#a tiny bit of dazatsu if you really really squint
mahkaria · 5 years
headcanons? about bsd? if so i have a headcanon that atsushi tends to do things that he was forced to do at the orphanage subconsciously like maybe if he drops something he would immediately look around and cover himself from getting hit etc etc
Yes, that’s it. You can send me ideas about BSD and I’ll write ideas about it. I’ve wanted to do it since a long time but I was too anxious to ask. I hope you find it interesting. (I apologize in advance if there are mistakes)
Kyouka : 
The first time she stayed at Atsushi’s appartment, it can be seen she was the one to make breakfast. However, Atsushi has been raised thinking he had to be the one to take do the chores. From here, a very ridiculous competition started. Atsushi would do his best to wake up as soon as possible to prepare breakfast only for Kyouka to wake even earlier the next day. Kunikida was the one to stop them after one week when he saw how tired the both of them were. He created a whole planning about who had to do what and when they had to do it. 
Also, since tofu is quite cheap, it was one of the main meal at the orphanage (when they were fed) so Atsushi knows exactly how to cook it. Kyouka didn’t stop pouting for days when she noticed Atsushi was better at preparing it than her. However, she stopped quickly and instead ordered him to cook it for her. This is how Atsushi stopped seeing cooking as a bad part of his past and started seeing as a way to please his little sister  friend.
Junichirou and Naomi : 
They both are very tactile people. Naomi likes hugging every members of the agency and Junichirou - even if he’s not at the same level as his sister - likes physical contact to congratulate his friends or to greet them. 
The first time the young woman tries to hug Atsushi, the young man jumps meters away from her. Just like the feline which represents him. 
When Junichirou tries to high five, he looks at him as if Tanizaki is going to slap him. His whole body tenses, waiting for a punch. 
After this, they both are careful with how they interact with him. They invite him to initiate contacts without downright forcing him. They watch carefully and wait for him to be relaxed to try anything. 
Only when the siblings escape a life-or-death  situation does Atsushi answer to their offers. It’s nothing big  or amazing, he just catches sweater and refuses to let it go. 
It’s a start. 
Kunikida : 
Everyone in the agency knows Kunikida is an early riser. He’s always the first one to arrive at the agency. The first one to prepare for work. The first one to finish his job. 
One day, he and Atsushi have to leave Yokohama to work on a case for the military and end up sharing a room. 
That’s when the man discovers how Atsushi doesn’t really sleep. It’s more like cat-napping. He dozes off for a few minutes and startles  seconds after. 
The morning after, Atsushi is already ready for their investigation, totally dressed. It’s especially concerning since Kunikida didn’t even hear him do it. 
It becomes obvious the boy doesn’t really sleep per se. 
From here, Kunikida is careful to his subordinate’s sleeping pattern. He watches for when Atsushi will be about to collapse because of exhaustion and is always ready to collapse. He asks Fukuzawa if they can create a spot where he can rest if everything becomes too much (Shut up, Dazai ! It is not favoritism ! ). 
Dazai :
No matter to who you ask, they will always give you the same answer : Dazai isn’t the spokesman for mental health. He spent more of his youth torturing and killing people, hurting his subordinates and bathing in the darkness. 
He’s not naive enough to expect himself to totally change but he can try.
Odasaku didn’t transform him, he only made him discover new possibilites. Possibilites he had ignored his whole life before : he could be a good person. 
So when he had met Atsushi, he had quickly understood the orphan was the perfect opportunity to prove Odasaku was right.
Dazai can’t change Atsushi, he can’t alleviate his loneliness or give him physical comfort. He’s just not good at it. However, pissing people off, this he can do. 
Atsushi is not good at expressing his feelings. He hides them and don’t let anyone see his anger or his sorrow. Most of the times, he only offers soft smile as if he doesn’t want anyone to see his negative pulsions. It just won’t do, Dazai concludes. So he starts ploting. 
Some of Atsushi’s belongings start disappearing, Dazai steals his food everytime he lets his guard down. To summarize it : he finds every sore points and play with them. It’s only when Atsushi throws a pile of papers to his face that Dazai allows himself to smile truthfully. 
This bright boy will be alright. 
His nose is probably broken though. 
Once again, I apologize for any grammar mistakes I didn’t pay as much attention to it as I usually do. Sorry.
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