#a smaller but obvious ches bump
plushie-lovey · 2 years
Anybody else ever notice a lot of the webkinz cats have a chest bump?
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nicolewoo · 4 years
In The Ring
Pairing: Joe Anaoi X Reader (Roman Reigns X Reader)
Warnings: Spears
What happens when Y/N wants to add Roman’s spear in her move set? Practice makes perfect.
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I jumped off the corner, flipped my legs over and attempted an Imploding 450 Splash. Halfway through, I realized I’d over rotated, and I slammed back first into the mat. The jarring landing pushed all the air out of my lungs with a loud combination of yell and grunt.  FUCK!
Just as I was sitting up, the door to the room opened, and Joe came running in. Finding me sitting up, recovering, Joe’s panic seemed to calm, but he continued to walk to me. “You ok?” I held my thumb up to indicate I was good. He slid gracefully into the ring and to my side. “What happened?” he squatted by my side.
I was dejected, “I can’t get this down.” I squeaked out as I slammed my hands on the mat under me in frustration.
“What are you trying to do?” Joe asked.
“An Imploding 450 Splash,” I said matter of fact-ly.
Joe’s eyes snapped wide open in shock. “Are you kidding? That’s a killer move.” Something about the way he said it made me think he didn’t think I could.
I leveled him with my gaze. “Yes,” I said defensively. “Don’t think I can?”
“No. That’s not what I said.” Joe answered back on the defensive now. “If you’ve made up your mind to do it, I know you will. You’re too stubborn to give up.”
I wrapped my left leg over to my right side and stretched my back muscles. Joe placed a hand on my left leg and my right shoulder helping stretch the muscles further. Then we stretched other direction. I ignored the fact that his crotch brushed against mine on the second stretch.
“May I make a suggestion that may help you learn without beating your body up?” I sat up and he came behind me, helping me stretch out the rest of my back.
I was still a bit suspicious about if he believed I could. “I’m listening.” I answered.
“Why don’t we call Trevor (Ricochet) and find out if he can help? He’s the only one using that move now. You should probably ask him if you can use it, before you kill yourself trying to perfect it,” he said.
I rolled my eyes. “I’ve already asked him,” I snapped at him.
He answered calmly. “You’re obviously not ready to do this move in the ring yet.”
“That’s why I’m practicing!” I nearly shouted.
He held his hands up defensively, “Calm down.” He paused, giving me one of his charming panty-dropping smiles. “I just meant that we need to go to the trampoline park and practice there. Once you can do it consistently there, we can try it in the ring again. I’ll even be your guinea pig.” When I didn’t immediately melt, he took my hands. “I’m just trying to save you the pain.” He tilted his head slightly trying to look contrite. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”
Damn it! He was so charming and beautiful, and I didn’t want to ruin my day by arguing with him. Dramatically, I rolled my eyes again, trying to be funny. “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!” I smiled slightly at him. “Stop being all reasonable and stuff. It ticks me off.” I teased as we stood up.
He couldn’t help smiling as he pulled me in for a hug. “Ew… You’re all sweaty!” I protested, but as he wrapped his arms around me, I smelled his cologne. I nearly got weak in the knees.
“So are you.” He laughed.
“No. I’m glistening. Women don’t sweat. We glisten.” I corrected him.
He ignored the comment. “I’m done in the weight room. Any other moves you want to work on?” He asked.
I knew exactly what I wanted to learn. “Teach me to spear.”
“My spear?” he asked.
“Yeah.” I admitted. “Almost none of the women do it, and I want to…. If you don’t mind.”
He smiled. “I don’t mind. Stand here.” He said then walked to the corner of the ring. “Let’s do this in slow motion.” When he was in place, he asked. “Ready?”
“Bring it!” I challenged him.
“I start with three steps.” He said as he slowly took the steps. “And I go low when I’m approaching.” He bent at the waist a bit. “Then it’s just a matter of bumping into you with my shoulder into your gut while you grab onto the waist.” He slowly pushed forward until his shoulder touched my stomach and his hands grabbed my waist. “Just like this.”
“Three steps?” I asked going to a corner. “Left right left or right left right?” I asked.
“Right left right for me, but you can do it the other way, but you’ll want your right foot forward as you make contact with your right shoulder. You might need 4 steps since you’re shorter than me. Let’s see.” He said as he beckoned me with 2 fingers. “Give it a try.”
I tried the three steps and realized he was right. I was going to need a fourth step to reach him. “Wait! Let me try that again,” I said as I returned to the corner and started toward him again.
He counted my steps. “Yeah. You’ll need 4.” I returned to the corner. “Ready for the spear?” I asked.
He chuckled. “Do your worst.” He said holding his arms out to the side.
I took the 4 running steps and bent down as I neared him. My spear was stronger than he expected, and he fell to the mat with a thud. His breath rushed out of him.
Landing on top of him, I started laughing. “Like that?” I teased.
He gasped for breath and smiled. “Yeah…. Dang girl! I forget how strong you are.” I rolled off him and he sat up. “I’m going to have to teach about catching your opponent as they fall.”
I knit my eyebrows together. “Do you do that?” I asked.
“Sometimes. Depends on the circumstances, but since spears aren’t used in the women’s division much and you’re so strong, I think you’ll have to catch some of your opponents.” He stood, holding out a hand to me and pulling me up. We ended up face to face, trying to ignore the obvious sexual tension. He adjusted his stance slightly until he was practically hugging me.
“To catch your opponent, you have to protect their head when you go down. I put my left arm like this.” He wrapped his arm around my back and bent his elbow until he was cradling my head as well as a part of my back. “I catch myself on my right arm, so I don’t put too much pressure on them.” He looked down at me and I smiled up at him. I wanted to kiss him so much.
He knew what I wanted. “Not here.” He said as he looked around the room to be sure we were alone. He kissed the tip of my nose. “Let’s get this move down first.” He may have been acting professional, but the way his eyes raked over me, I knew he was thinking the same thing as me.
“How do you hold a smaller opponent?” He forced me to focus on the lesson. Wrapping my arm around him as he’d shown me, I cradled his head and held my right arm out like I would to catch myself. “Yup. Let’s try a slow one.” He stared down at me an extra second before we each took our corner. “Let’s see it.”
Counting out my steps, I slowly made my way to him. “One, Two, Three. Four. Bend down to the gut, wrap my arm around you.” I tried, but from my bent position, I couldn’t reach his head. “That doesn’t work.”
He chuckled. “None of the women are as big as me, but yes. I see the problem. When you do the spear, your opponent will land on the mat a second before you. Your momentum will carry you further so you end up face to face most times.” He gestured for me to go back to my corner. “I’ll be gentle.” He took the steps toward me. “One, Two, Three” He stopped. “In your case four. Then I press my shoulder into your gut.” He did and immediately slid his arm under me to cradle my head. “Simple as that,” he said. “Let’s do it again. Faster this time.” We re-set and he came at me at almost full speed, but with his arm cradling me, he broke my fall. I landed with no pain. I smiled up at him again, lustful thoughts shining in my eyes. “Later,” He said. I knew he could read my thoughts. “Ready to try?”
We re-set again, I ran toward him at full speed, but didn’t bend enough, and crashed into him chest to chest. We tumbled to the mat awkwardly. “Are you ok?” I asked.
“Yeah.” He chuckled “but you didn’t bend enough.”
Now that I knew he was ok, I laughed too. “I figured that out.” As I sat up, I realized I was straddling his waist. He sat up too, ending up face to face with me. He let out a low growl as he wrapped an arm around me and ever so slightly bucked his hips up.
The sound of someone clearing their throat broke up the tension that was building. “Um,” I turned to see Shawn Michaels at the door. “I’ve got 50 trainees about to arrive for some practice.”
I quickly stood, and Joe followed me. “I was just teaching Y/N a move.” Joe said.
“Uh huh.” Shawn said sarcastically. “What move?” He beamed a cheesy smile.
“The spear, sir,” I said as I walked to the corner to get my water.
Shawn just laughed. “Ok. We’ll go with that.” The first two trainees arrived, both female and both clearly excited to see my man in the ring. “Let’s see it then. Maybe I can help.”
“I think she’s got it sir.” Joe said.
Shawn leveled both of us with a look. “Just do the damn spear.” He teased.
We re-set, and Joe looked straight in my eyes as I prepared. “You’ve got this. Bend at the second step; not the third.” I nodded and started running full speed.
One. Two. Bend. Three. Four. I plowed into his stomach hearing the air slip out of his mouth and landing on top of him with my hand cradling his head.
Shawn applauded. “Perfect. Do it again.” We re-set, but I realized there were now dozens of people entering the room…. All eyes on us, and I got a bit stage shy. Afterall, I’d only successfully done the spear while protecting the opponent’s head once. Add to that the fact that we were still trying to hide our feelings from everyone…Well, I was scared.
“Just do the exact same thing again.” Joe said. I tried to tune out the people in the room, but that didn’t stop me from hearing one of the trainees say, “I’d love to have him spear me.” I tried to tune it out.
I nodded at Joe and ran full speed toward him, taking him down perfectly. The room erupted in cheers as I took the Big Dog down with his own move. Quickly, I rolled off Joe, grabbing his leg for the pin, and everyone started laughing.
“One. Two. Three.” Shawn counted. The room cheered my pin.
I stood and offered my hand to Joe to help him up. “You’re funny.” He teased me.
“Want to tell the trainees what you were doing?” Shawn asked.
I picked up my water and Joe and I stood in front of the class. “Y/N wants to add a spear into her move set safely. So, I was teaching her that, if her opponent was smaller, as soon as contact was made, she needs to protect her opponent’s head like this.” He wrapped his arm around me and cradled my head.
“Let’s see it again. Joe, you do the spear now. Can I have an opponent?” Shawn looked out to the students. Every man in the room volunteered as well as some of the women.
Before he could choose someone, I butted in. “I volunteer. I know he won’t hurt me.”
Shawn looked leery but accepted my answer. “Ok. Some inter-gender spear then.” He looked directly at Joe, “Careful.”
Joe nodded in acknowledgement before focusing. “Ready?”
I spread my arms out to the side “Don’t hold back,” I challenged.
He smiled, “I never do,” and he didn’t. A moment later, I was on the mat with him hovering over me, his arm cradling me closely. The sound of his heavy breathing stirred something in me, and I moaned as quietly as possible.
He rolled off me too quickly. “You ok?”
I stood and straightened my shirt that was slightly twisted around my body. “Right as rain!” I exclaimed.
“Anything else you two want to practice or can we have the ring now?” Shawn teased.
Joe laughed. “It’s all yours.” He went to the center rope and straddled it, lowering the rope to help me out.
We headed back to his locker room silently, but the second we got inside, he locked the door. I turned to see what he was doing and saw his mischievous leer. “Get your ass in the shower now!” He started running playfully toward me as I ran to the shower pulling my clothes off as I went.
@mindofasagitarius   @lclb13 @serenityfiretrash @lustyromantic @reigns-5sos @bigpsychicbagelauthor
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jinkieswinkies · 4 years
I made a fic where lifeline fixes revenant. I like them together.
Heavy metalic footsteps echoed throughout the corridor. One step slightly becoming louder than the previous.
He was mad. Fuming even. He didn’t like asking for help much, especially anyone from here. He didn’t really care about the other legends much less the supposed mechanic- er closest to a mechanic At least.
A low growl escaped the robot's lips, his hip stuck out at an unnatural angle. Each time he lifted his right leg he wanted to rip it clean off, the high pitched squeak filled his ears and it was getting quite annoying.
He groaned again, ‘fucking great’ he thought.
The games were done for the day so that meant he didn’t have to rush this.
He rolled his eyes, or the bright orbs that would’ve been his eyes. This wouldn't have happened if that dumbass skinbag didn't decide to strike a piece of glass into his right hip. Fucker, they'll pay next game.
What was her name? Bangalore? Bagboar?
Whatever it was, it didn't matter. For sure; next time, she's his first victim. He chuckled deeply, just thinking about what poor skinsuits are pitiful enough to be at the mercy of his hands, got him riled for next time.
That damned whine returned, his thoughts back at hand.
Getting repaired
Grimacing, he stopped his tracks. He's arrived. The one who has close experience with robots. Looking to a slight right, he read the nameplate.
Ajay Che (combat medic)
”Wouldn't call that little pet a robot.” he grumbled.
Huffing, he had second thoughts about this. Glancing to his right hip again, and back to the name planchette. This could slow him down, this needed to be taken care of.
Cursing under his breath, he knocked. Well more like banged. Nothing. Nothing was happening. No response. No sounds coming From inside. Nothing.
He crossed his arms and huffed heavily, it was taking all of him not to just go back to his room. This situation needed to be resolved and if she couldn't help him he'd make her. Still, there he stood In silence until three loud shuffles were heard from inside.
“A’right, a’right. Hol’ on.” Her voice was loud but breathless.
He froze, he didn’t really associate with the other legends much less Ajay. He did not want to talk. At all.
The automatic metal doors slid open, revealing a tired and worn out looking medic.
“Ain’t dis a surprise, what you doin ere?”
He briskly walked inside, ignoring her question. Scanning the room, in the middle he saw a metallic table and a few spare robot parts for her drone.
“Dats a bit rude to jus come in ‘ere like you own da place.”
Shoulders tense, he turns around. He doesn’t know how to respond. How does a conversation like this work? He didn’t like socializing and this was hard as is. Someone else touching this robotic fucking monster of a body. That’s a fucking NO. He already had a hard time accepting this fucking form.
Ajay stared, her eyes full of curiosity. ”Well?”
He was getting angry, the words didn't seem to form out his mouth. Was it not obvious? Did he really need to say more? Just fucking looking at his hip and you'll see why he came here.
She knew and he knew that she knew. So why? Why does she still ask?
”If yah come ere’ to stand and stare den leave I don have time to chat.” she rubbed her temples.
She did look tired But he didn't care. Pointing to the right hip and back to the table.
“F-fix.” He grumbled.
She raised a brow as if challenging him to say more. She hummed. Still looking at him, She wants him to say more.
‘He said fix, why does she still stare at him dumbfounded.’
Her arms crossed, she lets out a tired sigh. “I don have time for dis...chu want sometin ask nicely.”
Knuckles cracking, he let out a feral growl. ”fix. Or else.”
Her face contorted into annoyance. ”look you won't be gettin fixed...yah hear.” She pointed to the door, Getting up close and personal to his face. She demanded. ”Play nice or get out.”
The crimson-plated robot shook with anger. This was not going well and the atmosphere in the room was suffocating. He didn't like her attitude even when she wasn't sassy. A happy go lucky, rich spoon-fed kid who grew up with luxury needed to be put in place.
He didn't care and he didn't fucking like her. Period. This girl, she’s testing him. This ship had a respawn beacon anyways wouldn’t make a difference if she magically disappeared. She acts like she isn’t afraid of death. She’s odd. Something about her pricked his interest but he shoves it away.
Why wasn't she afraid? Why is she provoking him? Obviously, things would just go smoothly if she just did what he asked.
He backed away, he needed this to be done. If this wasn’t resolved then it’s gonna fuck with his performance and If it fucks with his performance then oh boy. He’s gonna fucking throw a fit.
Looking at her eyes, they’re filled with annoyance and tiredness. Her brown eyes dark, making her eye-bags pop out more.
He huffed out his nose. “Fix me.”
He saw her grit her teeth. She opened her mouth. “You-“
He interrupted “Please.”
It took all of him not to shout at her, to force her to fix him. She was a toughy. Something new?
She backed away, briskly making her way to the table. Grabbing the tools on her way, she turned and gestured him to come closer.
He followed suit, wanting no needing for this to be over. He propped himself up on the table.
Having a cocky grin she asked, ”Where?”
Throwing him off, he stared. How dumb can she be???
lip quivering. He simply jutted his hip out and made a simple ”hmmph.”
Rolling her eyes, her arms wrap around his waist to bring him closer.
Surprised, he shouted. ” Be gentle or I’ll fucking kill you!” His Hand twisting into a pointy makeshift knife.
”Yah kill me, yah won't be fixed. Sorry for triggering sometin.” she whispered.
After pulling him closer she rested her hands on his lap, reaching her hand softly onto the left hip to ground the crimson robot. He winced.
He’s always been sensitive, especially near his hips. That’s just how his wires feel. Sensitive. It’s worse since they’re usually exposed. The sad excuse of a shawl covered the majority but not the sides. It’s crazy how Hammond designed his model. Crazy how even then, even after dying. He can still feel things. Not like he messed with anything there anyways.
He grumbled, annoyed with the whole situation he didn’t want to put up a fight.
She chuckled softly, “I see Anita dit a numba on yah hip.”
He wasn’t going to engage in conversation as she wanted. She got enough of cooperation from him.
“I notice, yah know.”
This piqued his interest. “Mmh?”
“I notice yah, yah don like talkin to us.”
He weakly shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t care enough to.” His voice was almost nothing.
Her hands wrapped around the shard of glass, swishing it slowly back and forth.
The murder robots hands gripped the table underneath him. Letting out a shaky breath he whimpered, “Be more careful...”
The shard was a long one and it came out rather easily. The matter was his wires were pulled out as well. Clicking her tongue she grabbed a screwdriver and pried the small space just a little more open.
He wanted to run out of this room right now. He wanted to close his legs. He wanted nothing more to do with this. This stupid sickening feeling, dumb stupid retarded Ajay. “Wa-wait..”
She didn’t hear him. Or did she. Point is his message didn’t cross. Her hands trailed up his exposed wires. Picking the shortest one, she rolled the tip whilst pinching the end to squeeze into place. Making him shudder, His hips jerked. His voice was static and breathless “Wait, I said wait...ho-hold on.”
She rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time today. “Look I know dis hurts but I’m workin as fast as I can.”
Ignoring his pleas she continued with putting his wires back in place.
His right hand gripped her uniform, she didn’t mind or she just didn’t care at this point.
His body trembled with each touch of her fingertips. “Haa...”
Her fingers made their way to the second thickest wire, this one was much more troublesome to get into the right place. Slightly twisting the dark gray wire, she tugged it into place. Next to it, a smaller sized green one stood out, pinching this one just like the first. It found its way into proper standing.
His grip had become increasingly tighter, desperately trying not to roll his hips into her hand. He refused to be like...this. Taking a deep breath he steadied himself.
“Dis is de last wire.” She mumbled.
The last one was...difficult to say the least. Located closest to his pelvic area, she knew she had to be gentle. Sure he may be a robot but it’s courtesy to still treat him with respect.
“Uhm.” He mumbled. “This is the last one right?”
“Jus Said id was.”
If he still had a real working body, his face would’ve been red and his heart would’ve been a Jackhammer. If it was even possible he missed having a heart, missed hearing how it drowned out his hearing when it bumped, missed having it beat when a lover of his said they loved him. He didn’t want to feel this anymore. So small and shy.
Ajay couldn’t pinch this wire, this one was way much thicker than the rest. She had to be more gentle. If it hurt him this much then it was better safe then sorry. (Little does she know. ) She found where it was originally stored rather quickly, stroking the wire, she increased her hold on it.
Revenant let out a high pitched wheeze, his hips rolling into her hand. His legs tightened around her waist.
”wha- what are ya doing?” She stammered, clearly confused.
This was so fucking embarrassing he wanted to fucking die. More than he already wished. “I- you- I said-“
She groaned, “I’m workin as fast as I can. We’re both tired I know but cha gotta work with me, Rev.”
A shiver ran up his would be spine caused him to falter. “Rev?”
“My bad broter. Thought since I’m doin yah a favor I could give cha a nickname..”
“I don’t care and I don’t like it, just finish.” He replied, looking away.
“I would if yah let me go witcha legs.” She snickered.
He jumped, slowly letting go of her. Her hand down back at his right hip, stretching him back out. He leaned back on the metal table with his palms carrying most of his weight.
This felt weirdly intimate, and he didn’t like it. Another shiver went up to his makeshift of a spine. Twisting the darkest wire back into place, she had to squeeze the middle area for it to fit. This time, he couldn’t hold it back. He let out a shuddered breath, Lidded luminescent eyes now found their way closed, hips slowly rolling once again.
Ajay looked up, with a quizzical look on her face. She didn’t bother questioning it but she still wanted to test something.
She squeezed harder and he let out a small mewl. The tips of her fingers found their way traveling ever so delicately down to the thickest part of the wire. Her thumb circling around the base, she felt the failed suppressed shudder throughout his body.
he breathed, “Fuck...”
She hummed, she put the wire back In place but she still wanted to play with him. Hands wrapped on his waist she began feeling his back indents. His panting was audible now. Pressing inwards of one of the indents. His voicebox crackled, letting out a cute “mmph.”
He slowly moved back, letting her climb on semi top of him. His hips rutting against her leg, he was really needy. Whimpering and begging practically. She smirked.
Figured as much, he’s been alive for almost 3 centuries. Nobody to touch him, nobody to make him feel good. She almost pitied him.
“P-please let me.”
Ajay hummed.
Another voice crack, “Ajay-emmhp”
His rutting became more aggressive, more sloppy. He needed this. However, he did come into the room with an attitude. Can’t let that go through can we. Moving her leg back, she got off him.
“N-no..” his hips chased her leg. His eyes flicked to her.
“I fixed yah, chu can leave.” She moved to her desk.
“Wha- I ehm...” he really didn’t know how to respond. He didn’t want to be left feeling this way.
“Yah Heard me.” She snickered.
He covered his face with his arms, he couldn’t do this. He didn’t want to be the only one feeling this way.
His breath still irregular, his voice box struggled to make out coherent words. “i-“
“Yah don’t have tuh say anyting.” She interrupted.
He swallowed. Getting up from the table, he still looked at her.
His thoughts raced. ‘What should I do? I came to be fixed And I was. Why am I feeling this way? I don’t want to anymore.
Why is this happening? Why did that happen?why did I allow that?’
He awkwardly walked up to her desk where she sat. Turning her around, his eyes darted to look anywhere but her face.
Why’d I do this again? I want- I want her to touch me again..
“Hm?” She questioned.
He kissed her cheek and turned to walk out of her room, he heard her giggle. “I’ll see ya in the games, yah smhook.”
Stopping his tracks at the open door, he shouted. “STUPID SKINSUIT!”
“Fuck ya!” She burst out laughing.
He was down the hall when he heard her respond, he wanted to be back in his room. Nobody was going to stop him. Briskly making his way down the hallway. The crimson plated robot found his room on the right.
His back met his bed issued from the company. His Body still ached for her touch. Wanting more. Rolling back and forth like a toddler on the sheets. He shouted, “Stupid SKINSUIT!”
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