#aaaa man i went crazy with this 1.6k words whomest
pen-observing · 3 years
request: how lucifer, leviathan, belphegor, simeon and solomon are when you leave for the human world once more.
From the moment that you turn your back and make a step towards the human world; Lucifer feels something shift. He can’t exactly say what it is. Your step makes the ground shift, the air feels different and he is more unsure about you leaving than he was when you first came to the Devildom.
Lucifer feels something but that is the only name he gives it. Something is there and attaching any other name to that feeling would almost be him admitting defeat.
So he walks on with the head held high and the emotion inside of his chest.
You were unpredictable yes but at the same time you were grounded and Lucifer noticed that sometimes you balanced with him.
So he thinks about what that means and the different connotations it holds while filling out paperwork with cursive letters.  
For a moment he stops and notices how differently letters of your writing look compared to his; but he presses on.  
Denying the emotion of missing you is easier to him than actually admitting it. And this very fact means that he takes on even more work, with less sleep.  
Mammon knows that he is also less tolerable than before. He never thought it was possible.  
Lucifer refuses to admit it all even when he calls you at 2:46am on a Thursday because – he is allowed to right?  
Hearing your voice is what was important at that very moment. That and nothing else.
He continues to carry on and carry on until he hears his brothers so openly mention you and how they miss you.
What is stopping him from doing the same? Pride, but alas, he comes through.
Why did he ever think missing you would be a hit to his pride?  
He becomes more honest with himself and knows that as the day for your return comes, once more, he will not be ashamed to show how much he has missed you.
And while this does not include grand gestures. It includes a smile and a warm cup of tea next to his in the study to welcome you back.
Levi is clingy before you leave because he holds an irrational amount of fear that comes with losing you.  
Everyone sees how hurt he looks when you walk into the portal and everyone knows that his glassy eyes will not be lingering in that place for too long. Instead, he will go to his room.
And he does. But something unexpected happens.  
When Levi cooks breakfast there is an extra set of plates on the table and your favorite mug is never moved from the counter.  
In his room, your controller is right next to his and nobody else is allowed to use that one.  
If you think some dust will be on it you are absolutely wrong.
Levi does such little things to ensure that he remembers you will be back soon.
Henry 2.0 obviously agrees with him when at 3pm Levi pulls up another miniscule detail of your walk with him through the Devildom zoo.
He needs some small physical trinkets yes but more than them – he remembers your words.  
Everyone was initially right about him being locked up in his room but they admit how naïve they were.
Levi is not the same demon he was when you first came.  
He remembers that you said his room shouldn’t get too dirty or dusty because the pesky dust-demons will come to bother him; so he cleans and airs it out as much as he can.
He remembers your favorite meals and still makes them even if human food is no longer necessary at their table.
He promised to take care of himself so he actually goes outside once in a while.  
He takes photos of unusual things to show you once you are back.
He counts the weeks until you come back doing day-to-day things that show him you actually were in their lives. And he refuses to act like losing you temporarily means losing you forever.
Belphegor drinks up every bit of information that comes along with your name. If someone mentions you, if your favorite pen stands on the side unused. Anything that is connected to you he notices.  
That is his way of coping with the fact that you are back in the human world. 
But anytime your name is there – you are not – and he hates it. Because really, what is the whole point of it all? Your name in the air but no sign of your shadow walking through the rooms.
To him, some places feel less comfortable without you now and he avoids them when he naps.
And he swears to everything unholy that if Asmodeus mentions your name once more he is going to lose it.
He gets overwhelmed by the fact that your name lingers more and more so he decides to avoid any conversation concerning you.
He simply cannot deal with knowing how much your presence itself is the main topic of those he speaks with.
He leaves the room when someone mentions your name. If he can’t leave the room, he simply ignores it.  
Beel obviously knows and he tries to help but Belphie sees no attempt that can make him feel better unless it involves the actual you.
This is why he calls and texts you the most. This is his way of making up and dealing with the places that seem darker without you.
Belphie simply needs to avoid mentions of you around him but have contact with you if he wishes to remain somewhat balanced.
Simeon is aware how easier for him it is when you leave than it is for others.
For the start, Simeon knows you are not close to him like you are with the rest.
Emotional proximity is one thing but actual proximity is another factor. You’ve lived in different houses so the void he feels falls down to thinking: why didn’t I make more of an effort to be with them? Why didn’t I invite them over more?
He knows that he is blessed because when you leave for the human world, it means that Simeon goes to his own home too.
He doesn’t have to walk through the halls of RAD and remember how you once leaned on the pillar or tripped on the steps when you first came.  
He doesn’t pass by the hall where your room is; he doesn’t walk down the streets you loved to see in the Devildom
So why does he still feel the void? Isn’t he selfish?  
He thinks that he truly is.
He has the privilege to watch down from the clouds and feel when you are in emotional turmoil or happy.
Because of knowing how much it is easier for him with the privileges than it is for others; he doesn’t call as often as others do. How could he allow himself to be even more selfish?
He maintains a certain distance but really; when somehow small things work out in your favor – who is behind them?  
When you pack your bag and are about to head out the door but suddenly get the need to put an umbrella in it even if the sky is bright blue?  
When you meet a new person whom you see a potential friendship/relationship with and suddenly have a nightmare about them? They’re covered in mud and dirt and are looking at you with cold eyes; no empathy. It is of course Simeon – sending you a sign from the distance.  
I suppose it means the distance is not so great after all.
Solomon definitely feels no guilt or selfishness when it comes to how many options he has when you leave.
Sure, he is busy to say the least but even as he carries out different tasks, experiments and spells; he knows that at the end of the day – you are human just like him.
He can come and go through the human world on whims and he definitely will.
Why shouldn’t he?
He can text you, call you and just talk to you without preparation.  
He can send you memes and make you laugh at random times without fearing of interrupting the 3 realms.
Even with this, he doesn’t come to see you as often as he would like.  
He leads a dangerous lifestyle especially when he does not have the title of ‘transfer student’ to protect him. So, he cannot endanger you.  
He could protect you yes; but why put you through it at all when it isn’t necessary.  
Still, you would say you meet up with him often.
Sure, it is rarely grabbing a lunch together but he invites you to just keep him company in some abandoned castle as he makes his experiments.  
It is very annoying how he just shows up.  
You’re cleaning your window and suddenly he is on it??? The nerve.
You are walking down the street about to trip on something and he shows up and catches you by your arm and brings you up.
Once, he teleported right in front of you as you were throwing trash in the bin and a banana peel got stuck on his head. It’s what he deserves.
Really, he does it at the most inconvenient, unexpected times; it scares you.
But you can’t get mad. He always has a bit of a streak with annoying those he loves and when he does show up after 2 weeks like that you know that it is from him missing you and finally being able to see you in the special impatient, childlike way.
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