#a'lathei khuzim
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whimsykeii · 1 year ago
Real Hot Girl Shit™
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whimsykeii · 1 year ago
"Were you so unloved as a child that you thought you wouldn't be missed?!"
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whimsykeii · 1 year ago
In wake of Eulmore's attack on the Crystarium, threads begin to unravel.
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whimsykeii · 2 years ago
Motherly Advice
Before setting out for the Greatwood, A’lathei goes to her mother for advice. Her mother has some suggestions.
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Behind the Scenes stuff under the cut!
Trying out a new gpose comic style. Hope this is a little better to read.
Several things to note: There was going to be more discussed between A’lathei and her mother, but I decided to leave the more comedic bits for an omake, and save the other serious stuff for a later comic, with the Exarch more in focus.
I’zazanh and G’raha fill a very niche trait that Antelope tribe members are raised to respect and find attractive: Intelligence. It’s not too far fetched that she happens to be into Sharlayan Seekers. Y’shtola was a crush for a time, G’raha was a burgeoning crush during the CT raids... etc, etc.
A’lathei is dressed the starting gear in response to Altheia telling them the conversations she has with Ardbert, so she’s messing with the Exarch again. This conversation only happened because she’s overthinking. Back on the First, she was only keeping her attraction subtle because of propriety and out of respect for her girlfriend, who probably hasn’t met G’raha before he went to sleep. (spoiler: they knew of each other)
During Rak’tika and onwards? He’s in danger. So much danger.
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whimsykeii · 2 years ago
Pride Warriors of Light! Ltd EW Edition
Coming soon to a nonexistent fanshop near you!
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Now you can own the Endwalker edition figurines of our most infamously bisexual and polyamorous Warriors of Light!
(inspired by @angrywarriorkitty (Kedare) and their G’raha figurine posts on Twitter)
Bisexual lighting not included. Please pre-order and purchase your Pride Warrior figurines from reputable shopping areas such as the Rising Stones, The Shaded Bower, and the Jeweled Crozier. For customers of the First, please make your purchase with Bragi, overseer of the Musica Universalis in the Crystarium. If your Pride Warrior figurines start to talk, do not engage, immediately return the item to the Garlond Ironworks and demand a full refund under the Nero clause. Jessie or Cid will know exactly what happened and issue you a refund and a show for the trouble. Popcorn is not included.
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whimsykeii · 2 years ago
Nameday Shenanigans
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On Mydia’s birthday (4/2) She spent time with her girlfriend and boyfriend who was totally miraculously convinced to take a day off.
On Altheia’s birthday (4/3) made before maintenance lol she was surrounded by loved ones here and gone.
Today A’lathei (4/5) will spend time with her siblings and be a little silly.
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whimsykeii · 9 months ago
To celebrate the official release of Dawntrail, I commissioned @btanselanoican to draw my WOLs in their Dawntrail outfits. They're so cute!
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whimsykeii · 10 months ago
FFXIV Polyamory Week Day 1: Sleeping Position
Gralzaza: G'raha Tia/A'lathei Khuzim/I'zazanh Xhula
Ever since A'lathei returned to the Source, as this world- no, dimension- is apparently called, I'zazanh was reminded that her girlfriend was hopelessly bisexual. "Help save two worlds and all you get is an emotional meltdown about your perceived incompetence in the face of occupational tragedy."
"And a free boyfriend! That's also important."
G'raha Tia was known to most Sharlayan Seekers as unremarkable yet weird. There was no decent way to put it. Perhaps it was because he was not Sharlayan-born like members of the Y Tribe or a sect of the I Tribe. Perhaps it was that he had always been unlike other Tia, bookish and theatrical in a way most Tia were not.
He was also a man of low self-regard. When they first started sleeping together, G'raha relegated himself to the furthest corners of the bed, almost barricading himself with various books while A'lathei and I'zazanh slept in each other's arms. Despite every attempt by A'lathei to bring him closer, he refused. He once let slip to I'zazanh that despite feeling happy that A'lathei openly returns his affection, he felt like a ghost haunting her present life. I'zazanh then wrote him a five page essay on why he was wrong with an annotated bibliography and recommended mental health professionals to see if he ever set foot back in Sharlayan. I'zazanh didn't initially understand why her Sugarplum loved him so, but he was not without his positives. And any man who could endear A'lathei's mother to him in less than a year had to be doing something right.
As the weeks passed, and the Final Days encroached, I'zazanh found herself deprived of both Seekers as they struggled to find a way to save the world from its imminent demise. For her part, she did her best to not let fear or despair get to her but she was insanely curious as to what the "Radz-at-Han Incident" was. Once the Final Days were averted, I'zazanh became sandwiched between two very handsy and purring Miqo'te.
If you told I'zazanh Xhula that she would be the big spoon, holding two heroes of the realm under her arms a year ago, she would have laughed you out of the room.
Now? Now, she's just glad they're home now.
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whimsykeii · 1 year ago
can u tell us abt ur a tribe lore?? whats the timeline??
Anon. Anon, I am gripping your shoulders at this moment.
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Thank you for giving me something to think about while at work! And to finish posting the rest of The Nunh and I
The short answer is that some of the basic lore can be found here
Things not mentioned in the linked post:
By Seeker standards, Antelope tribal dynamics are simultaneously overly familiar and yet distant.
Mama ____ - A woman from the previous line who has a child (or kit) of the current line. Ex: A'lathei would refer to A'rhota as Mama A'rhota/Mama Rhota, but call her birth mother Mom/Mama/Mum/etc. Nana/Papa ___ - The elderly members of the tribe, usually the grandmothers/old Tias (including former Nunhs) of the current line. Auntie ___ - A woman from the previous line who has no children, or is a cousin. The tribal prefix is a sign of formality... or the tribal equivalent of getting your full government name said when paired with the angry tones of a mother. Most of the time, the given name is spoken. (A'lathei would simply be called Lathei by her family 80% of the time.)
Sixth Astral Era
~1521: A'thalin Tia becomes A'thalin Nunh
1523: A'dhirmi is born, marking the start of the Thalin generation.
1524: A'phiris is born.
1525: A'rhota and A'shira are born. Elsewhere, Khuzim is born to unknown parents.
1526: A'linesse is born.
1527: A'marxia is born.
1532- Khuzim is adopted into the A tribe, becoming A'khuzim Tia.
1546- A'khuzim leaves the tribe to train in order to succeed A'thalin Nunh.
1549- Elsewhere, Phthalo (later A'phthalo Nunh) is born.
1551- "The Nunh and I" takes place: A'khuzim defeats A'thalin and is named the new nunh, A'thalin exiles himself immediately the following day. A'linesse is chosen as the first bride.
1551- A'sanri is born, marking the start of the Khuzim generation.
1552- A'dahlii is born.
1554- A'lathei is born.
1555- A'tashrae is born.
1556- A'cidha and A'konde are born.
1557- A'zelra is born.
1558- A'habu, A'xansa and A'lumhinn are born.
1562- A'khashin Tia is born.
Seventh Umbral Era
1572- The Seventh Umbral Calamity permanently scars the traditional hunting grounds of the A-tribe.
1574- Phthalo is adopted into the tribe, becoming A'phthalo Tia.
1577- Events of ARR begin, A'lathei leaves to become an adventurer.
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whimsykeii · 1 year ago
The Thing About Heroes
Never meet them. Or in the Crystal Exarch's case, never forget how they used to be.
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whimsykeii · 1 year ago
I genderbent my trio of light... behold them
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whimsykeii · 1 year ago
XIVBlacktober2023: Day 3- Darkness
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The Warrior of Darkness was still just a legend to most of Norvrandt. For Lyna, the Warrior of Darkness was a Mystel woman as talented as her grandfather.
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whimsykeii · 2 years ago
Coming Soon: Ishgardian Nights
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After being accidentally dragged into their first ball, the Shard Squad have a lot to learn about Ishgardian high society, culture, fashion. While navigating the tasteful quiches, muffins and wine, they must also navigate foul memories and even fouler guests.
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whimsykeii · 2 years ago
Coming Soon: Motherly Advice
Before setting out for the Greatwood, A’lathei goes to her mother for advice. Her mother has some suggestions.
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whimsykeii · 2 years ago
A(ntelope) Tribe Customs
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Ever wondered about A’lathei’s tribe and their customs? Well, look no further! I will put this under the cut but here is a picture of A’lathei and all her siblings.
The A tribe resides within the Wellwick Wood, in Eastern Thanalan, a few miles away from the southern most parts of the Black Shroud, where their totem animal resides. They can be seen hunting from various locations such as Thal’s Respite or even the recent swamp that has formed in the South Shroud.
The A tribe has one nunh at a time. A nunh is required to not only be the physically strongest man in the tribe, but the most clever or intelligent. It is the Nunh’s responsibility to ensure that the hunting grounds are conducive to the proper care and maintenance of the tribe. If the grounds are lacking, it is up to the nunh to decide a course of action.
The nunh is not the sole decision-maker for the tribe’s safety. The tribe’s two best huntresses, three healers and three oldest women also make up the council to decide the best course of action to take.
If a nunh is found to be lacking in his duties, he has a moon to clean up his act or face getting thrown out and exiled from the tribe. Violently. If a nunh falls ill, the council will assume his duties while he recovers. In the event of a terminal or chronic illness, the nunh will choose the tia who will assume his role in a bloodless rite of passage. The previous nunh will join the council as the new nunh’s personal advisor until he passes.
When succeeded by a new nunh, most former nunhs exile themselves after a short period of time, but the ones who do not are allowed to stay with the understanding that they are wholly ineligible to return to nunh status unless in extreme circumstances.
Both sexes begin hunts unsupervised by the age of 12 and are expected to know their role in the tribe by 15. For the ones who take up conjury or crafting instead, are apprenticed by the most skilled of their craft in the tribe. In the rare event that there is no superior in their skillset, they will be sent to Ul’dah.
The most skilled huntress is usually a new nunh’s first pick in a mate, and she is also expected to assume a role in the council. She must display excellent senses, perception and skill in her chosen style of combat whether it be archery or melee. She must also show deep concern for the well being of her sisters and any kits that may be present.
A hunter’s quota is determined by population size and season. If there are pregnant women and extremely young kits, hunters will increase their hunting quotas to compensate for the lack of numbers and growing bodies.
Hunters also include the foragers, and the same rules apply. Kits are taught to forage as early as age six, with their birth mothers or the healers accompanying them.
A tia born into the tribe is not raised too different from his sisters and cousins, and the nunh takes a more personal role in his upbringing even if he is the son of a previous nunh.
A tia adopted into the tribe is also raised similarly, but with higher expectations due to his ability to diversify the gene pool.
A tia can leave the tribe as early as fifteen, the age of relative independence within the tribe, with the true mark of adulthood being twenty years of age.
Rites and Family Dynamics
The new nunh is celebrated with a feast and a dance performance from the five most eligible women in the tribe- the best huntresses, healers and crafters. See here (x) The nunh then declares his first choice and they spend the next week mating. After that, women are encouraged to approach him to mate. Both parties are allowed to accept or deny any advances from the other.
Most of the youth find the dance part of the ceremony to be the most embarrassing. Unfortunately, no nunh has been able to abolish this practice yet. A way for old people to ceremonially prank the new generation. Update: In previous ceremonies, the chosen five must dance for their new nunh or risk exile, but the Thalin line has decided to abolish that rule in favor of disqualifying unconsenting members for the first pick.
The women of the tribe raise the kits communally with the nunh, with useful skills usually being taught to kits by their birth mothers. A'khuzim trained A'sanri himself when he saw she had no talent for long-range weaponry.
The best way to introduce a Tia or any man to the tribe, regardless of context, is to have him evaluated by members of the council. If one of the more difficult members likes you, you will be welcome. Women unsurprisingly do not have such stringent vetting processes.
Any tias born to the nunh are encouraged to become nunh elsewhere or bring other tias in to the tribe.
Birth order does not guarantee any major position in the tribe, nor does position of the mother to the nunh. However, the children of the first bride are generally expected to be the most competent of all the nunh's children.
The nunh is treated differently depending on who you are in the tribe. There are no special greetings for the nunh's favorite wives or his children. Other wives, adopted tribe members and elders: wives will purr and bunt the nunh when formally greeting him. Adopted tribe members and attendants will lower their tails and ears in submission before addressing the nunh. Elders are given the inversion of the greeting wives are expected to give.
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whimsykeii · 2 years ago
When A'lathei, Alisaie and G'raha Tia are leaving Azys Lla to give Cid the Archive Node he needs to basically jailbreak, Alisaie is still sore about being insulted by a floating orb. Here's how that conversation goes:
Alisaie, still grumbling: The nerve of these things...
A'lathei: They're not usually like this. ...Right! I forgot they only get like that when G'raha is around. At least you didn't get called a slave.
Alisaie: A'lathei, how do you know that?
A'lathei, grinning: How do you think I know that?
Alisaie: ... Gross! I don't want to think about what you and your boyfriend did alone in the Crystal Tower of the First, ewww!
A'lathei: What? No, not like that!
G'raha in the back: I wonder how long and fast it would take for me to hit terminal velocity from this height.
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