#aaaaaa i really want to make it full but alas.. time is not in favor of me today..
torqxx · 4 months
hehe :3
this was fun to make! 10/10 would make again
edited stickers at the end of the video
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the sillies <3
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A Shade Of Silver
Title: A Shade Of Silver
Word Count: 1,390
Warnings: Mild swearing (None said in anger or malice, but just to be safe!) and the usual fluff overload (BECAUSE HIT ME WITH THAT POSITIVITY!!) Also some characters may be a little OOC (but I've been working on this for 6 hours straight ON MY PHONE! So I don't mind too much)
Ships: Romantic: The storyteller and her shield (Gladio x Myself), The story of the stars (Shiro X Myself), The demon and the choir girl (Nero x Myself)
Platonic: Sunshine in the void (@eons-in-the-void x myself) ((SURPRISE HON!! I thought of one)), Prompto, Pidge, Keith, Lance
Summary: It was seriously beginning to get on my nerves how faded my hair was, so after discussing it with Chris it was decided that he wanted to help me out since I had been through so much recently. Today was finally the day, and let's just say I'm a sucker for hair transformations 
Rebecca's hair had been growing out and fading for a while now, and although she was happy with the length she was growing more and more unsatisfied with the color. So after discussing what would be the best course of action with her Senpai and pushing herself to exhaustion to finish her schoolwork, Rebecca took the weekend for herself to put her plan into action.
So after she finished the History class she had in the morning, Rebecca went with her mother to pick up her stylist. Upon returning home, Rebecca's senpai, Chris gripped her wrist and raced to the bathroom with all of the needed supplies, his own plane of midnight flopping around his head as he went.
"Okay sweetie, sit down!! First, we need to bleach your hair since it's so dark." He said as he guided his bubbly friend to the ground then went to prepare the mixture.
After an hour filled with laughter, weird videos, and good, although extremely ranged, music passed the two dashed back to the bathroom from Rebecca's bedroom with her practically aflame from the bleach. Chris helped the excited, now platinum blonde, girl wash her hair and dry it in the way that it sat right. Running back to Rebecca's room, Chris spun her around which earned him a giggle in reply as she stumbled to stay standing.
"Can I take a picture, you cute bean?"
Rebecca leaned forward still catching her balance while she pouted, "I'm not cute!! But go ahead, I wanna show everyone the different stages."
Whipping out a phone that had deep cracks cutting through the screen, Chris began snapping her at different angles like she was a model hot on the runway. Once he had a plethora of pictures he thought captured his sunshine shaded hair partner in a way that was good for her, he sent them over to her through Skype. Rebecca took her time laughing at a few silly ones before picking one she liked and sending the favored photo to a group chat she had made with her other loved ones.
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Becca: Hey guys!! Bleaching is done, what do you think?!?!!
Lance: Woah! Looking good Becca, you pull that look off way better than Mullet
Pidge: Lance we've been over this, Rebecca's punk while Keith's just emo, the prince of it, but still.
But I do have to agree it looks good
Keith: I'm not emo
Lance: Suuureee
Gladio: If anyone's the prince of emo, it's Noctis
You look good like that babe I don't know why you said you wouldn't
That's a word now...
Pidge: Gladdy?
Prompto: Aww! It's cute!
Becca: GLAD***
I hate my phone...
But I'll be back soon it's time for phase two!
The others had already begun messaging Rebecca, curious at what she meant by phase two. More people had also joined in the conversation, giving their opinions, and keeping the usually quiet chat booming. But alas, it was too late to find out what this 'phase two' was because Rebecca had already discarded her phone to make haste to the bathroom to begin the process of having Senpai put toner in her hair.
The waiting time for the toner was much shorter than the bleach. All the two had done this time around was have small dance session that lasted three songs and beat a song in Project Diva: Future Tone. Rebecca puffed out her cheeks and gradually deflated them, feeling mildly miffed at herself since she knew she could've gotten an 'Excellent' instead of a 'Great'. Though she was so overwhelmingly giddy with how her day was going, she didn't even utter a complaint.
In the bathroom for the fourth time in two hours, Rebecca's seafoam eyed senpai helped her rinse out the toner. When Rebecca stood and met herself in the mirror, her mouth was agape and her almond eyes were near perfect circles from surprise. It's wasn't that she didn't like the sight before her, it was just far from what she was expecting.
Her locks that were comparable to the glittering rays of sunlight mere minutes before were now more like the shade of sparkling moonlight. This was definitely different from the snow white that Chris had informed her about, but she didn't really mind. To be honest she actually enjoyed the look when it was dried and styled.
"Don't worry hon, it's a silvery gray now but after a few washes, it'll be white as all hell! Do you still wanna add the red today." Chris questioned as the two wandered out of the bathroom, blinking away the lingering burning sensation from the bleach and toner.
Rebecca hopped down into her room and skipped over to her small mirror to brush out her hair a bit more. "I dunno," She paused her brushing, turning her head to view other areas that needed to be brushed out. "I am actually starting to really enjoy the color on me. Do you think it looks nice?"
Chris nodded as he approached Rebecca to hug her from the side, "Yeah Love, everything looks great on you though." He murmured, resting his head on a cream-colored shoulder.
Rebecca bonked his head with the brush she was holding as she laughed. She then hugged him back and whispered how full of crap he was.
"Whatever, you boob!" He replied in mock exasperation. "It's picture time again, so look this way." He tilted her head away from the bright light flooding her room through her window while Rebecca plopped down onto her bed.
When the second photo shoot was over, Chris sent over the new set for Rebecca to send.
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Becca: Toner is all rinsed out and now I have this cool cloudy gray shade! It grew on me quickly
Gladio: Damn that suits you too. You do look great and God that smile
I gotta ask Raiden, Nero, or Shiro if this shade qualifies me to be a badass
Shiro: I wouldn't call myself a badass. Though what do you mean, sweetheart?
Becca: Well usually in any show or game or book even, the characters with white hair are beyond badass! Now I know fiction and reality are two different things, but you guys come along and totally blur that line! So I wanna know if I can join you now that I have awesomely silver hair like yours.
Nero: I'd say you're badass regardless of your hair, which has got to be my favorite you've done so far. Cute as hell. But in your own way, you know?
Becca: ...Senpai says I'm a strawberry right now... but thank you for all your kindness!!
Nero: It is the truth.
Becca: You're way, way too sweet! But Senpai is pulling my arm out of my socket to go outside so I gotta go before I lose it. I'll call later and hopefully, I'll get to hear how you're all doing. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!
Before Rebecca could see any of the upcoming replies she was pulled up from her seat on the bed and drug outside, which caused her phone to be dropped early in the leg race.
"Come on, I wanna dick around at the playground before dinner," Chris explained while he pulled Rebecca down the stairs as fast as he could without hurting her hip.
"The one right across the street?" Rebecca questioned while raising an eyebrow.
She was all for playgrounds even at this age, but this one was so small since it was for the toddlers who went to the church's daycare. Plus it didn't have a swing set which was Rebecca's favorite attraction since she loved the sense of soaring.
"Hell yeah, why not?!" Chris asked excitedly.
"Cool with me." Rebecca giggled, following his lead with as much spring she could put in her step...
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