#about marcus starting out as a bad dad but realizing the errors of his ways and putting in SO. MUCH. EFFORT in making it up to his son
aurorawest · 2 years
Reading update
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Once again Cat Sebastian took characters I actively disliked/didn't care about from a previous novel and made me love them. This one was lovely and the twist totally took me by surprise, even though it shouldn't have. A+ Cat Sebastian please write more books (I have totally already preordered her next book).
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Who would think a book about living through the AIDS epidemic in NYC in the 80s would be as funny as this book is? It will also tear your heart out and stomp on it. Highly recommended. This was a 5 star read. Also takes place partly in Minneapolis (and is by a Minnesotan author) so it gets bonus stars for that.
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Another delightful entry into Roan Parrish's Garnet Run series. This one was the most lighthearted. My only problem with this series is that I kind of don't want the old characters showing up as much as they do. I never like them as much when they're just side characters.
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Neal Stephenson...you might want to consider taking a break from writing. Parts 1 and 2 were pretty good - typical Stephenson, though I wouldn't say he's at his best in this one. The science is super interesting (I have no idea if it's realistic) and it's an interesting doomsday scenario. Part 3, on the other hand, was unnecessary and simplistic (Cold War in space! Noble Savage! White Savior!). It was such poor payoff for the first 2/3 of the book that I repeatedly wished he hadn't bothered at all—and that I hadn't bothered reading the book.
Also it was almost 900 pages long.
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I didn't LOVE love the first book in this series, but you know, it was good enough for me to pick up the sequel. I was actually enjoying this one more, but it fell apart for me during The Break Up. One of the main characters is basically allowed to get away with his bullshit because...I don't know, he's just Like That. It irritated me.
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Despite the printing error, I was able to read this book. I love this series and am sad it's over. If you want a good space opera with a friends to lovers to enemies to lovers again, I highly recommend this one. It's also Very Gay! Plus great female characters.
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This is a queer military series so if that's not your thing, you won't like this book haha. So far it's followed two guys serving on a submarine. It's pretty typical Annabeth Albert, and tbh the military stuff is pretty secondary (and in this one there is 0 time spent on a sub). This one has a single dad as the love interest, and while I'm always pretty eh about romances involving children, Albert does it pretty well.
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Man was this one heavier than I thought it was going to be. Milo and Marcus both come from very conservative families and meet at Bible camp, where they room together and fall for each other, though neither of them acts on it. Milo decides he's going to tell Marcus how he feels, only for Marcus to disappear from camp. Three years later...Marcus moves to Daytona Beach and starts at Milo's high school! There is a lot of internalized homophobia in this one and a lot of Milo struggling with what he's been taught in church and by his parents, and at times it got hard to read. It was really good, though.
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This is one that I kept almost buying because it's pretty, but then I'd read the summary (again) and think, eh. I ended up picking up a used copy at my local indie bookstore, and...eh. Definitely not a bad book. I loved the world, and I really like Lexos. Rhea was...not great. I realized after reading this that I really don't care for the current popular trope of the Unhinged Woman Who Doesn't Know What She Stands For. Like, she's got this thing that's ostensibly driving her, but that thing gets taken away, and now she's empty. I don't know that I've ever seen it pulled off in a way where I didn't go at the end, "Oh, so she actually was just a super flat character all along?" I was trying to think of examples of male characters who fit this trope. I'm sure they're out there but I couldn't think of any. Anyway, I'll probably read the sequel, because the world really was cool, and Lexos is poor little meow meow material (spent his whole life trying to earn his father's love and respect, never could).
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Oh man this book was great. The first one had some horror elements, but this one was straight up horror for large portions of the book. Like, action-horror—think Army of Darkness. I love all the characters so much. The bond between Rune and Brand is *chef's kiss*. Male friendship done beautifully.
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KJ Charles is like Cat Sebastian in that no one does historical romance like she does. I confirmed once more that I love the interwar period, especially when one of the mains is a Wounded Veteran of WWI. This book actually reminded me of Cat Sebastian's Hither, Page (which is post WWII) which I love, so I was pretty primed to also love this. I'd love to see the further adventures of Archie and Daniel, but considering it was written in 2015, I'm not sure that's going to happen.
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I liked this book, but also the dialogue got very annoying at times. Is this how The Kids talk these days? Also rolled my eyes hard at the section devoted to the author getting up on his soapbox to share how he feels Call Me By Your Name is really problematic. But overall I enjoyed it, and the bi rep was top tier, as was the yearning.
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Okay so while I enjoyed this book well enough, it would have been half the length if Pons had cut out all of the 'I've never felt so connected to another person in my life' paragraphs. I swear, the main character was constantly connecting with his boyfriend in a way he never had with anyone else ever. The book was very much about Will, but there was some heavy stuff introduced about Graham that I didn't think was really given the due it deserved. But it was a sweet love story, and a story about healing. Also I didn't see the twist coming.
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So coincidentally, Call Me By Your Name was right there in my TBR pile as I was reading This is Why They Hate Us. I liked it a lot, though the weird racist interlude really threw me and I can't figure out what the metaphor was or what Acimen was trying to say.
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Fam, I am finally reading Dark Rise. It is not gay yet, but I'm only up to page 100. I really didn't know what it was about and only picked it up because Pacat wrote it, so the plot has surprised me so far. Very different from Captive Prince.
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ahandfulofregrets · 3 years
i’ll never be over big daddy/marcus seeing johnny perform and going through surprise, amazement, pride and then realizing in sheer horror what he’s done and how much he’s hurt him and risking doing even more time in jail by breaking out bc he NEEDED to apologize to johnny and tell him how proud he was and ever since then he’s been trying to do better and be better vs. jimmy crystal seeing porsha perform and having fun and loving what she’s doing and not caring at all–because he only cares about his reputation, he cares about maintaining control, and he shows this again by threatening to drag her off the stage (“don’t you make me come out there!”). he calls her a TRAITOR for daring to stand up to him and his toxic ways and maintains that stance till he can ride off of her and the rest of the troupe’s success till the repercussions of his actions smack him right in the face.
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The conclusion to the VA/BL reread with Silver Shadows and Ruby Circle (here’s the post on FH, here’s the post on the VA closers SB and LS)
I think I forgot to emphasize this in the last post: it is bullshit that Adrian still had the Alchemist-paid-for apartment after the events of “TFH” and only becomes more unbelievable that Trey has it still in “SS”... I do not get it
Like with SB and LS, I would make a lot of plot changes in the adaptation.
Silver Shadows
Fun fact: her golden lily on this book cover actually flashes a little gold in the right lighting, and I love that
This one, especially the majority of Sydney’s stuff in the first half or so of the book, was much better than I remembered.
Adrian’s stuff had me far less forgiving. I realize he’s struggling with a fictionalized elevated form of bipolar disorder and he developed addictions in trying to self-medicate over most of his adolescence/early adulthood so far, but as far as his actions go... the part where he blackouts for something like three weeks while in Sydney’s chapters she’s so certain he’s going to rescue her... it really frustrates me. Especially because Richelle writes him as self-flagellating over it, but Sydney immediately reassures him “oh, no, I just got the gas turned off, you couldn’t have really done anything...” as if those three or so days weren’t a big deal with the way the time crunch worked out later... it’s one of those heavy-handed things where I don’t feel like Richelle ever actually makes Adrian own up to his errors in the same way the rest of the main characters have to. Including: Wesley Drozdov and his motley crew show up again, and Adrian plays big hero and outs their dabbling attempt on Sydney, and then with Keith later on thinks to himself “at least I’d taken no for an answer from girls” as if he hadn’t insistently pursued both Rose and Sydney (including the scene at Alicia’s Victorian inn in IS) and been revealed to have dabbled at least once. Like, good that he’s trying to make up for past behavior, but again and again it comes off to me as glib or insincere (in the way it’s written- that he’s some model that is exempt from causing harm). This especially pisses me off in the way he treats his mom for sticking in a loveless marriage to his dad (did Adrian forget about his mom’s affair with Ambrose btw?) for financial security, and even with the hypocrisy being pointed out to him and him begrudgingly admitting it in his mind, or he drags Nina to Sonya’s to try and get her compensated for her work and she’s all googly eyes at him, but his acts of chivalry feel empty. And this extends to Marcus, too, to a lesser extent. Look, I love Carly (all the Sage sisters mean the world to me) and I’m glad that she became an advocate for fellow survivors and I get what Richelle was trying to do in empowering survivors with Carly’s character, but Marcus’ star-struck admiration of her (being made speechless by her strength) felt weird and make me uncomfortable.
On to Sydney’s stuff, holy hell her side of the story is dark. And this conversion therapy nonsense in it is part of why I desperately want canon queer leads in the adaptation (preferably Sydney herself, which would yes mean Adrian and probably Rose... that’s my prerogative). Is that potentially triggering? YES. But Richelle took that step when she laid it on so thick with the allegory. In the meantime, I love the supporting characters that Richelle drew up to be in the center with Sydney. Emma, Duncan, and the rest (the fellow detainees- not Sheridan... she can burn) and I want more of them (seriously, Richelle made some great underexplored groups with the Unpromised, the Keepers, the Merry Men, and then these additional Rebelchemists). There is a weird mention of Sydney having arranged some supply closets on one of the floors, despite whatever scene she did that in seemingly having been cut (there was also a line Rose ascribed to Victor at the end of Last Sacrifice about sending Jill away, so it’s not unheard of). When I first read the book (with a long break before), the degree to which Sydney was using magic in there felt illogical, but rereading directly from the other books, it is more justifiable. I think the Detainment, and Sydney’s struggles there, is some of the best writing Richelle managed in the books, and I don’t have any changes to that part.
But the escape... is actively worse than I remember it. There are glimmers of some great stuff in there- I mentioned in the last post how much I love when Sydney wakes up Hopper and sobs over him, and that still is powerful. But omfg Sydney (and Adrian) hold up the stupid stick so many times in these chapters. To be clear, first-off: Adrian should have gotten blood before they ever went into the desert. In the worst case, he and Eddie (the night before the infiltration) should have gone off to the side and done a feeding (doesn’t have to be Eddie, since I imagine he actually has a bad reaction to them since FB, but it does have to be someone willing). Eddie would have enough time to recover, especially with adequate food. Setting that aside, the actual events of the escape work for me. So I guess it’s more the after. Sydney and Adrian should have driven straight to Las Vegas (if they wanted to stop in the other town and change clothes and switch cars that’s fine with me- I even like the senior citizen tour they were on; p.s. we never learn if the Ivashkinator was shipped back to Palm Springs or anything, which is very surprising to me). Their decision to stay in a hotel overnight, even as much as Sydney did deserve that kind of relaxation, was stupid beyond belief. I would have preferred they got to Vegas, were spotted by Alchemists but made it to the Witching Hour without issue, and then Adrian got them a room, and that was the point where Sydney relaxed and slept. Consolidate some of that. Let Sydney have her luxury bath, and a haircut from Adrian, and other stuff there. Let her mention to him that the first photo she saw of him was taken near there, and hey, did he know Rose had bought a car in Russia that Sydney loved. And when Adrian goes down to make some money to further their escape, that’s when he realizes they’re being watched- there are too many yellow and orange auras. Let them have a less exorbitant wedding than in the book- no ridiculous mermaid dress that Sydney can’t expect to move in and that is ridiculously expensive (she can still have a beautiful stunning white dress). Let her start with the blue sneakers. Let Adrian find a place to get the ring made, if that’s necessary (or just use the dang cufflinks as are for the time being and pin them to the fancy attire). And Jill sends the chopper directly to the Firenze for an “Italian” wedding. They can still have the showdown with Sheridan on the roof- just simplify everything.
And then when they get to Court- let Sydney do more of the talking. Let her (righteously) call out the conditions in the reconditioning- the torture because she showed empathy to Renee who couldn’t even eat on her own, the torture they inflicted on Emma to break her- she didn’t betray her own kind, the Alchemists are repeatedly betraying their own kind, pushing them into the darkness of an empty hole. Oh, and this necklace around her neck, that Sheridan took for her own before Sydney reclaimed it, the morning glories were painted by the man she loves. And she rejects the Alcehmists having any authority on her. She’s a witch of the Stelle coven; she’s Sydney Sage Ivaskhov damnit. And when her dad tells her that if she doesn’t come with them, these will be the last words she ever gets to say to him? She gets to ask him if he knew what happened to Carly, if he let it happen under his own roof because he wanted a son like Keith more than the daughters he was blessed with. I want Sydney arguing her case, having her real communion. I said the same for Rose and Spirit Bound, and Sydney deserves the same here.
p.s. there are a lot of structural parallels between this book and BP/early SB- Sydney’s reeducation being like Rose’s time in Novosibirsk, the Tasarov escape from SB (which Eddie directly mentions) immediately followed up with a Vegas trip
Ruby Circle
Dang it. Look, I no longer hate the idea of Sydney and Adrian raising a kid. Their ending in RC was a lot better built-up (and a lot less bitter for Sydney) than I thought the first time. But the road to get there...
I hate the Jill being kidnapped by Alicia part (and I don’t buy the Warriors working with her). Honestly, just let them deal with Alicia during the events of Fiery Heart (when next to nothing else is going on). Like, Adrian and Sydney come off really badly in my head for “causing” her kidnapping because of a personal vendetta against them, when they came there to protect her in the first place (I realize the actual fault was with Alicia, but the feeling stands). Also the pointless scavenger hunt leading them from Pennsylvania (so conveniently, even though Alicia would have had to go there to set her traps after abducting Jill in the first place?) a month after the fact to whatever castle (then to Michigan) then to Palm Springs and the infiltrating the Warriors mission... it’s all too much (also I refuse to believe Sydney cast those stinging demons... that’s so dangerous I can’t even). Given the introduction of the Stelle in FH, and the unnecessary Malachi stuff, it works better to do that all then anyways. (I still want Jackie involved somehow of course) Instead of sidelining Angeline at Amberwood, she should get to be involved in the hunt for Jill (same as Eddie was for Sydney).
In other parts... Wesley Drozdov was never a good character. I really didn’t need even a mention of him in this book. I also... don’t buy how stigmatized Adrian was for marrying Sydney. I can see it being a scandal, or a laughingstock, the source of snarky asides and derision, but Richelle never built it in VA or the earlier BL books to being as heinous as she then tried to make it (so that Adrian could feel suffocated by Court, just like Sydney). I would have been much more interested in trying to see Sydney blend in, and take a stand in the Moroi world (and seeing her try to ally with nonroyal Moroi, but that also still not going super smoothly because they don’t like being on the same level as a human), and maybe her trying out her magic with the Moroi fighters that Mia and Christian had formed (that beautiful, blessed little moment), and then if it integrating there didn’t work admitting that it just... wasn’t going to. Rather than not even trying.
I understand that Richelle was building up with Adrian’s fears of completely losing it with Nina, but she just got screwed over in both of these books. (We’re acknowledging that it was wrong of her to kiss him in SS when he wasn’t even conscious, and moving on). And then Olive got screwed. And Neil got screwed. I said before that I don’t mind Sydney and Adrian raising a kid. But I mind a whole heck of a lot that Richelle killed (essentially) Nina and Olive both (in bullshit, tragic ways) and then wrote Neil off so that Sydney and Adrian would have to raise a baby. Let Sydney be pregnant. Let her be recovering from the most traumatic event of her life, she and Adrian forewent protection on their hectic honeymoon/escape, she’s going to be a mom to a Dhamphir and wow that’s going to be weird for her... and meanwhile this allows her to get through to Olive. To promise Olive and Neil that Sonya and everyone else will not use their baby as a test tube. Nina can still go up to the brink (maybe she passes it and the spirit trio of Lissa, Sonya, and Adrian have to heal her), there can still be a Strigoi attack at the Refuge in northern Michigan, but ffs cut the crap treatment of those three to pass on a readymade kid to Sydrian. It is a trope that I loathe. I also dislike the “ohmigod” fangirl characterization of Mallory, and while the Rand stuff was better than I remembered (that is to say, he is terrible and everyone acknowledges that and no one makes light of it the way I misremembered), I could do without it (especially since I’d prefer that if they keep Dimitri and Adrian cousins, they addres it much earlier).
Honestly, I would do the following:
the start of the season for RC (which doesn’t match its name??) has Sydney and Adrian locked down at Court and they can’t help like they want to, so they try to adapt and do what they can there, including Adrian trying to get Nina to calm down; their friends from Palm Springs and Marcus team up altogether and get an infiltration squad with the Warriors of Light; Eddie gets to participate; they rescue Jill, and get some of the data on the Alchemist/ Warrior collaboration
the Moroi Court finally gets into action on the age and family laws in earnest; meanwhile, Sydney is helping carve out a niche for the rebel Alchemists to work with the Moroi, especially for Strigoi hunting groups like what Mia and Christian wanted to organize; Jill and Sydney are helping each other emotionally recover from their respective hostage ordeals; Sydney realizes she’s pregnant, which helps Adrian realize in a dream with Olive that she’s pregnant, and finally sees her location marker
it’s “rescuing” Olive time; Neil gets to go too- with his presence, things don’t all go to shit; there is a Strigoi attack in retaliation for the new hunting groups, but heroes persevere and protect the commune; the data on the Alchemist/Warrior collaboration, and the Rebelchemists work with the Moroi, gives the perfect leverage now to get the Rebelchemists their freedom and establish Sydrian’s future together
SO, after rereading Bloodlines
I dislike Sydrian less than I did, though I still think Adrian could be vastly improved if adapted as a woman
the second half gave Eddie more to do, but still not enough emotional focus on him
man Amberwood and its supporting characters disappeared; I get that Adrian isn’t likely to settle in California long term, but can I please get more resolution to those characters, whether it comes from more focus in IS, or a graduation ceremony or something?
Abe also disappeared which is strange
man, Sydrian have a lot of daddy issues. because their dads are both abusive jerks. but why oh why did Jared end up collaborating with the Warriors for tattoos? was it because of anger over ‘losing’ Sydney or just greed? I’m glad that Zoe and Sydney at least started to heal things, and that Zoe is ok where she is
we still never got answers on who restored Lee... Clarence only showed up for deus ex machina money and shelter and I guess blood (did Marcus ever get to speak to him again?)
minor grievance: Richelle described the Warrior recruits as being almost evenly distributed between men and women, with a slide toward men, before two pages later saying there were 30 potential guys and 13 potential ladies, and remembering that, oh, yeah, the Warriors didn’t really use women on the front line; I don’t want any of that subplot adapted I just... editing?
#DoBetterByOliveAndNinaAndNeil2030 (who gets to name their kid Declan?), #LetSydneyUseHerBeautifulBrain
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havecourage-darling · 6 years
Words: 2,037 
Warnings: None
Pairing: George x Reader
A/N: As I said previously, I have a lot in mind for this little mini-series. Hopefully they’ll all be able to read as stand-alones, although they do probably read better in order. I’m a bit sick at the moment so I’ve stayed home from work and watched Sorcerer’s Stone and was inspired to write more and got this out in like five minutes. So, excuse any grammar errors. 
*As a reminder, please note - I’m no longer posting on Tumblr. If you want the continuation of this story, you can find it on AO3 or on my Masterlist.
1. Previous, Diagon Alley | Next, 3. Lightning has struck
“Happy Christmas!” A pair of voices shouted, startling you.
You smacked the closest one to you and Fred yelped.  
“Oi! Woman! Watch the goods!”
“You two promised to stop frightening me after I dropped my cauldron in September!” You reminded them.
George and Fred turned to each other and grabbed their heads, remembering the smell of burnt hair. “Right, right, sorry!”
You rolled your eyes and offered them a candy cane. “Happy Christmas, you two going home?”
“Yeah! Charlie’s coming around for a visit too!”
“Aw man,” you frowned.
“You could still come you know.” Fred tossed an arm around your shoulders. “Mum and Dad love your parents.”
“It’s a bit much really,” George joked.
It was true, your parents had struck up an unlikely friendship with the Weasley family. They’d already written to you about their visits to the Burrow. Your mother had introduced Molly to all her favorite novels while your father took Arthur out on excursions in London.
Molly had already invited you all for Christmas dinner but, you’d already promised your grandparents that you’d be over for a visit.
“Maybe next year? Or on summer holiday?” You suggested and they’d brightened up.
“’Course! You’d be able to meet Bill then,” Fred said.
You grinned. Charlie and Bill are the only two Weasleys you’d yet to meet.
“See you later!” Someone called out. You turned towards the sound and spotted your friends. You waved back to a few of them who’d gotten up from the table, giggling, and hurrying off to the common room.
Your friends always giggled when Fred and George hung around you, pranking you and talking about the latest Quidditch match. Apparently, not many first years regularly became friends with third year students. 
“There they go again, giggling,” you joked, waving again.
“Aw, they’re just little first years!”
You frowned. “Hey!”
George smiled. “I remember being that young Freddie, we had so much planned.”
“Good pranking year that was.” Fred nodded.
You rolled your eyes. “You’re both ridiculous. You’re barely two years older than me.”
“Barely?” Fred stood, mock outrage evident on his face. “I don’t know if you remember but our birthday is in April, badger.”
You only just stopped yourself from wacking them with your bag. Fred and George had greeted you during the welcoming dinner, George grinning and cheering when the hat had shouted – “Hufflepuff!” – with it barely having touched your head.
They’d found you the next morning, a little lost and trying to find your way to Charms.
“Aren’t Hufflepuffs supposed to be good at finding things?” George asked.
“Maybe the hat made a mistake,” Fred grinned, both of them herding you towards the third floor.
“It’s a big school!” You said defensively.
“Come on badger, can’t have you be late for your first class,” George pushed you forward.
“Don’t call me that,” you huffed, climbing the stairs.
“Yeah, come on badger,” Fred said, ignoring your quip, “or else Mum’ll have our heads!”
Since then, the nickname had stuck.
“Will you stop with that-” you started for the thousandth time.
“Oi!” A new voice had shouted.
The three of you looked up and you realized that it was later than you thought. The Great Hall had emptied out, with only a few students lingering behind.
“Can I help you?” You asked as a group of Slytherins walked towards you. You recognized Marcus Flint, a fifth year, who loved scaring and frightening first years.
His nose turned up and his mouth twisted in an unpleasant snarl. “I wasn’t talking to you.”
You felt yourself flush and Fred stood up quickly, standing close to your left shoulder.
“Yeah?” He asked, an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face. “What do you want Flint?”
George came up behind your right, hand on your shoulder, as if reassuring you. Flint’s eyes immediately zeroed in onto his hand and he snorted delightedly.
“Of course you two are hanging around the likes of her,” he said, his two friends laughing as well.
“The likes of me?” You asked,
“A dirty mudblood! The Weasleys were always known for having more kids than they can afford and even worse, being blood traitors,” he spat.
You hadn’t understood much of what he was saying, but by the way George and Fred gasped you’d gathered that it was an insult. The Weasleys had always been kind to you and more than welcoming. Your blood boiled at the thought of someone being rude towards them.
“How dare you!” George shouted, outraged in a manner you had never seen before.
“Now you’re in for it-”
“Mr. Flint! Mr. Weasleys!” Professor Flitwick’s voice came from the entrance.
You turned to see Fred and George beet red and expressions furious. You took advantage of Flint’s distraction and launched yourself at him.
He shrieked and went down like a rock. You sat on his stomach and whipped out your wand.
“Stop that!” The professor’s footsteps quickened but you were faster.
“Rictusempra!” You shouted and both of Flint’s friends went down, laughing and clutching their sides.
Flint was busy trying to buckle you off him but you started wacking him with your books.
“You!” –wack- “Do not!” –wack- “Insult!” –wack- “The Weasleys!” –wack- “In front!” –wack­- “Of me!”
“Young lady! Get off him this instant!” Professor Flitwick demanded.
Instead, you started hitting harder.
“Get ‘er off me!” Flint yelled, arms around his face, trying to push you off him.
“Mr. Weasley! Grab a hold of her!”
Fred stayed where he was. “But Professor – he does deserve it – he called her a-”
“Don’t say it or I’ll join her and crack his big head open,” George scowled.
“Mr. Weasley!”
“He called her a mudblood!” Fred exclaimed.
At that, Professor Flitwick inhaled sharply and Flint had finally managed to buckle you off him. You landed by George’s feet and he helped you stand.
“All of you, in my office, now!”  
You all received a long and stern lecture from the Professor. Once he’d seemingly tired himself out, he dismissed you all. “Mr. Flint, I do expect you to show up promptly to detention!”
You winced, you’d all received detention up until the holiday break.
Flint scowled but nodded as he and his group scrambled out. You three turned to walk out but Professor Flitwick called out your name. “Stay behind for a moment.”
Fred and George turned back to look at you but you waved them on.
“Yes, Professor?” Your eyes focused on your shoes.
“Professor Sprout and Professor McGonagall speak very highly of you, you’re on track to be top of your year. I daresay you’ll be Prefect and Head Girl one day. I would hate to see that ruined by anymore bad behavior.”
“Of course,” you said, chagrined. “I really am sorry Professor, I just – they said such horrible things about the Weasleys and I couldn’t just stand there-”
“About the Weasleys?” He asked, brows furrowed. “Mr. Weasley said Mr. Flint had-”
“-he said awful things about them Professor!” You crossed your arms. “We weren’t bothering anyone, honest, and he started-”
“Violence is never the answer,” he said calmly, interrupting your rant, a knowing look in his eyes.
You deflated and nodded, eyes back onto your shoes.
“That being said,” he said slowly, “I would like to commend you for standing up for your friends. I’ll award ten points to Hufflepuff for the expert use of an advanced charm. I’ve never seen a first year take so quickly to Charms like yourself.”
Your head snapped up and you saw Professor Flitwick’s small smile.
“Thank you Professor! It’s because I have a great teacher-”
His face turned bright red and he huffed, pleased. “Alright, alright, that’s enough. Go on, straight to bed.”
You grinned and jogged towards the doors.
“-and take Mister Fred and George Weasley with you! I don’t want to hear them roaming the halls this late!”
As predicted, Fred and George were waiting for you by the end of the corridor.
“Did he yell at you some more?” Fred asked worriedly.
“A little,” you smiled and lowered your voice. “He congratulated me on performing an advanced charm.”
“Wicked,” Fred said, eyeing you with respect. “I always knew you’d be a wild card, thought you’d just be a Gryffindor to be honest.” You rolled your eyes. “How’d you know how to do that anyway?”
You grinned and shrugged. “I read a lot of books. Professor Flitwick always let me stay after to practice my wand work – so does McGonagall and Sprout.”
Fred and George rolled their eyes at you and you laughed.
“What? It’s all new to me! I can’t imagine what it’d be like growing up into a world like this.”
They laughed and you smiled. “I’m sorry they were so rude, does that happen a lot?” You asked.
You occasionally hung around the twins or studied with Percy when you were both in the library but, being a first year didn’t allow for your schedules to match up often. This had been the first time you’d seen Flint around them, so you weren’t sure if he was a constant bully.
“I couldn’t believe how rude he was about your family.” You were getting worked up all over again.
“Flint’s a moron – wait, what?” George said, both of them stopping.
“What, what?” You turned around and looked at them. “What do you mean?”
“We’re angry because of what he said – what he called you,” Fred sputtered. “Why were you angry?”
“Because of what he said about your family,” you said, eyes narrowing. “What was that he said? Blood traitors? I don’t know what it means exactly but, you both looked so offended I knew it had to be bad.”
They stared at you in silence for a beat until you grew uncomfortable.
George laughed, a little incredulously, and you couldn’t help but smile. “Will one of you tell me what’s going on?”
Fred smiled. “We weren’t upset about that, they’re really uncreative with their insults those three.”
“You numpty. You went crazy on them because of what they said about us?”
You nodded and then a light when off in your head. “You’re upset because of what he called me – what was it?”
Their smiles dropped from their faces. “It’s a foul word, he crossed the line.”
“What was it?”
They shook their heads and you huffed in frustration. You tried to think back and remembered after a moment. “Muddle? Mudblood?” You said uncertain.
George scowled and Fred sighed. “It’s a horrible term for someone who’s muggleborn. Someone who hasn’t got magical parents or a magical family.”
“Oh,” you rolled your eyes and shrugged.
“Oh?” he said, voice high in outrage.
You shrugged. “I don’t care what they call me, silly. I’m not ashamed of my parents or of being muggleborn,” you smiled. “Anyone who does care – doesn’t need to be around me. Besides, it’s just a word of a mean fourth year.”
Fred and George stared at you uncertainly. “Well, you took that well.”
You smiled and walked back to link your arms with theirs. “Come on you two, I’ll teach you how to sneak into the kitchens.”
Fred grinned, excited. “I knew you’d come in handy!”
You rolled your eyes and he cheered, running a few feet ahead of you.
George, however, dropped his arm and took your hand in his. You furrowed your brows and tilted your head back to look at him. “Alright?” You asked.
He shook his head at you. “I can’t believe you took on three fourth years on your own. You didn’t even use magic on Flint - you – you’re something.”
You grinned and squeezed his hand gratefully. “Hufflepuffs aren’t such pushovers huh?” You joked.
George threw his head back and laughed. You couldn’t help but be warmed by the sound of it.
You both stared at each other for a moment, your stomach fluttering, when suddenly a blush rose from his neck. Before you could say anything – Fred’s voice boomed down the hallway.
“Will you two walk faster? The kitchen is calling our names!”
You laughed and walked forward, feeling flustered yourself.
“Come on Georgie.” You turned back to him and smiled. “Let’s go before Fred wakes up the entire castle.”
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ourtown-rp-blog · 7 years
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NAME ●●● Daisy Lucille Applebaum
AGE ●●● 25
PRONOUNS ●●● She/Her
BIRTHDAY ●●● 01/21
ORDER ●●● Second (Twin - Adopted)
FROM ●●● Pumpkin Bend, Arkansas
SEXUALITY ●●● Demisexual/Homoromantic
FULL TIME JOB ●●● Assistant Manager at Fashion Forward
PART TIME JOB ●●● Esthetician at Garden of Eden Spa
WRITER ●●● Paisley
[[TW for prostitution, semi NSFW, mention of death]]
If asked to define her childhood, Daisy Kimura would easily respond “simple but perfect.” Growing up surrounded by people from the same socioeconomic class as her, she never realized that her family was lacking in the finances area so she was never bothered by it. She spent her entire life, from the day she was brought home from the hospital as a baby until the day she moved into her first apartment, in the same house, a home that promoted love and acceptance. Her parents were both the children of Japanese immigrants and, as such, Daisy considers herself fortunate to have been able to grow up with what felt like the best of both Japanese and American cultures. In short, Daisy likes to think of herself as being one lucky little girl growing up.
One thing that Daisy has always had an eye for is fashion. It wasn’t a surprise to her parents that their little girl liked playing dress up and putting her barbies in different outfits, but when she continued to show an interest in it even as she grew older, it became clear that it was more than just a childhood game. She would flip through any catalog she could get her hands on, tune in to all possible broadcasts from fashion weeks around the world, and eventually began carrying a mini sketchbook with her to doodle whenever inspiration struck her. She remembers sitting down next to her grandmother when she was nine years old, thread and needle in hand as she was taught to sew. What started off as helping to hem her dad’s work pants only grew over the years, and by the time her first day of eighth grade came, Daisy was proudly walking through the halls in her very own homemade dress (the first of many).
Daisy was eleven when her mother passed away, the result of an uncaught infection following what should’ve been a routine appendectomy. To say it was hard would be a gross understatement. Marcus Kimura threw himself into his work, and Daisy took it upon herself to fill the spot left by her mother. Or she tried to, at least, but eleven-year-olds aren’t meant to sustain a home. Soon enough, it seemed like Marcus forgot that he even had children, for as much care he paid them. Being home was too painful a reminder of the woman he’d lost. After one too many bills went unpaid, and dinners of cereal without milk became an almost daily occurrence though, it became clear that something needed to change. Her grandparents, bless their hearts, knew that their grandchildren didn’t have a chance at being properly taken care of in that environment, and after many arguments, Daisy and her twin were removed from their father’s home when he was deemed unfit to care for them. As much as they would’ve liked to take them in, the fact of the matter was that their grandparents were too old to give the kids the time they deserved. The Applebaums seemed a godsend , having been friends of the family for years, and were more than happy to open their home to Daisy and her twin. Soon enough, Daisy was smiling again, quickly falling into place alongside her new family.
The first time she traded sex for money, Daisy was nineteen years old. It wasn’t by any means intentional. Quite the contrary, all she’d expected was a night out with friends to celebrate the end of final’s week. When a man caught her attention across the bar while her group was all either dancing or in the bathroom though, Daisy still isn’t quite sure what had compelled her to accept his proposition. Forty dollars wasn’t a lot, but knowing that she had bills piling up at home and that she was in dire need of groceries, all Daisy could think in that moment was how much money she could get for such minimal work. Before she knew it, she was standing up from where she’d been kneeling in the men’s bathroom, wiping a hand across her mouth and avoiding eye contact as the man (at least twenty years older than her) paid her. In that moment, Daisy prayed that her mother wasn’t looking down on her in disappointment.
Although promising herself that she’d never do anything like that again, she should’ve known that nothing is so simple in such a small town. The next time she went out with friends only a few weeks later, she was approached by the same man - this time offering more than twice the original for Daisy to have sex with him in his car. And Daisy did. Once she’d gotten home that night, and taken a shower so hot that her skin stayed red for an hour afterwards, she couldn’t help but feel a twisted sense of relief when she counted the crumpled twenty dollar bills. Being able to pay off her electric bill the next day without so much as a dent in her bank account felt good, though. Almost good enough to negate her own disgust.
From there, Daisy made her decision. She knew that she was attractive, and in a place like Cotton Plant (as much as she hated to think about it), her heritage made her particularly wanted by some of the creepier men in town. If she was looking to give herself a bit of spending money though, or if she started to fall behind in bills, she became vigilant of anyone who took to eyeing her across the room. She told herself that she wouldn’t make a habit of it, but over the years, she’s definitely learned how to read a person: the ones on the higher end of Cotton Plant’s paygrade were able to catch her eye, and through trial and error she figured out the best way to approach them. Time has also helped to quell the nausea she would feel the first few times she offered her, shall we say, services. It’s become a matter of shutting off the side of her brain that’s been taught that using yourself for money is bad, and instead honing into the act itself.
At the moment, Daisy is focused on trying to make her life appear as normal as possible. She began college to pursue a degree in business, but soon found her way into their esthetician program and became board licensed soon after graduating. This helped carve out a spot in her family’s business, while continuing her love of all things fashion. Recently, she was able to sell a few of her designs to a local boutique, filling her with an overwhelming sense of pride that she can honestly say she hasn’t felt in years. Although she would like to one day have her own label, for now she’s content with working at a store in town while giving her phone number out to anyone who comments on her own clothing and asks where they can get it too. When the Mottas came to town, bringing a long line of tourists behind them, Daisy viewed it as an opportunity. A few times a month, she’ll find herself down at the Princess Hotel, sitting at the bar inside in a far-too-overpriced dress while scoping out the richest men she can. It isn’t exactly a part of her life that she brags about (quite the contrary, it’s one of the most secretive parts of her), but she’s now started putting a good portion of that extra money into a savings account for her to get out of Cotton Plant. While she loves her family and the place she came from, she knows she isn’t meant to stay there forever. She goes to work during the day, her naturally sunny disposition making her quite the wonderful sale’s associate, has weekly dinners with her parents, pesters her friends into being live mannequins while she sews new outfits… and then when need be, uses her body to help push her just the slightest bit closer to getting out. She’s had a few run-ins with people who became a bit too rough for her liking, or who completely refused to pay afterwards, but Daisy has turned herself into somewhat of a survivor. And surviving is what she’ll continue to do.
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ourtown-rp-blog · 7 years
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Welcome to the game, DAISY APPLEBAUM! Your application was successful, and we’re excited to begin writing alongside you, Paisley. Please read over our checklist before sending in your link, which you should do within 24 hours!
AGE: 21+
FULL NAME: Daisy Lucille Applebaum
FACECLAIM: Hayley Koyoko
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 25. 01/21/1992
ORDER: Second
TYPE*: Twin (Adopted)
ORIENTATION: Demisexual Homoromantic
EMPLOYMENT STATUS: Full time // Part time
WORKPLACE: Fashion Forward // Garden of Eden
POSITION: Assistant Manager // Esthetician  
HOW LONG?: Eight months // Three Years
[[TW for prostitution, semi NSFW, mention of death]]
If asked to define her childhood, Daisy Kimura would easily respond “simple but perfect.” Growing up surrounded by people from the same socioeconomic class as her, she never realized that her family was lacking in the finances area so she was never bothered by it. She spent her entire life, from the day she was brought home from the hospital as a baby until the day she moved into her first apartment, in the same house, a home that promoted love and acceptance. Her parents were both the children of Japanese immigrants and, as such, Daisy considers herself fortunate to have been able to grow up with what felt like the best of both Japanese and American cultures. In short, Daisy likes to think of herself as being one lucky little girl growing up.
One thing that Daisy has always had an eye for is fashion. It wasn’t a surprise to her parents that their little girl liked playing dress up and putting her barbies in different outfits, but when she continued to show an interest in it even as she grew older, it became clear that it was more than just a childhood game. She would flip through any catalog she could get her hands on, tune in to all possible broadcasts from fashion weeks around the world, and eventually began carrying a mini sketchbook with her to doodle whenever inspiration struck her. She remembers sitting down next to her grandmother when she was nine years old, thread and needle in hand as she was taught to sew. What started off as helping to hem her dad’s work pants only grew over the years, and by the time her first day of eighth grade came, Daisy was proudly walking through the halls in her very own homemade dress (the first of many).
Daisy was eleven when her mother passed away, the result of an uncaught infection following what should’ve been a routine appendectomy. To say it was hard would be a gross understatement. Marcus Kimura threw himself into his work, and Daisy took it upon herself to fill the spot left by her mother. Or she tried to, at least, but eleven-year-olds aren’t meant to sustain a home. Soon enough, it seemed like Marcus forgot that he even had children, for as much care he paid them. Being home was too painful a reminder of the woman he’d lost. After one too many bills went unpaid, and dinners of cereal without milk became an almost daily occurrence though, it became clear that something needed to change. Her grandparents, bless their hearts, knew that their grandchildren didn’t have a chance at being properly taken care of in that environment, and after many arguments, Daisy and her twin were removed from their father’s home when he was deemed unfit to care for them. As much as they would’ve liked to take them in, the fact of the matter was that their grandparents were too old to give the kids the time they deserved. The Applebaums seemed a godsend , having been friends of the family for years, and were more than happy to open their home to Daisy and her twin. Soon enough, Daisy was smiling again, quickly falling into place alongside her new family.
The first time she traded sex for money, Daisy was nineteen years old. It wasn’t by any means intentional. Quite the contrary, all she’d expected was a night out with friends to celebrate the end of final’s week. When a man caught her attention across the bar while her group was all either dancing or in the bathroom though, Daisy still isn’t quite sure what had compelled her to accept his proposition. Forty dollars wasn’t a lot, but knowing that she had bills piling up at home and that she was in dire need of groceries, all Daisy could think in that moment was how much money she could get for such minimal work. Before she knew it, she was standing up from where she’d been kneeling in the men’s bathroom, wiping a hand across her mouth and avoiding eye contact as the man (at least twenty years older than her) paid her. In that moment, Daisy prayed that her mother wasn’t looking down on her in disappointment.
Although promising herself that she’d never do anything like that again, she should’ve known that nothing is so simple in such a small town. The next time she went out with friends only a few weeks later, she was approached by the same man - this time offering more than twice the original for Daisy to have sex with him in his car. And Daisy did. Once she’d gotten home that night, and taken a shower so hot that her skin stayed red for an hour afterwards, she couldn’t help but feel a twisted sense of relief when she counted the crumpled twenty dollar bills. Being able to pay off her electric bill the next day without so much as a dent in her bank account felt good, though. Almost good enough to negate her own disgust.
From there, Daisy made her decision. She knew that she was attractive, and in a place like Cotton Plant (as much as she hated to think about it), her heritage made her particularly wanted by some of the creepier men in town. If she was looking to give herself a bit of spending money though, or if she started to fall behind in bills, she became vigilant of anyone who took to eyeing her across the room. She told herself that she wouldn’t make a habit of it, but over the years, she’s definitely learned how to read a person: the ones on the higher end of Cotton Plant’s paygrade were able to catch her eye, and through trial and error she figured out the best way to approach them. Time has also helped to quell the nausea she would feel the first few times she offered her, shall we say, services. It’s become a matter of shutting off the side of her brain that’s been taught that using yourself for money is bad, and instead honing into the act itself.
At the moment, Daisy is focused on trying to make her life appear as normal as possible. She began college to pursue a degree in business, but soon found her way into their esthetician program and became board licensed soon after graduating. This helped carve out a spot in her family’s business, while continuing her love of all things fashion. Recently, she was able to sell a few of her designs to a local boutique, filling her with an overwhelming sense of pride that she can honestly say she hasn’t felt in years. Although she would like to one day have her own label, for now she’s content with working at a store in town while giving her phone number out to anyone who comments on her own clothing and asks where they can get it too. When the Mottas came to town, bringing a long line of tourists behind them, Daisy viewed it as an opportunity. A few times a month, she’ll find herself down at the Princess Hotel, sitting at the bar inside in a far-too-overpriced dress while scoping out the richest men she can. It isn’t exactly a part of her life that she brags about (quite the contrary, it’s one of the most secretive parts of her), but she’s now started putting a good portion of that extra money into a savings account for her to get out of Cotton Plant. While she loves her family and the place she came from, she knows she isn’t meant to stay there forever. She goes to work during the day, her naturally sunny disposition making her quite the wonderful sale’s associate, has weekly dinners with her parents, pesters her friends into being live mannequins while she sews new outfits… and then when need be, uses her body to help push her just the slightest bit closer to getting out. She’s had a few run-ins with people who became a bit too rough for her liking, or who completely refused to pay afterwards, but Daisy has turned herself into somewhat of a survivor. And surviving is what she’ll continue to do.
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