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Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
Does your character enjoy constant engagement? Do they always need something to do, or do they need frequent breaks?
Hey there thanks for the Ask! Travis likes to keep busy. He’s always finding something to tinker with or tend to. He likes to keep his place tidy and he’s always making sure his collections are kept clean and straightened. There are some days when he’ll be a flurry of activity, but then there are the days where he wants to do next to nothing. I suppose he has it both ways, always active and getting those frequent breaks. To quote him, “I’m always busy even when I’m not doing anything I’m still busy.”
Hope that answered your question! Thanks again!
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NAME: Travis Leraine
ALIASES: Deadeye
RACE: Werewolf
ALIGNMENT: Lawful good
BIO: With a knack for the handling of firearms from an early age, the career Travis Leraine would pursue was practically a no-brainer. Enlisting in the Marines at the age of sixteen, he quickly became a master marksman, a combat arms instructor, and, following the Jericho bombing, the gunnery sergeant was made a warrant officer by way of battlefield promotion in recognition of his heroism in rescuing upwards of fifty survivors, including Chief Warrant Officer 3 Martin Thorne, from the nearly obliterated Metro District. In addition to his weapons skills, Leraine is also adept at hand-to-hand combat, and instructs in this as well.
During the regrouping of Serraux’s armed forces, Leraine assisted Thorne in the formation of the 779th Special Tactics Platoon “Wolfpack,” insisting upon the name of the unit as a tongue-in-cheek joke at the demographics of the new team -- at the time, it was comprised entirely of werewolves. He was instrumental in the location and recruitment of other nonhuman personnel, and their subsequent training for engagements in which they would not be required to keep their abilities under wraps. Following the Battle of Jericho, Leraine was unanimously selected by the other leadership of the 779th as its new commandant in Thorne’s absence.
APPEARANCE: At 6′1″ and 215 pounds, Leraine is not a small man -- nor is he a small wolf; when transformed, he stands nearly ten feet tall and weighs the better part of 500 pounds. As a man he is handsome, rather young-looking and keeps his sandy blond hair as unruly as he thinks he can get away with. He is somewhat heavily tattooed and appears to have some moral aversion to wearing sleeves, and when not in uniform generally sports basketball shorts and muscle tanks. In his wolf form his coat is predominantly rusty red with a cream underside and a ridge of nearly black coloration down his back. Part of his right ear is missing. In both forms, his eyes are mismatched, with the left being green and the right blue.
TEMPERAMENT: Leraine may give the initial impression of a musclebound meathead, but spend five minutes with him and you’ll see he’s about as sensitive and lighthearted as they come. He has seen too much darkness not to seize any opportunity to make a joke, usually at his own expense, and this coupled with his wildly extroverted personality generally makes him the life of the party in any crowd. Despite all this, he takes his duties deadly serious and displays a “lightswitch” disposition in combat -- one minute he’s reassuring the new guy, the next he’s raining hate on the enemy from a mile away. He is fiercely protective of his brothers and sisters in arms as well as a charismatic leader, and it is said that the only reason he is second to Chief Thorne is because he hasn’t the heart to actually challenge him for the leadership of the 779th.
ABILITIES: Partly due to his bloodline and partly through practice, he is able to transform and revert at will -- sometimes multiple times in a night. He is quite levelheaded to begin with, and as such it is difficult (but not impossible) to induce a transformation out of anger or fear. Contrary to legend, not all werewolves are vulnerable to silver, and Leraine is one of them. He is capable of touching the metal with his bare hands, and while it can temporarily damage him, it cannot further injure or kill him by way of toxicity. He is also partially immune to the venom of both vampires and khazvalkki.
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Six Random Facts About My Courier, Travis Blackfox
Don’t get me wrong, I love New Vegas, but if you think about it, too much of the context made the courier into a freaking super hero and had them do things that were too unbelievable or too impossible to be realistic even for the fun wasteland world. These are just a few of the things that I’ve made canon for Travis while totally nixing their game logic counterparts.
1. NONE of the dlc happened for him��at all. The dlc are great for fun and challenging game play, but for Travis’ canon story they don’t exist. So yeah, that means no Joshua Gram, no brain and spine removal, no Father Elias, and no droning on and on Ulysses. However, he has been to Zion Canyon plenty of times and is good friends with the Tribes of the area. He also owns a cabin overlooking the river for when he visits. Now with him having a car his trips to the canyon can happen more frequently and for a longer period of time.
2. Travis co-runs New Vegas with Mister House. In game I originally sided with House, but once he asked me to kill the BoS like that I refused and went the independent route. Canon is almost the same for Travis, however, he more or less threatened then bargained with House. All it took was a mention about pulling the plug and setting the computers on fire in the Lucky 38 for House to quickly see things Travis’ way. Negotiations were quick. House got to continue living and oversee many things in New Vegas, but Travis gives the direction in where repairs and aid goes.
3. In the courtyard of the Lucky 38 (something not shown in game, but you know there has to be one…reality and logic you know) Travis has a big garden and small farm so to speak. He has a few low maintenance animals there like prairie fowl and geckos for eggs as well as a few cats. He grows jalapenos, corn, apricots and peaches, tomatoes, potatoes, and green beans just to name a few. He has a smaller than usual securitron by the name of Mable that he constructed to maintain the crops and animals.
4. Although Travis is friends with all the human companions like Lily, Raul, Cass, and Veronica, he never traveled with them. His constant companion was Boone. In my game the quests for Raul and Lily glitched so I never got to trigger or complete them anyway. Arcade still works for and resides at the Followers of the Apocalypse base, Fort Mormon. Cass and Veronica are off doing whatever it is they’re doing, but Raul and Lily live at Fortification Hill. Travis gave that territory to Raul after the Second Battle for Hoover Dam. It’s now a sanctuary of sorts for Ghouls, Super Mutants, and Nightkin to live and thrive.
5. Travis and a few Securitrons barricaded themselves inside the Visitor’s Center during the Second Battle for Hoover Dam. It was there Travis oversaw all that happened at Fortification Hill as well as other areas of the battlefield. He also triggered things like the dam’s floodgates in order to wash Legion infiltrators away. He helped the NCR, but it was never agreed upon or stated anywhere that he would be helping for their take over. It was a complete surprise to them when all was over when Travis, Mister House, Victor, and a few other Securitrons basically told the NCR they have to get out of Dodge so to speak.
6. Even after learning he was abducted, shot, and tossed in a shallow grave, Travis wasn’t fully bent on hunting down his assassin. His main concern was finding who hired him and to maybe find out if anything could help trigger the memories of his family and origins that he lost from being shot. Benny was more an afterthought. His only reason to find that man was to get the chip back, nothing more. It was when Benny opened fire on him at the Tops is when Travis had enough of trying to be the good guy in the ordeal. After tracking Benny down at Fortification Hill in Legion territory, Travis felt slightly sorry for him. The man did have his reasons for wanting the chip, but went about obtaining it the wrong way. Still, Travis did what he had to do especially since Caesar would never let he and Benny leave the Fort alive. Travis did reluctantly end up killing Benny in the end. Although he truly hates to admit it, it still felt pretty good to get that sort of justice served.
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35, 39, 42, 43, and 50 for lovely Travis! 🤠
35. what do their companions think of them? are they close? have they done any companion quests?
Game canon Travis did good and right by all the available companions. He got Rex a new brain, figured out what’s going on with ED-E, helped Boone face his ghosts and feel slightly better about himself, got Veronica back in with the BoS, got Arcade connected back to his roots, and helped Cassie and her caravan situation. However, due to a glitch in game I couldn’t complete Lily’s quest and Raul’s never triggered. Game canon and real canon he got close with Boone and preferred Rex over ED-E (simply because in reality I got scared of his alarm beeps going through my back surround sound speakers every time they happened). In my real canon (which is way different than game mechanics and canon) Travis met all of these fine folks, but only traveled with Boone. Although Boone and he parted ways, Travis and Arcade are still best friends after all this time.
39. have they ever been irradiated? how did they deal with it? did it have lasting effects?
He became irradiated a few times, but the most significant and worst bout was during the time he spent poking around Black Mountain. The area is highly radiated, but that didn’t stop him from being nosy and rummaging through the buildings there. Although his being nosy unwittingly helped rescue Raul from his captor, Tabitha (and helped her out as well) the radiation was too much for Travis and he became very sick as a result. Raul kept Travis in his shack for the few days it took to rid the courier of the radiation via use of Radaway. Besides a headache and aching muscles and joints after being healed, there were really no lost lasting effects on him since he received quick and proper treatment. However, that experience was one he doesn’t want to relive so now he avoids radiated areas as best as possible or at least uses the proper precautions like Rad-X
42. name a random fact about your courier.
Travis excels in rope tricks and gun twirling. Although he really doesn’t carry a lariat around in the Mojave, he still has one and practices whenever he feels in the mood. He loves to rope and is quite accurate with it as well. The gun twirling was something his father taught him back when he was a boy. He’s nowhere near as good as his father who can twirl two guns at the same time, but he still is quite talented with the skill.
43. do they watch movie holotapes? what are their favorites? least favorites?
For the longest time Travis had no clue about movies or anything until he met Riley. Riley told him all about holotape movies and from whatever ones that were around to be watched, Travis enjoyed any of the comedies or westerns. When Travis returned to New Vegas (with Riley joining him shortly thereafter) Travis’ relationship with House improved and House was more willing to share things with him such as the vast amount of holotapes he has stored in his data banks amongst other things. The westerns and comedies still stay the same and Travis does have a fondness for The Wizard of Oz and any of Elvis’ movies. Least fave…any sappy love story and drama like that. He wasn’t keen on Cassablanca or Gone With the Wind. Both were too dramatic for him and the latter was simply too long to hold his interest.
50. what’s their happiest memory?
I suppose this is a vague question actually as I’m not sure what it could exactly cover. Before or after being shot in the head? Before the battle? After the battle? YEARS after the battle? Ugh….so many choices. It’s painfully obvious that anything and everything to do with Riley is going to be number one with a bullet on any happy memory BUT since things weren’t really specified (and to not do the obvious) I’m going to go with the first time he saw cats. Finding those animals were the main and only reason for him Traveling to Boston. However, he got pleasantly side tracked by a sexy redhead in Diamond City. Thankfully that same person knew where to find the cats and took Travis to that little settlement to finally see them and fulfill his wishes.
thanks for asking and sorry it took me so long to respond!
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OC Gifs
This is something new and fun I think and I’m glad that @charomiami tagged me to do this.
Rules: pic one OC and describe them with 5 fancy gifs
I shall certainly go with my courier six, Travis Blackfox. I would have gone with my bad cowboy, Dante, but Tumblr has a thing about naughty images so he’s out lol. So....Travis it is!
Not sure if I’m supposed to let the gifs speak for themselves or if I’m supposed to talk about them? I’ll talk about them anyway, it’s my post lol…..Travis loves to set things on fire or blow them up. There probably isn’t a destroyed house or burned out car in the Mojave that he hasn’t had a hand in making irreparable.
Travis is a confirmed bachelor and although his past with men wasn’t anything too amazing, it’s the present that counts. He’s deeply in love and happily married to sole survivor Riley White (who is @zoey-and-dakota‘s oc by the way).
Hot foods, especially jalapenos are Travis’ most favorite thing to eat and he can often be found with peppers in his pockets or backpack.
And lastly, Travis loves to play the guitar and is really good at it. He also likes to play the harmonica. Every so often he plays his guitar on stage at the Tops in the Aces theater and even sings a few songs, some of which he wrote himself.
Ok this was fun. I think I’m supposed to tag some people? Ok…how about @zoey-and-dakota @vkm11 and @elvensociety Thanks again to @charomiami for tagging me!
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17 and 24?
Hey thanks for writing! Sorry it took so long to respond, things were wonky for me here. Anyhoo....
17. Do they have any overused catchphrases?
Hmm...not really. For the most part Travis is quiet. Chances are if anything is going to be associated as a catchphrase it would be vulgar with him telling people “eat my ass” or “piss up a tree”. Probably the more acceptable and mild would be a simple “a’yup” he’ll utter in affirmative response.
24. What are their biggest pet peeves?
Travis honestly hates washing dishes. He knows that’s a task that should be dealt with soon as it arises, but he procrastinates. Doing that only causes them to build up more and eventually he runs out of utensils or plates and now he has a mountain of dishes to deal with. Had he washed them when he finished with them his task would have been over and done with.
Since a pet peeve is anything someone finds annoying I’d have to add robots into this mix. Travis tolerate them to a point as he is surrounded by them quite a bit, but it still annoys him. He can deal with securitrons and eye-bots (as well as cyberdogs) much better than he can Mister Handy/Gutsy (or whatever other names they go boy), protectrons, and sentry bots.
I guess toss in the fact that Travis hates being called “boss” or anything more stronger than “sir” or “mister” in the pet peeve department. The boss thing is the main reason why Travis never traveled with Raul much if at all (both game logic and my canon).
Thanks for the asks, these were great and again I apologize for taking so long in responding!
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I'm pretty sure it didn't send the first time, so ima ask: 1,2,3,12,13? :D
Hey there! Glad to hear from you and glad this note came through this time ;D
1. which faction did they side with (NCR, legion, yes-man, or house)?
In game I went with Yes-man mostly because I didn’t appreciate House asking me to wipe out the BOS like that. For me, personally, I might not have cared, but when I went there with Boone and Rex and they were all like hi brother and I go and slaughter them like that...I thought it was really disgusting and as I stood above ground and saw the smoke coming from the vents all I thought was fuck that. I went back to the previous save and killed House instead. HOWEVER...canon Travis struck a deal with House. He forced the entity to bargain for his life over murdering the BOS. Pretty much canon Travis went the independent route, but also helped House achieve his goals with New Vegas without slaughtering people. Travis also let it be known to the BOS if they try any shit and break any truces they’ll be promptly wiped out. The same goes for House...any shady crap or betrayal Travis hacks open House’s chamber and does away with him. Since then, though, he and House have become great friends and the BOS proved to be great allies and New Vegas and the surrounding areas of the Mojave are thriving.
2. preferred armor?
Travis mostly used reinforced metal armor. In game, after the Lonesome Road dlc he used the Courier’s Duster...but since that dlc isn’t canon for me, Travis obtained that item by buying it from a clothing merchant.
3. melee, guns, energy weapons, or unarmed?
Travis mostly uses explosives (not sure what that’d fall under?) like mines, grenades, or dynamite. He also really enjoyed the flame throwers, grenade launchers, nuke launchers, and the weapon called shishkabob. Gun wise he mostly stuck to his silenced sniper rifle and the rifle he got from Gun Runners called Medicine Stick.
12. how did the bullet affect them?
The bullet took away all his past memories before he was a courier. He does remember a few scant things like going on a Brahmin Drive in the Big Circle, but his entire childhood and family is completely wiped out. He doesn’t remember every single thing while he was a courier either. Anything having to do with his home or family is gone, but his travels and deliveries for the most part remained in tact. It’s fortunate he doesn’t really remember the night he was shot, but he does remember the events leading up to it. As a result he doesn’t like being restrained in any way. It freaks him out and he doesn’t know why, but somehow his subconscious knows. He also gets the occasional headache and a sharp pain in the area he was shot, but those pains have been fading through the years.
13. how did they deal with benny?
Travis faced Benny with swords in Caesar’s battle pit at Fortification Hill. He hated to kill him as Travis truly isn’t the revenge type regardless. Benny had told him it was the only way and for New Vegas to thrive it had to be done. More or less it was like a sacrifice of sorts. Killing Benny ensured that Travis could walk out of the Fort and continue on with the mission Benny originally planned.
Thanks for the Ask I really appreciate it!
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for Travis, What do you have in your pockets? What makes you laugh? What, if anything, shocks or offends you? :D
“What’s in my pockets? Hmmm...” Travis digs around in the front two pockets of his jeans and tosses on the table a bent key, five rusted bottle caps from Nuka Cola, a stem from a jalapeno, and two red poker chips. Reaching around to his back pockets he pulls out a worn, leather wallet which he tosses on the table with the rest of the stuff and manages to find a few bullets which makes him smirk. “Wondered where those went to.” Moving his hand to the pocket on the front left of his shirt he pulls out a jalapeno which promptly gets put in his mouth and a few unused matches. “Good thing I ain’t wearing my duster...probably have a lot of crap in those pockets.”
Looking over the next question makes Travis grin. “Oh, hell, lots of stuff makes me laugh. My cyberdog’s always doing goofy shit to make me laugh...umm...being tickled in a place I ain’t telling you where, ummm...being told a great pun or joke. Prob stuff like when something happens that coulda ended up really bad, but came out ok somehow. Hell, even great stuff can make me laugh ‘cause it was simply great!”
“Hmm...what, if anything shocks or offends me?” Travis gives his moustache a twitch as he tries to think of something to answer the question with. “Well, maybe shocked that people can be such heartless beasts at times. I got me a sad story in a ways and nothing beats what my partner’s got by way of a shit backstory. I just reckon I’ve been sheltered too long and think that people couldn’t possibly be that horrible to each other. I reckon that’s a good answer? Offends me? Umm...ain’t too much, but you insult my lover and my family...hell, my pets too, then you got trouble. Other than that ain’t much that can offend me. Hell, I might be the one to make the person trying to offend me turn tail and run ‘cause I offended them more. Heh.”
Thanks for asking!
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my followers made me do this for 3 separate couriers & it was a good exercise so sdkfjdskf. IF you want, 1-50 on the courier questions for ur boy travis
Sorry it took me so long to respond, but I got bombarded with Asks on this and my job kept me hopping as well. Answering all fifty might prove impossible on my part right now, not to mention that’ll be a seriously long, long post and I don’t want to torture my followers lol (and i doubt anyone will even read all fifty) For now I’ll choose six that I haven’t already answered. They’re all great questions and I know it’s going to be difficult to choose. Thanks for not only making the list, but for even asking me to do them. If you want to know more about Travis, please feel free to stop by any time or follow me. The other questions from your list people asked me are not too buried on my wall so if you’re truly interested in seeing the answers, they’re there. Please check them out. Thanks again…It’s always a great thing to have another fan of my courier.
8. any romantic partners? how do these relationships begin and end? are they healthy?
During the quest for the Platinum Chip and nonsense for Hoover Dam, Travis briefly hooked up with Boone. It wasn’t exactly romantic, but it was also way more than friends. It started with mild flirting on Travis’ part and eventually it broke Boone down enough to where he kissed Travis. It was all mostly “last chance at something good” in Boone’s eyes as he always never expected to live another day. After the battle for Hoover Dam, Boone realized how much he missed being in the NCR so he signed up with them again. He didn’t discuss anything with Travis so his leaving blindsided the courier. It didn’t end well, put it that way. For the longest time Travis had his Securitrons on a “shoot to kill” mode if Boone were to ever put one toe on the Strip. Thankfully that’s no longer the case. Currently, Travis is married to sole survivor, Riley White. They’ve been together for almost three years now. Travis was in Boston looking for cats, but the redhead caught his eye instead. They got close super fast and are now inseparable. It’s one relationship that won’t ever end other than when they leave this earthly realm.
10. where were they born/raised? when/why did they leave?
Travis was born and raised in Hackberry, Arizona on his parents’ ranch, the D in T. He left when he was about 20 years old to become a courier for the simple fact he thought it was a fascinating job. He also figured it’d give him the chance to see more of the world that he heard caravans and other couriers talk about.
11. when, why and how did they become a courier? how long did they remain a courier before benny shot them?
Travis always thought couriers had an interesting job as they got to travel around and see new places. He was about twenty when he made the announcement that’s what he wanted to pursue as a career. His parents were sad as they hoped he’d keep on work at the ranch, but still gave him their blessing. Travis made his way to the Mojave Express in town and put in an application. He was so excited when he got accepted for work. Travis was a courier for about four years before that fateful night in New Vegas when he was abducted and taken to a grave in the town of Goodsprings where Benny not only took the package Travis was delivering, but shot him in the head.
25. what were their parents like? are they still on good terms with their parents?
Travis’ parents are hardworking, peaceful ranchers. They love their son very much and support all his crazy schemes and whims. With being shot in the head, Travis unfortunately forgot almost everything about his past and that includes his family. It wasn’t too long ago when he and Riley made a journey back to Arizona to seek them out. Even though Travis has no clue about them or his life there, he is glad to have that part of his loss back. He’s making new memories with them at least.
37. do they draw, paint, play any instruments?
Travis can somewhat draw, but it’s nothing amazing or fancy. People can still tell what it is he’s doodling and that’s what counts. He never got into painting other than like household projects and things like that. Instruments he plays are guitar and harmonica. He’s very good with the guitar and plays often. He also writes his own songs and music. Occasionally he will play on stage at the Tops for free to help bring in caps for the theater.
44. what do they do with the lucky 38? do they like being there? do they leave their companions there? if they’re a yes-man courier, do they open it back up as a casino?
Travis truly hates being at the Lucky 38 or any part of the city. He’s a country boy through and through and is the most happiest when he’s out on the range or out at his parents’ ranch. Rex and ED-D stay there all the time and Boone did also when they were friends. Sometimes Arcade would visit and really enjoyed the lavish lifestyle. Travis made it known that when he leaves New Vegas that Arcade will be the one to take over command and live in the Lucky 38. As for re-opening it as a casino, no. Travis tore up a good majority of the floors making them his personal work rooms and storage areas so having hotel guests wouldn’t work out at all. He also doesn’t feel like monitoring people and where they might go. He isn’t keen on anyone finding out about the sub basement area where House’s collection of pre-war vehicles are (not to mention the one he and Riley got running and use) There’s also the fact that he doesn’t want anyone up in the Penthouse to nose around there and harass House. Travis also likes his privacy so having the casino open would be bad for him all the way around.
Thanks for your interest and for sending an Ask. Hope you can find the other answered questions.
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Yay! Do numbers 7, 18, 20, 42, 43, and 47!
7. favorite companions? least favorite companions?
(I’m going to go by canon for this answer as my gaming is obviously much different and this sounds more personal as opposed to game bs)
Travis always kept Rex and ED-E at his side when he obtained them, but when it came to human/humanoid he only went with Boone. He appreciated the sniper’s quiet demeanor and not being harassed with a ton of questions about his forgotten past and feelings about being shot in the head. Least fave person to be around would have probably been Raul only for the simple fact Travis loathed being called “boss” all the time. It literally drove Travis ape-shit to the point where he couldn’t wait to get him the heck off of Black Mountain and back in the Mojave so Raul could continue going on doing whatever it was Raul does. They’re very good friends, mind you, just traveling and doing missions together just wasn’t going to work.
18. what do the people on the strip think of them? the omertas, the white gloves, the chairmen, ncr military police, mr. house? do the gamblers like them?
Omertas were a hard sell at first, but it’s a decent alliance now to say the least. It got worked out that as long as nothing shady goes on or chems are being sold Travis lets them run their business as they please. It took a while for them to trust him, but seeing Travis’ motives were fair and just they began to like and appreciate him more. The White Gloves can’t figure Travis out and Travis surely can’t figure them out. He knows they cringe every time he goes into the Ultra Luxe in his dusty boots and cowboy hat, but he doesn’t care. They are thankful he helped bring more clientele into the Strip which brings them more caps. The Chairmen simply love him. Travis has brought them a lot of new entertainment that keeps the place packed on those nights. Travis also takes the stage from time to time as well. NCR consider him a mild threat, but a good ally since he does give them funding towards their camps. The threat comes from Travis’ removal of them from the Hoover Dam situation and their encroachment in Freeside. They know the power behind him and how easy it’d be for him to wipe them out totally from the area. However, they do a lot of negotiations, but with them having zero control over everything they used to leaves them a bit miffed. Mister House thinks he’s a backwater hick for the most part, but he is still impressed over all Travis has accomplished. Through the years they’ve become better friends, mostly thanks to Riley coming around and being able to discuss pre-war things with House. Gamblers don’t really care one way or another about Travis. He generally stays to himself playing slots. His wins are never big enough to do anything, but usually when he does win he ends up giving it to some random person that might have lost big.
20. do they have a theme song?
Well, I’m not too sure how to answer this really. I’m not sure if this means if there’s a song that I hear that reminds me of Travis or if there’s a song that he really likes from his world that he associates with. Too vague of a question so I’ll answer how I deem fit and will choose the song that reminds me of him thus making it a theme song. How I’ll Always Be by Tim McGraw would be what I’d pick as Travis’ theme song. Please go give it a listen. The lyrics hit so close to Travis’ personality.
42. name a random fact about your courier.
Travis excels in rope tricks and gun twirling. Although he really doesn’t carry a lariat around in the Mojave, he still has one and practices whenever he feels in the mood. He loves to rope and is quite accurate with it as well. The gun twirling was something his father taught him back when he was a boy. He’s nowhere near as good as his father who can twirl two guns at the same time, but he still is quite talented with the skill.
43. do they watch movie holotapes? what are their favorites? least favorites?
For the longest time Travis had no clue about movies or anything until he met Riley. Riley told him all about holotape movies and from whatever ones that were around to be watched, Travis enjoyed any of the comedies or westerns. When Travis returned to New Vegas (with Riley joining him shortly thereafter) Travis’ relationship with House improved and House was more willing to share things with him such as the vast amount of holotapes he has stored in his data banks amongst other things. The westerns and comedies still stay the same and Travis does have a fondness for The Wizard of Oz and any of Elvis’ movies. Least fave...any sappy love story and drama like that. He wasn’t keen on Cassablanca or Gone With the Wind. Both were too dramatic for him and the latter was simply too long to hold his interest.
47. what are their vices? are they an alcoholic, a thief, a hoarder?
I would have to say his thing for setting things on fire or blowing things up. In the past it had got completely out of hand to the point where he’d be tossing grenades or dynamite at any rotted out car or destroyed building. He’d even take a blow torch to abandoned trucks, get their grills on fire, then run off as the thing would soon ignite and explode. Since an almost life threatening accident he’s toned things down seriously. Eating hot peppers could probably be a vice of his as he’d always be found munching on them or having a handful in his pocket at all times. He even likes them as sides with his meals.
Thank you so much for the Ask!
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For the headcanon prompt thingy, do the whole alphabet, A-Z!
Oh gosh you curious anon you :D Well ok then here ya go! Hope you read this all and appreciate this lol
A-Arousal- what gets them aroused quickest Travis loves his hair being touched or even having fingers sifting through his goatee. Once he starts submitting all it takes is for a gentle brushing of lips against his neck and around his ear to totally do him in.
B- Broken- what it takes to break them Knowing he was betrayed, used, or lied to by someone he trusts. Trust doesn’t come too easily for him and if Travis gives it only to have it abused really messes him up.
C- Can’t- one thing that they can’t do in life/refuse to do Harm an innocent in any way. That includes stealing from someone, making a person cry on purpose, or kill/harm an animal for the hell of it.
D- Denial- something they’re in denial about Travis doesn’t like to admit it bothers him that his memories about his family and life before he got shot in the head are forever gone. He’ll tell you he’s fine with it and fine making new memories, but deep down it does hurt him deeply.
E- Eager- something they are eager to do in life He so badly wants to travel down the Long 15 and see the big waters of the west coast (the ocean). He’s heard about it a lot and is anxious to head there and see it for himself.
F- Fitness- how often they work out and what they prefer doing for a workout Travis tries to work out a little every day by either walking or going for a quick swim. He does lift small weights from time to time as well. He likes to stay toned and fit, but doesn’t want to become a big muscle bound man. Sex is also a good workout plan he tries and indulge in as much as possible as it works on keeping his heart rate up and helps him remain flexible.
G- Guarded- something they always guard (item can physical or mental like their feelings) Travis tends to guard how he’s really feeling when hit with one of his self-conscious bouts. He would much rather say he’s doing fine than to admit what’s wrong or what’s bothering him. He’s not so good at hiding that as he thinks, but more often than not he simply tries to avoid the situation and make sure those around him are happy and not focus on his issues.
H- Hell- what will make their life hell Being without Riley.
I- Ingenuity- how clever they can be in tough situations Although he plays dumb a lot of times, Travis is really quite smart and creative. Not only can he bullshit his way out of almost any circumstance, but he can also be very calculating. He figures the easiest way to get something done and most of the time it works either verbal or physical and of course nothing can beat a well placed explosive in a lot of situations.
J- Jealous- how easily they get jealous Not very. Travis isn’t one to get jealous, especially over material things. For him it’s a wasted emotion.
K- Killer- how old they were when they first killed someone 24. Believe it or not up until the point when he was shot in the head, Travis really never faced a situation that would be necessary to kill someone. It was kind of a rude wake up call for him, but yet it didn’t bother him too much as when you’re defending yourself or someone you do what you have to do.
L- Lust- what they lust after in life Only his partner, Riley.
M- Maturity- how mature they are as an adult For the most part Travis can be mature. However he’s extremely playful and finds joy in just about everything. He loves to play and loves to pull pranks. He still giggles over fart noises from living beings or inanimate objects. Pretty much he’s just a big kid, but knows when he has to let the adult stuff happen like when he has to take care of city business or negotiations.
N- Negligence- what they can be negligent about Mostly household tasks such as washing dishes, putting laundry away or even properly taking care of his weapons. He even has a tendency to leave things in his pants pockets that he tosses in the laundry. If those things were simply caps it wouldn’t be a big deal, but his wallet has been found numerous times as well as a few grenades.
O- Opinionated- one thing they are very opinionated about How humans treat any Super Mutants, Nightkin, or non-feral ghouls. Travis doesn’t understand why people have to be so hateful or violent to these beings. Yes, there are some bad ones, but there are some bad humans as well.
P- Persistent- how persistent can they be about something Sometimes once he gets his mind set on something, Travis can be a total pain in the ass about it. He will oblige when told to settle down or knock it off, but he can’t help but squirm over it and drop little comments here and there.
Q- Quest- what they feel their quest in life is/their main goal in life Travis would really love to move out of New Vegas and get a ranch of his own. Helping run New Vegas and getting it and the surrounding areas of the Mojave into shape was great, but it wasn’t his life goal. He was forced into it more or less. He longs to have his own place and be in charge of his own things.
R- Regret- what they regret most in life Hooking up intimately with a certain NCR sniper for a few weeks of whatever it was. He wishes he never allowed the more than friend’s situation to happen and wishes he never continued to encourage it.
S- Strength- where they find their strength Most certainly Riley. He helps encourage Travis to keep trying and striving forth with so many things. Even when Travis feels hopeless or scared or simply wants to give up on something positive, Riley’s always there with help and encouragement.
T- Test- something that will test them to their limits Persistent jerks that don’t know how to take ‘no’ as an answer. Too many times he was badgered by the wrong person over something that could have been ended when he said no. The results are almost always the same, the pest eventually gets Travis’ fist in their face.
U- Unbelievable- one thing that they experienced that they still have a hard time believing was real There’s been quite a few, but probably helping out the Boomers at Nellis Air Force Base bring a crashed B-29 to the surface of Lake Mead is one of his more surreal ones. With help of an underwater breathing apparatus and some robots, Travis was able to connect some ballasts to the plane. It was a lot of work not only getting it to the surface, but to the shore then back to the base. Seeing his friends rebuild the plane and get it flying was amazing and even more amazing was when they took him up in it for a ride.
V- Vengeance- have they ever wanted vengeance on someone Of course...I mean he was shot in the head and lived to tell the tale. His focus after recovering was finding the person who did it and dispatch of them. It was his first and hopefully his last time having to deal with the topic of vengeance.
W- Waiting- how good they are at waiting on something/someone Although Travis may have a lot of patience with people, his self-conscious issues take over when it comes to waiting for someone. He’ll wait forever, but the longer things take the more his mind torments him that maybe the person isn’t showing up because they found something better to do or someone better to hang around with. In the other department he’s got zero patience. He’s like a big kid when he knows about an outing or a surprise that forces him to wait until things are either ready or arrive.
X- xenodocheionology (the love of hotels according to some) since they do some traveling, what their favorite hotel was So far he really liked the little area of Novac and the room he has there. It’s a quaint little town with friendly people. Once the battle over Hoover Dam was over, Travis dumped a lot of funding to that town to help them rebuild and thrive.
Y- Yield- one thing that will make them stop what they’re doing no matter what The mention of food. Travis loves to eat. I was going to say “sex” but that is only an option for one person to offer. Food, however, anyone can offer.
Z- Zoo- how old they were when they first went to a zoo and what their favorite animal was. Zoos don’t exist in the wasteland as far as I know, but he does enjoy reading about them a pre-war book he has up in his penthouse. He would have liked going to a zoo and his most favorite animal there would certainly be an elephant.
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Oh yay! How about numbers 50, 48, 45, 44, 43, 35, 33, 29, 28, and 16!
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? Travis loves anything and everything connected to Nuka Cola. He has quite the collection that he keeps in the gaming room of the Presidential Suite at the Lucky 38. Mostly he collects unopened bottles of the specialty colas like Quartz, Victory, and Quantum. He loves how they glow and even keeps a few scattered around the suite as night lights of sorts. He's been trying to convince a few store owners to trade their neon signs with him, but so far no deal. Asking Michael Angelo to make him his own might be the best route to take.28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?His biggest fear would be if he were to lose Riley. It doesn't matter in what form that loss would take, it isn't one he is ever wanting to face or deal with. Aside from that, what generally scares Travis are cazadors. Those giant flying stinging nasty bugs are like the ninjas of the insect world. They appear without a sound and even manage to get under the radar so to speak. Many times even Travis' cyberdog Rex doesn't bark in warning until the bugs are almost on top of them. When Travis is afraid of something he does his best to remain cool and calm. If he were to give in and act on fears like one would typically respond he could end up dead. Keeping a cool head keeps a person alive in a scary situation.29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? Travis isn't the type to make fun of anyone in that manner. Fear is nasty business and he wouldn't do anything to make things worse for that person. He would try and help console that person over whatever they might be afraid of or even help them avoid it all together. If it's something that isn't easily avoided he would do his best to try and get them to trust him and concentrate on him so they can get through it together. I wouldn't say he's protective about it, but maybe more like the calm that scared person would need.33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?Travis likes boxers. Sometimes he will wear briefs if his lazy ass didn't do laundry, but more often than not he'll be wearing boxers. His absolute favorite are the black satin ones he got and he made sure to have quite a few of those in his possession.35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? Guilty pleasure would be blowing stuff up or setting things on fire. He's got to do that. He's since settled down with the explosives since an almost serious mishap happened a while back. Now he's way more careful. Unguilty would be eating jalapenos. He loves hot and spicy food and usually has a few in his pockets to snack on. He also tends to put the peppers in a lot of his recipes. I'm quite sure you could put sex with Riley in this category, but I wasn't sure if that was appropriate to the question pffft lol43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?He has no use for religion and honestly doesn't understand those that follow it like they do. He's spiritual, but doesn't believe in much of anything that's pounded into peoples' heads. He doesn't care what a person believes in as long as they're not radicals or zealots. Non religious folks are the same for him. He really doesn't give any of it any thought until someone pushes it in his face or mildly brings it up.44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? Being from the desert Travis really doesn't know much about seasons. He learned about the cold and snow when he ventured up into the mountains, however. Spending time in the Boston Commonwealth did teach him about spring and fall. He does like the spring very much there. Something about how fresh the air smells and the new greens of the plants. Travis is a cowboy so he adapts very well to all climates. He does't like the cold, however, and will complain about it. He'll adapt, but that doesn't mean he's necessarily happy.45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? People see him as strong and confident and able to overcome anything that comes his way. Travis doesn't see that about himself at all. He's honestly quite shy around meeting new people and really detests speaking in front of more than two or three people. He has low self-esteem, but his determination usually defeats that depending on the situation. Even though he's accomplished a lot of good in the Mojave, he still feels like no one cares or even knows he exists.48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? Travis is an introvert so he'd do his best to avoid parties or gatherings like that if he could. He'd not plan one on purpose either. Gatherings with a few close friends is one thing, but he's not the loud music and loud crowd type at all. He'd be quiet and hang out in the corner drinking a beer or eating. If the host had a pet chances are he'd be hanging with the critter instead of mingling with people. That would be the same if he were to be dragged along by a friend, he'd still be eating or drinking off somewhere quieter. He wouldn't be too anti-social as he would talk to people if he knew them or if he's approached and he might dance if a song he liked came on. Other than that he's just a two person party boy...put him in a room with his partner and he'd be the most happiest.50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?I'm quite certain Travis would take lots of dynamite, jalapenos, and ammo for his rifle. He would also take a repair kit for his gun, a knife, and a whet stone to sharpen the knife. For him those are the essentials as he knows how to live off the land and manage just fine. To really survive you need to travel light and Travis certainly knows how to do that.
Thank you so much for sending these! Sorry it took so long!
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13 for Travis, if you please~
13. What makes them laugh?
Sometimes it would be what doesn’t make him laugh...Travis finds humor in a lot of things and can even be immature about it at times. He will snicker at fart sounds that inanimate objects make, he finds subtle dirty humor in a lot of things, and he truly loves good puns. Antics by both animals and kids are on that list too. The good thing is he’d never laugh at someone for being upset or hurt. He loves to pull pranks, but never the kind that would hurt someone or piss them off. Jokes are meant to be funny, not harmful.
Pfft...figures out of all the questions I end up with two the same. Great minds think alike I reckon lol Thanks for asking!
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10 and 13!
Ah new things for me to ponder....let’s see...
10. What are 3 goals they want to accomplish?
One of the easiest of the three is to see the big waters off the California coast. Yeah, that’s simple enough and something he’s been pining to do ever since he heard about it. Considering all his travels seeing the ocean is important to him. No doubt it’s from being surrounded by sand or plains all the time. Seeing water so vast and endless is surreal to him. A second thing would probably give up being in charge of New Vegas. He has nothing against the big city and is rather proud of all he’s accomplished there, but he grows tired of it. With that goal the third goes hand in hand with it and that’s to either take over his parents’ ranch out in Arizona or have a ranch of his own. Chances are he wouldn’t want it so big and tending to so many animals as his folks, but something nice and quiet where he can make whiskey and/or moonshine, ride his Steed over his lands, and live out his life with his husband Riley. Getting married is one goal he won’t discuss, however, as he feels it’d be imposing on his part.
13. What makes them laugh?
Sometimes it would be what doesn’t make him laugh...Travis finds humor in a lot of things and can even be immature about it at times. He will snicker at fart sounds that inanimate objects make, he finds subtle dirty humor in a lot of things, and he truly loves good puns. Antics by both animals and kids are on that list too. The good thing is he’d never laugh at someone for being upset or hurt. He loves to pull pranks, but never the kind that would hurt someone or piss them off. Jokes are meant to be funny, not harmful.
Well...those both took some thought. Thank you!
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Travis, do you consider yourself the mayor of New Vegas? Or the governor? Is there a ruling council to decide important things? Like the building of new buildings or the fixing of old ones. To bring back things like dancing halls, theatre, roller skating rinks, or to help fund things such as the repair of that rollercoaster you mentioned? Maybe even an art school or a music school. Stuff that isn't really necessary for survival but makes a community happy. Just a few suggestions. 😊
Wooeee...now you really got some questions here don’t cha, missy? Well, then...I consider myself to be co-ruler. Mister House has the full blown honors in that aspect. He does listen to me and respects my ideas and stuff. After all, his vision was to restore New Vegas. I do my best and in the almost 10 years I’ve been in charge so much has improved. Freeside is no longer slums and there’s lots of businesses and eateries there. No more thugs none either! Getting in the Strip is still the same strict policy of having 2000 caps. Outside of New Vegas I helped fund and improve the town of Goodsprings. After all, if it weren’t for them I wouldn’t be alive today! I helped Novac as well. I do have Arcade Gannon help me with a lot of things and I do send funds to any medical places and especially the refugee camps. Fortification Hill where Caesar ruled is now a safe haven for my pal Raul Tejada to live. He and many of his ghoul pals as well as some Nightkin and Super Mutants live there. I also got the lodging in Jacobstown fixed up and it’s now an elite getaway for people wanting to play in the snow and do whatever.
I do like your idea about a dancing hall. I might have to take that into consideration. Freeside could use a fun thing like that there. Art or music schools sound great to me too. There are plans in the works to get the schoolhouse in Goodsprings back up and running. Riley showed interest in teaching classes there. That’s great for him and would probably be the convincing he needs to completely move here to New Vegas with me instead of us doing the travel back and forth like we do twice a year or so across country.
Skating rinks sound interesting to me. I know on Black Mountain I found a bunch of skates, but the ground is shit for such little wheels. I might have to ask Riley or even Mister House about that sort of thing and maybe that can be next on my list to have happen. I do plan on trying to bring back rodeos. I’ve been reading a lot about them and since bighorners are a bitch to ride that’s the main attraction. I plan on getting some Steeds here from my parents’ ranch and have been teaching a few interested people in how to use a lariat. Not sure when this will happen, but it ain’t too soon.
I do consider New Vegas as mine because I do have more say in what goes on than not. I’d really rather not have the title of anything...co-ruler sounds good enough for now. Gosh I am sure this was all scattered and such, but it was such a good and thought out few questions! Thanks so much for asking and I hope this answered you in some way!
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A package arrives at the Lucky 38. It's addressed to "The brave courier who saved New Vegas." Inside the package is a light blue Tupperware containing some light purplish cookies. A note inside the package reads, "To the brave courier, I baked you some cookies. These are made with mutfruit and honey. They are very sweet and tasty. I heard about you from some caravans. Please enjoy! Signed, Sarah" Faye O'Connor
The low drawl from the securitron guarding the door to the Lucky 38 came over the intercom up in the Presidential Suite. It informed Travis a courier just dropped off the mail. Taking the elevator downstairs, Travis made his way to the door and gathered up the package that was waiting for him with the robot. Once upstairs he went into the kitchen and opened the package. Taking up the note he read it and softly chuckled. “’bout time people know I like to eat,” he said aloud to himself as he bit into the cookie. A satisfied hum escaped his throat as the new taste filled his mouth. “Gosh dang! Well, whoever you are, Miss Sarah, much obliged for the cookies,” he remarked, giving a thankful nod to the blue container before gathering it up and taking it into the game room to share the treats with his partner.
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