#aaaaanyway wow thank you 😭😭😭
This is just my official request that girl, you need to write like some gothic themed romance sprinkled supernatural ethereal night aesthetic novel. Just...forget about us feral gremlins. Write a novel. Because I'm telling you. You narrative is just...off this world. You capture emotions and themes SO WELL. Build characters SO WELL. I would read the SHIT out of a novel written by you.
I'm... I-... i don't know what to say, except thank you, I am a lil emotional rn so???? All I can do for now is point you to my insta poetry account I guess. It's mainly dark romantic love/hate poems/shorts about my adhd demon. I haven't updated it in a while, but I write a lot. I actually plan to put short parts of my own poems in the Dead Man fic at some point. But, yeah, here's one poem I wrote for my fiancΓ© a while ago, to give you an idea of how/what I write when it's personal and not a fanfic πŸ˜…
at dusk, my darling
open up this heavy oaken door
and step inside
to find all that which hides behind
is wrapped in a thick blanket of dust
my love, be the first in centuries
to walk through this dark passage
that is my bleak and hollow soul
and do not fret the shadows that move
for those are only lost fragments of who I once was
shine your light upon my darkness
and see that these cold hallways
leading to my abandoned heart
are decorated with the remains
of those who claimed to love me before you did
the lost souls who thought
that my heart would beat for them
lost their way as they tried to fix my light
so I extinguished their flames of hope
and Death came for them in the night
but you, my darling
have wandered through my endless dark
and grew familiar with the unfortunate entities whom haunt me
you found your way around me
because you didn't try to repair the light
but embraced the darkness of which I am made
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