#abm azazel
greenlaut · 26 days
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flower bouquet commissions for violet (@tearsoftheseraphim) 💐💜
arranged based on angels trilogy ships — in order of appearance; moobaalcifer, asmosier, sazazel
angels trilogy by @nicosraf
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nicosraf · 20 days
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Samyaza and Azazel from A&M by my beloved @creamboyo <3 :)
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nicosraf · 4 months
I have a question about fertility and your world building. The angels can get humans pregnant. And it seems like humans can get angels pregnant, depending on what you intended the cause of the miscarriage to be. Can angels get other angels pregnant?
(I was a bit surprised that angels were fertile since they were made "whole" unlike humans, but don't mind me.)
Demons don't seem to be able to get other demons pregnant. Was that because God took their souls or something like that? Cain hooked up with a demon and that demon didn't get pregnant. Did other humans and demons mix? Did anyone get pregnant? And can an angels get a demon pregnant?
heavy a&m spoilers
I'm very amused by this question sksksksk but yes, humans x angel/demon pairs are fertile. Angel/demons x angel/demon pairs are NOT fertile.
The relevant line in A&M is this one:
“I thought that,” Azazel murmured, “us angels never had God’s blessing to multiply. But man does, and so does woman.”
Basically, God told humans (Adam and Eve) to multiply in Genesis, and angels never got that "blessing" from God. But because of their similar anatomy, the humans managed to procreate with them, though not well — given, as you know, the Giants and the miscarriage.
(It's sort of a cruel joke from God for their fertility to work out this way, this half-fertility that they can't even fulfill with each other. And I highkey agree that angels shouldn't be fertile at all, but the Book of Enoch (and relevant lines in Genesis) forced me to make them fertile so now we all have to sleep at night knowing angels are fertile/breedable/whatever.)
I should point out that Azazel's experience happened after the humans become pregnant, went through their pregnancies, and multiple giants were born — so it took a While before that angel-pregnancy happened. (And a lot of sex). Even when it finally did happen, a miscarriage happened first. So angels getting pregnant is not easy or likely, and it also results in the human partner succumbing to madness. (You will hear more about the madness in Book 3 btw)
Cain and his demon weren't together very long. Satan forbid their relationship, Satan also forbid demon × human relationships, even just friendly ones (hence demon attacks). This is why Satan is shocked when he sees the baby at the end; he really didn't know this could happen and he doesn't want the other demons to know... or else God might come after them how he sent Michael after the Watchers. (Sometimes I imagine Ara actually miscarried but hid this fact from Satan. is this canon? maybe).
A silly fun fact is that in my Very early conceptualizations of Book 2 (I mean all the way back when I was writing ABM) is that I was gonna have the demons breed like rabbits, but I changed that (obviously) because 1. I didn't think a publisher would let me and, more importantly now that I'm indie, 2. I got this idea for a Book 3 plot point that I can't spoil right now.
RIP gay demon children. I bet the reaction to that from readers would've been crazy.
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nicosraf · 4 months
Currently reading Angels & Man. I don't really understand why the angels grow to have more romantic/sexual love for humans. They did not necessarily have this kind of love for their fellow angels. Why? Or were they always like this, they were just repressed in Heaven? Is this part of God's plan? They seem to think it's because they have a lot in common with women but some angels like Azazel love men. But I'm not super convinced of this reasoning behind this development.
On the other hand the angels who love other angels seem to all be "demons." But they're also not necessarily "married." So is the "sin" loving other angels or it is sex outside of marriage?
Hello! I'm surprised you think their romantic/sexual love for each other isn't illustrated very much, or that its less than their crushes on humans!!!!! ABM was all about repressed angel love, and A&M begins with an angel who is punished (waterboarded) after being accused of acting romantically with another angel. So they are all very in love with each other, I assure you, but the aftermath of what happened to Lucifer has made them very very scared of expressing it. (And made them desperate for a romantic outlet).
Most angels have romantic/sexual love for each other in Heaven, though. Kokabiel and Bara, for example. They just suppress it for the aforementioned waterboarding reason. (Well Kokabiel definitely doesn't suppress it but he still acts carefully in public).
Arriving on Earth, though, there are no rules against loving humans... that the Watchers know about. And the humans flirt with them. And the humans have marriage, which God supposedly blessed with Adam and Eve. And humans having normalized romantic/sexual relationships that make them seem less scary. You know how doing drugs for the first time is scary (especially because you've been told all your life not to), but if you're in a room full of expert users that say it's okay, they'll guide you, they'll make sure you enjoy yourself — it makes you more confident and less scared to just give it a shot?
The Watchers in the story have the same questions as you: "Were the angels sinners and demons sinners because they had sex outside of marriage or because they had sex in general?" Samyaza makes the argument to himself that its the first option and marriage is the only way to be allowed to love freely: "But maybe if Azazel had married the angel before he was bedded by him, [he would not have been punished for sin,] maybe if angels married, maybe it would have been different."
Of course, he will be very very wrong — this is the Genesis Flood book after all. I hope this is helpful! :)
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nicosraf · 4 months
I hope it's okay to pop in like this. I've seen others ask for little fun facts, and it made me really curious about some of the lesser talked about angels like Armoni and Dina.. (*´▽`) would you be willing to share some precious tidbits about them as well? They're some of my favourites
Hello! It's more than okay!! I'm happy you like Armoni and Dina! :) I think they're both fun.
First, something about the two of them is that, a little after the war, Armoni (along with Azazel) scared away the angels that were harassing Dina; this is how Armoni and Azazel adopted Dina, essentially. Armoni comes off as very tough-love-y with Dina, but he cares about him a lot. Armoni will fix up Dina's clothes and accompany him everywhere and fight for him whenever Dina gets into a confrontation with a sanctimonious "pure" angel. Armoni can be very gentle though, and sometimes he will literally tuck Dina into bed, kiss his forehead and all.
Armoni, as its said in A&M, never particularly liked Lucifer, though I do think he's exaggerating his dislike when he remembers it. I think at the time he wouldn't have been honest to himself about being jealous of Lucifer's beauty. I also think that, if he ever interacted with angel Lucifer, he was very polite, then went home with a big frown. Armoni wants to be the most beautiful but mostly lacks the confidence (and is more self-conscious than he'd like the admit) and understands he has an attitude problem. Armoni really loves Azazel as well and occasionally asks Azazel to practice cosmetics on him. Armoni also likes musics and grapes and gossiping, much like Azazel. He misses the old Heaven, but all his old friends have forsaken him, and he wouldn't trade his new friends for anything in the world. Also, he's sex-repulsed, if you didn't catch it.
Dina.... So Dina was "stunted" a bit by the war and is struggling to mature. In a sense, he's a lot like Lucifer in Part 1 of ABM! He cries a lot and gets overwhelmed easily and doesn't like to be stared at too much. Immediately after the war, Dina was berated for not just stealing but for other sins he didn't commit, and he was made to feel ashamed of his face and body, and he was ordered to hide his "seductive" face. Since then, he's been mostly wearing that veil over his hair and sometimes over his face. Though Dina was forgiven by God, he doesn't feel forgiven, and he will sometimes look for Phanuel and follow him around distantly, wanting to apologize. He may have even tried, but other angels won't let him approach Phanuel, and Phanuel himself has been mute since the war, so Dina knows he wouldn't be able to receive forgiveness anyway; Dina is very miserable about this. While the Watchers plot is happening, I think Dina spends a lot of time indoors and doing various things to try to discover his role/purpose, but nothing is really clicking with him. Also during A&M, Dina prayed often to God to make sure that Azazel and Armoni were safe.
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nicosraf · 5 months
I just wanted to say the cain chapters were my favourite chapters of the entire book, finding out the Cain & Abel lore had me messaging my partner (my christian bible gamefaqs guide) feverishly late at night to tell them abt it. But also the line "who remembers cain?" And the response... i GASPED in the bus!!!!!!!! IT MADE ME SO EMOTIONAL. the writing and repeated lines between the paras of that chapter was so insane i was shaken by The Prose!!!!!! Another moment i was so taken aback by was ohya and hahya sheltering the human children bc oh FUCK THEYRE STILL LIVING BEINGS... THEY HAVE FAMILIES N LIVES TOO...THEIR ONLY SIN WAS BEING BORN TMT i started doodling that scene (i cant draw good but sometimes ur compelled by Emotion to) bc it struck me so much how even the giants are innocents... its been two weeks n thinkin abt the fate of azazel n samyaza's family unit has destroyed me irreparably
Spoilers for A&M!
Ahh I'm really glad you liked the Cain chapters! My ideas for Cain were one of my biggest motivators for turning the idea of ABM into the idea of a trilogy. I remember hearing once that Cain is really Lucifer's child, and I have a gay brain, so I imagined Lucifer taking in a little Cain. And here we are! Cain may be a fav character of the series for me. Agh I just love him
And Ohya and Hahya.... Aghh ive said this before but I originally planned to have them talk, and it made it halfway into the finished draft. I decided the ambiguity about their humanness was better, but yeah! You hit the nail on the head. They're also living things with families. It's not their fault they're hungry :(
Thank you for reading A&M! I'm really happy you enjoyed it!!
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nicosraf · 4 months
I just finished reading A&M and, for starters, it destroyed me. I've been bawling for around an hour now. Anyway, Azazel's baby. I'm not sure how to describe the pain I felt when Azazel miscarried the first time, and then to have something he and his man created ripped away from him,, euughhh,,, I'm curious if this phenomenon will be explored or elaborated on in the third book, and if there's anything you can talk about regarding it !!
A&M spoilers
hello! thank you for reading! agh the miscarriage was probably the hardest scene for me to write in the whole book. i kicked up really deep emotions and discomfort on a level i didn't anticipate. i'm very happy with it but writing it was really hard. i'm happy to hear that it made you feel strongly even if it was quite a bit of pain.
also now that i can talk about spoilers, it probably shouldn't be a surprise anyone that this plot point was one of the major reasons i chose to stay in the indie book world. it was one of the reasons i offered ABM to agents as "a standalone with series potential." i can still remember when the idea hit me that maybe one of the watchers fell for a man, and that he had also had a child with him how the angels had with women. I couldn't really get the idea out of my head, even though i knew writing it might get the story reduced to "mpreg" jokes, misconstrued as a fetish thing, and that I would be "encouraged" to change it by publishers. i was sort of ashamed of having this plot in my head, especially in a sequel, and i worried booktok/bookstagram/so-on would drop me and decide i was a weirdo, if i wrote it in. (not that im super attached to book communities online but it's really hurtful for people to be disappointed or disgusted w you, as you can imagine)
When I wrote ABM, I didn't care about anything except making my weird comfort art though, so I tried to get back into that mindset, and I'm happy I did! i feel really lucky to have the readers that I do now that haven't dropped me post-A&M:') so thank you
And I can talk a lot more but I also have to be mindful of spoilers for Book 3... Yes, this'll get brought up again. It's important to what sets a certain plot in motion. I think that's all I can say...
thank you for reading!
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nicosraf · 5 months
Hi! I've been reading some of your other works (angel brainrot) and I was wondering if the Tlaloc short story is canon to Gabriel in ABM/A&M in the future? Ive had it on my mind for a few days tbh and do plan to make fanart eventually!!!!!
It isn't! I imagine it as an entirely separate interpretation for God, Heaven, and so on.
That said, I do like imagining that while ABM and A&M are going on, Gabriel is busy getting seduced by a Mesoamerican god, though! Lucifer and Michael and Azazel and Samyaza experiencing horrors beyond their comprehension while Gabriel is off getting married....
Thank you for reading my little stories ! ;_; I'm happy you like them
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nicosraf · 19 days
Good morning, how are you?
Not so much a question here, I just woke with this thought.
It's incredible how every angel you make is so paralleled with people's first experiences and emotions. Here are these beings that are eternal but they evolve like children. I get this weird nostalgia from azazel and lucifer and rosier of growing up and having my first feelings of love, grief and disappointment from reading them.
You also just have a way with words that is very beautiful. Idk what to tell you, congrats on that talent? Just thank you for pursuing writing on your terms and sharing it with everyone
Hello!!! (Tho it's really late now..)
There's a lot I can say about angels in terms of their childish-ness and their sort of "growing up" in the story, so im really happy their coming-of-age aspect really shines through for you!! ABM is about first love. A&M is a lot about first grief and so on and so on. I actually love to write about growing up and about first times, and it's one of my fav aspects of the series to depict with these angels that are so alien but also so familiar.
Thank you so much! I'm happy you like my writing. It makes me really grateful that people care to read it... really, it does. Thank you for liking the angels! They mean very much to me :')
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nicosraf · 29 days
Were there any angels/Demons/humans even in your book that you had to scrap out or change for another one during the first writings of ABM and A&M? if its not too much to ask im curious as to how or why you choose certain characters in the first place.
a few! i almost made Rosier into the demon "Abaddon" and then I almost added Abaddon as a separate character then scrapped him (there's a name drop of him in ABM, but as u know he's not a real character or anything).
I also planned to write in the angel Azarel in A&M, but the book had too many characters, and i knew he would get confused with Azazel too much. The angel Turiel was also meant to be much more important, but now he's only mentioned once.
for humans, i planned to make Noah's wife a larger character in A&M, as well as Enoch's daughter, but (again) the book just felt too bloated with people.
a lot of my thinking is actually about minimalism. the angels series has a lot of characters, but in my head, im thinking about "what's the minimum amount i can have that conveys the necessary and realistic components for the story and its themes". For example, Angels 3 has a large human family related to a major character. I wanted to cull the family down much smaller to make it easier to write, but its important for that one character to have a large family, so i should write it realistically even if it makes it harder for me.
For who specifically that I choose to keep, a lot of it comes down to whether they, as who they are, offer a lot to the story and its themes, or whether someone else could be a better fit.
I could have replaced Rosier with a violent Abaddon, but Baal, Asmodeus, and Lucifer were already violent and Rosier was a breath of air. (And if I changed Abaddon to someone kinder, then why bother swapping Rosier int he first place? For a more recognizable name? Hmm)
I could have thrown in Azrael, but his function as a mass murderer was better fulfilled (and made much more interesting) by Michael. i hope this makes sense..
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nicosraf · 29 days
so I am 2/3 ish done with A&M audio book (chapter 32) and might I just say that the first book had me fucked up, like rethinking my feelings on religion, writing So Much Poetry and truly like an inspirational Piece of work, and now I'm listening to this one and I am RUINED.
I'm so enamored by Lucifer and his characterization throughout, as well as the difference between ABM Michael and A&M Michael. also I loved Azazel in the first book but I have just fallen so in love with him and it's so wonderful and I'm trying to prepare myself for the last like .... 5 hours of audiobook because this is Going to hurt me and I know it.
thank you so much for reading/listening!! it means a lot to me and thank you for liking Lucifer and Azazel ! (as well as Michael's craziness). i like them both very much.
and good luck with the last part of the book!! and thank you again... :')) <333
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nicosraf · 11 months
Hey Rafa!!! Will God still be a character that we hear speak throughout a&m? Your depiction of Him is both terrifying and Almighty— and its so refreshing to see the way you approach His Omniscience. Especially because I often felt (growing up) both a fear and awe at the way God is written in The Scriptures. I really enjoy that you write him the way that you do.
I wonder how strained His relationship is to the angels in Heaven after Lucifer’s debacle. I’m particularly interested in how Michael handles his faith, and how this is reflected in his servitude towards God. Poor fellow </3.
Also— one more thing I wanted to add while I’m here. One of my favorite books is George Orwell’s 1984, because of the intense themes of personal identity, free will, and self expression in the face of totalitarianism. Reading your book was so cathartic in the way that it had a lot of overlap in these themes but on a religious level…. And as a queer narrative. Let me just tell you I was SHOOK. How you disguised a hauntingly bleak Orwellian plot with so much beautiful prose is honestly beyond me. I highly doubt I will ever write anything as incredible as what I’ve read from abm. I’m honestly so surprised you don’t have like. A million followers!!!
Hello! Of course! I love writing God, like genuinely I do. I feel really similarly that the God of the Bible really horrified me, but in some kind of awe-inspiring way – especially because, to me, a lot of the horror comes from God's omnipotent nature; he can do whatever he likes, and there is nothing you can do. I'm really glad some of that comes through in ABM itself!
There are less scenes with God being actively there in A&M given that most of the story takes place on Earth, but he's still very present. He's the one giving out orders, though Samyaza and Azazel might not understand what he's really up to. Coming up for a motivation for God for this book was incredibly fun.
I think one of the big "issues" with writing God is that since he knows everything, you have to give him a reason to allow for everything. (I do play around a little with the question of whether he really does know everything, whether he really is all-powerful, but I think regardless of the answer, he still knows much more than you/angels and has so much more power that he may as well be all-knowing and all-powerful). So, God is going to allow the Watcher thing to happen. But why? What is his end goal? Maybe, who is his end goal?
I love Michael in this book. His faith is strained but it's the only thing he has. It's like he's holding onto old ropes over a pit of fire. In simple words, the Michael of ABM is dead – the sweetheart, doting Michael. You might find him unrecognizable, at least initially. I don't want to say much, but he's gone through quite a bit — the immediate aftermath of ABM's ending and what God does with him afterward. He's changed really radically from who he was, but so has Lucifer, of course.
It's fun that you bring up 1984 and totalitarianism, since I get to touch on what becomes of angel society after the fall. This isn't a spoiler because it'll be on the back of A&M, but Heaven becomes oppressive and intolerant. In the aftermath of sin, the angels have to reckon with the now eternal threat of evil in society. How will they deal with this fear? Who will they blame?
I always think ABM Heaven is more of a Brave New World of dystopia fiction; they both even have an orgy at the end (both books involve sex/sexuality as a means of control for the authoritarian power, though so does 1984). The ABM angels love their servitude. When they revolt, it's not out of this feeling that they're all secretly being heavily oppressed. I mean, they have everything. They live in paradise. When Lucifer shouts about how they don't need God and how God is denying them certain love, they go ballistic. It's almost a spoiled rebellion – at least on the surface it is, but as the reader knows, there is something deeply sinister about God, his behavior, and what he's already done. And angels needed a release for grievances, their long, meaningless existence, etc
I think A&M gives me a little more room to work with a more 1984 type of angel society, but themes of hyper-centralized power and limits of self-expression are already there. I actually love to write about fascism sksksjd, nearly all of my WIPs talk about fascism. Even the final Angels book is (planned) to say a couple things about it pretty explicitly, if I can make it not sound silly. You know, one of my personal grievances with these famous utopia-dystopia books is that they're not gay! Not trans! Almost always white. Queers are policed because of their self-expression (limp wrists, deep or high-pitched voices, gender deviance) and sexual activity; you'd think queerness, at the very least, would be at the forefront of considering the policing of identity and self expression in totalitarianism. And yet !
(One final point on Brave New World and 1984 is that they both have their own takes on religion. BNW replaces Christianity with capitalism; 1984 basically replaces Christianity with the leader of the party. I think these are both good takes for their respective books, but Abrahamic religions (really, most monotheistic religions) are unique in that they introduce the idea of a single all-powerful ruler whose sin is, quite literally, "don't do what I tell you not to."
God can kill, after all, so killing is fine, but only when he does it. Only he is allowed to be violent, or when you have his blessing. I can go on another tangent here on how Max Weber defines a state as having the monopoly on violence, and God, explicitly, has the monopoly on violence. So there's a really parallel allusion between the Christian God and states. It's interesting, isn't it !)
ANYWAY, thank you very much for liking ABM! I would take it down, frankly, if I got that many followers. That would be way too many people looking at me. Also don't say that you'll never write anything incredible. I think that you will, but you won't with that attitude!!!!! Good luck writing !!! sending u love and all
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nicosraf · 10 months
if the abm cast were humans, how would they celebrate christmas? in this scenario lets pretend that christmas is just a fun winter holiday w/o any religious implications
because I'm with my family right now and dealing with mexican christmas hell, this answer will be informed by this and, for that, i apologize. but here is the answer:
Lucifer hosts exactly 15 different posadas/christmas-parties at his house in the month of December and each one is full of drama and fighting but he has live music and the food is delicious, so people keep coming. His house is overly decorated like a Christian influencer vlogger and he has a photoshoot with his flashy Christmas tree.
Michael loves a Christmas sweater but he's also too chilly to get out of bed most of the month. He celebrates Christmas by gifting everyone pajamas and going around the room hugging everyone and giving them a kiss on the cheek.
Rosier spends the entire week before Christmas cooking both for the Christmas Eve party and to go around feeding the neighborhood on Christmas day.
Asmodeus forgets about Christmas so he spends the day before the Christmas Eve party making everyone little dolls made out of wood and giving them hats. It's actually pretty sweet. He also gets absurdly drunk at the party.
Baal gets really drunk at the Christmas Eve party too and starts a small fight (with Michael probably). But he works really hard on his presents and spends most of the party eating and drinking his Michelob Ultra beer while sniffling.
Phanuel is the one who stops the fight between Baal and Michael. He also got everyone personalized gifts, though simpler stuff — for ex., he'd get Rosier a basket of fruit seeds and Michael some new weights. He also sings with the live band really emotionally for some reason.
Azazel does personalized gifts too, but he does more expensive things. For ex., he'd give Lucifer a Gucci coat and Michael a Prada shirt. He helps cause some of the Christmas Eve drama by spreading gossip.
Uriel spends Christmas alone, but I think he does get a few presents at his doorstep. Then, out of social obligation (or so he says), he mails a thank you letter, a piece of chocolate, and an excerpt from one of his books that makes him think of the angel. (For example, he sends Rosier a page from a poem about fruits)
Gabriel does the "everyone gets the same thing" gift method, like Michael, but it's a little bigger — like a Christmas-themed care package of food, trinkets, and a Christmas angel plushie. He loves to bake Christmas cookies, even if he's not super good at it, and to wear a Christmas hat with a bell at the end.
Raphael has trouble relaxing for Christmas, but I think Gabriel helps him out. I think he takes Christmas time to spend with his friends but also just to sleep and stroll around town (very slowly, since he's not great at waking, maybe Gabriel is with him.) I can see him spending most of Christmas sitting in a plaza and feeding the birds
Sorry this is so vivid Im just seeing this all Very clearly
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nicosraf · 2 months
HELLO RAFA!!! i just finished angels & man and it hurt me (in a good way) <///3 I was especially delighted by the scenes where Lucifer and Michael together, I missed them ever since I finished angels before man and their dynamic is so eirkkrktktkrkfkrlf i cant describe it but I really loved seeing it play out. Also Azazel is baby and I wish he didn't suffer but alas there is nothing that can be done T-T Anyways thank you once again for sharing with us your delicious writing and I can't wait for book 3 ✨✨
hello!! thank you for reading!! im happy you liked the Michael and Lucifer parts!! they have some of the best scenes in the book i think :') their dynamic in this book is my favorite too (abm michael lucifer were very cute but i enjoy their angst a lot)
I'm glad you like Azazel too! I adore him so much.
Thank you again for reading!! It means a lot to me :')
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nicosraf · 4 months
Ok so, I finished a&m a couple of weeks ago and I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed a&m and abm so so so much. Realmente no se expresar la gran cantidad de emociones que me causaron ambos libros y lo hermoso que me pareció tu estilo narrativo.
I wanted to thank you bc I've struggling with anxiety and depression lately and reading your books and your Tumblr post have been such a relief of all that, it's been my safe and happy place since I started abm (irónico no?). Literalmente me devoré ambos libros en menos de una semana cada uno, tenía mucho tiempo sin poder hacerlo y se sintió muy lindo!
I loved each character and their dynamics ao much!! I could read about them for an eternity! And wow, I did not expect mami Lucifer, papi Baal y bebé Cain at all!! I love them so dearly!! I keep re reading their scene s and I still get emotional and happy. I really want to thank you for writing these amazing books and for making me happy (y también triste, pero es tristesa por libros, so es tristesa de la buena, you know). Also, I can't wait for the 3th book!!!
I want to say too many things and I don't know how to express it TnT. So I'll ask if there is any fun fact or cute story about our silly angels and demos you want to share??
Oh, also, I related to koka in such a strange way, I love his weirdness and madness (idk if those are the correct words though), also Rosier! He is just so lovely!! And I gotta say, even though I love moocifer, I'm on baalcifer team know, their little family dynamic totally got me (well, all the families tbh). Oh, and pls hug Azazel and Armoni and Asmodeus and Ara for me!! (Yeah, I have to mention them all).
Anyways, sorry for the spanglish. Also, lots of love and hugs for you too! Eres genial <3
Don't apologize for the spanglish!! Es mi primera lengua :')
Muchas gracias por leer mis libritos!!! I'm sorry you've been struggling, but I'm happy I can offer you a little solace from it through my stories. Mando un abrazo fuerte.
Thank you for liking mami Lucifer, papi Baal, y el bebe Cain... they mean so much to me...
I guess a cute fun fact is that I think Lucifer sometimes made clothes for Cain from Baal's old clothes :) and Lucifer liked carrying Cain on his hip and kissing his nose and putting flowers in his hair. I think he used to hold Cain in his lap sometimes while he sat at the throne and gave out orders... And Lucifer used to run his fingers through Cain's curls a lot...
Thank you for liking Koka and everyone else!!! De verdad me alegra mucho!!! Mando mucho amor!!!! Gracias!!! :')
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nicosraf · 1 year
Do you have, on hand, a description of what the main characters look like from ABM? I wanna make fanart or possibly a small animation but I dont have the book anymore to reference their designs :(
I can just summarize their appearances!
Lucifer – brown-skinned, blonde wispy hair (long but no specified exact length, I think), golden eyes, pouty lips, violet wings, lots of jewelry
Michael – brown-skinned, very dark brown loose curls (unspecified length but implied to be longish), some beauty marks, really large and strong and muscular, bump on his nose bridge, brown-green, hooded eyes, brown wings
Rosier – brown-skinned, long black hair with bangs, round face, short, body type not specified but I imagine him to be chubby, golden eyes, yellow wings
Asmodeus – skin color not specified but said to be paler than others, long black hair he usually has ribbons in, thick eyebrows, dark, almond eyes, dresses really lazily, weirdly tall, body type not specified but I imagine he's weirdly lanky
Baal - skin color "about the same as Lucifer's", tall and large but with thin hips, so he's more an inverted triangle shape, black wings, tight curls of light-brown hair, large nose, "cocoa" eyes
Uriel - very dark skin, hair usually in a crown of braids but he had cornrows in one instance, orange -red eyes, red wings, tall
Raphael – skin color not specified, hair is brown and long (later, he has it in a thick braid), blue-green eyes, body type not specified but I think he's Not strong at all
Gabriel – pale skin and lots of freckles. wavy light-brown hair with flowers in it, button nose, gray eyes, about Lucifer's height
Azazel - dark skin, long box braids, usually wears intricate makeup, beaded jewelry, not specified in this book but he has blue eyes
Phanuel – olive skin, emerald eyes that are almond-shaped (like Asmodeus), feathery black hair that goes up to his waist, strong cheekbones, a lot of rings
I think that's everyone! if it helps, @saintxrys made this lovely piece that shows a lot of the angels. I've labelled them for your convenience
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