped package perched on the center of the bed as soon as she walked into the small cabin. Matt had been mysteriously absent the entire day, though no one else seemed particularly concerned. Matt so often had some wild impulsive thoughts that took him all over the island.
But the shiny wrapped box adorned with a bright green/sparkly bow indicated that he had indeed been nearby. She walked quietly over to it as if she were a child sneaking to peek under the Christmas tree. She glanced around to check that the coast was clear of someone who may witness her transgression.
Jessica yelped as she felt arms quickly envelop her waist.
“And just what do you think YOU’RE doing, young lady?” Matt scolded her, his chin on her shoulder, stopping her just short of reaching the bed, “It isn’t Christmas yet!”
“I wasn’t gonna do anything!” She fibbed without a supporting excuse, the lie was obvious.
Matt’s lips nuzzled her neck, his voice becoming low and gravelly, “You know, it’s awfully naughty to lie to Santa.”
She blushed deeply, but couldn’t respond with any sort of honest argument. His lips brushed across her cheek, feeling their warmth, he grinning, chuckling in his throat.
“But since Santa is feeling so generous, you can open this present early.” He walked her to the edge of the bed, spinning her to sit on the edge. He grabbed the box and placed it gently in her hands. He kissed her cheek, before kneeling in front of her, “For my special girl, on Christmas.”
Jessica couldn’t help the excitement on her face as she tried to politely unwrap the box, starting with unraveling the bow. Every part of her wanted to rip the paper into shreds, but she prolonged her excitement meticulously unwrapping it. Opening the box, she looked slightly confused as she pulled out a black silken fabric.
“A scarf? It...is it even that?” If it was a scarf it was the least practical scarf for bush life that she’d ever seen. It wouldn’t keep the cold away or block the wind in the slightest. And as she let it drape across her skin, the coolness of the fabric almost gave her a chill. She couldn’t make heads or tail of it at first, but Matt’s grin told her she was off base.
He held out his hands, letting her place the fabric in his hands. He lifted the gift upwards laying it over her eyes, tying it gently but securely around her head. Her fingers trailed over the scarf, but did not remove it.
“It’s really...only half the present. “ He whispered, encouraging her to stand. She felt a cool breeze, almost shivering as one by one, her clothing was stripped away. Her skin almost seemed to be in a state of hypersensitivity with her sight removed. His hands felt warm as the slid around her waist and back, lowering her to the blanket covering their bed.
“Half?” She gasped, feeling his fingers lingering over her sensitive flesh before withdrawing his touch from her completely. She stifled a whimper of disappointment.
Matt pulled a feather from his back pocket, freshly cleaned and fluffed, he spun it between his fingers a few times, then lowered it, circling her navel. She inhaled a sharp gasp at the sensation.
“M-Matt…” She moaned, the tickle radiating from the point of contact to every nerve throughout her being. The contact was confusing, her brain unable to cognitively deduce what his possible apparatus could be. But whatever it was, flamed her building desire.
He trailed the feather softest tendrils upwards, tracing the line of her breasts, teasing her nipples as her back arched. He leaned over it, trailing it as light as he could across her nose, cheeks, slowly over her lips, her labored breath swirling the feathers delicate plume. She could feel his bare skin against her, his clothes having been stripped off as well.
“I have a confession.” He kissed her lips softly, they followed him as he lifted his face. He lifted her arms, placing them above her head. She felt the feather dance down her arms, shuddering as it lowered more, grazing her ribs, “It’s just as much of a present to me...as it is to you.”
Matt kissed the path of goosebumps left in the wake of the feather, his hips settling in the valley between her legs as her thighs hugged his waist. She giggled as he brushed her neck with the plumage.
“What do you say to Santa?” He paused waiting for her reply as she squirmed for the touch to continue.
“Thank you, Santa.” She bluted out quickly, urging him to keep up his tease.
“Aaaand?” he drug the feather, barely touching her between her breasts, making her arch for more.
She grinned, feeling his desire begging to sink into her.
“Merry Christmas, Santa.”
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84reedsy · 7 years
50 Shades of Christmas: Gabe
Characters: Gabe/OC
Word Count:1297
Warnings: Steam, language
Description: Gabe’s excitement for the holiday can barely be contained, eager as he waits to open gifts. 
Gabriel paced back in forth in front of the twinkling tree that seemed almost out of place in his small, rustic cabin. Rachel had said to meet back at the cabin at dusk and she’d let him open one, just one, present early. The stipulation was that she got to choose the gift he opened as he would choose the one she would open as well. He’d been giddy all day, rushing through chores and hauling logs from the beach. Bam’s particularity concerning the placement of the logs cost more time than was necessary, but arguing with his older brother was a moot point.
Rachel had been helping prepare the holiday meal all day with the other women in her newly acquired family. Preparation in the bush took longer, but it was if anything more rewarding. But at this moment, Gabe was impatient with that process. The last few days he’d barely seen his wife except for a few moments at night where they’d given in only to their exhaustion. For newlyweds it was quite tortuous.
But tonight, tonight they’d promised to make time for each other. She wasn’t late, but still he paced. He glanced through the window towards the winding dirt path that led to their slightly secluded spot. He breathed a sigh of relief as he saw her walking quickly down the path, almost looking like she was keeping herself from running.
Gabe threw the door open and jogged down the path. Rachel’s heart leapt as she saw him; he still gave her butterflies in her stomach. His white t shirt clung to his muscles, he looked so delicious running toward her. She went to throw her arms around him, but he dipped a little, scooping her up in his arms.
“My lady, how I’ve missed you,” he dramatically sang. Rachel couldn’t help but giggle at his over produced accent. She held tight around his neck as he jogged quickly back to the cabin. His strong arms felt safe and secure, but she’d take any excuse to get herself closer to him. She felt butterflies in her stomach again, though this time more likely because of nerves now that they were back in the cabin. As Gabe set her to her feet, she saw his gift out of the corner of her eye. She momentarily second-guessed her choice, but in a split second, Gabe’s hands were on the gift, looking as if he were about to burst.
Quickly, he shoved a long, shallow box wrapped in shiny blue paper to her. The bow was immaculate as was the wrapping job. There was no doubt he’d called in help for this one. As if reading her thoughts, he cheekily spoke up.
“Bird helped me wrap it, but...not the gift. She didn’t see the gift.” he rambled on his explanation as if he was talking himself out of a bind. Rachel smiled, walking up to him. She placed a single finger over his lips to hush his nervous rambling.
“Thank you.” She leaned up to place a small kiss on his lips. His demeanor calmed slightly, she could see the tenseness leave as his shoulders relaxed a little, his expression resting.
“You first.” he nodded to the gift in her hands, sitting on the small love seat with her as she situated the wrapped box in her lap. She carefully removed the taped joints of the paper, trying desperately not to rip the pretty package. She planned on saving any wrapping paper she could get her hands on. Gabe’s anxiety seemed to grow with each passing moment of her meticulously unwrapping; his foot tapped the floor as she set the paper aside and went to work opening the box.
Inside the folded tissue paper was a gorgeous, luxurious silken robe and teddy. The bodice adorned with delicate lace. The material felt like butter as she felt the material with her finger tips. It was not at all practical but that’s what made her love it even more. It was something he knew she’d love and he didn’t try to use reason to make her want it less.
“Oh, Gabriel…” The fire was warm, the cabin toasty in contrast to the bitter cold that lie in wait just outside their door, “It’s...it’s exquisite.” She stumbled for the right word, but that seemed to be the only fitting description for the midnight blue ensemble that lay in her lap, “Can I put it on? Now?” She looked radiantly expectant, clutching it to her chest now. Gabe gulped, but nodded quickly, relieved that she was accepting of his gift and that she seemed to really like it.
She planted another quick kiss on his lips before scurrying to the only other room of the cabin, dressing quickly. She smoothed the delicious fabric over her, loving the way it glided across her skin. She cinched the robe, looking herself over in the mirror. It fit perfectly, framing her curves and valleys as if it was tailored specifically for her. She sashayed back into the front room, modeling the new frock. Gabe gulped again, grinning his approval.
Perched on his knee, she encouraged him to open his gift now. Gabe didn’t need any further prodding, tearing into the gift with excitement and anticipation clearly written on his face. The paper flew, the bow sailed across the room, landing in the branches of the tree. The box didn’t even survive, Gabe’s strength uncontrollable through his enthusiasm. She hoped her gift wasn’t a disappointment.
Gabe grabbed the item in the box, gripping it lightly. He turned it over in his hand studying the lines of it, feeling the smooth, sanded wood, the delicate carved pictures.
“It’s…” he held the grip in his palm more firmly.
“A paddle... “ Rachel finished for him, running her own finger down the edge of it, “I made it...it’s something I’ve wanted to try for a while.” She traced the carving of scrolls and a rose she’d done in the corner of it. She held her breath almost for a moment, until his smile reappeared.
“Really? You wanna give it a try soon?” His fist looked so in control of the device, Rachel squirmed on his lap.
“Tonight?” She bit her lip, imagining the feel of it with only the silky fabric between her skin and the wood. His widening grin was her answer as she stood up. She bent over, almost animatedly slow and purposeful, bracing her hands on the arm of the love seat. Gabe was not as gracefully, quickly standing so quickly that he almost lost his balance. Once he regained his composure, he walked slowly around her, letting the wood warm against her thigh, dragging it lightly.
“You’re sure?” He questioned her cooperation, but her slightly wiggling hips as she hummed was an affirmative answer.  
“Yes, Gabey...please.” She begged slightly.
He rubbed her backside gently with his hand, as if marking his target. He placed the paddle against her, letting her feel the smoothness of her handiwork, the warmth of the wood. A short, soft bump of the paddle prepped her before he quickly and firmly brought it back down. The sting was even and dulled quickly, but she felt it fade into a softly burning warmth. She let out a breath of air in response.
“Yes…” She softly whispered in response. She felt her face redden a little, but she wanted more.
“What was that?” Gabe asked, slightly amused. He waited for her to start speaking again before repeating the motion.
“Um...I said Merry,” he popped her backside against, stilting her words, “Christmas!” She finished with a high pitched whimper. He chuckled, lining up again as she flexed her hips, begging for more.
“Merry Christmas to you too my love.”
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84reedsy · 7 years
I updated my ABP masterlist, ya’ll! I think this is most of what I’ve written for the Alaskan Bush People fandom, minus the private special requests I’ve completed.
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84reedsy · 7 years
50 Shades of Christmas: Bear
The Holiday fun continues! Part 4 of 5. That means, you know who tomorrow!
Characters: Bear/OC
Word Count: 1101
Warnings: Steam
Description: Bear and Ann try to infuse some extreme elements into their Christmas celebration.
“Solomon Isaiah Freedom Brown!” Ann called from the ground. She shielded her eyes as she looked upwards into the tall tree her husband had just climbed, their presents to each other in tow, “I told you we are opening those presents in our cabin….there isn’t even a tree up there!”
Bear poked his head out of the tree house window; his laughter peeled down towards her.
“Princess...this IS a tree!” He called down. He dangled her present by the bow, “I hope you can catch!” He teases with no intention of dropping it.
“BEAR! Don’t you even THINK about it!” Ann found herself scaling the slats nailed to the trunk as she climbed the tree, not wanting either present ruined. She was out of breath, her chest heaving as she finally set foot in the treehouse.
Before they’d moved to the ground dwelling, the treehouse had been upgraded quite a bit, including a small heating stove and actual sealed windows. Still, it wasn’t very practical, so the treehouse wasn’t used for long term stays, but it made for some lovely autumn night sleepovers. With a foot of snow on the ground, Ann wasn’t sure this little hut was going to cut it.
As she stepped in though, she noticed the small fire just starting to take hold of the split logs in the stove’s belly. A tiny, spindly evergreen sat in the corner, decorated with a string of popcorn and tiny, twinkling snowflake lights and of course, wrapped in red ribbon. Bear definitely put his signature color on everything he could. Somehow he’d managed to hide chocolates and not eat them himself; they were on display as well among a pile of flannel blankets and down pillows.
“Bear! When did you do all of this?” Ann adored the cozy setting. She slipped her around his shoulders, giggling a little as his lips tickled her ear in their embrace.
“Princess, you know I’m full of surprises.” Leading her to the cozy sitting area he’d created, they sat together; Bear placed his personal gift to her in her lap, “Completely full of surprises.”
Ann grinned, kissing him quickly before eagerly turning back to the small package. Tearing off the paper, she popped open the box, her jaw fell a little.
“Solomon….’ His name was a whisper as her awe grew. She used his full name only when he was in trouble or if he’d done something impressive. The latter was clearly true as she turned the necklace over in her palms. The seaglass caught the light and almost sparkled, the delicate chain holding the delicate, swirly glass.
“The girls helped...but I made it. Just for you.” He tucked her hair behind her ear before kissing her cheek.
“It’s...it’s just beautiful….” Ann blinked back tears, now feeling a little silly over her gift. Before she could intervene though, his hands grabbed it from under the small tree.
“Bear….I...I don’t know if I should give this to you just yet…” She tried to take it from him, but he kept it just beyond her reach.
“Ann...you know I’ll love whatever you got me…” He looked almost hurt that she’d tried to take the present back, which only added to her guilt.
“I...it’s just...I just don’t…” She stammered, desperately searching for an excuse to take bake the gift and exchange it for another she had for him in their cabin. It was too late though, Bear was already ripping into the paper, placing the bow on his own head. She couldn’t help but laugh. He picked up the tissue-wrapped cylinder, unrolling it until a wide pillar candle fell into his hands.
The wax was bright red and carved like a tree trunk. He looked slightly confused at first, smelling the wax. Cinnamon.
“I made it...for you.” She said sheepishly. She picked up the box, handing him the lighter inside.
“Well I love it. It’s my favorite color and scent. You did good, princess.” He praised her, though it was still slightly confusing. She took both from him, lighting the wick.
“There’s more to it.” She pushed him back slightly to lounge against the pillows, snuggling up to his chest. They watched the small flame dance in the air, slowly turning the hardened wax into a thick, melted pool.
“More? How so?” He could tell her words were suggestive, but secretive. As they had laid together, she’d slowly worked her hand underneath his shirt, drawing lazy circles on his abs, his chest. He loved her gently touches, barely able to fight off the goosebumps they gave him.
“Let me show you.” She smirked, that look of mischief in her eye. She pulled him up long enough to slip his shirt over his head, “You trust me, right?”
Bear laid back against the pillows as she slowly situated herself on top of him, straddling his hips. His eyes were trained on her like a hawk, watching her every move.
“Of course princess…” he rubbed her thighs, watching as she reached for the candle, it’s flame having steadied. She held it in her hands, dipping the tip of her finger in the wax. It was very warm, hardening quickly though.
“Perfect,” Ann smiled devilishly. She pet his chest a few strokes more, easing his uncertainty, “Just tell me to stop if it gets too….extreme.” Her eyes were playful, knowing that such a challenge he would meet with ferocity.
“Nothing is too extreme for me, girl.” He flexed a little as if it helped prove his manliness. She bit her lip, barely tipping the candle so that a few drops fell onto his chest.
“Oops.” She fibbed, watching as the drops hardened almost immediately. Bear chuckled a little, his eyes darkening with a building lust as he looked back up at her. He hissed as she tipped the candle again, dripping a thin line down his chest to his stomach. The burn lingered only a few seconds before cooling quickly, lightly adhering to the curves of his muscles, “Too much?” She teased.
“No...never, girl.” His teeth grit a little as she repeated the action, the wax splashing on his abs. He refused to tell her to stop, knowing he could take this and much more. She wiped his skin clean, clearing her canvas, before pouring small dots of wax from his navel upwards.
“How do you like your present so far?” She cooed continuing to tease his body.
“Well princess,” He sucked in breath as she continued, but smiling the entire time,” This is one extreme, Merry Christmas.”
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84reedsy · 7 years
Betray/Forgive - Part 1 - A Bam Brown Fan Fiction
Hey all! Long time no write! :) - Here’s a little dramatic, slight steam Bam story, enjoy! (releasing Pt 2 tomorrow)
Rating: R - Descriptive Steam
Sipping coffee in the tiny cafe, she appeared calm and collected, possibly even slightly bored. But inside couldn’t be further from the truth. Her stomach still tingled, her limbs almost feeling electrified as the previous night's events replayed in her mind like a film reel.
She’d just met him the previous morning. He’d pursued her through the small gathering of gift shops as she aimlessly wandered through them. She’d noticed him in every one of them as well. Every time she looked his direction, he appeared to be deeply entranced in whatever item was within his closest reach as if she wouldn’t know he’d been following her.
It was when he picked up a box of tampons and was reading the back that she finally had to snicker to herself and plucked up the courage to confront him. His look carried many of her triggers: his long hair that delicately curled past his shoulders. His closely shaved beard. His expression was stern at rest, his muscles weren’t insistent, but the closer she got, the more she noticed them.
He’d introduced himself as Bam. He’d shown a half-cocked grin when she’d called him out.
“Got a heavy flow?” She’d been bold to make such a joke to a man, but if he was truly interested, he’d suck up his pride for a moment and let her have this one. And he did.
She watched as a waitress refilled her rapidly cooling, dwindling coffee. She stirred it mindlessly, watching a typhoon form in the liquid as fresh steam rose from it. The heat from the steam on her face awoke the steamy memories from the night before. How his hands hand touched her, how they moved along her, how they seemed to know her every curve as if he’d touched her 1000 times.
The covers had been a tangled mess that eventually were tossed to the floor as the sweat from their bodies echoed the passion they both felt coursing through them. No amount of air conditioning could cool their flame as he’d rocked her world until she was a quivering mess, unable to even speak the word, “no”. But she didn’t need to, she hadn’t wanted to. She wanted it all. Everything he gave her.
She shivered in her seat, though she doubted it looked suspect, fall had set in in Colorado. Every time the shrill bell at the front signalled the opening of the door, a gust of cool air would swoop in, ruffling napkins and patrons alike.
After they’d met, he seemed reticent to let her out of his site as if she were an apparition that was sure to disappear the moment he turned away.
“I’m not a leprechaun,” She’d teased, “I’m not going to disappear if you turned away.”
“I don’t want to take any chances,” He’d said.
His presence had been overwhelming. Just him standing next to her. His chiseled arms within a close reach, his hard chest. She couldn’t help but admire the way he filled out the back of his jeans as well. Her perversions had also wondered how the front of them filled out as well within a couple of hours after meeting him. For this she scolded herself, but did not stop wondering.
By lunch he’d convinced her to take a hike with him, through a small, private trail he knew outside of town. He brought a bag and in it, a picnic. She’d been impressed, it was not often a man was as planned out or thoughtful. His hand had brushed hers early on the trail and by the first bend, their fingers had linked. It wasn’t long before they were completely lost from view of anyone before he’d asked to kiss her.
She’d resisted at first, but when his knuckles had brushed her cheek, she’d shuddered a yes. His passion was also overwhelming. It consumed her like a dense fog. He didn’t shy away from expressing his awe either, his praises stoked her desire into a roaring blaze. She barely had the sense of mind to not jump in his lap right there in the woods.
She shifted in the booth, trying to keep herself from feeling a slow burn encompass her loins as she sipped more coffee and picked sparingly at the bagel in front of her. It was difficult to keep from squirming much though as more images flashed across her mental visions. They’d talked, laughed through the lunch that Bam had laid out of his pack. She’d thanked him with another kiss. The kiss turned into more. Much more than she anticipated. Her modesty may have begged her to stop, but it’s tiny voice was overshadowed by the booming tone of impulsivity that was commanding her to let his hand slide up the leg of her shorts.
Seated in the vinyl booth it wasn’t the door opening that made her shiver, but the words his gravely voice rumbled as his fingers found their target.
“Girl...you're soaked...dripping…Let me take care of you..” It was a request, not a demand and it was why she didn’t protest.
“I didn’t know kissing you would get me...get me...so worked up…” She admitted blushing and shuddering a little as his soft fingers wiggled against her.
He’d been gentle and thorough. He stayed fully clothed, not paying a bit of mind to his own needs as her shorts and panties had ended up in a ball on the ground. She could barely tear her eyes away from the vision of his head buried between her thighs, greedily devouring her. One release after the next, he grinned against her with each one, garnishing pride from how quickly and easily he triggered each orgasm. She begged after the fourth. She begged for him to fuck her as she writhed under his touch.
She’d couldn’t deny even now, her surprise when he declined, especially because his pants were barely able to contain his arousal. His jeans strained as if his zipper would fail. She remembered the feeling that coursed through her, closing her legs and blushing, suddenly ashamed of how loose she sounded begging a near stranger inside her. He’d pulled her to him, though, convincing her that was not the case. He wanted to, but wanted to at least wait until that evening. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with her, to discipline himself. He’d intended to make her wait as well, but when he’d felt how much he affected her, he couldn’t help but want to make her feel good.
She’d told him she didn’t expect anything from him. She’d snuck out of his room as he slumbered, clearly exhausted from their activities. It was not quiet dawn, even in the long summer days, so she avoided calling it the walk of shame as she quietly entered her own room at the lodge. She collapsed on her own bed, trying to drift off, but still smelling him on her kept her awake for those few moments as she tried to shake the vision of his hard body hovering over her.
The thought now almost made her spill her coffee as she realized the cup was teetering in her fingers. She tightened her grip, watching the quiet roads out of the window in the distance. He’d said his family would be there today and he was meeting them first thing at the bus terminal.
She almost laughed to herself as she thought about the dinner they shared; well, not just dinner, but the catching of it as well. She’d fished plenty before, but she was not prepared for the way these river fish fought their impending doom. Bam had laughed, his arm snaking around her waist to help keep her upright as her pole had lurched forward. She couldn’t help but laugh as well, trying to keep her pole under control as the fish zigged and zagged below the surface of the water. As it got closer to the boat, they’d both ended up on their backsides as the fish jumped in the boat, the force from them both pulling sending them off of their feet.
He’d cleaned and cooked the catch in his tiny kitchenette, he’d served it simply, but she couldn’t remember a time when fish had tasted so good. Even now as she thought back, she realized she’d never asked exactly what kind of fish she’d actually caught. She didn’t ask him much actually. She didn’t know what his life was like now and at the moment she didn’t want to really know. She wasn’t in a place to be in a relationship, not now.
He’d been pretty sparing with details as well, though he filled the time talking of growing up in Alaska. Adventures from when he was young, stories of his family all 9 of them including himself. He seemed unable to fathom the idea that she was one of a small family of 4 growing up. He’d frowned when she mentioned that they were only 3 now. He told her he was sorry her father had passed away, but that he was glad he’d fathered such a beautiful lady for him to spend time with.
It wasn’t long after that moment before she felt his hands on her again. It was almost a relief, the moments between his touches felt like eons of time that drained her soul. But, oh, when he’d touch her, it was like the world had awoken from a deep slumber. Bird’s sang, rivers ran, stars exploded in the sky.
She had to cross her legs now in the booth as she thought of the way they’d traded removing clothing from one to the other. Even in the dim light, the lines of his body were stunning. She felt unworthy of touching him at first, but he gently convinced her that she was worthy, more than worthy. His skin was warm. She’d decided that even if he was lacking in manhood, that she would still enjoy herself. He was attentive and reciprocal.
She kind of shook her head, grinning as she brought the coffee to her lips once more as she relived the embarrassment of her reaction that once he’d stood, letting her remove his pants, her mouth had dropped open in amazement at his sheer size. Thick and heavy it hung down, to large to stand on it’s own without assistance. His chuckle had snapped her back to reality.
“Will that work for you, sweetheart?” He’d said, petting her hair. Her eyes still wide she’d met his gaze. She’d run her hand up his thigh, he hadn’t stopped her. She remembered the feel, the weight of it in her hand, the way he sucked in a breath as she gripped it, as her tongue had darted across the tip, as she’d slid it between her lips. She was sure that now, she still could faintly taste him on her tongue from sheer memory.
The waitress bringing her the check snapped her back to reality a bit; she handed over some cash, declining change. She didn’t even really know what she handed her. The bill was $3.50. She could have given her a $20, she probably did the way to waitress was smiling. Oh well, after such an amazing nocturnal encounter she couldn’t help but feel generous.
Suddenly in her mind, she could hear his grunts, his moans as he’d entered her. As he’d filled her beyond anything she’d had before, he’d cursed, watching himself sink into her folds. She could see that he wanted to start quickly, savagely. His hands had gripped her hips tightly trying to calm himself. She’d not made it easy, moaning like a minx, running her hands over her body in a carnal show of arousal.
He’d been worshipful, his praises helping along her stimulation. He flowed seamlessly from one position to the next, each time hitting a different pleasure center in her. He was adventurous and mindful. He tried things, repeating them when she gave a positive reaction; pulling her hair, smacking her ass. Covering her mouth seemed to really get her going as did whispering dirty things into her ear. Once even it was just his words that sent her over as her sex spasmed around his manhood that was laying claim to her.
She felt silly now, not insisting he use a condom. But in the heat of the moment, she didn’t dare to interrupt the flow of the desire between them. Even now she couldn’t say she minded though. He’d been such a magnificent beast of a lover, she’d been all too happy to hand over the reigns, letting him satisfy his own needs. The sheer thought of how much more intense he got as his orgasm was looming had sent her over the edge too, her womanhood swallowing up every last seed that he seemed to endlessly release in her.
He’d panted praises of her after, not making a single suggestion or motion for her to leave. She’d slept for a short time even, but found herself awakened at 3 A.M. nervous to wait until morning to wake up next time. So she made her exit.
She finally stood from the booth, relieved to not see a damp spot on the cushion after her mind replaying yesterday’s events. She grabbed the to-go coffee cup she’d been given and quickly made her way out of the door, hoping to not let in much of a draft. She stood on the porch, letting her body adjust to the temperature change as she gazed down at the bus station again. She saw a fairly large group of people in the distance, un-boarding what looked to be a private bus.  She wondered if it was his family. She didn’t have to wonder long as she saw him approach them, hugging a couple of young girls and an older woman. His sisters and his mother, she was sure. She didn’t make a motion to go to him. She wasn’t really sure where the stood and it would be all to presumptuous to just approach them.
The next person though made her heart sink. A dark haired woman with a big, white smile approached him quickly, familiarly. She threw her arms around him and he held her closely, spinning her a little. Her face pulled back slightly and as she dreaded it, kissed Bam. Through all of this, it was his smile that hurt the most. The way he held her closely, lovingly.
He’d used her. She’d had suspicions at his lack of current details that he’d offered up. Yesterday, she’d told herself it didn’t matter, she had no long term plans, so what was one fun day going to hurt. But it did. She hated to admit it to herself, but the nausea that crept in kept her from denying it. The family started walking up the road from the dock, in her direction but were still at a good distance. As the mystery woman laid her head on Bam’s shoulder and his arm was around her, she knew that she was merely a pawn to entertain himself with.
He looked up almost surprised to see her at a distance, standing on the porch. A lump built in his own throat as he saw her quickly look away and skitter down the steps and away from them. He hadn’t meant to let it go as far as it did. He’d just felt a pull to her, a desire to know who she was. He couldn’t explain it any more than he couldn’t fight it. He watched her walk away. He couldn’t do anything else.
She packed her bags swiftly, teary eyed. She would shorten her stay here and head up into the mountains early, touring the area she was only here for a couple of days. She had a rustic cabin reserved and would just camp if it wasn’t available. She had all the supplies she needed and now she had a reason to go. She loaded her pack, tightening it down in her borrowed jeep, hoping to escape town without another encounter. As she finished cinching the last bungee cord. She looked up at the front of the motel only to see his family arriving.
They made eye contact fleetingly before she climbed into the driver’s seat. She didn’t look longer than a moment or she might have seen the sorrow in his eyes, the want to come near her, the desire to fall at her feet. But she didn’t give him a chance to wordlessly explain as she fired up the engine and drove away. Let him have his well manicured wife, his loving family, and his perfect world. She wound through the highways that wrapped themselves around the mountains as she climbed to a higher and higher altitude.
“ I don’t need him. No matter how much I want him, I won’t let myself need him.” She lied to herself.
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84reedsy · 7 years
50 Shades of Christmas: Noah
Part 2 of 5 - the holiday adventure continues!
Characters: Noah/OC
Word Count: 924
Rating: R -suggestive content
Description: In a new place, Noah tries to make Christmas special for Ashley
Noah Brown was focused this year on making Christmas for Ashley special. They’ve moved around so much that neither had been sure they’d have a place to spend their holiday or if they’d be roughing it in a hotel. Noah had spent the holidays once or twice in such a way. With his large family it was always still festive, but with just himself and his new bride, he wanted it to be special.
They’d managed to secure a little place just outside of a small, Montana town they both loved with acres and acres of wild land to tame. Noah intended to inquire about the need for local law enforcement, but first, he’d directed all his focus on Christmas. They’d chopped a tree, spent the afternoon decorating it with simple lights and things they found around the forest floor and discarded items that had been ingeniously repurposed as festive trimmings.
Ashley was as voracious as ever, her zest for life (among other things) was as intense as always. She kept him on his toes and had yet to bore him. He doubted that would ever happen. But lately, she’d seemed to hint at suggesting he take the reins in a more dominating fashion.
It was true that their first meeting had all been about Ashley’s clear command of the moment, but their love-making had often teetered between the two, finding an insatiable thirst to push each other. An impish retort one day had earned her a small swat on her backside to which she responded most positively to. And that gave Noah an idea for the perfect Christmas gift.
It was a long skinny box, tucked away almost behind the tree, wrapped plainly as if Noah had hoped it would blend into the surroundings and that Ashley would be none the wiser. He eyed the box from his chair, as he listened to her busy herself in the kitchen trying to make sense of a recipe that she insisted on making for their first Christmas in their new place. He’d tried to help, but got lost at the beginning of page 2 of the recipe, never even looking at pages 3 or 4.
She cursed and he grinned, covering his smile with his hand. However the food turned out, he’d already made plans to revere her in the most positive way possible, hopefully she wouldn’t question his slight dishonesty. As he heard the over door close, he knew the wait had no begun and he’d already planned how to pass the time.
She breezed in, collapsing in his lap, feigning utter exhaustion in a playful act.
“I’m spent.” She sarcastically slung her arm over her forehead.
Noah smirked again, his hand rubbing her thigh lightly.
“Well I certainly hope that’s not true.” He cocked his eyebrow up as he looked upon her. She grinned suggestively.
“Why? Did you have something else in mind?” She wiggled a bit in his lap. His eyes fell upon the package behind the tree; her gaze followed his. It took a moment, but her eyes finally focused on the package wrapped in black paper that almost hid itself in the shadows of the tree boughs against the wall, “A present?? One I can open now?!?”
She hurriedly scrambled from his lap and grabbed the slender package scurrying back to the warmth of his lap, curling up. He nodded for her to go ahead as she waited a moment for the go-ahead.
SHe looked at it for a moment, turning it over in her hands, shaking it, confusion written on her face as she could not make sense of what it could be. She tore the paper in long strips until the brown box was bare. She slid her fingernail through the tape securing both ends, placing the box in her lap, slowly lifting the lid.
A riding crop sat a top festive sparkly tissue paper. It’s warm, brown leather catching only a slight reflection of the firelight. She was silent only for a moment before a mischievous grin spread slowly across her lips.
“What exactly is this for?” Her question was posed, but the tone of her voice hinted that she knew exactly what this gift was intended for.
“Well it’s a present for you, however, it’s to be used by me.” He took the crop in his hand and drug the loop softly down her jawline. He saw the anticipation in her eyes, heard the excited whine that elicited from her throat, felt her hands petting him, heard her shallow breath, tasted her lips on his. She pulled back from the kiss, her voice warm and throaty.
“Thank you, Noah. You know exactly what I need.” She shivered as she felt the crop trail down her arms, tickling the edge of her fingers. When he got to the meat of her thigh, he snapped it lightly. She jumped, but giggled lustfully.
“More?” He questioned, the desire in her eyes evident. She nodded quickly, turning herself over quickly, laying over his lap, her ass perched in the air, expectantly. He drew the shape of a heart over one of her cheeks, making Ashley giggle again before sharply slapping it against her. She yelped at the sting, a guttural moan following.
“This is supposed be a punishment, young lady.” he quipped, repeating the action on her other cheek, “What do you say?”
“Th-thank you.” She pressed back, searching for more, ‘and… Merry Christmas.”
He smirked, running it down her spine before striking again.
“Merry Christmas to you too, Ashley.”
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84reedsy · 7 years
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50 Shades of Alaskan Bush People - The Brown Boys - 50 Shades of Bear (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/HFFJ4H54KD Collection of One-shots with the Brown boys in compromising situations ;)
Week 3 repost! Enjoy a little bit of Bear Brown!
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84reedsy · 8 years
The New Addition - A Bear Brown One Shot
Request for @lovelyphelpslover13
Rated M
Bear waited impatiently as the pot on his mother’s stove was barely starting to simmer. His legs were itching to move. He’d waited, pacing back and forth, in large circles around the first floor of his parent’s cabin while the soup cooked.
“Mom...is it done yet?” He flipped his hair from his eyes, his hands on his hips. He knew Lottie wasn’t feeling well and wanted to get back to her as soon as possible.
“Sol, it needs just a few more minutes to come together. How sick is Lottie?” She asked; it was concerning to her when anyone in Browntown was ill, it didn’t happen that often and she couldn’t deny her motherly instincts.
“She’s not keeping anything down Mom, and she just looks...I don’t know…. Tired. I’m starting to worry. I’m hoping your magic soup will work wonders on her. “ He looked concerned himself, but lit up a little when complimenting Ami and she beamed back at him.
“Well, I don’t know if I called it magic…”But her smile gave her away. She stirred it once more more, smelling the aroma, “I’d say it’s done now.” She scooped some into a container, sealing the lid. Bear jumped up grabbing the container and spoon, kissing his mother’s cheek before racing out of the cabin. He jumped over the railing and sprinted for his treehouse. He called up for his wife, still getting butterflies in his stomach at the thought of seeing her.
She’d always done that to him, made him react in such a way. He kept thinking one of these days, life would just continue on, he’d see his wife and not feel like a giddy teenager, but it hadn’t happened yet, not one single time had he not looked at her in awe or felt honored to just be in her presence. She wasn’t as….extreme...as he’d fantasized about his partner being. At least not in the way he thought. Sure, she climbed trees with him, jogged with him through the forest, adoringly watching him roll around in the mud. But it was her spirit that he found to be the most extreme. She pushed him to try new things, things out of his comfort zone.
But now, he was primarily just worried about her. She’d been down for a few days, under the weather and had zero energy. Also not keeping much food down was concerning Bear greatly.
“Lottie?” He peeked his head into the treehouse seeing her curled up on the small bed they shared, “There’s my Sunny girl...I brought you some warm soup.” He spoke gently to her, hoping if she was sleeping he wouldn’t wake her. She must have only been resting her eyes, for at the sound of his voice her eyes lazily opened, a smile slightly stretching her lips.
“Bear-Bear…” She almost sang the words, clearly happy to see him. Her nausea had subsided and she was beginning to feel better, but worry still plagued her mind. She hated keeping anything from him; he was so open and honest, sometimes brutally so. At times she wished he had a little bit more of a filter, but should couldn’t help but love who he was. She knew she had to tell him, it was only a matter of time before he’d find out on his own.
She held out her arm, sitting up, she took the soup, not realizing how famished she was until the delicious aroma hit her.
“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.” She eagerly drank up the broth, barely chewing the noodles and  vegetables that passed through her lips. Bear watched, his eyebrows shooting up as the soup disappeared quicker than he’d imagined.
“Well….that’s one way to suck down a bowl of soup!” He laughed, taking the empty bowl from her and setting it on the beside table, “I’ll get you more in just a minute. I just want to make sure you’re alright. I was getting a little scared there for a while.
“I know Bear...I know. I should have told you what was going on….I just was worried how you’d ...react. “
Lottie stroked the top of his hand with her thumb as he took her hands in his.
“You knew something was wrong?” He was ever more concerned now, his brow knit in a questioning look.
“Well...not necessarily wrong...just…” She worried her lip, finally meeting his eyes. They were dark, a darker blue than normal, a common occurrence when he worried, “I just know why I wasn’t feeling well. Solomon….I’m…”
“Was it the fish? Was it the deer? I’m sorry if the food made you sick...I told Bam that buck looked weird, damn….dammit. I’ll fix it...I won’t let this happen again.” Bear was jumping to conclusions, up now, pacing the small space of the treehouse, his heavy boots clunking on the floor. Lottie had to hide her growing grin, giggling at Bear and his silly worry.
“No, Bear-Bear...no no no...sit...please.” She pleaded, drawing him back down to the bed, “Nothing like that. I just...I think the family is going to get...bigger.” She hoped the hint would register. Bear looked quizzically at her, apparently the realization had not set in yet.
“Bigger? How so...did you hear something? Did one of my brother’s meet someone?”
“Bear...no. Us. Our family...our little family.” She placed his hand on her stomach, palm down. He stared at his hand, his face went blank, his breath a little shallow.
“What? You mean...you and me? Is there...did we...did I?” He stumbled over his words trying to make sense of them. His brain was cranking out the idea, but his mouth and tongue were tangling themselves into a mass of bewilderment.
Lottie just grinned wider and nodded her head, willing him to his final conclusion.
“A baby?” He finally managed to squeak out, “Are we having a baby?”
Lottie nodded animatedly, letting out a relieved breath as his face lit up.
“Yes...yes Bear...we’re gonna have a little one running around here soon.” She laughed aloud as he scooped her up, hugging and kissing her reverently.
“Sunny, ...oh my Sunny girl...I’m so happy. You’ve made me so happy…” He repeated the mantra over and over, his lips praising her skin, his arms holding her tightly. He relinquished his grip only when, she patted his shoulder for air.
“I’m sorry! Did I hurt you? Did I hurt the baby?” He was almost panicked, worried his excitement had been too much.
“No, Sol, you didn’t hurt either of us...I just needed a breath.” She had to giggle at his enthusiasm. She couldn’t wait to see him as a father.
Bear stood, then sat, then stood again, his excitement bubbling over not sure of how to properly expel the energy building inside him. He excitedly chattered about things that needed to be done. Would they have a nursery in the tree house? Was a baby safe up here, should they build a place on the ground? He rambled on and on; Lottie was so over the moon she couldn’t bear to stop him.
When he finally calmed, he was taking big breaths, looking almost light-headed. She beckoned him back to her, laying him on the bed, his head in her lap as she spoke soothingly to him about their future; how the baby would have his lust for life and her sense and judgement, how their baby would be the envy of all Chichagof. She stroked his soft flowing locks.
“And hopefully, your beautiful hair.” She teased, pulling a strand gently.
He smiled up at her, a proud, admiring smile.
“I never thought I could feel this extremely happy….and I really mean extreme….extreme almost isn’t an extreme enough word even!”
“I feel the same way, Solomon.” Her eyes followed him as he sat up. His eyes became a little more serious, though a smirk played on his lips. She felt her heart flutter as he leaned in, his lips gently pressing to hers. She couldn’t help the small moan that drifted from between her lips as his tongue barely grazed their surface. His kisses had always affected her so and appeared to not be changing anytime soon.
“Sol…” She breathed as his knuckles came to her cheek, gently brushing across. In a fluid movement, he lay her down, carefully laying himself over her, showing caution not typical of himself. He worshiped every part of her with soft, warm kisses. Each inch of flesh as he exposed it, his lips paid homage. He was almost sure her body was responding to him even more than normal. The way she arched into him, the way her hands felt every part of him, slipping his clothes off as if they were water rolling off his own skin. She was warm, her scent inviting. The rose peaks of her breast begging for his attention, his lips found them, eliciting carnal praises from her.
“Sunny…” her pet name left his mouth in a hushed whisper as her legs encircled his hips, pressing into him, her need becoming evident even desperate. She answered him in a pleading moan as his lips slid farther and farther down her body, his tongue finding his target, soaking wet with need for him. Her taste only inflamed his desire. Every squirm, every buck of her hips, every needy whimper stimulated his ever increasing necessity to be inside her.
She felt her body heat, the fire coursing through her as his tongue explored her, tasting her. She could barely hold on as his tongue flicked past her sensitive nub a mere few times before she was screaming his name into her hand. She was left panting, trying to collect herself as his lips slowly kissed their way back up her body, lashing his tongue across her neck as his slid himself into her. He grunted as he felt the extraordinary warmth and tightness of her. He groaned as she bucked up, ever eager to feel him fulfill her hunger.
“Lottie...easy baby..” He begged, knowing a few more of those and he’d lose all control. He dipped his face down over her’s, their foreheads touching as he worked his hips in a deliberate, teasing pattern. Her moans and whimpers were borderlining on begging as her fingers dug into his back, willing him to go faster, harder.
“Sol...please, please...you know what I want…” Her voice moaned, trying not to wildly thrash below him. His eyes traveled over her, doubtful he’d ever seen a prettier sight, her cheeks flush, her eyes darkened with need. He grunted as he moved faster, increasing his thrusts in force.
Lottie looked up into his eyes, the fierceness of his attention on her building her up again. He could feel it as well. The way her sex gripped him, he knew she was close again. He drew her lips into a needful kiss as his breath became heavier. As her cries fill the small space he felt himself let go as well, filling her with his seed, much to her praises.
He could barely hold himself up as he floated slowly back down to earth, her hushed adoration wafting into his ears.
“Lottie, my love...my only awesome love.” He collapsed next to her on the bed, his chest still heaving, stroking her face. She smiled at his praise, turning on her side.
“Bear….my only awesome love.” She repeated back, snugging into his embrace.
“I guess you do feel better then,” Bear laughed, rubbing her back, kissing the top of her head.
“Yes, Bear,” She yawned, smiling, “ I feel much better.”
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