mar-bluu · 4 years
Week 2 Day 1- Amnesia AU
Asjdkfldja i was gonna do fics but writing takes me like a billion years so im gonna try headcanons for the first time?????? Enjoy??
Trigger Warnings: seizures, amnesia, head injuries
Belmerttons Amnesia AU
A little bit of background info
Buttons and Elmer had been dating for roughly six years, but had known each other about eight
Elmer works at a local animal shelter while Buttons does costume design for a small-ish television company
They lived in a (very slightly shabby) apartment with a balcony that Elmer would stand on and watch the birds hop around and do their thing both in the morning and at night
Occasionally he would sit out there with breakfast and/or dinner
But one day
The worn down structures just had enough
And the balcony collapsed
With Elmer and his breakfast crashing down with it
Luckily, one of their neighbors was walking their dog and rushed over to help
Not so luckily, Elmer knocked his head pretty pretty badly
So badly that he went into an atonic seizure
The neighbor, the responsible human they are, called an ambulance, who took him to the nearest hospital
Meanwhile, Buttons was over on the other side of the city, enjoying his totally average day
Until he recieves a phone call from the same neighbor who called the ambulance, filling him in on the situation
So naturally
Buttons F R E A K E D
Cause his boyfriend just fell three stories and had a seizure!!!
So he books it to the hospital right away
When he gets there Elmer's up and talking (yayy!) But he's unable to have visitors cause he was undergoing physical and cognitive evaluation (noo!)
But Buttons is more than happy to wait, as long as Elmer was getting the treatment he needed
So he waited through the general information tests
And the reflexes and balance tests
And the MRI
And by then Buttons was dying to see his boyfriend!!
Unfortunately for the both of them, Elmer has been diagnosed with retrograde amnesia
Meaning he has little to no recollection of the last four to five years :(
Naturally, this isnt the greatest news for either Elmer or Buttons, but they are determined to get through it together
Elmer only remembers a year or so of their relationship, but he refuses to let this hinder him going forward, and he knows that Buttons is there for him if he needs it
It takes about 9 months for things to return to semi-normality
Elmer has to be re-introduced to a few friends (mainly from work) that he had trouble with remembering, and a few skills/hobbies that he'd picked up. But Elmer counted that as a positive, as it meant for more time with Buttons as they relearned how to cook pastries and other things
Speaking of work, Elmer's unable to return to the animal shelter for another few months, which annoys him, cause he's raring to get right back into work
However Buttons is a little less enthusiastic, as he doesnt want to overwhelm Elmer with too much information
Also, while Elmer doesnt really remember the accident, he's developed a horrible fear of heights.
He also has anxiety revolving around what he doesnt remember, and the pressure that he feels that he's putting Buttons through :(
However, he's working through his fears with Buttons, and still doesn't plan on letting it interfere with their lives
To pull a gotdam u turn and go back to Elmer's work- as both a compromise and a way to help soothe Elmer's anxiety, Buttons and Elmer adopted a lovely elderly black and white cat from the animal shelter
Her name is Lucy, who Elmer calls Lucy Lou or Lula
She's very sweet and had been struggling to find a home for a while, so naturally they grabbed the sweet little kitty the second they were able to
Lucy loves to curl up on Elmer's lap and purr, and snuggle up with him, which makes him melt every time
When Buttons goes off to work and Elmer is left alone, she's a wonderful companion for him and when Elmer has a panic attack, she helps to ground him
So they're a lovely match for each other :)
As another 180, Elmer and Buttons have a very clear nighttime routine, which usually consists of, them taking turns in making dinner each night, then watch some tv, usuay have dessert, then head to bed
Usually filled with a shit load of cuddling
It helps Elmer feel like he's s somewhat in control of his life
But yeah! Dealing with his amnesia is difficult, but both Buttons and Elmer find ways to work around it together 💖
Akskskkdks okay this is obscenely long and probably annoying so im gonna wrap it up now! These are kinda shitty but its a first attempt so cant really expect much aaskfks okay have a good day!! :3
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