#aaaaaa foul legacy not knowing anything about mortal courting methods
Childe being really smug about having this much of a fanbase in the internet and then. Finding tumblr. Finding this blog.
He's so confused.
It's not him being the darling, but the side of him formed in the abyss?
And then cue our Mothman equally confused but so happy. They are all here for them? Not for the human half?
I would snuggle our moth and never leave their side. Ever.
Childe, listen, i like you too but if i had to pick you or Foul Legacy i'd go with Foul Legacy. i cannot resist soft fluffy moth
because Foul Legacy is so used to being in the shadows, only used for Childe's most desperate moments. Legacy doesn't deserve or need love- such sweet emotions are reserved for humans, and he is anything but that. a weapon, a monster, yes- but not human, and he knows he'll never be human. he's fine with it, mostly. Childe treats him well and gives him blood and battles because that's all he needs, and the rest of Legacy's time is spent either dozing or idly watching the outside world from within the Harbinger's body, and everything is ordinary and dull- until he meets you
you're not scared or disgusted at all- in fact, the first thing you say to him, to Foul Legacy, is that he's beautiful, gently holding his face in your hands
he likes it- that's what the warm feeling in his chest is, right? your words are soft, comforting, and Legacy finds himself purring whenever you happen to wander into Childe's view. you love the Eleventh Harbinger as well, but there's a special affection reserved only for his Abyssal side, something that confuses both Childe and Foul Legacy. but Legacy finds that he adores your attention, his heart melting from your simply kindness as he trills and snuggles closer to you, bumping his head against your shoulder happily, a sponge for your affection. you can't really blame him- he's gone so long without it already
he thinks that tomorrow he'll give you a flower. that's what humans do for people they like, right?
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