#a nice cup of recaf
sxmcomics · 7 months
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Part 5.
Recaf and power weapons make the Imperium go round...
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wayward40k · 5 months
Send a 👀 and I will describe how my muse sees yours / what they think of when they look at them.
A deceptively fragile-looking sapling, weathered by harsh growing conditions but absolutely determined to thrive. Talisyr has a great deal of potential, and she wants to see him grow into it without pushing him too hard one way or another. She recognizes that he's an independent spirit, and is happy to offer him aid, but also knows enough to not take it personally if he refuses.
It's nice, also, to have met someone who had little idea of her importance to Aon'onrae, so Talisyr's presence and genuine opinions is a breath of fresh air. All in all, she's glad to have met him, and is hopeful for him.
Meanwhile, with any of the Harlequins, Alethea sees trouble and is trying to mentally brace for potentially heresy-adjacent shenanigans. Clearly she's going to need extra recaf today, she should have grabbed that cup. And ignore the unfamiliar and weirdly potentially positive, confusedly anxious sensation, it's nothing.
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