#a suave boi who Lives for Wordplay
swordmunch · 2 years
You know what can just be so satisfying?
Giving Jason two boyfriends who egg him on and help him kill the Joker
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disfordevineaux · 4 years
Hello ! So if you finished watching season 4, could you share your opinion on it ? Did it meet your expectations ? Was the ending satisfying ?
HELLO! Yes, yes I have. Pretty much the second it came out I was watching it. I have pretty much been in a gif making coma for the last 3 days since its release, and I think the fact it's over has now just hit me.
I really liked s4. It was rushed, yes, but that's understandable considering the context. S4 was clearly not the initial plan. Not many Netflix aminated TV shows reach S6 or past that, so I have a feeling they were going for 6 seasons but had to cut it short. It's better than it getting officially cancelled. Which is most likely why season 4 was full to the brim with actions and character development. So I'm not mad at the quick end but I would have loved at least one more season to really flesh the development and plot points. No more so than the Devineaux development in regards to the new Julia and Chase dynamic.
Before I go into that I want to address the solo Chase-ness that was fantastic. Chase got his ass kicked like 5 times this season, once by a chair.
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And was clocked by a frisbee for good measure too.
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Oh, and landed on his car another time. The pain in his face... I- help this man.
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But he got to kick some of his own asses this season too ofc.
Anyway, Chase really stood up and said ‘I am a Himbo’ this season and it filled me with joy. Just look. veryveryveryvery handsome as always I approve of this message.
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Enough said.
Let me get on with the big thing I want to talk about. The Chase and Julia dynamic reinvention.
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If I’m honest, it did feel quick, due to time constraints, but not out of nowhere. My expectations for Chase and his growth was blown out of the water. I was incredibly impressed with his physical display for admiration for Julia in the end. His way of officially apologising, (as someone said on a rb of one of my posts), Chase is a person of action and his grand gesture of giving Julia the spotlight, as well as a few glowing compliments and a callback and twist of what he used to say, was a great twist on just an ordinary apology. I adore how you can clearly see that he means it.
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It was monumental, if a subtle display of respect that clearly struck a positive chord with Julia, and only could have with Julia. Just look at her face in the gif above, PURE. She clearly seemed as though she had decided to forgive his past transgressions after his help in her rescue.
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Most definitely helping in her decision to return to ACME to be his partner again. Know she isn't alone and that Chase truly has changed for the best. I love how Chase was complete rapture that she had decided to return, even going for a hug. The guy really went from S1 striving to be stoic all the time, to allow himself to wear his emotions and expressiveness on his sleeves. Just, good vibes right there. It felt like the s4 Chase we got was always there but hidden by his ego and by himself deliberately.
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Wholesome stuff my guys. My heart was FULL. I tell you. FULL. I slapped my hand to my chest in awe. He even asked: ‘But your academic career?’ and was happy to be finally able to hunt down real criminals with her, as, and I quote, a family. Adorable.
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Don’t even get me started on the fist-bumping. I would throw myself into a pit of fire for them.
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And those inside jokes? I could be here all day. Their dynamic now, if not nearly displayed a much as I wanted, was nourishing to my soul. Just LOOK
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And that is just one scene.
After the first time jump of 3 weeks, they appeared to be finally enjoying one another company, a true team. Then after 6 months, it seemed even more natural, playful too. They trusted each other's abilities and opinions. Sharing their belief that Carmen was good as well as supporting one another as good partners should, especially Chase. They look so comfortable in each other presence it was immaculate.
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They appeared content, and I loved that most of all. Chase was genuinely interested in Julia’s explanations and it was heartwarming to see. Julia appreciating it too. Watching them interact as close friends now was such a treat. The last 2-3 episodes, in particular, Chase even asking her to continue and adding onto her historical divulges. Awesome stuff. And Julia running into Carmen just as she was about to punch Chase’s lights out was pretty sweet too, as well as her getting one in on Cleo, GO GIRL GO. Julia this season had so much more depth. Loved it.
Also, finding out Chase’s name is in fact a self-given nickname was right on theme with the show. So many people with real names we will never know.
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Back onto the expressions and his enthusiasm. I mean LOOK. This dude- AND THE CAT JACKET RETURNS!
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He just loves his wordplay.
Anyway- The effect Julia had on him was profound and just fantastic to see. He wanted to be better. Chase will no doubt rub off some of his own flairs onto her in due time I'm sure.
Chase working with carmen and the small interaction we got were great as well. Still a little rigid, but full of intrigue.
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Chase wanting to go and save Julia, because he earlier felt as though this was all his fault, was precious too. And the whole Tigress and Chase fight scene was amazing. He trapped her inside a casket, iconic. And Chase showing up as Julia is like ‘omfg Devineaux is that you?’ As he just all suave says ‘fashionably late as always’ and pushes his messy hair back like HOOO BOY you lovely little stinker I would die for you. He was ready to fight 1 v 3. No one has the same determination as a Devineaux. For an ordinary guy, he is really able to keep up with the best, if not behind a tad I MEAN UM. DUDE SLID DOWN THE STAIRS AND JUMPED RIGHT INTO A HOLE. No second thought THEN SWUNG HIMSELF OVER NO PROB? Who is this athlete of a man?
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Like my man, you are not graceful at all please let carmen do it.
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In the end, he really did save them both which was vindication, Speaking of vindication:
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Okay, I really went off track and hardly said what I wanted to say. I got carried away with gifs. I think I said what I wanted to say? Right now my brain is still mushie.
To finalize: I was content with the end. Zack and Ivy joining ACME as Carmen has some time to go truly find herself was an interesting idea. The 2 year time jump at the end left a few holes but hey, I’ll take it. Shadowsan returning to his brother was so nice to see, and Player all alone in the restaurant kinda broke my heart. The entire storyline with Chase and Julia was absolutely, revolutionary. It was what we deserved, what they deserved.
I think my love for Chase really made me live for the scenes and moments we got of him alone and interacting with others. Season 3-4 really were his crowning glory. I'm proud of him.
Also, I want to mention the Zack/Turtle scene because I nearly died when I saw it the way the turtle wiggles and the way he rUNS I- okay goodbye.
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letsliveblog · 7 years
Dragon Ball 014 - Krillin is Here
It’s time to start a new story arc!  Episodes 14-28 are referred to as the Tournament Arc, which I think means we’re headed for a World Martial Arts Tournament.  I know we’re headed for Master Roshi!  Let’s liveblog Dragon Ball!
Aww, I was hoping the theme song would have some new footage.  Not yet, huh?
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Goku over here like, “Getting’ me a NEW grandpa!”  Goku’s going home to pack his stuff, now that’s he’s been adopted.
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Everybody bailed out in time.  Looks like they stranded themselves somewhere in the jungle.  Is this gonna be the B-plot for this season?
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Oh hey, that’s not from the crash.  That’s the ankle she hurt running from Goku last episode!  Continuity!
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I can appreciate Yamcha immediately boyfriending the heck out of Bulma.  Lookit all that casual skin contact.  Boy’s come so far.  C:
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“I can protect you, Bulma.”
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So I’m watching these subbed with the Japanese voice acting, and I suddenly realized I’ve learned the word “ningen” (human/person) and I’m guessing Dragon Ball Super is to blame.
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Anyway here’s a purple ningen.  Krillin why are you purple?  There’s nothing in the lighting of this scene to make you purple.
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Also where are your little forehead dots?
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A cute Goku who is excited.
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He’s not living isolated in the woods anymore you guys.  He’s gonna have a family again you guys.
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I’m so sorry it had to be Master Roshi though, kiddo.
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Roshi, Allowing Goku unlimited access to your refrigerator is a Bad Idea.  But considering he’s just kind of ignoring the orphan he just adopted, nah.  He had this coming.
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Goku discovering new technology is always precious.
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Hope you’ve got the funds to feed this kid, buddy, ‘cause he’s yours now and he is never going to grow out of this.
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A cute, buttery Goku face!  C:
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Did you straight up forget you adopted this kid?  It’s been, like, four days since you offered to adopt this kid.
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Bulma and crew have somehow gone from the jungle to the desert.
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Bulma over here thinking to herself, what a good boyfriend.  Ten out of ten boyfriend.  100% boyfriend material.  Here is a boyfriend and he is mine and he is my boyfriend.
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Krillin found his dots!  They were in the desert the whole time.
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Roshi just casually drinking off-brand beer out of a wineglass.  Classy.
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The girl he brings back will indeed fulfill both of those requirements!
Roshi, buddy, maybe you aren’t cut out to raise a kid.  You’re just… not knocking it out of the park today on the responsible guardian front.  Maybe hand the kid over to Baba?  I betcha Baba could raise a kid.
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“Yeah, but some stuff happened and now Pilaf’s house and life are both in shambles.  Odds are pretty slim of that happening twice though, so you’re probably fine.”
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I mean, if nothing else you can appreciate the effort he’s putting forth to impress his new… er… lady friend.  Like, sure he’s dragging her to his island for his own sexual gratification, but she needs to think he’s suave.
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…Actually, she’s adorable.  She’s clearly in the middle of a workout, but she did her hair all nice and put on makeup anyway.
Hey let’s stick a headcanon here!  So, Goku grew up alone in the woods, never seeing another human being besides his grandpa.  He has absolutely no context for societal standards of beauty, so he’s going off his own instincts regarding what a beautiful girl looks like.  And to a Saiyan, a tough weightlifter would be pretty attractive!  Look, those barbells are bigger than HE is.
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“Hmmm… Well which one is stronger?”
“You’re missing the point.”
“I want a girl who can deck me in the face!”
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Man, I can’t tell if the wordplay in this show is incredibly clever or incredibly stupid, but either way I am loving it.
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Yeah man, just turn it into a teaching moment.  You totally meant to do that.
Hey, do you ever think about just how incredibly different Roshi and Gohan are as people?  From what we know about Gohan so far, he always tried to teach Goku to have immense respect for women.  And yet he was Master Roshi’s close friend and student.  You gotta wonder what kind of character dynamic that led to during their training.
Like, was Gohan sort of a balancing moral force to keep Roshi in check?  Is Gohan’s respect for women specifically because he watched Roshi disrespect them?  Or did he learn that much later in life, and was he more like Roshi when he was young?  It’s just interesting to think about.  I wonder if the show will ever go into it.
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(krillin is here)
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Krillin is here.
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Betcha he spent forever practicing that entrance.  Gotta make a good first impression.  On the beach.  With your face.
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Goku’s a special case because he’s the grandson of an old friend and previous student, and because you like, kind of adopted him, so if he’s gonna be living here anyway you might as well train him.  But yeah, I can see not just accepting random strangers.
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This kid used to have kind of an evil character design.  He’s not even an antagonist in this arc, he’s just sort of a jerk.
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You two.  You twoooo.  You two are gonna get so much stronger and grow so much as people and become best friends and I can’t wait!!  Lookit Krillin’s judgey little face over there.  Buddy you have no idea the kinds of amazing adventures you are gonna have with this kid.
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Krillin is not pure of heart.
I dunno man, I have questions about this cloud-based morality system.  What specifically counts as pure of heart?  Is it like… not having sexual desires?  That can’t be right, since I’m pretty sure Chi-chi will always be able to ride it and she sure ain’t ace.  Maybe it’s not having selfish motivations?
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BINGO!  It was selfish motivations!
I wonder if Krillin would be able to ride it in Z or Super if he tried?  He’s gotten a lot of character development since this moment.
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You are gonna get the Best Girl.
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So much!  SO MUCH lies ahead for these two!
This sly, selfish little kid is SUCH a different character right here than the person he’ll eventually grow into, and I’m curious to watch that change take place and see how gradual it is and what moments have their impacts on him.  I really like Krillin you guys.  I have his Funko Pop.
But since the episode’s over (wow, this felt like a short one) I guess we’ll see more of him next time we liveblog Dragon Ball!
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