lost-and-gay · 3 years
Ok so I've seen these "But what if it was swapped" kind of AU images of Avatar: TLA, where Sokka and Katara are the villains. I absolutely love this, and I had my own kind of idea for it that I want to write down before I forget anything.
- The avatar cycle goes Fire, Water, Air, Earth, with the last avatar(Before Aang) being an Airbender.
- Earth and Air have swapped places, and Fire and Water have swapped as well.
- Without the fire nation to pillage and deplete the southern water tribe, it merged with the North and created a strong empire with two capitals and reigning parties of both. After the death of their mother however, Katara and Sokka's father decided to take over, and put each of his kids as heirs to a northern or southern throne. They both think he's kinda crappy for this but are forced to go along with it bc he's their last living parent.
- The earth nation were mostly peaceful people, split into tribes located in heavily earth related places(so the swamp people were a really big clan of earth benders) really grounded into nature and stuff, so Aang is still mostly a pacifist, but he's got them nature powers and condones eating meat since he thinks of it as giving back to the nature he took it from.
- The water tribe cut off the supply of water from the earth nation tribes to wipe them out(they later returned the water so they could use the land for settlements, which have now turned to old ruins) and killed all the old Earth ending masters.
- The next avatar in the cycle was going to be fire nation, and the Water tribe began killing off fire benders and taking them prisoner till barely any were left. This caused the nation to split into a Western Fire nation and an Eastern Fire nation. In the East, they blocked themselves off and fortified themselves well enough that they have an abundance, some may even say overabundance, of fire benders. The west wasn't so lucky, and fire benders are rare.
- Azula and Zuko's parents were killed for being fire benders, and the two have hid their abilities, they live in a flat plains village in between two volcanoes.
- Sokka is the crown prince of the Northern Water tribe, and he plays more of an Azula role, he's smart and calculated, and will later assemble a skilled team of aids to help him also track down the avatar(more on that later). He's still a non bender tho, sorry Sokka.
- Katara is the crown princess of the Southern Water tribe, who was banished after she stood up to her father when he wanted to take over the Air nation as well. They fought and she got frostbite on her neck which she hides with her mothers necklace.
- The air nomads are a really badass society, like, they've embraced the whole taking air out of people thing. They're a multi-kingdom place with a lot of palaces and villages just in the air nearby temples.
- Mai is a non bender that the group is going to meet on their journey, she lives on ember island and teaches knife throwing to the women there since she's the head of their little army. She comes in here and there in place of Suki.
- I feel like Zukka should be endgame in this AU, it just feels right.
- Ty Lee is an Airbender Duchess or smth fancy who has a side gig as a mercenary for hire with her chi bending abilities. I thought of this especially since I enjoy the headcanon that she's of Airbender descent in the show due to her gray eyes. She uses airbending to help track the movements of others since she can feel the difference in the air current.
- Toph is an earthbender anomaly who was born to water tribe nobles, she grew up with Zuko and Katara and is a badass in general. She is still blind, yes.
- Suki is a guard for princess Yue, who's engaged to Sokka(but they both go their separate ways me thinks) she's from the water tribe. She'll later help team Boomerang(that's what I'm calling the Sokka, Toph, and Suki squad) out when she's enlisted by Sokka. Added humor as both girls on team Boomerang are pining for Sokka but he's gonna pine for Zuko.
- Tyzula is definitely gonna be endgame.
That's all I've got so far but I think it's a neat take that I've come up with.
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