#a pirate who is a prince? :thinking: but still deserving of a flower regardless! )
a-earthssprout · 2 years
🎄⛄ @shouga-nai​​ wants to play ! // ( semi - plotted starter / kaeya ! ) 
SHE’S SEEN THE PIRATE WHO HAD AN ODDLY PRINCELY AIR ABOUT HIM before; he sometimes wanders the cobbled streets of Mondstadt alongside other Knights, keeping a watchful and protective eye on the city’s innocent civilians and ensuring that any alarming matter would be dealt with accordingly, and that there was never any need to worry with the safety they guaranteed inside the city walls.
He was not one, however, who gave those gentle warnings to her when it appeared that she was just on the cusp of wandering too far ( it seems the Knights had been informed of her accidental tendencies ). Instead, he could be found in all the important places: the Knights of Favonius headquarters, the library that is found within, and sometimes inside the Cathedral. 
The last place is where Ari often caught a glimpse of the figure that she had imagined a magical, mysterious life for, for it was her HOME. She’d peer around the columns and watch him with a set of eyes most curious, though she lacked the proper courage to approach him just yet. One reason for this is because Ari had been lectured many a time before about not interrupting adults and their conversations, for ‘ important things ‘ are happening then, and they must not be distracted during. 
The next and only other reason was that she was without a proper gift for the assumed royal. 
But today was the day that it would all change, for the Pirate Prince stands alone, as no matron nor sister has approached him with their important questions just yet. Ari held the precious Calla Lily carefully by its delicate stem and kept it hidden behind her back. So the brave little soul took a deep breath and appeared from around the same column that she had hid behind and wondered every time before, and approached him slowly. Her footsteps were light, but the Cathedral was so grand that they echoed through it. Thankfully, a spook was not the sort of surprise that she intended to give today. 
Ari slowly walked until there were only two paces left between them; then she stopped, and her tiny free hand reached up to gently tug on the Pirate Prince’s sleeve.
“ he … hello …” Ari greeted softly. If he would turn to her and bless her with his attention, he would be met with the sweetest set of innocent green eyes and the warmest smile that a little face could wear. On her tiptoes she rose, nearly stumbling forward ( for maintaining balance was a tricky thing for Ari; a skill she has yet to master ), and she offered the Calla Lily to him. 
“ fff … for you! ” 
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“ mi … mmm— mr. Pirate likes ca … la … lalla - cillies, please … ?” 
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spartanguard · 7 years
everyone loves Granny
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my dearest darlingest @kat2609, my favorite and my best: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you get showered with love and treats today and that this is just one contribution to an overall amazing day because you deserve all the best things! here’s a bit of Granny love to (hopefully) get your day going! I LOVE YOUUUUUUU!!!
Another day, another dollar, right? At least, that was what Granny told herself as she shuffled into the back of the diner, still yawning. Not that the money really mattered in Storybrooke, but at the very least, she had her reputation to uphold. That, and if she didn't feed everyone, who would?
Blearily, she flipped on the lights and headed through the kitchen to the main dining area to flip on the coffee makers, giving her a few minutes to catch a bit more rest. On days like these, she really missed having Ruby around—today especially—but certainly didn't begrudge her granddaughter a shot at True Love.
Nevertheless, she sighed heavily while the coffee percolated and the pleasing aroma began to fill the air. It did perk her up a little, and that's when she noticed something on the counter that certainly hadn't been there the night before.
At first, she thought someone came in and used one of her mugs. But this one was different; the handle of it was shaped like a crossbow and the cup had arrows all over it. And tucked inside was a note.
Written in chicken scratch that could only belong to a teenage boy,
Dear Granny—To the most badass crossbow wielder in the world. Have a fantastic day! —Henry
She paused for a moment—he didn't know, did he? How could he, though, she reminded herself. Plus, it was Henry—he was a thoughtful boy, so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for him to drop off random gifts. Though she might have to say something to his mothers about B&E. Maybe he was spending too much time with Hook.
Regardless, she took another few minutes to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee in her new mug before getting a head start on cooking for the morning.
Barely a half hour later, she was in the middle of frying bacon when she smelled something else coming from the dining room. Now what was going on?
Whoever had snuck in must have had magic on their side, because she would have heard the door open and close. And given the fact that she could already tell there were bear claws in that box from the bakery, she had a pretty good idea which witch it was.
Treat yo self, Granny! love, Emma was scrawled across the top. Two very fresh pastries were inside. As she bit into one and took the other to the back for safekeeping, she decided that maybe it wasn't the pirate who was influencing Henry...and began to wonder what was really afoot.
She knew for sure that something was up when Leroy arrived with a smile on his face, asking how she was, praising her food, and wishing her a wonderful day. When Grumpy is anything but, there's something suspicious going on.
Actually, everyone was being really nice. Not that most of them weren't usually, but it was weird to see it even from those she didn't talk to often.  Part of her was tempted to torture it out of Happy, whatever was happening, but she couldn't complain when even Regina praised her lasagna (finally).
Toward the end of lunch rush, the prince came in bearing a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She assumed he was on his way home, but he slid them across the counter to her.
"What's this?" she asked, eyeing the arrangement suspiciously.
"Uh, well, I was walking past Game of Thorns and saw them and...thought you needed them," he stammered, scratching the back of his head and looking down the whole time.
She wasn't buying it. "Charming, I've known you long enough to know when you're full of it. Level with me. What's going on?"
He sighed. "I...may have made some not-so-nice comments about this place in the past." Damn right he had; she hadn't forgotten about the scrap heap incident. "Consider these an apology."
She squinted at him; he wasn't lying. So she took a sniff, and they were quite nice. "Apology accepted."
He breathed a sigh of relief; she was tickled to see he'd been scared, but he'd fought alongside her—and it was good to see he remembered that.
"And...thank you, Granny. I don't know where most of us would be without you," he continued sincerely.
Somone must have been chopping onions in the back then. Quickly, she waved him off, blurting out a watery "It's been my pleasure," and bustled off to put the flowers in a place of prominence near the bar.
Lunch rush passed by without issue, and then the customers trickled out until the diner was surprisingly empty come late afternoon. Usually, that was when dinner would slowly start, but everyone seemed to be walking past. She even checked that the "OPEN" sign hadn't burned out, but it was still lit. Odd.
She took advantage of the lull to clean some spots she couldn't typically get to, and maybe put one of her favorite songs on the jukebox while she cleaned its glass. The final notes of the song played as she finished dusting the top of it (and may have been shaking her hips), and that's when she heard the bell above the door jingle.
She came back to the dining room to see Hook making himself quite at home behind the counter, filling two glasses with a bottle of rum far mor expensive than anything she kept stocked.
He looked up when she approached. "Ah, Lady Lucas. Just the lass I was looking for."
She gave him a sidelong glance. "What's your game, pirate?"
"Is one not allowed to treat a dear friend to a drink on her birthday?"
So they did know. As she sat down on a stool, he slid a glass across to her. "How did you all find out?" she asked quietly. It wasn't something she chose to broadcast, not because she didn't like celebrating, but more because she had never really been able to. Even once things calmed down here, with Ruby gone, there was no one to really celebrate with, until recently, apparently.
Hook explained, "You've gone to such great lengths to look after all of us, to the point that everyone calls you Granny despite you only actually having one grandchild. We just thought it was time that we show our appreciation, and on what better day than the day of your birth?" Then he lifted his glass in a toast.
She couldn't help it: she was blushing. She clinked her glass against his and savored the aged, spiced rum, but as sweet as it was, it was no rival to the warm feeling in her heart at hearing that so many people actually did care. For all her sass, she found herself speechless.
"Now, my dear, everyone has decided you need the night off, so close shop, head home, and treat yourself. Aye?"
She smiled. "Aye-aye, Captain; I think I can manage that."
"Fantastic." He leaned over the counter and gave her a peck on the cheek. "Happy Birthday, milady." He gave her a nod and then walked toward the exit, winking as he headed through the door to leave. But he held the door open one extra second as a bird flew in—with a note in its clutch.
It had been years since she'd gotten a message in a pre-analog format. She thought at first it was from Snow—that had been her preferred method of communication for so long—but the handwriting was even more familiar than that.
I'm so sorry I'm not there to celebrate your special day, but I wanted to let you know how much I love and miss you. I promise to visit as soon as we can, but until then: sending all my (our) love through the realms!
Hugs and kisses,
Ruby (and Dorothy)
Oh, that girl. Worlds away and still able to make her grandmother cry. Even if it had just been that note, the day would have been perfect. But she eyed the rum still on the counter, and had one more idea.
Quickly, she did as she'd been told and locked up, made sure everything was shut off in the kitchen, and headed home into the brisk night air.
One last surprise was waiting for her: Marco was at home, lighting a few candles on the table, where it appeared he'd made a home-cooked feast.
"Happy birthday, my love," he greeted her with a kiss.
"Thank you, darling," she said eventually. Then, holding the rum up with a wink, added, "Let's have some fun tonight."
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