#about 8ish CST
diallokenyatta · 6 years
Missed your Sunday Q and A, when will you be on the Air next?
Q&A w/ Bro. Diallo airs every Sunday evening around 8ish (CST); if you subscribe to my YouTube page you will get notifications about the Q&A and other live broadcast.  So please Subscribe & encourage others to do so as well Anon. 
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morningfears · 6 years
Okay so if it’s 4:07 for me right now and your posting it at 8ish (I forgot the exact time haha) your time, what time is that for me?
I post at 8:30 pm CST. It’s three hours and about fifteen minutes from right now so if it’s four for you, then it’ll be 7:30 your time!
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felicityollies · 7 years
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
tagged by: @millennialjustice thank u
a - age: 24
b - birthplace: nebraska
c - current time: 1:22pm cst
d - drink you last had: water with lime
e - easiest person to talk to: probably my mom??? 
f - favorite song: can i still say the batb soundtrack bc i watched it yesterday and i got all hearteyes again
g - grossest memory: um one summer when i was pet sitting one of the dogs got really sick, he’s got anxiety issues so he gets an upset stomach, but anyway he was violently puking slime all over the kitchen and it was awful 
h - horror yes or horror no:  no ghosts or too much body horror (i.e hellraiser) then i’m chill with horror
i - in love?: i’m in love with my cat
j - jealous of people?: yes
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: i would like to believe in love at first sight but...
m - middle name: michele
n - number of siblings: 1
o - one wish: to learn to cope with my anxiety well enough to become a functioning member of society
p - person you called last: my mom (yay for me making phonecalls)
q - question you are always asked: when are you going to update this.... lmfao
r - reason to smile: frankly i’m tired bc i didn’t sleep well so i can’t think of anything... maybe new aus and feeling good about current ones
s - song you last sang: evermore
t - time you woke up: technically like 2am but then again at 8ish
u - underwear colour:  white
v - vacation destination: someone take me to canada pls
w - worst habit: overthinking or what my therapist calls mindreading
x - x-rays: i think the last one i had was on my ankle when i fell down the stairs...
f - favorite food: cheese burgers
z - zodiac sign: Sagittarius
tagging: @imusuallyobsessed @screamlikeacanary @muslimsmoak @therewas-a-girl @xtina-lynn @coal000 @deadlybingo @bisexualfelicity
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spenceraverywrites · 7 years
I said I’d be back with news, and here it is. I won’t keep you waiting: let’s get right to it!
So I want to dedicate two nights to being on here: one truly a night, the other, a day. Those days will be Wednesday and Saturday from here on out. I hope to increase to Sundays very, very soon.
So what’s gonna be happening? Well, read on reader…
Wednesdays will be Update Nights.
I have weekly writing checks on Monday and Tuesday, and as of now, that will yield work that I can show. Whether that’s teasers, one-shots, ideas I dabbled in, or just my futzing around on the keyboard, it’s content that I can share with you all and enjoy.
Currently, I’m working on a solarpunk piece called A Study in Bloomotics. (Robotics + Bloom = Bloomotics. Cute… right?) It’s a cute WLW story about two women who meet over new prosthetics and crushes with the theme of flowers. It’s different for me, but my partner seems to like it: she says I do awkward cute really well, which is only the best thing.
I needed to not dive into Bodyguard Fae so quickly again: even my dearest wife -this is platonic wife: I didn’t up and get married now!- says that I need to take a break and work myself back in. Bloomotics is really healthy for me and is helping me overcome a lot.
Most updates, in terms of concentrated writing, will be this story.
However, I hope to also update you about my life and goings on too. While I do have to largely segregate my professional life blog from this writing blog, I don’t think that means I have to partition off every part of me. I do want my writing life to be at the forefront though: that’s the most important. But I want you all to feel comfortable asking me about everything like always.
-whew- Now that that’s all said, let’s talk our second dedicated day: Saturdays. (And sometimes, Sundays.)
Saturdays will be dedicated Free Writing Days.
Basically, I’ll write what I feel, which probably means lots of lady loves, fae, dragons, and recently, yandere. I’m really digging yandere lately. (No connection to Yandere Sim, just me reading a lot of TVTropes and wanting to write a yanzine about four yans and betrayal. Of course, it’s already being written.)
Saturdays also mean I can introduce my new idea: Saturday Sprints.
They’ll be writing pieces based off a monthly prompt. It’ll change each month, but for one month, I’ll focus on some kind of key element. It can be anything: aliens, fire, cake… I’m going to try and run a gambit of ideas so that it doesn’t get stale.
(I’m sure that fire will be the one for July with how hot Japan will be…)
This will be just writing. No research, no name generators, no worldbuilding before hand: I’ll write them, cut the time at 30:00:00, do some quick edits, and put it up in a reply to your ask. I’ll basically be typing until the idea runs dry, whether or not it gets finished. I’ll probably do a monthly vote for which stories should continue since I’ll be continuously collating everything under the new tag #saturdaysprints. June will, aptly, receive the tag #junek17sprints.
Submission time for Saturday Sprints with a prompt will open 10 a.m. CST/Central Standard time (That’s my Friday Night at midnight, so I’ll be more than asleep.)
Basically, here’s how it’ll go.
You’ll put your ask into my inbox whenever you want on your Friday -the prompt will go live at 11 p.m. Thursday, which means I’ll be at my desk Friday afternoon- and it’ll wait until I wake up on Saturday in Japan, stretch, go on errands, and come back. Around 1 p.m., I’ll open my inbox and start to create. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, you’ll wake up around 8ish -my 10 p.m.- to a group of fresh stories.
(I’ve thought about some way of doing a live stream of me writing for this thing, but honestly, it’s not easy for me. Plus, I don’t think people wanna watch me sit and snack while I grunt about what to write. Or maybe you do.)
This will be largely SFW. I’m thinking once every other month, I’ll do a special edition called Restless (Saturday) Nights. This might mean starting a separate side blog under the title of like… “meganeburhapsodyaftdrk” or something, but it could be as simple as also tagging and creating the proper folksonomy/categories. Please do not read that content if you’re under 18+ regardless of where it lands.
I’ll do, at most, four sprints each weekend, which means at most, sixteen new pieces a month. That’s more than manageable: when I set my mind to it, I can push out a couple thousand in an hour, and at least a thousand in a half hour. Even if I only get a few hundred, writing is the goal here: keeping that part of me limber as I start to look towards self-publishing this year is really important.
But this is gonna require a lot of user input: whether on anon, or from the same person, I’ll need your asks. 
I’ll need you here with me to make this kind of idea work. There will be some Saturdays where if there’s a lot of good asks, more than four will get published: there’s gonna be some Saturdays where I carry over from the previous week or month because it just works. 
But for that to happen, I need you to help me by putting asks in my inbox. My only input will be in creating a story. I will not be submitting my own asks. I really want to work with user generated ideas. That means your ideas.
I’ve already queued this month’s prompt. I hope you’ll like it since it’s a classic of mine and on Friday, June 16. In this case, I’ll be having a Sunday Sprint since I already have a charity event, but look forward to Saturday from here on out. I didn’t want to do anything too serious either: we’ve only got two Saturdays, after all.
Doing something is hard. Admitting you’re still afraid to do that something is even harder. But doing it is what I’m good at, and I really want to commit to at least two days on here. Let’s start there and build up and up.
For now though, I’m building up an appetite towards the soup I’m making for the next few days: it’s gonna be great!
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myfesteringcesspool · 8 years
tagged by @jomiddlemarch
nickname: My last name almost rhymes with cabbage, so my teaching partner calls me “last name patch” also my last name is sort of fun so people just yell it.
star sign: Pisces 
height: 5′4
time right now: 8:30 CST
favourite music artist(s): Ben Folds, David Gray
song stuck in your head: mostly Hamilton
last movie watched: Fences (so good)
last TV show watched: Re-watching Jessica Jones as I type
what are you wearing right now: Pj’s and house sweater
when did you create your blog: 2015?
what kind of stuff do you post: Teaching/life stuff, quotes I like, nerd show stuff
do you have any other blogs: yes I have a blog where I write about teaching
do you get asks regularly: nope
why did you chose your URL: my teaching partner once called my classroom “the festering cesspool” because I am always doing some weird experiment with my students where something is growing or rotting or whatever.
hogwarts house: Ravenclaw, but a little hufflepuff is sneaking in.
pokemon team: I didn’t even know the pokemons had teams.
favourite colour: green
average hours of sleep: 8ish
lucky number: none 
favourite characters: Scully, Jo March, The Doctor, Sherlock, James Bond (I’m a strident feminist but Bond cracks me up), literally every Call the Midwife character, Newt Scamander.
how many blankets do you sleep with: just a down comforter 
dream job: I’d like to just sit in a coffee shop and talk with people or professional fan fic reader.
following: 363
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alohastatearts · 6 years
Tumblr media
Congratulations, Lauren!
Your application for SCARLETT ROSE WOOD (Leighton Meester) has been ACCEPTED! Please check our orientation list and submit your account within 24 hours!
Your preferred name:Lauren Age: 25 Preferred Pronouns: she/her Timezone: CST Activity Level (1-10): 7/8ish Triggers: rfp Anything else we should know? Nope :)
Name: Scarlett Rose Wood Face Claim: Leighton Meester Age/Birthday: 19/October 31st Preferred Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: bisexual Hometown: Honolulu, HI Ships: /chemistry Anti-Ships: /no chemistry Three Positive Traits: loyal, honest, independent
Three Negative Traits: brash, blunt, presumptuous 
Field of Study: Music Possible secondary subject(s): Visual Arts Duration at ASSA: Freshman
Please provide a short biography/background of your character (2+ paragraphs) using the following questions as a guide:
Scarlett was born and mostly raised in Nashville, TN. She grew up surrounded by some of the greatest music artists in the business and ever since she was old enough to hold her head up music had been her life. Learning to play guitar at a very young age, Scarlett picked up writing her own songs and her dream was to sell one of them to one of those big names. When she was just eleven years old she was yanked from her home by her father and they moved away to the island of Oahu so he could be with a man he fell in love with over the internet.
She resisted the move greatly and she hated the island at first-- she hated being in such a small place with no escape with the exception of a thousand dollar plane ticket. She’s tired of playing tiny dive bars just to get her music out there to no one important, hoping that someone, someday will hear her songs.
It’s been seven years since the move and she still can’t wait to leave the island. She still hates it and only agreed to go to school nearby because of her father. She loves her father despite not caring for his husband. Part of her has always resented Hiram Berry for ruining her life’s plans and for yanking her out of the only home she had ever known. She has a rocky relationship with her step-father and it doesn’t look to get any better in the near future.
Scarlett has found solace in the arts, both digital and traditional. It has never been something she thought she was particularly good at, but when life was stressing her out and music wasn’t cutting it, she found that peace she was looking for in a paint brush, or a pencil. She doesn’t share her art with many, if anyone at all with the exception of her new art class she’s taking at ASSA.
Hoping her plans aren’t foiled once again, Scarlett plans on leaving immediately after college and moving back to Nashville to get back into song writing hopefully full time. Her dreams don’t include performing or even singing - she believes she’s terrible at singing, she only sings when no one is around to sing her songs for her - but she enjoys playing music and writing music and would love to be a Grammy winning song writer someday.
Scarlett suffers from anxiety due to dark things hidden in her past. Beginning with her abusive mother when she was growing up, a boyfriend in middle school who turned out to be just as bad as her mother when it came to the verbal abuse, and more recently a manipulative boyfriend in high school that only used her to get close to someone else just to cheat on her and leave her high and dry in her feelings. Over the years and especially after that last experience, Scarlett has become very jaded, developing a ‘trust no one’ attitude. When she was seventeen she dropped out of high school and left home, damaging what small relationship she’d had with her father. Living in a tiny apartment in Waikiki, she began working two jobs just to keep her head above the water, also falling into a pattern of sleeping with people just to fill the void in her life.
After an attempt at fixing her relationship with her father, he agreed to pay for her college as long as she agreed to get her GED and go to college nearby. She agreed, feeling like she probably shouldn’t move away leaving her relationship with her father on bad terms.
She currently still lives in her apartment at the Royal Kuhio due to her lease, but once her lease is up she’ll be staying at Kalakaua Towers.
Any connections (playable canon or non-canon OCs) you wish your character to have? Or is your character connected with a current student at Aloha State (see here for a list of all existing connections)? How do they feel about the person(s) they’re connected to?
Scarlett is connected to Rachel Berry through the marriage of their father’s. She knows of Rachel but they have never spoken or met due to Rachel not having spoken to her father in seven years. She doesn’t know if Rachel is aware of her existence or not, either.
Please provide a writing sample (At least two paragraphs in-character, please). In lieu of a writing sample, you may link to any written para of any previous RP blog):
I played this character (not the same backstory, but same general attitude) as a Berry twin here. You can find paras to that here or here. :) :) (They’re NSFW just FYI)
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