#ablativ diod laser liposuction
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opdrazimetozdemirsblog · 5 months ago
✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,İtaliano🇫🇷,French🇷🇺, Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description ❗️
✏️Endolift lazer (ablatif diod lazer) ile liposuction ve cilt sıkılaştırma❗️
🇹🇷👇Uygun hastalarda, yani ‘tam veya mini karın germe(abdominoplasti yapsak mı?‘ sorusunun cevabı ablatif lazerle hem liposuction hem de lazerle germe (cildi geri çekme/ reyrakte etmek) ameliyatlarıdır
👍Böylece lazer, ablatif(dokuyu taşımak\parçalamak)forma alınıp 980 nm ile liposuction(yağ eritme/alma) ve 1470 nm ile lifting/stretching (askılama/germe)tedavi özelliği göstermektedir.
👍Bu hastada meme ve popoya yağ enjeksiyonu yapacağımızdan önce klasik liposuction ile yağ elde ettik, sonra endolift ile cilt sıkılaştırma yapıldı.
👍Alınan yağlar ise meme ve popoya( brezilya poposu) verildi.
👍Hastada belde kum saati görünümü, uygun meme ve popo büyüklüğü ve ASİS tekniğimle ( leğen kemiğinin çıkıntılı yerinin belirginleştirilmesi) ve vucüd konturu düzenlendi.
👍Küçük alanlara uygulama lokal anestezi ile yapılıp 30-60 dakikada yapılabilirken büyük alanlarda(karın, yan bölgeler, sırt, popo üstü şekilleendirme ve popoya BBL-Brezilya poposu-)2-3 saat uygulama gerektirebilir.
👍Genel olarak tek seans yapılır,etkinliği ortalama 70 günde ortaya çıkmaya başlar.Çünkü bu bölgelerdeki eritilen yağların %100 alınamayacağından,vücud zamanla bu eriyen yapıları ve ödemi bu sürede verecektir.
👍Uygun ve gerekli kişilere Estetik/Plastik Cerrahi uzman ve hasta işbirliği yaparak 1-3 yıl sonra 1 seans ekstra yapılabilir.
✅ Önemli uyarı❗️
✏️Paylaşılan fotoğraflar/videolar hasta onayı alınıp, tanınmayacak şekilde kamuflaj edilmiş olup, yalnızca bilimsel bilgi paylaşımı için yerleştirilmiştir❗️
✏️Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası fotoğraf/video paylaşımı yapılarak maddi kazanç amaçlanmamıştır❗️
✅www.azimetozdemir.com.tr ✅www.besthaircenter.com.tr ✅www.burinplasty.com ✅[email protected]
#istanbul #turkey #Lazerliposuction #memeyagenjeksiyonu #BBL #BBL #endolift #facelift #diodlazer #yüzgerme #kolgerme #boyungerme #gıdıgiderme #kumsaatigörünümü
✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,Italiano🇫🇷,French🇷🇺,Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description ❗️
✅✏️Endolift laser (ablative diode laser) liposuction and skin tightening❗️
🇹🇷👇In suitable patients, that is, the answer to the question of ‘full or mini tummy tuck (should we do abdominoplasty?’ is both liposuction and laser tightening (pulling back/retracting the skin) surgeries with ablative laser
👍Thus, the laser is taken into ablative (moving/breaking the tissue) form and liposuction (fat melting/removal) with 980 nm and It has lifting/stretching treatment properties.
👍In this patient, since we will perform fat injection to the breast and buttocks, we first obtained fat with classical liposuction, then skin tightening was performed with endolift.
👍The fat taken was given to the breast and buttocks (Brazilian butt).
👍The patient's hourglass waist appearance, appropriate breast and buttock size, and body contour were arranged with my ASIS technique (highlighting the protruding part of the pelvis).
👍While the application to small areas can be done with local anesthesia and can be done in 30-60 minutes, it may require 2-3 hours of application in large areas (abdomen, side areas, back, shaping the upper buttocks and BBL to the buttocks - Brazilian butt).
👍Generally, it is done in one session, its effectiveness starts to appear in an average of 70 days. Because 100% of the melted fat in these areas cannot be removed, the body will give these melted structures and edema in time. 👍For suitable and necessary people, 1 extra session can be done after 1-3 years with the cooperation of the Aesthetic/Plastic Surgery specialist and the patient.
✅ Important warning❗️
✏️Shared photos/videos have been camouflaged with patient approval and are placed solely for the purpose of sharing scientific information❗️
✏️No financial gain is intended by sharing pre- and post-operative photos/videos❗️
✅www.azimetozdemir.com.tr ✅www.besthaircenter.com.tr ✅www.burinplasty.com ✅[email protected]
#istanbul #turkey #Lazerliposuction #breastliposuction #BBL #BBL #endolift #facelift #diodlaser #facelift #armlift #necklift #chinremoval #hourglasslook
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opdrazimetozdemirsblog · 1 year ago
✏️Note: Turkish,English,German, İtalian and Arabic description ❗️
🦋’ASİS Estetiği’nedir❓
✏️Kliniğimiz tarafından tanımlanan bu kavram leğen(pelvis) kemiğinin vücud ön tarafta bakıldığında kemiğin en çıkıntılı yeridir.
✏️ASİS kelimesi latince kelimelerin başharflerinden oluşur: ‘ Anterior Süperior İliak Spine’.
✏️Son 10 yılda kadın hastaların tercih ettiği vücud şekli haline geldi.
✏️Genelde liposuction( Ablatif Diod lazer veya Vazer) ile oluşturulur.
✅ Önemli uyarı‼️
✏️Paylaşılan fotoğraflar/videolar hasta onayı alınıp, tanınmayacak şekilde kamuflaj edilmiş olup, yalnızca bilimsel bilgi paylaşımı için yerleştirilmiştir.
✏️Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası fotoğraf/video paylaşımı yapılarak maddi kazanç amaçlanmamıştır.#estetikcerrahiistanbul #opdrazimetozdemir #turkeyestetikdrazimet #istanbulestetikdrazimet #turkeyestetikdrazimet #nişantaşıestetikdrazimet
✏️Note: Turkish,English,German, Italian and Arabic description ❗️
🦋What is 'ASIS Aesthetics'?
✏️This concept defined by our clinic is the most protruding part of the pelvis bone when viewed from the front of the body.
✏️The word ASIS consists of the initials of the Latin words: 'Anterior Superior Iliac Spine'.
✏️In the last 10 years, it has become the body shape preferred by female patients.
✏️It is generally created by liposuction (Ablative Diode laser or Vaser).
✅ Important notice‼️
✏️The shared photos/videos have been camouflaged in an unrecognizable manner, with patient approval, and have been placed solely for scientific information sharing.
✏️No financial gain is intended by sharing photos/videos before and after surgery. #ASİS #ASİSestetik #ASİSaesthetic #ASİSestetikdrazimet #ASİSaestheticdrazimet #ASİSistanbulestetikdrazimet #ASİSestetikistanbul #ASİSturkeyaesthetic #nilantaşıdrazimet #şişlidrrazimet #istanbuldrazimet #turkeydrazimet #istanbul #turkey ☎️+905322058604☎️+905054925755
✏️Hinweis: Türkische, englische, deutsche, italienische und arabische Beschreibung ❗️
🦋Was ist „ASIS Aesthetics“?
✏️Dieses von unserer Klinik definierte Konzept ist der am stärksten hervorstehende Teil des Beckenknochens, wenn man ihn von der Vorderseite des Körpers aus betrachtet.
✏️Das Wort ASIS besteht aus den Initialen der lateinischen Wörter: „Anterior Superior Iliac Spine“.
✏️In den letzten 10 Jahren hat es sich zur bevorzugten Körperform weiblicher Patienten entwickelt.
✏️Es wird im Allgemeinen durch Fettabsaugung (ablativer Diodenlaser oder Vaser) erzeugt.
✅Wichtiger Hinweis‼️
✏️Die geteilten Fotos/Videos wurden mit Zustimmung der Patienten auf unkenntliche Weise getarnt und ausschließlich für den Austausch wissenschaftlicher Informationen bereitgestellt.
✏️Durch das Teilen von Fotos/Videos vor und nach der Operation wird kein finanzieller Gewinn erzielt.
✏️Nota: descrizione in turco, inglese, tedesco, italiano e arabo ❗️
🦋Cos'è 'ASIS Estetica'?
✏️Questo concetto definito dalla nostra clinica è la parte più sporgente dell'osso del bacino se vista dalla parte anteriore del corpo.
✏️La parola ASIS è composta dalle iniziali delle parole latine: "Spina iliaca anteriore superiore".
✏️Negli ultimi 10 anni è diventata la forma del corpo preferita dalle pazienti.
✏️In genere viene creato mediante liposuzione (laser a diodi ablativi o Vaser).
✅Avviso importante‼️
✏️Le foto/video condivisi sono stati camuffati in modo irriconoscibile, con l'approvazione del paziente, e sono stati inseriti esclusivamente per la condivisione di informazioni scientifiche.
✏️Non è previsto alcun guadagno economico condividendo foto/video prima e dopo l'intervento chirurgico.
‎✏️ملاحظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية والإيطالية والعربية ❗️
‎🦋ما هو "ASIS Aesthetics"؟
‎✏️هذا المفهوم الذي تحدده عيادتنا هو الجزء الأكثر بروزاً في عظم الحوض عند النظر إليه من الجزء الأمامي من الجسم.
‎✏️تتكون كلمة ASIS من الأحرف الأولى من الكلمات اللاتينية: "العمود الفقري الحرقفي الأمامي العلوي".
‎✏️في السنوات العشر الماضية، أصبح شكل الجسم المفضل لدى المرضى الإناث.
‎✏️يتم بشكل عام عن طريق شفط الدهون (ليزر الدايود الاستئصالي أو الفيزر).
‎✅تنبيه هام‼️
‎✏️تم تمويه الصور/مقاطع الفيديو المشتركة بطريقة لا يمكن التعرف عليها، بموافقة المريض، وتم وضعها فقط لمشاركة المعلومات العلمية.
‎✏️ليس المقصود تحقيق مكاسب مالية من خلال مشاركة الصور/مقاطع الفيديو قبل وبعد الجراحة.
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opdrazimetozdemirsblog · 1 year ago
🌠Note: Turkish,English, German and Arabic description is below.
🇹🇷🇹🇷🦋Yüz, boyun,alın, göz kapakları, gıdı, ayva göbeği, yan/sırt/flank, kol, uyluk germe ve yağları eritmede(liposuction) Endolift(ablatif diod lazer)uygulaması son yıllarda seçilmiş hastalarda altın standart hale gelmiştir.
🦋En büyük avantajı ameliyat gerektirmemesi ve lokal anestezinin yeterli olmasıdır.
🦋iki ayrı dalga boyu ile yağ eritme ve liposuction ile cilt germe yapar(970 nm ve 1470 nm)
🦋Ayrıca işlem kısa süreli bölgeye bağlı olarak ol 20-60 dakika sürer.
🦋Şişlik/ödem, ağrı ve morluk minimal veya hiç yoktur.
🦋lazer USA🇱🇷 kökenli olup FDA onayı almıştır.
🦋Tek seanslık bir uygulamadır.
🦋Bilimsel kontrollü çalışmalarda referans kabul edilir.
🦋Etkisi uygulama sonrası hemen hissedilmeye başlanır, 2-3 haftada artar ve 2-3 ayda belirgin hale gelir. 2-3 yıldan fazla devam eder.
🦋Daha sonra 1-2 yılda tek seans uygulanabilir.
🦋uygulama yapılan bölgelere diğer anti-aging(gençleştirme) uygulamalar daha sonra yapılabilir, hatta endoliftin etkinliği daha da artar.
🦋Uygulama sonra en az 7-10 gün(en az 16 saat) boyun korsesi ve/veya elektromanyetik akım veren çok ekonomik cihazlar önerilir.
❗️Önemli Uyarı! paylaşılan fotoğraflar/videolar hasta onayı alınıp, tanınmayacak şekilde kamuflaj edilmiş olup, yalnızca bilimsel bilgi paylaşımı için yerleştirilmiş tir. Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası fotoğraf/video paylaşımı amaçlanmamıştır!
🌠Note: Turkish, English, German and Arabic description is below.
🇻🇬🇱🇷🦋 Endolift (ablative diode laser) application has become the gold standard in selected patients in recent years for face, neck, forehead, eyelids, chin, quince belly, side/back/flank, arm, thigh lift and fat melting (liposuction).
🦋The biggest advantage is that it does not require surgery and local anesthesia is sufficient.
🦋It melts fat and tightens the skin with liposuction with two different wavelengths (970 nm and 1470 nm)
🦋Also, the process takes 20-60 minutes depending on the short-term area.
🦋There is minimal or no swelling/edema, pain and bruising.
🦋laser originates from USA🇱🇷 and has received FDA approval.
🦋It is a single session application.
🦋It is considered a reference in scientifically controlled studies.
🦋The effect begins to be felt immediately after application, increases in 2-3 weeks and becomes evident in 2-3 months. It continues for more than 2-3 years.
🦋Then, a single session can be applied every 1-2 years.
🦋Other anti-aging applications can be applied to the applied areas later, and the effectiveness of endolift increases even more.
🦋After the application, a neck corset and/or very economical devices that give electromagnetic current are recommended for at least 7-10 days (at least 16 hours).
❗️Important Warning! The photos/videos shared were camouflaged in an unrecognizable manner after patient approval was obtained, and were placed solely for scientific information sharing. It is not intended to share photos/videos before and after surgery!
🌠Hinweis: Nachfolgend finden Sie türkische, englische, deutsche und arabische Erklärungen.
🇩🇪🇩🇪🦋 Die Endolift-Anwendung (ablativer Diodenlaser) hat sich in den letzten Jahren zum Goldstandard für Gesicht, Hals, Stirn, Augenlider, Kinn, Quitte, Seite/Rücken/Flanke, Arm, zentrale Straffung und Fettschmelzung (Fettabsaugung) entwickelt.
🦋Der größte Vorteil besteht darin, dass keine Operation erforderlich ist und eine örtliche Betäubung ausreichend ist.
🦋Es schmilzt Fett und strafft die Haut durch Fettabsaugung mit zwei verschiedenen Wellenlängen (970 nm und 1470 nm)
🦋Außerdem dauert der Eingriff je nach Kurzzeitbereich 20-60 Minuten.
🦋Es gibt minimale oder keine Schwellungen/Ödeme, Schmerzen und Blutergüsse.
🦋Der Laser stammt aus den USA🇱🇷 und ist von der FDA zugelassen.
🦋Es handelt sich um eine Einzelsitzungsanwendung.
🦋Wissenschaftlich kontrollierte Referenzreferenz wird akzeptiert.
🦋Die Wirkung ist sofort nach der Anwendung spürbar, steigert sich 2-3 Mal pro Woche und macht sich nach 2-3 Monaten bemerkbar. Es geht noch 2-3 weitere Buchstaben weiter.
🦋Danach kann alle 1-2 Jahre eine Einzelsitzung durchgeführt werden.
🦋Weitere Anti-Aging-Anwendungen können später angewendet werden und die Wirksamkeit von Endolift wird sogar noch gesteigert.
🦋Nach der Anwendung werden für mindestens 7-10 Tage (mindestens 16 Stunden) ein Halskorsett und/oder sehr sparsame Geräte, die für einen Wachstumsfluss sorgen, empfohlen.
❗️Wichtige Warnung! Von den Fotos/Videos wurden Patientenkopien angefertigt, so getarnt, dass sie nicht erkannt werden konnten, und nur zum Zweck der Weitergabe alter Informationen veröffentlicht. Es ist nicht vorgesehen, Fotos/Videos vor und nach der Operation zu teilen!
‎🌠ملاحظة: الشروحات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية والعربية موجودة بالأسفل.
‎‏🇮🇶🇮🇶🦋 أصبح تطبيق Endolift (ليزر الصمام الثنائي الاستئصالي) هو المعيار الذهبي في السنوات الأخيرة للوجه والرقبة والجبهة والجفون والذقن والسفرجل والجانب/الظهر/الخاصرة والذراع والشد المركزي وإذابة الدهون (شفط الدهون).
‎🦋الميزة الأكبر أنها لا تحتاج إلى جراحة ويكفي التخدير الموضعي.
‎🦋يذيب الدهون ويشد الجلد بشفط الدهون بطولين موجيين مختلفين (970 نانومتر و 1470 نانومتر)
‎🦋كما تستغرق العملية من 20 إلى 60 دقيقة حسب المنطقة قصيرة المدى.
‎🦋يوجد حد أدنى أو لا يوجد أي تورم/وذمة وألم وكدمات.
‎🦋الليزر منشأه أمريكا🇱🇷 وحاصل على موافقة هيئة الغذاء والدواء.
‎🦋إنه تطبيق لجلسة واحدة.
‎🦋يتم قبول المرجع المرجعي المحكم علمياً.
‎🦋يبدأ الشعور بالتأثير فورًا بعد التطبيق، ويزداد 2-3 مرات في الأسبوع ويصبح واضحًا خلال 2-3 أشهر. ويستمر لمدة 2-3 رسائل أخرى.
‎🦋بعد ذلك يمكن تطبيق جلسة واحدة كل سنة أو سنتين.
‎🦋يمكن تطبيق تطبيقات أخرى مضادة للشيخوخة لاحقًا، وستزداد فعالية عملية الرفع الداخلي.
‎🦋بعد التطبيق، يوصى باستخدام مشد الرقبة و/أو الأجهزة الاقتصادية للغاية التي توفر تدفق النمو لمدة 7-10 أيام على الأقل (16 ساعة على الأقل).
‎❗️تحذير هام! تم التقاط نسخ من الصور/مقاطع الفيديو للمرضى، وتمويهها بحيث لا يمكن التعرف عليها، ونشرها فقط لمشاركة المعلومات القديمة. ليس المقصود مشاركة الصور/مقاطع الفيديو قبل وبعد الجراحة!
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