#abhishek torgal
July 5th, 1996 was the day when Dolly was born. Dolly was not the name of a little girl, but rather a name given to a sheep. This day is considered an iconic event in medical science. However, there is a catch. While thousands of sheep are born every day, this sheep was not born through sexual reproduction. Rather, she was created through the process of cloning, which means making an identical copy of an individual by using a tiny cell.
After this event, it was discovered that cloning was possible, and that mammals could be cloned.
According to some conspiracy theories, scientists have already developed the method for human cloning, but only a few people who are in power know about it, and they are using this method for their own benefits. There are many conspiracy theories related to human cloning available on the internet.
but in this post you will get only facts
There are three types of cloning: gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Dolly, the sheep, was created through reproductive cloning. The process used to create Dolly was quite complicated, but it is important to pay attention to it.
First, a nucleus was taken from a somatic cell of a donor and transplanted into a host egg cell, which already had its genetic material removed, making it an enucleated egg. When the genetic material from the somatic cell was transferred into the host oocyte using a micropipette, an electric current was used to fuse the genetic material from the somatic cell with the egg. When the two cells fused, a new cell was created, which was then grown in a surrogate body, resulting in the creation of Dolly the sheep.
This method, known as reproductive cloning can theoretically be used for human cloning, but not practically. For example, it took scientists 277 attempts to create the first mammal clone. This means that a surrogate body had to carry the embryo 277 times. Currently, the success rate of mammal cloning is between 10% to 20%, which is better than the 0.4% success rate in 1996. However, this process is still inefficient.
Technically, it is not difficult to create a clone embryo, but when it comes to human cloning, there are many challenges that need to be considered. Even if scientists can overcome these challenges, there is still a bigger issue that is waiting for them.
The success rate for mammal cloning is between 10% to 20%, which means that there is an 80% to 90% chance that the experiment will fail. The experiment can hurt the baby, and the surrogates who carries the embryo can also be hurt. Additionally, sometimes cloned mammals expire before being implanted, there are miscarriages, and some cloned animals develop serious abnormalities.
While these risks and experiments can be carried out on animals, it becomes difficult when it comes to humans. The biggest reason why human cloning has not been attempted is that there is no need for it.
Human cloning can create a person who looks like another, similar to twins who look alike, but they may not necessarily have the same qualities. However, human organs can be cloned through the process of therapeutic cloning, which is the type of cloning that creates embryonic stem cells. This process is similar to reproductive cloning, but embryos are stored rather than implanted in a surrogate body.
In summary, while theoretically human cloning is possible, practically there are many challenges that need to be overcome. Furthermore, human cloning is not necessary as organs can be cloned through therapeutic cloning.
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