#aaol: character talk
borathae · 5 months
Hello, newbie kinkster here and I'm going to rely on AAOL Jungkook to tell me about his first time falling into the sub headspace. I experienced it for the first time last week with my girlfriend when she called me her good girl and I just kept tearing up because I felt so weak and small but in a good way. Is that safe and healthy or subbing isn't for me if I'm crying? She immediately stopped but I wanted to continue she said she will but she hasn't again. I will bring it up later tonight, but for now I want to hear kookie pov
He gives you a smile, which both shows how proud he is of you and how happy he is for you.
"Wow, I'm so happy for you", he says, "you girlfriend sounds like a really sweet person. It's so, so great of her to stop and to make sure that you were okay. I also get you so bad on crying because of being called good", he says, having to snicker shyly.
He takes a little time to think about the rest of your words, talking with great kindness once he finally speaks.
"I didn't cry the first time I subbed, but I also have a smiliar experience than you. It was with my wife." His eyes soften, "my love. We were already dating for a while and were both healing from what we went through. It was during a time where I already felt very good about myself again. We played, I subbed like always and she treated me so gently and with so much adoration and I suddenly felt so small and weak and, and good that I started crying. I realised that I suddenly had someone who made me feel safe, who allowed me to let go safely and who loves me enough to give me a space where I can show myself in ways I would never want to show myself to the public. Yeah, I cried a lot but they were happy tears. Tears of relief and tears of a big emotional release."
He gives you a reassuring smile.
"Maybe it was the same for you. Being submissive already comes with a lot of scary feelings. You show yourself in vulnerable ways, you allow another person to touch you. Sometimes you even allow them to see you naked, which is literally the most vulnerable state to be in. I think that there can be a lot of shame and fear around subbing, even if those feelings are unconscious. And if you play with someone who lets you be so You in a safe way and who shows you how much they love this version of you, it can become very overwhelming."
He reaches out to give you a respectful and soothing pat on your arm. Just a small touch, not meant to make you uncomfortable.
"I wouldn't give up on it yet. I think that you cried because you finally felt safe and that became overwhelming. If I were you, I would try it again and then listen to your own feelings and body. You are definitely not wrong for crying though. I'm really proud of you and you can always come to me for questions. You're the first person to come to me for kink community questions, so I feel really excited right now", he says and giggles cutely.
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angelamontoo · 1 year
Wait I wanna hear about ur Mortimer Brewster hate.
I never cared for him personally but I wanna hear ur reason, if you don't mind.
Oh I probably shouldnt have called myself a hater, that's a bit too strong and negative a word for how I feel about Mortimer. Tbh with how unsympathetic and just plain boring a lot of leading men(aswell as other characters who we, the audience, are expected to have some automatic, unearned liking for)are in a lot of these old films, I can't truly hate Mortimer just cause hes at least consistently genuinely funny and interesting to watch.
Still, Mortimer has a lot of pretty unlikeable characteristics that it took multiple rewatches of the film for me to really notice, or at least think about fully. It's definitely partially my opinion being influenced by other AAOL fans who's post about why they hate Mort got me thinking more about just what a massive douche he is in the film, but plenty of it is stuff I kinda noticed myself and then focused on more with every rewatch while I was waiting for Einstein to appear.
The most obvious shitty trait about Mortimer is ofc the way he treats Elaine, ignoring her, berating her, stringing her along and being a condescending dickweed, all because of his own internal conflicts and as a Lorre fan, I'm obligated to be somewhat offended by how needlessly mean he is to Herman, but what really bothers me personally is the way he treats his aunts and especially Teddy. He talks down to his aunts like they're little kids instead of the people who raised him, essentially his mothers and has 0 gratitude for everything they've done for him despite Abby and Martha treating him like their golden child, being thrilled to cart them off to happydale with Teddy. Speaking of, the utter lack of empathy Mortimer has for his own brother, who has never done anything more harmful to anyone else than blow a bugle too loud, is vile. He has no moral qualms letting Teddy potentially take the fall for murder when he's never shown signs of violence before just because "everyone already knows he's crazy" and Mortimer was always planning to shove Teddy into a nuthouse when his aunts croaked anyway so it's no skin off his nose.
Also, while I'm happy that Herman makes it out of the film unscathed, the fact that Mortimer let's someone who he knows was at least an accomplice to multiple murders walk free just because he helps Mort unload his inconvenient relatives into somebody else's care, is proof that Mortimers eagerness to be rid of his family has nothing to do with him being worried that they'll hurt more innocent people. For all Mortimer knows, Herman's every bit as dangerous as Jonathan.
So yeah if I was gonna make a tiere list for leading men in Lorre films(not including the few where Pete fills that role ofc) Mort would probably rank relatively high for being fun to watch and having some sympathetic moments, but that is not saying much
Also thanks for this ask. My blogs mainly about pete characters ofc, but I like having an excuse to talk about some other characters I'm interested in from his films
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borathae · 9 months
@ aaol kookie: I have a huge big fat crush on your wife! She's literally so perfect. I'd die to get a girlfriend like her!
"I have a crush on her as well. She's the most perfect person in the whole, entire universe", he says and giggles happily. He lowers his eyes at you then, acting as if he was angry, "stay away from her by the way, she already said that I'm hers", he jokes with just a hint of honesty in his happy voice.
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borathae · 11 months
Aaol!jk have u ever had a nightmare about oc leaving you?
If the answer is yes what did you do/ how did oc reassure you?
"Yes I did. I would say it's my most occuring nightmare, next to watching her die or get hurt", he says with a very sad pout, "I always wake up crying because it felt so real and it hurt so much. But she always reassures me that it was just a dream and then cuddles me until I fall asleep again. Yeah, her hugs always help me calm down again."
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borathae · 1 year
Can I ask bunny what is the last sweet gesture his wife did for him
"I think everything she does is sweet and makes me happy", he says and smiles cutely, "I don't take anything for granted, so I would say the last sweet gesture she did for me was when she made me a lunchbox today eventhough she didn't have to. Yeah, that made my entire day."
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borathae · 2 years
We've seen aaol Jungkook sulky about lack of attention from oc, does oc ever get whiny and ask for attention from hubby when he's been super busy with work ?
If so, how do you reassure her and reinforce that she's still a priority to you 😊
"She is actually really independent and she gets a lot less needy than I do, so maybe you won’t even believe me, but yes she does get sulky sometimes", Jungkook says and grins fondly, "I know when she is attention starved the second I leave the elevator because on those days, she likes to wait for me by the door. She always pretends that it's super coincidental, but I already figured her out."
He snickers cutely, hiding his mouth behind his hand for just a second. It just so happens that his shoulder lift to his ears as well as he does, making him appear even more adorable than he already was. Jungkook begins to sway from left to right as he continues talking, doing so as an innocent little habit.
"I think it's really cute that she waits for me", he says, looking at the ceiling as he is kicking his feet under the table, "and on those days I like to cuddle her even more than I do on normal days and then tell her that she smells good, because she always does. I also really like kissing her face once we're in bed and I make sure to get every inch of it. She especially likes kissies on her eyelids and kissies on her forehead. Oh", he looks at you with boyish eyes, "did I just say kissies? Sorry, we always call them kissies at home, I guess I kinda slipped", he says and giggles.
"Yeah but uhm, I guess I just cuddle her more and give her more kisses and give her lots of compliments", he says and nods his head contently, "I also always make sure to text her throughout the day. But that’s like a general thing I do, because I like texting her whenever I think of her. I know I'm such a sap but what can I say? I just like letting her know that I think of her", he says and giggles cutely, wiggling his shoulders happily.
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borathae · 7 months
aaol how was valentine’s day??🥹
i know that sometimes it can be hard to do something super special since koo probably still had work and oc had school but would you say it was it still a good valentines overall??💗
"Oh yes it was a very lovely valentine's day", she says with a fond sparkle in her eyes.
"Tell them what we did, my love", he stresses with a soft nudge to her arm.
"Well basically we-"
"I took her to a private onsen with sushi afterwards and, and then after the sushi we went for a romantic nightwalk in the countryside where we exchanged gifts", Jungkook interrupts her becuase he is just way too excited to talk about their valentine's date.
"Yeah, exactly. God, you stupid noodle you", she says and leans in for a kiss to his cheek.
He leans in with closed eyes and his hands holding her lower arm.
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borathae · 8 months
@ kook aaol can I pat your butt? You're freaking adorable! Cutest bunny if all bunny boys 🥰🥰🥰
He giggles, "no you can't. Only my wife can do that", he says cutely and pulls his shoulders to his ears as he strikes a little pose.
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borathae · 2 years
Since we're on the topic, kink list for aaol kook and his wife ? Anything we don't know of yet? 🤔
But i also feel like those two probably consider what most population considers kinky as "risqué" hahahah like to them pegging is just sex
Also kook, any fantasies you wanna try with wifey some day? 👀
Yes definitely hahaha I feel like they're into almost everything. Except for their hard limits of course. But I feel that those two tried everything (out of their hard limit zone) at least once before deciding whether or not they'll include it from now on or not. 🥴
Also to Koo's question.
"I want her to cosplay as a really strong warrior lady and then she picks me up and carries me around. And I'm her damsel in distress, who she needs to save from an evil man", Jungkook grins cutely, "yeah that's what I want to do with her."
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borathae · 2 years
AAOL!Jungkookieee i have some questions for u too! 💜
1-be kissed all day or teased all day?
2-give or receive a lap dance?
3-okayy about sex positions (i searched them up i admit that haha) The Cathrine Wheel or Lotus?
"Isn't this the same? I think if she kissed me all day, I would get so horny for her", he giggles, "I can't help it, her kisses always feel so good and nice and great."
He hums upon hearing your second question, tilting his head to the side.
"I suck at lap dances", he confesses, blushing slightly, "she always says that I don't, but I never really know what to do. So I guess I would really like it if she gave me one. She's never done that to me before, so I think it could be really, really sexy."
"Lotus", he says instantly, "there is no doubt in that. I love the Lotus position so much because I can hold her and be really, really close to her. And we can kiss and I can suck on her nipples or if I'm on top she can suck mine. It's so, so good. I love it a lot", he says and sighs happily, "now I wanna do it", he whispers, pouting sadly.
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borathae · 9 months
aaol couple,
how was Christmas? did you guys do anything special or was it just a pretty laid back day?
"It was a pretty laid back day", she says, "Kookie had quite the stressful time in December so we wanted to keep Christmas Eve relaxed. We dressed up in matching sweaters and then exchanged gifts with some music in the background."
"Yeah and the day before we decorated the tree together. Don't forget to mention that, mommy. That was so much fun to do because we could steal kisses from each other all the time", he says, earning himself a fond look from her.
"You mean you kept stealing kisses as I was trying to work."
He giggles, "heh yeah..."
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borathae · 1 year
To the aaol lovelies again: On a similar note, i stumbled onto a porno where the guy is doing something similar to douching. He kinda looks like he's squirting after pumping water inside... It's so hot when he clenches and water comes out .. would that intrest you or are you more of bedroom exclusive acts not shower/bath sessions type couple?
He shakes his head, "of course I haven’t done it before. I, I didn’t even know that squirting was possible for me. Oh god", he says and cups his burning cheeks again.
She smiles fondly, "that means he's gonna think about it for days and then secretly try it."
"Mommy! Don’t expose me!" he whines loudly, pouting as hard as he can.
a/n: porn like that is my guilty pleasure jdjdjdj it’s so fucking hot. I once watched one where he did it with lube and like that did something to me jsjsjs
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borathae · 1 year
Question to the aaol lovelies, has hubby ever maybe squirted? Or are you guys interested in exploring that possibility or no pressure at all to discover if it's possible? I just think jaykay would be so into it and would send him so far into sub space after that his head is just floating for minutes on minutes... I know you love it when she squirts so i thought maybe the same for him???
"I could squirt??" Jungkook gasps, widening his eyes, "but I’m a guy, that’s not possible for guys."
"Yeah sure", she chuckles, "just like anal orgasms weren’t possible, huh?"
Jungkook blushes vividly, cupping his own cheeks, "but...oh my god", he whispers.
She smiles, caressing the back of his head, "you’re so cute. I guess I know what I gotta do next."
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borathae · 11 months
Bestie I want aaol oc too
She's too hot I wanna be her bunny too
Jk fight me Im stealing your mommy
"You can try, but you won't win. She says that I'm her only Bunny", Jungkook says cutely and sticks out his tongue to tease you.
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borathae · 2 years
AAOL kook do you get sometimes temptations when it comes to liquor? How has sobriety been? How's your wife and how's uni going? I know it's kicking my butt! ;(
Also what are guys doing for Christmas:))))
"I wouldn't really say that I'm tempted by it, more that there are days where I have this stupid voice in my head wondering whether I'd be unaffected if I took a sip", Jungkook looks sad, "I don't like this voice because I don't want to know. I want to stay away from it. It brought my nothing but pain and almost killed me and I never want to go back to it."
He listens to your other questions.
"I love being sober. It's best fucking shit in the world", he says, "sorry for cursing, but it's really the best. Also she is amazing. She's currently really busy studying for her exams, so I've been bringing home lots of takeout and coffee and gave her lots of massages already. But she is such a fighter that she rarely complains", he smiles fondly, "I'm really proud of her. She's so intelligent and hardworking."
His face lights up upon hearing your last question.
"We're planning to visit Iceland. I, I know what you are going to say. That visiting Iceland in the middle of December is the worst idea ever, but we want to get the real deal. We hope that we'll get lots of snow and really cold cold. I also really hope that we’ll see polar lights", he grins happily, "yeah, it's gonna be a good holiday. I can't wait to visit hot springs with her. I heard there is one where you can get masks and everything. I bet we'll have such a relaxing time there."
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borathae · 1 year
Can we ask the Aaol oc if she ever experienced subspace? ☺️🫠
"I did, but it was never for good reasons", she says, shifting uncomfortably, "when I started off as a sex worker I was young and had little confidence and I didn't know that I could say no to stuff. There were many cruel men I had to sleep with. They often times fucked me into submission and I", she stops talking, reaching for her husband's hand, "I can't."
Jungkook pulls her into his arms, hiding her face from you by cradling it against his chest.
"Please don't ask her about her past", he says sternly and with immense protectiveness glimmering in his eyes. He rubs his hand over the back of her head and kisses her hair gently, "I'm here my love. I'm here", he whispers, swaying her gently as he hums nonsense melodies to her.
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