#aaren rudolph
odinsblog · 1 year
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If you’re Black and looking for a good reason to learn how to swim, 🏊🏿‍♂️
👉🏿 https://www.newsweek.com/alabama-boat-brawl-videos-what-happened-1817837
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numberonepostcrown · 1 year
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odinsblog · 1 year
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odinsblog · 1 year
Hey Odin! Hope life's goin well for you. What's up with the recent posts on alabama? I couldn't figure out what happened and I don't have tiktok so I was just curious what all this is about? Thanks for your blog! I've been following it for a while silently haha.
Hey @warningimboring
If you want a quick street level recap, this post does as good a job as any of hilariously explaining it
If you want a more straightforward explanation of why most Black people find it so refreshing and are sO amused by what happened, then this post helps explain why
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shorter version: a Black person was wrongly attacked by gang of white people (in the birthplace of the KKK and the confederacy, no less!), and then local Black folks united like the Alabama Avengers, nobody Black was seriously harmed, and the white people who instigated the altercation were held actually accountable for once 🤯 and arrested. And Black people being Black people, we got completely non-serious & lit up social media and the internet with a million memes, from Black Aquaman (Aaren Rudolph 🏊🏿‍♂️), to Bobby Shmurda hat memes, to endless memes about Black people getting strapped by arming ourselves with folding chairs 🪑. It’s basically a win/win, feel good story. We deserve a good laugh and a win, even if it’s not changing the world … or is it??
Once the strike is won by the writers and actors, I’m hoping maybe we can get a Jordan Peele movie outta this
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And ty for the kind words and the silent follow. Have a great day, and please dO enjoy all the memes
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