#aarhus ø
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stanpinesfan0410 · 2 years ago
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what the hell are they looking for
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kyhlrejser · 9 months ago
Oplev Danmark med Kyhl Rejser: Dit Premier Krydstogtbureau
Drømmer du om en rolig flugt, sejlende gennem Danmarks maleriske farvande? Kig ikke længere end Kyhl Rejser, dit premier krydstogtbureau. Med et omfattende udvalg af krydstogtmuligheder, personlige tjenester og en forpligtelse til excellence, sikrer Kyhl Rejser, at din danske krydstogtoplevelse er intet mindre end ekstraordinær.
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Hvorfor Vælge Kyhl Rejser?
Hos Kyhl Rejser mener vi, at et krydstogt er mere end blot en rejse; det er en oplevelse for livet. Her er hvorfor rejsende foretrækker Kyhl Rejser til deres danske krydstogteventyr:
Bredt Udvalg af Krydstogtmuligheder: Uanset om du leder efter et luksuriøst oceankrydstogt, et naturskønt flodkrydstogt eller en eventyrlig ekspedition, har Kyhl Rejser dækket dig ind. Vores partnerskaber med førende krydstogtselskaber sikrer en række rejseplaner, der passer til enhver rejsendes smag.
Personlig Service: Vores team af rejseeksperter er dedikeret til at forstå dine præferencer og skabe en krydstogtoplevelse skræddersyet til dine behov. Fra valg af det perfekte krydstogt til at arrangere landudflugter, håndterer vi alle detaljer for at sikre en problemfri rejse.
Eksklusive Tilbud og Rabatter: Vi er stolte af at give vores kunder mest værdi for deres penge. Med eksklusive tilbud, early bird rabatter og særlige kampagner sikrer Kyhl Rejser, at du får mest muligt ud af dit krydstogtsbudget.
Ekspertvejledning: Navigering i krydstogtsverdenen kan være overvældende, men vores erfarne agenter er her for at hjælpe. Med dybdegående viden om forskellige krydstogtselskaber, skibe og destinationer, giver vi ekspertvejledning for at hjælpe dig med at træffe informerede beslutninger.
Udforsk Danmark med Søs
Danmark, med sin fantastiske kystlinje, charmerende øer og livlige byer, er en perfekt destination for en krydstogtferie. Her er nogle højdepunkter af, hvad du kan forvente, når du booker et dansk krydstogt med Kyhl Rejser:
København: Hovedstaden er et must-see med sine historiske vartegn, trendy kvarterer og de berømte Tivoli Gardens. Sejl ind i Københavns smukke havn og udforsk dens rige kultur og livlige atmosfære.
Det Danske Øhav: Oplev magien ved Danmarks øer, fra Bornholms uberørte strande til Fyns maleriske landsbyer. Hver ø tilbyder en unik oplevelse med muligheder for afslapning, eventyr og kulturel fordybelse.
Historiske Slotte og Paladser: Danmark er hjemsted for nogle af Europas mest fortryllende slotte og paladser. Besøg Kronborg Slot, settingen for Shakespeares Hamlet, eller udforsk det overdådige Frederiksborg Slot.
Naturskønne Fjorde og Kystbyer: Krydstogt gennem Danmarks betagende fjorde og charmerende kystbyer. Oplev skønheden i steder som Aarhus, Aalborg og Skagen, der hver især tilbyder en unik blanding af historie, kultur og naturskønhed.
Book Dit Danske Krydstogt I Dag
Med Kyhl Rejser er dit drømmekrydstogt i Danmark kun en booking væk. Vores forpligtelse til excellence, personlig service og passion for rejser sikrer, at din krydstogtoplevelse vil være uforglemmelig. Kontakt os i dag for at begynde at planlægge din perfekte danske ferie.
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livsmomenter · 5 years ago
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@livsmomenter x Ø
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lawa · 7 years ago
2018015_28 by Lars Wästfelt
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skifnomad · 5 years ago
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Isbjerget at Aarhus Ø.
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thevisafly · 4 years ago
Exploring Denmark: Taking Pleasure in Danish Delights
Denmark – a place of happiness, a collaboration of new and old – the perfect place for any kind of traveller. From festivals, art galleries and botanical gardens to EDM raves and snazzy architecture… The country has something for all who choose to travel here! Hygge Ever heard of the term Hyyge? It’s pronounced “hoo-gah”, and translates roughly to ‘cosiness’. But really, Hygge goes far deeper than that: it embodies warmth, enjoying a comforting atmosphere and good people. Things like sitting under the sun reading a good book, cosying up with your family in front of the fireplace, going on a picnic… All of them are Hygge. And Danish people, unsurprisingly, have a lot of it. It’s a Danish way of life, and you’ll find it year-round – probably why Danes top the charts when it comes to quality of life. If you’re unsure of how to go about embodying this culture, they have Hygge and happiness tours that you and your family can embark on – maybe find yourself, and some new friends too!
A Cycling Country Danish people are crazy about cycling. The country is known for its intense biking culture, and you can travel on a cycle whenever and wherever. They’re freely available to the public, and are actually encouraged – if you fancy a romantic bike ride with cool breeze in your hair and the towering sights of Denmark’s coolest castles at your footstep, then cycling it is. Most of Denmark’s terrain is either flat or mildly angled, and the nation has an expansive network of cycle routes to explore as well. The best part is, you won’t feel even a tad bit out of place while doing it – more than 50% of Copenhagen travels by bike, so you’ll fit right in with the locals!
Quintessential Quadruple – Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg These are the four biggest – and most popular cities in Denmark. Why, you ask? Well…
Copenhagen If we’re going to start talking about how amazing Copenhagen is, we need to start from the outside: it’s home island Zealand is just as (if not more) enticing as the actual city itself. Zealand is home to an insane amount of interesting man-made and natural spots that spark contemplation and curiosity upon sight – places like the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, and the Frederiksborg Castle are a must-see for those interested in the culture and history of Denmark. Other man-made mini adventures include the Six Forgotten Giants (a treasure hunt in the midst of a forest for these 6 gigantic wooden sculptures), and Camp Adventure (a large cone-shaped monument that has a breathtaking view from the top). Copenhagen itself hosts a variety of eye-catching experiences, including their world-class zoo, aquarium, open air museums and range of galleries. The experimentarium hosts fun science interactions, and the Botanical and King’s Gardens are home to expansive glass domes filled with teeming flora.
Aarhus Aarhus – a city where Hygge embodies its natural surroundings, and seeps its way into the Danish creativity: giving rise to all sorts of amazing urban architecture. To pick 3 of the coolest architectural experiences in Aarhus isn’t hard at all – what’s hard is figuring out how not to want more! The ARoS Aarhus Art Museum is home to a walkway bridge-like contraption – nothing fancy, until you see it and realise it’s like walking through a rainbow. From the inside, it’s the perfect embodiment of La Vie En Rose – except you’re seeing the world with more than just one rose-tinted glass: there’s the whole spectrum of rainbow waiting! Another really interesting work of art is the Infinite Bridge. Originally a temporary addition to a 2015 Sculpture fest, it was brought back by popular demand and is now permanently placed in Aarhus’ Varna Beach. You don’t just get the pristine cove and luscious high-rise forestry here – this bridge is a loop, meaning you can walk endlessly around it while uncovering bits of Varna Beach’s multifaceted natural beauty at every round. Lastly, The Iceberg.“What’s so special about an iceberg”? Well, it’s actually not even one – Aarhus Ø’s waterfront has one of the coolest-looking establishments ever – and it’s totally functional, too! It looks like a giant, man-made round of icebergs, and is named aptly so.
Odense The island of Fyn (pronounced “foon”) is where Odense is situated. Home to an eclectic mix of literary and environmental wonder, Fyn is a must-see for those looking forward to a laid-back vacation in the depths of Denmark. It’s ideal for those wanting a leisurely cycle around the countryside, because the natural islandic seascape draws many who go there. It’s also hard not to miss one of the many castles that adorn this part of Denmark, and a peaceful visit to these royal structures is always on the cards: for starters, we recommend the renaissance-dated Egeskov Castle. It’s also the home of Hans Christian Andersen, and many a tribute is paid to the legendary literacist here: he even has a museum in his name, that holds up the prestige of his works.
  Odense is a place to slow down and experience the true Danish spirit – its largest market, Rosengaardcentret (yes, we have difficulty saying that too) is a bustling mix of vibrant people and vintage surroundings. Odense is also the only place outside Sydney where you can try your hand at bridgewalking – this is your chance! Their assortment of bars, cafes, restaurants and public spaces are a great place to just hang out and take it all in. Not to mention the many festivals that take place here, including the magical Hans Christian Andersen Festival, the reputed Odense International Film Festival, and of course, the Magic Days Festival.
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architectnews · 4 years ago
School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University
Aarhus University BSS, Danish Architecture Competition, Jutland Building Project, Images
School of Business and Social Sciences in Aarhus, Jutland
30 Apr 2021
School of Business and Social Sciences
Design: AART
Location: Århus, Jylland, Danmark
The Danish practice AART has won the competition to design the new Aarhus BSS, School of Business and Social Sciences at Aarhus University, which is the second largest university in Denmark. Flexible study environments and sustainable solutions combined with high architectural qualities. These are the key elements in the future Aarhus BSS.
The ambition is to create a new landmark for the city of Aarhus and a meeting point in the University City – the upcoming city-integrated campus at Aarhus University. Particularly significant will be the large auditorium, which will be established as a rotunda in glass and aluminium in the central square and thus become a spectacular centre of the campus.
In 2025, Aarhus BSS will move its activities across the city – from its current address to the University City. With the move, students and staff can, among other things, can look forward to a number of new and larger auditoriums – where one of them will be Aarhus University’s largest with room for 800 people. Wood will be a common material in the architectural expressions of the new buildings, while study areas and teaching rooms are designed so that they can be used for several purposes.
This applies, for example, to the large auditorium, which can be divided into both two and three smaller auditoriums and used for both lectures and external events. A flexibility that is also worked into the teaching rooms, which in all buildings become a well-integrated part of the study environments.
“The project is ambitious and supports the overall plan’s visions for the development of the area as a sustainable urban area that will be full of life 24/7”, says Jørgen Lang, CEO of FEAS.
With its location in the middle of the University City and its 37,000 square meters, Aarhus BSS will turn into an important part of Aarhus University’s overall physical development where all new buildings will be closer to the faculty’s other activities in the University Park in Aarhus. With its architectural expression and quality, it manages to create and clear coherence across the University Park and the University City. That is why it is moving towards another simply unified and integrated campus in Aarhus, where the synergies strengthen between research environments, study environments, teaching, and collaboration with the university’s external stakeholders.
Last but not least, the sustainable ambitions are high for the future Aarhus BSS. Both active and passive sustainable solutions have therefore been entered from the start of the project, which aims for a DGNB Gold certification – on a par with the specification that the University City as an urban area has achieved.
Aarhus BSS in the University City – Building Information
Architects: AART Location: Aarhus, Denmark Size: 37,000 square meters Developer: FEAS Landscape architect: LYTT Architecture Entrepreneur: A. Enggaard
School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University images / information received 300421
Location: Aarhus, Jutland, Denmark
Architecture in Denmark
Jutland Architectural Projects
Aarhus Architecture Designs – chronological list
Aarhus Architecture Walking Tours
Home for Life, Lystrup Design: AART Architects photograph : Adam Mørk Home for Life, Denmark
Pop-up Train Carriages in Aarhus Design: AART Architects image from architecture studio Pop-up Train Carriages in Aarhus
Nicolinehus Aarhus Ø Design: AART Architects image from architect Nicolinehus Aarhus Ø
Danish Architecture
Danish Architect
Denmark Architecture
Aarhus Concert Hall by Arkitektfirmaet C. F. Møller:
Utzon Center, Aalborg, Jylland Kim Utzon Architects photo : Torben Eskerod Denmark
Århus harbour – docklands building UNStudio & 3XN Architects Aarhus Harbour, 2022, UN Studio
The Iceberg Project Aarhus : Julien De Smedt Architects
Contemporary Housing
Aarhus Building : Further Information re Harbour project
Contemporary Housing Designs
C.F. Møller Architects
Comments / photos for the School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University page welcome
Website: Aarhus
The post School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University appeared first on e-architect.
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danishwithemi · 6 years ago
Lesson 1 - The alphabet (alfabetet)
The Danish alphabet is almost exactly the same as the English alphabet - except the sounds are a little different and there is an additional 3 letters at the end. The Danish alphabet is as follows:
Upper case Lower case Pronunciation Alternative A a Like a in man B b Like be in because C c Like c in cemented D d Like d in den E e Like i in omit F f Like eff in Jeff G g Like g in give H h Like h in hope I i Like ea in meat J j Like y in yodle K k Like c in coleslaw L l Like el in seller M m Like em in empty N n Like en in end O o Like o in omit P p Like p in pick Q q Like co in cool R r Like r in air S s Like es in lesson T t Like t in tipsy U u Like oo in boots V v Like v in vote W w Dobbelt-v (translated: double v) Note: in speech, the sound is similar to v X x Like ex in ex Y y Like e in few Z z Like zedd in Zedd Æ æ Like the first e in elder AE/ae Ø ø Like ea in search OE/oe Å å Like o in omen AA/aa
If you cannot see the table above click here
The additional 3 letters æ, ø and å are all vowels (just like a, e, i, o, u and y). These letters are found in various Danish words and names and can be written using a Danish keyboard or by adding the language to your keyboard on your computer or phone.
You might have noticed that there are alternative ways for how to write the letters æ, ø and å. Danish people will understand the alternative ways of writing these letters, but æ, ø and å are the default ways. Some cities uses the alternatives instead of the default way of writing the letters. Examples of such cities are:
Aalborg (Ålborg)
Aarhus (Århus)
Grenaa (Grenå)
However, writing these cities names with å instead of aa is still correct and danes will know exactly what you mean.
Note that the above pronunciations are the pronunciations of the alphabet. The sounds may vary in different Danish words.
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nowzarhedayati · 6 years ago
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Last summer I visited city of Aarhus after more than a decade, and I witnessed lots of exciting new changes to the city. Changes that made Aarhus much more vibrant, exciting and lively than before.
Aarhus is Denmark's second largest city with a population of approximately 340,000. It is located on the east of Jutland peninsula and it is the most important Economic and Cultural hub in the peninsula.
Today's Aarhus is much more interesting and exciting than the last time I visited it. There are so many new developments, buildings and infrastructures within the city. For example, Aarhus is now home to Denmark's only Light Rail Transportation system (opened August 2018), which is a perfect solution to the growing demands for the public transportation of Denmark's second largest city.
Another major development in Aarhus is the Aarhus Docklands (Aarhus Ø). The project started in 2008 and it converted the former container port of Aarhus to new residential, commercial and educational area. Aarhus Docklands became an attractive canvas for many famous Danish and International architects to showcase their latest designs. Perhaps the most famous building in the Aarhus Docklands is the eye-catching edifice designed by Julien de Smedt (JDS Architects), called "The Iceberg" (Isbjerget). The Iceberg was finished in 2013 and it received the Mipim Award of the same year. The building got its name by resembling Icebergs of the North Atlantic. They are a residential complex, overlooking the Bay of Aarhus and their unique design have quickly placed them as one of the symbols of the city of Aarhus.
Another waterfront development near Aarhus' Custom House is DOKK1, designed by the Danish architectural firm SHL (Schmidt Hammer Larsen) in 2015. DOKK1 is a public library, with over 1000 automated car parks and an open playground area for the kids. The combination of all these activities makes this building the source of city life for this area.
One of modern Aarhus' most visited building is the Aros Museum. Its new building, is a 10-storey edifice designed by SHL (Schmidt Hammer Larsen) and it was opened in 2004. It quickly became one of the city's biggest tourist attractions; to the point where it is Denmark's 2nd most visited museum after the famous Louisiana building in Humlebæk. Aros became even more famous and attractive after the completion of the Rainbow installation on its rooftop. The Rainbow is a circular shaped walkway with colorful glasses, coloring different parts of the city with rainbow colors, as the visitor walks along the circular path. It was designed by an Icelandic-Danish artist, Olafur Eliasson and it was opened in May of 2011.
The oldest part of the city of Aarhus is the Latin Quarter. It has always been filled with studios, galleries, shops, cafés and restaurants, but it is now more vibrant and social than ever. Latin Quarter is now home to many more relaxing and exciting restaurants and cafés which are the life of the city both during the day as well as the night.
One cannot talk about Aarhus without talking about "The Old Town" (Den Gamle By). Den Gamle by was originally inaugurated to the public in 1914 as an open-air museum, where visitors can go back in time and experience life in a typical Danish city throughout history. The museum takes you back in time before the 1900, during 1920s and during the 1970s, which is the newest addition to this amazing open-air museum.
Aarhus has gone through so many changes in the past decade and it is a better place to live. This rather small city has a lot to offer, from cultural events to recreational activities. From museums to social gathering spaces. Aarhus is definitely moving towards becoming a vibrant modern city, where it is providing comfort for its citizens and it is becoming more attractive for visitors and tourists.
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frederiksalle · 6 years ago
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La parte nueva de Aarhus, Aarhus ø tiene muchos edificios nuevos y mucho esta en construcción. Un dia fuimos a pasear con Giulia y Valentina, tomamos mate en la orilla y hablamos del rol del arquitecto en la ciudad. 
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der-jawl · 2 years ago
Hat gerade ein Foto gepostet @ Aarhus Ø https://t.co/MIfCTfbveN
— Christian Fischer (@jawl) Oct 19, 2022
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livsmomenter · 5 years ago
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lawa · 7 years ago
2018015_32 by Lars Wästfelt
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danielvandernoon · 3 years ago
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Shocked and sorry to have heard the news today about the sudden passing of Michael Mortensen at just 49. • I first met Michael back in 2015 on my second trip to New York as part of the AARhus project delegation - I was a little wild at the time he made space and time for me: we exchanged many warm dialogues and I took the words he said to me during this trip very much to heart. I found a friend in Michael. He also enthusiastically supported many of my projects inviting me to draw at his company HQ, CASA, and introducing me to Horsens – a city in Denmark where I have returned on several occasions to create other projects which stemmed from being introduced there by Michael. • More recently he challenged me to create a wood-burning at CASA’s badehuse on Aarhus Ø – among the hardest projects I ever had to do! • I have many memories of meeting him – often with a pen in my hand drawing on his walls. While he accumulated an unending list of achievements through business, I only ever really saw the man himself. He made time for everyone, was always smiling and would open up conversation about anything! He generously supported all sorts of projects as well as all sorts initiatives in his hometown, Horsens and the wider world. I found it so encouraging to see him always so casually dressed, his employees always beaming and a joke never far off – Among the memories that stick out while I was working in the office drawing one evening I saw that he was meeting with a boy of around 12 years old and his father; I learned that he was sponsoring the child’s go-kart who was of course an aspiring racing driver! It was not only Michael Kvium art he supported but people on all sorts of paths. • My only real response can be to send my prayers and chant for Michael, his children and family as well as everyone whose lives he touched during his time here on Earth; and apply myself ever more so to create more of the work of mine he supported so much. Thank you for giving it your all during this lifetime and hope to see you again: in another place, in another time. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 • 📸 of work made at CASA @eivindsorgenfryd @ourmaninparis • #thankyoumichaelmortensen #💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZekGAHMlmO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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