waterfallswords ยท 8 months
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Name: Seraphina Sinclair / Sera Stone
Age & Birthday: 30 years old, June 6th 1993
Gender/Pronouns: cis woman she/her
Birthplace: Bakersfield, CA
Time in Hollow Cove: November 2023
Species: Air-Witch - Dempsey Not-Coven - Mercenaries
Role: Armory
Positive personality traits: Intellectual, Independent, Passionate, Determined
Negative personality traits: Paranoid, Rebellious, Impulsive, Impatient
The Sinclair name was powerhouse of innovation, working within global security and intelligence. A witch coven with a history of secrecy and close ties to the world's most covert operations. Across generations, they led the charge in defense technology and their labs buzzed with cutting-edge advancements, where the latest weaponry and surveillance systems were born from a blend of scientific brilliance and strategic insight.
Seraphina was born into this name and coven and from the moment of her first breath, her future was already written. To be a powerful witch, master her ability with the element of air and join her family within their powerful roles that held the most dangerous of secrets. Beneath the surface of progress, greed and power and deceit ruled the Sinclair name. But, Seraphina was so accustomed to their lifestyle that she never once questioned the family's ethics. Having the best of everything was an easy way to blind her and before she could work with her family and unearth their secrets, the Sinclair coven turned their backs on her.
Being able to snap her fingers and receive everything she always wanted dented Seraphina's personality. She became reckless and impulsive, enjoying a lavish lifestyle instead of focusing on any hard work. Due to her name, she believed all of the benefits would reach her regardless. The Sinclair coven were able to turn a blind eye to some of the controversies she was involved in, and they were even able to make them disappear completely. But everything changed when Seraphina stumbled upon evidence of her family's involvement in illegal arms trading with hostile nations, compromising national security. Despite internal warnings, she attempted to expose the truth and threatened to tarnish the family's reputation and legal standing.
The family, unwilling to risk exposure and damage, made the quick decision to sever ties with Seraphina. They revoked her access to family resources, froze her bank accounts and disowned her. Additionally, they manipulated their connections to ensure that Seraphina faced significant social repercussions for her actions. In an effort to erase any association with Seraphina and protect their interests, the family arranged for her to assume a new identity. Under her new identity, she became Sera Stone. A seemingly ordinary individual with no ties to her previous life of privilege and controversy. She was given a modest stipend to sustain herself for a while, but the family ensured that she would have no access to their vast wealth or resources. This forced Seraphina to navigate the world under her new identity, stripped of the privileges she once took for granted and burdened by the weight of her past transgressions.
She was also certain that the Sinclair family ensured that eyes were on her wherever possible, the paranoia and distrust worming deep into her mind. Constantly looking over her shoulder and sometimes scared for her life, Sera began a nomadic lifestyle and constantly moved through the states. But her money was running out and by the time she reached Massachusetts, Sera was on the border of homelessness as well as covenless. If it wasn't for crossing paths with Blair and Trick Dempsey, she would have become a ghost entirely which she thinks is exactly what her family would have wanted.
What began in Massachusetts was a strange blend of personalities coming together, to form a coven that Blair insisted was not one. They helped her navigate her magic and lonely existence, and eventually Sera considered them a new form of a family. One she could actually trust and one that she knew was honest and fair.
When the war began in 2020, Sera remained with the Dempseys and their group of a not-coven. They all laid low during the initial months until the city of Salem was under an intense lockdown and they all knew that moving on would be their safest option. The decision proved to be a disaster when they were discovered, Kai's impulsive and uncontrolled magic giving them away as witches. In the chaos, Sera was captured and taken to a holding camp.
Eventually, when in transport to a facility, the vehicles were attacked but Sera found herself imprisoned in a different way. The group that helped rescue her also required her to remain with them, an easy choice to make at the time until Sera saw how they were nothing more than a different kind of captor. With Taliah and Azize, Sera sought to try and escape the clutches so they could look for their families but it was unsuccessful. Sera had to stay with the group but was relieved when they needed to seek a safetown after an ambush and worsening storms. Finally, she was able to start searching for the only family she has ever known.
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