mamashitty · 5 years
hiii tumblr. I took what I meant to be a couple day break from you and it bled into a few weeks, oops. Time to build up my queue again and posting, lol. I’ve missed all the check please content! :D And other content that I dibble dabble in. 
I’m doing NaNoWriMo, and I had intended to do a Zimbits fic for it, but I’m instead working on an original fiction idea that hit me and would not stop nagging me. Hoping to get back into writing Zimbits after November. <3 
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moonkitty · 6 years
I just woke up and I had a really weird dream where I became a.shitty pornbot and reblogged dumb p*rn gifs with the title "FUCK BIG TITTIES NOW AT VIRUS DOT COM!!" and I just woke up in a cold sweat checking my blog to see if it was real or not
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halfalgorithm · 8 years
Tumblr media
hey Android users look what great changes are coming to the Tumblr app that's right, a whole separate page to add tags and click post! yep, two whole steps just to post something!!
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sillywiseguy · 7 years
So these shitty moodswings. Lemme explain something. Aight. So on my previous post i said i was feeling like shit and all that. Now i feel like the future is bright. I hate it. Id like it better if i stayed in a.shitty mood than shifting moods on a heatbeat.
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mamashitty · 5 years
used to be omgshittyplz
I match my pillowfort name now. Look, Shitty would make a great mama. And, like, this amuses me. So, I’m now mamashitty. I’m sorry I am so easily amused. 
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mamashitty · 5 years
home and it feels so nice. we got in late-ish last night. today has been spent with the kiddos. I am eager to find some writing time soon.
I have the ideas!
Also, I must begin plotting my NaNo fic. Eeee. Shoulda started ages ago.
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mamashitty · 5 years
I think the first sickness has entered the house. I was anticipating something like this with my oldest being in school now.
no fun.
but also let's build up our immunities or something
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mamashitty · 5 years
I had to stop writing earlier because my kiddo woke up from a nap.
This... this is what I left for myself.
He was taller than her, b
B? b? B? b whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? 
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mamashitty · 5 years
my husband just asked me the most romantic question: “wanna rewatch Hannibal?”
I said yes.
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mamashitty · 5 years
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters: Oh. Em. Geee. This one is a hard one. But, ever since I was first introduced to Sir Sam Vimes of the City Watch of Ankh-Morpork. Feet of Clay was my first foray into Discworld and Terry Pratchett’s  writing and Sam Vimes--and there has been NO looking back. I absolutely love his character growth and changes throughout the novels that he is featured in. Each time I reread a book involving him, or realize I haven’t read one of his and then pick it up.. I fall in love all over with him again. Y’all, everyone should read Discworld. THe end.
My other is... oh fudge. 
Moist von Lipwig, another one from Discworld. He’s just... incredible and such a fun character to read. This one is a tough one because SOMETIMES he hops over Vimes for me, but not very often and usually Vimes stays number one. Also, and I am way into Mr. Jack Zimmermann at the moment but consistently, it is usually Moist and Vimes as my top fave. 
🌼 Fave flower: Y’all, I used to work at a greenhouse and I really do not have a favorite flower. FOR SHAME ON ME. But, hmm... I do like snap dragons and do coleus count? I find them really awesome looking.  And this is probably going to sound even weirder... but uh they always just kind of remind me of dinosaurs? I have no idea but I associate dinosaurs with them and that is cool to me. 
If anyone else wants to ask me anymore of these, check ‘em out :D
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mamashitty · 5 years
it just hit me that I will be meeting my son’s first teacher today. I’m nervous and excited.
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mamashitty · 5 years
people watching at the airport. oh what fun. one more flight and then we are there.
I am anxious about leaving my kids for so long even though they are in good hands. it is gunna be fine though.
and maybe I will sneak some writing in? or catch up on reading? or sleep? but mostly I get to see my best friend and that is fucking lovely.
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mamashitty · 5 years
NaNoWriMo 2019
I have decided to do a Zimbits fic for NaNo this year. I did not attempt NaNo last year at all because my baby was born on election day. And I’ve failed the last couple years. I’m bent on making it to 50k this year, though, and I think I could do it with Zimbits as opposed to an original idea of mine.
I just need to decide what fic idea I want to save for NaNo, lol.
An AU of an AU -- Samwell Elementary School but this time, Bitty is a new teacher who is teamed up with Jack. Jack teaches History and Math for fifth grades and Bitty will teach English and Science for the same fifth graders. Grumpy!Jack ensues at the beginning and then he opens up to Bitty and sweetness and pining and omg we are coworkers. Everyone will be some kind of teacher in this AU. 
Ren Faire AU -- I headcanoned this a bit earlier here. Jack has grown up within the Ren Faire and this season he is taking over the shop while Bad Bob and Alicia go off on a romantic trip to Europe somewhere. Eric is new to the scene. Dundundun.
Harry Potter-verse AU -- Something with the Harry Potter-verse, I haven’t really fleshed this idea out. I just like sticking them in there, and it would probably tie in with my Quidditch Haus stuff, maybe. I don’t know. 
CHOICES. I mean, I’ll probably write all of these eventually. I just need to figure out which one I am saving for November. Eeee.
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mamashitty · 5 years
20 Questions Tag
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to know better. I was tagged by @wrathofthestag (sidenote: gunna have to start devouring your Hannibal fics ontop of the Check, Please! ones)
1. Nickname: Ash
2. Zodiac Sign: Aries
3. Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
4. Height: 5′1″ on a good day, but probably, a little over 5′0″
5. Last thing I googled: What to do when the ABS light turns on in your car.
6. Favorite musicians: Sooo many. Lemem name a few: Brown Bird, The Huntress and Holders of Hands, Neutral Milk Hotel, Rancid, Rilo Kiley, Atmosphere, Lady Gaga, Frontier Ruckus, The Decemberist, and more more more.
7. Song stuck in my head: Sunshine by Atmosphere
8. Followers: 23
9. Following: 117
10. Do you get asks: Nope. I may be awkward and shy but I am friendly, and would probably be tickled pink by getting some asks.
11. Amount of sleep: I have an eight-month-old daughter who refuses to sleep through the night. She still gets up once, and that tends to make me stay awake for a couple hours after the fact. I try to get 8 hours of sleep a night, but probably average 6.
12. Lucky number: Six!
13. What are you wearing: Lazy day so far in my household, we are all still in our pajamas. 
14. Dream job: Writer and stay at home mom. Which is really bizarre and my inner teenage and early-twenties self is straight-up appalled. I don’t work very often but I do feel like I’m missing things with the kiddos when I do. And, to get paid to write, would feel fucking amazing. 
15. Instruments: None. I have a brother who leached all the musical talent in the family.
16. Languages: English. I wish I knew more. 
17. Favourite song: Ugh, I am going to cop out and say anything by Brown Bird. It is so difficult though because it depends on my mood and what I’ve been listening to. It changes with the wind.
18. Random fact: Plaid is my favorite color. I only insist on saying that because it really annoys people. 
19. Aesthetic: Confused thirty-something-who-still-sometimes-dresses-like-a-12-year-old. 
20. Dream trip: Ireland or Hawaii.
Invited to play or pass: whoever wants to do this! I am copping out. But if we are mutuals and you see this then I definitely want to get to know you, so consider yourself tagged! 
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mamashitty · 5 years
I officially have a preschooler. first dropoff was today, and it went good. 
I am hoping to get back into the writing swing of things. I still have three prompts to fill and chapters to write. I’m really sorry for dropping the ball on those prompts, lol. next time I will make certain not to ask for prompts a week or so before a game release. WoW classic has consumed most of my nighttimes. I will get back into the swing of things though because I miss writing, RPing,  and reading fics.  It is bizarre to be harkening back to my early twenties with this damn game. anywhoozles, I hope y’all have a nice day! 
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mamashitty · 5 years
I have a pillowfort that I never use. I think I am going to dust it off and attempt to use it for more of a personal blog/journal. With ramblings about my writing process and things like that too. I’ll share writing on there as well as continue to share it on here too. I dunno. I don’t want to get too personal on my tumblr but I am feeling an itch for something as close to a livejournal as I can get. It isn’t quite pillowfort but I think I am going to make a go of it.
So uh if anyone wants the angst of a thirtysomething-year-old mom who writes sometimes, games sometimes,& reads sometimes. has cats and kids and a husband, and has no idea what she will really want to write about on pillowfort then uh message me and I’ll give you my pillowfort name. woo-hoo.
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