entertainingsimmer · 2 years
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Convinces husband to try for another baby > gets pregnant immediately > finds out its twins😶🤪 @novza
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entertainingsimmer · 2 years
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Family ♥ @novza
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entertainingsimmer · 2 years
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Cheeky soon-to-be big sister ♥ @novza
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entertainingsimmer · 6 years
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
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Aaron’s parents + Felicité!
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
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Family time ♥
@camisims @arisimmin
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
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But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own And in your eyes you're holding mine~
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
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My boyyy
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
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Aunt + Uncle cuddles for Felicité!
@camisims @arisimmin
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
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I could look into your eyes Until the sun comes up And we're wrapped in light and life and love ~
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
all shades of blue, safety and rose for Aaron!!❤️
                                    AARON HAWK
Blue - Are you a creative person? How do you like to be creative? “Definitely not.”
Peacock - Are you a more flashy person, or do you like to blend in?
“I prefer to blend in.”
Sky - What is your favourite time of the day?
“First thing in the morning, waking up to my gorgeous wife and daughter.”
Arctic - Do you prefer warm or cool weather?
Cerulean- What is your favourite way to cool down in hot weather?
“Going to the beach or for a dip in the pool.”
Baby (blue) - Would you consider having children? If so, how many?
“We already have our little angel, but in the future, I’d definitely be up for having another one or two.”
Periwinkle - Would you consider yourself to be a good parent? what do you think a good parent should be?
“I’m still learning, although I’d like to think I’ve gotten the hang of it. My wife, Sidnee, helps a lot. To be a good parent? Be kind, loving and patient. Express your love to them, encourage them. Tell them you love them and you’re proud of them regularly.”
Denim - What is your fashion style?
“I throw anything on and hope it matches, lmao. If it doesn’t my wife will tell me.”
Navy - have you ever been on a boat/sailing? does it exist in your world? did you enjoy it?
“I’ve been sailing once when I was younger, wasn’t really enjoyable. Didn’t see the fun in it.”
Ultramarine - What is your favourite aquatic creature? (if they exist)
“Sea Turtle.”
Cobalt - Do you live in a world with freedom? Describe your opinion on the subject
“We have freedom to some extent, I guess.”
Teal - What makes you feel most at peace?
“Just sitting with my wife and daughter, watching them bond together.”
Turquoise - Are you good at communicating your feelings?
“Since I met Sidnee, yes. Before I met her I never really communicated my feelings to anyone.”
Lapis - What is your opinion on religion and the afterlife?
“I personally don’t have any beliefs. Ghosts would be rad though.”
Aegean - Would you consider yourself a wise person? who do you look to for wisdom?
“Oh boy, no. I’m definitely not wise in the slightest. My wife on the other hand, now she’s who I look to for wisdom.”
Safety - What is the most traumatic experience in your life?
“I can’t say I’ve had one.. yet.”
Rose - Would you consider yourself a romantic person?
“For my wife? Most definitely. *winks* ”
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
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Felicité Rae Hawk - Two weeks old
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
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Sidnee’s waters have broke!
Baby Hawk is on it’s way :)
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entertainingsimmer · 7 years
List 5 facts about your most favorite sim of yours and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore♥♥♥♥
love uuu ♥
Aaron Hawk
Works as a bartender
Has recently become a father
Wants more children in the future
He loves Sidnee more than anything and would do anything for her
He’s close with his parents + older brother
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