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rainbow-nerdss · 9 months ago
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narelleart · 4 years ago
I mentioned in my previous post that I would be interested in modifying the current way fish species are described. I’ve been looking into that a bit, and while modern descriptions do often include some notes about the habitat or other fishes, they are still missing some of the information I’d like to see, some of which would be very easy to collect.
My ideal species description would include:
All requisite description material for the delineation of the new species, i.e. morphological description, any genetics research conducted, comparisons to relatives, etc.
Habitat parameters: pH, DO, salinity (where applicable), TDS, flow rate, depth, etc.
Habitat description, ex: dark blackwater with little flow,, heavily shaded by surrounding vegetation, located in [geology descr.]
Other fish species captured during sampling when holotype was collected
Sampling of macroinvertebrates and plankton communities, with representative taxa listed (note that these are not only relevant to possible food options but also are indicators of water quality)
identification of aquatic and riparian plant species at collection site (but if no ID, at least mention them in the habitat description)
any other relevant notes about nearby area, ex: near town with agricultural runoff
any other nonfish animal species observed in the habitat during sampling, i.e herpetofauna, birds
Provided you don’t have time/funding limits preventing the collection of this data, and have reasonable knowledge of the other taxa found in the region to be able to identify them to a useful taxonomic level (doesn’t have to be very specific in some taxa - macros are often ID’d to order or family, IDing them even to genus is a rare skill), most of these should be fairly reasonable things to test or make note of during your initial sampling for fishes. Particularly water parameters - I can’t imagine why those aren’t already measured every time sampling is conducted. If a research institute invests in a probe and maintains it well, most of these readings can be taken with a quick digital measurement that takes no time or exceptional effort. Sampling other taxa is pretty time consuming, so that’s the one on this list most likely to be cut by restraints, but I think its important enough to include where possible because understanding the community a species exists in is much more valuable to any future uses of the research.
As I mentioned in the notes of the previous post, while I could see some possible resistance to including this information because science likes to be concise and this isn’t necessary for delineating species, I think broadening the scope of the information included alongside the species description can only make the research more useful not only for future studies, but for everything research gets used for outside of the sciences. Governments, companies, individual citizens...research is for everyone’s benefit, and species descriptions would be both more useful and more accessible if they included at least some of this information.
But anyways, I am curious what else anyone would like to see in a species description? Anything that would require significantly more, involved research would be unlikely to make it in to such a revision of the species description format, since those basically require their own studies and so are better treated as their own research. But if it takes only a reasonable amount of effort to collect the extra information, why not include it?
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tolerateit · 5 years ago
Swifties reblog this post with your tracking tag and whether or not you'd like it if you're tagged in edits for artists other than Taylor, and if yes, mention those artists?
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victorcrystalgem · 3 years ago
wait is xxtc (the mewtwo person idk) a transphobe? Is there proof?
They have consistently misgendered frisk since what, 2018? 2017? And when confronted about it they said some shit among the lines of “their gender is up to interpretation and I chose to portray them as a boy”. Really easy to find examples of that, just gotta look up “gender” in their blog. There’s also this shit that still makes my blood boil
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Picture taken on October 7th 2021, I’m unsure about the date of the post itself, I think it’s been deleted since I couldn’t find it anymore when I looked for it a moment ago. I also couldn’t find any sort of apology so there’s that.
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themandadlorianbod · 3 years ago
I don't care aboutother blogs say but there is one blog that lies. I say it here because I know from experience that she doesn't take into account the ask that doesn't go her way. I don't know who is "av liker" but SM didn't come to London to translate her book. That's not how the process works. The book was released far too recently to ask for an English translation. He doesn't need to be physically there to send his book. The first procedure is always done electronically. I work in this field.
lmaooo the irony of the obvious bias and reach when I’m just over here using common sense best I can, not claiming to know anything for sure 🤷🏻‍♀️
also if y’all knew everything I knew about this so-called ‘av liker’ 😅
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poarwear-blog · 6 years ago
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Have you seen the iClasp?😍Designed by Frank Tully dreamer at heart and her beautiful lovely wife Kim Tully 💕🙏This is such a great product available for your apple watch!💕👏Also the story behind the idea is so touching!Read the reason why this product was created by Frank.This is amazing!It is a 💡 beautiful story and meaningful creation. Please Read about it on his website @ iClasp.com . Frank is a cancer survivor that was partially paralyzed in his hands.👏He was thinking about you ,other people like him .PLEASE READ HIS STORY.👏👏This product is going to be so beneficial for so many people , your love ones. 😍😍💕👏🙏👏👏👏👏I love 💕 these #entrepreneurs .I feel so blessed by being surrounded with so many talented individuals Thank you @hsnamericandreams 💕for the opportunity 🙏#inventors #entrepreneurs #cincinnati #disability #disabled #paralized #justbecause #icare #care #aboutothers #entrepreneurship #ideas #peoplescreative #people #applewatch #iphone #americanstyle #americandreams #usa #boss #men #mensfashion #women #womenswear #fashion #fashionista #fashionblogger #pilots (at Cincinnati)
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vidamouremortem · 7 years ago
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#physicaltraining #outdoors #changeroutine #dontworry #aboutothers #doyou #havefun #atyourpace #enjoylife #enjoyyourday #enjoythelittlethings #enjoyyoself #enjoyyourday #unplug #beonewithnature #writing #words #vidamourmortem #blogger #vidamourmortem
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damsheshot · 8 years ago
As I’ve told you many times before im here for you il always be here for you, but your happiness matter to me more than my own so if you really want me to go dont try to push just tell me to my face. Your happiness is what matters to me and I cant be the one who causes it I’ll settle for being the one who didnt stand in the way.
Your an amazing person you may not see bit but I do, and I believe many others do too. try not to push away those close to you for those are the people who care the most.
Tell your friends your family and your however how much you care for them when your sad or down or even just a little confused dont tell the people who are important to you dont leave themor force them to leave you. In the end we are all human and all need someone to show support and love.
Thought for Thought for Everyone
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anathikimaitha · 8 years ago
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#dontcare #aboutothers #successful #people #lifequotes #lifegoals #whatever #loveyourself #qotd #quote #quoteoftheday #word #instaword #instaquote #katakata #wise #advice #motivation #inspiration #inspirational (di Puli, T'Ai-Wan, Taiwan)
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rainbowsandchocolate · 2 years ago
This means so freaking much. I cannot count the number of times I've gotten weird looks or vomments when I kept mentioning things like feminism or climate justice in discussions aboutother topics because these things are important to me.
This mens a lot because, wh foile I obviously am not a member of all of these groups I am a member of some of them and I have been in situations where I felt like I couldn't quite discover the person I wanted to be because I know some people would just make unfunny jokes.
And you're always expected to stay neutral and calm and rational in a discussion so you're not a "screaming, emotional" person but that's so damn hart when the discussion isn't actually a theoretical one because talking about gay marriage is talking about your rights. And when you slip up and let your emotions fail and produce some bad faith arguments we don't have to take you seriously anyway.
And women are raised with this whole other set of rules that isn't really acknowledged but if you don't follow them you're an annoying screaming activist that we don't have to take seriously but if you do you're just a woman and we still don't have to take you seriously.
And I'm the kinda queer person who's all rainbows and flannels and pronoun pins and I've definitely gotten questions about the pins (which are fine in theory but not always in the way they are asked) and dumb comments about all the rainbow merch and at the same time it's still not enough of a stereotype for some people to even consider I might not be straight, so I can't win.
I'm definitely going off a huge tangent here these are just some of my experiences related to stereotypes (fitting into them or not fitting because I'm afraid of that label) and I don't know if anyone will read this but this post just spoke to me very loudly and I had to share
y'know what? fuck it! shout out to all my fellow "stereotypes!"
shoutout to my fellow autists who do feel like a kid in an adult’s body because their mind works differently. shoutout to my fellow systems who have alters that lash out, and/or alters of fictives from popular media. shoutout to my fellow bpd folks who get clingy and have abandonment issues. shoutout to the autists who act "robotic" and love trains or dinosaurs. shoutout to the people with OCD/OCPD who do get obsessions with cleanliness and orderliness, who do wash their hands over and over, who do lock and unlock the doors a specific number of times. shoutout to the people struggling with intrusive thoughts that do get the violent ones and the sexual ones, not just the self-injurious ones.
shoutout to my fellow flamboyant gays. shoutout to the lesbians who wear flannel and have buzzcuts. shoutout to the aces who like space and cake and dragons. shoutout to the aces who are stoic and don't have an interest in bonding with people even non-romantically. shoutout to the nbs with neopronouns and names like "star." shoutout to the queers(or otherwise lgbt+ folk if you don't use that term for yourself) who have dyed and cut hair, wear a shitload of pronoun pins, wear a rainbow binder that can be seen, and love talking about how much they love being part of the community.
shoutout to my fellow activists who yell and get mad. shoutout to my fellow activists who bring up the problems in things, even if it means "always making it political." shoutout to the feminists who don't wear bras or shave, and don't get along with men.
shoutout to the men who struggle with emotions. shoutout to the men who love blue and camo and trucks and fixing things and sports and hunting. shoutout to the women who cry easily. shoutout to the women who take hours getting ready. shoutout to the women who love pink and shopping and shoes and cooking and taking care of kids and cleaning.
i'm very white so i'll summarize the next one: shoutout to all the BIPOC fitting into "stereotypes" as well. if anyone who is BIPOC wants to give specific shout outs, go for it!
to anyone who fits these or any other "stereotypes":
You are not a stereotype. You are a person with traits and qualities. You are not doing anything wrong by being true to yourself, whether that means fitting expectations or not.
Anyone who hates whatever group you are in for these "stereotypes" would hate your group regardless; anyone who accuses you of "giving your group a bad name" is deflecting the hate onto you because it's easier to pretend that it's nothing they are doing that gets that hatred; the truth is, bigots are bigots and they will always find a "reason" to be hateful. You trying to avoid "stereotypes" will never change that.
(do not fucking clown on this post. you will not get a debate from me, you will get blocked.)
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pangtasias-atelier · 5 years ago
Requests back open
Alongside weight gain, you can also request muscle growth.
Unsure aboutother kinks but you can always asks and worstcase it's no.
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driderbeats · 8 years ago
[NOTICE]: ===> Muse Introduction
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This is... Strange. It feels as if they've been here before.
Name: Pastel (have yet to think of last name) (pronounced Past-ul)
Age: 24
Huntsman spider Faunus, dominant trait; "Drider". Human looking from the waist up, spider from the waist down. (Not like the face claim though). Basically a spider centaur. Also has 4 eyes.
Height: (resting) 7'9" / (legs fully extended) 12'7"
Weight: 465 pounds (mostly carapace and spider half)
Color: Pastel purple
Gender: Cis-female. Pronouns are her/she/they/them/their (does not mind female or neutral pronouns)
Notable features: 4 eyes, body is fused to that of a massive spider starting below the navel, pastel purple fuzz and exoskeleton,  over ear (ear muff style) headphones that are HeadSweet Radial brand, XXXL Navy blue hoodie featuring the team symbol of the Patch Lancelots lacrosse team (their father's old team)
Important: Though mostly still in WIP, there are some solidified details. One of which being that Pastel is autistic, more specfically PDD-NOS/atypical type.  This means that they struggle in certain areas but are unaffected in a several others. What areas are I have yet to decide. That's where I am still deciding, but all well eventually be decided.
Other notes:
- Does not wear a bra. "Too itchy"
- Very emotionally attached to their headphones (gift from older brother), hoodie (gift from father), Mugsqueak plush (given by mother at a very young age), and to the smell of milk and honey soaps (comforting, was the scent of the detergent and dryer sheets mother used for laundry)
- Very sensitive to noise, so always wears headphones and has music playing so they can drown it out. Also lives near the Swarm Barrier in a cave (refurbished and altered into a living space) as the buzzing noise seems to act as a form of white noise to Pastel.
- Very sensitive to scents. Milk and honey soap is the only soap allowed to touch their clothing, sheets, and skin. Cities and restaurants are overwhelming.
- Prone to tapping their legs along to the beat of what they're listening to, which can occasionally appear to be a stationary dance.
- Does produce silk and sells it online to companies and close acquaintances.
- Bimonthly visits from a physician to make sure they are okay. Reasonable, given the location they live in.
- Seems to keep a lot of things in their hoodie pouch, including their plushie.
- DOES visit civilization from time to time, mostly for social interaction outside of the internet.
Face claim: Rachnera Arachnera, Monster Musume no iru Nichijou
Note: HEAVILY work in progress, but still RP ready.
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interracialmatch2019-blog · 6 years ago
Interracial Love, Dating & Relationships: What Not To Do (Video Humor)
People like saying how it doesn't matter who you date. That race totally insignificant. That everybody should spread their wings of love and date whoever desire.We a want to think that soul mates is color blind. As well as a good thing because it begins to show just how much most of us are open to interracial datingand advocate in the acceptance involving races. See, I tend to be very there for Asian men white women relationships. Problem is: when i got into one, I wasn'tthe one with the problem. it was my Asian man's side of family that stood a problem with us being white wine. Sometimes, black men would use white women as emblematic to reveal that he has acquired "social status". I disagree with the these mentalities. Everyone is equal.When two people meet, that fate. They will enjoy each other's companionship, need to spend their energy become worse their counterparts happy as opposedto trying even worse other people happy. Here in America, you would be hard pressed to choose a white individual would use the "N" word, at least in front of a black anyone. Incredibly though, many inthis country have little problem admitting that either they, or their parents, have difficulties with black white interracial dating. Them all will often accompany theirbelief by using a disclaimer nevertheless either they, or their parents, aren't racists. They may talk about the diverse friends that they have, or how serious aboutother cultures they typically. They might even defend their parents by describing how "warm" or "nice" they have been. Occasionally, though, these individualswill give an honest assessment, and admit who's isn't plenty that their parents are old-fashioned, but that usually are very well either blatantly racist, orsadly ignorant. Because online dating is so popular, you could find a black white interracial dating website that fits just about all forms of interests. When delve increasingly moremore into online dating, you will find that the perfect site are available for you, along with several of these sites are there for you are no cost rrn any way. My apologies to Dan, Dave Q and Philip. I had no idea that you were hitting on i am. I am the product of a lot of aggressive cultures: I'm a Caribbean, African American,Colonial chick. Subtlety is sadly not area of my arsenal. If tend to be a single guy and wish to mingle, why ever hook at the top of single free dating online? May be anyone might have had experience some bitterness inyour last relationships but it wouldn't be the final of this situation. We are humans, our thoughts and feelings are pass through constant develops. Nothing won'tbe stable for so long and nothing remain identical shoes you wear as surely.Many swingers are searching for single swingers at online single going out. Thisis may observe within own a lifetime. So we actually too disappointed about a past relationship which was a disaster. What gets your concept opened? Your subject area! Most guys create really generic matter lines these as "Hi". Rather create something interesting, and make confidentyou involve her title/username with regard to it.
Interracial dating app
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medievalmon · 7 years ago
Another page to be hush-hush about. This one is about recently introduced characters from this past chapter! More will be revealed later on them. 
Keep in mind, though, these are spoilers, as some characters haven’t been revealed by name yet! Spoilers are also in the tags, so be careful there too!
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happyraj1-blog · 4 years ago
how many grams in a cup
Implementation of several new area codes makes it difficult for most people to Calls placed to 473 numbers are international calls and also can be quite costly -- and, since the offenders sometimes specify the amount that how many grams in a cup the victim sees on his or her caller ID as a superior service amount -- the rate could exceed $20 for the very first moment!While place code 473 might appear to be national, it's not. Perpetrated, however, after a time, folks learned to avoid calling that single Recognize what is a domestic number and what is not, and the proliferation of Victims, harnessing their caring aboutothers in distress. Were popular in the days prior to the introduction of the web and cell For Those Who Have voicemail – as nearly everybody does now –
If either of these occurs for you -- do not call backagain. perpetrated. Beware calls coming from from area codes 809, 284, 649 and also 876, which like 473 are international, and are proven to have been used for similar scams. Obviously, should you not have a calling plan which involves calls to Canada, then there are many other area codes for which you could be charged international dialing rates, but so-called"one ring,""ring and run," or"dial and disconnect" scams are nottypically committed using Canadian numbers.Would page how to rent to own a home people asking them to come back calls for these numbers. Eventually, 473 Isn't the only area code where this scam has been Shortly before the turn of the century, the most Caribbean islands using the People learned to not call anyone back using  900 number. Likewise, until Phones (it's difficult to think that was under a generation ago), criminals Cellphones (rather than pagers) signifies that noises of trouble can be performed to "Ring and run" scams Aren't new; if 900 numbers and pagers Area code.
The Most Recent crop of scams exploits the advances in engineering -- the Victims get a call on their own phones out of place cod473 that rings once and then invisibly, thereby sparking the call-recipient's natural attraction --"who only called me from where?" Sometimes the caller actually makes it possible for the telephone to ring long enough to get the sufferer to answer --after which the caller (or the caller's robocaller program ) makes groaning noises or otherwise indicates that he or she is indistress and then hangs up, enticing the victim to wonder what's happening and return. There is ordinarily no reason to call back missed calls from statistics which you do not understand, regardless of the locationcode from which they originated. When a caller gets something significant to say, he or she is able to leave a message identifying herself or himself (or send you a text message). Do not let curiosity get the best of you. how to make buttermilk Criminals target individuals by simply calling them. Intended American state code 1 all used the Exact Same area code, 809; scams were all
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poarwear-blog · 6 years ago
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Have you seen the iClasp?😍Designed by Frank Tully dreamer at heart and her beautiful lovely wife Kim Tully 💕🙏This is such a great product for your iPhone watch!💕👏Also the reason why this product was created is amazing!It is a 💡 beautiful story and meaningful creation. Please Read about it on his website @ iClasp.com . Frank is a cancer survivor that was partially paralyzed in his hands.👏He was thinking about you ,other people like him .PLEASE READ HIS STORY.👏👏This product is going to be so beneficial for so many people. 😍😍💕👏🙏👏👏👏👏WOW I love 💕 these #entrepreneurs .I feel so blessed by being surrounded with so many talented individuals Thank you @hsnamericandreams 💕for the opportunity 🙏#inventors #entrepreneurs #cincinnati #disability #disabled #paralized #justbecause #icare #care #aboutothers (at Cincinnati)
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