#a new chapter of OP Academy will release during the break week
fallensnowfan · 8 months
The Winds of Fate.
1106 was a wild chapter, I'm excited to talk about it!
Dorry and Brogy really said, "if you won't come to Elbaf, we'll go to you!" Never considered them arriving here but I love the choice to have them arrive now. Dorry and Brogy already knowing that Luffy is the Sun God stands out, and it's cute how excited they are to see him. I hope they brought snacks. I'm gonna guess they saw Luffy's new wanted poster and came to the conclusion about his devil fruit themselves.
Meanwhile, Vegapunk is bleeding on the ground, and Bonney is primed to steal the show by turning Saturn into a cartoonish pile of soot(I hope,) acting as the "heart" to her newly gained army of Pacifistas. And Luffy? He is laughing and numb to it all. The SMILE fruit/Nika comparisons are strong in this chapter.
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Both are still hurt themselves, though I'm wondering what Stussy and Sentomaru will want to do now that Vegapunk has been stabbed. Are we about to learn more about Vegapunk's past?
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Vegapunk's thoughts about Bonney and Kuma/the Pacifistas remind me a lot of what went down between the Akazaya and fake Oden. And his line "even if the whole world should be your enemy," is similar to lines from the final Wano opening, Highest Point. "With the world as my enemy, I stand my ground on quivering legs."
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I love the decision to not show Luffy's eyes much in the chapter. They're always shaded or somehow obscured, except when he's in the Nika pose, and even then, his eyes are closed. Kizaru's line about wanting darker shades last chapter is an interesting one alongside Luffy's eyes being covered for much of this chapter.
Hi Robonosuke! You've appeared alongside the Nika heartbeat twice now, though haven't moved an inch. Very hmmm. I like that Bonney gets her own turning the tides of the battle moment, ala Tama from chapter 1017. Also is a bit reminiscent of Nami using Big Mom's Vivre card too. Cool!
Maybe the reason Robonosuke is so slow to wake up is because these dern kids keep making a fuss on his lawn. They woke him up from his nap! Fireworks everywhere, buildings crashing down, a silly rubber boy is making a mess while he eats, leaving food scraps everywhere. Just a terrible day for the Ancient Robot.
A lot of grand goings on are paying out on Egghead right now, and Luffy is back up and ready for another round it seems. He was given food and activated Gear 5 once more, the Buster Call Deluxe was swiftly dealt with, the PX units are on Bonney's side now, and powerful allies have arrived. Things are going so well... Dare I say it almost feels that they're going a bit too well.
I've read enough stories to know that when things begin going this smoothly, it often is a signal from the author that something is about to go very very wrong. And Luffy is at the center of it. However, the manga is on break next week. We all get to wait a bit longer to find out what happens from here, ahyahyahyahya! I'm curious to find out!
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