#a meta tnii + bmb reader friendship piece
inkykeiji · 2 years
Idk if this is a silly question but is there ever a point or situation where touya-nii isnt so jealous and possessive to where she’s allowed friends? or it doesnt matter cause hes borderline sociopath
hi anon!
tw: abusive relationships, toxic relationships
to answer your question: nope! the raging jealousy and possession/possessiveness are kind of like two of his core traits when it comes to her. i talk about touya’s need for control + power a lot and this is heavily connected to that. he desires control over every single aspect of her life. to him, he literally cannot fathom why she’d ever need friends when she has him and natsuo (this sentiment in particular comes from his antisocial personality disorder (sociopathy) which mostly inhibits him from forming and understanding meaningful relationships. natsuo, his mother, and his reader are technically exceptions to the rule, but as i’ve said before, his ‘love’ for them is twisted and thorny and toxic).
this is also an abuse tactic, whether touya is actively aware of it or not, to keep her beneath his thumb completely and entirely. a lot of abusers will slowly and almost systematically cut their victim off from any support lines (friends and family) so they become trapped and completely reliant on their abuser. the last thing touya would want is some ‘outsider’ looking in and possibly putting ‘ideas’ in his precious brainwashed baby’s brain. thus, if she were to desperately need a friend and beg and cry and plead for it, after being unreasonably offended by it all, the only way touya would allow it to happen would be through supervised visits (and probably a thoroughly vetted ‘friend’).
in this respect, bmb reader would actually be a good candidate, because she is in an abusive and toxic relationship as well, and she is less likely to raise as many alarm bells as someone who isn’t in their position would. granted, bmb reader is a brat and has more freedoms than tnii reader does, and she’d definitely be critical of touya (her and touya would not get along) but not to the point to be a real threat to him.
it is definitely cute, in a twisted sort of way, to think about the two of them getting together and having sleepovers and doing homework together and giggling over the phone late at night etc etc all the things bffs do, and it would probably be good for the both of them to lean on each other and have one another there for support and to talk to about their situations. to have someone who, in some capacity, understands. it would be nice for tnii reader to have a friend, honestly. bmb reader not only has that freedom (at least for surface level uni friends) but she also has dabi to lean on, too. tnii reader is entirely alone; it isn’t like natsuo is ever on her side. it is honestly very tragic, and very heartbreaking, when you think about it.
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