#a snippet i say even tho it's 1.7k words long
yoakkemae-moved · 4 years
snippet i’m writing for a “professor liu” fanfic. 
“It has happened,” says Professor McGonagall, whose voice Harry can barely hear in the wardrobe, even with the door slightly ajar. Harry tries his best to peek through the cloaks and the doors both to see, and all he can view is Professor McGonagall’s face, looking pale. “A student has been taken by the monster. Right into the very Chamber itself.” 
Despite the blood rushing from his face, Harry still hears how Professor Flitwick squeals, can hear the sound of hands clapping over a mouth, can hear Professor Liu’s low, bitter mutter of “fuck”. Professor Snape’s voice rings next with the question of, “How can you be sure?” 
“The Heir of Slytherin,” starts to answer Professor McGonagall, her usually calm voice slightly shaking, “left another message. Right underneath the first one. ‘Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever.’” 
He can hear one of the professors burst into tears, can hear the thump of a cushion which meant that someone had fallen into a chair. 
“Who is it?” questions Madame Hooch, her voice faint. “Which student?” 
“Ginny Weasley,” Professor McGonagall replies sadly, and Harry and Ron share a wide-eyed look of horror, and Harry can almost count all of the freckles on Ron’s face -- he’s gotten so pale. 
“All we can do now is close the school and return students home,” Professor McGonagall continues. “This is the end of Hogwarts, everyone.” 
“Fuck,” curses Professor Liu again, this time sharper and louder. “You know what? I’m going to search through the hallways to see if I can find any image of a snake anywhere because that’s better than nothing, even if it is futile. Salazar Slytherin probably had a big ego -he must have marked it somehow.”
“And, what, pray tell, good would that do?” asks Professor Snape, voice low and dark. “It could take you days to find it--if you ever do.” 
“Even if she’s dead before I can reach her, at least we can bring her body back to her family,” argues back Professor Liu, voice terse. It’s the most argumentative that Harry has overheard the two unlikely friends being. “We all know this is just a futile exercise of trying to assuage my guilt, so if you would cease with the cynicism, Severus, so I may at least try.” 
There is no verbal reply from Professor Snape, and Harry can hear footsteps walk out the door. After Professor McGonagall gives every professor their instructions, all of the other professors trail leave the room, and Harry and Ron just stare at each other, white-faced, before leaving the room themselves. 
Harry unconsciously starts to make his way to the Gryffindor Tower when he pauses, and it takes a few moments before Ron realises and pauses too. 
“Wait,” Harry says, his mind slowly moving past the shock and his thoughts starting to turn. “We know where the Chamber is, we know what’s in it--Professor Liu is trying to find it, but if she knows where it is--” 
A spark of life that had been gone in Ron’s eyes starts to ignite again, and Ron finishes the sentence, “--Then she could rescue my sister.” 
“Maybe she’s in her office,” says Harry, a little fervent from the spike of adrenaline that has suddenly started to hit. “I know she said she was going to search the castle from top to bottom, but maybe she needed to get something there first.” 
“Then let’s go to her office first and see if she’s there,” says Ron, sounding rather determined, and the two of them run towards Professor Liu’s office. From outside, Harry can see a light and the low muttering of words; although, he can’t exactly make out what was being said. Without any hesitation, both Harry and Ron bursts in and stop in the doorway when Professor Liu points her wand at them. 
In the next moment, Professor Liu blinks and lowers her wand. “Harry, Mr. Weasley, you two should be--” 
“We know where the Chamber of Secrets is and what’s inside of it,” interrupts Harry, the words falling out of him in a burst. He’s worried, suddenly, that Professor Liu won’t believe him, just like Professor McGonagall didn’t last year with the Philosopher’s Stone, but Professor Liu just blinks at them for a moment, swears, and, as she stands up, tells them that they’d better tell her where and what. 
“It’s a basilisk,” Harry says, and Professor Liu swears again before going into her desk drawers. “And it’s in Moaning Mytle’s bathroom.” 
“I knew it had to have been a snake of some sort, why didn’t I realise it would be the king of snakes?” Professor Liu mutters to herself as she pulls out several vials of liquid and stashes them in her robe. “And that would explain the roosters being killed and the spiders running--how could I be so stupid?” 
After putting away the vials, Professor Liu raises her wand and says, “mittere nuntium Severus Snape,” and something shoots out of her wand and flies out of the door he and Ron had left open. With that done, Professor Liu looks at them for a moment before saying, “I will escort you both to your dorm--no, I don’t want to hear it,” she says, raising a hand to the sudden angry outbursts coming from Ron and himself. “You’ve given me valuable information, information that, since it came quickly, could save Ms. Weasley’s life. I know that she’s your sister, Mr. Weasley, and your friend, Harry, but a basilisk is not one for two twelve year olds to deal with. It’s not even enough for two grown wizards to deal with.” 
“I speak parseltongue; I’m the only one who can get you inside the chamber,” Harry argues fiercely, and Professor Liu pauses as she considers the information. It’s then when Professor Snape runs into the office, casting a glare at both Harry and Ron. Before he can say a word, Professor Liu interrupts with, “They’ve figured out where the Chamber is and what is inside--it’s in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom and the animal is a basilisk.” 
Professor Snape looks like he’s bitten into something quite foul, and some dark form of amusement crosses Professor Liu’s lips as the corner of her mouth quirks. “Quite,” Professor Liu says in response to Professor Snape’s nonverbal statement. “Harry here has argued a good point--he speaks parseltongue and is the only one who could allow us both entrance to the Chamber and, if possible, argue with the basilisk.” 
“You cannot mean,” says Professor Snape lowly, his eyes narrowing, “to take two twelve year olds with us to the Chamber of Secrets holding a basilisk inside of it.” 
“One,” Professor Liu says, casting Ron an apologetic look, who scowls in return. “And unless you or I have suddenly developed the ability to speak in the language of snakes, we cannot leave Harry behind. Harry,” she says, suddenly addressing him, which was good as he was getting tired of being talked about while he was right there. “We are forced to bring you due to your talents, but you will obey us at every turn. If we tell you to run, you will run. Don’t stop, don’t look back. If we tell you to duck, you duck. If we tell you to stay behind, you stay behind.” 
Harry nods, even though he might not listen if it comes down to it. Professor Liu’s mouth quirks again, almost as if she realises this. 
“We’ll return Mr. Weasley to his House, inform Minerva of the situation, and head to the Chamber,” Professor Liu states, and then there looks to be some sort of silent conversation between Professor Liu and Professor Snape that takes place for a few minutes (which, Harry would like to note, they don’t exactly have time for! Who knows if Ginny is still--) before Professor Snape rolls his eyes and turns away. 
“Come then, Potter, Weasley,” Professor Snape mutters, looking as if he’d rather be feeding them to the basilisk instead. They leave Professor Liu’s office together, but instead of joining them to walk towards the Gryffindor Tower, Professor Liu splits and walks off in a different direction. 
“Where is Professor Liu going?” Harry asks before he can stop himself, and Professor Snape stares down at him before answering tersely, “Professor Liu is going to attempt to surmise just where in the bathroom is the entrance. Keep silent. We don’t want to bring attention to Professor Liu’s actions--or our own.” 
Harry falls dutifully silent, and he shares a look with Ron, who looks both pale and oddly determined. Harry thinks that, once they arrive at the Tower, Ron may try to argue for his own addition to their party, but this is Snape rather than Professor Liu, who has always been fair. 
And he did, where he was shut down completely by both Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape. Harry’s Head of House hadn’t liked the idea of Harry coming along to the Chamber either, but Professor Snape had tersely interrupted her complaints with the reasoning that Professor Liu had given him, and told Professor McGonagall to blame Professor Liu for the ridiculous idea. 
“I will join you when I am able,” Professor McGonagall says, and Professor Snape nods in response. 
They leave for the bathroom in silence, and Harry has to bite the inside of his lip to keep him from asking Professor Snape questions. How were they going to defeat a basilisk? There were no roosters to take with them into the chamber, but maybe Harry could argue with it... Calm it down... 
They arrive inside to see Professor Liu bent over a sink, along with Fawkes and the Sorting Hat sitting on the floor below her. She turns just enough to raise an eyebrow at Professor Snape as she says, “Here is the entrance--I knew there would be a blo--a snake, marking it.” Upon seeing their focus on the Sorting Hat and Fawkes, she also adds, “Headmaster Dumbledore has seen fit to provide us with back-up.” 
“Wonderful, a hat and a songbird, that’s going to go well when we’re being eaten alive,” Professor Snape mutters to himself, low enough that Harry’s pretty sure he’s not supposed to hear it, but can as the man is so close. Harry almost blinks in shock--did he really have a sense of humour? 
Or it was just a dark, realistic comment on how everything was going to go down, Harry thinks to himself. 
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ellitx · 3 years
I know this is mostly a venti blog but will you write for albedo again? would love to see more of him with your writing.. oh also I hope this doesn't come off as pushy haha I was just wondering
I did made a snippet of another albedo x reader and the draft is sitting here for months now ajskks
It has 1.7k words and albedo still hasnt appeared yet orz so uhm, here ya go even tho its not yet finished im sorryy
This looks like aether x reader at the start
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            The soft clouds of Mondstadt were a wonderful sight to see. Hues of white and blues scattered across the horizon, making it seem like a smudge of a paintbrush, beautifully painted on the canvas. 
            You were wandering at the town square of Mond, mindlessly checking the shops that will ever catch your interest. You passed by Marjorie’s souvenir shop, boring. Checking Timaeus’s alchemy, yeah you’ve already learned a lot, no need to go back there. 
            Unfortunately, there was none at all.
            A tired sigh slipped from your lips and furrowed your brows. There was nothing to do and you’ve already done all your tasks. Klee was still stuck in her confinement, so you can’t play with her today.
            What a bummer…
            Another sigh came and your stomach released a sound hungry grumbling. You squirmed and wrapped your arms around your waist to silence the noise. Walking around the town made you starve for sure. 
            You noticed a lot of people have been crowding at Sara’s restaurant. Was there an event or something? You shrugged your shoulders to brush those thoughts off, more focused on getting food than the commotion that is happening in front of you.
            “Excuse me—“
            “Please, traveler!! I’ll give you a meal for free!”
            Your brows raised in surprise seeing the Honorary Knight was here. “Ooh, free meal?! Traveler, say yes! Say yes!!” His floating companion, Paimon, exclaimed whilst floating around and wiggled her little legs in excitement. “F-fine… we can’t say no to a free food.”
            Aether placed his hand on his hair and ruffled it with a sigh of defeat. From the corner of his eyes, he saw you waving at him.
           “[Name]!” You approached them and gave a big grin. “Hey! Didn’t know you’re already back here in Mondstadt.”
            He chuckled and rubbed his neck sheepishly. “Yeah, we just recently arrived.” Before you could respond, Sara called out your name. “[Name]! Perfect timing, I also need your help.” 
            You tipped your head and hummed. “Sure. Is it another delivery?” The waitress shook her head and jutted her thumb behind her. “Lots of customers are coming and we need you two to give these orders on their table.”
            Your eye twitched and squinted at her in wariness. “I don’t mind but please don’t tell me I still have to wear that uniform.” 
            “Even though it’s a must, there's no need to. There's not enough time to change. Just give these meals to their respective tables.” She clasped her hands in front in a begging manner. Breathing in relief, you went to the counter to take the plates and set off to serve them.
            “You owe me a free Flaming Red Bolognese!” The outlander chuckled at your words and mimicked your action, ready to do the task.
            The duty actually went smoothly than you thought it would be. With Aether helping you out, it was fast and steady but with a few slips here and there. Just as you were already done, another pack of customers came rushing in.
            “Woah!! [Name] really is the waitress again in Good Hunter~!” 
            “Hey! First come, first serve!! And no skipping lines!”
            You stopped in your tracks and slowly turned your head. This is bad. Really bad.
            Your throat bobbed seeing lots of customers gathering in the diner. Then you slapped both sides of your to shake off the nervousness. Paimon glanced at you and floated over. “Woah, lots of people came. Shouldn’t you two handle it?”
            Aether seemed like he was about to pass out from exhaustion and hunger. “I…I just want something to eat…” Head clouded and hazy, he unknowingly grabbed the emergency ration by her legs and opened his mouth ready to take a bite to get rid of his starvation. It surprised her as she wriggled out from his grasp and stomped her foot in the air.
            “Get a hold of yourself! Sticky Honey Roast is almost there waiting for you!”
            “Huh?! Says the one who just floats around and does nothing to help!”
           This is going to be a long day.
             “Good work, everyone!” Sara clapped and wiped her head to remove the sweat that was slipping on the side of her head. The waitress then put out a meat dish coated with sweet honey sauce. The fragrant of the freshly cooked dish wafted through their noses making them drool.
            “Finally!!” Aether cried and took a big munch of Good Hunter’s beloved dish. 
            “And here’s your Flaming Red Bolognese, [Name]. They’re freshly cooked, so eat it while it’s still hot.” She winked and gave you a fork. You thanked Sara and twirled the spaghetti with your fork, letting its long noodles snake around it.
            “Ah, by the way, I have another request for you.” You quirked a brow at her as you chew your food, signing her to continue. “A client asked me to prepare a banquet and since we’re currently low on staff, do you mind if you do the baking?”
            You grabbed a napkin and wiped the red stains on your lips. Her request made you raise a question though. Why you and not someone who’s good at baking? Well, you can bake too but at an approaching proficiency level only. 
            The first person who came to your mind was Noelle. She can do everything perfectly well with ease. However, she seems so busy lately, so asking her to do it will make you feel bad and you don’t want to add another task to her hands.
            And the other one is…
             I-I don’t know anyone else who can bake…! 
             You can also ask Aether but you don’t want to trouble him any further especially since he just arrived here. You've already lost count of how many sighs escaped from you. Well, it’s better to help a friend who’s in trouble than just leaving them there struggling.
            “Sure, but why me?” You asked. Her lips curved and grinned at you as her eyes gleamed like the stars at night. “Your Moon Pie was so heavenly! When I took a bite of it, all the taste came to me at once. And the meringue was perfect! Not too sweet and not too bland.”
            “I would do anything to have another plate of it…” She placed her hands on her cheeks as she whined, drooling just thinking about the said pastry. 
            “So what kind of pastries am I going to bake? I hope it’s not too many.”  Sara propped her elbows on the counter and leaned forward. “Just a cake that’s all.” She then waved her hand, motioning you to come closer.
            Aether looked at them who are whispering to each other. He saw your face turned beet red and before puffing up your cheeks and playfully slapping her arms. Whatever their chat was, he shouldn’t bother wanting to know it.
            Food is here. Food is free, must eat it. Yes, only these thoughts must be inside his head. He continued relishing the delicious meal with Paimon across gnawing the plate clean.
             “Flour, check. Eggs, check. Milk, check. Now all I need is… strawberries!” You were currently shopping for ingredients in Blanche’s shop. Your eyes scanned the racks, looking for a pack of that delicate pink fruit. With the continuous search for the red fruit up and down the shop, you're starting to lose hope at no signs of sight of that sweet berry.
            Did they run out of stock?
            You went towards the shop owner and asked. Sadly, she said yes, much to your dismay. 
            “There might be fresh strawberries in Springvale. You should ask there. Or—” Blanche suddenly smirked, making you feel unease about what’s behind that mischievous smile of hers.
            “You could ask Albedo to grow one for you. He can easily grow out those with just his alchemic powers or something.” Huh, it can be. You closed your eyes and give a thought about it. 
            “Albedo? I mean yeah, but he’s busy right now.”
            “Eh? But he’s right behind you.”
            The mention of the said male standing behind you made you immediately whirled your head in excitement. You feel delighted knowing about it, but rather expecting to see his figure there, you see nothing. No one and not a thing was there. Only air greeted you. 
            The shopkeeper snorted and covered her mouth to hold her laughter as small tears started to create from the edge of her eyes. You can’t believe she just did that. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment that Blanche just tricked you into thinking the Chief Alchemist was really there.
            “S-sorry sorry.” She said in between her giggles and shook her hand. You grumbled and took out a pouch of mora to pay for the ingredients and shoving it into her hands.
            “Keep the change.”
            And with that, you marched your way off to Springvale with your face still flushed. Blanche looked over to the waitress of Good Hunter and gave her a thumbs up with that impish grin still glued to her face.
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i have to cut it off here since its not finished yet. It’s just klee and reader are baking. idk what happened to my motivation in writing for albedo ;; but if you read the snippet you can get the whole idea of this oneshot
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