444names · 1 year
russian forenames and cities + cornish names + tolkienesque and irish forenames + norwegian fjords BUT excluding "j"
Abatán Abdalir Abillinsk Abiri Ablask Adyur Aegil Aegord Agdarysk Aidomás Aigha Aisuz Aitsk Algol Algornog Alick Aminsk Amovo Andachean Anden Anidanwë Aoddam Aogorsman Aoilligh Aoloy Aplait Arachen Aracinsk Arana Aranne Arbayeven Arisenden Arishkar Arkemper Arkhlín Artyuza Aurthord Avden Avelendak Aviding Avinowne Aviston Avleboaar Avlye Avredov Avtovo Avvann Bagovo Bakhîm Bakinsk Baramer Baratcher Bathan Baych Belendil Beltebav Belwë Berewarsk Bertha Blinnarne Bokha Borden Borodalsa Braglin Breya Buglass Bushch Bytrev Calesta Calic Calidh Calyurm Carsk Carvock Cassundy Ceensk Cekhyon Celia Cempen Ceock Chagin Chaidh Chelo Cherkoye Chnevolë Choli Chovoc Chylsk Ciaha Cirah Clebas Clinst Clomo Colvsk Colyordy Comabilsk Condir Conov Cothissa Cowels Cowenorsk Crovsky Cundres Cyrkha Círina Dakanlann Dalen Dallen Dameigh Daray Davdir Defrænal Deidund Dinsk Diyelovsk Dmirnetha Dochos Dondil Dopytras Dordensk Dorytert Dovgus Dregoll Dubhi Dubolán Duranna Dursk Dyard Dzendan Dzhielinm Eacán Eapiya Earask Eardensk Ebeartin Edhna Einiki Einnansk Eldarsk Elebsk Eleki Eleyko Elisil Ellemvay Elras Enskoluy Eochta Ernsk Ervelemay Erzha Estarden Eäregel Fanto Fausha Fensk Feock Feyev Fiangoboy Finsk Floghacek Foncek Forsk Fotoghery Frewan Frivan Fryacha Féidhghsk Fétaylovo Fíleidh Gafogeley Gandilros Gavod Gelmov Genbul Glino Godeth Goolch Gorden Gornín Gorsk Gramhar Grana Graparsk Grine Grionne Grídensk Gudon Gukhovsk Gullavlyë Gulyur Guran Gursk Gushal Gutsy Hagal Hagrien Halas Halews Hegov Helen Holsk Honovok Hubielew Iniil Insky Ishlín Ivdim Ivyanteka Izhsk Kamith Kanielew Kardevo Karkise Kartardia Kedul Kharastir Khosk Kinsk Kirbinsk Kithrán Kolya Kordegrós Kosladhóg Kronne Kulkhôr Kurbh Kuymyzh Labha Ladimran Lannárov Laorsk Lavga Lebonovo Lemeth Lexeyshki Lgoth Limord Linsach Linsk Logán Lukht Luynovsk Lyorsemes Léodensk Maelgarr Maghin Maiarnyë Maighsk Maitherr Maithevka Malokudon Malsk Manin Mannt Mansk Maommov Maonach Maximalsk Mazen Mearis Meiginín Mendich Menwynov Merven Mikalg Milerny Mirever Mirodher Molord Monche Monnaith Mosobrsk Mulioch Naish Nesnoar Netsk Niniaca Novick Novka Novrosa Novsk Nóinsky Obluki Ohentha Okarsk Okhorsk Ordan Osalsk Osian Osibhin Oslavl Osnovo Ozhin Ozlaomona Palsk Patkin Pavlich Paykshuna Perail Perearrd Perelen Petama Petsk Pilkhon Pinsky Plansky Pochyov Polzhum Potha Povetsk Proman Puccaith Pudzhnar Pusha Rachinnad Radonansk Ramhín Riann Roillum Ropovgrí Rovil Rovka Rovsk Ruchia Rudana Rudnyevsk Rushuksk Rzhuor Rórinya Sainovodh Sarinsk Sauscord Saynerny Selygano Shair Shkorsk Sialdon Sipersk Siysk Skozylov Snovsk Soldubna Sonsk Splyansk Sregon Strel Sundorsky Surmassal Svaitsar Sykoleán Sykovy Séaden Séalavsk Séaliysk Tadonnien Taith Talaolór Taralsk Tarchth Teler Tetukanil Thersk Tikhov Tinovsk Tirsk Togán Tombard Torne Toshlago Tranda Trant Traoldsk Treccata Trefter Tregeosta Tregin Tregoncht Treiríma Trella Tremar Tressk Treth Trets Trevotka Trevsk Trezhnan Trinoy Trovo Trowen Trænairsk Tríonn Tupiko Tursk Tushallo Tyorden Udogor Ufisk Uirovo Urybna Ushinin Usilim Usokha Usteles Uzubar Valdan Vanámax Vedav Vellin Vensk Verch Verth Vetsy Vetylkaz Viargor Vikovobel Villy Vimikovsk Vlysk Vokhar Volen Vovolts Vudov Vybysk Vænath Wessia Yazmana Yazovo Yevektres Yevinov Ytkoyl Yupionwë Yurmfhon Zadanárth Zakovsk Zavsk Zelynese Zenka Zergala Zimbrele Zuborden Zvetley Éabilín Éimir Óreth
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peashooter85 · 4 years
If you could have any piece of armour or whatever it is that you have ever seen or posted here, what would it be?
This medieval gambeson because my furnace is out and I’m damn cold!
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animatedtext · 5 years
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requested by ablaske
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ilovemosss · 4 years
dude who's the guy in your header?
his name is davy jones!!!!! he was an actor and a musician!!! and i love him!!!
this is him
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also sorry for all the exclamation marks i get excited easily
thanks for the ask have a lovely day :)))))))
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wellitsnotorigami · 4 years
hey I just wanted to say thank u for the - although unintentional- recommendation of Catfish & The Bottlemen from that kiss compilation you did. I loved the song and went to look them up and they are fucking awesome lmaaao. Thank u ❤️
I am constantly trying to inflict them on everybody cos they are fucking awesome, you’re damn right!! lol 😁 I totally deny that I am listening to all three albums over and over and then finding one song that then becomes my priority for the next week. 🤓 Plus Jodie’s a fan, so... 
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areyouleading · 4 years
"#google health benefits from murder and lesbianism" 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ SJAHWBSSJHSHSGSJASBSJSAKSBZNAJAKAA that's literally the funniest tag I've ever read omfg
google said go for it for clear skin
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ablaske · 3 years
miss ablaske sorry you have been getting dumb asks by dumb people have some hearts ❣️💜💖💝❤️‍🔥💞
this is so sweet omg thank you❤️❤️❤️would like to join me in holy matrimony
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theorange-girl · 4 years
tagged by @spi-taa-li-nen ( Thanks for tagging me!! <3)
if i were a month, i'd be: october
if i were a flower, i'd be: a daisy
if i were an album, i'd be: Love + Fear - Marina
if i were a mineral i'd be: rejalgar
if i were a sound, i'd be: heavy rain
if i were a color, i'd be: burgundy
if i were a drink, i'd be: wine
if i were a fruit, i'd be: an apple
if i were a quote, i'd be:
“Do people always fall in love with things they can't have?' 'Always,' Carol said, smiling, too.”    ―      Patricia Highsmith / The Price of Salt  
if i were a a television series, i'd be: American Horror Story
if i were a movie i'd be: Kiki´s Delivery Service
if i were a mythological creature, i'd be: a dragon
if i were a fashion brand, i'd be: Prada
if I were a body part, i'd be: hands
if i were a taste, i'd be: sweet
if i were a scent, i'd be: oranges
if i were a fabric, i'd be: cotton
if i were a song, i'd be:  rota / babi
if i were a goddess/god my 4 attributes would be: justice, strenght, compassion and courage
tagging: @caotical5, @monstervil, @ablaske      ( Only if you want :) )
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brunazzzzz · 4 years
Tagged by @ablaske //thank you 💖💖💖
ancient or modern · bitter or sweet · chocolate or vanilla · coffee or tea · create or destroy · day or night · early bird or night owl · freckles or dimples · gold or silver · Greek mythology or Egyptian mythology · macarons or eclairs · hot or cold · thunder or lightning · typewritten or handwritten · secret garden or secret library · spicy or mild · dark magic or light magic · virtue or vice · ocean or desert · mermaids or sirens · known or unknown · rough or smooth · moon or stars · rain or snow · night out or night in · power or knowledge · space or deep ocean
Tagging random blogs I adore here @argodeon @byebyesandwich @anime @flower-of-assiah @kitsunebis @mazusu @upgraded-trash @wasting-time-again @parajays
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goretzkastits · 2 years
Wheww https://c2stan.tumblr.com/post/687239770483638272/ablaske-flexible-mimi-keehl-jeevas-tyrala1
Thank you SO much for bringing this back
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So, I did a Tumblr GIF search for Jodie Comer. Just to see if there’s anything cool I could reblog. There are some great GIFs out there worth sharing.
This is what Tumblr gave me.
Now, it’s possible this could be a scene from the Series 4 trailer for Killing Eve. But somehow I doubt it. (Then again, have you seen Killing Eve? This actually isn’t too far outside the realm of possibility!)
Yeah, yeah, I know I could just click on the original post by ablaske and see what the context is.
But I don’t want to. It’s too funny that a general search for GIFs about Jodie Comer gives me a person in a costume going to town on a punching post. So...
(PS: OK, I did check anyway, just to make sure the original post wasn’t improper or anything! Basically just a few critical words about the new trailer by the OP (so this isn’t from the trailer!), which is fair enough.)
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untilfurthern0tice · 4 years
The post about the bonfires OP is a radfem. Ablaske taged it radfem and is a crypto terf. Just wanted to let you know.
Oh my goodness!! I’ll see if I can find and delete that. Thank you so much for telling me! I don’t need TERF residue on my blog.
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ablaske · 2 years
don't u remember u can't use the word scissoring anymore because it's transphobic? jail for ablaske, jail for ablaske for one thousand years lmao
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