#a simple cat lover post yk
goldenhour-s · 1 year
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cuddle time 🐱
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tigerplushh · 4 months
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silly little ollie + sugu moodboard thing :33 @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat hehe I hope u don’t mind the tag but this was super fun >:3
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2hypedrn · 3 years
Blog 4: Cloudy Fri
Hey, what's good. It's Eochy, obv. Erm, this week, I only worked Friday. So that's swell. Though, for the first time, I got sworn at by a guest because she said my first interaction was f&!*$#@ Terrible... I just told her that the instructions on putting on the baggage tag are on the label's back. It's simple, STEP 1: PEEL AND KEEP. STEP 2: STICK PEELED SIDE. TA-DA! It's like when guests walk into the airport, instead of looking at the signs that ARE BOLDED AND HUGE, they ask. But yk I can help too, that's why we're here, but I just point to the signs and say this is how you get to this and that. We try to be understanding, so we do our job, but we will not tolerate BS, alright, homie?
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I'm here twice a week at 5/6 AM, and I don't even get paid. It's crazy how people feel so entitled. ANYWAYS, I told my co-workers, GSAs and friends there. I was lowkey sad, but they were very supportive and offered me comforting words. Seriously, working at the airport and esp in customer service, you have gotta build tough skin. The moment you let that stuff get in your head and heart, you let them win. They want you to feel bad. Don't take BS personally. In the air flying in a metal tube, I can't even imagine the BS FA's take and having to still fly with them until landing. It could've been worst, like physical! I saw a post on IG that a FA's nose was broken by a passenger because she asked him to wear a mask on!?
Mom's like I should take some martial arts and self-defence classes before I become an FA. I'VE BEEN WANTING TO FOR THE LONGEST TIME, but I haven't gotten the time to. Maybe after I graduate, I will jump back into hobbies and try new things~ Every once in a while, there is news of unruly passengers. Luckily there's DUCT TAPE. A passenger kept harassing crew and guests, so he was duct-taped to his seat for the rest of the flight. Modern solutions, huh? We shouldn't even have to deal with this as a result, like it's for your safety. And here we are, getting nothing out of being considerate of your safety and others.
Really didn't mean to start my blog with that, but I just had to vent a little more. Phew, whatever happens at work, don't take it home. Shifts over, days over, it's a new day. We'll be alright. DESPITE ALL THAT, I went on break, and after eating, I felt better. I mean, good food = good mood. Then, a little 6-year-old girl gave me chocolate, haha, so sweet. I showed her pictures of my cats, and she's like I used to have a cat, dog and hamsters. But then her hamster died, and she had another, but she thinks it died of COVID. Can animals get COVID? I asked. She's like, I don't know why it died, so they assumed it was COVID. RIP hamster. I wanted a hamster too. We're animal lovers, I guess.
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Chocolate is actually my weakness. I love chocolate. It made me feel a lot better anyways. There is hope for this world. Thank you, little girl. You made my day. Takes me back to when in English class we learned about childhood innocence vs. adulthood corruption. She was small and still naive. The most important thing she valued was her candies and her little brother. She did not swear or say any mean stuff. She smiled and knew how to make others happy. It reminded me to be satisfied knowing that I was also a child at heart. Children are indeed wonders.
Oh ya, I thought only cats and dogs were allowed onboard. Apparently, so were rabbits. A guest had a bunny in a carry-on, haha. It was so CUTE I asked to take some pictures :"). His name is Green. I bet he's fluffy and soft. Every time I see a pet or an animal, I think of my cats, haha.
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The weather is getting colder and rainy! I mean, it is like dropping from 15 degrees to like 8 ahhh. But the family at WestJet keeps me warm, hehe. Each time I go into the breakroom, people are laughing and talking. They have mutual respect for each other and outstanding friendship bonds. It's nice to see and hear. It's like something is always happening, and there are stories to tell. WestJetters are fantastic ppl!
Oh ya, here's a cute doggo I saw too. It's a boy!
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Kind children, cute pets, sweet chocolate and happy stuffed animals and everything nice!
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I'm still waiting for my WestJet scarf!! : OO
😎 This concludes my blog, woot woot.
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