#a techy guy with a desire to revive his ancient rival
stellar-chrondrite · 7 years
I think I’ve finally come up with a decent tag name for the AU where Kaiba is searching for the Millennium Puzzle pieces in a medieval world. I’m calling it ‘Lost Pride’ because it ... well, it focuses on Prideshipping and it’s all about the search for the lost pieces of the puzzle ... or is it the companionship?
I’ve added #lost pride au as a tag to my (ever-expanding) AU list. Come check it out if you want!
I even have a couple of ideas for musical inspiration - definitely music from shows such as Winning Lines and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. The beautiful Industrial Gothic music that only Celador could produce has always been a firm favourite in my playlist of OSTs right when I was young. A couple of examples would be the theme for Looking After Number One and £64,000 Question.
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