#aaaaaaaaaaa this was seriously fun
spacey-llama · 5 months
How did u get into just dance 👀👀
haha why thank you for opening the can of worms
Proper punctuation for this one, it’s long. Seriously. I’m basically putting my whole history with the Just Dance franchise in one post.
So, I got into Just Dance in kindergarten when my music teacher put on Cotton Eye Joe from Just Dance 1 as a fun little exercise thing.
However, I didn’t get deep into it until I started having sleepovers basically every weekend with my best friend at the time, and she introduced me to Just Dance 4 on her Xbox 360 (she also introduced me to Minecraft, but that’s a different story). We weren’t allowed to play Crucified or Disturbia, but every other song was on the menu. It was cool!
The funny thing is, I don’t think I’ve ever been a good dancer. I was just enamored by the colorful characters and the delicious songs. Most of my music taste comes from Just Dance soundtracks!
I didn’t have a console of my own until YEARS later, so I would look up the choreos on YouTube and follow along w/ them. Throughout the years at school, teachers would also put on choreos as fun little things! I still associate Moskau from JD 2014 with 3rd grade gym class.
Small tangent, I was moving states when they started putting Just Dance 2014 ads on TV. So, I really associate that game with these two weeks I was staying in a hotel before my parents could find an apartment. Troublemaker is a choreo I specifically remember seeing on TV.
When I got a Wii U, I got Just Dance 3 and 4 with it. Later on, I would acquire all the games (except for 1, 2, and 2014) up until 2017. Dude, I played them all the time. The YEARS I spent fixated on those games was insane. Most of my friends didn’t like them, so I didn’t have many people to play with, but it was fine. Also, I would literally point out any song playing on the radio and be like “Thats on Just Dance (insert game here).” I still do that.
Oh, and the first song I got 5 stars on was Me And My Broken Heart on JD 2015! It’s still one of my favorite choreos ;)
AND THEN! My Wii U broke! And instead of trying to find a place to fix it, my brother elected to SMASH IT IN THE BACKYARD WITH A HAMMER!
So I didn’t play much Just Dance after that. I still have all my old game discs, though. And I’d play it with friends at their houses if given the opportunity. Unrelated, but I’m also very unfamiliar with any game that came out after JD 2017 (sans 2023 and 2024) because of The Hammer Incident.
“Oh, gee, Spacey, this is so crazy, how’d the fixation grab you again?” Glad you asked! See, I started seeing edits of the Just Dance 2023 storymode and I went “LORE???? CHARACTERS?????? THEY HAVE NAMES NOW?????? AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”
And I immediately watched the story stuff on YouTube and fell in LOVE! I like the silly little cast! The songs they use in the story modes aren’t my faves, but the CHARACTERS and LORE are what I am here for.
So. Yeah. Then I got 2024 for my Switch (not smashed by hammers) as well as Just Dance+ and I’ve been on that grind ever since. It’s one of those games that I find most people tend to like. It connects people. I’ve kept foreign exchange students at my house, and we wouldn’t be able to hold a long conversation, but we could play Just Dance together. There’s a comfort in that. I could wax poetic on the beauty of Just Dance and its ability to bring people together, but I won’t.
Also, while I do adore the main cast of 2023/2024, I’ve kind of started to take older characters and give them names, personalities, and stories myself! So if you’re going to follow this blog or anything, expect a lot of that.
TLDR: Kindergarten bestie introduced me to Just Dance, was crazy about it for years, it faded into the back of my mind, the 2023 lore got me back into it.
Thank you for the ask! I love yapping!
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medi-melancholy · 3 months
i only know very vague things about the ER dlc from skimming tvtropes and glancing at twitter and looking up some music and cutscenes, but here's my takeaways so far, mostly about Best Worst Boy
miquella in the running for one of the best soulsborne characters ever oh my GOD i love his whole everything. what a fun fascinating fucked up lil guy. what a good year for beautiful awful well-intentioned extremists and their plans for utopia. it's impossible to say whether he's a Good person or Bad person but you can't deny he does both good and bad. at the very least his intentions and goals come from a good place but his methods and values are uhhhhhhhhh something else. i love it!
i'm seeing people very upset that the version of miq they had in their heads is ruined forever so they're gonna ignore canon and like. sorry i guess! but the foundations for what he's really like were always there, and the new revelations about his actions are interesting and also in line
miq and malenia's relationship isn't any less valuable and malenia isn't any less badass ok? ok. calm down lol
enjoyers of pure and helpless miq who makes for a pretty victim or damsel in distress can still keep that image, because, hey, playing that role was also within his plans, it seems! He Has The Range!
also it's not a bad thing that we see a physically older/more mature version of miq! that's a win-win tbfh! and has some fascinating implications to me, from an outside perspective without all the info--did he find a way to break his curse, even if only temporarily?? is it tied to him nearly entirely reaching godhood?? i think it's neat and he looks gorgeous! it's not like everybody's gotta throw all their fanart away now, again, calm down
mohg isn't instantly some innocent victim in all this nowwwwww aaaaaaaaaaa he was still a really fucked up dude, and idk if we even know exactly how deep miq's charms over him went, maybe miq took advantage of some feelings or urges that were already there, maybe mohg's preexisting traits and personality made him do even more things than what miq himself was expecting, idk! there's room for interpretation and regardless he's still a fascinating monster of a guy, and i love having ansbach for perspective
this fucking family tree keeps getting BIGGER because so many fuckers got wiped from history because no one fucking gets along. it's so funny to me
i sure as shit wasn't expecting radahn to come back or be relevant in any way but yknow i do kinda dig it! he's a great and iconic character. yet i am seeing lots of complaints about that too lmao,, ER at its core was always based around and focused on That Big Goddamn Family so having things circle back around to figures already involved in things makes sense imo
but also GODWYN IS DEAD GODWYN IS VERY VERY DEAD GODWYN IS BEYOND DEAD i was hoping for some more info about him at the very least and maybe there's some i haven't heard about myself yet but holy shit ok he wasn't gonna have a physical appearance or be a boss or anything, but i'm seeing a ton of people disappointed that isn't exactly what happened
so what if things are messy and complicated and fucked up and squicky all over, welcome to soulsborne, like, idk what to tell you, i'm still so baffled by people who are shocked and appalled by dark or unusual content in elden ring and don't wanna talk about it or acknowledge it. where did yall come from???? did you play des or ds or bloodborne or even sekiro?? ? ?? ?????
i also saw some people complaining about the tragic/hopeless/depressing/upsetting quest or story parts and i'm so ???????????? seriously does no one realize what they're playing, why does this feel like an ER exclusive problem for from games?
music is great as ever i don't care what anyone says
messmer is cool as hell and super interesting and i can't wait to read up on him even more. i loooove his voice and just, how he looks and moves. he has a ton of personality and presence about him
leda what is wrong with you. i love you so much girl
happy pride month! 🥳
also i saw this phrase uttered along the way and i'm kind of obsessed with it lmao
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weevmo · 2 years
Ok so I genuinely never liked Wario and Waluigi; I always found their designs ugly as character boring. BUT IT TURNS OUT I WAS JUST A STUPID KID; your art of them made me dive deeper into their characters and holy moly I did those two dirty. Wario actually being more like a bodybuilder with a very brash personality, Waluigi having worked so hard to gain his skills and having his sassy romantic side- thank you for making me realise that they’re not boring ugly characters, they’re actually super in depth and totally worthy of being alongside Mario and Luigi! Also your art of them is so adorable and amazing, your style is amazing and I keep using the word amazing but I don’t know why else to use lmao; you totally should draw more of the two of them interacting with Mario and Luigi (if you’d like to)! Anyways thanks again, you’re awesome, your art is awesome, keep at it! :D
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AAAAAAAAAAA dude I'm so GLAD, I am HAPPY to reintroduce my favorite raggedy boys to ppl. Nintendo hasn't been great about giving these guys too much depth or screentime but like, it so fun to put my own spin and draw some 'behind the scenes' stuffs for them! And they are a lot more complex than most realize!
They are TOTALLY worthy of standing alongside Mario and Weeg, they're seriously their own interesting unique ppl; I'm wanting to draw more interactions between the Wah and Mario Bros as soon as I can!
Thanks for the lovely message, glad I was able to help open your eyes a bit hehe
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redd-byrd · 11 months
I’m so glad the theatre was almost empty, I was so excited that I was doing full-on hand-flapping, which I almost never do, and squeaking and giggling like a crazy person, I was stimming like crazy cuz I was so happy to be there
And friendly reminder that this is my ✨OPINION✨
This will be long and very ramble-y so bear with me
- I loved how they acted like kids??? Like you tend to forget the ghosts are actual children when looking at the games since they’re constantly all “murder monster-y” so I love that they got to act so childlike
- Kids’ drawings being a massive plot point was so cute, I actually didn’t mind how sudden Afton’s defeat was since like,,, they were only on his side in the first place bc the drawing showed that he was their friend, so it suddenly switching around made a little more sense. Probably could’ve been executed better but for what it was I think it was fine
- And of course THE DESIGNS!!!! Holy shit I loved how they looked!!! The prop team did an AMAZING job with both the animatronics and the background props!!!
- The interactions with Abby were adorable, I loved the fort scene because of how goofy it was to watch giant machines dressed like animals put that together
- Also I know we were all skeptical when the red glowing eyes were shown, but honestly the scenes where they DID glow would probably have looked good even if they didn’t change it, though I will say that the final look is really nice by itself
- Matthew Lillard did an INCREDIBLE JOB as William Afton, when my dad and I came out of the theatre he said that he had a feeling that Lillard would be the antagonist (mind you my dad knew nothing about the games or the movie), which really shows how well he does at playing horror villains and playing up that gut instinct
- I loved how creepy he was in the final fight scene, just creeping out of the shadows with those two glowing pinpricks was SO cool
- Also Afton being retconned to not be British anymore is so funny to me askdjhsjjdhdj
- Abby didn’t annoy me at all, I actually thought she was super cute!! Which is surprising bc I usually find kids annoying but I’d die for Abby
- When I say that I got WHIPLASH from the animatronics being nice to her and later Mike after she introduced them, I MEAN IT (in a good way)
- Mike taking Abby seriously and believing her when she said her “imaginary friends” are actually ghosts was a nice change of pace
- The group that broke in honestly didn’t need that much characterization since the main thing the plot needed was Max, so that was fine
- I am confused about why people aren’t more concerned about the murders that took place throughout the movie??? Like a missing poster in the background would’ve been fine, or maybe Mike reacting to Max being missing?? They don’t give much context on their relationship, I have no idea if they’re friends or if she’s just someone he hired and doesn’t have much emotional investment in, so maybe that wouldn’t work
- Vanessa was great, I love her character so much, but idk if I love her by herself or it it’s cuz she didn’t get much characterization in the game,,,, doesn’t really matter ig
- Story was really fun, I love the unexpectedness of some of the scenes (dance scene, fort building, Freddy blade mask, etc) I thought it was so funky
- Afton using a separate identity to lure people to Freddy’s was cool, though I have no idea why he’d do that to other people. I can understand Mike, he likely knew about his brother through the last name, but why other people???
- I am a bit sad about Henry n Charlie Emily being left out, considering how big of a part they both play in the game lore, but idk if it’s explicitly said whether they exist within the movie universe or not, so we’ll see in the next movie ig
- THE SPRINGLOCK SCENE!!!!!!!! I loved it <3 idk how they didn’t go off after Afton was bouncing around in it earlier but when they did go off it was SO COOL!!!
- “I always come back” YES HE DOES!!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO
- End scene of him bleeding out in the storage room hinting towards the full Springtrap character??? Loved it
Extra info:
- No Markiplier was not in it, he was too busy with his own movie
- Corey was awesome, I thought he was so funny for his short time on screen, esp the post credits scene
Random plot holes or inconsistencies I found:
- Foxy had a scene where they forgot to switch the red eyes to the new glowing ones
- Despite the animatronics killing the group that broke in, spilling plenty of blood, they’re perfectly clean afterwards
- My dad found it weird that they didn’t show any part of the kids’ bodies in the suits, since it’s apparently known that they were stuffed inside (or maybe only Vanessa knew??). He thought an arm or a leg poking out would’ve worked. I said I think it’s either cuz the bodies were removed, are kinda mangled and pretzel-twisted to only be in the torso, or it’s just bc they didn’t think to do that lmao
- He was also confused on how Afton was able to jump around and move so easily in the springlock suit when the suit in the back snapped off the broom handle after a single jab. I said I think it’s bc it’s meant to be used to move around in and not harshly screwed with, or maybe it’s another plot reason
All in all, 8.5/10 movie. There were a few times when I was confused on why something happened or why someone behaved a certain way, but none of it was outright bad or boring. There also could’ve been more to the gore, definitely could’ve pushed the boundaries of the PG-13 rating, but it was good for what it was. It was fun, cute, and knew when to be serious :P
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roads-to-madness · 1 year
concert ramblings under the cut!
The first band, Pistols At Dawn, were freakin awesome! Very fun to watch! Unfortunately we were a little late for their set and had to find our seats, but we got to hear a good two and a half songs. I'm absolutely obsessed with this one:
Mammoth WVH left a very positive impression too! And let me tell you, I learned a very valuable lesson in checking out the supporting acts before the show
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(anyway hi Frank it was nice to see you again 👋 last time was probably in 2016 or so with SMKC 😂)
I just about lost my mind when I saw Myles. It'd been way too long since the last time. I stood up since our section was pretty empty and there was no one behind me to block. The people next to me did not stand up 😂 whatever I was there for a good time
First few songs in the set:
Silver Tongue
Addicted to Pain
Ghost of Days Gone By
Broken Wings
NOW GET THIS Broken Wings is one of my absolute favorite songs of theirs. In the middle of it, the lady next to me offered tickets she had to CLOSER SEATS. And when I say closer I mean WOW. The difference was insane. I always say I have the best luck when it comes to concerts and this really proves it. Either that or I was just really annoying them who knows lol
the view in our original seats:
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the view in our new seats:
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(look y'all I found a blurry Flip 😂) sorry about the blur on all the pics btw, my phone is actually trash with a battery!
the next song was Burn It Down (with Mark's lovely vocals taking lead!! 🥰 He's amazing)
They ended the first part of the set with Cry of Achilles!! Always great!
Then Myles did one acoustic song on his own: Watch Over You, dedicated to someone in the audience wearing an NSYNC shirt. Y'know to make sure they were ok in that crowd lmao. Very brave choice of clothing
Mark joined to play an acoustic version of In Loving Memory. These two dudes actually made me cry
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thanks guys 😤
They transitioned the band back in with Blackbird. Genius. Didn't think they could recover from making me cry that fast but they did. Amazing!
the rest of the set:
Come to Life (so much fun! aaaaa fave!!)
Pawns & Kings
Stay (more of Mark's amazing vocals!!)
hold your hands up high and throw 'em in the air / show 'em that you care too much to feel this way again
Flip and Brian were introduced during Metalingus! I yelled for them so much my throat hurts!
Encore: Rise Today
Even with the awesome seats I wasn't close enough to catch anything flying into the audience but it's always entertaining to watch! I'm worried Flip is gonna hurt someone with a drumstick eventually 😂
Myles threw one of the setlists out as a paper airplane 🥰 adorableee
It was seriously one of the best nights I've had in a long time. It's up there with my favorite concert I've ever attended (Mike Campbell and the Dirty Knobs). Maybe we'll call it a tie now..?
Anyway AB, when can we do this again??
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
Hello, how about ⌚ for Fiddleford and Danny. I'd love an interaction between those two.
⌚ - Time Travel
This was such a rad prompt Anon, thank you so much for it.  I need to write more with Fiddleford and Danny interacting.  The two mad engineers that build death machines.
Send an emoji and one or more characters!
              The flashof light cleared.  Danny blinked thespots from her eyes.  Her jaw dropped.
              This is…not right.  When she was working on the self-aware vacuumfive minutes ago, the forest was green with new buds.  But now, leaves were orange and red on thetrees.  What happened?
              “I’mstill in Gravity Falls, at least,” Danny mumbled to herself, rubbing the backof her neck.  She looked down at the self-awarevacuum.  “What did you do, huh?” sheasked it.  The vacuum beeped at her.  Danny sighed. “I need to learn Morse code if I ever want to communicate with myrobots.”  Something rustled in the forestundergrowth.  Danny immediately adopted adefensive pose.
              You can take care of yourself.  Dad taught you how to fight.  Someone stumbled out of the bushes and intothe clearing.  Danny’s jaw dropped open.
              “UncleFidds?” she asked.  Her Uncle Fiddlefordbrushed off his clothes before looking up. His eyes widened.
              “Pardon?”he asked.  Danny could only staresilently.  Fiddleford’s face was free ofwrinkles, he didn’t have a single gray hair, and his posture lacked the stoopshe associated with him.  Her breathcaught in her throat.
              Oh, no.  Oh, crud. I traveled back in time!
              “Sweetsarsaparilla,” Danny whispered. Fiddleford met her gaze.
              “Took thewords right out of my mouth,” he said slowly. Danny swallowed.  “Who are ya?”
              “Um…”  Danny chewed on her lip.  “Um…”
              “Ya lookan awful lot like my lil sister.  But yaalso look an awful lot like my lil sister’s boyfriend,” Fiddleford said.
              Son of a gun!  I’m back in time before Ma and Dad even got engaged!  Fiddleford continued to watch her silently,waiting for an answer.
              “…I don’tknow what to tell you,” she said finally.
              “I thinkya already answered who ya are when ya called me ‘Uncle Fidds’.”  Fiddleford raised an eyebrow.  “So, how’s the future?” he asked.  Danny smiled sheepishly.
              It’s pointless to try to lie.
              “…It’sall right.”
              “Stan andAngie go the distance?”
              “Yeah.  I’m the oldest of four.”
              “Four?”  Fiddleford beamed.  “Stan ‘n Angie have four kidlets?”  Danny nodded. “And what’s yer name, hon?”
              “Danica.  But I go by Danny.”
              “Danny.”  Fiddleford’s grin grew broader.  “It’s quite the pleasure to meet ya.”
              “I’d saythe same, but I’ve known you since the day I was born.”
              “Aw.  Yer a sweetheart, ain’t ya?”
              “Arguably,yeah,” Danny said.  Fiddleford strodeover to her.  He looked her up and down,still beaming.
              “Goldarn,Stan ‘n Angie make themselves a cute daughter. Are ya close to Tate?”
              “Yeah.”  Danny rubbed the back of her neck.  “I- I probably should be careful with howmuch I disclose.  I’d hate to return to adif’rent future than the one I left.” Fiddleford nodded slowly.
              “Fair enough.  Say, how’d ya get here?”
              “I’m notsure.  I think my project malfunctioned.”
              “Project?”Fiddleford echoed.  Danny silently handedhim her self-aware vacuum.  “Ooh.  This is some mighty fine work.”  He looked the machine over, turning it in hishands and mumbling to himself.  “Genius,some of it, I’d say.  And you built it?”
              “Wow.”  Fiddleford shook his head.  “Can’t believe I’m already proud of ya.”  Danny beamed.
              “You’re takingthis a bit better than I would have expected, since ya don’t like Gravity Falls’weirdness.”
              “Sure,the stuff I seen here makes my skin crawl. But I adore my fam’ly to bits.  Soit evens out in this case.”  Fiddlefordremoved the panel hiding the vacuum’s motherboard.  “Ah.  Here’sthe problem.  Ya have this wire connectin’wrong.”  He pointed the mistake to Danny.  “I’m assumin’ ya want it to be an artificial intelligence-typeof robot?”  Danny nodded.  “The wire should connect here fer that.  The way ya have it now, it’ll warp thetime-space continuum on a localized scale.”
              “…Oh.  Shoot. I didn’t catch that.”
              “Eh,everyone makes mistakes.”  Fiddlefordhanded the vacuum back to Danny.  “Whatbutton did ya press when ya wound up here?”
              “The onefor vacuuming on a hardwood floor.”
              “Pressthe one fer vacuumin’ a thick carpet, then. It should take ya back home.” Fiddleford sighed.  “I mean, I’dlove fer ya to stick around a bit longer, but since yer parents are rightbehind me, ya should prob’ly skedaddle.”
              “Probably.”  Danny smiled at him.  “Thanks, Uncle Fidds.”
              “Any time,sweetie.”  Fiddleford smiled back.  There was a loud crash from the undergrowth.
              “Son ofa- I got stuck again,” Stan’s voice said.
              “Here,let me help,” Angie’s voice said.  Therewas more rustling.  “Stop movin’!  Yer makin’ it worse!”  Angie huffed irritably.  “Fidds, could ya come help free Stan?  He walked into a thornbush again.”
              “Comin’,”Fiddleford called.  He winked at Danny beforewalking back into the forest.  Dannylooked down at her vacuum.
              I sorta wanna stick around a bit.  The past would be a fun place to explore.  The voices of her parents, playfullybickering, continued to carry through the trees.  Maybe adifferent day.  Can’t let Ma and Dad bespoiled about their future kids. Shepressed the button Fiddleford had indicated.
              There wasa flash of light.
              Danny lookedaround.  The trees were budding again.  She began to make her way back to the MysteryShack.  She could hear her mother hummingas she got closer.
              Ma must still be gardening. There wasthe sound of the back door opening.
              “Where’sDanny?” Fiddleford’s voice asked.
              “She wasworkin’ on that vacuum thing and it kept scarin’ off customers, so Stan madeher go practice it in the woods,” Angie’s voice replied.
              “Thanks,”Fiddleford said.  “I feel like we have afew things to discuss.”  Danny finallystepped out of the forest.  Her unclelooked over at her.  He grinnedcheekily.  “Have a good trip?” heasked.  Danny grinned back.
              “Yep.  But I think you knew that.”
              “Don’thurt to ask.”  Fiddleford jerked his headin the direction of the house.  “Come oninside.  Let’s have a look-see at yerrobot.  Try to fix that time-travelin’problem.”
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arc-misadventures · 3 years
so you know that episode of rwby chibi where blake mistakes jaune for sun?
Why not release something based on that, like someone else's reaction to that moment. or some presenter "getting confused" and putting a picture of sun next to phyrra's and how wild pyrr got when he saw that.
for your au de could you do better?
You Can Do Better Than Him VII
Neptune: Dude, Sun! I just came up with a brilliant idea!
Sun: Who said you could do that?
Neptune: Rude.
Sun: But, true!
Neptune: …
Neptune: So, anyway I figured out a way for you to get a chance with, Pyrrha Nikos~!
Sun: Pyrrha Nikos? Dude, why do you think I want to get with her?
Neptune: You don’t?! Why the hell don’t you want a chance with the, Pyrrha Nikos?!
Sun: She’s just… I’m not interested in her… that’s it.
Neptune: …
Neptune: Y-You’re not into the Pyrrha Nikos…?
Sun: No… No I’m not…
Neptune: Not even a little…?
Sun: No, not at all…
Neptune: Oh…
Sun: Yeah…
Neptune: …
Sun: …
Neptune: Would you be interested in playing a prank on her instead…?
Sun: …
Sun: What kind of prank…?
Neptune: WHAAAAAA!!!!
Sun: AAAAAAaaaaaaa…?!
Neptune: AAAAAAaaaaa…?!
Sun: …
Neptune: …
Sun: W-Why were we screaming…?
Neptune: I… I don’t remember…?
Blake: We know why.
SN: AHHHHhhhh…?!
BY: …
Sun: H-Hi, Blake!
Neptune: Hey girls~!
Yang: My, my… you’d think he’d learn not to flirt with a girl after what happened to him…
Blake: Neptune’s a hopeless flirt, so no, no he would not.
Yang: He’s going to get a buckshot in the gut if he keeps that up…
Blake: He more, or less already did…
Yang: Fair.
Neptune: What are you…?! Ahh?! W-What?! I can’t move my neck?! Why can’t I move my neck?!!
Yang: Its in a brace, ya idiot.
Neptune: W-What happened?!
Yang: You flirted with, Pyrrha.
Blake: Badly at that…
Yang: Yeah, you upset, Pyrrha so much she uppercut you into the ceiling.
Neptune: The ceiling?!
Blake: Yeah, took half an hour to dig you out.
Neptune: S-Seriously…?!
Yang: Yeah… It was damn funny! His twig body dangling like a wind chime! Oh, that was awesome.
Neptune: …
Sun: So… What about me, why am I here?
Blake: How do you feel?
Sun: I feel fine.
Blake: Aura level?
Sun: Lets see its…?! 10%?! How did that happen?!
Blake: Last question: How’s your tail?
Sun: My tail? It’s… OWWWW?!!!!
Yang: It’s a pain in the ass, eh? Eh?!
Blake: Pfft! Y-Yang that’s not funny…
Yang: Then why are you laughing?
Blake: Oh shut it…
Sun: W-What’s wrong with my tail?! Why does it hurt like hell?!
Blake: Well, after Neptune was sent into the ceiling. Pyrrha, grabbed you by your tail, spun you around, and threw you out the window…
Sun: …
Sun: Seriously?!
Yang: Yeah; she sent you a good… 30 feet, ish?
Blake: About that much.
Sun: How did I survive that?!
Blake: Could have been worse.
Sun: How?! She sent me flying through a window so hard, I don’t even remember anything?! How could it have been worse?!
Yang: Well, Pyrrha missed…
Sun: Missed?
Blake: She was aiming for the wall.
Sun: …
Neptune: …
Yang: A bit of advice for your stay at, Beacon, boys: Never talk how, Pyrrha is too good for, Jaune or vis versa. NEVER!!!
Sun: Or else she cause great bodily harm…?
Yang: Pretty much.
Neptune: Okay…
Blake: All things considered boys, you got off easy.
SN: Easy?!
Blake: Yeah, the last guy who flirted with her, screamed so loud, allot of the, ‘eared’ faunas were partially deaf for nearly a week. Even myself at that.
Neptune: How did that happen?
Yang: Pyrrha’s semblance is polarity. Bastard who flirted with her wore full metal plate.
Sun: So…?
Yang: He had a cod piece.
Blake: Yeah, pretty much…
Yang: Well, we best get going. Have fun boys!
Blake: See you later, Sun.
Sun: See ya, Blake.
Neptune: …
Sun: …
Neptune: So…
Sun: This is your fault, Neptune. All your fault!
Neptune: Hey! You agreed to go along with the plan!
Sun: You came up with the plan!
Neptune: You’re the team leader, you’re supposed to stop me from having dumb ideas like this!
Sun: Oh, so I’m supposed to stop you from being a moron now am I?!
Neptune: Well, yeah…?
Sun: …
Sun: S-Seriously…?
Neptune: …
Neptune: Yes…?
Sun: Dude… No.
Neptune: Nawww…
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mios-art · 2 years
Wait, wait, wait. So you're a mind-blowingly amazing artist (seriously, I cannot believe how quickly and how perfect your Howl's Moving Castle updates are; the most recent one with soft soukoku is flawless!) AND your sister is the gem who creates Goosamu? Damn, your family is talented. Kudos to y'all!!! 💕💕
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Aaaaaaaaaaa thank you ;;;;; v ;;;;;
Your kind words make me very happy!!! I'm >////<
We're doing our best and having fun doing it! And it's so nice to know that people are enjoying what we do!!!
Thank you again 🥺
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jksairpods · 7 years
i wish i could sing :(
#hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tbt to when i was in choir & thought i could sing until i was on my own n my vouce wouldnt stop wavering#and i wanted to cry every time i was asked to do sth aloine hshquw ahhhhn it was so stressful but it felt so nice to sing with everyone#once the teacher told me i'd be doing a solo n for some reason i kept on having a bad throat condition after that kwhdhqueq i was sos scared#i almost made sure i was still sick so i wouldnt hav eto be alone on stage#& ive wnated to be a good singer for so long but my voice isnt strong enough & im too shy and aaaaaaaaaaa#i wish i could have individual vocal training so i could sing well with my natural light tone#bc y  e  a hhhh i rlly wish i could sing my favourite songs without veing ashame#** being ashamed of myself n my singing voice#n my voice is way too high to be taken seriously when rapping sbjjehheur  they always make fun of me goddamn im trying to say sth serious!!!#im tackling real issues not fueling ur comedic skit!!!!!!!!!!!!!#jhjhshuhsuhuwqde in the end i just write poetry instead#yet i never write down either i just think of pretty ideas and ry]hymes n verses#and im like wow his is nice maybe u should put it together#then im like nah let me reblog fifty two hundred pictures of kth#same w playing instrumentsaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#im not creative/productive at all#i wish someone would teach me how to sing properly like mentioned above so i could be confident w my voice :(((((#i hte having neptune opposite venus bc then i have issues like These.
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littleturtlefish · 3 years
Stuff I drew/thought of while playing Omori (Part 1) [SPOILERS FOR THE ENTIRE GAME!!!!]
*sees that Omori, a game I've heard of 3 years ago, came out* "oh cool. ill just watch a walkthrough video since-" *immediately gets interested 20 mins in and dusts off my old-ass laptop to play it*
When I started the game, first thought was "Is that kid wearing a skirt? Wait, is Omori even a boy??? Did I get everything wrong????" The only Omori-related stuff I saw was a 2017 trailer + a video showing the original comics with "Pure Imagination" playing in the background (this one) but even that was years ago. Also am blind and keep thinking his shorts = skirts til this day
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Thought Kel and Aubrey were siblings cuz they sure acted like it lmao [idk if it's original source but this person inspired me. also holy cow i never thought about how much time these things took. 1 hour of my life spent making a shitpost]
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bASIL CALLED OMORI CUTE AND I WILL KEEP REMEMBERING THAT AWWWW [before you go "wtf is that shading," lemme just say that I really like that style of shading ok give me a breaK-]
Happy Omori is cute, never saw him smile before :,D (I've seen so many ppl say it's obviously a forced smile ((and you guys are likely right lol)) but I just...can't see it???? he just looks cute to me :<)
Furious Omori is...uh...
Me, seeing that scary scene in Basil's house and Omori stabbing himself: oh right this is a horror game haha
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Me, during the entire dark house section: man was this steak drugged— STOP FUCKING KNOCKING ITS SCARING ME, CALM DOWN— WAIT MARI IS THAT SCREAM GUY?!?!??!? [i put so much effort into the robe's line art yet i still chose to color it black]
Seriously, I despised the constant knocking because knocks in real life makes me flinch and want to run away. Also, after that impressingly silent and non-moving Mari jumpscare, I got chills and decided to go straight to my bed (in game). Absolutely hated the cutscene of Sunny just staring at random places in his room because I totally thought I was gonna see Hellmari again
In my sleep-deprived mind, the sounds you hear when you get a key reminded me so much of the Markiplier E meme and I couldn't wait to get an E, L, and an F just to make jokes
Me, seeing a sunflower has wilted: basil's dead isn't he. my favs always die smh
I get way too involved in RPGs and spent the entire time murdering bunnies and sprout moles (was probably worth it since I rarely died in boss fights or maybe the main bosses were just easy. i dont talk about the earth fight.)
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I hate the spelling bee.
Fun fact: At this point, I lost all my save files (probably due to stupid windows computer updating) and had to restart the entire game. I was a lot less grindy this time around :,)
"Do you think you're going to be okay, OMORI?" No.
facing your fear of heights is really that easy, huh
haha, what's this big guy doing behind this tree? What does it mean by "disturb"— AAAAAAAAAAA IM NOT PREPARED HOLD O— (I ran away from this fight immediately lol)
why is the life jam guy's theme actually really good tho (question: is it possible to kill that guy? Can someone, like, give themselves the highest speed + attack possible and just absolutely destroy that being?)
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[since the life jam guy has violins in his theme, sunny wouldve had no problem fighting omori if life jam guy was there. just saying. man will i look so stupid if life jam guy doesnt actually have violins in his theme]
I heard an air horn during the "torturing that scarecrow" part of the game and that gave me the personal quest of finding wherever that was used (pretty sure it's from one of Kel's skills but never tried it :p)
Space Boy's theme is 👌👌👌👌
Ah...right...back to horror...
It was at this moment that every time I sensed some of that psychological horror coming back, I would immediately turn on my lights (was playing this game at 2 AM with lights off because it's for the 🌺✨experience✨🌺 but gave up on that pretty soon lmao)
For the jump scare in this part, I legit had to look it up beforehand because I HATE jump scares that actually move + use audio and I had to know if the game had stuff like that. Honestly, I do not regret looking that up. Still was creepy but it was worth it to finally say "Press F to pay respects"
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Commander’s Log: Cantha, Part 2
Ok I think I’m gonna break these up by story chapter. Cause when my boyfriend and I did Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire, we’d completely fill in the map and then do the story stuff. But this time we’ve been mixing the two together. I feel like it flows a lot better than way.
Ok ok ok after spending a solid ten minutes running around the plaza and yelling we’ve finally calmed down
Taking the time to skim some of the achievements stuff. There’s five whole acts! Ahhh so much content!
Ok starting to explore now and holy shit. The colors are so bright and saturated! I’m so so glad I’m playing this with new graphics setting I’m in awe. Everything is so so lush and green!
I’m not even using my raptor with its new skin just wandering around on foot.
Theres a lot of spirits all over the place. And some ritualists? I’m getting the vibe that the spirits are left over from the Affliction in the first game?? They just seem to be hanging out
Fishing time! My bf is having some trouble getting the hang of it but I’ve played unmodded Stardew Valley and this is miles easier in comparison. lol it’s so funny he’s the more “serious” gamer of the two of us
Ok I love this trio of fishermen just hanging out chatting they’re hilarious
Ok so like there’s no one to talk to? It’s been a decent while and I’m run into several convos I can eavesdrop on but no one I can’t actually talk to
Oh the shrine guardians are little puzzles! That’s really fun!
Dude this guy is seriously talking to his cow about his life issues. I mean whatever works man.
Filled in a bit of the map, heading around to Rama.
Wow they are really just handing out mastery points and exp. I trained that first one super fast and the list of points you can get just from the environment is really long. I’m not complaining though, shakes fist at Heart of Thorns masteries I still haven’t finished
Lol Rama is still so so done.
Gorrick is here! Oh my god he’s having a full karate kid moment I am dying. He really wants to better and be stronger, I believe in you kiddo you’re doing your best!
Got distracted fishing for a bit. This is gonna be super super addicting I love fishing mini games
Oooooooh shit got some super interesting dialogue. A priory scholar talking to a lady who says that an Elder Dragon rose out of the ocean to stop the Risen. Were Zhaitan and Sbubby fighting? Is Sbubby allied with Cantha? I mean they do have the whole dragon empire thing going on but like literally?? What is going on???
SNARGLE!!! Oh my god he’s arguing with his asura publisher!!
New favorite character unlocked: Kippo the publisher this dude is fucking hilarious every word out of his mouth is pure fucking good this was worth the price of admission right here the hilarity the drama BONNIES GONE SOLO??? Aaaaaaaaaaa huge Dibbler from Discworld vibes and I fucking LOVE that
“Pardon my Elonian but sex friggin sells!” Oh my god this expansion is low key kinda horny and I’m loving it! Gonna get a lot of use out of my Tyria After Dark tag I think
Ok time to go check on Aurene.
Hi Crystal Bloom. Glad to see you guys. Hi Myrun! Good to see you!
Awwww Aurene looks like a kid sick with the flu. Her magic got drained??? But Elder Dragons are their magic??? How could she lose it and not fall apart?
I like that Aurene is taking a more active role in things again. It seems Jormag was a really stagnant influence in her, it was fun to see here szooming around like during season 4 again. But baby you gotta be more careful!
“I hand fed her fish as hatchling when she was fussy.” weeeeeps over my big sparkly daughter who is big oh my god Bertie is so worried about her
Oh the line about the commanders life span is killing me
Alright time to go meet the Empress!
Ah I love Kasmeer acting like an older sister/aunt to Taimi so so good
Wow ok some immediate drama. Political maneuvering dialogue like this always fascinated me because it always comes off as so deliberate and intricate it must be super tough to write. But damn Joon just put Li in his place.
Also I get to bow again! For like all of base game and season 1 whenever we met someone important I’d always have Bertie do the bow emote and Syrryl would always salute. It was just fun little habit we fell into. So it’s super cool to do it again.
Ok I really like Empress Ihn! I was worried she might come off as a Jennah clone (lol) but no she’s very much her own person and character. She feels very measured and balanced in control and that’s super cool!
Time to meet with Joon a bit more.
Hmmm ok the more I see of Li and his outspokenness the more it feels like…not quite an act. It feels like a performance though like he’s going a bit over the top to show the newcomers where he stands. Almost a bit of bad cop good cop??? Dunno I’ll have to see more of him to get a better measure. Not a fan of the way he keeps taking over Joon tho
And now Joon. Holy cow she’s super cool. I was a little wary when I heard her described a a Silicon Valley tech bro but it works it really fits. I love how direct she is. I’m not sure she and Bertie are gonna get along. They’re both very straightforward but there’s an edge to Joon that Bertie doesn’t have. Time will tell but I personally thinks she’s kick ass
Joon and Taimi bonding! Yes good make friends!
Wait Joon has been reading asuran works. Oh my god oh my god how has she been getting her hands on those? Cantha has been closed! I mean there’s bound to be smugglers and black markets and shit but still. Has she been dealing with the Inquest? The Aetherblades? She’s clearly got info she’s holding back
OH MY GOSH WHAT IF SHE RECOGNIZES BERTIES NAME??? He’s only published like one paper forever ago but it was about a revolutionary golemancy technique and they keep talking about how the jade tech is similar to asura golems and and and the jade servitor tendrils is always how I imagined Bertie’s soft robotics to look like oh my god this so indulgent but I’m LOVING the idea of it definitely will have to think more on that
Oh my gosh Akane is such a mood. And we’ve just been talking on an open frequency this entire time? No wonder everyone knows about the Commander, we’ve been basically doing live podcast episodes for who knows how long lol
Alright chapter two done! Got the map at about 40% but I think it’s time to wrap up for the night. Can’t wait to keep playing!
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digimonloving · 3 years
Seriously, seeing your notif pop up on my phone has been a highlight of the days, seeing what you write based off the requests you get is awesome, and just. AaaaaAAAAAA YOU DO SO WELL
(God you guys compliment me so much and I'm just so bad at taking them and I can never think of better things to say than thanks fdhSDHSD
I'm glad I can make your days just a bit better though! I surely do try when I'm able and have the time for writing! My brain has a lot going on in it and when it gets an idea for something it can really go with it. Plus just fun write sometime when it's not days where head empty no thought sdfhsdf
but aaaAAaaAAAAa thank you so much!!! ;v;
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chibigaia-art · 4 years
I was never really into ace attorney but ohhhh boy you're makin' me want to get into it. I watched the anime for the first stuff and played the first game (and never finished it) but I do really want to know more about it. I have two friends that are really into it and from what i see the characters are just GOLD
ANON.... TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS, ACE ATTORNEY IS REALLY FUCKING GOOD AND IF YOU LIKE PUZZLE GAMES/VISUAL NOVELS, IT’S JUST REALLY FUN - if you have a 3ds, you can get all the main games for a ridiculous low price because they’re almost always on discount in the eshop, so that’s good
ALSO the characters are!!!!! really good, and the humor is super fun - it does have a few ‘eh’ things but it is a pretty old series - imo it still super enjoyable and DID I SAY THE CHARACTERS ARE REALLY GOOD, BECAUSE THEY ARE, AND THEY MAKE YOU CRY SO MUCH!!!!!! so, so much,,, everytime I think about AA6 a piece of me dies
there’s also a few spin off games, including a crossover one with prof layton and the best fucking spin off in the history of spin offs, set in england w/ sherlock holmes - and that game is one of my absolute faves in the series, like seriously it’s just super engaging and interesting and I’m dying because there’s a lot of rumors about an official localization for it and aaaaaaaaaaa😳👉👈
tbh I never watched the anime, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t make justice to how awesome and fun the games are - tho all game anime adaptations lack something in the end
anyway the bottom line is please do play it again and go beyond the first one, you won’t regret it
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syncrime · 3 years
Ok, so if someone didn't play LJ yet and doesn't want any minor spoilers concerning characters that appear in the game it's better to skip this one. Anyway, after the boys meet with Kuwana in the chinese restaurant we see OUR BOY! And the fun thing is that when you return to the restaurant, you can see that it's name is YouTian Chinese Restaurant (佑天飯店). You Tian is written with the same kanjis that make Zhao's name, just in reverse (his name i TianYou (天佑) )! Does that mean it's his new restaurant? I guess we have to wait for Y8 to find out!
WAIT SERIOUSLY? I had no clue about this aaaaaaaaaaa
Oh my god our boy did it?? Our boy finally gets to pursue his dreams?? 😭😭 That's so adorable omfg, I'm so happy for him. His own restaurant omg 🥺🥺 Like it didn't even really occur to me why he would have been there when I saw him in LJ because I might just have been yelling too much when I saw him, but that makes so much sense in hindsight.
Aaaaa I hope we get more deets, come on Y8 😭😭
Thank you so much for sharing this omg. 💖
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stalksbyakuyatogami · 4 years
For the fluff alphabet, Ibuki with 4 letters of your choice
A, E, P, U for Ibuki Mioda
This was fun to do :DD
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them? HAVE A MINI-CONCERT IN YOUR ROOM
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive? She treats her S/O rather equal... Or she's a switch. :))
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching? Do you think Ibuki is shy? No! She shouts her love for you throughout the room. Everytime you meet with a new person it's always, "Nice to meetcha! I'm Ibuki and this is Y/N, my S/O!" Seriously this girl has no shame in declaring y'all's relationship.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic? She's always enthusiastic and you know that. She knows things about you, but not the details. Sometimes, her naivety get on your nerves and you would tell her for that. She would apologize then takes the situation seriously.
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My bestfriend either kins her or is gay for her lol. Once sent an Ibuki photo and she wanted Ibuki to step on her.
-Mod Toko
omg picture won’t load again aaaaaaaaaaa
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miodaibukii · 4 years
@vig-vet-maf : well, you’re my girlfriend, ilysm and im so glad i met you <3 just seeing you makes me instantly happy and even if im bad at showing it i appreciate you so much, and you’re seriously one of the greatest people ive ever met.
@checksmicks : well, i dont talk to you much but you’re a pretty cool person!! i enjoy seeing your posts and it makes me happy whenever you like my posts, because it feels like we’re interacting through them in some way. its fun!! i hope im able to get to know you better :}
@jesterjamz : we’ve known eachother for 6 months, and honestly, its been such a fun 6 months of my life. you’re funny, entertaining, and overall just an amazing person to be around. sometimes just talking to you can make me instantly happier than i am, and i’d consider you to be one of my closest friends.
@codle-the-confussed : you’re such a fun person to talk to!! i enjoy spending time with you and i love all your ocs, we also both like danganronpa which is fun! i like seeing you around and it makes me smile. also sorry for calling NP hot haha (she is though)
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