#a single sword too. I have outdoor space but not THAT much lol
mycological-mariner · 6 months
I should buy a sword. I can even practice now that I have a small outdoor space. I think a sword would fix so much with me
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lilacsandamethysts · 3 years
Up into Dragonspine
Pairing: Albedo x fem!Reader (she/her pronouns)
Summary: He enjoys having company with him when he does his research and who better than his lover? But will they safely make it up to his camp in Dragonspine or will he mourn the lose of a love gone too soon?
Warnings: angst, mentions of blood and getting lost, turns to fluff
A/n: Hi I'm not dead lol just overworked but I'm back now. I'm not very proud of this one but I'm in an Albedo mood. Enjoy.
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Dragonspine was a dangerous place. Filled with all sorts of creatures of ice accompanied by multiple camps of hillchurls and the icy weather that only seemed to get worse; venturing alone in such a place was a death wish. Even Albedo himself, the almighty head alchemist of the Knights of Favonius, would only venture up until a certain point not trusting the weather or the landscape itself into being kind enough and not killing him. He had always warned his colleagues and companions that when they decided to visit his frozen lab they should never strain from the main path. It wasn’t hard to miss; a cobblestone road with little to no encounters with hillchurls and multiple sources of warmth. The path led directly to his work station and he always kept an eye out for any adventurers so he would definitely see them coming.
When he received word from his lab partner and lover that she was coming to work with him in Dragonspine, he was excited. Research with her was always extra interesting and he loved getting the chance to spend even more time together than usual. Besides, her cuddling up to him for warmth made him feel powerful, more powerful than he already is. Even the mere thought of her smile, her laugh, her voice made the young alchemist blush. While he waited for her to appear he was admittedly less concentrated than usual, making rookie mistakes every few minutes and knocking over piles of books every time he turned towards the path to check if her figure could be seen in the distance. As more time passed he started to grow anxious. The sun was going down and she still hadn’t shown up. Maybe she didn’t come after all? Maybe she changed her mind or something came up? There were multiple logical scenarios running through his head and one part of his brain kept telling him that everything was fine, she was fine. She was curled up in their shared room back in Mondstadt with a cup of hot cocoa beating herself up for not managing to make the trip to him. Yeah, that must be what has happened, she’s perfectly safe! But somehow he knew that wasn’t true and despite how much he wanted to believe it, he couldn’t. His stomach sank as more gruesome images flooded his brain. Her being attacked on the road or maybe the weather was too cold for her to handle. She might be stuck somewhere crying for help.
Before he knew it he was already sprinting down the sloppy hill, eyes frantic as they scanned every single surface, every alcove and slope, any spot that could possibly hold his love captive. He stumbled multiple times as he descended but he ignored the strain in his limbs, pushing himself to sprint even faster than before, tears beginning to slide down his cheeks. He didn’t want to lose her, he couldn’t imagine his life without her. If she asked him to drop everything for her he would; she was his everything and now he didn’t know if he would get to see her again. He landed finally on a crossroad half way down the mountain when he was pushed to the ground by a hillchurl. It banged on his chest with its fists, spouting incoherent phrases at him and scratching at his face. He pushed it off easily, summoning his vision and his sword, cutting it down in one swift motion. There must be more somewhere around here, they never move alone. As he looked around for the camp he spotted a few drops of blood painting the white snow crimson making his own veins grow cold with dread.
The camp was on the side of the road and judging by the few hillchurls roaming around, it was fairly new. He took care of them quickly wanting to waste no time in finding her but much to his dismay she was nowhere to be found. Not in their huts, in their tents, behind or around the camp, nowhere. She wasn’t here. Sinking to his knees defeated he pulled on his hair, his mind working overtime to come up with a solution.
“Albedo?” Great, now he can even hear her voice in his head taunting him. “Albedo darling, what’s wrong?” Snapping his head to the source of the voice, he came face to face with his love concern etched on her features as she knelt beside him, her bag strapped tightly to her body. She cupped his cheek, rubbing soothing circles on his cheekbones in an attempt to calm him. Leaning into her touch he wrapped his arms around her tightly bringing her flush to his chest pressing a chaste kiss on her hairline. She squeezed back giving him a few kisses of her own on the column of his neck allowing her warmth to envelope them both. “ What happened darling?”
“I-I thought you got lost when you didn’t show up and when I came down findinging the camp I-i thought-” She cut him off with a kiss on the lips, pushing lightly on his chest to create some space between them only to cup his cheeks again and press their foreheads together.
“I got held back in the headquarters. I'm so sorry for worrying you.” He leaned in, kissing her sensually on the lips allowing a chuckle to leave his lips followed by a relieved sigh. A whispered “I love you” was shared between them as they slowly picked each other up, and hand in hand, making their way back to the outdoor lab Albedo’s grip a little tighter than usual.
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