#a post logan merrick / post zelda leo meeting at brown and then they both fuck it up because they have no good reference for a relationship
im in my rich bitch merrick feels so, merrick & leo - @mctionsick
it had been her own fault. she knew that, more than she knew almost anything. he had been the one, in a way that no one else had been before or since. but merrick was a self sabatoger, and she'd done what she always did - pushed and shoved until leo couldn't take it anymore.
they were better as friends. it was what they had decided back in college, it was what they'd proven in the years since. they could sit in a bar in brooklyn, talking about their big plans - her novel she was still writing, the new boats he was planning on building - sharing beers and pretzels and an occasional glance - but that was it.
it was savannah who'd dragged them all out; she had finally done what everyone had been waiting for and proposed to arizona, and the group was celebrating the engagement. maybe it was the champagne, or the general air of love and adoration that was resonate in every smile their friends shared, but merrick couldn't help but sigh quietly as she rested her head on leo's shoulder, a source of comfort even after all this time. "it's silly, but i used to think we would be the first," she said quietly, her words slurring just a little, though they were the truth. "what are the chances they even make it to a wedding and don't just elope in jersey city?"
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