#a whole new year of statisics on AO3!
flaggermousseart · 4 years
Fic Writer Interview
Thanks to @moonynpadfootforever for tagging me! Here we go!
Name: flaggermousse (real name: Line)
Fandoms: Harry Potter
Where you post: Archive of Our Own
Most popular one-shot: A New Home got the most views and kudos.
Most popular multi-chapter: The Trial is the only multi-chapter I got so far. It’s just one long trial scene and I just ended up splitting it in chapter because it got so long.
Favorite story I’ve written so far: Probably The Trial. I put so much work into it, and it was very satisfying to get it out there.
Fic you were nervous to post: Assault, because of the subject and warnings. I actually put it out anonymously at first, before I acknowledged it as one of my fics.
How do you choose your titles: with great difficulty. A lot of my fics end up being one word describing what it is about. The two outliers We need to talk about the snakes and No Wedding, but a Funeral are basically just variants of movie-titles.
Do you outline: Oh yes I do. It’s usually soemthing like ‘character A does this, character B reacts like this [add description of the location] then X suddenly happens, character A’s feelings on the subject, [check full moons for the year], next scene-’ Sometimes it can get very detailed. 
Complete: All my fics are complete, the series Picking up the Pieces is an ongoing AU, but there’s no cliffhangers, and I just add more scenes as I go along.
In progress: 3 WIPs at the moment, two set during the First Wizarding War, and one focusing on Crookshanks. I also have a word-document with ideas that may or may not become something.
Coming soon: One of those WIPs hopefully? I’m beginning my 3-month internship at a library today, and there’s school work on top of it, so I’ll have less time to write.
Prompts: I don’t do prompts. I write like a slug, and don’t want to let people down.
I’m tagging @burnsopale, @kattlupin, @engie-ivy and anyone else that wants to try this.
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