#a new mini season comes out like once a month with weekly episodes. How The Fuck
morayofsunshine · 1 year
fam i can barely keep up with watching dimension 20 i have like 4 campaigns i'm really really wanting to watch right now but don't have the time for them all so how on earth are they playing all those campaigns
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simul16 · 3 years
Low Effort in Their Own Way
All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." - Leo Tolstoy, "Anna Karenina"
I've been watching a fair amount of D&D content on YouTube of late, for varying reasons, and if I may paraphrase Tolstoy's famous quote above, I've learned that all good D&D channels make high-effort content, while each bad D&D channel makes low-effort content in its own way.
Low-effort content tends to be:
Content that is or can be created quickly; it doesn't require a lot of prep time (and the presentation usually allows this limited prep time to show)
Content that copies current trends; while a certain amount of response to significant events in the gaming world is to be expected, low-effort channels regularly feature content that basically boils down to 'here's my reaction to whatever rumor or scandal is currently being talked about among the community'
Content that does not spark or contribute to a discussion; when such channels go beyond simply recapitulating a recent event, they frequently spend very little time explaining their own reaction and seldom spend any time at all explaining or exploring contrary opinions except to make jokes or elicit emotional reactions from an over-simplified or straw-man version of the contrary opinion
Now let's start off by saying that I'm not knocking low-effort content per se; anybody who knows anything about online marketing can tell you that low-effort content has a role to play in any marketing strategy. Ideally, though, your low-effort content, the stuff that you can get out the door quickly and easily and get in front of your potential customers, exists to guide those customers to your higher-quality content that convinces them to buy your product, order your service, or otherwise become someone who believes that you have something of value to say. Because it's cheap and easy to produce, low-effort content can be cast far and wide to serve as a net to capture many potential viewers and guide them to the gold mine of the really important stuff you have to say. Unfortunately, when your low-effort content is what you have to say, it very much begs the question of what exactly it is people should be coming to your channel for.
Here are a few but by no means an exhaustive list of the YouTube channels that to me seem to feature way too much low-effort content.
The Dungeon Dudes
The Dungeon Dudes are two guys (Kelly McLaughlin and Monty Martin) who mainly do scripted back-and-forth style discussions of D&D-related topics. I've talked about the Dungeon Dudes before, when taking apart one of their recent videos, but they also stream a D&D game they play in on Twitch (and frequently post recordings of those sessions on their channel), do product reviews, and generally do whatever they can to maintain a consistent pace of content output, generally a minimum of twice weekly. They've been around for nearly four years now, and have amassed about 273 thousand subscribers on their channel, with over 44 million views for their content, which seem like decent numbers for a niche content channel. (Contract with CinemaSins, which exists as a viral content manufacturer, and has amassed over 9 million subscribers and over 3.3 billion views. I'm not trying to say the Dungeon Dudes are the CinemaSins of D&D; if they were, their numbers would probably look a lot more like those of CinemaSins.)
The big problem with the Dudes as content creators is that, despite being a niche content channel, they are clearly in it to try to eke out some kind of income or living from the work they put into the channel: they've got a Patreon, they use affiliate links in the descriptions of their product review videos to gain some additional referrer income, and they do sponsored content when they can get a sponsor. They started back in the summer of 2017 with a very 2016-era plan on how to succeed at YouTube: put together a bunch of short (5-10 minutes, occasionally longer, but go over 15 minutes at your peril) videos and release them on an iron-clad schedule to get people used to coming back to your channel and looking over your new content, and to their credit, they've kept up their content production schedule very consistently over the past four years.
They've also learned a few things during that time and have adapted the channel in response: their videos explaining rules and reviewing new products tend to be more popular, so they work those topics in on a more regular basis. They've learned that the YouTube algorithm has subtly changed over the past few years to reward channels that can provide longer 'engagement' (which gives YouTube more opportunities to run ads), and have expanded their video length to an average of about a half-hour, with their re-broadcasts from Twitch being extra-long videos (between two and two-and-a-half hours) which, while drawing fewer total views, probably draw as much or more 'engagement' from the algorithm for the views they have.
But the need to spit out so much content on such a rigid, unforgiving schedule means that they have to aim for quick-creation and easy digestion: putting subclasses into a bog-standard tier ranking, making 'top five' and 'top ten' lists that seem like they're being cribbed from a more thoughtful resource, and generally getting stuff out the door (like their 'Powerful Spell Combos Using Teamwork' video) without spending too much time thinking about how valuable or even accurate their advice happens to be. More to the point, it seems to be taking its toll on the guys who serve as the hosts of the show: Kelly McLaughlin has a fairly dour expression in general, but lately he seems to have the countenance of a man who's about to post a 'very special episode' discussing the dangers of YouTuber burnout.
The Dungeon Dudes feature low-effort content because they have to in order to support the publishing frequency they've chosen; if they were to take the time to put together a truly high-effort piece regarding one of their traditional topics, their Patreon subscribers would likely be asking why their release schedule had slowed down before their work was even half-done.
Dungeon Craft
The Dungeon Craft channel is run by a fellow who refers to himself as 'Professor Dungeon Master'; I have not yet found any reference in his channel or elsewhere that identifies who he actually is, so I'll just refer to him as Prof. Prof has been on YouTube a bit longer than the Dungeon Dudes, having launched his channel in October of 2016, and has put out 185 'episodes' (as of the time of this writing), thus averaging between three and four episodes per month. Prof's own 'trailer' video explicitly states his channel's concept: "Some channels focus on running the game, others on building terrain, others on painting minis. I do it all!" You might think, then, that this would be a place to find quite high-quality content, especially related to terrain and miniatures painting tips, but it seems like the main effect of Prof making his channel be about multiple topics (and there are plenty of topics he discusses that don't fit into any of those three categories above) is that he can't successfully communicate what his channel is actually about, other than about his specific opinions. Maybe that's the reason he's sitting at about 65 thousand subscribers and just under 5 million views.
However, being at a slightly lower 'tier' of content production than the Dungeon Dudes is not itself any kind of crime or even indicative of poor quality -- after all, one of my favorite D&D lore channels on YouTube is RavenloftTravelAgent, and she's got just over a thousand subscribers and only about 50 thousand views on her videos. No, Prof could have a very high-quality, high-content channel with the subscriber numbers and views he has, but he doesn't.
Prof's issue is almost exactly the opposite of that of the Dungeon Dudes: instead of cranking out a rapid-fire, breakneck volume of content to keep up with an arbitrary content production schedule because that's how you make a living producing content for YouTube and you have to keep feeding the hungry algorithm, Prof cranks out content that's very easy for him to write because he's been involved in the game for a long time and already knows that the way he learned to play the game is the best way. Any topic that comes up related to D&D, he's got an opinion and can spit out a script explaining his opinion quickly because it's the same opinion he's held for decades. Classic D&D didn't have skills, so the next edition of D&D shouldn't have them either. Classic D&D had slow advancement, so slow advancement is better than fast advancement. This becomes even more obvious in the videos that have very little or nothing to do with running a D&D game, such as where Prof explains why he thought Avengers: Endgame sucked, or why he thought Season 8 of Game of Thrones was 'nearly perfect'.
Some of the oddest episodes of Dungeon Craft have to do when Prof makes admissions that make him out to be, well, the D&D channel for 'that kind' of old-school gamer: the ones who can make comments to each other that they can't make in front of their wives or significant others because the latter find the comments sexist, the kind of guys you can complain to about not being able to tell a Polack joke at work, the guys who treated D&D in the 1980s and 1990s the way that guys in the 1950s and 1960s treated golf where they could build a wall between the world as it existed and the world as they wanted to believe it was (and, if we're being honest, the way that they believed it should actually be). Nowhere is this more evident than in the video where Prof starts by discussing the hot, rich girlfriend he had once who tried but never got into D&D who he just had to break up with, and which by the 3 minute mark has him "calling bullshit" on the idea that relationships are built on compromise and negotiation. (I mean, you saw this coming, right? Right there at the end of the last paragraph about how the ending of Game of Thrones was so good? You knew that's where this was going, right?)
And, of course, he's not immune to just jumping on the latest bandwagon to contribute his drone to the chorus of voices talking about things just to be talking about things. It shouldn't be surprising that Prof jumped on the bandwagon of the lawsuit brought by Hickman and Weis against Wizards of the Coast over the upcoming Dragonlance trilogy, which turned out to be a nothing-burger. Even weirder is the tag in the description of that video which says "Analysis you can't get anywhere else", even though the video doesn't contain anything that hadn't already been discussed over the three weeks between the lawsuit and Prof's video other than Prof's own opinions about it. My favorite howler that Prof makes in this video is his assertion that, because Hickman and Weis got a lawyer to file a lawsuit, that means there's definitely fire under that smoke, because "big law firms do not accept cases they don't think they can win", which both ignores the existence of SLAPP suits as well as the existence of authors who seem to take perverse glee in suing rival authors just to drive them out of the industry. He's also responded with multiple videos in response to Cody at Taking20s controversial 'illusion of choice' essay, and his response to Ginny Di's essay on making online D&D suck less didn't include any of Ginny's solid advice on making online play more compatible with an in-person mentality (recognizing interruptive behavior, or using text chat to maintain side-conversations that would otherwise not be distracting in person), but instead gave these recommendations to players:
Keep your camera turned on
Mute yourself when not talking
Don't distract yourself with technology during the game
Nothing specific on recognizing how online play differs from tabletop play and suggesting ways to bring those two styles closer together, just commands because he's the DM and he says so. Or, in other words, low-effort, opinion-based content.
Nerd Immersion
Nerd Immersion, a channel by Ted that started in May of 2014 and has amassed over 70 thousand subscribers, starts his "channel trailer" video by leafing through a book, then looking up and saying, "Oh, hello" as if he'd just noticed that there was a camera on pointing at him while he's sitting in his orange-trimmed gaming chair. That, sadly, is roughly the level of thought that goes into the actual content contained on this long-tenured but seemingly still super-niche channel.
The weird thing is that at some point, it was obvious that Ted put some real effort into this channel. There are defined sections of the channel that focus on particular things, avoiding the Dungeon Craft problem of 'what topic is our channel about this week?' On Tuesdays, Ted posts a top-10 list. Ted comes up with an idea for a series, like 'Fixing 5E' or 'Reviewing Unearthed Arcana', posts regular articles until he's said what he means to say, then ends the series. (There hasn't been a new Fixing 5E video in roughly a year, meaning that Ted isn't wasting his own time and that of the viewer continually beating horses he's long since killed.) And he comes up with some great ideas for series, such as his series reviewing products on the DMs Guild; that particular series comes out somewhat irregluarly, but not so irregularly that you think he may have stopped doing the series without telling you.
Nerd Immersion's big problem can be summed up by simply looking at the list of videos on his channel and noticing that when he puts his own face on the thumbnail of the video, the startling frequency with which he's shrugging or has a puzzled face or just seems to be presenting himself as if he's not sure what's happening in his own video. I mean, I get it -- that's his image, the personality he wants to present to his audience. He doesn't have all the answers (a refreshing change from Dungeon Craft, honestly), but has some things to share if you're interested, so go ahead and take a peek. But then you take a look at those different sections we spoke about earlier and see that the 'Fixing' series all have the word Fixing at the top of the screen, the Nerd Immersion logo in the top left, two images underneath the text, one on the right side of the page and one on the left, separated right down the middle, and they all have Fix-It Felix on the far right. The Top 10 videos always have Top 10 at the top of the thumbnail. The Unearthed Arcana reviews all have 'Unearthed Arcana' at the top, then 'Review' in an odd off-set to the right beneath 'Unearthed Arcana'.
In other words, Ted has a formula, and he's damn well going to follow it.
Now it's not a bad thing to have a workflow -- if you're going to be cranking out videos at the volume that Ted does (not to mention the others on this list), you'd better have some kind of process for making the video, getting the thumbnail on it, etc.; otherwise each new video is a horrible nightmare of effort as you re-invent the wheel for every project. Nobody wants to do that, and the results would likely be unwatchable. Having a process is a good thing. But the Dungeon Dudes clearly also have a process -- they've put out at least two videos a week for three and a half years, so they damn well have a process or they wouldn't have been able to get out that much content. Looking at their channel, though, shows you that while they have a brand, and one that's evolving over time to boot, they're not just making the same video over and over again, or at least you wouldn't think that from looking at the thumbnails.
Ted's most interesting videos are where he's interviewing another person or even just having another person in the video, because having another person around clearly takes him at least a bit outside his rigid formulaic comfort zone. The problem is that those videos are few and far between -- the review of the infernal tiefling is about eight months separated from his interview with Celeste Conowitch about her Venture Maidens campaign guide. Also interesting are his unboxing videos, because Ted clearly likes minis and takes some degree of joy in cracking open and looking at new minis. His unboxing videos aren't as irregular as his interview videos, but they are fairly recent, with the first appearing just a few months ago, so it's still not clear if this is going to be a new regular part of the channel, or just another series that goes until he says what he wants to say about minis and then stops.
Most of the stuff on the site, though, is just, well, stuff, cranked out on a formula and thrown out into the digital void with the same soft-spoken volume regardless of whether it's major news or a press release. As an example, while pretty much everybody had an opinion on the Dragonlance lawsuit, Ted covered when the suit was announced, when it was dismissed by Weis and Hickman, when the actual trilogy that was the subject of the novels was announced, and the official release date of the first book in the new trilogy. When it came time to get ready to announce the newest campaign book, Ted was on the job, posting a video preparing for the announcement, another video later the same day when his original prediction of a Feywild adventure book seemed to be contradicted by other rumors that the book would be a Ravenloft book, then posted yet another video when the actual book was leaked on Amazon at 11:24pm later that same day confirming Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, posted the video discussing the official announcement of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft the next day, and then the day after that followed up with more details on Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft revealed in Dragon+. That's five videos in three days, for a grand total of just over 100 thousand views combined. The intention seems like Ted wants to be the CNN of the D&D news scene, but with those kind of distribution numbers, the result is more like your local home town's shopping circular that occasionally also features stories about the latest project to fix the potholes on Main Street. Just like nobody's doing 24/7 news coverage of your local town council, nobody is (or probably should strive to) doing 24/7 coverage of the gaming industry and Wizards of the Coast. At some point it just becomes running a script, pressing a button to upload the next video, because it's news, and while you don't have to think about news to quite the same degree you have to think about more opinion-based topics, once you stop thinking about the process and what it is you're making, all you have left is executing the formula, over and over again, and both the input and the output becomes repetitive.
Repetitive videos, in repetitive formats, with repetitive text, to keep the monster fed for another day. I can admire the effort that goes into it, but the overwhelming presence of the formula involved in cranking out this content keeps me from feeling that it's worth engaging with. It's low-effort, because the effort has been meticulously removed from the process.
I could go on, but I think I'll stop here. There's not really any constructive criticism I could provide to these channels because, as I hope I've pointed out, it seems like low-effort content is pretty much the only thing these channels have to offer or in truth can offer, and anything that might cause their owners to re-consider their channels to improve their content would almost certainly lead to a very different if not wholly different channel. With things being as they are online, there's no guarantee that any new, higher-effort channel would be any more successful than the old low-effort one (remember the RavenloftTravelAgent channel with absolutely miniscule numbers; effort doesn't automatically equate with success). I can't even claim that being low-effort channels necessarily makes these channels bad (despite what I said in the intro); after all, they all have at least some good ideas, especially Nerd Immersion, and they each have subscribers and a following. I guess this is just my way of putting some small amount of effort into explaining why I don't feel like doing more to help these channels succeed, because I'd rather put my support toward channels making higher-quality, higher-effort content, especially because its not the content itself, but people engaging with that content that really drives a channel's success.
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ckret2 · 4 years
So I, like most people, was very excited for hazbin bc we were getting all of these “spoilers” but now I’m kinda over it and feel like everyone over hyped it and it’s kinda been forgotten, like I know people are making art and fics for it but official stuff has kinda just, ended ya know? And I know it takes a long time to animate but I feel like at this rate the next episode I going to come out in October with the release dates being months apart, should I stick with it or just forget the show?
Anon, if you’re bored of a fandom, then leave it. And I’m not saying that in an “UGH just go away” sort of way, I’m offering that as genuine advice. Seriously—if a fandom bores you, if you’re not enjoying yourself, if it’s not giving you what you want out of fandom, then why are you sticking around in it? Go find a fandom you enjoy.
And there’s nothing saying you can’t duck back in when an episode 2 comes out, or when a whole first season gets dropped, or whenever a mini-comic is posted, or whatever. You don’t get a gold star for sitting in your theater seat when the play’s at an intermission and nobody’s on the stage. You can stay in your seat if you’re comfortable there, but there’s no reason you can’t leave your chair, go to the lobby, grab some snacks, and only wander back in when intermission is over.
If you are having fun—if you’re enjoying the fics and the art and the community and the discussions and the theorizing—then stay. Why would you leave just because there isn’t new stuff coming out currently if you’re otherwise having fun? There are fandoms for movies that came out years and years ago and will never receive new content again, and people are having fun in them. There are fandoms for shows that ended decades ago. Do you know how big the fandom is for the original Sherlock Holmes short stories and how much of it consists of folks who have little to no interest in modern TV/movie adaptations, only the original works? I’ve never heard a Sherlock Holmes fan complain that Sir Doyle hasn’t released a new story in 93 years. There were 1 to 3 year gaps between each of the Harry Potter novels and the fandom was booming between each of them.
So the question “We’re going to get new content every few months at most, should I stay in the fandom?” is a nonsense question.  The question you need to ask—and that you need to ask yourself—is “can I have fun in a fandom where content is only released once every few months and/or it might be over a year before we get a full season, OR do I only have fun in fandoms for an active series where canon content is being released monthly/weekly?”
There is nothing about Hazbin or its release schedule that inherently makes it a good idea to stick in the fandom. There is nothing about Hazbin or its release schedule that inherently makes it a bad idea to stick in the fandom. “Am I having fun or am I bored?” That’s the only relevant thing. Stay if you’re having fun, leave if you’re bored.
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idolizenews · 6 years
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Each schedule post provides a snapshot into the way the company is marketing your group as a whole, the expectations they have for your involvement in the industry, and so forth. They’ll range from fun things like CF deals to run of the mill events like fan parties, concerts, or rest time. We’ll be varying things across the board and using this as a way to tease upcoming plot lines for groups. Schedules illuminate the often difficult realities of being an idol, and because of that we award +5 exp / + 5 sp to those who complete a 350+ 4/4 thread or a 500 word solo. Solos must be completed during the three week run of the schedule, but threads may be finished after the end of the prompt provided they were started well in excess of the end point (e.g. finishing up a reply or two after is fine, but posting the starter right before the next prompt goes up is not). These needn’t be taken extremely literally when threading and are open to tangential preparation threads and other flexibility.
OLYMPUS  – Olympus is proving themselves to be the flagship of Midas groups once more as they embark on a new project. Midas has been teasing the concept of group-centric Company produced web-series for awhile now and are now launching their first: Olympus Next Door.  Rumor has it:  Fans have only just learned the show has started filming and they’re already rabid over it.  It promises to be both cringeworthy and immensely successful amongst fans, proving that Midas will do anything to make a buck. 
JINX -  The ladies of Jinx will be gracing the cover and a large spread for Ceci this month, including an interview portion dedicated to their transitioning image, rollercoaster career, and explosive debut. It’s a rehashing of the usual fare, but sure to remind everyone how attractive they are ahead of their next comeback.  Rumor has it: Midas is investing a lot into keeping the girls on board as their reimagined concept took off with their latest releases. The upcoming November comeback is likely to reflect further movement in that area hopefully finalizing a return their prior impressive popularity.  
FANTASY –  With an upcoming Nightmare comeback of course preparation is serious business. The girls will also be the new faces for Lens Nine, doing a circle lens colored contact modeling shoot and promotional material titled Lens Nine x Fantasy : Fantasia. Each girl will be modeling a particular color with a whimsical name to suit.  Rumor has it: The upcoming Nightmare comeback bodes well for the unit concept and promises it will be sticking around at least for awhile, leaving fans curious about how Daydream will promote now that they’re lacking a member. Rumors are beginning to buzz that an additional member may be added. 
PROMO/PROLOGUE & GLIMMER & XLNC & TITANIUM & NITRO  Every year Gangnam hosts a culture festival in one of it’s more residential areas, with a modest number of stages provided for up and coming groups. Given the more modest scope of the affair, the attending groups are generally newer or less established, and have been listed above in order of billing, with the yet-undebuted Produce groups opening and Nitro as the featured act/headliner. Produce groups will be performing their unit stages from the final episode set alongside the Pick Me! song. Glimmer will perform their debut song and a cover of Heaven’s I Swear . XLNC will perform their 2 most recent title tracks. Titanium will perform their debut song and a cover of Olympus’ Growl. Nitro will perform their last three title songs, with a dance break remix transition.  Rumor has it: Of course this is an excellent opportunity for rookies to get their name out there, and Gen-N fans are feeling bittersweet about the whole thing, as this is likely to be the last of these mid-range festivals that Nitro plays at, with the group gradually outgrowing the opportunity. It’s always a hotbed for intermingling rookies backstage, too, so managers ought to be keeping a careful eye out. 
IMPERIAL –The boys are preparing for heading out on an Asia tour for the next month or two, bounding off the positive reception for their fan meeting. They’ll be working on choreography and staging prep as well as pitching concepts for special stages to the company.  Rumor has it: They’re solidifying their hold in the overseas (notably in the SEA market) to prepare for an upcoming comeback in the second half of the year. This concert capitalizes on their existing momentum and will have them in and out of the country - and as a result in plenty of airport fashion and concert gif media play articles. 
WINK  – The girls will be performing the ceremonial first pitch and doing a brief performance before a number of baseball games as the season kicks off, once for the LG Twins and once for the Doosan Bears. The appearance of the girls in cute, baseball inspired attire is sure to draw attention and positive reception.  Rumor has it:  Behind the scenes, the girls are being put through their paces to prepare for an upcoming image shift, with coaching for interviews and increased dance practices required of them for the time being. Rumors of a more sultry vibe for the comeback are all but confirmed if one glances at the concept directors hired on recently at the company.  HEAVEN – With an uncharacteristic push forward for the girls of late, they’ll be taking it a little bit easier this week, with a simple fan meeting mini-concert (expected to run an hour and a half) featuring a hi-touch event for those who qualify, maximum 100 participants.  Rumor has it: This is an attempt by 99 Entertainment to demonstrate the grounded and kind nature of the girls, reaching out to fans in an intimate venue and on a personal level, likely to continue in juxtaposition of the shaky reputations of some of their other group efforts. 
POIZN – Mexicana Chicken has taken on the boys as their new brand endorsers. They’ll be filming a commercial and doing a photoshoot to provide material for their various promotional items, such as boxes, flyers, posters, menu pictures, and so on.  Rumor has it: While not the most glamorous of things, landing a chicken endorsement is a major step, and one that further cements the idea that POIZN is hanging on fairly well despite past scandals, which is a good indicator for their future. 
HONEY –  With the girls in a bit of downtime between comebacks, MSG has decided to capitalize on the time in their schedule to launch Honey TV, a one-a-week Vlive series to connect the girl’s with their audience. Material will cover photoshoots, snippets of dorm life, comeback and album prep, and so on. The first episode set will follow the girls on a fun trip to Everland together, as they go on a safari ride, buy matching headbands, ride rides, and more.  Rumor has it: The MSG board saw the success of KJH in reaching out to fans via Vlive and has decided to follow suit, jumping onto the trend, while also allowing a bit of an easier time for themselves and the idols by filming schedules they’re already embarking on for the company: photoshoots, filming, etc, rather than following the KJH practice of separating out, allowing MSG to pump out a stream of shorter episodes consistently without having to find time to film a full “variety show” to air for 45 minutes weekly. 
CHERRY BOMB! – Gourmet Road is hosting the girls for an upcoming episode. They’ll be prowling around a night market and having a blast trying food, interacting with passerby, and talking together. They’ll be showing off their close relationship and their mukbang talents.  Rumor has it: Increased attentions payed to their newer groups indicates that MSG is ramping up efforts to get them established as the company moves forward, putting a lot of pressure on upcoming comebacks. 
ATLAS –  The boys of Atlas have been cast in the show Birth of A Family, a variety that involves a group of idols (in this case) raising two puppies in order to bring further attention to the serious situation of animal abandonment in the country of South Korea. They’ll be taking on the dogs for a period of roughly a month and a half, and filming will happen semi-regularly.  Rumor has it: This is the boy’s first variety show aired on television, with KJH preferring in the past to keep their variety work in house, on V-live and self produced. It’s a big step in potential visibility and risk for the boys, since editing will be out of the company’s control.
JAWBREAKER – The girls are deep into the preparatory period for their upcoming comeback.  KJH has the girls tight under lock and key right now to be sure nothing is given away, which means promotions outside the company have been limited for the moment, and the girls have gone quiet on social media. KJH has big plans for the upcoming song, hoping to cement the girl’s image as Jawbreaker with this sophomore effort.  Rumor has it: Planning for the KJH family concert is well underway at this point, with Jawbreaker’s former discography now regained.  The company is gauging reactions to individual members with this comeback to begin pushing the girls further.
GALAXY – The boys are heading out on to Happy Together 3, taking part in the classic talk variety that canvasses various fictional settings, participating in various corners, such as being asked to take part in a don’t laugh challenge or to bring a cherished object to explain. Hopefully this will bring some further attention and affection to the boyish, charming group.  Rumor has it:  Increased attentions payed to their newer groups indicates that MSG is ramping up efforts to get them established as the company moves forward, putting a lot of pressure on upcoming comebacks.
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atopfourthwall · 7 years
State of the Wall: 1-27-18
You know the drill! Check under the cut to see what’s going to be coming over the next two months and some updates about what’s going on with the show!
Schedule of Upcoming Episodes 1/29 – PATREON: Homestuck, Act 2 2/5 – Isaac Asimov’s I-Bots #1 2/12 – Thunderstrike #1 2/19 – Youngblood #10 2/26 – Badrock #1A Event Comics Month II: Crisis of the Wars 3/5 – Event Comics Month II: Infinite Crisis 3/12 – Event Comics Month II: Infinity War 3/19 – Event Comics Month II: World War Hulk 3/26 – Event Comics Month II: Final Crisis
While normally I would say that the schedule is subject to change… this one is definitely not. February and March are months that I’ve had locked down for a while now – March for the next Event Comics Month, and since that’s promised by Patreon stuff, it ain’t going to change. February has been something I’ve wanted to do since I decided how I was going to celebrate the tenth anniversary. Atop the Fourth Wall started as text reviews and a number of those text reviews ended up being made into videos. This year? All the remaining text reviews are going to be made into videos, thus with the exception of the annual Youngblood review, that’s the focus of February.
Contest of Champions Update Many are sad that the Contest of Champions storyline still hasn’t continued yet, so here’s the deal – there’s going to be a tenth anniversary storyline in September through October, so I’m going to be trying to my best to get the Contest storyline finished by then. I’ve written an outline of how the contest will go, equaling about 19 storyline segments in total and I have scripts written for 8 of them. The thing is some of these segments exclusively feature people in other states, so they’re not all in order – I need to get them all finished so I can send off the scripts and they can be recorded in one go.
For those curious, the Contest will START with 32 contestants, whittling them down each of the five rounds until in that last fifth one there are only two left. We won’t see most of these contestants, but at the very least you’ll see their names. My compatriots in this little undertaking have come up with a lot of backstories and details about them that will also never make it to screen, but will prove useful if we end up doing another Contest of Champions storyline down the road (remember, regardless whether or not Linkara wins, other champions in this universe exist and Jaeris himself didn’t win, so it could be Linkara for another go-around or someone else!).
For $5+ patrons, I posted up some behind the scenes graphics that’ll be used for several storyline segments – namely the news segments giving you updates about how the contest is proceeding (since obviously we won’t be seeing EVERY fight). If you’re a $5+ patron, you can check out that post HERE!
If the Contest isn’t finished by the time the 10th Anniversary Storyline starts up… well, tough cookies – I’m not putting off the 10th Anniversary storyline since, well, it’s for the 10th Anniversary. There’s kind of a ticking clock there. As such, if we can’t get it done when we want to, we’ll have to just delay the conclusion of Contest of Champions until afterwards and have a mini-arc in the middle of it, Virtual World arc inside of Battle City arc-style (only less pointless).
The Road to 500 The road to 500 episodes continues! JLA/Avengers was the 485th episode, with the 500th scheduled to happen May 7th. I’m still looking for more suggestions on stuff to show or do during the planned 500th episode livestream, so feel free to throw ideas out there. I’m also writing out new bits of trivia and insights and I’ll likely get other producers in on it as we did for the 300th episode’s stream. I’m hoping you guys throw out some great idea, including whether you’d prefer the stream be done on Twitch or on Youtube, since either option is a possibility for us.
History of Power Rangers In case you’ve missed it, both Operation Overdrive and Jungle Fury are back up and running on youtube! Obviously there are changes, but not as many as you’d think – altering some sentences here and there, different visuals, shorter clips, but they’re basically the same as before (Jungle Fury in particular, as I was able to go into the original project files for that one and simply shorten the clips when needed). RPM has the same problem as In Space, though – a music vide segment that will need to have a cover made to try to get around ContentID issues, so that’s not what’s going to happen next. I’m currently in the process of rewriting the Lost Galaxy videos and it’s coming along fairly well. I’m hoping to keep up a pace of replacement History of Power Rangers at least once a month, but I make no promises. Ninja Steel is going into its second season, so we’re still quite a ways off from me doing the HOPR on it. That’ll likely be in 2019 depending on when the DVDs come out.
Longbox of the Damned I AM planning on doing summer Longbox videos this year, most likely in June or July, though they will be a bit different. To try to reduce the stress on an already-crowded workload, they’ll likely be a weekly thing every Friday (hey, the return of my brief youtube “Frightful Friday Nights” when I posted old Longboxes up on the channel?) of the month, with a different host. It may not be as thorough as other Longboxes I’ve done before, but it should still hopefully be entertaining.
Let’s Play Pokémon Omicron So of course with all these other big projects occurring, Pokémon Omicron has been shoved to the wayside and hasn’t gotten very much work done on it at all. It’s of course not what I want, especially since I’m planning on doing that Elite 4 run for the 500th episode livestream, but the important thing right now is to focus on getting other content out there and ready. The footage is all there waiting to be worked on – I just need to find some time to actually produce them. Thank you all for your continued patience on it.
Conventions And we have some conventions that I will be attending! Given everything else, it’s unlikely there will be a volume 4 DVD, but I am planning on a new History of Power Rangers-themed poster and badge card, so convention attendees look out for those, along with t-shirts and other DVDs that will be in stock with me. The list, of course, will be updated as new conventions are added or if I’m unable to attend something originally planned. Here’s what we’ve got so far:
Animinneapolis – I will once again be attending Animinneapolis on May 25-27 at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis in Minneapolis, MN! This has become a regular thing for me since it’s local and I hope to see people there! Anime Midwest – I shall once again be going to Anime Midwest on July 6-8 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Rosemont, IL! This one’s also a regular one for me, but it’s definitely a lot of fun and the area is full of great places to see and eat at and the hotel itself is pretty dang cool! Too Many Games – I’ll be coming back to Too Many Games this year on June 22-24 at the Greater Philadelpha Expo Center in Oaks, PA! I sat out last year but I’ll be back again this time with plenty of copies of the AT4W Movie and the Compilation DVD, so definitely come out and take a look!
That’s all I’ve got for now, looking forward to hearing what people have to say!
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daynamartinez22 · 3 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 335
Click on the video above to watch Episode 335 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Welcome everybody Hump Day hangouts Episode 335, also known as 335. Today is the 14th of April 2021. Get the whole game here. So we are going to give our greeting Say hello to everybody. Got a couple of announcements to go over and then we are going to jump into your questions. If you’re watching live. Go ahead, you can add your questions on there and just say What’s up? Say hi. Let us know you’re alive and still kicking. If you’re checking out the replay, come join us live sometime it’s every week at 4 pm Eastern at semantic mastery comm slash HD questions. Let’s see her nine you are first on the list here today. How are you doing man?
Cool, why don’t they What did they do? I’m good, man. I’m good. Good, happy to be here. Whether it’s still nice. Here, when Osiris we’re heading into the cooler season, but it’s good. Everything’s good.
Cool. What’s going on in Facebook ads lands these days, what’s the biggest Oh, it’s crazy, man. It’s crazy. It’s insane. Like, there’s a bunch of changes coming up. But you know, we’re still looking good. There’s a bunch of changes when it comes to privacy. When it comes to specifically, apple, iOS, you know, anything that has to do with with with that environment, there’s going to be higher privacy and force, which I think it’s cool. But it’s also, you know, a challenge for us marketers that are trying to, you know, develop or deliver relevant ads to people. So other than that, you know, it’s looking good on we are we’re finding our way through it. So it’s challenging as you show, you know, that’s the name of digital marketing.
So, fair enough. Bradley, how you doing today?
Good, man. super busy. Lots of lots of good things going on. Just a lot of things on the horizon that are starting to pop and it’s just been good. So glad.
I think you were talking yesterday, don’t let me spoil a beat or spill the beans here from not solely talking about this, but I think you were working or you’re working with some members in the mastermind for some sales type of stuff.
Yeah, we started the last Thursday was kind of like the orientation meeting. But you know, we have many mastermind groups. In the mastermind. I’ve had one that I’ve been hosting for probably close to three months now with anybody that’s new, that does marketing and real estate either for their own real estate business for investment purposes or for flipping or for if they doing marketing services for realtors or real estate agents. And we do that once every two weeks. But then I just started another small mini mastermind it’s meeting every week on Thursdays now for anybody that is doing a lot of heavy prospecting in sales for their own agency. Because I want to, you know, get better at sales myself. And so we’re, we were going on a 40 starting tomorrow is our 40 to 42 weeks of consecutive mini accountability groups meetings every Thursday, where we’re going to be talking exclusively about prospecting and sales methods and you know, just in trying to get better at that so I’m really looking forward to it at the end, you know, 42 weeks is going to take us all the way until January of 2022. And you know, we should all the members of the group which I think there’s six of it plus six plus me right now, we should all be better at sales by the end of that for damn sure.
So, let’s say if you’re not you guys all got a problem. But yeah, that’s awesome. Yeah, more Bradley’s talking about if you’re not in the mastermind, we regularly form we tried to do it about quarterly form small groups and kind of the mini masterminds if you will racing to get more one on one time. And we’re going to be starting that back up again pretty soon. So if you’re not in the mastermind, you’re thinking about joining now’s a really good time to get in before we start forming those up because once we do that we wait for another you know, quarter, and then we’ll do it again.
So Alright, Chris, how are you doing today?
Good. So happy that spring is here. Like temperature is up and down like it is in April but things are pretty good.
Good deal, man. All right, Marco. What’s the weather report?
It’s the rainy season in Costa Rica. Catch it? Oh, looks awful.
It’s horrible. It’s horrible. It’s overcast. And it’s a little bit cooler than usual. So I have my air conditioning turn up to 72 I think it is. And I don’t I don’t want to get too cold. Right. Is it comfortable? But yeah, you know, we have to suffer through these. Through these horrible seasons in Costa Rica. It’s either dry, or it’s raining everywhere. So life is what it is. Can anybody say? GMB posting service? Oh, was I supposed to say that?
Somebody today I know. The VA that I trained to write for me according to Jordan training, which I’m not going to mention live Of course, nothing of that is ever going to get out but we write for both the bot and the person we write for the entity and to try to get the person’s click. So the VAT is trained for that is actually writing templates. And they’re tuned that as far as you can tune 1500 characters, you can domain entity and some supporting. But it is being they’re being set up that way. And that’s so they’re going to be well written, everything is going to be checked and double-checked. But of course, if you should happen to be getting that service, you should always edit your content according to what your message is, right? If so, if you see something that shouldn’t be, you can send it back to us. However, it is we’ll work it out. But it’s going to be up to me. The best way to do it has always been getting people in the GMB as managers and get them to post from the GMB. I’ve never been a fan of auto posters. And we recently had some issues with some auto posters where the API was tagged as dirty by Google. I don’t like mentioning names. I don’t like saying what who or what, let’s just say that when you get people like Rob, our partner in crime and MGYB, and then the heavy hitter club involved in anything, an IP is gonna get muddied up, it’s gonna get dirty. All right. So if you know that, you have things that you care about, why would you put that through a risk of that nature, where it could be tagged as dirt. Now, we didn’t know this until now, but my whole system has always been getting them added as managers in the GMB and they post from the GMB. They add images. In the GMB videos. Everything gets done inside the GMB. Fortunately, I’ve only had a couple of suspensions during this whole time. So something must be right about adding the person as the manager in the GMB. Of course, it’s mostly the GMB the one or one of the times that I did get suspended, it was a, it was added as a post office box with the street address. Those are usually are generally known as legit, right. But they do carry a risk. And one of those risks is if it gets suspended, it’s kind of difficult to get it verified again or to get the suspension lifted. And anyway, there you go. It’s coming. It’s another thing to be really excited about. We just continue to add what people need in MGYB to write their ship, which is what we’re all about, right? You should read your ship, make money, change someone to help you make more money, lather, rinse, repeat, making the system making money should be a system.
Oh, yeah. Well, if you’re new to us, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, you’re new to MGYB and you want to find out more about what Mark was referring to there, find out how to shield your site, don’t worry about algorithm updates, and you can find out what the hell the SEO shield is because I guarantee you’re gonna hear it like 10 times today. So head over to SEOshield.com it’s a free training, it’ll explain a lot of this stuff. Plus, it’s actually got training in there about how you can apply this stuff. If you’re looking to take things a step further beyond that, grab the battle plan, alright, that’s step-by-step processes for SEO, all the stuff we do in check out that battle plan dot semantic mastery calm. And for those of you who are like us, if you’re an agency owner, or you’re just a consultant, running a small team, and you want to get more clients, you want to grow your business, write more revenue, and you want to steal your team, then to x your agency is what we recommend you to check out and that’s at 2xyouragency.com and we’ve already mentioned the mastermind on top of the mini masterminds on top of the webinars from everyone here on top of the community, that that’s just where you’re going to get the best and quickest turnaround on information and a peer group is second to none. So if you’re looking for that, whether you have a digital marketing business, again, whether you’re a consultant or maybe even have a brick and mortar like some of our members do, you can find out more about that a mastermind dot semantic mastery.com Let’s see. Last but not least, I wanted to mention POFU Live. So this is year four. Are that right guys? Yeah. I think so.
No, it is four because yeah, last year, we didn’t do it. We did a virtual event. So that’s why I didn’t register. But yeah, this is
Yeah, I was like wait a second. So POFU Live we settled, we were able to schedule this in. So it’s gonna be the last weekend in September 2021. So that’s going to be the VIP day on the 24th. And then we’re going to have to go hard on 25th 26th. With ourselves with some amazing guest speakers, it’s gonna be a ton of fun. I was really happy this last year, the feedback was probably the best out of the last three years, which we were really happy about going virtual, of course, you know, we weren’t sure. But we did that feedback was great. Everyone got a ton of value out of that. We’re gonna be opening up tickets for that pretty soon, as usual for those of you who are taking action and grab them faster will definitely be a kind of a pre-launch or early bird offer. So make sure you take advantage of that and we’ll be sharing more information about that over the coming weeks and then over the summer too. So Stay tuned for that. Anything else you guys before we drop into the questions.
I just wanted to mention real quick that, you know, it’s crazy because you said the peer group is second to none in the mastermind. And I agree. And it’s funny because one of our longest members had kind of gone dark for quite some time, but he remained a member. And just recently, the last few weeks or month and a half or something like that he’s resurfaced. And he’s been participating a lot in the group and joined the mini mastermind with me. And he’s also joined a small accountability group that I hold with a couple of other members on a weekly basis. And it’s, it’s just great to see, he’s been with us since like day one. And so for, you know, somebody to be all these years and in this still participate with the group, it just goes to show you that, you know, it is a good peer group to be in guys. So I would recommend you do it. definitely get access to the small groups and all that. So, alright, well, I’m gonna grab the screen, and let’s get into it. We’ve got several questions already.
We can see your screen.
Should We Avoid Using Billing/Credit Card/Address Info Between Projects To Avoid Footprints In Google Suite?
Okay, good. Thank you. It looks like Justin is the one that we’re starting with cases, I just listened to a video where Bradley was talking about adding a G Suite account for all new projects with their own billing information. Okay, are we supposed to avoid using the same billing credit card address info between projects to avoid different footprints? Excuse me? And if so, what’s the most practical way to do that? I don��t, I don’t, I don’t use different billing information for G Suite stuff. You know, for client stuff, they do it right. But for my own stuff, I use my same information, because it’s me that’s required to pay for the billing. I’ve never had an issue with it. I know I’ve heard other people say that they have. But I’ve never had an issue with having multiple Google workspace accounts. It’s never caused me any problem whatsoever. So I’ve got like, literally, well, well over a dozen, I can say that I don’t know if I got two dozen yet. But well over a dozen workspace accounts that I pay for $6 a month, every single damn month for every one of them. But there’s a benefit for it. And most of those accounts make me quite a good amount of money. So there, it’s totally worth it. And I’ve never had any trouble with having the same billing information. So I’m not sure which video you were watching Justin but I don’t have any problem with it. That doesn’t mean that it can’t potentially create a problem. Maybe somebody else here has had a problem with it.
Marco I’ve you know, I’ve never had problems, but I use multiple credit cards I get like I get people to give me something like a $500 credit limit. So that you can use it in ads and all these different things. And the only pain with that one is having to update it. Like every time the card expires, you do have to update the information, but you just hire a VA to do to make all those changes. Okay, that’s how I do it. I know, I know, you do it your way, you’ve never had trouble, I do it my way. I’ve never had problems.
We’re good. Next, Gordon says. And by the way, guys, if you are worried about it, a lot of credit card companies will allow you to create virtual credit card numbers where you can like, they’ll give you a unique credit card number for one specific account so that you’re not using the same account number across all the different things that you sign up for several credits, you know, a lot of credit card companies will offer that as an option now. So they’ll give you it’s all tied to the same card, the same account, but they give you virtual credit card numbers. So that might be an option you can look into if you’re worried about that.
The only problem with that one is if you’re using it with Google ads, and for some reason, the virtual card gets declined. everything related to that card will then get declined, including the main card really well that yeah, that’s an issue and I know someone that it happened to, which is why I’m mentioning it.
What Is The Reason Why You Have Different Link Building Approach For Yelp And GMB Listing?
Okay. So Gordon’s up longtime Gordon and he says, Hey, guys, I believe you mentioned previously that we can blast a ton of backlinks directly to a Yelp listing and get it to page first page of Google search results. Yeah, it’s been a few years since I’ve done that, but that used to work incredibly well. He says if it’s not in a super high competitive niche or area without getting any Google penalty, wow, for GMB listings, we should, of course, use our way as Google Drive stack from MGYB or web 2.0 sites as tier one buffers so as not to incur any Google penalty. So I was wondering if you could explain what is the reason that Yelp and GMB are different in that respect? They’re not. You can I mean, you know unless Marco has something to say differently. You can just hammer away to Google the GMB profile with you know, just like you can a Yelp listing. So I’ve not had any trouble with that either. Is there anything that I’m misquoting here Marco or no, that’s a misinterpretation of what we said? We said, Oh, all bets are off. And when it’s Google when it’s a Google property, you Yeah, I mean, in GMB, a GMB listing is a Google property. It’s on Google subdomains on the maps, subdomain. All of the business domains are on a Google-owned domain, that business site has a lot of power, man, you’re shaking, a lot of power, those posts will push a lot of power. So no, all bets are off, though they get hammered. They get hammered. We’ve never made a distinction, the only place where I’ve made a distinction is just leaving the money site pristine, never hitting it directly. Because you want that to get links, naturally. However, whatever that means, but in a natural manner, so people are going to link to it, people are going to share it, people are going to do whatever the whatever it is, naturally, you want that to happen to the money site, where off-page and through Google, as I’ve said, or through something that that really powerful, you know, to be a really powerful domain like Amazon, MSN, Yahoo, just whatever YouTube or YouTube is, is a Google property anyway, but you understand what I’m saying? Yeah, it has that high trust and authority. According to Google, not according to vanity metrics are third-party metrics. But according to Google, they’re not then hammering it citations hammer those yellow Yeah. Yellow Pages all hammer them S3 @ID, all of your tier one assets, hammer them. That’s what we say. Leave your money site, pristine. I know Bradley likes to go with press releases to the money site. I don’t recommend that unless you know what you’re doing. Because it’s going to mean hundreds of links to whatever that page it is that you’re linking to. So you better know what you’re doing. Other than that, I don’t see any problems. How’s he any issues?
There you go. And yeah, so I was gonna disagree with what Marco said it Yeah. When we talk about using our drive stack and you know, syndication networks and all that as buffers, it’s for any money site or money page that you’re trying to push. You know, you don’t want to but when you’re hitting the GMB website, the Google Maps URL, GMB, or Google Site know those kinds of things, you just hammer away. So okay. By the way, this is good. This is good because this is a question about press releases. And I wanted to kind of touch on what Marco just said, You know, I do use press releases to link sometimes to the money site. When I do though, you know, it’s always a naked URL or a brand anchor. That’s it. Like, it’s either a naked URL, or it’s a brand anchor if I’m going to use an anchor text, which is okay, for the money site, but that’s it like I don’t do any keyword rank links using, you know, so keyword anchors from press releases directly to the money site. However, you can use keyword anchors in press releases when you’re linking to an SEO shield property, for example, or GMB. You know, an asset for example. So, you know, again, it’s, it’s about very strategically using press releases, but um, I do like using press releases as an actual link-building tool for my money, you know, money site stuff, so.
What Are The Best 3 Links URL And Anchor Text To Submit When Filling Out The MGYB Press Release?
Alright, so the next question was from Ron, he says, when filling out the MG y b press release form, for best results to boost Google rankings for a service-oriented keyword page, like domain comm slash general contractors fail Fairfield, California, and help boost my Google My Business Page, general contractors, Fairfield CA is the keyword I’m wanting to rank for number one, what are the best three links, URLs or three links to submit? And the anchor text? Okay, well, as I just mentioned, if you’re going to link directly to your money site, to that to that particular page is like in that example, then I would leave that as either just a make a URL, so the URL is the anchor, right, or a brand name. And that’s it like nothing else. If you’re going to link directly to the money site, okay. One of the best three links, well, it’s not necessary to always put three links in there, you also have to consider what you’re doing. If you go to Semantic Mastery, excuse me, youtube.com/semanticmastery, you can search for in search our channel, use the channel search feature and search for press release SEO or PR silo stalking, any one of those terms, and you can go through and watch and maybe we can even drop the link in here on in the chatbox. But there’s a webinar that Marco and I did ship probably close to two years ago now about how to silo press releases together. And that’s a very, very powerful way that’s kind of what I’ve been doing now for many, many months, is just doing PR silos. And we talk about exactly how to do that. So it’s not necessary to you know, you can still use three links, but you got to think about what you know how you’re splitting up the PageRank or the link equity that you from those from the press release. And it’s better to try to limit your URLs like I try not to do more than two Links now and press releases, I was doing three for a long time, but I really just stick to two now. And that’s always because it’s one to my target property and one to the previous press release in the silo. That makes sense. And we talked about that in the press release silo webinar. So if you just go check that out, it’s really it’s on our channel. And it’ll help you to get better at understanding how to use press releases in it, as you know, just to stack them in a silo order or fashion, if that makes sense.
All right, I’m on record, I’ve always recommended links.
Yeah, and that’s what I’ve been doing now for months. So, and I agree. And usually at the top of the silo, I only have one link in the press release. And that’s to whatever the target is, and I’m trying to push the power to you know, and contextual doesn’t make it an I’m gonna drop you some more knowledge. mega contextual doesn’t make it a naked URL. Contextual works much better for creating the semantic relationships that we’re looking to create at the top of the silo, Papa silo. Yeah,
yeah. But remember, don’t do that. If you’re linking to your money page, right? Do that linking to one of your SEO shield properties don’t. So again, if you’re linking to your money site page as the top of the silo and the press release silo, then you want to use a naked URL or brand anchor in that case, I would probably go with a brand new anchor Well, except that your naked URL has your keyword in it here. So that could be a way to do it too. So but just like I said, Be careful what you’re doing with the press releases, if you’re going to be linking to your money page, just stick with either naked or brand anchors, naked URLs, or brand new anchors. As far as the best three, like I said, that I select. Typically, it’s going to be an SEO shield asset, you know, the G site mirror page. So the page that has been mirrored after the page that I want to promote on the money site, except it’s on the G site if that makes sense, or GMB or, you know, whatever it is that I’m trying to link to. But if you’re going to do two links, then it would be whatever your target is that you’re trying to push the most power to. And then usually to one of your other tier-one entity assets, one of your other branded entity assets within the SEO shield, syndication network, GMB website, g site, Google Map URL, any one of those, if you’re trying to push maps, like in the local three-pack, then I would recommend linking to your whatever your target URL is, again, if it’s going to be your money site page, then so be it. But as the second link, I would always link to either the GMB website or the GMB map URL. And I’m gonna I know that was one of your questions, what’s the best URL to link to there? I’m going to show you how to find that in just a moment. Okay. As far as anchor text, as I said, if you remember, if you’re linking to SEO showed assets or any tier one branded entity asset, you can use keywords. And that’s what Marco just said is actually better. That’s more powerful than naked URLs. So your anchor text is going to be whatever you want it to be. So for example, general contractors, Fairfield VA, I would probably word it slightly to where it reads naturally, like, you know, General Contractors in Fairfield, California, or in Fairfield Kat ca and use that as an anchor text to link back to, you know, again, your GMB website, or your GMB map URL or something like that. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I show him how to find that URL?
No, no, that’s fine.
So if we go to like, if I just do a quick search for big bamboo marketing, there, it comes up. And when if you do a brand search, you get a knowledge panel to pick up here. Then there’s a Chrome extension. It’s called gather up. So gather up Chrome extension, and you just click that, and right there is that that’s the maps URL that you want to use. It’s the dub dub dub dub google.com, slash maps, question mark, CID equals URL. Does that make sense? And again, it’s called a gather up Chrome extension, just go to Google and search, gather up Chrome extension, go add it to Chrome, and then go do a brand search for the brand that you want to grab that URL from. And when the knowledge panel appears, you can also do it inside of Google Maps. It won’t give you the Google writer review URL if you do it inside of Google Maps. But if you just do it for standard Google search, and the knowledge panel appears, you’ll get both of these URLs. And that’s the URL you want to use. Okay. It’s a good question.
How Do You Find The Right Google My Business Link To Submit?
All right, number three. Oh, how do you find them? So how do you find the right okay, and should it be one of the three-link URLs? Well, it can be but also remember, if you’re buying press releases from us press advantage allows you to add a Google My Business map to the organization page when for that brand right for that company. And one of the options is to embed the GMB map into the press release. So, you know, you can link to that map URL if you’d like but you can also just opt to have the map embedded, which is typically what I do okay.
What Is The Best Practice To Optimize The Image For SEO Purposes?
Okay, moving on the number, what is the best practice for the image filename. The image with the keyword with the best practice for the image, again, if you’re doing maps is to use the use, or trying to rank locally, or whatever is to use the URL of an image that’s already been published on your money site. So like, if you’ve got a page, in this case, your general contractors, Fairfield ca page, whatever image you have on that page, that’s already been optimized. Hopefully, you’ve already optimized that image, the file name, the metadata, all of that stuff’s been optimized geotagged and everything and it’s been added to the page on your money site, then add the image through the URL, because then what press advantage does is it publishes the press release, using the source URL for the image source from your money site page. So now you’ve got your website, your photo, that is a media file on your website, which has now been syndicated out to hundreds of press releases, you know, published on a bunch of different news and media sites. So it’s pushing credit back to your money site, image URL if that makes sense. So that’s what I do. And then likewise, if you don’t want to, if you’re not linking back to, you know, you can also use an image from a from Google My Business, for example, from your Google My Business profile, you can embed an image from there using the image URL there. So just think about where it is that you’re trying to push the power to. If it’s all trying to push the power from the money site landing page to the location landing page, then use the image URL from that page. If it’s that you’re trying to push maps, grab an image from maps, make sure it’s been geotagged before you upload it, but then grab the URL from maps and use that as your embedded image URL. Does that make sense? And then for keywords, I just usually put whatever keyword I’m trying to optimize for. And then I put by like, the letter B y, and then the brand name so that I’m creating that association between the brand and the keyword.
Any comments on that? Yeah, one of my press releases will have my logo. Another one of my press releases will have the logo from the GMB. So it’ll be it’ll create that relationship between my GMB logo and the logo on my website. And then I’ll just keep adding images that are part of my entity from around the web. So, however, many press releases are in my stack, that’s the number of images that are going to go out, they’re all going to be related because I’m going to be claiming all of those in my same as the information in the schema. The idea here is to reinforce all of these entity relationships that we’re creating all of these brand relationships that we’re creating. So I’m going to use my logo, I’m going to use the GMB logo, I’m going to use images from the GMB and images from my website and related images. So I’m going to have between three and seven press releases before I start my next stack, and so on until I read it. And then if it one of the ways that you can also do it is you can do like an image and bedroom to continue creating those relationships to continue powering up your images. And you’ll pop an image carousel with joy. So when someone does a brand search, you’ll get that nice image carousel, you get a nice video carousel if you have videos. And then that adds. So the reason for this and why I like doing this is because people will often when they look at if they’re going to hire your service, they’ll do a brand search, what is this company about? And when they go in, I only want them to see my stuff. So I want to pop all that up for them. When they come to that you’ll see people doing the brand search when they come they do the brand search and they see everything that’s related to wherever they click, they’re gonna land on one of your properties. And if they click on it, hopefully, they’ll go to a CTA. So you’re always trying to create a way for that person to convert. It’s not just the idea of creating the relationship or whatever. There has to be, like, a purpose behind all of this. And the purpose behind it all is to try to convert as many people as possible trying to get them to click trying to follow that call to action. Yeah.
Yeah, and it’s interesting if you notice, if you do a lot of GMB stuff, you’ll notice there’s a lot of brand searches that come in GMB insights, you’ll see that a lot. And what I’ve kind of discovered is that you know, and I guess this has been known, but it’s, it’s interesting to see it more and more and more recently, but um, I think a lot of people will when they do like a generic search for, you know, a keyword search for a service or whatever, and they find the company that they’re going to contact. Again, in my case, it’s pretty much all Tree Service stuff now. So if they can’t find a Tree Service contractor through a generic keyword search that they’re going to call to request an estimate from, they oftentimes will go do a brand search before making the call. And so the and so it’s really interesting, but in GMB insights I see all the time now, that brand searches are one of the top keywords that are used to trigger the maps listings. And it just makes you wonder who’s doing all these Brand searches. And it must just be that people were kind of being conditioned to go look at what else is being said about the company before calling them, especially for contractors. So, so you remark up. Yep, yeah. And so here’s the other thing, this is what I was talking about. So here was an image just from big bamboo marketing example, that was the URL. So you can see it’s in the actual, you know, domain, but this could be the embedded image in the press release. And then there was one that I just took from a this is a GMB post from Semantic Mastery. And if you just click on a GMB post image and click copy image address, that’s what it looks like. And so you can also look at that’s a Google user content domain that’s already been associated with your brand. It’s tied to it because it knows where it’s been placed. And so that’s a very powerful thing to do as well. So, those were really good questions, by the way.
What Is The Best Practice To Optimize A YouTube Video?
So we’re gonna keep moving. What is the best practice for the YouTube video? title name with the video with the keyword? Yeah, I mean, it depends on what you’re trying to do. I don’t do a lot of video SEO stuff anymore, but I still optimize them the same way that I did years ago, in which I always do the primary keyword, then a separator, and then the brand name. That’s how I did it. It works to give them the link to YouTube silo Academy, and it’s only seven bucks. And I think it’s why T dot silo dot Academy,
I’ll grab the link and put it on there.
Yeah, go grab that, man. , this is one of the best investments, you can make only seven bucks.
A tip right there. Beautiful. Now you don’t see my fat face on there anymore, either. Now, I had to replace that I saw it like six months ago, and I was like, holy shit. I was almost 300 pounds at the time I recorded that sales video. Anyway, Alright, moving on. Those were really, really good questions. Um, okay, and you can embed a video into press releases, they don’t get embedded on all of them. But you can add a video URL to a press release.
Why You Teach Your SEO Methods To Others Instead of Keeping Them To Yourselves?
Okay, Bb’s up with a list of questions. What’s up, baby says, Hey, guys, why won’t you rather keep all of your methods to yourself and telling it to others? Why do you teach this? Why do you want this kind of income stream? Then rather hammering your methods for you only? That’s a good question. I mean, originally, when we got started, it was just the well, it was all of us that you see here today. But we had got together through a forum that another like mastermind that we had joined, which was basically a forum, it was supposed to have a webinar once per month, which didn’t end up panning out. But we were all paying $200 a month to be a member of this particular, like mastermind community type thing. And it was mainly just access to a forum. And we would all chat often in, you know, in the forum. And I ended up deciding that I wanted to create a weekly accountability group so that we could just meet on a weekly basis unit at the time as Google Hangouts and, and just kind of share what was working, what wasn’t working, and just learn from each other. And so all of us connected and as well as many others, and we would just start meeting every single week. And what happened was, it was funny, but we at you know what, before we decided to monetize it and turn it into a business, I think we had on any given week, roughly 25 to 30 people show up every week, but it was really like just a handful of us it was us and a few others, there’s probably about seven, or probably about eight of us that would constantly be sharing every single week, and talking and sharing and talking and sharing, everybody else would just show up and listen, which was fine. But uh, you know, after the original group that we had all joined in, we’re paying $200 a month for wasn’t providing what it had promised us. You know, we decided at some point, we realized, like, hey, we’ve got we’re putting out better information than what we’re paying $200 a month to be a part of. So why the hell don’t we monetize this and turn this into a business? And so that’s what we did, we formed Semantic Mastery. Before we actually became a corporation, we went out and kind of just, we just started trying to develop an idea of how we were going to monetize stuff. And then you know, took a few months before we actually incorporated and we had to work out you know, we lost a few that were originally going to be partners with us, but it ended up being just the five of us. And part of it was because you know, it was there’s so much that we can’t do at all like in other words, even if everybody that comes and watches these webinars on Hump Day hangouts wanted to get into specifically Tree Service marketing, there are enough damn Tree Service contractors in the United States alone, that there’s enough for all of us. There’s a big ocean of money sloshing around out there and there’s not really any one of us can do at all. Do you know what I mean? There’s enough room in the space for all of us is my point. And so there was really no reason for us not to share some of our methods and techniques, especially because you know, in this industry, you guys know there’s a lot of garbage, there’s a lot of shit that gets pushed out there. And our methodology was always such that and this was what we literally developed a semantic mastery on was that we would only teach stuff that has been proven that we’ve proven and because each one of us has our own digital marketing businesses and various forms, we have a vast amount of experience. And we only share what we know, to work with our own projects on our own clients and such so that it makes it not risky for our members and our students. And that was part of the reason that we wanted to do it was to kind of help to, you know, provide some good stuff out there among all the bullshit if that makes sense. And so, and it’s just stuck, you know, this is not my primary source of income. But it is been good to us to me, you know, and so that’s part of the reason we do these free on every single week is so that we can give back to this industry, which has been having treated me well over the years. So that’s my take on it. Let’s say you. Yeah,
I’m thinking about this. And from the numbers that I know. I think it’s at least $4 trillion that was spent online. only online shopping last year, fortunately, how much of that? Do you need to be happy? Or how much of that deep? I know to want? Want? This is like a really heavy word? How much do you need? Yeah, I want to I want the entire trillion. Well, I’m sorry, I’m not greedy like that. I’m happy with a piece of the pie. I’d love to compete. So I don’t mind people coming on with it. As Bradley said, there’s plenty of room in the Tree Service market if you want to get in it. But not only that, if you want to compete with me, you’re more than welcome. Let’s see, let’s see, we have an even playing field because I’m giving you the same information that I use to get results. Now, let’s see who wins because at that point, now we’re at war, or how what I see as war, and I’m at war with you if you’re my competitor, and I’m going to do all I can to knock you off, man. Because of the date, there’s only room for one, number one, and I’m going to try to get as many of that to three of those other positions in the top 10. to knock you out. I mean, and it’s just, it’s but that’s my competitive nature. But I’m also saying I’m not a person who comes, from scarcity. I don’t like that I don’t like people who look, there’s only $4 trillion. I’m like, holy crap, 4 trillion, only in online shopping. That doesn’t include how much money is traded online, how much money there is, for example, for example, in the service sector, and all these other things that take place online, you can do so many other things online, other than having an e-commerce site or an affiliate, you can provide services, you can provide services for service providers, so many different things that you can do. If a person comes into my neck of the woods and they want to compete, then you’re more than welcome. So BBD and the answer is like I don’t give a shit. I want people making as much money as they can off Google and of the other search engines ones that once they dominate Google, go ahead, go after going after whoever else you want to go after because it doesn’t make a difference. You’re not taking money or you’re not taking food off my table, by me sharing my, my methods, my systems with you by making them available by this being an income stream. And I laugh when I see that because this is free. We don’t make any money off of this. This is free stuff. So if we had any kind of scarcity mentality, we wouldn’t even be doing this. So you wouldn’t even have this available for you to come and ask this question. And then not only that, like my main source of income isn’t Semantic Mastery. It’s not MGYB it’s not the heavy hitter club. And in fact, I do Hump Day hangouts because it’s fun because I enjoy I’d like to talk shit. I’d like to share information. I like for people to know the bullshit that they’re being fed in other SEO groups. And I like to give back to the SEO community that has given me so much. During the time that I’ve been online, which is 18 years 18 and counting right now. So that’s my acid is that scarcity. It’s fun. And there’s plenty of money to go around, man. Plenty. Yeah, I agree. I mean, as I said,
I think it’s fun and also, this might sound cliche, but over the years we’ve had many students or members, because like I said in the mastermind, I don’t consider those guys students or those folks, students there. They’re members, right? Because they’re colleagues essentially. And we’ve had many of our members or whatever that have over the years become very, very successful. And, you know, they’ve given us some credit for that, obviously, it’s them that does the hustle, we’ve just provided them information, but they had to apply it, and put in the work and everything else. So it’s them that did it, but we had some part and we’ve been given credit for that at some level and helping them to succeed. And that’s, that’s very rewarding. It really is, that’s part of the reason I got into doing this just to help encourage other people to make a change in their life, you know, to get over the rat race, you know, working just over broke, right jlb having a job being just over broke and doing something to secure their own financial future, or at least give them more control over their own financial future. And that’s what, that’s part of the reason I got into doing it. Because, you know, I spent many years literally behind a computer screen studying in in testing for, you know, 14 1516 hours a day, before I started making any money. And then once I started making money, I wanted to be able to help other people to do that, as well. And on all of us, my partners, and I all have that, you know that that desire to help others where else we wouldn’t behave done this all this time. And that’s what I was pointing out up here 335 episodes, this is the free webinar that we do every single week. So that’s well over six years, we’re going on close to seven years now. Which is insane. So anybody else wants to comment on that? Adam, Hernan. We got time.
I think you guys kind of, you know, a combination of all of that. Yeah, you know, it’s fun. And, you know, sharing this is definitely a part of it. And I think over the years I have moved more into that non-scarcity mindset. You know, there’s so much out there and you know, there’s so many ideas I pray even gone even further was just like, yeah, we could share all day because so few people are going to take the time to implement things done. And it is work right. You know, when it comes down to it, you got to steal from Marco do they do, right? You can listen all day, but if you don’t implement it doesn’t mean shit. So yeah, it was it is fun. I like getting on here and talking. And you know, I’ve just thought it’s funny if you guys go back a few years in the archives on YouTube and check us out and are you know, I especially would be like, Hey, guys, like, Hey, I’m Adam. Now it’s like, man, screw it. I want to talk to people. Let’s do this stuff. Good.
Yeah, SCR our new since we got time guys up, we don’t really have any other questions coming through. But SCR new, you know, the member who’s an instructor for syndication Academy. She, when we were launching that a couple a few weeks ago, she and I got on a zoom call to record basically the sales video sales letter. And, and she was super nervous. And it was funny, because she was like, you know, I don’t know if I can do this, blah, blah, blah. And I was telling her, I was like, Yeah, you’re gonna get better, don’t worry about it. Like, honestly, you’ll get better. It’s just, it’s just like anything else, you get better at it with time you get more comfortable doing it.
And I remember, that’s what I was talking about the YouTube silo Academy. That was one of the very first few products that we launched. And, you know, I was close to 300 pounds at that time, it was a real close-up headshot, and it was just my fat face talking into the camera.
And it’s so funny because as Adam says, you know, you look back and it’s like, wow, we’ve come a long way I’m so much more comfortable talking to you on a webinar and such now. So yeah, it’s been interesting to watch kind of the progression of all of us. And we still we’re still here, we’re still doing this every single fucking Wednesday.
I mean, again, 335. We’re going on seven years now. So you know, I’m proud of us for doing that.
Are Your Methods Invulnerable To Google’s May Core Web Vitals Update?
Alright, last question. And we’re gonna wrap it up a little bit early unless somebody else posted another question. Maybe says, Does your method when I take a hit from the May update about core web vitals? I don’t know. Most likely not big. I mean, we’ve been fortunate with the methods that Marco mainly has developed, you know, with this semantic, semantic SEO, essentially entity based SEO, that we’ve been able to just slide right past all the major updates for the last several years, which is why we just keep sticking with what’s working instead of trying all these new things. That, you know, because we were we’ve enabled very fortunately to our methods have escaped any problems with all the major updates that have occurred over the last couple of years, for sure. So I don’t expect to see any difference, but we don’t know until the rollout is until an update is rolled out whether it’s going to affect we can again, BB that’s a purely speculative question. And we’re not going to speculate on that. But my assumption is that we will do just fine. But we will find out for sure when it happens. Let’s say you Mark II, I’d like to give him my answer because it’s my standard answer. BB. If I could answer that question, what I would do today is jump on a plane to the US and get on that Mega Millions and hit it and never look back. I forget what is it some ridiculous 300 million 500 million? And I’m out? See? That’s if I could answer what Google is going to do tomorrow. Because we don’t know, like day to date, much less what Google is going to do in May. What I can tell you is that up until now, our method has always been worry less SEO, it’s entity-based, we focus on the entity, everything goes towards that part of the algorithm. And what I have seen from what Google is testing for my Google is rolling out my Google has rolled out is that art, activity, relevance, trust, and authority, will trump anything. And I can almost guarantee that art, if you do this, right, if you have the entity set up properly, if you have all the bases covered, and if you have all of the pillars as we’ve always had it up, that’s going to overcome any negatives that you can get from PageSpeed, or from the core web vital. That doesn’t mean that you ignore the core web vital, because why ignore them if they can give you an additional boost? Yeah, but as far as negative, out, the way that we do it since we’re focusing on the entities has always avoided any of the negative aspects of the algorithm. And I think that as long as you’re sending good signals, you’re always going to overcome any negatives that could happen. Now, is this going to hold true into the future? I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m gonna wake up tomorrow. How can I answer what do am going to do in May? I can’t say whether I’m gonna be here in the next five minutes, 10 minutes, whatever. I hope I am. That’s all I can say. And that’s all I can work towards. I can all I’m gonna do is continue doing it do I do into the future? And should google changes should web core vitals, make a difference? That will just adjust it so that we incorporate core web vitals into everything that we do? And that’s how we that’s how we’ve always done everything. We’re just we didn’t start out with the SEO shield. We said we started out with Syndication Academy. Everything that you see today has been building off everything else that we do. It was IFTTT SEO Yeah. Then that wasn’t as strong as it should be. We unquote we went and see okay, how can we make it better? Okay, RYS Academy, RYS Academy reloaded @ID we incorporate more into syndication Academy Coco genius. Yoshi, what’s a local? Yeah, local GMB Pro. But with the SEO shield, PR Pro, local PR Pro with local GMB Pro with the SEO I mean, this everything has been building one, one or the other. This didn’t happen overnight. So should anything happen overnight? When this rolls out, we’ll go take a look and see what happened. And we know what it is. So we just adjust for it. It’s very simple. Yeah.
All right. So I guess we’re gonna wrap it up. But a shout out also that should have said this earlier to Adam. He posted in the Slack channel with SCR instructor from syndication Academy, a really, really good find, which I’m not going to reveal here because it will be revealed in one of the upcoming syndication Academy update webinars, but I played with it. Adam, just because you mentioned it. And um, I’ve got some tests, I want to run with that. But I could see the value of it immediately when you said that. And even on the free account. They are publishable, by the way.
So how standing? Yeah, so I’m a partner with them. And they gave me some training. And I was like, Huh, this could apply outside of productivity. Let me absolutely again. So I’m looking forward to that. So yeah, I guess SEO be given an update to the syndication Academy members. And yeah, that’s a good one. So I just want to give a shout-out for that, because I even took time out of my day, which I really didn’t have time to play with it today. But I was just like, oh my god, that sounds amazing. So I went in and played with it, and I could see how we can do some pretty nasty stuff with that. I’m gonna test with it a little bit.
What Is Digital Marketing In A Nutshell?
So the last question just came in. an unknown person says, Can you tell me what digital marketing is? In a nutshell? Yeah, it’s marketing. Online. That’s what digital marketing is. is marketing online.
Advertising delivered through digital channels if you want to get taken, yeah, but who wants to get you know, the way that I’ve thought about or I had heard a definition of, you know, marketing is one too many. Sales are one to one. That makes sense. So marketing is sales to many and sales. Sales are one to one. I’m sorry, marketing is one too many and sales is one to one. And so Mark Mark digital marketing is just marketing, in any of its forms, but online, right. That’s the way that I look at it. So Okay, thanks to everybody for being here, a mastermind with me tomorrow, as well as the real estate, excuse me, the sales mini mastermind starting tomorrow is the first of 42 weeks. So if anybody wants to join that join the mastermind and we can talk about
Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 335 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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localwebmgmt · 3 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 335
Click on the video above to watch Episode 335 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Welcome everybody Hump Day hangouts Episode 335, also known as 335. Today is the 14th of April 2021. Get the whole game here. So we are going to give our greeting Say hello to everybody. Got a couple of announcements to go over and then we are going to jump into your questions. If you’re watching live. Go ahead, you can add your questions on there and just say What’s up? Say hi. Let us know you’re alive and still kicking. If you’re checking out the replay, come join us live sometime it’s every week at 4 pm Eastern at semantic mastery comm slash HD questions. Let’s see her nine you are first on the list here today. How are you doing man?
Cool, why don’t they What did they do? I’m good, man. I’m good. Good, happy to be here. Whether it’s still nice. Here, when Osiris we’re heading into the cooler season, but it’s good. Everything’s good.
Cool. What’s going on in Facebook ads lands these days, what’s the biggest Oh, it’s crazy, man. It’s crazy. It’s insane. Like, there’s a bunch of changes coming up. But you know, we’re still looking good. There’s a bunch of changes when it comes to privacy. When it comes to specifically, apple, iOS, you know, anything that has to do with with with that environment, there’s going to be higher privacy and force, which I think it’s cool. But it’s also, you know, a challenge for us marketers that are trying to, you know, develop or deliver relevant ads to people. So other than that, you know, it’s looking good on we are we’re finding our way through it. So it’s challenging as you show, you know, that’s the name of digital marketing.
So, fair enough. Bradley, how you doing today?
Good, man. super busy. Lots of lots of good things going on. Just a lot of things on the horizon that are starting to pop and it’s just been good. So glad.
I think you were talking yesterday, don’t let me spoil a beat or spill the beans here from not solely talking about this, but I think you were working or you’re working with some members in the mastermind for some sales type of stuff.
Yeah, we started the last Thursday was kind of like the orientation meeting. But you know, we have many mastermind groups. In the mastermind. I’ve had one that I’ve been hosting for probably close to three months now with anybody that’s new, that does marketing and real estate either for their own real estate business for investment purposes or for flipping or for if they doing marketing services for realtors or real estate agents. And we do that once every two weeks. But then I just started another small mini mastermind it’s meeting every week on Thursdays now for anybody that is doing a lot of heavy prospecting in sales for their own agency. Because I want to, you know, get better at sales myself. And so we’re, we were going on a 40 starting tomorrow is our 40 to 42 weeks of consecutive mini accountability groups meetings every Thursday, where we’re going to be talking exclusively about prospecting and sales methods and you know, just in trying to get better at that so I’m really looking forward to it at the end, you know, 42 weeks is going to take us all the way until January of 2022. And you know, we should all the members of the group which I think there’s six of it plus six plus me right now, we should all be better at sales by the end of that for damn sure.
So, let’s say if you’re not you guys all got a problem. But yeah, that’s awesome. Yeah, more Bradley’s talking about if you’re not in the mastermind, we regularly form we tried to do it about quarterly form small groups and kind of the mini masterminds if you will racing to get more one on one time. And we’re going to be starting that back up again pretty soon. So if you’re not in the mastermind, you’re thinking about joining now’s a really good time to get in before we start forming those up because once we do that we wait for another you know, quarter, and then we’ll do it again.
So Alright, Chris, how are you doing today?
Good. So happy that spring is here. Like temperature is up and down like it is in April but things are pretty good.
Good deal, man. All right, Marco. What’s the weather report?
It’s the rainy season in Costa Rica. Catch it? Oh, looks awful.
It’s horrible. It’s horrible. It’s overcast. And it’s a little bit cooler than usual. So I have my air conditioning turn up to 72 I think it is. And I don’t I don’t want to get too cold. Right. Is it comfortable? But yeah, you know, we have to suffer through these. Through these horrible seasons in Costa Rica. It’s either dry, or it’s raining everywhere. So life is what it is. Can anybody say? GMB posting service? Oh, was I supposed to say that?
Somebody today I know. The VA that I trained to write for me according to Jordan training, which I’m not going to mention live Of course, nothing of that is ever going to get out but we write for both the bot and the person we write for the entity and to try to get the person’s click. So the VAT is trained for that is actually writing templates. And they’re tuned that as far as you can tune 1500 characters, you can domain entity and some supporting. But it is being they’re being set up that way. And that’s so they’re going to be well written, everything is going to be checked and double-checked. But of course, if you should happen to be getting that service, you should always edit your content according to what your message is, right? If so, if you see something that shouldn’t be, you can send it back to us. However, it is we’ll work it out. But it’s going to be up to me. The best way to do it has always been getting people in the GMB as managers and get them to post from the GMB. I’ve never been a fan of auto posters. And we recently had some issues with some auto posters where the API was tagged as dirty by Google. I don’t like mentioning names. I don’t like saying what who or what, let’s just say that when you get people like Rob, our partner in crime and MGYB, and then the heavy hitter club involved in anything, an IP is gonna get muddied up, it’s gonna get dirty. All right. So if you know that, you have things that you care about, why would you put that through a risk of that nature, where it could be tagged as dirt. Now, we didn’t know this until now, but my whole system has always been getting them added as managers in the GMB and they post from the GMB. They add images. In the GMB videos. Everything gets done inside the GMB. Fortunately, I’ve only had a couple of suspensions during this whole time. So something must be right about adding the person as the manager in the GMB. Of course, it’s mostly the GMB the one or one of the times that I did get suspended, it was a, it was added as a post office box with the street address. Those are usually are generally known as legit, right. But they do carry a risk. And one of those risks is if it gets suspended, it’s kind of difficult to get it verified again or to get the suspension lifted. And anyway, there you go. It’s coming. It’s another thing to be really excited about. We just continue to add what people need in MGYB to write their ship, which is what we’re all about, right? You should read your ship, make money, change someone to help you make more money, lather, rinse, repeat, making the system making money should be a system.
Oh, yeah. Well, if you’re new to us, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, you’re new to MGYB and you want to find out more about what Mark was referring to there, find out how to shield your site, don’t worry about algorithm updates, and you can find out what the hell the SEO shield is because I guarantee you’re gonna hear it like 10 times today. So head over to SEOshield.com it’s a free training, it’ll explain a lot of this stuff. Plus, it’s actually got training in there about how you can apply this stuff. If you’re looking to take things a step further beyond that, grab the battle plan, alright, that’s step-by-step processes for SEO, all the stuff we do in check out that battle plan dot semantic mastery calm. And for those of you who are like us, if you’re an agency owner, or you’re just a consultant, running a small team, and you want to get more clients, you want to grow your business, write more revenue, and you want to steal your team, then to x your agency is what we recommend you to check out and that’s at 2xyouragency.com and we’ve already mentioned the mastermind on top of the mini masterminds on top of the webinars from everyone here on top of the community, that that’s just where you’re going to get the best and quickest turnaround on information and a peer group is second to none. So if you’re looking for that, whether you have a digital marketing business, again, whether you’re a consultant or maybe even have a brick and mortar like some of our members do, you can find out more about that a mastermind dot semantic mastery.com Let’s see. Last but not least, I wanted to mention POFU Live. So this is year four. Are that right guys? Yeah. I think so.
No, it is four because yeah, last year, we didn’t do it. We did a virtual event. So that’s why I didn’t register. But yeah, this is
Yeah, I was like wait a second. So POFU Live we settled, we were able to schedule this in. So it’s gonna be the last weekend in September 2021. So that’s going to be the VIP day on the 24th. And then we’re going to have to go hard on 25th 26th. With ourselves with some amazing guest speakers, it’s gonna be a ton of fun. I was really happy this last year, the feedback was probably the best out of the last three years, which we were really happy about going virtual, of course, you know, we weren’t sure. But we did that feedback was great. Everyone got a ton of value out of that. We’re gonna be opening up tickets for that pretty soon, as usual for those of you who are taking action and grab them faster will definitely be a kind of a pre-launch or early bird offer. So make sure you take advantage of that and we’ll be sharing more information about that over the coming weeks and then over the summer too. So Stay tuned for that. Anything else you guys before we drop into the questions.
I just wanted to mention real quick that, you know, it’s crazy because you said the peer group is second to none in the mastermind. And I agree. And it’s funny because one of our longest members had kind of gone dark for quite some time, but he remained a member. And just recently, the last few weeks or month and a half or something like that he’s resurfaced. And he’s been participating a lot in the group and joined the mini mastermind with me. And he’s also joined a small accountability group that I hold with a couple of other members on a weekly basis. And it’s, it’s just great to see, he’s been with us since like day one. And so for, you know, somebody to be all these years and in this still participate with the group, it just goes to show you that, you know, it is a good peer group to be in guys. So I would recommend you do it. definitely get access to the small groups and all that. So, alright, well, I’m gonna grab the screen, and let’s get into it. We’ve got several questions already.
We can see your screen.
Should We Avoid Using Billing/Credit Card/Address Info Between Projects To Avoid Footprints In Google Suite?
Okay, good. Thank you. It looks like Justin is the one that we’re starting with cases, I just listened to a video where Bradley was talking about adding a G Suite account for all new projects with their own billing information. Okay, are we supposed to avoid using the same billing credit card address info between projects to avoid different footprints? Excuse me? And if so, what’s the most practical way to do that? I don’t, I don’t, I don’t use different billing information for G Suite stuff. You know, for client stuff, they do it right. But for my own stuff, I use my same information, because it’s me that’s required to pay for the billing. I’ve never had an issue with it. I know I’ve heard other people say that they have. But I’ve never had an issue with having multiple Google workspace accounts. It’s never caused me any problem whatsoever. So I’ve got like, literally, well, well over a dozen, I can say that I don’t know if I got two dozen yet. But well over a dozen workspace accounts that I pay for $6 a month, every single damn month for every one of them. But there’s a benefit for it. And most of those accounts make me quite a good amount of money. So there, it’s totally worth it. And I’ve never had any trouble with having the same billing information. So I’m not sure which video you were watching Justin but I don’t have any problem with it. That doesn’t mean that it can’t potentially create a problem. Maybe somebody else here has had a problem with it.
Marco I’ve you know, I’ve never had problems, but I use multiple credit cards I get like I get people to give me something like a $500 credit limit. So that you can use it in ads and all these different things. And the only pain with that one is having to update it. Like every time the card expires, you do have to update the information, but you just hire a VA to do to make all those changes. Okay, that’s how I do it. I know, I know, you do it your way, you’ve never had trouble, I do it my way. I’ve never had problems.
We’re good. Next, Gordon says. And by the way, guys, if you are worried about it, a lot of credit card companies will allow you to create virtual credit card numbers where you can like, they’ll give you a unique credit card number for one specific account so that you’re not using the same account number across all the different things that you sign up for several credits, you know, a lot of credit card companies will offer that as an option now. So they’ll give you it’s all tied to the same card, the same account, but they give you virtual credit card numbers. So that might be an option you can look into if you’re worried about that.
The only problem with that one is if you’re using it with Google ads, and for some reason, the virtual card gets declined. everything related to that card will then get declined, including the main card really well that yeah, that’s an issue and I know someone that it happened to, which is why I’m mentioning it.
What Is The Reason Why You Have Different Link Building Approach For Yelp And GMB Listing?
Okay. So Gordon’s up longtime Gordon and he says, Hey, guys, I believe you mentioned previously that we can blast a ton of backlinks directly to a Yelp listing and get it to page first page of Google search results. Yeah, it’s been a few years since I’ve done that, but that used to work incredibly well. He says if it’s not in a super high competitive niche or area without getting any Google penalty, wow, for GMB listings, we should, of course, use our way as Google Drive stack from MGYB or web 2.0 sites as tier one buffers so as not to incur any Google penalty. So I was wondering if you could explain what is the reason that Yelp and GMB are different in that respect? They’re not. You can I mean, you know unless Marco has something to say differently. You can just hammer away to Google the GMB profile with you know, just like you can a Yelp listing. So I’ve not had any trouble with that either. Is there anything that I’m misquoting here Marco or no, that’s a misinterpretation of what we said? We said, Oh, all bets are off. And when it’s Google when it’s a Google property, you Yeah, I mean, in GMB, a GMB listing is a Google property. It’s on Google subdomains on the maps, subdomain. All of the business domains are on a Google-owned domain, that business site has a lot of power, man, you’re shaking, a lot of power, those posts will push a lot of power. So no, all bets are off, though they get hammered. They get hammered. We’ve never made a distinction, the only place where I’ve made a distinction is just leaving the money site pristine, never hitting it directly. Because you want that to get links, naturally. However, whatever that means, but in a natural manner, so people are going to link to it, people are going to share it, people are going to do whatever the whatever it is, naturally, you want that to happen to the money site, where off-page and through Google, as I’ve said, or through something that that really powerful, you know, to be a really powerful domain like Amazon, MSN, Yahoo, just whatever YouTube or YouTube is, is a Google property anyway, but you understand what I’m saying? Yeah, it has that high trust and authority. According to Google, not according to vanity metrics are third-party metrics. But according to Google, they’re not then hammering it citations hammer those yellow Yeah. Yellow Pages all hammer them S3 @ID, all of your tier one assets, hammer them. That’s what we say. Leave your money site, pristine. I know Bradley likes to go with press releases to the money site. I don’t recommend that unless you know what you’re doing. Because it’s going to mean hundreds of links to whatever that page it is that you’re linking to. So you better know what you’re doing. Other than that, I don’t see any problems. How’s he any issues?
There you go. And yeah, so I was gonna disagree with what Marco said it Yeah. When we talk about using our drive stack and you know, syndication networks and all that as buffers, it’s for any money site or money page that you’re trying to push. You know, you don’t want to but when you’re hitting the GMB website, the Google Maps URL, GMB, or Google Site know those kinds of things, you just hammer away. So okay. By the way, this is good. This is good because this is a question about press releases. And I wanted to kind of touch on what Marco just said, You know, I do use press releases to link sometimes to the money site. When I do though, you know, it’s always a naked URL or a brand anchor. That’s it. Like, it’s either a naked URL, or it’s a brand anchor if I’m going to use an anchor text, which is okay, for the money site, but that’s it like I don’t do any keyword rank links using, you know, so keyword anchors from press releases directly to the money site. However, you can use keyword anchors in press releases when you’re linking to an SEO shield property, for example, or GMB. You know, an asset for example. So, you know, again, it’s, it’s about very strategically using press releases, but um, I do like using press releases as an actual link-building tool for my money, you know, money site stuff, so.
What Are The Best 3 Links URL And Anchor Text To Submit When Filling Out The MGYB Press Release?
Alright, so the next question was from Ron, he says, when filling out the MG y b press release form, for best results to boost Google rankings for a service-oriented keyword page, like domain comm slash general contractors fail Fairfield, California, and help boost my Google My Business Page, general contractors, Fairfield CA is the keyword I’m wanting to rank for number one, what are the best three links, URLs or three links to submit? And the anchor text? Okay, well, as I just mentioned, if you’re going to link directly to your money site, to that to that particular page is like in that example, then I would leave that as either just a make a URL, so the URL is the anchor, right, or a brand name. And that’s it like nothing else. If you’re going to link directly to the money site, okay. One of the best three links, well, it’s not necessary to always put three links in there, you also have to consider what you’re doing. If you go to Semantic Mastery, excuse me, youtube.com/semanticmastery, you can search for in search our channel, use the channel search feature and search for press release SEO or PR silo stalking, any one of those terms, and you can go through and watch and maybe we can even drop the link in here on in the chatbox. But there’s a webinar that Marco and I did ship probably close to two years ago now about how to silo press releases together. And that’s a very, very powerful way that’s kind of what I’ve been doing now for many, many months, is just doing PR silos. And we talk about exactly how to do that. So it’s not necessary to you know, you can still use three links, but you got to think about what you know how you’re splitting up the PageRank or the link equity that you from those from the press release. And it’s better to try to limit your URLs like I try not to do more than two Links now and press releases, I was doing three for a long time, but I really just stick to two now. And that’s always because it’s one to my target property and one to the previous press release in the silo. That makes sense. And we talked about that in the press release silo webinar. So if you just go check that out, it’s really it’s on our channel. And it’ll help you to get better at understanding how to use press releases in it, as you know, just to stack them in a silo order or fashion, if that makes sense.
All right, I’m on record, I’ve always recommended links.
Yeah, and that’s what I’ve been doing now for months. So, and I agree. And usually at the top of the silo, I only have one link in the press release. And that’s to whatever the target is, and I’m trying to push the power to you know, and contextual doesn’t make it an I’m gonna drop you some more knowledge. mega contextual doesn’t make it a naked URL. Contextual works much better for creating the semantic relationships that we’re looking to create at the top of the silo, Papa silo. Yeah,
yeah. But remember, don’t do that. If you’re linking to your money page, right? Do that linking to one of your SEO shield properties don’t. So again, if you’re linking to your money site page as the top of the silo and the press release silo, then you want to use a naked URL or brand anchor in that case, I would probably go with a brand new anchor Well, except that your naked URL has your keyword in it here. So that could be a way to do it too. So but just like I said, Be careful what you’re doing with the press releases, if you’re going to be linking to your money page, just stick with either naked or brand anchors, naked URLs, or brand new anchors. As far as the best three, like I said, that I select. Typically, it’s going to be an SEO shield asset, you know, the G site mirror page. So the page that has been mirrored after the page that I want to promote on the money site, except it’s on the G site if that makes sense, or GMB or, you know, whatever it is that I’m trying to link to. But if you’re going to do two links, then it would be whatever your target is that you’re trying to push the most power to. And then usually to one of your other tier-one entity assets, one of your other branded entity assets within the SEO shield, syndication network, GMB website, g site, Google Map URL, any one of those, if you’re trying to push maps, like in the local three-pack, then I would recommend linking to your whatever your target URL is, again, if it’s going to be your money site page, then so be it. But as the second link, I would always link to either the GMB website or the GMB map URL. And I’m gonna I know that was one of your questions, what’s the best URL to link to there? I’m going to show you how to find that in just a moment. Okay. As far as anchor text, as I said, if you remember, if you’re linking to SEO showed assets or any tier one branded entity asset, you can use keywords. And that’s what Marco just said is actually better. That’s more powerful than naked URLs. So your anchor text is going to be whatever you want it to be. So for example, general contractors, Fairfield VA, I would probably word it slightly to where it reads naturally, like, you know, General Contractors in Fairfield, California, or in Fairfield Kat ca and use that as an anchor text to link back to, you know, again, your GMB website, or your GMB map URL or something like that. Okay. Marco, do you want to comment on that while I show him how to find that URL?
No, no, that’s fine.
So if we go to like, if I just do a quick search for big bamboo marketing, there, it comes up. And when if you do a brand search, you get a knowledge panel to pick up here. Then there’s a Chrome extension. It’s called gather up. So gather up Chrome extension, and you just click that, and right there is that that’s the maps URL that you want to use. It’s the dub dub dub dub google.com, slash maps, question mark, CID equals URL. Does that make sense? And again, it’s called a gather up Chrome extension, just go to Google and search, gather up Chrome extension, go add it to Chrome, and then go do a brand search for the brand that you want to grab that URL from. And when the knowledge panel appears, you can also do it inside of Google Maps. It won’t give you the Google writer review URL if you do it inside of Google Maps. But if you just do it for standard Google search, and the knowledge panel appears, you’ll get both of these URLs. And that’s the URL you want to use. Okay. It’s a good question.
How Do You Find The Right Google My Business Link To Submit?
All right, number three. Oh, how do you find them? So how do you find the right okay, and should it be one of the three-link URLs? Well, it can be but also remember, if you’re buying press releases from us press advantage allows you to add a Google My Business map to the organization page when for that brand right for that company. And one of the options is to embed the GMB map into the press release. So, you know, you can link to that map URL if you’d like but you can also just opt to have the map embedded, which is typically what I do okay.
What Is The Best Practice To Optimize The Image For SEO Purposes?
Okay, moving on the number, what is the best practice for the image filename. The image with the keyword with the best practice for the image, again, if you’re doing maps is to use the use, or trying to rank locally, or whatever is to use the URL of an image that’s already been published on your money site. So like, if you’ve got a page, in this case, your general contractors, Fairfield ca page, whatever image you have on that page, that’s already been optimized. Hopefully, you’ve already optimized that image, the file name, the metadata, all of that stuff’s been optimized geotagged and everything and it’s been added to the page on your money site, then add the image through the URL, because then what press advantage does is it publishes the press release, using the source URL for the image source from your money site page. So now you’ve got your website, your photo, that is a media file on your website, which has now been syndicated out to hundreds of press releases, you know, published on a bunch of different news and media sites. So it’s pushing credit back to your money site, image URL if that makes sense. So that’s what I do. And then likewise, if you don’t want to, if you’re not linking back to, you know, you can also use an image from a from Google My Business, for example, from your Google My Business profile, you can embed an image from there using the image URL there. So just think about where it is that you’re trying to push the power to. If it’s all trying to push the power from the money site landing page to the location landing page, then use the image URL from that page. If it’s that you’re trying to push maps, grab an image from maps, make sure it’s been geotagged before you upload it, but then grab the URL from maps and use that as your embedded image URL. Does that make sense? And then for keywords, I just usually put whatever keyword I’m trying to optimize for. And then I put by like, the letter B y, and then the brand name so that I’m creating that association between the brand and the keyword.
Any comments on that? Yeah, one of my press releases will have my logo. Another one of my press releases will have the logo from the GMB. So it’ll be it’ll create that relationship between my GMB logo and the logo on my website. And then I’ll just keep adding images that are part of my entity from around the web. So, however, many press releases are in my stack, that’s the number of images that are going to go out, they’re all going to be related because I’m going to be claiming all of those in my same as the information in the schema. The idea here is to reinforce all of these entity relationships that we’re creating all of these brand relationships that we’re creating. So I’m going to use my logo, I’m going to use the GMB logo, I’m going to use images from the GMB and images from my website and related images. So I’m going to have between three and seven press releases before I start my next stack, and so on until I read it. And then if it one of the ways that you can also do it is you can do like an image and bedroom to continue creating those relationships to continue powering up your images. And you’ll pop an image carousel with joy. So when someone does a brand search, you’ll get that nice image carousel, you get a nice video carousel if you have videos. And then that adds. So the reason for this and why I like doing this is because people will often when they look at if they’re going to hire your service, they’ll do a brand search, what is this company about? And when they go in, I only want them to see my stuff. So I want to pop all that up for them. When they come to that you’ll see people doing the brand search when they come they do the brand search and they see everything that’s related to wherever they click, they’re gonna land on one of your properties. And if they click on it, hopefully, they’ll go to a CTA. So you’re always trying to create a way for that person to convert. It’s not just the idea of creating the relationship or whatever. There has to be, like, a purpose behind all of this. And the purpose behind it all is to try to convert as many people as possible trying to get them to click trying to follow that call to action. Yeah.
Yeah, and it’s interesting if you notice, if you do a lot of GMB stuff, you’ll notice there’s a lot of brand searches that come in GMB insights, you’ll see that a lot. And what I’ve kind of discovered is that you know, and I guess this has been known, but it’s, it’s interesting to see it more and more and more recently, but um, I think a lot of people will when they do like a generic search for, you know, a keyword search for a service or whatever, and they find the company that they’re going to contact. Again, in my case, it’s pretty much all Tree Service stuff now. So if they can’t find a Tree Service contractor through a generic keyword search that they’re going to call to request an estimate from, they oftentimes will go do a brand search before making the call. And so the and so it’s really interesting, but in GMB insights I see all the time now, that brand searches are one of the top keywords that are used to trigger the maps listings. And it just makes you wonder who’s doing all these Brand searches. And it must just be that people were kind of being conditioned to go look at what else is being said about the company before calling them, especially for contractors. So, so you remark up. Yep, yeah. And so here’s the other thing, this is what I was talking about. So here was an image just from big bamboo marketing example, that was the URL. So you can see it’s in the actual, you know, domain, but this could be the embedded image in the press release. And then there was one that I just took from a this is a GMB post from Semantic Mastery. And if you just click on a GMB post image and click copy image address, that’s what it looks like. And so you can also look at that’s a Google user content domain that’s already been associated with your brand. It’s tied to it because it knows where it’s been placed. And so that’s a very powerful thing to do as well. So, those were really good questions, by the way.
What Is The Best Practice To Optimize A YouTube Video?
So we’re gonna keep moving. What is the best practice for the YouTube video? title name with the video with the keyword? Yeah, I mean, it depends on what you’re trying to do. I don’t do a lot of video SEO stuff anymore, but I still optimize them the same way that I did years ago, in which I always do the primary keyword, then a separator, and then the brand name. That’s how I did it. It works to give them the link to YouTube silo Academy, and it’s only seven bucks. And I think it’s why T dot silo dot Academy,
I’ll grab the link and put it on there.
Yeah, go grab that, man. , this is one of the best investments, you can make only seven bucks.
A tip right there. Beautiful. Now you don’t see my fat face on there anymore, either. Now, I had to replace that I saw it like six months ago, and I was like, holy shit. I was almost 300 pounds at the time I recorded that sales video. Anyway, Alright, moving on. Those were really, really good questions. Um, okay, and you can embed a video into press releases, they don’t get embedded on all of them. But you can add a video URL to a press release.
Why You Teach Your SEO Methods To Others Instead of Keeping Them To Yourselves?
Okay, Bb’s up with a list of questions. What’s up, baby says, Hey, guys, why won’t you rather keep all of your methods to yourself and telling it to others? Why do you teach this? Why do you want this kind of income stream? Then rather hammering your methods for you only? That’s a good question. I mean, originally, when we got started, it was just the well, it was all of us that you see here today. But we had got together through a forum that another like mastermind that we had joined, which was basically a forum, it was supposed to have a webinar once per month, which didn’t end up panning out. But we were all paying $200 a month to be a member of this particular, like mastermind community type thing. And it was mainly just access to a forum. And we would all chat often in, you know, in the forum. And I ended up deciding that I wanted to create a weekly accountability group so that we could just meet on a weekly basis unit at the time as Google Hangouts and, and just kind of share what was working, what wasn’t working, and just learn from each other. And so all of us connected and as well as many others, and we would just start meeting every single week. And what happened was, it was funny, but we at you know what, before we decided to monetize it and turn it into a business, I think we had on any given week, roughly 25 to 30 people show up every week, but it was really like just a handful of us it was us and a few others, there’s probably about seven, or probably about eight of us that would constantly be sharing every single week, and talking and sharing and talking and sharing, everybody else would just show up and listen, which was fine. But uh, you know, after the original group that we had all joined in, we’re paying $200 a month for wasn’t providing what it had promised us. You know, we decided at some point, we realized, like, hey, we’ve got we’re putting out better information than what we’re paying $200 a month to be a part of. So why the hell don’t we monetize this and turn this into a business? And so that’s what we did, we formed Semantic Mastery. Before we actually became a corporation, we went out and kind of just, we just started trying to develop an idea of how we were going to monetize stuff. And then you know, took a few months before we actually incorporated and we had to work out you know, we lost a few that were originally going to be partners with us, but it ended up being just the five of us. And part of it was because you know, it was there’s so much that we can’t do at all like in other words, even if everybody that comes and watches these webinars on Hump Day hangouts wanted to get into specifically Tree Service marketing, there are enough damn Tree Service contractors in the United States alone, that there’s enough for all of us. There’s a big ocean of money sloshing around out there and there’s not really any one of us can do at all. Do you know what I mean? There’s enough room in the space for all of us is my point. And so there was really no reason for us not to share some of our methods and techniques, especially because you know, in this industry, you guys know there’s a lot of garbage, there’s a lot of shit that gets pushed out there. And our methodology was always such that and this was what we literally developed a semantic mastery on was that we would only teach stuff that has been proven that we’ve proven and because each one of us has our own digital marketing businesses and various forms, we have a vast amount of experience. And we only share what we know, to work with our own projects on our own clients and such so that it makes it not risky for our members and our students. And that was part of the reason that we wanted to do it was to kind of help to, you know, provide some good stuff out there among all the bullshit if that makes sense. And so, and it’s just stuck, you know, this is not my primary source of income. But it is been good to us to me, you know, and so that’s part of the reason we do these free on every single week is so that we can give back to this industry, which has been having treated me well over the years. So that’s my take on it. Let’s say you. Yeah,
I’m thinking about this. And from the numbers that I know. I think it’s at least $4 trillion that was spent online. only online shopping last year, fortunately, how much of that? Do you need to be happy? Or how much of that deep? I know to want? Want? This is like a really heavy word? How much do you need? Yeah, I want to I want the entire trillion. Well, I’m sorry, I’m not greedy like that. I’m happy with a piece of the pie. I’d love to compete. So I don’t mind people coming on with it. As Bradley said, there’s plenty of room in the Tree Service market if you want to get in it. But not only that, if you want to compete with me, you’re more than welcome. Let’s see, let’s see, we have an even playing field because I’m giving you the same information that I use to get results. Now, let’s see who wins because at that point, now we’re at war, or how what I see as war, and I’m at war with you if you’re my competitor, and I’m going to do all I can to knock you off, man. Because of the date, there’s only room for one, number one, and I’m going to try to get as many of that to three of those other positions in the top 10. to knock you out. I mean, and it’s just, it’s but that’s my competitive nature. But I’m also saying I’m not a person who comes, from scarcity. I don’t like that I don’t like people who look, there’s only $4 trillion. I’m like, holy crap, 4 trillion, only in online shopping. That doesn’t include how much money is traded online, how much money there is, for example, for example, in the service sector, and all these other things that take place online, you can do so many other things online, other than having an e-commerce site or an affiliate, you can provide services, you can provide services for service providers, so many different things that you can do. If a person comes into my neck of the woods and they want to compete, then you’re more than welcome. So BBD and the answer is like I don’t give a shit. I want people making as much money as they can off Google and of the other search engines ones that once they dominate Google, go ahead, go after going after whoever else you want to go after because it doesn’t make a difference. You’re not taking money or you’re not taking food off my table, by me sharing my, my methods, my systems with you by making them available by this being an income stream. And I laugh when I see that because this is free. We don’t make any money off of this. This is free stuff. So if we had any kind of scarcity mentality, we wouldn’t even be doing this. So you wouldn’t even have this available for you to come and ask this question. And then not only that, like my main source of income isn’t Semantic Mastery. It’s not MGYB it’s not the heavy hitter club. And in fact, I do Hump Day hangouts because it’s fun because I enjoy I’d like to talk shit. I’d like to share information. I like for people to know the bullshit that they’re being fed in other SEO groups. And I like to give back to the SEO community that has given me so much. During the time that I’ve been online, which is 18 years 18 and counting right now. So that’s my acid is that scarcity. It’s fun. And there’s plenty of money to go around, man. Plenty. Yeah, I agree. I mean, as I said,
I think it’s fun and also, this might sound cliche, but over the years we’ve had many students or members, because like I said in the mastermind, I don’t consider those guys students or those folks, students there. They’re members, right? Because they’re colleagues essentially. And we’ve had many of our members or whatever that have over the years become very, very successful. And, you know, they’ve given us some credit for that, obviously, it’s them that does the hustle, we’ve just provided them information, but they had to apply it, and put in the work and everything else. So it’s them that did it, but we had some part and we’ve been given credit for that at some level and helping them to succeed. And that’s, that’s very rewarding. It really is, that’s part of the reason I got into doing this just to help encourage other people to make a change in their life, you know, to get over the rat race, you know, working just over broke, right jlb having a job being just over broke and doing something to secure their own financial future, or at least give them more control over their own financial future. And that’s what, that’s part of the reason I got into doing it. Because, you know, I spent many years literally behind a computer screen studying in in testing for, you know, 14 1516 hours a day, before I started making any money. And then once I started making money, I wanted to be able to help other people to do that, as well. And on all of us, my partners, and I all have that, you know that that desire to help others where else we wouldn’t behave done this all this time. And that’s what I was pointing out up here 335 episodes, this is the free webinar that we do every single week. So that’s well over six years, we’re going on close to seven years now. Which is insane. So anybody else wants to comment on that? Adam, Hernan. We got time.
I think you guys kind of, you know, a combination of all of that. Yeah, you know, it’s fun. And, you know, sharing this is definitely a part of it. And I think over the years I have moved more into that non-scarcity mindset. You know, there’s so much out there and you know, there’s so many ideas I pray even gone even further was just like, yeah, we could share all day because so few people are going to take the time to implement things done. And it is work right. You know, when it comes down to it, you got to steal from Marco do they do, right? You can listen all day, but if you don’t implement it doesn’t mean shit. So yeah, it was it is fun. I like getting on here and talking. And you know, I’ve just thought it’s funny if you guys go back a few years in the archives on YouTube and check us out and are you know, I especially would be like, Hey, guys, like, Hey, I’m Adam. Now it’s like, man, screw it. I want to talk to people. Let’s do this stuff. Good.
Yeah, SCR our new since we got time guys up, we don’t really have any other questions coming through. But SCR new, you know, the member who’s an instructor for syndication Academy. She, when we were launching that a couple a few weeks ago, she and I got on a zoom call to record basically the sales video sales letter. And, and she was super nervous. And it was funny, because she was like, you know, I don’t know if I can do this, blah, blah, blah. And I was telling her, I was like, Yeah, you’re gonna get better, don’t worry about it. Like, honestly, you’ll get better. It’s just, it’s just like anything else, you get better at it with time you get more comfortable doing it.
And I remember, that’s what I was talking about the YouTube silo Academy. That was one of the very first few products that we launched. And, you know, I was close to 300 pounds at that time, it was a real close-up headshot, and it was just my fat face talking into the camera.
And it’s so funny because as Adam says, you know, you look back and it’s like, wow, we’ve come a long way I’m so much more comfortable talking to you on a webinar and such now. So yeah, it’s been interesting to watch kind of the progression of all of us. And we still we’re still here, we’re still doing this every single fucking Wednesday.
I mean, again, 335. We’re going on seven years now. So you know, I’m proud of us for doing that.
Are Your Methods Invulnerable To Google’s May Core Web Vitals Update?
Alright, last question. And we’re gonna wrap it up a little bit early unless somebody else posted another question. Maybe says, Does your method when I take a hit from the May update about core web vitals? I don’t know. Most likely not big. I mean, we’ve been fortunate with the methods that Marco mainly has developed, you know, with this semantic, semantic SEO, essentially entity based SEO, that we’ve been able to just slide right past all the major updates for the last several years, which is why we just keep sticking with what’s working instead of trying all these new things. That, you know, because we were we’ve enabled very fortunately to our methods have escaped any problems with all the major updates that have occurred over the last couple of years, for sure. So I don’t expect to see any difference, but we don’t know until the rollout is until an update is rolled out whether it’s going to affect we can again, BB that’s a purely speculative question. And we’re not going to speculate on that. But my assumption is that we will do just fine. But we will find out for sure when it happens. Let’s say you Mark II, I’d like to give him my answer because it’s my standard answer. BB. If I could answer that question, what I would do today is jump on a plane to the US and get on that Mega Millions and hit it and never look back. I forget what is it some ridiculous 300 million 500 million? And I’m out? See? That’s if I could answer what Google is going to do tomorrow. Because we don’t know, like day to date, much less what Google is going to do in May. What I can tell you is that up until now, our method has always been worry less SEO, it’s entity-based, we focus on the entity, everything goes towards that part of the algorithm. And what I have seen from what Google is testing for my Google is rolling out my Google has rolled out is that art, activity, relevance, trust, and authority, will trump anything. And I can almost guarantee that art, if you do this, right, if you have the entity set up properly, if you have all the bases covered, and if you have all of the pillars as we’ve always had it up, that’s going to overcome any negatives that you can get from PageSpeed, or from the core web vital. That doesn’t mean that you ignore the core web vital, because why ignore them if they can give you an additional boost? Yeah, but as far as negative, out, the way that we do it since we’re focusing on the entities has always avoided any of the negative aspects of the algorithm. And I think that as long as you’re sending good signals, you’re always going to overcome any negatives that could happen. Now, is this going to hold true into the future? I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m gonna wake up tomorrow. How can I answer what do am going to do in May? I can’t say whether I’m gonna be here in the next five minutes, 10 minutes, whatever. I hope I am. That’s all I can say. And that’s all I can work towards. I can all I’m gonna do is continue doing it do I do into the future? And should google changes should web core vitals, make a difference? That will just adjust it so that we incorporate core web vitals into everything that we do? And that’s how we that’s how we’ve always done everything. We’re just we didn’t start out with the SEO shield. We said we started out with Syndication Academy. Everything that you see today has been building off everything else that we do. It was IFTTT SEO Yeah. Then that wasn’t as strong as it should be. We unquote we went and see okay, how can we make it better? Okay, RYS Academy, RYS Academy reloaded @ID we incorporate more into syndication Academy Coco genius. Yoshi, what’s a local? Yeah, local GMB Pro. But with the SEO shield, PR Pro, local PR Pro with local GMB Pro with the SEO I mean, this everything has been building one, one or the other. This didn’t happen overnight. So should anything happen overnight? When this rolls out, we’ll go take a look and see what happened. And we know what it is. So we just adjust for it. It’s very simple. Yeah.
All right. So I guess we’re gonna wrap it up. But a shout out also that should have said this earlier to Adam. He posted in the Slack channel with SCR instructor from syndication Academy, a really, really good find, which I’m not going to reveal here because it will be revealed in one of the upcoming syndication Academy update webinars, but I played with it. Adam, just because you mentioned it. And um, I’ve got some tests, I want to run with that. But I could see the value of it immediately when you said that. And even on the free account. They are publishable, by the way.
So how standing? Yeah, so I’m a partner with them. And they gave me some training. And I was like, Huh, this could apply outside of productivity. Let me absolutely again. So I’m looking forward to that. So yeah, I guess SEO be given an update to the syndication Academy members. And yeah, that’s a good one. So I just want to give a shout-out for that, because I even took time out of my day, which I really didn’t have time to play with it today. But I was just like, oh my god, that sounds amazing. So I went in and played with it, and I could see how we can do some pretty nasty stuff with that. I’m gonna test with it a little bit.
What Is Digital Marketing In A Nutshell?
So the last question just came in. an unknown person says, Can you tell me what digital marketing is? In a nutshell? Yeah, it’s marketing. Online. That’s what digital marketing is. is marketing online.
Advertising delivered through digital channels if you want to get taken, yeah, but who wants to get you know, the way that I’ve thought about or I had heard a definition of, you know, marketing is one too many. Sales are one to one. That makes sense. So marketing is sales to many and sales. Sales are one to one. I’m sorry, marketing is one too many and sales is one to one. And so Mark Mark digital marketing is just marketing, in any of its forms, but online, right. That’s the way that I look at it. So Okay, thanks to everybody for being here, a mastermind with me tomorrow, as well as the real estate, excuse me, the sales mini mastermind starting tomorrow is the first of 42 weeks. So if anybody wants to join that join the mastermind and we can talk about
Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 335 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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fluentlanguage · 4 years
2020: An Honest Review of a Maddening Year
Prost Neujahr!! Let me raise my glass of wine-with-fizzy-water to you and imagine a virtual hug to say "wow, that was something." Happy new year 2021! Over the last few days, I have been taking stock and going through my review of the year.
Winter/Spring 2020
Things started off so well!
Fluent Language Life
I kicked off the year with Your Solid Vocab Memory, a brand new online course I had created over the winter holidays. Over the month, I was delighted to welcome the first students and even host a brand new live round! Live rounds were a new concept that Iearnt about in 2020. You’ll read about them again!
In the springtime, I also became a co-host of the Language League membership group (now closed). My first lesson was about applying the lessons of the Four Tendencies framework by Gretchen Rubin to language learning, and it was a success!
💡 By the way, you can get access this lesson as part of the Language Habit Toolkit!
In my podcast world, I pre-recorded some interviews before moving house and published my long-awaited interview with Marc Okrand, creator of the Klingon Language. Along with Marc’s episode, this one with Lindsay is one of my favourites for the year.
I concluded late spring with a highlight and a challenge:
🥳 Highlight: I taught and created the Language Dabbler’s Guide to Welsh, my first ever class dedicated to the Welsh language which I love soooo much. It was daunting and incredibly exciting to teach this language to others, and I’m delighted about how it all came together.
😭Challenge: About halfway through March and before the Polyglot Cruise was cancelled by Kris Broholm (for obvious and very sensible reasons!), I decided to withdraw my own attendance on the ship. Having looked forward to this cruise for many months, it was a really hard and sad decision. I struggled with anxiety over safety on a cruise, and sadness over the loss of this innovative event.
Personal Life
🎊 I enjoyed lovely days out around the UK in London, Leeds, and Folkestone, and a week at home helping my mum celebrate her 60th. This was just a few weeks before the world shut its doors and borders, so I’m grateful I was able to celebrate her birthday as a family in Germany.
The highlights were a little more hidden. No trips around the world speaking 5 new languages, but perhaps the kind of work that will serve me and you for years to come.
🏡 Right in the last week of March, we finally got the news that our new home was ready. I remember standing in the new house having to keep a 2-metre distance from the house builder’s rep, and the absolute chaos and anxiety and stress of trying to ensure a smooth move in the same week our government issued “stay at home” orders.
Language Learning
My winter and spring of 2020 were dedicated to quiet study of the Chinese language. I used plenty of LingQ and Yabla, which were fantastic resources giving me understandable input even at my beginner level.
I wasn’t really in love, but happy to plod along. Here’s where I was at by the end of it all.
In hindsight, I don’t mind that there wasn’t a huge blissful progress rush. The spring was a fulfilled time but also a challenge, and I found that the work I did with Chinese helped me later in the year when I started speaking more. Whatever you learn in a language now will always serve you down the line, no matter if it feels like “progress” in the moment or not.
Spring / Summer 2020
April started off marked by anxiety and exhaustion. The country, continent, globe were in a bad place. Every day, my heart broke for people suffering with the disease.
My mum always said that whatever you dream in the new home comes true. I dreamt I was in hospital with covid, so let’s just hope there are exceptions to that one.
Fluent Language Life
I had chosen to pause the Fluent Show for a few weeks while settling into the new space, but recorded a bunch of cool interviews behind the scenes. Speaking to incredible people like Sara Maria Hasbun helped me connect to my own motivation again. I also produced a little mini series called “Fluent in Isolation”, which you can get through the Fluent Show’s Patreon page
During April, I wasn’t ready to run or create new programmes yet, but I dedicated my time to sprucing up the Fluent Affiliate programme, which now boasts a few great features that I’m proud of. If you’re ever interested, here’s where to sign up.
In May, I created my first ever 1:1 coaching programme, the month-long 30 Days to Fluent. It felt incredible to give learners that structured support and I learnt a lot to take forward.
Besides that, a highlight and a challenge:
🥳 Highlight: The Teach & Thrive Summit! Teach & Thrive was a membership I ran together with Lindsay Williams, my only offering for online teachers in 2020. The Summit event was our way to boost online teachers for two days straight, and we had so much fun and met a few amazing people doing it.
Black Lives Matter
This was the challenge, but to call it a “challenge” feels like an understatement. Events happened in the USA and reverberated around the world in June 2020, and I think it made a lot of people reflect not just on their own practices as teachers and business owners, but also as people on the internet.
It is worth clarifying that I actively want to support anti-racism and will highlight and advocate for the equality of all. Language learning means committing to tolerance of other world views, and this open mind is a core value for me. This topic deserves well considered words so here are the best I managed to put together.
Personal Life
Well, it was lockdown. I learnt how to make sourdough bread, bought some roller-skates, went paddle boarding. I didn’t travel. I went to the pub, just once. I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary with my husband…in our living room. I felt restricted, but made the most of it. The time passed…like bubblegum.
Language Learning
After all the events I wanted to attend in Wales got cancelled, I picked up online lessons in Welsh again in the summer and threw in Chinese lessons on top.
I participated in the italki language challenge, which was an excellent way to get more fun into my language world without having to struggle to concentrate on a book.
Summer/Autumn 2020
In the hot hot heatwaves of August, I made the lovely decision to join the business programme Profitable Playground - this was the biggest business commitment I made to Fluent Language in 8 years and I’ve been delighted about the ways it’s improved my work. When I am better at all that, all my students get better results!
Fluent Language Life
The biggest event of the late summer was Women in Language, the annual online conference I co-organise with Shannon Kennedy and Lindsay Williams. With 789 participants from 65 countries this year, we broke all the records. Women in Language is an incredible event and we love everyone who made it along this year. (We’ll be back in March 2021 by the way.)
I followed up Women in Language with a few days of rest and a dive into something I had worked towards for many months: Updating the Language Habit Toolkit!
The Language Habit Toolkit is one of my favourite ever courses and a cornerstone of how I teach and coach languages. In October, I invited everyone who owns the course to a live round, added a brand new training on productive language learning, and even added another professional worksheet. The course is the best it’s ever been!
The Language Habit Toolkit live round was an all-round delight, and I’m looking forward to running more of these in this new year.
One more highlight to note in this period is the 200th Fluent Show episode. We made it!!!
Personal Life
Like in the summer, I have little to report here. I was proud to give blood for the second time this year, but overall this time was dominated by the monotony of life at home. There were some home improvements, and more exercise. It’s all good, but I look forward to leaving my street a little more in the summer of 2021.
Language Learning
Over autumn, I kept up my weekly Chinese lessons as much as I could, but Welsh definitely took the pole position again when I joined a weekly evening class run by Welsh for Adults.
The course runs for 2 hours every Thursday night, it’s based on a traditional textbook, and in all honesty it’s been a delight to meet new people and chat away in this language once a week.
I’m now learning Welsh at level B2, and that is enough to call myself a Welsh speaker. What a joy! I don’t regret learning this language for a second.
Autumn/Winter 2020
THEY INVENTED A COVID VACCINE!! But this isn’t a review of medicines, so let’s get back to Fluent Language.
Fluent Language Life
In November, I found myself in a massively exciting situation as a speaker at the Language Show 2020. This was my first year as a speaker at this particular event and I was overwhelmed with the positivity, engagement and joy of 1000 live viewers who tuned in to see my talk about boosting your vocab memory. What a joy!
The good vibes continued in December as I gave the year just one more fun event, the Crack the Grammar Code live training. I had so much fun and was absolutely delighted to share my honest best practices about how to really learn grammar when you’re learning languages.
Personal Life
After spending most of my year in a very small world without personal transport, I finally ordered a new car which was delivered in November. It hasn’t completely changed my life, but there’s a definite change in the quality of every day as I can now allow my world to grow a little bit more.
Having personal transport has meant that I’m also back in the sea! I love the bracing adventure of swimming outside, and even in the British winter it never fails to put a smile on my face. Having done without access to the coast for most of 2020, I feel like this small change is making a big difference.
Even though the festive season was spent without any family and friends as the UK had to increase its covid restrictions in our second wave, things still felt like there was a dawn after the cold night. The US elections, the covid vaccine, the new year are giving me hope for 2021. We can do this!
In Conclusion
✨ I dedicated myself to language coaching and sharing psychology and mindset training for your language success. In 2020, I did more of this than ever with 2 new courses (see all of them here).
🎊 I had lots of fun in my business with workshops like the Language Dabbler’s Guide to Welsh, the Language Habit Toolkit live round, and our record-breaking Women in Language conference. And I learnt that when I have fun, my students benefit!
👩🏻‍🏫 I co-ran two membership groups...both of which closed to make more space for the new, exciting work that comes next.
2020 was a huge challenge, but we got through it and we all learnt a lot. The highlights were a little more hidden. No trips around the world speaking 5 new languages, but perhaps the kind of work that will serve me and you for years to come.
My Thank You
Throughout the year, I was supported by you as my readers, students, Patreon backers, podcast listeners, blog readers and language buddies.
Stay healthy, all of you, and tell me what’s been your highlight of the year 2020 with a comment or a message!
0 notes
all-about-wannaone · 7 years
Save (Jeojang!) The Date!
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Hello everyone! :) Given that it’s barely 40 days to the big A’level examinations (aka a national exam that is taken by most 18 to 19-year-old Singaporean students), I have decided to take a short hiatus from this blog and I will only be back after my examinations officially come to an end on the 29th of November! I know it sounds like a long time, but don’t worry, I’ll be back with more (hopefully) quality content before you know it! ^^ 
Before I get to the main point of this post, thank you for all the support and love over these past few months since Produce 101 Season 2 and it’s so heartening to know that this blog has been growing steadily, currently with a total follower count of 622 followers! <3 No words can express how grateful I am for you all really and I am so happy to receive all your kind comments, as well as those simple likes and reblogs, because they truly mean a lot to me. :) Trust me when I say that without you guys, I would have probably stopped this hobby a loooong time ago. :’)
Now to the main point of this post, here’s a list of dates to look forward to as an information sheet for everyone! :) I will be updating this as more news come in so watch this space and stay tuned! ^^ 
27th: Wanna One debut in Japan 
28th: Wanna One Go 2/ Wanna One Comeback (1-1=0; Nothing Without You) Teaser HERE
29th: Wanna One @ Gangnam Festival Kpop Concert 
2nd: Wanna One “Wanna City” special BTS footage
3rd: Wanna One Fanmeeting in Hong Kong, Reairing of Produce 101 Season 2 
4th: Wanna One Fanmeeting in Hong Kong, Reairing of Produce 101 Season 2
5th: Nu’est W @ 63rd Baekje Cultural Festival
6th: Nu’est W “Where You At” Lyric Spoiler 
7th: Wanna One Fanmeeting in Taiwan, Nu’est W “W.Here” album pre-listening, Reairing of Wanna One Go Season 1 
8th: Nu’est W JR + Ren “Where You At” M/V teaser 
9th: Nu’est W Baekho + Aron “Where You At” M/V teaser 
10th: Nu’est W comeback (”Where You At” M/V release @ 6pm KST) 
12th: Nu’est W’s Aron on Shadow Singer, Rainz First Mini Live 2017 
13th: Wanna One Fanmeeting in Phillippines, Nu’est W Reality Show “Love Record” @ 11pm KST
14th: Wanna One Ong Seongwoo + Kang Daniel on “Master Key” (SBS), Nu’est W @ KBS Friendship Super Show 
18th: JBJ (Just Be Joyful) debut
19th: Nu’est W’s Aron on Shadow Singer, Nu’est W (JR, Baekho) on Happy Together (KBS, 11.10pm KST)
20th: Nu’est W @ Sports World Hope
21st: Wanna One @ Gangjin Kpop M Super Concert
22nd: Wanna One + Nu’est W @ Busan One Asia Festival 2017
25th: JBJ, Kim Samuel, Jeong Sewoon, MXM on Weekly Idol Ep 326
28th: HOTSHOT Timoteo + Hojeong on KBS’ “The Unit”
29th: Nu’est W Fanmeeting in Taiwan
31st: Samuel Kim + MXM + JBJ @ Busan One Asia Festival 2017 
3rd: Wanna One Go Season 2 (Mnet, 11pm KST)
4th: Nu’est W + Wanna One @ ‘Dream Concert’ in Pyeongchang
13th: Wanna One comeback
15th: Wanna One + JBJ @ Asia Artistes Awards 2017
16th: Kim Samuel comeback
19th: Nu’est W Fanmeeting in Hong Kong
20th: Wanna One Go Season 1 Episode 3 (tVN Asia, 8.45pm KST), Wanna One Fanmeeting (The Musician) 
23rd: JBJ 1st Fanmeeting “Come True” in Tokyo, Japan
25th: MAMA 2017 in Vietnam (SEVENTEEN, Samuel, Wanna One)
26th: JBJ 1st Fanmeeting “Come True” in Osaka, Japan
29th: MAMA 2017 in Japan (EXO-CBX, TWICE, Wanna One, Seventeen, MONSTA X, Nu’est W, BoA)
1st: MAMA 2017 in Hong Kong (BTS, EXO, Red Velvet, NCT Asia, GOT7, Super Junior, Wanna One)
15th: Wanna One Fan Con @ Seoul Olympic Park
16th: Wanna One Fan Con @ Seoul Olympic Park
17th: Wanna One Fan Con @ Seoul Olympic Park 
23rd: Wanna One Fan Con @ BEXCO (Busan) 
24th: Wanna One Fan Con @ BEXCO (Busan)
January 2018: 
13th: Nu’est W K-Wave Music Festival 2 in Malaysia 
18th: Wanna One Fanmeeting in Malaysia
21st: Wanna One Fanmeeting in Jakarta
TBC: Wanna One in Phillippines 
**Translation in progress (if someone could tell me what it is, that will be great!)
Work In Progress (Scenarios etc):
Park Woojin x OC Dancer AU (Plot: HERE)
Completion of “When Two Worlds Collide” 
100 Ways to say “I Love You” series
For now, that will be all! :) Once again, it’s been a fun experience writing for all of your personal enjoyment and I am so happy to have met some of my readers and requesters, even becoming mutuals in the process! :D Thank you so much once again and if there is anything missing in the list, please send me a message! ^^ 
With this, I say my goodbye and let’s meet again soon! :) 
Questions? Ask me here! 
Check out my other stuff here! 
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misterclandestine · 7 years
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My Favorite Stuff from 2017
It’s been a tough one, but there was a lot of awesome stuff that made it easier. Here are some of my favorites in no particular order.
DAMN by Kendrick Lamar, Album - The World felt different once this was in it. Kenny’s 4th release proved he’s just as thoughtful, agile, and hungry as ever.
everyone’s a aliebn when ur a aliebn too by Johnny Sun, Book - You can go through this hybrid graphic novel/picture-book in one sitting, but there’s so much to chew on here that I recommend taking time with this story, which follows Jomny, a misspelling aliebn sent to earth to study human behavior. The brief, direct interactions simply, & hilariously reveal everything beautiful and tragic about what it is to be alive.  
Abstract: The Art of Design, Series - This Netflix series drops you into the lives of 6 masterful creators moving through subcultures of artistry (i.e Footwear Design, Illustration, Stage Design). Each revealing their varying methods, ideas, and joys about creativity. The standout episode follows Christoph Niemann, an illustrator for the New Yorker, and his blue-collar approach to his work.
Game of Thrones: The Spoils of War, TV Series - Though this season was rushed, clumsy and arguably unrecognizable from the compelling and prestigious drama that has unprecedentedly impacted our culture, you won’t find a more gripping hour of television. You know a show is wilding out when you don’t know who the hell to even root for anymore (Get em, Drogo! Wait, not Bronn! Wait, not the incestuous child killer!)
Insecure: Season 2, TV Series - The show you didn’t know you needed. Issa Rae’s hilarious dramedy paints a picture of what it’s like to be young, ambitious, unapologetic, lonely, intelligent, sexy, successful, and losing.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Season 4, TV Series - Oliver’s weekly recap simultaneously manages to be enlightening, funny, depressing, and hopeful. His takedown of Alex Jones was one of the most satisfying things I consumed all year.
Do Not Disturb by Drake, Song - the final track of More Life, a surprise ‘mixtape’, samples ‘Time’ by Snoh Alegra, and is one of his most personal songs to date. Without a chorus, he raps for 3 minutes about not needing romance, fear of irrelevancy, and the quickening passage of time. Gracefully shifting between insecurity and arrogance with dizzying fervor, Aubrey continues to capture the emotional woes of an entire generation.
Get Out, Film - Jordan Peele’s directorial film debut is the rare instant classic, and it’s not because it has one of the most crowd-pleasing endings of all time. The satirical, social commentary cloaked in the guise of a horror comedy, refuses definition, and peels back layers of race, and class previously untouched in cinema.
Melodrama by Lorde, Album - With a kajillion pounds of pressure on her shoulders to follow up one of the best pop debuts of all time, Ella delivers. She croons on top of Jack Antonoff’s unruly production about heartbreak, fame, and the feeble impact of acclaim. As one Twitterer put it “I gain an extra chromosome when the beat drops in ‘Sober II’.
mother!, Film - I can’t say I enjoyed this movie because it was the second most excruciating sit I had at the theater all year (kudos to Justice League), but it left me SHOOK. It’s clearly allegorical, but what makes it masterful is that the way you take this movie in is colored almost entirely by your own personal experiences.
Master of None: Season 2, TV Series - A perfect double-feature to Insecure (give me a shared universe where Dev and Issa are a power couple). Ansari’s relentlessly entertaining series accomplishes what every second season strives for. It tops the first, while redefining and expanding itself. The show is tirelessly committed to the experiences of ‘others’ (a deaf person, a lesbian, a non-believing muslim, service workers in NYC etc.) It’ll leave you crying, laughing, and hungry.
Split, Film - When we’re lucky, films hit ya with “SURPRISE, muthafucka” moments that Jesus himself would not see coming. Shyamalan’s second hit in a row (after a run of all time duds) ends with one 17 years in the making. The iconic villain terrifyingly played with razor-sharp swiftness by the world-class James McAvoy is the icing on the cake.
Isaiah Thomas, Athlete - If not for Russell Westbrook’s record breaking response to Kevin Durant’s betrayal, the “King in the Fourth” takes home the MVP. Watching him play through tears the day after his sister died in a car accident will stay with me forever. His 53 point performance on her birthday a few weeks later starkly reminded me of the unifying, powerful spirit of sport.
Moonlight’s Best Picture Win - I’ll begin by saying that I really liked La La Land. A month after we swore in Don, we got it wrong again… psych! I’ll never forget the roller coaster of emotion that came over me in this moment. Barry Jenkin’s tale told through 3 untraditional acts (titled ‘Little’, ‘Chiron’ & ‘Black’) was gorgeously shot, flawlessly acted, and supremely helmed. It arrived at a time we needed it most and Mahershala Ali FINALLY got his shine.
Coco, Film - We got one shot this year, and we NAILED it. This breathtaking portrait of Mexican culture demands to be seen on the big screen and illuminates the importance of dreams, family, and tradition. No manches!
‘No Man’s Land’ scene in Wonder Woman - There were two times in the theater this year that I felt that sinking drop of a roller coaster in my belly, this was one of them. Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins must be emboldened and protected at all cost.
Woody Harrelson, Actor - The rare movie-star actor quietly had a phenomenal year, further etching the grooves of his name into Hollywood lore. His turns in The Glass Castle, The War for the Planet of the Apes, and Three Billboards in Ebbing Missouri prove he’s STILL at the top of his game. I’m shocked that his heartbreaking portrayal of a drifting, alcoholic yet whimsical and passionate father in The Glass Castle hasn’t gotten more attention.
S - Town, Podcast - The colder you go into this one, the better. All I’ll say is that you’ll step away from this one feeling some type of way about people, the feeble sustainability of the planet, and clocks.
The World Series, Sports - The. Best. Ever. After being devastated by Hurricane Harvey, the Astros grant Houstonians some restoration via their first World Series Championship in a thrilling 7-game series that was literally witnessed by the World.
The Keepers, Documentary Series- This 7 episode series documenting the varying controversies surrounding the Catholic Church left me epiphanized about what it means to remove the seemingly impenetrable powers of institutions. Targeting one single individual, or a group of individuals or an organization won’t get it done. We must take down the viral ideas themselves.
Bladerunner 2049, Film - Aside from being wondrously constructed technically (you won’t see better production design or cinematography - give Deakins his Oscar now dammit), this story about a robot serves up a surprising amount of soul. Denis Villeneuve, solidifying his auteur status, delivers a nostalgic yet entirely unique follow up to the beloved sci fi classic.
‘Throne Room’ scene in The Last Jedi - This was the other time I felt like I was falling in the theater. Despite considerable problems, Rian Johnson showed us stuff we’ve never seen before in the SW universe. It’s the showdown you dream about as a kid.
The Big Sick, film - Kumail Nanjiani’s autobiographical story of how he met his lover is sorta the woke edition of Meet The Parents. Like Dev on MON, Kumail struggles to blaze trails while upholding loyalty to family and falls in love for a white girl along the way. Ray Romano and Holly Hunter turn in a pair of the year’s best performances.
Big Little Lies, Mini Series - I resisted the marketing for this one initially: dissatisfied, rich folk in Monterey. But the re-teaming of Jean-Marc Vallée (Wild, Dallas Buyers Club, Demolition) & Reese Witherspoon seemed promising. Momentum grew with each weekly installment (I overheard people theorizing whodoneit in restaurants), which is refreshing in the Netflix age. The leads are all stellar (believe the hype about Kidman) and Zoe Kravitz proves she should be working more.
Creature Comfort by Arcade Fire, Song - A painful examination of youth that’s equally heartbreaking and melodic.
Homecoming Season 2 - The fictional podcast about the remnants of a government coverup of a failed rehabilitation program for distressed veterans makes some questionable narrative choices in it’s second season and Oscar Isaac is absent throughout most of it (likely due to a loaded schedule). He does “appear” at the end of the second episode ‘CIPHER’, in a brilliant usage of audio storytelling, and it left me in puddles.
Mindhunter, TV Series - We all know Fincher is a technical maestro, but I don’t think he gets enough credit for being a complete storyteller, which he clearly is. The 13-episode made-to-binge Netflix series based off the book by the same name follows Holden Ford, an idealistic FBI profiler, and Bill Tench, played by Holt McCallany subverting every macho character role he’s ever taken on as a highly intelligent, hardened fed, as they attempt to break ground on our understandings of serial murderers. All of Fincher’s trademarks are there with sprinkled elements of Seven, & Zodiac.
Tyler the Creator’s Tiny Desk Concert, Podcast - I enjoyed ‘Flower Boy’, but didn’t find myself returning to it. That all changed after this. In a year of fantastic TDCs (i.e: Thundercat, Chance the Rapper) Tyler’s stands out. With help from a pair of stellar background singers, his array of talents are on full display, namely: composing and orchestrating melody and harmony.
Colin Kaepernick, Athlete - it’s not about the flag or the military don’t @ me.
20th Century Women, Film - Released wide in January, it remains one of the year’s best. Set gorgeously in 1970′s Santa Barbara, Mike Mills’ deeply personal tribute to motherhood, women, & outcasts overflows with heart.
Kamala Harris, (D) CA Senator - She is so bad, can we get started on the 2020 bumper stickers now?
What Now by Sylvan Esso, Album - ‘Hey Mami’ from their 2014 debut popped up on my Pandora one day and I was IN. Amelia Meath’s angelic vocals layered over Nick Sanborn’s unpredictable production is sublime. The “Echo Mountain Sessions” include dope af live recordings of the album’s standout tracks.
Logan, Film - The Wolverine movie we deserve also features a star-making performance from Dafne Keen and an unrecognizable Professor X. With a decade between the last time he inhabited his iconic portrayal of Charles Xavier, Sir Patrick Stewart strides (wheels?) back into the role with award worthy tact.
Fargo Season 3, TV Series - The best season yet and that’s really saying something. David Thewlis is haunting as Varga, the creepiest, most frightening villain in the series’ history and a collection of top-tier thespians rounds out the rest of the cast. There’s also a moment in one of the later episodes similar to the ending of ‘Split’ that’s a real delight.  
Mr. Robot Season 3, TV Series - Showrunner Sam Esmail moves us through this complex dystopia, which has begun to bear resemblance to our reality lately, with complete CTRL. We see Mr. Robot AND Bobby Canavale like never before. That oner episode is pretty cool too, but it’s not even the season’s best.
Other Notables: Patton Oswalt: Annihilation, Girls Trip, The Leftovers Season 3, Glow, Twin Peaks: The Return, Ingrid Goes West, BEAUTIFUL THUGGER GIRLS by Young Thug, Add Violence by NIN, Good Time, Stranger Things: Season 2, Legion, Dunkirk, Crashing, NO ONE EVER REALLY DIES by N.E.R.D, 4:44 by Jay-Z, Dirty John, Wind River, Dear White People
FYI: I still haven’t seen/listened to a lot of stuff, namely all the big award contending films.
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bronyinabottle · 7 years
It's been a little over a month since the movie came out. I was going to try to get my thoughts on it as soon as possible back when I saw it. But I decided to wait, and maybe at least get a general sense of how the fandom receives the movie first.
I will first say my general opinion of the movie. For what it is, it's pretty good. It brings much of what we love about the show to the big screen. However, there are definitely a few things that hold it back. There are probably a decent amount of episodes I would say are generally better then the movie. I think there might of been a chance I had slightly too high expectations in some areas because I do feel that slight tinge of disappointment. But again, I'm not saying it failed at what it's trying to do. I'm just one fan out of many after all and regardless of some of those feelings I did enjoy the film. Just I guess there were a few things I were expecting to be better then they actually were.
Let me get the best things of the film first, obviously the animation and the backgrounds/scenery is amazing. I almost want another film just for that alone, because it really does look great and smoothly animated. I believe for the most part the characters we know and love are characterized good enough. Tempest made for an awesome villain, her backstory alone felt like Starlight's but executed much, much better (Losing a horn and having a scar that scares ponies could have other things like bullies making fun of her for having no horn). Most of the new characters were pretty neat, for the exception of Grubber who felt very much like the stereotypical comic relief minion. I also really liked The Storm King, some of his lines had me laughing real good.
But I should probably also say the things in particular that may have bugged me. The music wasn't terrible but the only songs I was really into were Capper's Song and Open Up Your Eyes from Tempest. From what Ingram was saying I thought we were going to get some of the best songs this franchise has seen. But there are so many songs from the show that I would pick over much of the music in this movie. Despite the movie being the longest running timeframe for one thing (I believe it is fairly longer then any of the EQG films) it kinda still falls for some of the same problems of kinda rushing through stuff and makes me kinda wish that this was instead expanded into a mini-series with more time given to scenes that could of used it. Imagine a dedicated each episode to each of the places they visit. An episode for Capper's Village, an episode with the pirates, an episode with he seaponies, etc. as is they go through all of those a little too quickly. The seapony scene alone was what I was looking forward to most, but it really doesn't last as long as I thought it would. Maybe blame the advertisement and marketing for that, but with how much push there was for that you would think that scene where the Mane 6 are merponies would be longer then it actually was.
It doesn't exactly help that the scene I was looking forward to most is ended with the controversy of Twilight trying to take the pearl. I still don't get what exactly Twi's plan would of been if she had succeeded in taking it. All we knew about that point about the pearl was that it turned land creatures into aquatic creatures. I'm not so sure it suggests that it has some power that can defeat the Storm King. I get that Twilight was desperate as well at this point, but it still kinda bums me out that they had to have this scene to get that moment in the film that's in a lot of kids films where the hero is at their lowest point because they did something that makes things worse for the cast. I wish instead that Twilight was there for Pinkie's song so she saw that the Queen was being convinced to help out in some way. It would give the scene I wanted to see most more time and also explain why Celestia specifically asked to get the Hippogriffs for help. You could still get Twilight captured later and the Mane 6 gathering all the friends that helped them along. Heck, imagine if they had an army of Hippogriffs during that battle helping out. Just the whole thing is probably going to stay my least favorite thing about the movie, I just don't understand what Twilight was thinking trying to take it. If there's anyone who can kinda help explain it a little more who's more fine with the scene then I am I'd like to hear it to make me feel at least a little better about it. But for now, I kinda hope Queen Novo and Twilight reunite sometime for some proper apologies. It doesn't happen in the film at all, and whether it happens in the show or in a possible sequel film, I'd really like a little more closure on it.
Anyway, sorry if that was somewhat of a rant. But it's something that's really been on my chest that I need to release. Overall, tt's a pretty ok film. I think mainly people who were already fans of the show and the younger target demographic are going to enjoy it most. Though it's not going to do any wonders and impress those who never watched the show or casual animation fans and/or moviegoers. Though even for fans there are some things we certainly could critique.
I do hope we get another film in the near future though. Aside from how great the animation was, it could be a chance for Hasbro to maybe hear some of the criticism the first got and improve things for the next one. I hope we get something like what happened with Equestria Girls. The first Equestria GIrls was not good IMO, I'm not saying the MLP movie is as bad as EQG1. (I in fact think that despite the flaws it's about as good as some of the much better EQG sequels) but they both do have their flaws that are pretty obvious. I really hope that if/when there's a next film we get something akin to a Rainbow Rocks that absolutely blows this movie away in many ways. EQG1 was technically G4's first thing in theaters albeit at a much more limited distribution compared to this one. So in that way I hope history repeats itself.
For now though I am at least excited that Season 8 will look to use a few things from the movie. I believe I've mentioned this before but it's already confirmed we'll be seeing seaponies again. If we get an episode fully dedicated in the seapony kingdom I may begin to not feel as bad as how short that part of the movie ended up being. I'd also like Tempest to meet Starlight for sure.
But anyway, yeah, for what it is it's good enough. I definitely hope to see a little more then what we got in this film should there be another coming up. Because there are definitely things that could be worked on. Probably some I didn't even mention. But if there is something specific about the movie you'd like to know my opinion on that I didn't mention already just ask me and I'll share. For now though it's the end of any more pony released till' the beginning of Season 8 (Not counting the weekly EQG shorts anyway) so a pretty big year for MLP has come to a close. I'll sure to be there once Season 8 begins. Seeya!
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haleyfury · 4 years
August was another one of those strange months where it felt long and short at the same time! This month, I celebrated my twenty-second birthday, had more beach & pool days, finished my first semester of grad school, and read a ton of books! I had two weeks in August in between the summer and fall semesters, so I spent so, so much time reading! I think it also helped that I didn’t have a ton of new shows coming out (aside from the 3 seasons that I did binge and my weekly reality TV schedule, oops), but I was also just genuinely in the mood to read! I knew in the back of my mind that I likely won’t be able to devour 17 books a month for the rest of 2020 or until at least December, since I just started my fall semester last Monday and have a pretty big course load. 
I have reviews already published and coming for 15 of 16 out of the follow books so I’m not going to be sharing my mini thoughts on them, with the exception of the books I DNF’ed. 
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Anna K by Jenny Lee | 5/5 Stars
Loveboat, Taipei by Abigail Hing Wien | 2.5/5
The Heir Affair (The Royal We #2) by Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan | 4.75/5 
Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid | 4/5
Recommended For You by Laura Silverman | 4/5 (ARC)
Regretting You by Colleen Hoover | 3.5/5 
Rodham by Curtis Sittenfeld | 5/5 
The Book of V. by Anna Solmon | 4/5
Grown by Tiffany D. Jackson | 4.5/5 (ARC) 
The Best Worst Man by Mia Sosa | 5/5 
Jesus Land: A Memoir by Julia Scheeres 5/5
An American Marriage by Tayari Jones | 3.5/5
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Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey | 2.5/5
The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly | 4.5/5
Punching the Air by Ibi Zoiboi and Yusef Salaam | 4/5 (ARC)
One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London | 5/5 
The Knockout Queen by Rufi Thorpe | 4/5 
I went on a mini romance book kick this month (right now my mood keeps alternating between adult and YA contemporary), so I decided to finally pick up the first two books in Tessa Bailey’s Hot and Hammered series. I didn’t love Fix Her Up but I really liked one if its side characters, Rosie, who is the lead female protagonist in the second book, Love Her or Lose Her. While so many of my friends in the blogging and bookstagram worlds love this series, I didn’t realize how polarized readers felt about this series until I skimmed through Goodreads… and I’m definitely on the side that just doesn’t like the series. I was so uncomfortable with some of the romance series — not because I’m not used to the steamy content, but because I just hated the lead male protagonists and their dominance. I disliked the male protagonist in Love Her or Lose Her even more than I disliked Travis in Fix Her Up. Honestly, I don’t know why this series uses ‘her’ in the titles because it’s seriously the men who need some fixing. Love Her or Lose Her is a marriage redemption romance, as high school sweethearts Rosie and Dominic are on the brink of divorce. I once again hated his pet/nickname for Rosie (let’s just take any word of endearment and add ‘girl’ after it), and I honestly should’ve DnF’d this one right after the second chapter, as Dominic tries to get Rosie to have sex with him before she leaves their house. This series unfortunately is just not the one for me.
This month, I also DNF’ed Tessa Dare’s historical romance, The Duchess Deal. I definitely do see myself picking this one up again in the future, but I’m just not in a super big romance mood right now. I think I because I read so many romance in the first half of 2020, I’m starting to get more selective of the romance books I do pick up. 
Selling Sunset S3 (Netflix) – It’s official: Selling Sunset is my favorite Netflix reality show. This LA real estate docusoap just gets better and better each season, and I know it’ll be a long wait for a fourth season, but it’ll be so worth it. I found Chrishell’s perspective about her divorce so intersting, but I do wish there would have been less drama and more of Christine’s wedding in the last episode. 
Glow Up S2 (Netflix) – I binge-watched Glow Up S1 in a weekend during my winter break, so it was fun doing the same thing this summer with the second season. This make up competition series also makes me want to learn how to do makeup differently, but I think I’ll just leave it to the pros. 
Million Dollar Beach House S1 (Netflix)  – Million Dollar Beach House is definitely trying to be the East Coast/ Hamptons version of Selling Sunset. I don’t think it’s pulled it off just yet, but just like Selling Sunset, this first season really lays the foundation for what I think would be a second season. I wasn’t a huge fan of the drama, but I loved the houses. 
Other Things I Watched: Below Deck Mediterranean S5, Say Yes to the Dress S19 (TLC), The West Wing S2 (Netflix/NBC), Last Chance U S5 (Netflix), Sugar Rush: Extra Sweet (Netflix) 
TWO GREAT READS, ONE MISS: Recent Contemporary Reads Mini Reviews
LIVE LOVE ROMANCE: Contemporary Romance Mini Reviews
FAVORITE ROYAL READS: The Royal We & The Heir Affair Review 
NEW ADULT FAKE DATING: The Dare (Briar U #4) Review
Books I Loved & Not So Loved: YA Mini Reviews
BEST READING MONTH OF 2020: July 2020 Wrap Up
Other Bookish Fun 
Fall 2020 Most Anticipated Adult Releases
Fall 2020 Most Anticipated YA Releases
Top Five Wednesday: Dream Adaptations 
Happy 22nd Birthday to Me: 22 Favorite Books, TV Shows & More 
Folklore Book Tag 
August 2020 TBR ft. ARC August
What did you read & watch in August? Have you read any of the books I mentioned? Share in the comments! 
17 BOOKS 1 FANGIRL: August 2020 Wrap Up August was another one of those strange months where it felt long and short at the same time!
0 notes
mastcomm · 5 years
Coronavirus, Impeachment, Isabel dos Santos: Your Friday Briefing
(Want to get this briefing by email? Here’s the sign-up.)
Good morning.
We’re covering the impacts of a viral epidemic in China, the Democratic strategy at President Trump’s impeachment trial and a landmark ruling on violence in Myanmar.
Outbreak disrupts China and spooks markets
In China, the all-important Lunar New Year holiday begins today, but the outbreak of a deadly virus is overwhelming hospitals and raising fears of a pandemic akin to one fueled by SARS, a similar disease that originated in China in 2002 and killed more than 800 people worldwide.
Here are the latest updates and a map of where the virus, which has killed at least 26 people and sickened more than 600 people in Asia, has spread.
Experts from the World Health Organization said on Thursday that it was too early to declare the outbreak an international health emergency, even as China took the apparently unprecedented move of keeping millions of people in Wuhan and nearby cities on a travel lockdown.
Looking ahead: The outbreak has dampened growth prospects for the world’s second-largest economy during what is normally a busy spending season. Financial markets fell across Asia on Thursday, led by a sharp drop in stocks in China.
Details: Many of the first 18 victims were men who skewed older and had underlying health issues. But the 18th was the first to die outside the city of Wuhan, the virus’s epicenter.
Go deeper: Wuhan, population 11 million, is an industrial and manufacturing hub that embodies China’s rise as a global economic power. Here’s a video of the city on edge.
Solemnity, and politics, in Jerusalem
Prince Charles of Britain is due to meet in Bethlehem today with Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, on the heels of an event in Jerusalem that marked the coming 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp Auschwitz.
Speaking days before the anniversary on Monday, world leaders at the event discussed the importance of remembering the Holocaust and speaking out against anti-Semitism. Some also used the opportunity to score political points on Iran.
Why this matters: The presence of several global leaders at Israel’s biggest-ever political gathering was a public relations boon for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, who is campaigning ahead of a March election even as he awaits trial on corruption charges.
The Democrats’ strategy on impeachment
House Democrats are expected today to wrap up their opening arguments at the impeachment trial of President Trump by arguing that he obstructed Congress by concealing his behavior and withholding documents and witnesses. Here’s a roundup of our latest impeachment coverage.
On Thursday, the Democrats tried to disprove Mr. Trump’s claims that he was merely trying to root out corruption in Ukraine when he sought to enlist officials in that country to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, who served on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.
Analysis: Bringing up the Bidens is risky for Democrats, our congressional correspondent writes, because some Republicans are threatening to call them as witnesses.
Related: No witnesses have been allowed at the trial yet, but Democrats are essentially using Mr. Trump as one — by quoting from his astonishingly unfiltered public remarks on Ukraine and other subjects.
What’s next: Mr. Trump’s lawyers are scheduled to begin delivering their opening arguments on Saturday, and the trial could be over before the president’s State of the Union speech on Feb. 4. But if senators vote to subpoena witnesses and documents, it could go deep into February.
Climate change and the banking sector
Climate change is expected to figure prominently in a strategic review that the European Central Bank began on Thursday — on the same day that an umbrella organization for the world’s central banks warned that the issue could lead to the next global financial crisis.
Christine Lagarde, the E.C.B. president, acknowledged on Thursday that some members of its governing council questioned whether fighting climate change was a central bank’s job. Still, she added, “I’m also aware of the danger of doing nothing.”
Why this matters: Global gross domestic product could plunge by nearly a quarter by the end of the century because of the effects of climate change, according to some estimates.
Analysis: “Think the subprime crisis in 2008 was bad?” our business correspondent writes. “Imagine a real estate crisis caused by rising sea levels and coastal flooding that renders thousands of square miles of land uninhabitable or useless for farming.”
Related: Business and political leaders made a flurry of commitments on carbon emissions at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this week. But few provided details on how companies could rapidly transition away from an economy based on fossil fuels.
If you have 45 minutes, this is worth it
9/11, the F.B.I. and the Saudi connection
In a case that divided the F.B.I., agents spent years trying to understand Saudi Arabia’s connections to the worst terror attack in America’s history.
Now a joint investigation by The Times Magazine and ProPublica explores what some agents discovered: A series of missed opportunities by the agency to resolve questions about the link between one of Washington’s closest allies and the attack.
Here’s what else is happening
Ruling for Rohingya: The International Court of Justice at The Hague said on Thursday that Myanmar must take action to protect Rohingya Muslims after what many experts have called a campaign of genocide by the country’s security forces along the border with Bangladesh.
Storm moves north: A huge storm that has killed 10 people in Spain and left hundreds of thousands of residents temporarily without electricity was moving north on Thursday, setting off weather alerts for parts of France.
Poisoning charges: Bulgarian prosecutors on Thursday announced charges against three Russian spies, accusing them of using poison in a failed attempt “to deliberately kill” a prominent arms dealer, his son and an executive in 2015. A Times investigation last month identified the suspects as operatives of an elite military unit involved in the 2018 poisoning of a Russian spy in Britain.
Angola: Isabel dos Santos, the daughter of the country’s former president, is set to face charges after an investigation into the embezzlement of millions from the state oil company, which she once led. A banker who managed the company’s account was found dead at his Lisbon home in what was most likely a suicide, a police source said.
Subway chief quits: Andy Byford, a self-described subway nerd from Britain who has worked on the London, Sydney and Toronto transit networks, resigned as chief of the state agency that runs New York City’s subways. He had quarreled with the state’s governor over plans to fix a major line between Manhattan and Brooklyn.
Snapshot: Above, a display of Benin Bronzes at the British Museum in London. The artifacts were looted by British troops in the 19th century, but two British police officers have made it their mission to return them.
What we’re reading: This profile of Lizzo in Rolling Stone “reveals how hard the Grammy-nominated singer fought to become a new kind of superstar,” writes Remy Tumin on the Briefings team, and the photos alone make it worth reading.
Now, a break from the news
Cook: Pasta alla vodka is a 30-minute dinner that leaves enough time to make a salad and pour a glass of wine. Skip the pancetta to make it vegetarian.
Watch: “The Gentlemen,” the latest movie from the British director Guy Ritchie, features villains and supervillains, crime and punishment, winks and splatter-happy schtick, our film critic writes.
Smarter Living: Our Climate Fwd: newsletter usually brings us a weekly tip on one thing you can do for the environment, but this week its team is looking at the bigger picture.
And now for the Back Story on …
The impeachment diet
Of the many rules that govern the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, there is none more incongruous than the food and drink allowed on the floor during the marathon proceedings: water, milk and candy. That’s it.
The candy is thanks to the “candy desk,” a historical relic that is now assigned to Senator Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania. It’s on the Republican side of the chamber, in the back row on the aisle.
The tradition of the candy desk started in 1965 with Senator George Murphy, a sweet-toothed California Republican, and in recent years has been controlled by lawmakers from Pennsylvania, which has the country’s biggest confectionary industry. It’s currently stocked with Hershey bars with almonds, Rolo caramels, Milky Ways, 3 Musketeers bars, Palmer Peanut Butter Cups and Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews.
As for beverages, only water is permitted — either still or sparkling — though a legislative rule book does refer to a lawmaker who was permitted to ask for a glass of milk in 1966. Unfortunately for everyone involved in the proceedings, which have so far made for some very long days, coffee is not allowed.
That’s it for this briefing. See you next time.
— Mike and Sofia
Thank you To Mark Josephson and Eleanor Stanford for the break from the news. Adam Pasick, on the Briefings team, wrote today’s Back Story. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Our latest episode is on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. • New York Magazine profiled Michael Barbaro and the team behind “The Daily.” • Here’s our Mini Crossword, and a clue: Use a stencil (five letters). You can find all our puzzles here.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/event/coronavirus-impeachment-isabel-dos-santos-your-friday-briefing/
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lawrenceseitz22 · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 218
Click on the video above to watch Episode 218 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts episode number 218. Today is the 9th of January, 2019 and we are Semantic Mastery. I’ve always wanted to do that like a band coming out. We should do that with guitars sometimes, but anyways that’s for another date. Let’s say ‘hi’ to everyone real quick. We’ve got some good stuff for you guys coming up. We’ve got a few quick announcements and that’s more good stuff. Real quick, I’m going to start on the right this time and Bradley how are you doing?
I wanted to ask you first. You always have to wait to the end so I thought it’d be nice if you went first.
Bradley: I thought you saved the best for last man.
Adam: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Hey guys. I’m just happy to be here. We’ve got a lot of good questions already. Been hard at work this week on all kinds of stuff. We’ve got a Mastermind webinar tomorrow I’m looking forward to doing so just happy to be here man. Life is good.
Adam: Nice, nice. Marco, how about yourself? Staying warm?
Marco: What’s up man, it’s summer in … Well, not summer but it’s the dry season so, yeah, of course we’re staying warm man. Warm and sunny every day. Well it’s actually warm and sunny, as I’ve said, or rainy and sunny. Excuse me, rainy and warm, but always warm.
Adam: Nice, nice. Hernan how’s it going for you? Is it starting to cool down? What goes on down there? I don’t [crosstalk 00:01:26].
Hernan: Yeah, but I really don’t know what’s going on in here man. It’s like, yeah, it’s cooling down in the evening but then it goes up like 40 fucking Celsius during the day. I don’t know, it’s crazy. I’m just pumped to be here, because the other day you said that I wasn’t excited enough so I’m just really pumped to be here and I’m really excited for being here guys. I’m excited to hang out with you.
Adam: Nice. Nice. Yeah, just a warning to anybody that deals with Hernan. If you tell him he’s not excited enough you’re going to get a lot of gifts in return. Just a warning.
Hernan: Like a barrage. Barrage. Gift barrage.
Adam: Chris, how you doing man?
Chris:Been busy here. Lots of snow in Austria, partially in the mountains four meters high. Perfect season for snowboarding.
Adam: Nice, yeah, that’s a lot of snow. Damn. Well good deal. Well, before we get into it we’ve got a few things we wanted to cover. First of all, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery thank you for watching. Whether or not you’re joining us live on the event page or if you’re checking out the replay on YouTube or somewhere else first of all thanks for watching. Keep coming back, as your questions.
You can always ask them ahead of time and then check out the replays. We know the time doesn’t work for everybody whether it’s because you’re meeting with clients, you’ve got a job, you’re in a different time zone. Just do what you can, ask your questions, learn from others. If you do join or you do show up live that’s great, we really do appreciate it and really do appreciate you taking the time to be a part of the community.
If you’re looking for the place to start with Semantic Mastery, it’s a question we hear frequently. The battle plan is the single place to start with us. Go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com and this is going to help you solve the problems about getting repeatable processes for getting results for SEO, with the digital marketing, all sorts of good stuff and there’s some extra goodies in there that I’ll leave quiet for now.
Then passed that, if you’re really looking to take things up a few notches, you want to extend your peer group, you want to network and you want to be a part of a Mastermind then you should join the Mastermind. I’d be happy to have you and you can find out more about that at Mastermind.syemanticmastery.com. Also, like I said, you can watch this live. We love having you live, but if you’re checking us out on replay … Checking out the replay on YouTube just hit subscribe and stay up to date with obviously the Hump Day Hangouts as well as other Q&A’s we do and then additional videos as well.
Real quick, I know …
Marco: Before you go on.
Adam: Yeah, what’s up Marco?
Marco: I’d like to comment on our Mastermind, right?
Adam: Yeah.
Marco: I’m biased and it’s going to sound like a pitch but it really isn’t. Last night our many Mastermind picked up again because we had been off because of the holidays. In between those two weeks one of our many Mastermind members started getting calls to her GMB assets and she was just really stoked. I mean she said, “One thing is to hear you guys say that you can do this and then another is to actually go do it, get the assets. Do the things the way that we say and then get phone calls.”
It was really awesome. It was a pickup for the new year to hear this. We have another guy in our many Mastermind that already getting quite a few phone calls in a really good nit. Then we had another one who decided to take us up on our … Don’t kill yourself.
Adam: This is good. The scenery is falling around me. I’m just going to leave it here.
Bradley: Did anybody else see that because I missed it. I’m going to have to watch the replay.
Marco: He decided to take us up on our offer. Our special for GMB’s, so he bought two five packs and he’s just waiting for those to get delivered. Once they get delivered I’ll be helping him pimp those out. I mean, that’s a benefit of being in Semantic Mastery is that you will have access to these many Masterminds. To be with one of us five each in our own specialty because we all work differently. That’ll be set up and you’ll have the chance to join and you can pick according to what it is that you want to do, who you work with.
You might end up working with Adam, or Hernan, or Chris, or with me. Then you can switch after three … What is it? After three, four months we switch, or we decided to just keep the group together and keep going and we just added somebody else who asked to be in it from our Mastermind. What I’m doing is I’m recording all of our calls and then anyone who wants to join can just go and catch up because everything is there. All of the prior discussions so that they can get up to speed where we are because they should have assets and they should be getting phone calls by now.
It’s only been like two and a half months and people are getting results and that’s damn fast if you are familiar with how the internet works. Two and a half months is nothing to start getting results and start making money.
Adam: that’s awesome, and for anyone who doesn’t know. If you’re not familiar with the idea of these, what we call, the mini Masterminds. We do this, like Marco said, ever three to four months. We try to do it quarterly, of course, holidays wreak havoc, but we take all the Mastermind members, ask them, “Hey what are you interested? What are you up to? What kind of stuff are you working on right now?” Then we take that information and we go ahead and take the time to put them into small groups and then match them up, basically.
Of three to five people because that’s different. I mean, there’s obviously the Mastermind webinars, there’s training, there’s one to many types of stuff. But then this is the time to really reinforce that stuff, ask questions of the other kind of peer feedback and so we’ve gotten a lot of good feedback about that. Members really liking that.
Bradley: May I interject for a moment? Yeah, and something that I did when we had the one dollar trial offer for Mastermind for the end of the year and we had a bunch of people join. One of the things we promised as part of that offer was a one-on-one call with one of us. It was just like we got a notification in our Slack channel that said somebody else joined. First come, first served. It was up to us, one of us, the Semantic Mastery partners to reach out and schedule the call.
I’ve done that for at least five of them and what I found was that we said 15 minutes, but I’ve given everybody 30 minutes. 15 minutes just isn’t enough time to really talk with anybody. I ended up doing that five times with new one dollar trial members and some of those people didn’t even stick, and that’s fine. For example, I talked to somebody from Brazil who said that the conversion rate between US dollars and Brazilian money was like four to one.
It was like 1,200 dollars a month to be part of Mastermind. He was real up front. “I feel bad taking you up on the one-on-one call.” I was like, “Don’t worry about it. That was part of the offer.” I’m here, let’s talk. But what I found was that I really enjoy those calls and we sit behind a computer screen all the time guys working and it’s almost like a business. Even though we socialize online, like via Facebook and all that stuff, we don’t have direct communication often. Where we’re talking via speech or voice with other people that often.
At least I haven’t for a long time. I don’t do it as often as I should. My point is I’ve found that in doing those Mastermind calls that I really enjoyed it and so I posted on Friday, this past Friday in the Mastermind community, the Facebook group, just a video saying, “Hey, I really like this stuff and I’d like to get to know more of the Mastermind members on a more one-on-one basis,” so I posted my Calandly link and told people to go sign up.
It’s funny because I had it set up, my Calandly link set up for 30 days, like for the next 30 days, and Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s is the only days that I’ve scheduled time out or blocked time out to be able to do these calls. It filled up in a matter of two days. The whole 30 days got scheduled out in like two days time, it’s crazy. Now Tuesday through Thursday for the next five to six weeks, because now it’s been a week, well almost a week.
But for the next five weeks I’m going to be doing Mastermind calls. It’s really cool because it gives me an opportunity to talk with our members one-on-one, find our specifically about their business. Maybe provide some guidance, or at least a third party perspective on what’s going on with their business as well as help maybe point them into the direction of where they can find specific training to help them solve some of their issues.
At the same time it educates me as to some of the potential problems that our audience, our members are going through that I may not experience in my own business or that any of my partners may not be experiencing in their business. It helps me to anticipate potential problems that could arise and find workarounds for it and that kind of stuff. The reason I started saying this to guys or started telling you this was just because it’s, again, one of those perks of being in the Mastermind.
This was something unintended. I didn’t even talk about it with my partners, I just posted it and it’s been very popular and that’s something that you guys could benefit from as well if you join the Mastermind.
Adam: Definitely, definitely. Speaking of benefits, Marco you’ve got a webinar coming up next week right?
Marco: I do have a webinar man. I’m calling it the Entity Webinar. I mean, it’s what we’ve been talking about. It’s stuff that people just refuse to tell you. I’m calling it the end game because that’s what it’s all about. I mean, you start out, you’re open. To me, I’m an avid reader and Son Su is one of the books that I read over and over and over, constant. The Art of War. To me, it’s war. A chess game is war also. You have the opening, the middle, and then you have the end game.
That’s when you go in for the kill. The only way that you can go in for the kill when you’re working online is when you do what I’m going to explain to you on Monday. There’s a caveat on that. The only way that you can get into that webinar is by donating to my charity and I’ll post the link to the donation page. It’s going up, there it is. I’m not asking for a million dollars, 5 bucks, 10 bucks. Whatever is in your heart. You donate 1,000 and I’m going to give you 2 hours of my time.
You donate 5,000 or more and I’m going to set up your whole … I was going to drop an F bomb. I’m going to set up your whole funnel. I’m going to take over your local niche and that’s how it goes.
Adam: Nice, that’s awesome. Yeah, like Marco said, you’ve just got to click the link, go donate, and then hit up [email protected]. By hit up, I mean send an email with proof that you donated and we’ll get you access to that webinar.
Bradley: Sweet. Anything else?
Marco: Nah, let’s do this.
Adam: Yeah, I think that’s it. Let’s do it.
How Do You Find Opportunities For Projects & Clients With The MGYB Keyword Research You’ve Performed?
Bradley: Alright, first up is Liz. Liz says, “What’s the best way to put deep keyword research to use after I get it back from MGYB? Obviously it’s a ton of good keywords but I’m wondering if I’m missing out on opportunities for projects or clients. How would you use it?” That’s a great question, Liz. Well, for content marketing purposes mainly that’s how I use it. I’m not crazy about … I don’t do a whole crap-ton of link building anymore other than using press releases and then obviously content marketing and syndication networks is all part of that.
But content marketing is where I use the keywords the most and that could be in creating blog posts, it could be used in publishing press releases. It could be used for GMB posts which is really powerful if you’re doing local stuff. That’s typically how I do it. Now, I know the keyword research reports are even set up with potential silos and all that kind of stuff so it really should make it easy. What I would recommend that you do is just take the keyword report and start producing more content period. Using the keywords set up in the structure that they were given to you in because that’s the most Semantic relevance per silo in all of that, and that should help you.
You could also use those as words, the keywords for anchor text and things like that if you’re doing a link, a bunch of link building. But that’s not something that I even bother with all that much anymore. It’s not really needed. Marco, what do you say?
Marco: No, I totally agree. This is the way that it works and I was hoping to have that sample back by now, but it’s taking a little bit longer than expected. It’ll be ready tomorrow morning, and in fact, it’s going to be ready for our Mastermind webinar. Where we’re going to go over exactly how to use the keyword research that you get back from us. But the whole thing about this is we go into like seven different pieces of software to pull all of this information together. Then we take it all and we create, as you mentioned, the silos.
Then there’s a tab, a legend tab, where we actually tell you. You explain, this is how this works. This is what you’re getting and it’s an initial set up. We recommend for silos, we recommend keywords under that silo. Of course you should be using a question and answer format. Question and answer schema. It really works, it helps you get into those rich snippets. What we’ll do is maybe cut out tomorrows training and make that available for people who buy or who have bought our keyword research because I’m going to go into a whole lot more detail tomorrow.
But it’s really deep. It’s things that you might not ever think of, that you might not ever get to. Guys, when you get the deep keyword research, it takes our VA’s about 16 working hours to put it all together because not only does the research have to be done, duplicates have to be eliminated. Then the keywords, they have to be gathered and we separate them into whether they’re commercial/non commercial, or whether they support the silo in any way.
We want to create Semantic relevance, especially in some of the keywords we tend to just throw away. But if Google says there’s Semantic relevance, it’s for a reason. I don’t want to go into cold currents, I don’t want to spin people’s heads, but there should be some mention because Google considers it relevant to the topic. I mean, again, we’ll go into it a whole lot deeper tomorrow but the best way to put it to use is look at the legend tab and see what the instructions are.
Is There A Big Difference On The Results And Penalties For Putting A JSON-LD Schema In The Header Or Body Section Of A Page?
Bradley: There you go. Alright, Ken’s up. Ken says, “Is there a big difference in results/penalties if I put JSON on the schema and the header or the body tag?” No. Ken, as far as aware there’s no penalty issue. If you’re not spamming, there shouldn’t be any penalty issue and results it shouldn’t matter. JSON LD can be put anywhere on the page. It could even be put in the post body. It doesn’t have to be within the header tag or within the body tag like the HTML of the page.
What I’m saying is you can actually put JSON LD code in the middle of a post. It’s not going to display to a view but the codes there. If you view page source you can see it. In fact I use a combination for organization markup when you have multiple locations. I use a combination of JSON LD and then just regular HTML to create the locations page where it lists organization structure data or schema markup and then it lists each of the individual locations.
I put that right in the post body of the page so that the JSON LD is actually in the content body of that page. I actually add the code in the wizzy wig editor in wordpress if that makes sense, instead of the HTML header or in the theme files or anything like that. I actually add it into the page because it’s JSON LD organization markup at the top and then it breaks down into individual locations with individual local business markup for each location. But then the locations actually display on the page with the NAP and the Google map embed and the link over to the site to the individual location either site or landing page if that makes sense.
It’s a combination of using just regular JSON LD markup in the post body with regular HTML, if that makes sense. Another type of structure data markup would be micro data which is not the recommended method anymore which is like micro data, or excuse me, schema in HTML format but that isn’t the recommended method. But JSON LD can be added, like I said, directly to the post body of the page. You shouldn’t have any issues.
Now, as far as difference in results, I don’t think that makes any difference at all but Marco might know better than me. Marco do you have any input on that?
Marco: No, because I mean if we’re just looking at it strictly from what schema.org says and JSON LD, they do give recommendations but it’s wrapped in script. It’ll have a script opening and a script closed. The bot will know what to do with that no matter what because it says the type application LD plus JSON, I think it’s tagged. The bot knows how to act on that specific section. Now we can look at that from maybe an HTML5 perspective because if it’s data about the page it should be in the head section.
You can look at archive … Not archive, but W3C, yeah, schools and read about head elements and what your head elements should include and if we’re talking about data about that specific page then it should go in the head section before the closing head tag. It’s two different things. JSON LD shouldn’t matter. It looks like a very short question, very simple, but it can be complicated depending on how you’re looking at it.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:20:41]. I was going to say, let me break in for just a moment because what I was saying about organization markup, that’s really not information about the page. It’s information about the organization, the corporation and all of its locations. It’s not really info about the page, it’s information about the organization. I can understand what you’re saying Marco. If it’s like JSON LD markup for like review schema or article markup, or something like that then I would imagine that, that would be suggested to be … I mean, it might all be suggested to be in the header.
I just know that I’ve done it and it validates in the structure data testing tool.
Marco: Yeah, I mean if Google says it’s fine then it’s reading it fine, then it’s nothing to worry about.
Is There A Value Of Putting RYS Stack On An Authority Site That Is Using Curated Content?
Bradley: There you go. That’s a good question Ken. Ben says, “Hey, Bradley and guys. I find building an authority site for niche using curating content. Is there any value in putting an RYS stack on it?” Yes, because you can push link equity or juice power directly from Google as well as relevancy into it. Remember guys, RYS just is about pushing authority from Google in a way to help validate an entity in all that. It doesn’t matter what type of content you’re using, you could benefit from it. Okay, “Does an RYS stack help the long tail rankings that I’m shooting for with an authority site that builds up a lot of content or is that something that is mainly of benefit for local SEO?”
No. Once again guys, we talk about local mainly because that’s primarily what our audience is and that’s pretty much all I do anymore is local work. Local SEO and local marketing period. But, yeah, RYS stacks will help just about anything. Here, this is funny. Somebody asked last week specifically. Now, Ben, I know what you’re talking about with building up an authority site. Yes, in fact, if I was going to be building up an authority site that would be one of the first things I would do is set up an RYS drive stack for it specifically because, again, that’s a great way to siphon authority.
But what I was about to say was somebody was mentioning last week specifically about, well I’m logged into that one. Let me see if I can go into an incognito window instead. Somebody was asking specifically last week or maybe it was two weeks ago now, about using drive stacks for affiliate marketing and launch jacking, I think it was, specifically. I mentioned that, yeah, they absolutely work and what was funny was somebody was asking me … I know what it was. There was a comment from our youtube channel that somebody commented on our BROWSIO 3.0 webinar where I was explaining how I use BROWSIO for our business or whatever.
It was a webinar that we did, and it was to pitch selling as an affiliate BROWSEO, but I use it. We don’t pitch anything we don’t use guys. But anyways, somebody made a comment like, “It was a waste of 67 dollars,” or something. I just went to go see like, “Where’d this guy come from anyways?” I did a quick Google search and this is funny, but this is just to show you the power of drive stacks. If I say BROWSIO 3.0 guys, BROWSEO the main site comes up. That’s number one, but then pretty much the rest of the page is owned by Semantic mastery products or, excuse me, drive stack files.
For example, this is our Google site that we use when we launched, or when BROWSEO 3.0 was launched. This is one of our drive stacks guys. This is what the G-Site on one of our drive stacks looks like, in case you guys have never seen one.
Marco: Man that’s but ugly.
Bradley: This is an old one [crosstalk 00:24:18]. Yeah, but what I’m saying is look at how well these are built and that’s what I’m saying. This is on the old site because this was produced in WIN way back in September 2016, guys. Think about that, and here’s the slide share which is one of the files that was created. All of this Semantic Mastery. There’s our link right there and it’s Semantic Mastery. Guys, all of these things here that we’re looking at had come right … Well, that must not be it, but those had come directly from the drive stack and there’s our video.
My point is these are very, very powerful and they stick. Ben, yeah, if you’re building an authority site I would absolutely recommend that you set up a drive stack because they’re super powerful. I mean, I know I showed you guys 1,000 times the Virginia SEO one but, I mean, it’s hard to beat. Well it’s the same thing. It’s still ranked today number one, big [inaudible 00:25:09] marketing because my IP is showing that number too.
There’s my wordpress.com, all that stuff is just Google Drive stuff, G-Site stuff. Excuse me, RYS drive stack stuff. Again, same thing Ben. I would highly recommend if you’re trying to push authority into a site, it’s hard to beat using a drive stack period. It’s not just for local SEO, okay.
Marco: If I may add.
Bradley: Please.
Marco: Ben, when you order that drive stack order the deep keyword research and have that added to your drive stack because that’s what you want. You want everything that’s related to whatever authority site you’re creating. You want everything thrown in that drive stack and that’s what’s really going to juice it up. Then, the next question that’s coming up will tell you what you need to do in case you get into one of those medium competition keywords that’s sticky and doesn’t want to move, how you can push it up.
Is There A Daily Upper Limit When It Comes To Posting Curated Content?
Bradley: There you go. The second question he asked is, “If I’m building up a big site with VA’s creating curated posts is there any daily upper limit that you’re aware of that would cause Google to back off? For example, if I’m creating and posting five articles a day could there be any problems with that? My sense is that if they are quality articles that generate good stats on analytics, long-time on page, scroll. Scroll depth, low balance rate, it wouldn’t matter how many posts you publish daily. What do you think?”
You’re correct, Ben. As long as it’s good quality content, which you can absolutely do with curated content. In fact, curated content is often better content than originally written articles from people that aren’t subject matter experts. That’s just pure spam in my opinion. My point is, yes, there is no problem with posting more, like frequency of publishing is not a negative ranking factor unless you’re posting like duplicate content or just straight spam.
But if you’re posting good content, and a curated post is original content. It uses elements of other people’s content, but it’s original content because of the commentary that’s injected at the opening, the conclusion, and in between each piece of curated content. Again, as far as … I have never seen … Think about the blogs that, especially technology blogs. They tend to post dozens of times a day and those sites end up becoming high authority sites, typically, as long as the contents decent. I don’t see any issue with that at all. Post away.
Marco: I agree and Ben I recommend sign up for the webinar. Donate. It’s for a good cause and what you’re talking about is the art of ART, A-R-T. Activity Relevance Trust in authority, which I will be going into on Monday’s webinar.
Bradley: Very cool. Alright, Greg’s up. He’s got multiple questions here about drive stacks. It might be a little bit too specific. I don’t know if Marco wants to cover these here or not. Marco, what do you say before I start reading them?
Marco: Let’s read through them and then we’ll see what we can answer and what we can’t.
Do You Need To Change The Links Of The New GSite Page To Link Back To The New Drive Stack Folder Files?
Bradley: Greg says, “Hey folks, I did the following with my done for you stack to increase its power. I created a new folder on the main drive stack. Copied all the files and folders from the original drive stack and put them in the new folders. Created a new G-Site page for the new folder. Questions: do you link the new G-Site page? Do the links on the new G-Site page need to be changed to link back to the new drive stack folder files or can they continue to link to the original main drive stack files and folders?”
Yeah, see that’s what I’m saying. It seems like that’s getting a bit too specific into techniques that I’m not sure we want to share on Hump Day Hangouts, do you?
Marco: No, but I would just tell him to think silo.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: Think silo. Go look up what you should do with silos and your answer’s right there.
Bradley: Yeah. Greg if you understand silo’s architecture. If you don’t, we’ve got a couple really good training tutorials on silo architecture right in our YouTube channel. In fact, you can even find it, I think, in our playlist if you go to youtube.com/symenticmastery and you click on the playlist tab you’ll probably find a silo architecture playlist that’s old, but it’s the same. Silo architecture hasn’t changed since its invention or discovery, whatever you want to call it.
It’s pretty much the same, nothing’s changed. It’s just about how to create thematic relevance and keep it very, very tight. That’s why they call it a silo because you silo keywords. You add keywords that you go with depth. You add depth to a top level keyword by adding longer tail keywords that are supporting keywords. You can do the same thing with a drive stack. You set up a folder and then the folder could be named after a keyword, a top of silo type keyword, and then you would just put supporting files with the supporting long tail keywords in there.
Think about that and then think about the linking strategy from siloing a website too. You could do something very similar and then we talk about, and this is not revealing too much I know, but we talk about theme mirroring. If you have a website that’s siloed you can mirror that into a drive stack into [inaudible 00:30:28] and a G-Site, and so forth. You can do the same thing with a YouTube channel, by the way guys.
You can theme mirror a YouTube channel to your siloed website. That’s YouTube silo academy. All of those should mirror, in my opinion.
Marco: Then hit that, once you got that page ready for that sticky keyword, hit it with one of our press releases.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: What it go, and Greg it’s interesting because this … He got this information from the two prior webinars that I did, I’m pretty sure. If you guys want this information that Greg is talking about, it’s in the two previous webinars that I did for the charity but the only way to get to those is you have to have donated or you need to attend Monday’s webinar and watch the new webinar and then get access to the other two webinars.
Bradley: There you go. “Do you recommend I make any other changes to the new folders, files, and G-Site combination to turn on the ranking power?” Well, I don’t know, because I don’t know what the existing configuration is other than what you listed right here. Any other things you would recommend Marco?
Marco: Think silos, think silos. Think Semantic relevance. Think, if you have to, order a deep keyword research gig from us so that we can give you everything and we can set up the silo so that you can see the keyword structure and you’ll know how you need to start linking top down or bottom up, or both because you can do both in a drive sync of the spiderweb silo goes all over the place. But in this type of situation yo do want to contain as much Semantic relevance as you can per folder and page.
Should You Put All The @id Info On A Subdomain If You Have A WordPress Site Instead Of GMB Mini Site?
Bradley: Very good. Okay, Kenny’s up. Kenny says, “Hello, hello. I had a question about the ad ID. If we have WordPress site opposed to just the GMB mini site would we put all the ad ID info on a subdomain? One thing I noticed is the Google documentation for business schema is this sentence: if the business has multiple locations make sure the ad ID is unique location. Is it a good idea to structure it like city1.domain2 or city2.domain.com, excuse me, if there is more than one location? Possibly city.domain if it’s just one location?”
Yeah, I can answer this because it’s a simple question but, yes, that’s absolutely correct. If you’re going to be building ad ID pages for businesses with multiple locations then, yes, each location should have its own because an ad ID is supposed to be like a URI. Universal Resource Indicator, like a reference point for Google, and it’s part of local business structure data or local business schema. That’s where the ad ID field came originally.
At least that’s where if you look at local business schema there’s the ad ID field, and so that’s supposed to point to a reference point that validates all of that locations entity information which NAP. That’s why Google Maps is a good thing to put on there. All that stuff you could also list and I’d recommend adding the structure data and the adjacent LD for the ad ID page. All of that with same [inaudible 00:33:44] all that stuff.
Yes, if you’re going to be doing that for a company that has a website then I would recommend that you use a subdomain. Map it over to a subdomain and you can install just an HTML file, guys, it’s fine on your server. Or you could actually set up full WordPress or whatever. I’d recommend just going with HTML, it’s easy to edit, simple, it’s fast. It loads fast. Yeah, that’s how you would do it. If you’re not doing this for a business that has a website, or if you’re just using GMB stuff then you don’t even need a domain and that’s what we’re doing.
But we just covered all this stuff, Kenny, recently in local lease pro. I just added the ad ID page training to local lease pro about a week ago. Maybe it was two weeks ago now, and then we cover this stuff extensively in the Mastermind. This is something that if you want to get more and more information about how to squeeze the most power out of an ad ID page I would highly recommend that you come join the Mastermind.
But, like I said, local lease pro has a lot of training on how I’m setting up ad ID pages specifically for the GMB asset building, okay. A lot of really cool stuff you can do with those, guys.
Is It Okay To Upload The Same Video For Multiple Live Events?
Okay, next, let’s see. “Hey, guys is it okay to upload the same video for multiple live events. These would all be targeting variations of same keywords so content wise the videos should work for them. The question is, would the video ranking suffer if I do so?”
No, okay, because remember, listen if you’re streaming a video as a live event even if it’s an exact duplicate video, every time you stream it, it’s unique. You can take the same video and stream it to the same channel over, and over, and over again and because it’s a live stream it’s going to be considered unique every time. Now, will your ranking suffer? No, they won’t. However, if a manual reviewer or somebody decides to report your channel for spam, which people do. Especially if you’re marketing as an affiliate marketer, other affiliates will report your shit guys.
It happens. If you’re spamming for local business leads, other businesses in that same space or vertical can sometimes report. A lot of them won’t because they just don’t know how, but sometimes it will. I’ve had it happen with tree service sites guys. My point is if somebody sees that all of the videos on your channel are the same, they could report it. If a manual reviewer saw it, they would terminate for spam. If one of your competitors saw it, they could report it.
My point is, I don’t recommend doing that. You can do that, but I would recommend creating instead using different channels for that and there are tools out there guys. There are tools that will, you know, Peter Drew has the tools like live rank sniper. Which is great because it will schedule live events but that’s supposed to be just for poking. Like just to identify keywords that will rank with little to no work. Then his tool for actually live streaming to those keywords that have been identified is like hangout millionaire.
That’s great because you can have Hangout Millionaire access multiple channels. You identify your keywords first, you create the keyword list that you know is likely going to rank with little to no work and then you add that keyword list to hangout millionaire campaign that will access multiple YouTube accounts so that it’s not posting the same video or live streaming the same video over, and over, and over again to the same channel.
I prefer that method. Another one, Abs Ravgey has the video carpet bomb. Excuse me, video marketing blitz, that’s not a live stream. Those are just uploads, but the same thing occurs. We could take the same video file and upload it to 100 different channels and we could target 100 different keywords with the same video and if anybody catches that video on one channel and thinks it’s spam and they report it, I’m only going to lose that one channel. I wouldn’t lose all of the videos on that channel.
What I’m trying to get at here guys is just be careful. If you’re going to be treating a YouTube channel as a money generator, or a revenue generator, like a money site then I recommend that you don’t spam that channel. If you’re going to be spamming then use spam channels. Use multiple channels so that you’re spreading your content out across multiple channels so that in case it does get terminated for spam you don’t lose your entire business and all the work that you put into it.
Does that make sense? It’s the same type of stuff that we tell you guys about mitigating risk or reducing risk when it comes to building legion assets or all that stuff. We always try to take as many precautions as possible to not put all of our eggs in one basket. We try to spread our eggs across many baskets so that if Google decides to take away any one of our baskets we still have a lot of other eggs. If that makes sense, okay. Anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
What Is The Ideal Number Of Videos You Should Include Into A YouTube Playlist For It To Rank?
Bradley: The next question was, “I’m going through YouTube silo academy, it’s fantastic info.” Well, thank you for that. That’s an old course too but it’s, again, silo architecture guys. Nothing’s changed. The fundamentals are still the same. I have a question about the size of playlist. “If I create a playlist with say, 20 plus videos, is it going to be harder to rank? What’s the ideal size?”
No. In fact, the more relevance you can add to a playlist, again guys it’s just a silo. It’s the same thing as what I was just talking … What I was just mentioning to Greg about. Adding depth to a silo, that’s going to increase the thematic relevance of that silo. In fact, the more relevant videos that you can add to the silo and then you accomplish the silo linking with links within the playlist. If they’re your videos you can add a link within the description as well as in the comments description which, by the way guys pin the link in the comments description so that it’s the first comment.
Excuse me, pin the link that’s in the comment section so that it’s the first comment underneath the video. That’s a do follow link, within YouTube I mean. Okay, you can also put links within the video description but the comment links tend to be more powerful. But my point is if they’re your videos you can edit in links within the video description and the comment and then pin the comment. If they’re somebody elses video that you’re adding to the playlist, which by the way guys you can use other people’s videos in your playlist silos, in YouTube silos.
Okay, probably didn’t know that. I don’t even know if I covered that in the training. But you can use other people’s videos. The point is, is to try to get a comment link in that video that links back into your silo. Either to the playlist itself or to another video in the silo and have that link stick within the comments of somebody elses video, if that makes sense.
I think I did cover that at some point, but my point is you can use … The more and more videos you add the better, and depending on what type of silo you’re using. A mono silo, a simple silo. There’s several different types of silos and linking strategies but what happens, what I found especially with a mono silo is over time if you continue to flesh that out and add content then all of the videos within, I don’t mean all of them are going to rank.
I’m not going to tell you guys that, but all of the videos within the playlist start to get better ranking. They start to improve in rankings because it’s pulling the relevance through that entire playlist. Typically with a YouTube silo there’s one keyword, the broadest of keywords. The best keyword, the one’s that are going to produce the most traffic is going to be the top of the silo and we’re trying to push that.
But what I found is with the mono silo is over time that a lot of those supporting videos, the supporting keywords. In this case, supporting videos, will end up ranking too. Even though when initially when I developed this method, the silo was specifically just to rank that top level keyword. I was only creating a playlist silo to push that top level video, the top keyword. But what I found was through testing and over time was that using, especially that mono silo strategy, all those supporting keywords, essentially supporting videos end up strengthening through that silo. They end up starting the rank even though I didn’t even care.
It was an unintended consequence. It was a benefit, a positive unintended consequence, so again no that’s not a problem at all guys. Remember you want to add more relevance to a silo, not reduce it.
Is It Normal To Have Nearly Identical Content For The Services, Products, and About Sections Of Multilocation GMB Pages?
Alright, Jordan’s up. “My plant nursery client with 20 locations across Texas GMB’s. I know the daily posts need to be unique for each but as I optimize them initially,” okay, so optimize the initial GMB profile, “The services, products, and about sections can be nearly identical. Correct, minus city name, work [inaudible 00:42:47] et cetera.”
Correct, Jordan. I don’t screw around with that. I’ve got a template that my VA’s use for GMB business descriptions and services and then they just use that. They just swap out the tokens for specific location data and stuff like that. But, yeah, I talk about making the posts unique but the business description, if it’s the same business, in my opinion it should be the same damn business description just with different location information.
At least that’s how I do it because, to me, it’s just a waste of effort to try to create different business descriptions when it’s the same damn business. It doesn’t make sense. Logically, why would the same business have a different business description just because it’s in a different location? I haven’t seen any problem with that at all. Marco, any issues with that on your end?
Marco: No, 100% agree. 100%. It has to be the same business description. Look at McDonalds. One mcDonalds is the same as another. All that changes is the location. That’s the way we have to think when we’re doing one brand, multiple locations. It’s a franchise model. You look at franchises, how they do it. Have it your way, the golden arches. However the fuck … Sorry, however it is that they brand. However it is that they do it, however it is that they describe themselves, you just follow the leader man.
Bradley: You conflated Burger King and McDonalds. You said McDonalds, and then you said, “Have it your way.” Isn’t that Burger Kings?
Marco: That’s Burger, but I also said the golden arches.
Bradley: Oh. I don’t even eat fast food but I guess it’s an American icon.
Marco: I have little kids so fast food.
Bradley: I don’t know why kids love McDonald’s so much but they do. I know my daughter used to. She won’t eat, she’s 13 now and she won’t even eat it. She won’t even put it in her mouth which is great because I don’t eat that shit either. But she liked it when she was a kid. Alright, so next is [inaudible 00:44:43]. I always forget your name and I’m so sorry. Eventually you need to sign in and post questions under your personal profile.
Is There A Need To Purchase Another Network For Blogging Syndication If You Buy A T-1 Syndication Network For YouTube?
Anyways, “If we buy a tier one syndication network for YouTube do we have to purchase another network for blogging syndication?”
No, you can use the same network. You can use the same network. I mean, if it’s for the same brand why have two separate networks? If you have a branded tier one syndication network for a YouTube channel and then you’re going to also blog it’s going to probably be the same brand. Same brand name, so you can just connect the RSS applets to the same network. It’s fine. You just go in IFTTT and create the RSS 2 applets and that’s it. No problem at all.
Okay, what I’ve said in the past is if you were going to be publishing … Like I know a lot of people, they take shortcuts and they would take a video that they created that they were trying to rank, so the video title would be the keyword that they were trying to rank for and all that. Be optimized for that keyword, and then they would go republish that video to their blog as just a blog post with the same title. The blog post would have the same title as the video and it would just be the video embed.
What happens in that case, and both of those would syndicate to the same network. The problem with that is that on the blogger, the YouTube … Or, excuse me. The blogger, the tumblr, and wordpress sites it looks like duplicate content because it’s the same title and it’s basically when the video posts, it’s the video title and then the video embed. When the blog post would post it would be the video title, which was the blog post title was the same as the video title, and then video embed in the same video.
It would look like duplicate content and I’ve had network properties terminated for that. I just recommend that if … It’s perfectly fine to syndicate both the YouTube channel and the blog to a network just make sure that they’re unique. What I mean by that is you can even take the same video that you’ve syndicated from your YouTube channel to your network and still publish that video in blog post, just give it a better title and add some additional text content to the blog post.
That’s it, now you’ve got two unique posts. It might be the same video in two posts, but that’s perfectly fine. The tile’s are unique and the post bodies are unique, so that’s all you have to do.
Marco: What we do is get the transcription and add that.
Bradley: That’s exactly right.
Marco: … And add that to the video and that works really well, because then it’s different. It’s not just a video embed. You’re actually adding to the content and then it’s no longer duplicate. You change the title a little bit and give it a really good title. Maybe a question and answer format. Which always works really well and guys, now you have it coming two different ways. You have the same embed but it’s going to two different sources. One is going through your website into the YouTube channel and then one is going into your tier one, but the YouTube channel gets all the credit but it feeds back into your website which is always a good thing, iFrames are the shit.
Bradley: Here’s the thing, if you’re doing blogging if you’re blogging as well as video, we just talked about YouTube silos a couple times and website silos. We just talked about those. Guys, this is what I’m talking about. You silo your blog, your website. Your silo your youtube channel to mirror the website silos. Then when you post a video you make sure it’s in the correct silo, then you go post that video in a blog post about the same keyword with that video embedded.
But don’t just embed the video, guys, embed the playlist video because now you’re embedding a YouTube silo in to a siloed blog post. Does that make sense? It’s super powerful guys because Google comes in crawls the blog, sees the YouTube code, but it’s not just seeing an individual video. It’s seeing the playlist, and it crawls the playlist and sees all of the relevance of that playlist in that one video embed in the blog post. Then it crawls the internal links from the blog post into the other blog posts that are supporting articles for that same silo.
Does that make sense? It’s, again, it’s just creating massive relevance guys. You can create an individual embed from a playlist that actually is the, and I just talked about this on our Hump Day Hangout recently, like within the last month somebody asked specifically how to add a YouTube video as an embed from a playlist to where it’s that specific video that’s embedded instead of the first video in the playlist.
There’s a way to do that. It used to be really simple. There was a box that you could check when you click on the playlist embed button, but that doesn’t exist anymore. Now you actually edit the playlist URL and you can go to our YouTube channel and find the video where I showed exactly how to do this. Just go to youtube.com/semanticmastery, go to the channel search feature and type in playlist embed. You’ll find the video, it’s within the last month and it’s been chopped out to where it’s just that single question and answer on how to do that.
You can look for that tutorial, so that’s a great way if you’re going to be doing both YouTube and blogging, silo both of them guys and use the playlist embed as part of the blog. The blog post, I mean. It’s a great question, though. Okay, Daniel Hartnet. He’s one of our newest Mastermind members. In fact, we’re going to be going in-depth into one of his projects tomorrow during the Mastermind webinar. I’m actually really looking forward to that Danial. Welcome, I’m glad to have you, buddy.
Dan says, “When is the next Mastermind web, you guys?” Tomorrow Dan. Tomorrow, come on, join us. Participate, engage, chat, as questions. All that shit, okay. Dan, I know you just joined recently. Which, by the way, welcome because I know you’ve been following us for a long, long time. We’re glad to have you. If you haven’t got your Mastermind call scheduled yet, I’ll reach out to you or you can ping in Facebook or something and I’ll get it scheduled with you Dan because I’d like to chat with you.
Okay, so welcome and by the way don’t forget to, in Mastermind guys we go in just about as deep into anything as you want to get into. Even your own projects, if you want. If you don’t have a problem sharing it within the Mastermind, we’ll analyze stuff. That’s what we’re going to do with Daniel tomorrow, so feel free to engage with us, okay.
Marco: We’ve got the deep keyword research being prepared as we speak, Daniel, so we’re working hard on this.
Bradley: Yeah, I didn’t tell him we’re going to do that.
Marco: Sorry about that, I get in the way.
Bradley: No, no, no. I was going to surprise him tomorrow but Daniel, yeah, we’re comping you deep keyword research as part of the training for tomorrow.
Marco: He’s going to make his website available so that we can go over it. I mean, he’s not hiding anything so we have to compensate that.
Bradley: That’s right, so you’re going to get a deep keyword research report from us because we’re going to incorporate that into the training tomorrow. Lots of good stuff guys. Dan, again, welcome man. Glad to have you buddy. Dominic says, “Brad I heard it was one half for every year of membership.” I’m not sure what that’s in reference to. Can somebody remind me what that’s in reference to?
Marco: The phone calls. He gets a half hour for every year he’s been a member.
Bradley: Oh, okay. Actually, that’s not a bad idea Dominic. I was talking to the two people today that I talked with and we’re going to actually implement every six months schedule another call with our members. Every six months you get a call with either me, or one of us, or whatever. I think that’s a great way for us to stay in touch with everybody, too, because things change over six months. Your business is going to change, you’re going to have new struggles. You will have resolved old struggles, but you’ll have new struggles.
Will The MGYB Keyword Research Service Work With An Existing Site Like A Content Gap Report?
That’s a way that we can stay in touch and also really help identify new training opportunities for us as a company as well. Yeah, I know you were joking Dominic, but in all reality that we’re going to be doing these calls on a more consistent basis now. Kenny, “Another question if there’s time. For your keyword research service and MGYB will this service work with an existing site? Possibly like the content gap type report?”
Of course, Kenny. I guarantee you, even if you’ve done extensive keyword research for whatever project you’re talking about here. If you order a deep keyword research report, you’re going to discover a whole bunch of new stuff. Yeah, absolutely. Even existing guys. I’m telling you, just having a … Here’s the thing guys, just having somebody else, another SEO do keyword research is going to show different results because everybody does things slightly differently, or they see different opportunities.
My point is, yeah, having somebody else take a look or generate keywords for your project will probably help you to discover things that you hadn’t thought of before. Reveal other opportunities that you hadn’t seen before. I guarantee you our deep keyword research report’s going to show you a lot of stuff.
Marco: Yeah, you can think of it this way too. I mean, who has time to spend 16 man hours doing all of that keyword research and going through all of the different software that’s available for keywords and then filtering all of that crap and then getting rid of duplicates and it just takes too much time, too much effort. I don’t have the time, that’s why we came up with this keyword research gig.
Bradley: Yeah. I mean, I know before I started using Google ads or Adwords for my keyword discovery, which is my preferred method now for … At least before starting a new SEO project. I like to set up Google Ads now and let Google tell me where the traffic is and what converts and all that stuff. It’s worth it to me because as Marco just said, I used to spend four to six hours myself and I didn’t go as deep as what our VA’s are doing obviously.
But I would spend four to six hours myself at the start of every SEO campaign just doing keyword research and it’s just mind numbing to me to do that. I mean, in a way you get excited because you think you start identifying opportunities. But at the same time, it’s just so tedious. What I hated the most about keyword research was generating a long list of keywords and then having to go through line by line and eliminate the non relevant keywords.
That, to me, was so fucking tedious. Pardon my language. I would rather watch paint dry or grass grow, you know what I mean? That stuff would just make me sit on the edge of my seat angry. Again, now I use Google ads because it’s just so much easier. But when it comes to developing a content strategy having something like this deep keyword research report is just, it’s a Godsend because it just saves so much time from tedious work. Absolutely, Kenny.
Okay guys we’re almost done. Just about out of time. It looks like we’re just about out of questions, so this was good timing. Daniel says, “If you are using drive stacks for ranking multiple keywords would you continue to build on your original drive stack, or would you use separate drive stacks for separate keyword specific terms?” Daniel, okay, I’m not the expert on drive stacks. I’m going to give you my opinion first and then let Marco talk.
But I would prefer to use the same drive stack because you accrue power and relevancy through that method, but I may be wrong. Marco, what do you say?
Marco: Daniel ask that question tomorrow during the Mastermind and I can give you a really good answer for it.
Is Possible To High Jack An Entity Related To A Niche Using A Schema?
Bradley: Perfect, so there you go. All of you that are curious now, the Mastermind is available for you tomorrow as well. Okay. All you have to do is join. Dominic says, “As with entity becoming more and more important in Google ranking is it possible to hijack an entity that’s best related to our niche using schema or would that not be that advantage and just be a fake entity?” I don’t know, that’s a really good question, because I’m not sure how you would even go about doing that.
Maybe if I understood the concept of the method on how you might potentially or may perhaps, right? How you may be able to hijack then I may be able to give you an opinion Dominic and that is absolutely something that we would love to kick around in the Mastermind. As far as I’m aware you’re still in the Mastermind, so why not repost that question for tomorrow’s Mastermind webinar. I don’t know that we’ll be able to spend much time on it tomorrow because we do have quite a full plate.
But if you submit it, we’ll kick it around, and if we don’t get a chance to get to it with proper answer tomorrow then we’ll schedule it for the following Mastermind webinar.
Marco: You can also post it in the Facebook group because we got a lot of really … I mean, serious people in the Facebook group.
Bradley: You mean in the [crosstalk 00:57:37] Facebook group.
Marco: Yeah. He can post the question in there and see what the community has to say about that. We can also kick in there. Daniel, same with you. Make sure you’re in that Facebook group and you’re asking these questions that we … It’s just not fair to the people who have paid for the information to have us give it away for free.
Bradley: That’s right, that’s true. Guys, we try to give as much information away here as possible. It’s crazy, as a matter of fact, we had like 20 some members join on the one dollar trial and Adam set up a survey when you join that asks just a handful of questions. The last question in the survey was, “How did you hear about, first hear about Semantic Mastery?” 98% of you guys that signed up for the one dollar trial said you heard, or found us because of YouTube or Hump Day Hangouts. Which is crazy and that’s awesome.
I love it. Absolutely love it guys. We’ve been doing it for over four years now. There’s obviously a reason for it and it’s not just because it produces, like it helps us to grow our business. But we really enjoy doing this every week. But that’s what I’m saying. It’s crazy that we’ve gotten so much, we’ve given out so much information. But, and so guys when we say that there’s specific stuff that we can’t share here publicly it’s only because other people have paid a lot of money for it.
But you have access to all that information inside the Mastermind so. Alright, cool. Daniel, looking forward to tomorrow buddy, I hope you are too and again, I appreciate your time yesterday. Guys, come join us if you haven’t yet. Mastermind is tomorrow.
Hernan: You got it.
Bradley: Parting words?
Hernan: Have a good day.
Bradley: Alrighty, alright. See you guys later. Thanks everybody.
Marco: Bye everyone.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 218 posted first on your-t1-blog-url from Blogger http://bit.ly/2QKJeDq via IFTTT
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beyondvapepage · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 218
Click on the video above to watch Episode 218 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts episode number 218. Today is the 9th of January, 2019 and we are Semantic Mastery. I’ve always wanted to do that like a band coming out. We should do that with guitars sometimes, but anyways that’s for another date. Let’s say ‘hi’ to everyone real quick. We’ve got some good stuff for you guys coming up. We’ve got a few quick announcements and that’s more good stuff. Real quick, I’m going to start on the right this time and Bradley how are you doing?
I wanted to ask you first. You always have to wait to the end so I thought it’d be nice if you went first.
Bradley: I thought you saved the best for last man.
Adam: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Hey guys. I’m just happy to be here. We’ve got a lot of good questions already. Been hard at work this week on all kinds of stuff. We’ve got a Mastermind webinar tomorrow I’m looking forward to doing so just happy to be here man. Life is good.
Adam: Nice, nice. Marco, how about yourself? Staying warm?
Marco: What’s up man, it’s summer in … Well, not summer but it’s the dry season so, yeah, of course we’re staying warm man. Warm and sunny every day. Well it’s actually warm and sunny, as I’ve said, or rainy and sunny. Excuse me, rainy and warm, but always warm.
Adam: Nice, nice. Hernan how’s it going for you? Is it starting to cool down? What goes on down there? I don’t [crosstalk 00:01:26].
Hernan: Yeah, but I really don’t know what’s going on in here man. It’s like, yeah, it’s cooling down in the evening but then it goes up like 40 fucking Celsius during the day. I don’t know, it’s crazy. I’m just pumped to be here, because the other day you said that I wasn’t excited enough so I’m just really pumped to be here and I’m really excited for being here guys. I’m excited to hang out with you.
Adam: Nice. Nice. Yeah, just a warning to anybody that deals with Hernan. If you tell him he’s not excited enough you’re going to get a lot of gifts in return. Just a warning.
Hernan: Like a barrage. Barrage. Gift barrage.
Adam: Chris, how you doing man?
Chris:Been busy here. Lots of snow in Austria, partially in the mountains four meters high. Perfect season for snowboarding.
Adam: Nice, yeah, that’s a lot of snow. Damn. Well good deal. Well, before we get into it we’ve got a few things we wanted to cover. First of all, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery thank you for watching. Whether or not you’re joining us live on the event page or if you’re checking out the replay on YouTube or somewhere else first of all thanks for watching. Keep coming back, as your questions.
You can always ask them ahead of time and then check out the replays. We know the time doesn’t work for everybody whether it’s because you’re meeting with clients, you’ve got a job, you’re in a different time zone. Just do what you can, ask your questions, learn from others. If you do join or you do show up live that’s great, we really do appreciate it and really do appreciate you taking the time to be a part of the community.
If you’re looking for the place to start with Semantic Mastery, it’s a question we hear frequently. The battle plan is the single place to start with us. Go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com and this is going to help you solve the problems about getting repeatable processes for getting results for SEO, with the digital marketing, all sorts of good stuff and there’s some extra goodies in there that I’ll leave quiet for now.
Then passed that, if you’re really looking to take things up a few notches, you want to extend your peer group, you want to network and you want to be a part of a Mastermind then you should join the Mastermind. I’d be happy to have you and you can find out more about that at Mastermind.syemanticmastery.com. Also, like I said, you can watch this live. We love having you live, but if you’re checking us out on replay … Checking out the replay on YouTube just hit subscribe and stay up to date with obviously the Hump Day Hangouts as well as other Q&A’s we do and then additional videos as well.
Real quick, I know …
Marco: Before you go on.
Adam: Yeah, what’s up Marco?
Marco: I’d like to comment on our Mastermind, right?
Adam: Yeah.
Marco: I’m biased and it’s going to sound like a pitch but it really isn’t. Last night our many Mastermind picked up again because we had been off because of the holidays. In between those two weeks one of our many Mastermind members started getting calls to her GMB assets and she was just really stoked. I mean she said, “One thing is to hear you guys say that you can do this and then another is to actually go do it, get the assets. Do the things the way that we say and then get phone calls.”
It was really awesome. It was a pickup for the new year to hear this. We have another guy in our many Mastermind that already getting quite a few phone calls in a really good nit. Then we had another one who decided to take us up on our … Don’t kill yourself.
Adam: This is good. The scenery is falling around me. I’m just going to leave it here.
Bradley: Did anybody else see that because I missed it. I’m going to have to watch the replay.
Marco: He decided to take us up on our offer. Our special for GMB’s, so he bought two five packs and he’s just waiting for those to get delivered. Once they get delivered I’ll be helping him pimp those out. I mean, that’s a benefit of being in Semantic Mastery is that you will have access to these many Masterminds. To be with one of us five each in our own specialty because we all work differently. That’ll be set up and you’ll have the chance to join and you can pick according to what it is that you want to do, who you work with.
You might end up working with Adam, or Hernan, or Chris, or with me. Then you can switch after three … What is it? After three, four months we switch, or we decided to just keep the group together and keep going and we just added somebody else who asked to be in it from our Mastermind. What I’m doing is I’m recording all of our calls and then anyone who wants to join can just go and catch up because everything is there. All of the prior discussions so that they can get up to speed where we are because they should have assets and they should be getting phone calls by now.
It’s only been like two and a half months and people are getting results and that’s damn fast if you are familiar with how the internet works. Two and a half months is nothing to start getting results and start making money.
Adam: that’s awesome, and for anyone who doesn’t know. If you’re not familiar with the idea of these, what we call, the mini Masterminds. We do this, like Marco said, ever three to four months. We try to do it quarterly, of course, holidays wreak havoc, but we take all the Mastermind members, ask them, “Hey what are you interested? What are you up to? What kind of stuff are you working on right now?” Then we take that information and we go ahead and take the time to put them into small groups and then match them up, basically.
Of three to five people because that’s different. I mean, there’s obviously the Mastermind webinars, there’s training, there’s one to many types of stuff. But then this is the time to really reinforce that stuff, ask questions of the other kind of peer feedback and so we’ve gotten a lot of good feedback about that. Members really liking that.
Bradley: May I interject for a moment? Yeah, and something that I did when we had the one dollar trial offer for Mastermind for the end of the year and we had a bunch of people join. One of the things we promised as part of that offer was a one-on-one call with one of us. It was just like we got a notification in our Slack channel that said somebody else joined. First come, first served. It was up to us, one of us, the Semantic Mastery partners to reach out and schedule the call.
I’ve done that for at least five of them and what I found was that we said 15 minutes, but I’ve given everybody 30 minutes. 15 minutes just isn’t enough time to really talk with anybody. I ended up doing that five times with new one dollar trial members and some of those people didn’t even stick, and that’s fine. For example, I talked to somebody from Brazil who said that the conversion rate between US dollars and Brazilian money was like four to one.
It was like 1,200 dollars a month to be part of Mastermind. He was real up front. “I feel bad taking you up on the one-on-one call.” I was like, “Don’t worry about it. That was part of the offer.” I’m here, let’s talk. But what I found was that I really enjoy those calls and we sit behind a computer screen all the time guys working and it’s almost like a business. Even though we socialize online, like via Facebook and all that stuff, we don’t have direct communication often. Where we’re talking via speech or voice with other people that often.
At least I haven’t for a long time. I don’t do it as often as I should. My point is I’ve found that in doing those Mastermind calls that I really enjoyed it and so I posted on Friday, this past Friday in the Mastermind community, the Facebook group, just a video saying, “Hey, I really like this stuff and I’d like to get to know more of the Mastermind members on a more one-on-one basis,” so I posted my Calandly link and told people to go sign up.
It’s funny because I had it set up, my Calandly link set up for 30 days, like for the next 30 days, and Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s is the only days that I’ve scheduled time out or blocked time out to be able to do these calls. It filled up in a matter of two days. The whole 30 days got scheduled out in like two days time, it’s crazy. Now Tuesday through Thursday for the next five to six weeks, because now it’s been a week, well almost a week.
But for the next five weeks I’m going to be doing Mastermind calls. It’s really cool because it gives me an opportunity to talk with our members one-on-one, find our specifically about their business. Maybe provide some guidance, or at least a third party perspective on what’s going on with their business as well as help maybe point them into the direction of where they can find specific training to help them solve some of their issues.
At the same time it educates me as to some of the potential problems that our audience, our members are going through that I may not experience in my own business or that any of my partners may not be experiencing in their business. It helps me to anticipate potential problems that could arise and find workarounds for it and that kind of stuff. The reason I started saying this to guys or started telling you this was just because it’s, again, one of those perks of being in the Mastermind.
This was something unintended. I didn’t even talk about it with my partners, I just posted it and it’s been very popular and that’s something that you guys could benefit from as well if you join the Mastermind.
Adam: Definitely, definitely. Speaking of benefits, Marco you’ve got a webinar coming up next week right?
Marco: I do have a webinar man. I’m calling it the Entity Webinar. I mean, it’s what we’ve been talking about. It’s stuff that people just refuse to tell you. I’m calling it the end game because that’s what it’s all about. I mean, you start out, you’re open. To me, I’m an avid reader and Son Su is one of the books that I read over and over and over, constant. The Art of War. To me, it’s war. A chess game is war also. You have the opening, the middle, and then you have the end game.
That’s when you go in for the kill. The only way that you can go in for the kill when you’re working online is when you do what I’m going to explain to you on Monday. There’s a caveat on that. The only way that you can get into that webinar is by donating to my charity and I’ll post the link to the donation page. It’s going up, there it is. I’m not asking for a million dollars, 5 bucks, 10 bucks. Whatever is in your heart. You donate 1,000 and I’m going to give you 2 hours of my time.
You donate 5,000 or more and I’m going to set up your whole … I was going to drop an F bomb. I’m going to set up your whole funnel. I’m going to take over your local niche and that’s how it goes.
Adam: Nice, that’s awesome. Yeah, like Marco said, you’ve just got to click the link, go donate, and then hit up [email protected]. By hit up, I mean send an email with proof that you donated and we’ll get you access to that webinar.
Bradley: Sweet. Anything else?
Marco: Nah, let’s do this.
Adam: Yeah, I think that’s it. Let’s do it.
How Do You Find Opportunities For Projects & Clients With The MGYB Keyword Research You’ve Performed?
Bradley: Alright, first up is Liz. Liz says, “What’s the best way to put deep keyword research to use after I get it back from MGYB? Obviously it’s a ton of good keywords but I’m wondering if I’m missing out on opportunities for projects or clients. How would you use it?” That’s a great question, Liz. Well, for content marketing purposes mainly that’s how I use it. I’m not crazy about … I don’t do a whole crap-ton of link building anymore other than using press releases and then obviously content marketing and syndication networks is all part of that.
But content marketing is where I use the keywords the most and that could be in creating blog posts, it could be used in publishing press releases. It could be used for GMB posts which is really powerful if you’re doing local stuff. That’s typically how I do it. Now, I know the keyword research reports are even set up with potential silos and all that kind of stuff so it really should make it easy. What I would recommend that you do is just take the keyword report and start producing more content period. Using the keywords set up in the structure that they were given to you in because that’s the most Semantic relevance per silo in all of that, and that should help you.
You could also use those as words, the keywords for anchor text and things like that if you’re doing a link, a bunch of link building. But that’s not something that I even bother with all that much anymore. It’s not really needed. Marco, what do you say?
Marco: No, I totally agree. This is the way that it works and I was hoping to have that sample back by now, but it’s taking a little bit longer than expected. It’ll be ready tomorrow morning, and in fact, it’s going to be ready for our Mastermind webinar. Where we’re going to go over exactly how to use the keyword research that you get back from us. But the whole thing about this is we go into like seven different pieces of software to pull all of this information together. Then we take it all and we create, as you mentioned, the silos.
Then there’s a tab, a legend tab, where we actually tell you. You explain, this is how this works. This is what you’re getting and it’s an initial set up. We recommend for silos, we recommend keywords under that silo. Of course you should be using a question and answer format. Question and answer schema. It really works, it helps you get into those rich snippets. What we’ll do is maybe cut out tomorrows training and make that available for people who buy or who have bought our keyword research because I’m going to go into a whole lot more detail tomorrow.
But it’s really deep. It’s things that you might not ever think of, that you might not ever get to. Guys, when you get the deep keyword research, it takes our VA’s about 16 working hours to put it all together because not only does the research have to be done, duplicates have to be eliminated. Then the keywords, they have to be gathered and we separate them into whether they’re commercial/non commercial, or whether they support the silo in any way.
We want to create Semantic relevance, especially in some of the keywords we tend to just throw away. But if Google says there’s Semantic relevance, it’s for a reason. I don’t want to go into cold currents, I don’t want to spin people’s heads, but there should be some mention because Google considers it relevant to the topic. I mean, again, we’ll go into it a whole lot deeper tomorrow but the best way to put it to use is look at the legend tab and see what the instructions are.
Is There A Big Difference On The Results And Penalties For Putting A JSON-LD Schema In The Header Or Body Section Of A Page?
Bradley: There you go. Alright, Ken’s up. Ken says, “Is there a big difference in results/penalties if I put JSON on the schema and the header or the body tag?” No. Ken, as far as aware there’s no penalty issue. If you’re not spamming, there shouldn’t be any penalty issue and results it shouldn’t matter. JSON LD can be put anywhere on the page. It could even be put in the post body. It doesn’t have to be within the header tag or within the body tag like the HTML of the page.
What I’m saying is you can actually put JSON LD code in the middle of a post. It’s not going to display to a view but the codes there. If you view page source you can see it. In fact I use a combination for organization markup when you have multiple locations. I use a combination of JSON LD and then just regular HTML to create the locations page where it lists organization structure data or schema markup and then it lists each of the individual locations.
I put that right in the post body of the page so that the JSON LD is actually in the content body of that page. I actually add the code in the wizzy wig editor in wordpress if that makes sense, instead of the HTML header or in the theme files or anything like that. I actually add it into the page because it’s JSON LD organization markup at the top and then it breaks down into individual locations with individual local business markup for each location. But then the locations actually display on the page with the NAP and the Google map embed and the link over to the site to the individual location either site or landing page if that makes sense.
It’s a combination of using just regular JSON LD markup in the post body with regular HTML, if that makes sense. Another type of structure data markup would be micro data which is not the recommended method anymore which is like micro data, or excuse me, schema in HTML format but that isn’t the recommended method. But JSON LD can be added, like I said, directly to the post body of the page. You shouldn’t have any issues.
Now, as far as difference in results, I don’t think that makes any difference at all but Marco might know better than me. Marco do you have any input on that?
Marco: No, because I mean if we’re just looking at it strictly from what schema.org says and JSON LD, they do give recommendations but it’s wrapped in script. It’ll have a script opening and a script closed. The bot will know what to do with that no matter what because it says the type application LD plus JSON, I think it’s tagged. The bot knows how to act on that specific section. Now we can look at that from maybe an HTML5 perspective because if it’s data about the page it should be in the head section.
You can look at archive … Not archive, but W3C, yeah, schools and read about head elements and what your head elements should include and if we’re talking about data about that specific page then it should go in the head section before the closing head tag. It’s two different things. JSON LD shouldn’t matter. It looks like a very short question, very simple, but it can be complicated depending on how you’re looking at it.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:20:41]. I was going to say, let me break in for just a moment because what I was saying about organization markup, that’s really not information about the page. It’s information about the organization, the corporation and all of its locations. It’s not really info about the page, it’s information about the organization. I can understand what you’re saying Marco. If it’s like JSON LD markup for like review schema or article markup, or something like that then I would imagine that, that would be suggested to be … I mean, it might all be suggested to be in the header.
I just know that I’ve done it and it validates in the structure data testing tool.
Marco: Yeah, I mean if Google says it’s fine then it’s reading it fine, then it’s nothing to worry about.
Is There A Value Of Putting RYS Stack On An Authority Site That Is Using Curated Content?
Bradley: There you go. That’s a good question Ken. Ben says, “Hey, Bradley and guys. I find building an authority site for niche using curating content. Is there any value in putting an RYS stack on it?” Yes, because you can push link equity or juice power directly from Google as well as relevancy into it. Remember guys, RYS just is about pushing authority from Google in a way to help validate an entity in all that. It doesn’t matter what type of content you’re using, you could benefit from it. Okay, “Does an RYS stack help the long tail rankings that I’m shooting for with an authority site that builds up a lot of content or is that something that is mainly of benefit for local SEO?”
No. Once again guys, we talk about local mainly because that’s primarily what our audience is and that’s pretty much all I do anymore is local work. Local SEO and local marketing period. But, yeah, RYS stacks will help just about anything. Here, this is funny. Somebody asked last week specifically. Now, Ben, I know what you’re talking about with building up an authority site. Yes, in fact, if I was going to be building up an authority site that would be one of the first things I would do is set up an RYS drive stack for it specifically because, again, that’s a great way to siphon authority.
But what I was about to say was somebody was mentioning last week specifically about, well I’m logged into that one. Let me see if I can go into an incognito window instead. Somebody was asking specifically last week or maybe it was two weeks ago now, about using drive stacks for affiliate marketing and launch jacking, I think it was, specifically. I mentioned that, yeah, they absolutely work and what was funny was somebody was asking me … I know what it was. There was a comment from our youtube channel that somebody commented on our BROWSIO 3.0 webinar where I was explaining how I use BROWSIO for our business or whatever.
It was a webinar that we did, and it was to pitch selling as an affiliate BROWSEO, but I use it. We don’t pitch anything we don’t use guys. But anyways, somebody made a comment like, “It was a waste of 67 dollars,” or something. I just went to go see like, “Where’d this guy come from anyways?” I did a quick Google search and this is funny, but this is just to show you the power of drive stacks. If I say BROWSIO 3.0 guys, BROWSEO the main site comes up. That’s number one, but then pretty much the rest of the page is owned by Semantic mastery products or, excuse me, drive stack files.
For example, this is our Google site that we use when we launched, or when BROWSEO 3.0 was launched. This is one of our drive stacks guys. This is what the G-Site on one of our drive stacks looks like, in case you guys have never seen one.
Marco: Man that’s but ugly.
Bradley: This is an old one [crosstalk 00:24:18]. Yeah, but what I’m saying is look at how well these are built and that’s what I’m saying. This is on the old site because this was produced in WIN way back in September 2016, guys. Think about that, and here’s the slide share which is one of the files that was created. All of this Semantic Mastery. There’s our link right there and it’s Semantic Mastery. Guys, all of these things here that we’re looking at had come right … Well, that must not be it, but those had come directly from the drive stack and there’s our video.
My point is these are very, very powerful and they stick. Ben, yeah, if you’re building an authority site I would absolutely recommend that you set up a drive stack because they’re super powerful. I mean, I know I showed you guys 1,000 times the Virginia SEO one but, I mean, it’s hard to beat. Well it’s the same thing. It’s still ranked today number one, big [inaudible 00:25:09] marketing because my IP is showing that number too.
There’s my wordpress.com, all that stuff is just Google Drive stuff, G-Site stuff. Excuse me, RYS drive stack stuff. Again, same thing Ben. I would highly recommend if you’re trying to push authority into a site, it’s hard to beat using a drive stack period. It’s not just for local SEO, okay.
Marco: If I may add.
Bradley: Please.
Marco: Ben, when you order that drive stack order the deep keyword research and have that added to your drive stack because that’s what you want. You want everything that’s related to whatever authority site you’re creating. You want everything thrown in that drive stack and that’s what’s really going to juice it up. Then, the next question that’s coming up will tell you what you need to do in case you get into one of those medium competition keywords that’s sticky and doesn’t want to move, how you can push it up.
Is There A Daily Upper Limit When It Comes To Posting Curated Content?
Bradley: There you go. The second question he asked is, “If I’m building up a big site with VA’s creating curated posts is there any daily upper limit that you’re aware of that would cause Google to back off? For example, if I’m creating and posting five articles a day could there be any problems with that? My sense is that if they are quality articles that generate good stats on analytics, long-time on page, scroll. Scroll depth, low balance rate, it wouldn’t matter how many posts you publish daily. What do you think?”
You’re correct, Ben. As long as it’s good quality content, which you can absolutely do with curated content. In fact, curated content is often better content than originally written articles from people that aren’t subject matter experts. That’s just pure spam in my opinion. My point is, yes, there is no problem with posting more, like frequency of publishing is not a negative ranking factor unless you’re posting like duplicate content or just straight spam.
But if you’re posting good content, and a curated post is original content. It uses elements of other people’s content, but it’s original content because of the commentary that’s injected at the opening, the conclusion, and in between each piece of curated content. Again, as far as … I have never seen … Think about the blogs that, especially technology blogs. They tend to post dozens of times a day and those sites end up becoming high authority sites, typically, as long as the contents decent. I don’t see any issue with that at all. Post away.
Marco: I agree and Ben I recommend sign up for the webinar. Donate. It’s for a good cause and what you’re talking about is the art of ART, A-R-T. Activity Relevance Trust in authority, which I will be going into on Monday’s webinar.
Bradley: Very cool. Alright, Greg’s up. He’s got multiple questions here about drive stacks. It might be a little bit too specific. I don’t know if Marco wants to cover these here or not. Marco, what do you say before I start reading them?
Marco: Let’s read through them and then we’ll see what we can answer and what we can’t.
Do You Need To Change The Links Of The New GSite Page To Link Back To The New Drive Stack Folder Files?
Bradley: Greg says, “Hey folks, I did the following with my done for you stack to increase its power. I created a new folder on the main drive stack. Copied all the files and folders from the original drive stack and put them in the new folders. Created a new G-Site page for the new folder. Questions: do you link the new G-Site page? Do the links on the new G-Site page need to be changed to link back to the new drive stack folder files or can they continue to link to the original main drive stack files and folders?”
Yeah, see that’s what I’m saying. It seems like that’s getting a bit too specific into techniques that I’m not sure we want to share on Hump Day Hangouts, do you?
Marco: No, but I would just tell him to think silo.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: Think silo. Go look up what you should do with silos and your answer’s right there.
Bradley: Yeah. Greg if you understand silo’s architecture. If you don’t, we’ve got a couple really good training tutorials on silo architecture right in our YouTube channel. In fact, you can even find it, I think, in our playlist if you go to youtube.com/symenticmastery and you click on the playlist tab you’ll probably find a silo architecture playlist that’s old, but it’s the same. Silo architecture hasn’t changed since its invention or discovery, whatever you want to call it.
It’s pretty much the same, nothing’s changed. It’s just about how to create thematic relevance and keep it very, very tight. That’s why they call it a silo because you silo keywords. You add keywords that you go with depth. You add depth to a top level keyword by adding longer tail keywords that are supporting keywords. You can do the same thing with a drive stack. You set up a folder and then the folder could be named after a keyword, a top of silo type keyword, and then you would just put supporting files with the supporting long tail keywords in there.
Think about that and then think about the linking strategy from siloing a website too. You could do something very similar and then we talk about, and this is not revealing too much I know, but we talk about theme mirroring. If you have a website that’s siloed you can mirror that into a drive stack into [inaudible 00:30:28] and a G-Site, and so forth. You can do the same thing with a YouTube channel, by the way guys.
You can theme mirror a YouTube channel to your siloed website. That’s YouTube silo academy. All of those should mirror, in my opinion.
Marco: Then hit that, once you got that page ready for that sticky keyword, hit it with one of our press releases.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: What it go, and Greg it’s interesting because this … He got this information from the two prior webinars that I did, I’m pretty sure. If you guys want this information that Greg is talking about, it’s in the two previous webinars that I did for the charity but the only way to get to those is you have to have donated or you need to attend Monday’s webinar and watch the new webinar and then get access to the other two webinars.
Bradley: There you go. “Do you recommend I make any other changes to the new folders, files, and G-Site combination to turn on the ranking power?” Well, I don’t know, because I don’t know what the existing configuration is other than what you listed right here. Any other things you would recommend Marco?
Marco: Think silos, think silos. Think Semantic relevance. Think, if you have to, order a deep keyword research gig from us so that we can give you everything and we can set up the silo so that you can see the keyword structure and you’ll know how you need to start linking top down or bottom up, or both because you can do both in a drive sync of the spiderweb silo goes all over the place. But in this type of situation yo do want to contain as much Semantic relevance as you can per folder and page.
Should You Put All The @id Info On A Subdomain If You Have A WordPress Site Instead Of GMB Mini Site?
Bradley: Very good. Okay, Kenny’s up. Kenny says, “Hello, hello. I had a question about the ad ID. If we have WordPress site opposed to just the GMB mini site would we put all the ad ID info on a subdomain? One thing I noticed is the Google documentation for business schema is this sentence: if the business has multiple locations make sure the ad ID is unique location. Is it a good idea to structure it like city1.domain2 or city2.domain.com, excuse me, if there is more than one location? Possibly city.domain if it’s just one location?”
Yeah, I can answer this because it’s a simple question but, yes, that’s absolutely correct. If you’re going to be building ad ID pages for businesses with multiple locations then, yes, each location should have its own because an ad ID is supposed to be like a URI. Universal Resource Indicator, like a reference point for Google, and it’s part of local business structure data or local business schema. That’s where the ad ID field came originally.
At least that’s where if you look at local business schema there’s the ad ID field, and so that’s supposed to point to a reference point that validates all of that locations entity information which NAP. That’s why Google Maps is a good thing to put on there. All that stuff you could also list and I’d recommend adding the structure data and the adjacent LD for the ad ID page. All of that with same [inaudible 00:33:44] all that stuff.
Yes, if you’re going to be doing that for a company that has a website then I would recommend that you use a subdomain. Map it over to a subdomain and you can install just an HTML file, guys, it’s fine on your server. Or you could actually set up full WordPress or whatever. I’d recommend just going with HTML, it’s easy to edit, simple, it’s fast. It loads fast. Yeah, that’s how you would do it. If you’re not doing this for a business that has a website, or if you’re just using GMB stuff then you don’t even need a domain and that’s what we’re doing.
But we just covered all this stuff, Kenny, recently in local lease pro. I just added the ad ID page training to local lease pro about a week ago. Maybe it was two weeks ago now, and then we cover this stuff extensively in the Mastermind. This is something that if you want to get more and more information about how to squeeze the most power out of an ad ID page I would highly recommend that you come join the Mastermind.
But, like I said, local lease pro has a lot of training on how I’m setting up ad ID pages specifically for the GMB asset building, okay. A lot of really cool stuff you can do with those, guys.
Is It Okay To Upload The Same Video For Multiple Live Events?
Okay, next, let’s see. “Hey, guys is it okay to upload the same video for multiple live events. These would all be targeting variations of same keywords so content wise the videos should work for them. The question is, would the video ranking suffer if I do so?”
No, okay, because remember, listen if you’re streaming a video as a live event even if it’s an exact duplicate video, every time you stream it, it’s unique. You can take the same video and stream it to the same channel over, and over, and over again and because it’s a live stream it’s going to be considered unique every time. Now, will your ranking suffer? No, they won’t. However, if a manual reviewer or somebody decides to report your channel for spam, which people do. Especially if you’re marketing as an affiliate marketer, other affiliates will report your shit guys.
It happens. If you’re spamming for local business leads, other businesses in that same space or vertical can sometimes report. A lot of them won’t because they just don’t know how, but sometimes it will. I’ve had it happen with tree service sites guys. My point is if somebody sees that all of the videos on your channel are the same, they could report it. If a manual reviewer saw it, they would terminate for spam. If one of your competitors saw it, they could report it.
My point is, I don’t recommend doing that. You can do that, but I would recommend creating instead using different channels for that and there are tools out there guys. There are tools that will, you know, Peter Drew has the tools like live rank sniper. Which is great because it will schedule live events but that’s supposed to be just for poking. Like just to identify keywords that will rank with little to no work. Then his tool for actually live streaming to those keywords that have been identified is like hangout millionaire.
That’s great because you can have Hangout Millionaire access multiple channels. You identify your keywords first, you create the keyword list that you know is likely going to rank with little to no work and then you add that keyword list to hangout millionaire campaign that will access multiple YouTube accounts so that it’s not posting the same video or live streaming the same video over, and over, and over again to the same channel.
I prefer that method. Another one, Abs Ravgey has the video carpet bomb. Excuse me, video marketing blitz, that’s not a live stream. Those are just uploads, but the same thing occurs. We could take the same video file and upload it to 100 different channels and we could target 100 different keywords with the same video and if anybody catches that video on one channel and thinks it’s spam and they report it, I’m only going to lose that one channel. I wouldn’t lose all of the videos on that channel.
What I’m trying to get at here guys is just be careful. If you’re going to be treating a YouTube channel as a money generator, or a revenue generator, like a money site then I recommend that you don’t spam that channel. If you’re going to be spamming then use spam channels. Use multiple channels so that you’re spreading your content out across multiple channels so that in case it does get terminated for spam you don’t lose your entire business and all the work that you put into it.
Does that make sense? It’s the same type of stuff that we tell you guys about mitigating risk or reducing risk when it comes to building legion assets or all that stuff. We always try to take as many precautions as possible to not put all of our eggs in one basket. We try to spread our eggs across many baskets so that if Google decides to take away any one of our baskets we still have a lot of other eggs. If that makes sense, okay. Anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
What Is The Ideal Number Of Videos You Should Include Into A YouTube Playlist For It To Rank?
Bradley: The next question was, “I’m going through YouTube silo academy, it’s fantastic info.” Well, thank you for that. That’s an old course too but it’s, again, silo architecture guys. Nothing’s changed. The fundamentals are still the same. I have a question about the size of playlist. “If I create a playlist with say, 20 plus videos, is it going to be harder to rank? What’s the ideal size?”
No. In fact, the more relevance you can add to a playlist, again guys it’s just a silo. It’s the same thing as what I was just talking … What I was just mentioning to Greg about. Adding depth to a silo, that’s going to increase the thematic relevance of that silo. In fact, the more relevant videos that you can add to the silo and then you accomplish the silo linking with links within the playlist. If they’re your videos you can add a link within the description as well as in the comments description which, by the way guys pin the link in the comments description so that it’s the first comment.
Excuse me, pin the link that’s in the comment section so that it’s the first comment underneath the video. That’s a do follow link, within YouTube I mean. Okay, you can also put links within the video description but the comment links tend to be more powerful. But my point is if they’re your videos you can edit in links within the video description and the comment and then pin the comment. If they’re somebody elses video that you’re adding to the playlist, which by the way guys you can use other people’s videos in your playlist silos, in YouTube silos.
Okay, probably didn’t know that. I don’t even know if I covered that in the training. But you can use other people’s videos. The point is, is to try to get a comment link in that video that links back into your silo. Either to the playlist itself or to another video in the silo and have that link stick within the comments of somebody elses video, if that makes sense.
I think I did cover that at some point, but my point is you can use … The more and more videos you add the better, and depending on what type of silo you’re using. A mono silo, a simple silo. There’s several different types of silos and linking strategies but what happens, what I found especially with a mono silo is over time if you continue to flesh that out and add content then all of the videos within, I don’t mean all of them are going to rank.
I’m not going to tell you guys that, but all of the videos within the playlist start to get better ranking. They start to improve in rankings because it’s pulling the relevance through that entire playlist. Typically with a YouTube silo there’s one keyword, the broadest of keywords. The best keyword, the one’s that are going to produce the most traffic is going to be the top of the silo and we’re trying to push that.
But what I found is with the mono silo is over time that a lot of those supporting videos, the supporting keywords. In this case, supporting videos, will end up ranking too. Even though when initially when I developed this method, the silo was specifically just to rank that top level keyword. I was only creating a playlist silo to push that top level video, the top keyword. But what I found was through testing and over time was that using, especially that mono silo strategy, all those supporting keywords, essentially supporting videos end up strengthening through that silo. They end up starting the rank even though I didn’t even care.
It was an unintended consequence. It was a benefit, a positive unintended consequence, so again no that’s not a problem at all guys. Remember you want to add more relevance to a silo, not reduce it.
Is It Normal To Have Nearly Identical Content For The Services, Products, and About Sections Of Multilocation GMB Pages?
Alright, Jordan’s up. “My plant nursery client with 20 locations across Texas GMB’s. I know the daily posts need to be unique for each but as I optimize them initially,” okay, so optimize the initial GMB profile, “The services, products, and about sections can be nearly identical. Correct, minus city name, work [inaudible 00:42:47] et cetera.”
Correct, Jordan. I don’t screw around with that. I’ve got a template that my VA’s use for GMB business descriptions and services and then they just use that. They just swap out the tokens for specific location data and stuff like that. But, yeah, I talk about making the posts unique but the business description, if it’s the same business, in my opinion it should be the same damn business description just with different location information.
At least that’s how I do it because, to me, it’s just a waste of effort to try to create different business descriptions when it’s the same damn business. It doesn’t make sense. Logically, why would the same business have a different business description just because it’s in a different location? I haven’t seen any problem with that at all. Marco, any issues with that on your end?
Marco: No, 100% agree. 100%. It has to be the same business description. Look at McDonalds. One mcDonalds is the same as another. All that changes is the location. That’s the way we have to think when we’re doing one brand, multiple locations. It’s a franchise model. You look at franchises, how they do it. Have it your way, the golden arches. However the fuck … Sorry, however it is that they brand. However it is that they do it, however it is that they describe themselves, you just follow the leader man.
Bradley: You conflated Burger King and McDonalds. You said McDonalds, and then you said, “Have it your way.” Isn’t that Burger Kings?
Marco: That’s Burger, but I also said the golden arches.
Bradley: Oh. I don’t even eat fast food but I guess it’s an American icon.
Marco: I have little kids so fast food.
Bradley: I don’t know why kids love McDonald’s so much but they do. I know my daughter used to. She won’t eat, she’s 13 now and she won’t even eat it. She won’t even put it in her mouth which is great because I don’t eat that shit either. But she liked it when she was a kid. Alright, so next is [inaudible 00:44:43]. I always forget your name and I’m so sorry. Eventually you need to sign in and post questions under your personal profile.
Is There A Need To Purchase Another Network For Blogging Syndication If You Buy A T-1 Syndication Network For YouTube?
Anyways, “If we buy a tier one syndication network for YouTube do we have to purchase another network for blogging syndication?”
No, you can use the same network. You can use the same network. I mean, if it’s for the same brand why have two separate networks? If you have a branded tier one syndication network for a YouTube channel and then you’re going to also blog it’s going to probably be the same brand. Same brand name, so you can just connect the RSS applets to the same network. It’s fine. You just go in IFTTT and create the RSS 2 applets and that’s it. No problem at all.
Okay, what I’ve said in the past is if you were going to be publishing … Like I know a lot of people, they take shortcuts and they would take a video that they created that they were trying to rank, so the video title would be the keyword that they were trying to rank for and all that. Be optimized for that keyword, and then they would go republish that video to their blog as just a blog post with the same title. The blog post would have the same title as the video and it would just be the video embed.
What happens in that case, and both of those would syndicate to the same network. The problem with that is that on the blogger, the YouTube … Or, excuse me. The blogger, the tumblr, and wordpress sites it looks like duplicate content because it’s the same title and it’s basically when the video posts, it’s the video title and then the video embed. When the blog post would post it would be the video title, which was the blog post title was the same as the video title, and then video embed in the same video.
It would look like duplicate content and I’ve had network properties terminated for that. I just recommend that if … It’s perfectly fine to syndicate both the YouTube channel and the blog to a network just make sure that they’re unique. What I mean by that is you can even take the same video that you’ve syndicated from your YouTube channel to your network and still publish that video in blog post, just give it a better title and add some additional text content to the blog post.
That’s it, now you’ve got two unique posts. It might be the same video in two posts, but that’s perfectly fine. The tile’s are unique and the post bodies are unique, so that’s all you have to do.
Marco: What we do is get the transcription and add that.
Bradley: That’s exactly right.
Marco: … And add that to the video and that works really well, because then it’s different. It’s not just a video embed. You’re actually adding to the content and then it’s no longer duplicate. You change the title a little bit and give it a really good title. Maybe a question and answer format. Which always works really well and guys, now you have it coming two different ways. You have the same embed but it’s going to two different sources. One is going through your website into the YouTube channel and then one is going into your tier one, but the YouTube channel gets all the credit but it feeds back into your website which is always a good thing, iFrames are the shit.
Bradley: Here’s the thing, if you’re doing blogging if you’re blogging as well as video, we just talked about YouTube silos a couple times and website silos. We just talked about those. Guys, this is what I’m talking about. You silo your blog, your website. Your silo your youtube channel to mirror the website silos. Then when you post a video you make sure it’s in the correct silo, then you go post that video in a blog post about the same keyword with that video embedded.
But don’t just embed the video, guys, embed the playlist video because now you’re embedding a YouTube silo in to a siloed blog post. Does that make sense? It’s super powerful guys because Google comes in crawls the blog, sees the YouTube code, but it’s not just seeing an individual video. It’s seeing the playlist, and it crawls the playlist and sees all of the relevance of that playlist in that one video embed in the blog post. Then it crawls the internal links from the blog post into the other blog posts that are supporting articles for that same silo.
Does that make sense? It’s, again, it’s just creating massive relevance guys. You can create an individual embed from a playlist that actually is the, and I just talked about this on our Hump Day Hangout recently, like within the last month somebody asked specifically how to add a YouTube video as an embed from a playlist to where it’s that specific video that’s embedded instead of the first video in the playlist.
There’s a way to do that. It used to be really simple. There was a box that you could check when you click on the playlist embed button, but that doesn’t exist anymore. Now you actually edit the playlist URL and you can go to our YouTube channel and find the video where I showed exactly how to do this. Just go to youtube.com/semanticmastery, go to the channel search feature and type in playlist embed. You’ll find the video, it’s within the last month and it’s been chopped out to where it’s just that single question and answer on how to do that.
You can look for that tutorial, so that’s a great way if you’re going to be doing both YouTube and blogging, silo both of them guys and use the playlist embed as part of the blog. The blog post, I mean. It’s a great question, though. Okay, Daniel Hartnet. He’s one of our newest Mastermind members. In fact, we’re going to be going in-depth into one of his projects tomorrow during the Mastermind webinar. I’m actually really looking forward to that Danial. Welcome, I’m glad to have you, buddy.
Dan says, “When is the next Mastermind web, you guys?” Tomorrow Dan. Tomorrow, come on, join us. Participate, engage, chat, as questions. All that shit, okay. Dan, I know you just joined recently. Which, by the way, welcome because I know you’ve been following us for a long, long time. We’re glad to have you. If you haven’t got your Mastermind call scheduled yet, I’ll reach out to you or you can ping in Facebook or something and I’ll get it scheduled with you Dan because I’d like to chat with you.
Okay, so welcome and by the way don’t forget to, in Mastermind guys we go in just about as deep into anything as you want to get into. Even your own projects, if you want. If you don’t have a problem sharing it within the Mastermind, we’ll analyze stuff. That’s what we’re going to do with Daniel tomorrow, so feel free to engage with us, okay.
Marco: We’ve got the deep keyword research being prepared as we speak, Daniel, so we’re working hard on this.
Bradley: Yeah, I didn’t tell him we’re going to do that.
Marco: Sorry about that, I get in the way.
Bradley: No, no, no. I was going to surprise him tomorrow but Daniel, yeah, we’re comping you deep keyword research as part of the training for tomorrow.
Marco: He’s going to make his website available so that we can go over it. I mean, he’s not hiding anything so we have to compensate that.
Bradley: That’s right, so you’re going to get a deep keyword research report from us because we’re going to incorporate that into the training tomorrow. Lots of good stuff guys. Dan, again, welcome man. Glad to have you buddy. Dominic says, “Brad I heard it was one half for every year of membership.” I’m not sure what that’s in reference to. Can somebody remind me what that’s in reference to?
Marco: The phone calls. He gets a half hour for every year he’s been a member.
Bradley: Oh, okay. Actually, that’s not a bad idea Dominic. I was talking to the two people today that I talked with and we’re going to actually implement every six months schedule another call with our members. Every six months you get a call with either me, or one of us, or whatever. I think that’s a great way for us to stay in touch with everybody, too, because things change over six months. Your business is going to change, you’re going to have new struggles. You will have resolved old struggles, but you’ll have new struggles.
Will The MGYB Keyword Research Service Work With An Existing Site Like A Content Gap Report?
That’s a way that we can stay in touch and also really help identify new training opportunities for us as a company as well. Yeah, I know you were joking Dominic, but in all reality that we’re going to be doing these calls on a more consistent basis now. Kenny, “Another question if there’s time. For your keyword research service and MGYB will this service work with an existing site? Possibly like the content gap type report?”
Of course, Kenny. I guarantee you, even if you’ve done extensive keyword research for whatever project you’re talking about here. If you order a deep keyword research report, you’re going to discover a whole bunch of new stuff. Yeah, absolutely. Even existing guys. I’m telling you, just having a … Here’s the thing guys, just having somebody else, another SEO do keyword research is going to show different results because everybody does things slightly differently, or they see different opportunities.
My point is, yeah, having somebody else take a look or generate keywords for your project will probably help you to discover things that you hadn’t thought of before. Reveal other opportunities that you hadn’t seen before. I guarantee you our deep keyword research report’s going to show you a lot of stuff.
Marco: Yeah, you can think of it this way too. I mean, who has time to spend 16 man hours doing all of that keyword research and going through all of the different software that’s available for keywords and then filtering all of that crap and then getting rid of duplicates and it just takes too much time, too much effort. I don’t have the time, that’s why we came up with this keyword research gig.
Bradley: Yeah. I mean, I know before I started using Google ads or Adwords for my keyword discovery, which is my preferred method now for … At least before starting a new SEO project. I like to set up Google Ads now and let Google tell me where the traffic is and what converts and all that stuff. It’s worth it to me because as Marco just said, I used to spend four to six hours myself and I didn’t go as deep as what our VA’s are doing obviously.
But I would spend four to six hours myself at the start of every SEO campaign just doing keyword research and it’s just mind numbing to me to do that. I mean, in a way you get excited because you think you start identifying opportunities. But at the same time, it’s just so tedious. What I hated the most about keyword research was generating a long list of keywords and then having to go through line by line and eliminate the non relevant keywords.
That, to me, was so fucking tedious. Pardon my language. I would rather watch paint dry or grass grow, you know what I mean? That stuff would just make me sit on the edge of my seat angry. Again, now I use Google ads because it’s just so much easier. But when it comes to developing a content strategy having something like this deep keyword research report is just, it’s a Godsend because it just saves so much time from tedious work. Absolutely, Kenny.
Okay guys we’re almost done. Just about out of time. It looks like we’re just about out of questions, so this was good timing. Daniel says, “If you are using drive stacks for ranking multiple keywords would you continue to build on your original drive stack, or would you use separate drive stacks for separate keyword specific terms?” Daniel, okay, I’m not the expert on drive stacks. I’m going to give you my opinion first and then let Marco talk.
But I would prefer to use the same drive stack because you accrue power and relevancy through that method, but I may be wrong. Marco, what do you say?
Marco: Daniel ask that question tomorrow during the Mastermind and I can give you a really good answer for it.
Is Possible To High Jack An Entity Related To A Niche Using A Schema?
Bradley: Perfect, so there you go. All of you that are curious now, the Mastermind is available for you tomorrow as well. Okay. All you have to do is join. Dominic says, “As with entity becoming more and more important in Google ranking is it possible to hijack an entity that’s best related to our niche using schema or would that not be that advantage and just be a fake entity?” I don’t know, that’s a really good question, because I’m not sure how you would even go about doing that.
Maybe if I understood the concept of the method on how you might potentially or may perhaps, right? How you may be able to hijack then I may be able to give you an opinion Dominic and that is absolutely something that we would love to kick around in the Mastermind. As far as I’m aware you’re still in the Mastermind, so why not repost that question for tomorrow’s Mastermind webinar. I don’t know that we’ll be able to spend much time on it tomorrow because we do have quite a full plate.
But if you submit it, we’ll kick it around, and if we don’t get a chance to get to it with proper answer tomorrow then we’ll schedule it for the following Mastermind webinar.
Marco: You can also post it in the Facebook group because we got a lot of really … I mean, serious people in the Facebook group.
Bradley: You mean in the [crosstalk 00:57:37] Facebook group.
Marco: Yeah. He can post the question in there and see what the community has to say about that. We can also kick in there. Daniel, same with you. Make sure you’re in that Facebook group and you’re asking these questions that we … It’s just not fair to the people who have paid for the information to have us give it away for free.
Bradley: That’s right, that’s true. Guys, we try to give as much information away here as possible. It’s crazy, as a matter of fact, we had like 20 some members join on the one dollar trial and Adam set up a survey when you join that asks just a handful of questions. The last question in the survey was, “How did you hear about, first hear about Semantic Mastery?” 98% of you guys that signed up for the one dollar trial said you heard, or found us because of YouTube or Hump Day Hangouts. Which is crazy and that’s awesome.
I love it. Absolutely love it guys. We’ve been doing it for over four years now. There’s obviously a reason for it and it’s not just because it produces, like it helps us to grow our business. But we really enjoy doing this every week. But that’s what I’m saying. It’s crazy that we’ve gotten so much, we’ve given out so much information. But, and so guys when we say that there’s specific stuff that we can’t share here publicly it’s only because other people have paid a lot of money for it.
But you have access to all that information inside the Mastermind so. Alright, cool. Daniel, looking forward to tomorrow buddy, I hope you are too and again, I appreciate your time yesterday. Guys, come join us if you haven’t yet. Mastermind is tomorrow.
Hernan: You got it.
Bradley: Parting words?
Hernan: Have a good day.
Bradley: Alrighty, alright. See you guys later. Thanks everybody.
Marco: Bye everyone.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 218 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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brendajhensonblog · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 218
Click on the video above to watch Episode 218 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts episode number 218. Today is the 9th of January, 2019 and we are Semantic Mastery. I’ve always wanted to do that like a band coming out. We should do that with guitars sometimes, but anyways that’s for another date. Let’s say ‘hi’ to everyone real quick. We’ve got some good stuff for you guys coming up. We’ve got a few quick announcements and that’s more good stuff. Real quick, I’m going to start on the right this time and Bradley how are you doing?
I wanted to ask you first. You always have to wait to the end so I thought it’d be nice if you went first.
Bradley: I thought you saved the best for last man.
Adam: Yeah, yeah.
Bradley: Hey guys. I’m just happy to be here. We’ve got a lot of good questions already. Been hard at work this week on all kinds of stuff. We’ve got a Mastermind webinar tomorrow I’m looking forward to doing so just happy to be here man. Life is good.
Adam: Nice, nice. Marco, how about yourself? Staying warm?
Marco: What’s up man, it’s summer in … Well, not summer but it’s the dry season so, yeah, of course we’re staying warm man. Warm and sunny every day. Well it’s actually warm and sunny, as I’ve said, or rainy and sunny. Excuse me, rainy and warm, but always warm.
Adam: Nice, nice. Hernan how’s it going for you? Is it starting to cool down? What goes on down there? I don’t [crosstalk 00:01:26].
Hernan: Yeah, but I really don’t know what’s going on in here man. It’s like, yeah, it’s cooling down in the evening but then it goes up like 40 fucking Celsius during the day. I don’t know, it’s crazy. I’m just pumped to be here, because the other day you said that I wasn’t excited enough so I’m just really pumped to be here and I’m really excited for being here guys. I’m excited to hang out with you.
Adam: Nice. Nice. Yeah, just a warning to anybody that deals with Hernan. If you tell him he’s not excited enough you’re going to get a lot of gifts in return. Just a warning.
Hernan: Like a barrage. Barrage. Gift barrage.
Adam: Chris, how you doing man?
Chris:Been busy here. Lots of snow in Austria, partially in the mountains four meters high. Perfect season for snowboarding.
Adam: Nice, yeah, that’s a lot of snow. Damn. Well good deal. Well, before we get into it we’ve got a few things we wanted to cover. First of all, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery thank you for watching. Whether or not you’re joining us live on the event page or if you’re checking out the replay on YouTube or somewhere else first of all thanks for watching. Keep coming back, as your questions.
You can always ask them ahead of time and then check out the replays. We know the time doesn’t work for everybody whether it’s because you’re meeting with clients, you’ve got a job, you’re in a different time zone. Just do what you can, ask your questions, learn from others. If you do join or you do show up live that’s great, we really do appreciate it and really do appreciate you taking the time to be a part of the community.
If you’re looking for the place to start with Semantic Mastery, it’s a question we hear frequently. The battle plan is the single place to start with us. Go to battleplan.semanticmastery.com and this is going to help you solve the problems about getting repeatable processes for getting results for SEO, with the digital marketing, all sorts of good stuff and there’s some extra goodies in there that I’ll leave quiet for now.
Then passed that, if you’re really looking to take things up a few notches, you want to extend your peer group, you want to network and you want to be a part of a Mastermind then you should join the Mastermind. I’d be happy to have you and you can find out more about that at Mastermind.syemanticmastery.com. Also, like I said, you can watch this live. We love having you live, but if you’re checking us out on replay … Checking out the replay on YouTube just hit subscribe and stay up to date with obviously the Hump Day Hangouts as well as other Q&A’s we do and then additional videos as well.
Real quick, I know …
Marco: Before you go on.
Adam: Yeah, what’s up Marco?
Marco: I’d like to comment on our Mastermind, right?
Adam: Yeah.
Marco: I’m biased and it’s going to sound like a pitch but it really isn’t. Last night our many Mastermind picked up again because we had been off because of the holidays. In between those two weeks one of our many Mastermind members started getting calls to her GMB assets and she was just really stoked. I mean she said, “One thing is to hear you guys say that you can do this and then another is to actually go do it, get the assets. Do the things the way that we say and then get phone calls.”
It was really awesome. It was a pickup for the new year to hear this. We have another guy in our many Mastermind that already getting quite a few phone calls in a really good nit. Then we had another one who decided to take us up on our … Don’t kill yourself.
Adam: This is good. The scenery is falling around me. I’m just going to leave it here.
Bradley: Did anybody else see that because I missed it. I’m going to have to watch the replay.
Marco: He decided to take us up on our offer. Our special for GMB’s, so he bought two five packs and he’s just waiting for those to get delivered. Once they get delivered I’ll be helping him pimp those out. I mean, that’s a benefit of being in Semantic Mastery is that you will have access to these many Masterminds. To be with one of us five each in our own specialty because we all work differently. That’ll be set up and you’ll have the chance to join and you can pick according to what it is that you want to do, who you work with.
You might end up working with Adam, or Hernan, or Chris, or with me. Then you can switch after three … What is it? After three, four months we switch, or we decided to just keep the group together and keep going and we just added somebody else who asked to be in it from our Mastermind. What I’m doing is I’m recording all of our calls and then anyone who wants to join can just go and catch up because everything is there. All of the prior discussions so that they can get up to speed where we are because they should have assets and they should be getting phone calls by now.
It’s only been like two and a half months and people are getting results and that’s damn fast if you are familiar with how the internet works. Two and a half months is nothing to start getting results and start making money.
Adam: that’s awesome, and for anyone who doesn’t know. If you’re not familiar with the idea of these, what we call, the mini Masterminds. We do this, like Marco said, ever three to four months. We try to do it quarterly, of course, holidays wreak havoc, but we take all the Mastermind members, ask them, “Hey what are you interested? What are you up to? What kind of stuff are you working on right now?” Then we take that information and we go ahead and take the time to put them into small groups and then match them up, basically.
Of three to five people because that’s different. I mean, there’s obviously the Mastermind webinars, there’s training, there’s one to many types of stuff. But then this is the time to really reinforce that stuff, ask questions of the other kind of peer feedback and so we’ve gotten a lot of good feedback about that. Members really liking that.
Bradley: May I interject for a moment? Yeah, and something that I did when we had the one dollar trial offer for Mastermind for the end of the year and we had a bunch of people join. One of the things we promised as part of that offer was a one-on-one call with one of us. It was just like we got a notification in our Slack channel that said somebody else joined. First come, first served. It was up to us, one of us, the Semantic Mastery partners to reach out and schedule the call.
I’ve done that for at least five of them and what I found was that we said 15 minutes, but I’ve given everybody 30 minutes. 15 minutes just isn’t enough time to really talk with anybody. I ended up doing that five times with new one dollar trial members and some of those people didn’t even stick, and that’s fine. For example, I talked to somebody from Brazil who said that the conversion rate between US dollars and Brazilian money was like four to one.
It was like 1,200 dollars a month to be part of Mastermind. He was real up front. “I feel bad taking you up on the one-on-one call.” I was like, “Don’t worry about it. That was part of the offer.” I’m here, let’s talk. But what I found was that I really enjoy those calls and we sit behind a computer screen all the time guys working and it’s almost like a business. Even though we socialize online, like via Facebook and all that stuff, we don’t have direct communication often. Where we’re talking via speech or voice with other people that often.
At least I haven’t for a long time. I don’t do it as often as I should. My point is I’ve found that in doing those Mastermind calls that I really enjoyed it and so I posted on Friday, this past Friday in the Mastermind community, the Facebook group, just a video saying, “Hey, I really like this stuff and I’d like to get to know more of the Mastermind members on a more one-on-one basis,” so I posted my Calandly link and told people to go sign up.
It’s funny because I had it set up, my Calandly link set up for 30 days, like for the next 30 days, and Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s is the only days that I’ve scheduled time out or blocked time out to be able to do these calls. It filled up in a matter of two days. The whole 30 days got scheduled out in like two days time, it’s crazy. Now Tuesday through Thursday for the next five to six weeks, because now it’s been a week, well almost a week.
But for the next five weeks I’m going to be doing Mastermind calls. It’s really cool because it gives me an opportunity to talk with our members one-on-one, find our specifically about their business. Maybe provide some guidance, or at least a third party perspective on what’s going on with their business as well as help maybe point them into the direction of where they can find specific training to help them solve some of their issues.
At the same time it educates me as to some of the potential problems that our audience, our members are going through that I may not experience in my own business or that any of my partners may not be experiencing in their business. It helps me to anticipate potential problems that could arise and find workarounds for it and that kind of stuff. The reason I started saying this to guys or started telling you this was just because it’s, again, one of those perks of being in the Mastermind.
This was something unintended. I didn’t even talk about it with my partners, I just posted it and it’s been very popular and that’s something that you guys could benefit from as well if you join the Mastermind.
Adam: Definitely, definitely. Speaking of benefits, Marco you’ve got a webinar coming up next week right?
Marco: I do have a webinar man. I’m calling it the Entity Webinar. I mean, it’s what we’ve been talking about. It’s stuff that people just refuse to tell you. I’m calling it the end game because that’s what it’s all about. I mean, you start out, you’re open. To me, I’m an avid reader and Son Su is one of the books that I read over and over and over, constant. The Art of War. To me, it’s war. A chess game is war also. You have the opening, the middle, and then you have the end game.
That’s when you go in for the kill. The only way that you can go in for the kill when you’re working online is when you do what I’m going to explain to you on Monday. There’s a caveat on that. The only way that you can get into that webinar is by donating to my charity and I’ll post the link to the donation page. It’s going up, there it is. I’m not asking for a million dollars, 5 bucks, 10 bucks. Whatever is in your heart. You donate 1,000 and I’m going to give you 2 hours of my time.
You donate 5,000 or more and I’m going to set up your whole … I was going to drop an F bomb. I’m going to set up your whole funnel. I’m going to take over your local niche and that’s how it goes.
Adam: Nice, that’s awesome. Yeah, like Marco said, you’ve just got to click the link, go donate, and then hit up [email protected]. By hit up, I mean send an email with proof that you donated and we’ll get you access to that webinar.
Bradley: Sweet. Anything else?
Marco: Nah, let’s do this.
Adam: Yeah, I think that’s it. Let’s do it.
How Do You Find Opportunities For Projects & Clients With The MGYB Keyword Research You’ve Performed?
Bradley: Alright, first up is Liz. Liz says, “What’s the best way to put deep keyword research to use after I get it back from MGYB? Obviously it’s a ton of good keywords but I’m wondering if I’m missing out on opportunities for projects or clients. How would you use it?” That’s a great question, Liz. Well, for content marketing purposes mainly that’s how I use it. I’m not crazy about … I don’t do a whole crap-ton of link building anymore other than using press releases and then obviously content marketing and syndication networks is all part of that.
But content marketing is where I use the keywords the most and that could be in creating blog posts, it could be used in publishing press releases. It could be used for GMB posts which is really powerful if you’re doing local stuff. That’s typically how I do it. Now, I know the keyword research reports are even set up with potential silos and all that kind of stuff so it really should make it easy. What I would recommend that you do is just take the keyword report and start producing more content period. Using the keywords set up in the structure that they were given to you in because that’s the most Semantic relevance per silo in all of that, and that should help you.
You could also use those as words, the keywords for anchor text and things like that if you’re doing a link, a bunch of link building. But that’s not something that I even bother with all that much anymore. It’s not really needed. Marco, what do you say?
Marco: No, I totally agree. This is the way that it works and I was hoping to have that sample back by now, but it’s taking a little bit longer than expected. It’ll be ready tomorrow morning, and in fact, it’s going to be ready for our Mastermind webinar. Where we’re going to go over exactly how to use the keyword research that you get back from us. But the whole thing about this is we go into like seven different pieces of software to pull all of this information together. Then we take it all and we create, as you mentioned, the silos.
Then there’s a tab, a legend tab, where we actually tell you. You explain, this is how this works. This is what you’re getting and it’s an initial set up. We recommend for silos, we recommend keywords under that silo. Of course you should be using a question and answer format. Question and answer schema. It really works, it helps you get into those rich snippets. What we’ll do is maybe cut out tomorrows training and make that available for people who buy or who have bought our keyword research because I’m going to go into a whole lot more detail tomorrow.
But it’s really deep. It’s things that you might not ever think of, that you might not ever get to. Guys, when you get the deep keyword research, it takes our VA’s about 16 working hours to put it all together because not only does the research have to be done, duplicates have to be eliminated. Then the keywords, they have to be gathered and we separate them into whether they’re commercial/non commercial, or whether they support the silo in any way.
We want to create Semantic relevance, especially in some of the keywords we tend to just throw away. But if Google says there’s Semantic relevance, it’s for a reason. I don’t want to go into cold currents, I don’t want to spin people’s heads, but there should be some mention because Google considers it relevant to the topic. I mean, again, we’ll go into it a whole lot deeper tomorrow but the best way to put it to use is look at the legend tab and see what the instructions are.
Is There A Big Difference On The Results And Penalties For Putting A JSON-LD Schema In The Header Or Body Section Of A Page?
Bradley: There you go. Alright, Ken’s up. Ken says, “Is there a big difference in results/penalties if I put JSON on the schema and the header or the body tag?” No. Ken, as far as aware there’s no penalty issue. If you’re not spamming, there shouldn’t be any penalty issue and results it shouldn’t matter. JSON LD can be put anywhere on the page. It could even be put in the post body. It doesn’t have to be within the header tag or within the body tag like the HTML of the page.
What I’m saying is you can actually put JSON LD code in the middle of a post. It’s not going to display to a view but the codes there. If you view page source you can see it. In fact I use a combination for organization markup when you have multiple locations. I use a combination of JSON LD and then just regular HTML to create the locations page where it lists organization structure data or schema markup and then it lists each of the individual locations.
I put that right in the post body of the page so that the JSON LD is actually in the content body of that page. I actually add the code in the wizzy wig editor in wordpress if that makes sense, instead of the HTML header or in the theme files or anything like that. I actually add it into the page because it’s JSON LD organization markup at the top and then it breaks down into individual locations with individual local business markup for each location. But then the locations actually display on the page with the NAP and the Google map embed and the link over to the site to the individual location either site or landing page if that makes sense.
It’s a combination of using just regular JSON LD markup in the post body with regular HTML, if that makes sense. Another type of structure data markup would be micro data which is not the recommended method anymore which is like micro data, or excuse me, schema in HTML format but that isn’t the recommended method. But JSON LD can be added, like I said, directly to the post body of the page. You shouldn’t have any issues.
Now, as far as difference in results, I don’t think that makes any difference at all but Marco might know better than me. Marco do you have any input on that?
Marco: No, because I mean if we’re just looking at it strictly from what schema.org says and JSON LD, they do give recommendations but it’s wrapped in script. It’ll have a script opening and a script closed. The bot will know what to do with that no matter what because it says the type application LD plus JSON, I think it’s tagged. The bot knows how to act on that specific section. Now we can look at that from maybe an HTML5 perspective because if it’s data about the page it should be in the head section.
You can look at archive … Not archive, but W3C, yeah, schools and read about head elements and what your head elements should include and if we’re talking about data about that specific page then it should go in the head section before the closing head tag. It’s two different things. JSON LD shouldn’t matter. It looks like a very short question, very simple, but it can be complicated depending on how you’re looking at it.
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:20:41]. I was going to say, let me break in for just a moment because what I was saying about organization markup, that’s really not information about the page. It’s information about the organization, the corporation and all of its locations. It’s not really info about the page, it’s information about the organization. I can understand what you’re saying Marco. If it’s like JSON LD markup for like review schema or article markup, or something like that then I would imagine that, that would be suggested to be … I mean, it might all be suggested to be in the header.
I just know that I’ve done it and it validates in the structure data testing tool.
Marco: Yeah, I mean if Google says it’s fine then it’s reading it fine, then it’s nothing to worry about.
Is There A Value Of Putting RYS Stack On An Authority Site That Is Using Curated Content?
Bradley: There you go. That’s a good question Ken. Ben says, “Hey, Bradley and guys. I find building an authority site for niche using curating content. Is there any value in putting an RYS stack on it?” Yes, because you can push link equity or juice power directly from Google as well as relevancy into it. Remember guys, RYS just is about pushing authority from Google in a way to help validate an entity in all that. It doesn’t matter what type of content you’re using, you could benefit from it. Okay, “Does an RYS stack help the long tail rankings that I’m shooting for with an authority site that builds up a lot of content or is that something that is mainly of benefit for local SEO?”
No. Once again guys, we talk about local mainly because that’s primarily what our audience is and that’s pretty much all I do anymore is local work. Local SEO and local marketing period. But, yeah, RYS stacks will help just about anything. Here, this is funny. Somebody asked last week specifically. Now, Ben, I know what you’re talking about with building up an authority site. Yes, in fact, if I was going to be building up an authority site that would be one of the first things I would do is set up an RYS drive stack for it specifically because, again, that’s a great way to siphon authority.
But what I was about to say was somebody was mentioning last week specifically about, well I’m logged into that one. Let me see if I can go into an incognito window instead. Somebody was asking specifically last week or maybe it was two weeks ago now, about using drive stacks for affiliate marketing and launch jacking, I think it was, specifically. I mentioned that, yeah, they absolutely work and what was funny was somebody was asking me … I know what it was. There was a comment from our youtube channel that somebody commented on our BROWSIO 3.0 webinar where I was explaining how I use BROWSIO for our business or whatever.
It was a webinar that we did, and it was to pitch selling as an affiliate BROWSEO, but I use it. We don’t pitch anything we don’t use guys. But anyways, somebody made a comment like, “It was a waste of 67 dollars,” or something. I just went to go see like, “Where’d this guy come from anyways?” I did a quick Google search and this is funny, but this is just to show you the power of drive stacks. If I say BROWSIO 3.0 guys, BROWSEO the main site comes up. That’s number one, but then pretty much the rest of the page is owned by Semantic mastery products or, excuse me, drive stack files.
For example, this is our Google site that we use when we launched, or when BROWSEO 3.0 was launched. This is one of our drive stacks guys. This is what the G-Site on one of our drive stacks looks like, in case you guys have never seen one.
Marco: Man that’s but ugly.
Bradley: This is an old one [crosstalk 00:24:18]. Yeah, but what I’m saying is look at how well these are built and that’s what I’m saying. This is on the old site because this was produced in WIN way back in September 2016, guys. Think about that, and here’s the slide share which is one of the files that was created. All of this Semantic Mastery. There’s our link right there and it’s Semantic Mastery. Guys, all of these things here that we’re looking at had come right … Well, that must not be it, but those had come directly from the drive stack and there’s our video.
My point is these are very, very powerful and they stick. Ben, yeah, if you’re building an authority site I would absolutely recommend that you set up a drive stack because they’re super powerful. I mean, I know I showed you guys 1,000 times the Virginia SEO one but, I mean, it’s hard to beat. Well it’s the same thing. It’s still ranked today number one, big [inaudible 00:25:09] marketing because my IP is showing that number too.
There’s my wordpress.com, all that stuff is just Google Drive stuff, G-Site stuff. Excuse me, RYS drive stack stuff. Again, same thing Ben. I would highly recommend if you’re trying to push authority into a site, it’s hard to beat using a drive stack period. It’s not just for local SEO, okay.
Marco: If I may add.
Bradley: Please.
Marco: Ben, when you order that drive stack order the deep keyword research and have that added to your drive stack because that’s what you want. You want everything that’s related to whatever authority site you’re creating. You want everything thrown in that drive stack and that’s what’s really going to juice it up. Then, the next question that’s coming up will tell you what you need to do in case you get into one of those medium competition keywords that’s sticky and doesn’t want to move, how you can push it up.
Is There A Daily Upper Limit When It Comes To Posting Curated Content?
Bradley: There you go. The second question he asked is, “If I’m building up a big site with VA’s creating curated posts is there any daily upper limit that you’re aware of that would cause Google to back off? For example, if I’m creating and posting five articles a day could there be any problems with that? My sense is that if they are quality articles that generate good stats on analytics, long-time on page, scroll. Scroll depth, low balance rate, it wouldn’t matter how many posts you publish daily. What do you think?”
You’re correct, Ben. As long as it’s good quality content, which you can absolutely do with curated content. In fact, curated content is often better content than originally written articles from people that aren’t subject matter experts. That’s just pure spam in my opinion. My point is, yes, there is no problem with posting more, like frequency of publishing is not a negative ranking factor unless you’re posting like duplicate content or just straight spam.
But if you’re posting good content, and a curated post is original content. It uses elements of other people’s content, but it’s original content because of the commentary that’s injected at the opening, the conclusion, and in between each piece of curated content. Again, as far as … I have never seen … Think about the blogs that, especially technology blogs. They tend to post dozens of times a day and those sites end up becoming high authority sites, typically, as long as the contents decent. I don’t see any issue with that at all. Post away.
Marco: I agree and Ben I recommend sign up for the webinar. Donate. It’s for a good cause and what you’re talking about is the art of ART, A-R-T. Activity Relevance Trust in authority, which I will be going into on Monday’s webinar.
Bradley: Very cool. Alright, Greg’s up. He’s got multiple questions here about drive stacks. It might be a little bit too specific. I don’t know if Marco wants to cover these here or not. Marco, what do you say before I start reading them?
Marco: Let’s read through them and then we’ll see what we can answer and what we can’t.
Do You Need To Change The Links Of The New GSite Page To Link Back To The New Drive Stack Folder Files?
Bradley: Greg says, “Hey folks, I did the following with my done for you stack to increase its power. I created a new folder on the main drive stack. Copied all the files and folders from the original drive stack and put them in the new folders. Created a new G-Site page for the new folder. Questions: do you link the new G-Site page? Do the links on the new G-Site page need to be changed to link back to the new drive stack folder files or can they continue to link to the original main drive stack files and folders?”
Yeah, see that’s what I’m saying. It seems like that’s getting a bit too specific into techniques that I’m not sure we want to share on Hump Day Hangouts, do you?
Marco: No, but I would just tell him to think silo.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: Think silo. Go look up what you should do with silos and your answer’s right there.
Bradley: Yeah. Greg if you understand silo’s architecture. If you don’t, we’ve got a couple really good training tutorials on silo architecture right in our YouTube channel. In fact, you can even find it, I think, in our playlist if you go to youtube.com/symenticmastery and you click on the playlist tab you’ll probably find a silo architecture playlist that’s old, but it’s the same. Silo architecture hasn’t changed since its invention or discovery, whatever you want to call it.
It’s pretty much the same, nothing’s changed. It’s just about how to create thematic relevance and keep it very, very tight. That’s why they call it a silo because you silo keywords. You add keywords that you go with depth. You add depth to a top level keyword by adding longer tail keywords that are supporting keywords. You can do the same thing with a drive stack. You set up a folder and then the folder could be named after a keyword, a top of silo type keyword, and then you would just put supporting files with the supporting long tail keywords in there.
Think about that and then think about the linking strategy from siloing a website too. You could do something very similar and then we talk about, and this is not revealing too much I know, but we talk about theme mirroring. If you have a website that’s siloed you can mirror that into a drive stack into [inaudible 00:30:28] and a G-Site, and so forth. You can do the same thing with a YouTube channel, by the way guys.
You can theme mirror a YouTube channel to your siloed website. That’s YouTube silo academy. All of those should mirror, in my opinion.
Marco: Then hit that, once you got that page ready for that sticky keyword, hit it with one of our press releases.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: What it go, and Greg it’s interesting because this … He got this information from the two prior webinars that I did, I’m pretty sure. If you guys want this information that Greg is talking about, it’s in the two previous webinars that I did for the charity but the only way to get to those is you have to have donated or you need to attend Monday’s webinar and watch the new webinar and then get access to the other two webinars.
Bradley: There you go. “Do you recommend I make any other changes to the new folders, files, and G-Site combination to turn on the ranking power?” Well, I don’t know, because I don’t know what the existing configuration is other than what you listed right here. Any other things you would recommend Marco?
Marco: Think silos, think silos. Think Semantic relevance. Think, if you have to, order a deep keyword research gig from us so that we can give you everything and we can set up the silo so that you can see the keyword structure and you’ll know how you need to start linking top down or bottom up, or both because you can do both in a drive sync of the spiderweb silo goes all over the place. But in this type of situation yo do want to contain as much Semantic relevance as you can per folder and page.
Should You Put All The @id Info On A Subdomain If You Have A WordPress Site Instead Of GMB Mini Site?
Bradley: Very good. Okay, Kenny’s up. Kenny says, “Hello, hello. I had a question about the ad ID. If we have WordPress site opposed to just the GMB mini site would we put all the ad ID info on a subdomain? One thing I noticed is the Google documentation for business schema is this sentence: if the business has multiple locations make sure the ad ID is unique location. Is it a good idea to structure it like city1.domain2 or city2.domain.com, excuse me, if there is more than one location? Possibly city.domain if it’s just one location?”
Yeah, I can answer this because it’s a simple question but, yes, that’s absolutely correct. If you’re going to be building ad ID pages for businesses with multiple locations then, yes, each location should have its own because an ad ID is supposed to be like a URI. Universal Resource Indicator, like a reference point for Google, and it’s part of local business structure data or local business schema. That’s where the ad ID field came originally.
At least that’s where if you look at local business schema there’s the ad ID field, and so that’s supposed to point to a reference point that validates all of that locations entity information which NAP. That’s why Google Maps is a good thing to put on there. All that stuff you could also list and I’d recommend adding the structure data and the adjacent LD for the ad ID page. All of that with same [inaudible 00:33:44] all that stuff.
Yes, if you’re going to be doing that for a company that has a website then I would recommend that you use a subdomain. Map it over to a subdomain and you can install just an HTML file, guys, it’s fine on your server. Or you could actually set up full WordPress or whatever. I’d recommend just going with HTML, it’s easy to edit, simple, it’s fast. It loads fast. Yeah, that’s how you would do it. If you’re not doing this for a business that has a website, or if you’re just using GMB stuff then you don’t even need a domain and that’s what we’re doing.
But we just covered all this stuff, Kenny, recently in local lease pro. I just added the ad ID page training to local lease pro about a week ago. Maybe it was two weeks ago now, and then we cover this stuff extensively in the Mastermind. This is something that if you want to get more and more information about how to squeeze the most power out of an ad ID page I would highly recommend that you come join the Mastermind.
But, like I said, local lease pro has a lot of training on how I’m setting up ad ID pages specifically for the GMB asset building, okay. A lot of really cool stuff you can do with those, guys.
Is It Okay To Upload The Same Video For Multiple Live Events?
Okay, next, let’s see. “Hey, guys is it okay to upload the same video for multiple live events. These would all be targeting variations of same keywords so content wise the videos should work for them. The question is, would the video ranking suffer if I do so?”
No, okay, because remember, listen if you’re streaming a video as a live event even if it’s an exact duplicate video, every time you stream it, it’s unique. You can take the same video and stream it to the same channel over, and over, and over again and because it’s a live stream it’s going to be considered unique every time. Now, will your ranking suffer? No, they won’t. However, if a manual reviewer or somebody decides to report your channel for spam, which people do. Especially if you’re marketing as an affiliate marketer, other affiliates will report your shit guys.
It happens. If you’re spamming for local business leads, other businesses in that same space or vertical can sometimes report. A lot of them won’t because they just don’t know how, but sometimes it will. I’ve had it happen with tree service sites guys. My point is if somebody sees that all of the videos on your channel are the same, they could report it. If a manual reviewer saw it, they would terminate for spam. If one of your competitors saw it, they could report it.
My point is, I don’t recommend doing that. You can do that, but I would recommend creating instead using different channels for that and there are tools out there guys. There are tools that will, you know, Peter Drew has the tools like live rank sniper. Which is great because it will schedule live events but that’s supposed to be just for poking. Like just to identify keywords that will rank with little to no work. Then his tool for actually live streaming to those keywords that have been identified is like hangout millionaire.
That’s great because you can have Hangout Millionaire access multiple channels. You identify your keywords first, you create the keyword list that you know is likely going to rank with little to no work and then you add that keyword list to hangout millionaire campaign that will access multiple YouTube accounts so that it’s not posting the same video or live streaming the same video over, and over, and over again to the same channel.
I prefer that method. Another one, Abs Ravgey has the video carpet bomb. Excuse me, video marketing blitz, that’s not a live stream. Those are just uploads, but the same thing occurs. We could take the same video file and upload it to 100 different channels and we could target 100 different keywords with the same video and if anybody catches that video on one channel and thinks it’s spam and they report it, I’m only going to lose that one channel. I wouldn’t lose all of the videos on that channel.
What I’m trying to get at here guys is just be careful. If you’re going to be treating a YouTube channel as a money generator, or a revenue generator, like a money site then I recommend that you don’t spam that channel. If you’re going to be spamming then use spam channels. Use multiple channels so that you’re spreading your content out across multiple channels so that in case it does get terminated for spam you don’t lose your entire business and all the work that you put into it.
Does that make sense? It’s the same type of stuff that we tell you guys about mitigating risk or reducing risk when it comes to building legion assets or all that stuff. We always try to take as many precautions as possible to not put all of our eggs in one basket. We try to spread our eggs across many baskets so that if Google decides to take away any one of our baskets we still have a lot of other eggs. If that makes sense, okay. Anybody want to comment on that?
Marco: No, that’s perfect.
What Is The Ideal Number Of Videos You Should Include Into A YouTube Playlist For It To Rank?
Bradley: The next question was, “I’m going through YouTube silo academy, it’s fantastic info.” Well, thank you for that. That’s an old course too but it’s, again, silo architecture guys. Nothing’s changed. The fundamentals are still the same. I have a question about the size of playlist. “If I create a playlist with say, 20 plus videos, is it going to be harder to rank? What’s the ideal size?”
No. In fact, the more relevance you can add to a playlist, again guys it’s just a silo. It’s the same thing as what I was just talking … What I was just mentioning to Greg about. Adding depth to a silo, that’s going to increase the thematic relevance of that silo. In fact, the more relevant videos that you can add to the silo and then you accomplish the silo linking with links within the playlist. If they’re your videos you can add a link within the description as well as in the comments description which, by the way guys pin the link in the comments description so that it’s the first comment.
Excuse me, pin the link that’s in the comment section so that it’s the first comment underneath the video. That’s a do follow link, within YouTube I mean. Okay, you can also put links within the video description but the comment links tend to be more powerful. But my point is if they’re your videos you can edit in links within the video description and the comment and then pin the comment. If they’re somebody elses video that you’re adding to the playlist, which by the way guys you can use other people’s videos in your playlist silos, in YouTube silos.
Okay, probably didn’t know that. I don’t even know if I covered that in the training. But you can use other people’s videos. The point is, is to try to get a comment link in that video that links back into your silo. Either to the playlist itself or to another video in the silo and have that link stick within the comments of somebody elses video, if that makes sense.
I think I did cover that at some point, but my point is you can use … The more and more videos you add the better, and depending on what type of silo you’re using. A mono silo, a simple silo. There’s several different types of silos and linking strategies but what happens, what I found especially with a mono silo is over time if you continue to flesh that out and add content then all of the videos within, I don’t mean all of them are going to rank.
I’m not going to tell you guys that, but all of the videos within the playlist start to get better ranking. They start to improve in rankings because it’s pulling the relevance through that entire playlist. Typically with a YouTube silo there’s one keyword, the broadest of keywords. The best keyword, the one’s that are going to produce the most traffic is going to be the top of the silo and we’re trying to push that.
But what I found is with the mono silo is over time that a lot of those supporting videos, the supporting keywords. In this case, supporting videos, will end up ranking too. Even though when initially when I developed this method, the silo was specifically just to rank that top level keyword. I was only creating a playlist silo to push that top level video, the top keyword. But what I found was through testing and over time was that using, especially that mono silo strategy, all those supporting keywords, essentially supporting videos end up strengthening through that silo. They end up starting the rank even though I didn’t even care.
It was an unintended consequence. It was a benefit, a positive unintended consequence, so again no that’s not a problem at all guys. Remember you want to add more relevance to a silo, not reduce it.
Is It Normal To Have Nearly Identical Content For The Services, Products, and About Sections Of Multilocation GMB Pages?
Alright, Jordan’s up. “My plant nursery client with 20 locations across Texas GMB’s. I know the daily posts need to be unique for each but as I optimize them initially,” okay, so optimize the initial GMB profile, “The services, products, and about sections can be nearly identical. Correct, minus city name, work [inaudible 00:42:47] et cetera.”
Correct, Jordan. I don’t screw around with that. I’ve got a template that my VA’s use for GMB business descriptions and services and then they just use that. They just swap out the tokens for specific location data and stuff like that. But, yeah, I talk about making the posts unique but the business description, if it’s the same business, in my opinion it should be the same damn business description just with different location information.
At least that’s how I do it because, to me, it’s just a waste of effort to try to create different business descriptions when it’s the same damn business. It doesn’t make sense. Logically, why would the same business have a different business description just because it’s in a different location? I haven’t seen any problem with that at all. Marco, any issues with that on your end?
Marco: No, 100% agree. 100%. It has to be the same business description. Look at McDonalds. One mcDonalds is the same as another. All that changes is the location. That’s the way we have to think when we’re doing one brand, multiple locations. It’s a franchise model. You look at franchises, how they do it. Have it your way, the golden arches. However the fuck … Sorry, however it is that they brand. However it is that they do it, however it is that they describe themselves, you just follow the leader man.
Bradley: You conflated Burger King and McDonalds. You said McDonalds, and then you said, “Have it your way.” Isn’t that Burger Kings?
Marco: That’s Burger, but I also said the golden arches.
Bradley: Oh. I don’t even eat fast food but I guess it’s an American icon.
Marco: I have little kids so fast food.
Bradley: I don’t know why kids love McDonald’s so much but they do. I know my daughter used to. She won’t eat, she’s 13 now and she won’t even eat it. She won’t even put it in her mouth which is great because I don’t eat that shit either. But she liked it when she was a kid. Alright, so next is [inaudible 00:44:43]. I always forget your name and I’m so sorry. Eventually you need to sign in and post questions under your personal profile.
Is There A Need To Purchase Another Network For Blogging Syndication If You Buy A T-1 Syndication Network For YouTube?
Anyways, “If we buy a tier one syndication network for YouTube do we have to purchase another network for blogging syndication?”
No, you can use the same network. You can use the same network. I mean, if it’s for the same brand why have two separate networks? If you have a branded tier one syndication network for a YouTube channel and then you’re going to also blog it’s going to probably be the same brand. Same brand name, so you can just connect the RSS applets to the same network. It’s fine. You just go in IFTTT and create the RSS 2 applets and that’s it. No problem at all.
Okay, what I’ve said in the past is if you were going to be publishing … Like I know a lot of people, they take shortcuts and they would take a video that they created that they were trying to rank, so the video title would be the keyword that they were trying to rank for and all that. Be optimized for that keyword, and then they would go republish that video to their blog as just a blog post with the same title. The blog post would have the same title as the video and it would just be the video embed.
What happens in that case, and both of those would syndicate to the same network. The problem with that is that on the blogger, the YouTube … Or, excuse me. The blogger, the tumblr, and wordpress sites it looks like duplicate content because it’s the same title and it’s basically when the video posts, it’s the video title and then the video embed. When the blog post would post it would be the video title, which was the blog post title was the same as the video title, and then video embed in the same video.
It would look like duplicate content and I’ve had network properties terminated for that. I just recommend that if … It’s perfectly fine to syndicate both the YouTube channel and the blog to a network just make sure that they’re unique. What I mean by that is you can even take the same video that you’ve syndicated from your YouTube channel to your network and still publish that video in blog post, just give it a better title and add some additional text content to the blog post.
That’s it, now you’ve got two unique posts. It might be the same video in two posts, but that’s perfectly fine. The tile’s are unique and the post bodies are unique, so that’s all you have to do.
Marco: What we do is get the transcription and add that.
Bradley: That’s exactly right.
Marco: … And add that to the video and that works really well, because then it’s different. It’s not just a video embed. You’re actually adding to the content and then it’s no longer duplicate. You change the title a little bit and give it a really good title. Maybe a question and answer format. Which always works really well and guys, now you have it coming two different ways. You have the same embed but it’s going to two different sources. One is going through your website into the YouTube channel and then one is going into your tier one, but the YouTube channel gets all the credit but it feeds back into your website which is always a good thing, iFrames are the shit.
Bradley: Here’s the thing, if you’re doing blogging if you’re blogging as well as video, we just talked about YouTube silos a couple times and website silos. We just talked about those. Guys, this is what I’m talking about. You silo your blog, your website. Your silo your youtube channel to mirror the website silos. Then when you post a video you make sure it’s in the correct silo, then you go post that video in a blog post about the same keyword with that video embedded.
But don’t just embed the video, guys, embed the playlist video because now you’re embedding a YouTube silo in to a siloed blog post. Does that make sense? It’s super powerful guys because Google comes in crawls the blog, sees the YouTube code, but it’s not just seeing an individual video. It’s seeing the playlist, and it crawls the playlist and sees all of the relevance of that playlist in that one video embed in the blog post. Then it crawls the internal links from the blog post into the other blog posts that are supporting articles for that same silo.
Does that make sense? It’s, again, it’s just creating massive relevance guys. You can create an individual embed from a playlist that actually is the, and I just talked about this on our Hump Day Hangout recently, like within the last month somebody asked specifically how to add a YouTube video as an embed from a playlist to where it’s that specific video that’s embedded instead of the first video in the playlist.
There’s a way to do that. It used to be really simple. There was a box that you could check when you click on the playlist embed button, but that doesn’t exist anymore. Now you actually edit the playlist URL and you can go to our YouTube channel and find the video where I showed exactly how to do this. Just go to youtube.com/semanticmastery, go to the channel search feature and type in playlist embed. You’ll find the video, it’s within the last month and it’s been chopped out to where it’s just that single question and answer on how to do that.
You can look for that tutorial, so that’s a great way if you’re going to be doing both YouTube and blogging, silo both of them guys and use the playlist embed as part of the blog. The blog post, I mean. It’s a great question, though. Okay, Daniel Hartnet. He’s one of our newest Mastermind members. In fact, we’re going to be going in-depth into one of his projects tomorrow during the Mastermind webinar. I’m actually really looking forward to that Danial. Welcome, I’m glad to have you, buddy.
Dan says, “When is the next Mastermind web, you guys?” Tomorrow Dan. Tomorrow, come on, join us. Participate, engage, chat, as questions. All that shit, okay. Dan, I know you just joined recently. Which, by the way, welcome because I know you’ve been following us for a long, long time. We’re glad to have you. If you haven’t got your Mastermind call scheduled yet, I’ll reach out to you or you can ping in Facebook or something and I’ll get it scheduled with you Dan because I’d like to chat with you.
Okay, so welcome and by the way don’t forget to, in Mastermind guys we go in just about as deep into anything as you want to get into. Even your own projects, if you want. If you don’t have a problem sharing it within the Mastermind, we’ll analyze stuff. That’s what we’re going to do with Daniel tomorrow, so feel free to engage with us, okay.
Marco: We’ve got the deep keyword research being prepared as we speak, Daniel, so we’re working hard on this.
Bradley: Yeah, I didn’t tell him we’re going to do that.
Marco: Sorry about that, I get in the way.
Bradley: No, no, no. I was going to surprise him tomorrow but Daniel, yeah, we’re comping you deep keyword research as part of the training for tomorrow.
Marco: He’s going to make his website available so that we can go over it. I mean, he’s not hiding anything so we have to compensate that.
Bradley: That’s right, so you’re going to get a deep keyword research report from us because we’re going to incorporate that into the training tomorrow. Lots of good stuff guys. Dan, again, welcome man. Glad to have you buddy. Dominic says, “Brad I heard it was one half for every year of membership.” I’m not sure what that’s in reference to. Can somebody remind me what that’s in reference to?
Marco: The phone calls. He gets a half hour for every year he’s been a member.
Bradley: Oh, okay. Actually, that’s not a bad idea Dominic. I was talking to the two people today that I talked with and we’re going to actually implement every six months schedule another call with our members. Every six months you get a call with either me, or one of us, or whatever. I think that’s a great way for us to stay in touch with everybody, too, because things change over six months. Your business is going to change, you’re going to have new struggles. You will have resolved old struggles, but you’ll have new struggles.
Will The MGYB Keyword Research Service Work With An Existing Site Like A Content Gap Report?
That’s a way that we can stay in touch and also really help identify new training opportunities for us as a company as well. Yeah, I know you were joking Dominic, but in all reality that we’re going to be doing these calls on a more consistent basis now. Kenny, “Another question if there’s time. For your keyword research service and MGYB will this service work with an existing site? Possibly like the content gap type report?”
Of course, Kenny. I guarantee you, even if you’ve done extensive keyword research for whatever project you’re talking about here. If you order a deep keyword research report, you’re going to discover a whole bunch of new stuff. Yeah, absolutely. Even existing guys. I’m telling you, just having a … Here’s the thing guys, just having somebody else, another SEO do keyword research is going to show different results because everybody does things slightly differently, or they see different opportunities.
My point is, yeah, having somebody else take a look or generate keywords for your project will probably help you to discover things that you hadn’t thought of before. Reveal other opportunities that you hadn’t seen before. I guarantee you our deep keyword research report’s going to show you a lot of stuff.
Marco: Yeah, you can think of it this way too. I mean, who has time to spend 16 man hours doing all of that keyword research and going through all of the different software that’s available for keywords and then filtering all of that crap and then getting rid of duplicates and it just takes too much time, too much effort. I don’t have the time, that’s why we came up with this keyword research gig.
Bradley: Yeah. I mean, I know before I started using Google ads or Adwords for my keyword discovery, which is my preferred method now for … At least before starting a new SEO project. I like to set up Google Ads now and let Google tell me where the traffic is and what converts and all that stuff. It’s worth it to me because as Marco just said, I used to spend four to six hours myself and I didn’t go as deep as what our VA’s are doing obviously.
But I would spend four to six hours myself at the start of every SEO campaign just doing keyword research and it’s just mind numbing to me to do that. I mean, in a way you get excited because you think you start identifying opportunities. But at the same time, it’s just so tedious. What I hated the most about keyword research was generating a long list of keywords and then having to go through line by line and eliminate the non relevant keywords.
That, to me, was so fucking tedious. Pardon my language. I would rather watch paint dry or grass grow, you know what I mean? That stuff would just make me sit on the edge of my seat angry. Again, now I use Google ads because it’s just so much easier. But when it comes to developing a content strategy having something like this deep keyword research report is just, it’s a Godsend because it just saves so much time from tedious work. Absolutely, Kenny.
Okay guys we’re almost done. Just about out of time. It looks like we’re just about out of questions, so this was good timing. Daniel says, “If you are using drive stacks for ranking multiple keywords would you continue to build on your original drive stack, or would you use separate drive stacks for separate keyword specific terms?” Daniel, okay, I’m not the expert on drive stacks. I’m going to give you my opinion first and then let Marco talk.
But I would prefer to use the same drive stack because you accrue power and relevancy through that method, but I may be wrong. Marco, what do you say?
Marco: Daniel ask that question tomorrow during the Mastermind and I can give you a really good answer for it.
Is Possible To High Jack An Entity Related To A Niche Using A Schema?
Bradley: Perfect, so there you go. All of you that are curious now, the Mastermind is available for you tomorrow as well. Okay. All you have to do is join. Dominic says, “As with entity becoming more and more important in Google ranking is it possible to hijack an entity that’s best related to our niche using schema or would that not be that advantage and just be a fake entity?” I don’t know, that’s a really good question, because I’m not sure how you would even go about doing that.
Maybe if I understood the concept of the method on how you might potentially or may perhaps, right? How you may be able to hijack then I may be able to give you an opinion Dominic and that is absolutely something that we would love to kick around in the Mastermind. As far as I’m aware you’re still in the Mastermind, so why not repost that question for tomorrow’s Mastermind webinar. I don’t know that we’ll be able to spend much time on it tomorrow because we do have quite a full plate.
But if you submit it, we’ll kick it around, and if we don’t get a chance to get to it with proper answer tomorrow then we’ll schedule it for the following Mastermind webinar.
Marco: You can also post it in the Facebook group because we got a lot of really … I mean, serious people in the Facebook group.
Bradley: You mean in the [crosstalk 00:57:37] Facebook group.
Marco: Yeah. He can post the question in there and see what the community has to say about that. We can also kick in there. Daniel, same with you. Make sure you’re in that Facebook group and you’re asking these questions that we … It’s just not fair to the people who have paid for the information to have us give it away for free.
Bradley: That’s right, that’s true. Guys, we try to give as much information away here as possible. It’s crazy, as a matter of fact, we had like 20 some members join on the one dollar trial and Adam set up a survey when you join that asks just a handful of questions. The last question in the survey was, “How did you hear about, first hear about Semantic Mastery?” 98% of you guys that signed up for the one dollar trial said you heard, or found us because of YouTube or Hump Day Hangouts. Which is crazy and that’s awesome.
I love it. Absolutely love it guys. We’ve been doing it for over four years now. There’s obviously a reason for it and it’s not just because it produces, like it helps us to grow our business. But we really enjoy doing this every week. But that’s what I’m saying. It’s crazy that we’ve gotten so much, we’ve given out so much information. But, and so guys when we say that there’s specific stuff that we can’t share here publicly it’s only because other people have paid a lot of money for it.
But you have access to all that information inside the Mastermind so. Alright, cool. Daniel, looking forward to tomorrow buddy, I hope you are too and again, I appreciate your time yesterday. Guys, come join us if you haven’t yet. Mastermind is tomorrow.
Hernan: You got it.
Bradley: Parting words?
Hernan: Have a good day.
Bradley: Alrighty, alright. See you guys later. Thanks everybody.
Marco: Bye everyone.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 218 posted first on your-t1-blog-url
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