#aaaaahhhhh so good !!!
clancysjumpsuit · 8 months
i want to inject the last chorus of redecorate into my veins
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ineffably-poetic · 1 year
you know what it’s like where you don’t know ANYTHING at ALL, and yet you’re totally certain that everything would be better if you were just near one particular person?
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lunelicmoone · 2 years
TNTDUO ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
I did it last night, but I fell asleep before I got to send them in...
Or to get the response to the bun Sebek ask
Again... Bless Pinterest for hairstyle inspo. For the bow hairstyle I had to pull it from scratch tho :'3
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THANK YOU SO SO MUCH ITS SO BEAUTIFUL OH MY GODDDD and the bow with the really long strands 😳
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asafeplaceforus112 · 4 months
I read a thing where the ending was "we kissed alot and then we fell asleep together" and its like an image of them cuddled together and their friends calling them "idiot couple"
and thats what I want man,
Like the asexualness is so strong in me today
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handmadecrybaby · 1 year
THEY REINSTATED @land0fmilkandhoneyy !!!!!! holy fucking shit????????
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meguhime · 6 months
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Someday is now!
This is a sequel to a piece from 2022, Maybe Someday, which you can find here: HALCYON DAYS (tumblr.com)
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thomashoes · 1 year
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his drip marketing dropped just as when i planned to write about him omg
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AFTER YEARS HE'S HERE! Now I'm no Baizhu simp but hear me out-- he's looking kinda fine here~ AND LOOK AT CHANGSHENG
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oh we're being mean? i can try
ure. silly. and u post on. tumblr. loser
>:| If I'm silly than you're sillier!!!
You got me with the tumblr thing I'll admit.
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radio-4-is-static · 2 years
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coloursofaparadox · 11 months
i ✨️cannot sleep✨️ and vaguing about shit on the internet feels more cathartic than writing it out somewhere else. suffer.
#im having. thoughts. on one hand. VERY badly want woods and chicken farm.#on the other hand. i do actually like friends?#and the likelihood of making friends as a queer person in a small town is uh. yknow. not as good.#but idk if its important enough to me to put my life on hold indefinitely to create more ties to an area that ill eventually have to leave#if i ever want a chance at supporting myself financially or buying a tiny lil starter house?#ideal situation is i start a gay commune with like minded friends. but uh. people have not been good to me#on the whole 'trust em with your plans' front#sigh. idk. id love to be able to afford a place thats still in the general area but that is never going to happen#unless i can spontaneously manifest /literally/ a million dollars#i am done with romantic relationships i think. if one happens at some point? cool. but i am not basing my life plans around it.#and will not sacrifice my own peace and wellbeing just for the sake of one#god. looking for queer friends who want to live on a farm with me platnically and we all have our own space but#also raise animals together and hang out sometimes. and dogs are a requirement.#i just! want! queer commune! where i can go back to my own little bubble and have my own space too!#aaaaahhhhh!!!! albertas real estate is starting to look real good right about now!#ugh. u g h. i fluctuate wildly between 'im very VERY content not speaking to a human for a week at a time' and 'platonic life partner. pls.#maybe i just....take a page out of 18 yr old me's ballsy ass handbook. and uproot my entire life to move somewhere completely new#where i know no one have no connections and in a completely different climate 😎 it worked out last time#i could so just fuck off somewhere. oh my god it is so tempting.
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arielmagicesi · 1 year
hey, do you want to lose money AND your will to live all for the opportunity to make very little money doing a job that everyone warns you will sap you of your will to live? try applying for teacher certification oh my GOD
#i feel like the world's rudest idiot because i finally went full 'i want to speak to your manager' on the njedcert people#because i had no other options!!!!!#and after a while of trying i got a phone call from an extremely nice woman (apparently the only reasonable person who works there)#who was so helpful and nice and finally told me all the information i should have been given 3 months ago#i guess if i wasn't dealing with [redacted family emergency things]#and if i had a degree in the NJEdCert Portal from Bureaucratic Bullshit University#then all of this would have been sooo obvious and i wouldn't have needed to call and email everybody on earth#begging them to explain things to me#but like. it is weird how confusing it is! it is weird how much effort i had to put in!#i'm a young millennial! i should not have had this much trouble navigating this online portal or whatever the fuck!#THERE IS A TEACHER SHORTAGE. THIS SHOULDN'T REQUIRE THE TWELVE LABORS OF HERCULES TO FIGURE OUT#aaaaahhhhh it's fine it's FINE!!! it's fine#i spent so much money and screamed a lot. not at the people working there. just during my nightmares#but it's fine. i can finally get the certification to do the unpaid student teaching so i can maybe later get a different certification#to do the paid teaching. which i'm sure will pay so so great#and so equivalent to the effort i put in and the way i'll be treated at that job#the new jersey education system is lucky that teaching is my 1 passion and that i'm really good at it and that i love it#because otherwise i would've given up and become the joker by now#written by me
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Path Two: Dreams of the Past
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moss-feratu · 1 year
Stimming by mimicking the vuvuzela from hlvrai & quoting different lines
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i can just imagine you and giyuu taking a little baggie of cat food with you when you go out for walks! gotta have some just in case you see a cute little stray 🐈 anshshdhdv WAIT!! A MR. SHOTA AIZAWA WOULD DO THIS WITH YOU TOO OMGG my mind!!
aaaahhhhh!!! Going on walks with Giyuu and Aizawa ahsidieofos and then stopping to pet a stray, looking like lunatics, crouched down going “pspspspsps” ♡ ♡ ♡ now you’re making my mind race with cute scenarios about them kekekeke
But I actually use to do that!! When I’d walk to school I’d carry cat food in my backpack so that I could feed all the strays I walk past! I’d even take the longer route home so I can greet them lolol
When I saw a snippet of the manga of highschool zawa bottle feeding the little kitten, AAH!! I swooned even harder for him!!! Not only cuz I could relate because I was the stray cat whisperer on campus as well but also because it’s so damn cute!!! I didn’t get to the part of the manga yet cuz I’m not even ten chapters in yet but I hope the full context is that he’s just known as the stray cat caretaker on campus lolol
On the topic of cats I’d also like to mention that there’s an offical art of Giyuu petting a cat and it’s a black cat so I can’t help but fantasize that he’s petting my cat!!! It made me giggle and kick my feet!! I just want all my faves to interact and get along with my kitty lolol
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thefaestolemyname · 1 year
One class and one lab down out of four classes and two labs today ON THREE (and a half) HOURS OF SLEEP LET'S GOOO
You may rob me of my energy and mental clarity but NOTHING can defeat my WILL to PIPETTE
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