#a traitor or hero; either way she’s a work of art ( silena answered )
liveshaunteda · 5 years
@mystiokinesis yelled into the void ‘ due to unfortunate circumstances , i am now awake . ’  from popular text meme ( accepting )
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            “Oh come on, being awake isn’t that bad now is it?” Silena muses, hitching an eyebrow as she gave a small tilt of her head towards the hunter. “We have to prepare for this, and we have to have a few hunters, otherwise it won’t work.” It’s why she’s keeping back her distastes for the hunters. A few of the rare times she keeps her head cool around the anti love girls.
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liveshaunted-moved · 4 years
Jaxon Haden ( PJO ) & Michael Yew ( PJO ) & Silena Beauregard ( PJO )
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liveshaunteda · 5 years
for the hc meme: clarisse and/or silena + fighting style
hc + word = jace rambling about her children || always accepting
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                Silena isn’t that much of a fighter, but she can and she will. She has been seen to engage in Capture the Flag, at least twice. She will fight for what she wants, and what she believes. She will do anything to win. Silena will use her beauty to charm people, she will using her beauty and status as a daughter of Aphrodite to get her opponent to lower their guard. She can hold her stance, but will prefer not to fight.
                 Clarisse can get very dirty in her fighting. She is harsh, she is all action no talk in a true battle which is why her mouth will get her into trouble. Getting her to talk is her downfall, getting her to boast in a fought can give someone an upper hand. Annabeth knew this and took advantage by setting Percy up in the first capture the flag game. She will do her best to injure you, if she has too, won’t hesitate to use a killing blow. She is action first, think later. Attack, Attack, Attack. She’ll fight until she is dead, or the war is over. She won’t stop until it’s over and she has won.
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liveshaunteda · 6 years
hc + food (Farkle) / hc + love (Aubrey) / hc + sports (Lily Luna) / hc + pets (Silena)
hc + word meme || accepting
Farkle&Food | TW For Eating Disorder Mention
Up until he was six years old, his mother would be home all the time and she’d cook dinners for the family. He loved his mother’s food, but then she was needed more for her job, and left the nanny they hired for his younger sister to do the cooking. The nanny wasn’t the best cook, and when the parents weren’t coming home - it’d be microwave meals. So, Farkle is no stranger to microwave meals despite the wealth his family comes from. But he’d eat regularly.
That is until around twelve, maybe thirteen years old where he just… stopped eating regularly. He’d move the things around on his plate, give off the illusion that he was eating what was there, engaging in the talk. It got to the point where his not eating enough effected him and he started to have fainting spells after talking too long, or standing up too quickly. He rarely ate, he ate more when with his friends then he would at home.
It wasn’t until high school that people started to worry, and take notice of how much he did truly eat. The nanny, no longer needed as his brother and sister were off at private schools, and Farkle was old enough to cook for himself, or order in. But, his mother takes him to a doctor, one that specialises in Eating Disorders, for that is what she fears her son has.
Then he is diagnosed, and to please his mother, he gets treated. It’s a long and hard process. But, eventually he is able to eat full meals by his late twenties. Farkle can cook though. He’s an amazing cook, because after being diagnosed, his mother took time off. She taught him some of her recipes and told him of stories that he never’s heard before.
She truly and utterly believed that Ben was her one true love. But, as time proved, he was not. It doesn’t help that her outlook on love has been a bit messed with. Her mother and grandmother doting on her hands and foot. Audrey tends to feel like she is entitled to people loving her in any sense of the word. It’s not until after the VK’s come over that she realises that she needs to go over how she view things - and in her time away in Sherwood Forest, she starts to learn that love comes in many forms. That, if you need to give what you want in return. It’s slow, but love is one of her ultimate goals in life. To find it, and give it.
Lily Luna&Sports
Lily is very much a HUGE Quidditch fan. She bloody loves it, and much like her mother and her grandfather, she is an amazing Chaser. It’s one of the few paths she looks at taking when she is older. Walking in her mother’s footsteps all the while making a name for herself.
Though, Hermione and Harry, they introduced a few Muggle Sports to the family - and you’d have wanted to be on Lily’s team, because she gets very competitive when playing.
Silena, wasn’t always a year rounder. Up until she turned fifteen ( Titans Curse ), she was a summer camper with a few pet doves at home. She’d go home to her father, to her pets. But, a letter came one time and someone had poisoned all her doves. So, not wanting to go home and not see them, she told her father she’d be staying year around. Only for it to stick until her death.
It was someone from Krono’s side that killed them, a way to manipulate her into being their spy. A way to shut her up, by showing what they could do.
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liveshaunteda · 5 years
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@apolafsi​ yelled into the void ‘  you’re not dying! ’  | it meme ( accepting )
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              she had left the battle, not out of cowardice - not because it was too much for the daughter of aphrodite. but out of guilt. out of the guilt that has been gnawing away at her, for years. the guilt that makes her stomach sick, the guilt that had made her cry her eyes out for hours straight because what she had done had caused the death of someone she cared about. someone she loved so deeply. he was now gone, forever out of reach because of something she had done. but it was something she hadn’t told anyone. something she couldn’t tell a soul about. or they’d look at her like she was a monster. and maybe, just maybe she was. she had let it go on too far. let fear control her for too long. but, now she is letting herself be filled with determination. determination to fix all the wrongs she had done.
                   on her way back to camp, she had removed all the charms from her bracelet, all except one. that one she needed to keep on her. the ares cabin were eating - and chris, he saw her, but he didn’t say anything as he went about his duty letting her through. oh how she should have known that the ares cabin wouldn’t listen to her. why would they? the only listen to two people, there father and... clarisse. that’s when it came to her. she remembers a story, one similar to what she is about to play out and how it ended. before going to the armoury, she went to her own - scattering her charms on each of the beds. one for each of her siblings. she knew how this was going to play out.
                        with the heavy armour on, she went back to were the ares cabin were eating. her voice, as she spoke didn’t sound like hers, but like that of her friend. she commanded the ares cabin to get in the chariots and they;re going to fight. they listened and it wasn’t long before they were off. silena in the lead. it wouldnt be until later that she would realise that her mother had granted her a burst of charmspeak to the cabin to listen to her.
                       the battle was getting closer, and oh gods there was the drakon. it was huge and as she lead the charge towards it, her voice now that the ares kids were in the heart of the battle was back to it’s usually higher voice, now sound shrill as she yells out. charging right for the monster, clarisse’s spear in her hand.
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                it was painful. the acid that the drakon spit all over her. it has caused her to fall and her body was on even more high alert now. it was shaking with pain, she didn’t care about her appearance, she probably didn’t look ‘beautiful’ anymore. she can see face’s, they’re blurry - but she knows who they are. clarisse is there, percy, annabeth. she see’s deliah, she see’s tears in everyone’s eyes. her voice when she speaks, it’s weak. her hand moves, she needs it too move, she needs them all to know. “it’s my fault.” speaking was getting harder to do by each passing second.
                    she is why the dam thing was here in the first place. she was the reason kronos was always two steps ahead. she is the reason her own boyfriend died. she’s the reason for the tension within the camp. she’s the reason why so many things she blames herself for, so many things she is admitting just by showing the scythe charm, the lone charm on her bracelet now.
                    “you’re not dying,” words spoke by her sister, and tries for a smile. it’s faint but she tries, for deliah, for percy, for all those around. “i’m sorry,” for everything, she could have been a better leader, better sister. she wants to tell them all that it’s going to be okay. to get her siblings to not bring back the ‘heartbreak’ tradition. but, what if - that’s what got her here? because she didn’t complete it? she refused it. charlie meant to much to her.
                        “i’m sorry,” she repeats, before her smile get’s slightly bigger. her blurry vision it was clearing. and it wasn’t because if any nectar or amborisa, she was way too gone for that, she knew what it meant, a familiar, welcomed face smiling at her as her head moved to look up at the sky. “charlie... i see charlie.” and that was it, her dying breathe as her friends and family, morn and continue to fight. she got to see charlie one last time - because she thinks she might be put into the fields of punishment for her crimes.
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liveshaunteda · 5 years
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@gilaelin yelled into the void ‘  I read your diary ’ from HERE
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              There is a fear that spikes her heart, her diary. The place where she puts the things she can’t say out loud. The secrets and lies she’s spoken all unfolded in the truth of her diary. She’s trying not to be angry at the action, but she is. “You did what?” Silena questions, keeping that bubbling anger down. Unlike some demigods, she could control her emotions - she had learnt years ago how to school them and show them, or not too. It’s made her so good at certain things. “I thought there was a sense of privacy in this place. Why would you do that Val?”
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liveshaunteda · 5 years
please make him stop talking. ( for silena! )
umbrella academy starers || accepting || @zeusborn​
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                  “I’m sorry but that is out of my restriction” Silena spoke with a small shrug of her shoulders. “If you want him to stop talking, why don’t you…. zap him or something? Also, not like anyone listens to a child of Aphrodite anyway.” Unless they have charmspeak, which she does not. She isn’t one of those are children with the gift from her mother, but she knows she’s experienced a bit of it when Charlie’s life was in danger.
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