#ab 🗯️☣️ : inadequate
petite-vampi-littlet · 11 months
Unima wants some incest to brew inside of the system but since each of alters are relatives in some kind , . . Lost and Inadequate (Leo&Zeke) are hella consang now !
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petite-vampi-littlet · 11 months
🌫️👟 Lost . (cisage/age apathetic) he/they/it/vamp/...
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Melancholic alter who may come up together with Inadequate or without them . But they both appear due stress , existential crisis , self reflexing and such .
They have the urge to stay alone in the whole world forewer , run away from the place they live in , at least simply move to another town ; to break all connections with ppl they know and forget about past completely .
They are calm , tired and not talkative while brainstorming themselves .
He's the one yelling “I'm a bad person! I hurt people!” when someone compliments his character . We r pretty sure that every alter of ours remembers ab our bad choices and dick actions (mostly vaguely and only the fact itself is known) , so he's the one who feels responsibility for it . And guilt . And shame .
Fun facts :
The 🌫️ emoji shows their melancholy ; 👟 — their urge to run away .
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🗯️☣️ Inadequate (Zeke) . (cisage/age apathetic) any prns
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They're smug , lofty , blunt , rude , manipulative , simply toxic . Attempts to calm them down only make them more angry .
They show up in circumstances of stress , pressure and have a behavior of a bully — pick one vulnerable target and nag it . But for everyone else they're just a guy . Maybe even good one .
He's not interested in sympathy and basically doesn't care about victim's feelings .
upd : Zeke may be in mild or edge state . Currently he's just bored and wants to shake things a bit . And he's fronting rn .
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🩻🩸 Wicked . (cisage/age apathetic) he/they
「Boy just wanna have fun .~」
- Wicked .
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He's not and angry type . He's just a pervert , sadist and masochist . His favorite hobby is to hunt for pretty boys on the dark streets and mashing them into mince with baseball bat ; keeping them in their basement , sexually harassing them , hurting them and making out w/ them .
And they always happy and excited about it . They're just horny , sadistic , possesive . . they may fight the urge and keep running away but . They'll never change their true self (influence of Lost) .
Do they wanna ? . . No . They don't feel any guilt .
We'll be bold enough to call them a psychopath . Yes , we know what does it actually means .
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