#a meme used to last half a year minimum now you're lucky if a meme has staying power for a month
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Me when writing my books:
Me when trying to figure out how to market them and knowing I have to do social media as my author persona:
#I like making little memes of my characters that suit them but so many corpos do that soullessly :c#but I'm not a corporation i am an independent author so is it still cringe to post them on my socmeds??#what do you man i need to do a twice a month minimum newsletter and do more tiktok dances and trends#is it really that bad that i don't want to talk to my audience all the time i just want to present my work#my authorsona is behind the curtain#and i'm like#slapping her ass and telling her to get out on stage and fucking DANCE#and then she's crying and saying “but i'm scared” girl you're literally wearing a mask no one can see your face please just go do it#ONE OF US HAS TO PUT OURSELVES OUT THERE#i hate marketing I HATE MARKETING#i hate tiktok and the lasting effects it's had on social media#a meme used to last half a year minimum now you're lucky if a meme has staying power for a month#I hate to sound like I'm just out here trying to get rich but I assure you I do not compromise my creative visions#the reality is that i do need to make money though#and i got 2 years to pull my life together before i end up in a situation i do not want to be in not really#i have to be a strong independent woman capable of taking care of herself fully financially and getting herself healthcare and a house#really let myself become so weak willed thanks to my scumbag imposter ex and I just didn't recover it#i need to reclaim my ARIES ENERGY#It is Aries season it's ME season so need to RECLAIM it's MINE the stars said so!!!#I'M A STRONG CAPABLE COMPETITIVE LEADER TYPE WITH CUTE BUT DEADLY HORNS ME! ME! ME! *headbutts a wall*#end schizoposting.png
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RP meme from Tremors
Let's get you out of the sun for a spell.
Please move your fat ass.
Well, when I'm your age I'll probably forget what I eat, too.
How many cows does it take to make a stampede? Is it like three or more? Is there a minimum speed?
You will have long blonde hair, big green eyes, nice full breasts that stand up and say hello, ass that won't quit. And legs, legs that go all the way up!
Yeah, well, I'm getting what I refer to scientifically as "weird vibes."
They're all the same; dead weight. Can't make a decision, can't walk because of their shoes, can't work because of their fingernails. Make my skin crawl!
Well, I'm a victim of circumstance.
Twenty years of looking for a woman exactly like Miss October 1968, and where'd it get me?
Down, honey, down.
The way you worry, you're gonna have a heart attack before you get to survive World War III.
Right. We plan ahead. That way we don't do anything right now.
The idea was; we were ripping you off.
Now, you know I'm good for it.
Are we too easy-going?
If we're gonna take the plunge we oughta have a better plan than that.
Stop it! Stop it, you horrid animal!
God almighty, my mama sure didn't raise me for this.
You're the one's gotta have a plan.
What keeps us doing jobs like this is you dragging your feet.
You gonna stand there in broad daylight and tell me you think I'm the reason we're still here?
I'll call that little bluff.
Forget it, man. It's not worth it.
We did it! We faced temptation and we did not bend!
Last chance, asshole.
Jeez, look at that guy.
You're full of shit.
He must've really been drunk this time.
You damn fool, you owe me on this one
Well, whatever the hell happened it's just one more goddamn good reason to haul ass out of this place.
Hey, where the hell's that asshole dog?
We got a killer on the loose!
He's cutting people's heads off!
I'd high-tail for town if I was you!
The phone is out!
We've gotta get the police up here.
Well, there's sure as hell nothing to stop us now.
Is some higher force at work here?
Are we asking too much of life?
You on a booze break or what?!
Where are the bullets? Don't we have any goddamn bullets?
Hey, I don't want spend the night out here!
What the hell you doing back already?
Unreal! Where'd you get it?
It's disgusting.
So, it's some kind of snake?
It's dead all right. Tore the damn thing in half.
There's gotta be more out there, a lot more.
Slick as snot and I'm not lying.
Look, we organize, we arm ourselves.
We go out, we find those damn snake things, we make 'em extinct.
Might be aliens. Who knows?
Why go looking for trouble?
Phone's out. Road's out. We're on our own.
I'm dead. Let's finish in the morning.
Just keep looking at that beautiful sky.
Damn that thing!
Well, what's wrong with it?
You sure this is where it was?
God, what a stink!
Something's got me!
Oh, God! Get me Out!! GET ME OUT!!
Somebody stop it!
You want the rifle or the Smith?
You stupid punk!
One of these days, [NAME], somebody's gonna kick your ass.
Come back with the Sheriff.
Come back with the National Guard.
That means we're gonna be out here, like, in the dark.
Oh, man, I hate this shit.
Ride like hell.
How could they bury an entire Plymouth station wagon?
They're under the goddamn ground!
There must be a million of them!
It's gaining on us!
We can do it, we can do it!
We killed the bastard!
Did you just notice something weird?
Think it smells like that 'cause it's dead?
I think they shoot right outta its mouth, hook you, and pull you right in.
Good thing we stopped it before it killed anybody else.
I'm lucky it didn't find me.
This is like, well, let's say it, it's probably the biggest zoological discovery of the century.
Just look at what we caught here!
This is one big mother!
Come on, nobody's ever seen one of these!
There are five more of these things!
Five more?
If you compare the different readings, there have to be five.
There's nothing like them in the fossil record, I'm sure.
I'd vote for outer space. No way those are local boys.
The government built them, a big surprise in the next war.
How the hell's it even know we're still here?
It can sense the slightest seismic vibration, hear every move we make.
I always wanted to be stuck on a desert island. But somehow I always imagined, you know, water.
You know, I hate to be crude, but I'm gonna have to take care of some business here.
I'll tell you, if you ever wanted proof God is a man, this is it.
Running's not a plan. Running is what you do when the plan fails.
You're not even trying to come up with a plan!
Think it's still following us?
You go north, I'll go south.
Well, I'm scared, but I'm not sorry.
All right, I'm about as subtle as a donkey's ass.
You think we're not even safe here in town?
I think we should all get the hell out while the getting's good.
You should have a theory at least.
This valley's just one long smorgasbord and if we don't haul ass outta here we're the next course.
You little ass wipe!
You knock that off or you're gonna be shitting that basketball!
Where are we going to go that's safer than right here?
I'm gonna kick his ass!
Man, you got a gun?!
Big as a house!
Remember, no noise. No vibration.
Get off your pogo stick!
Go back, for chrissake!
Come on! Outta your pants!
Just run! Run like screaming fuck!
This oughta hurt like hell.
So, is that one of your usual jobs, saving peoples' lives?
How long till they go away?
Shut it up! Shut the little bastard up!
Quiet! Quiet you hateful thing!
Chuck him out the door!
Son of a bitchin' lowlife, putrid, scum.
I got enough food here to last us for weeks.
Jesus! Shut it off!
Can't you shout a little quieter?
How the hell long it take you to change a tire?
They're coming after you! They're coming right now!
Big monsters under the ground, [NAME]!
Broke into the wrong goddamn rec room, didn't you, you BASTARD!
We killed that motherfucker!
Uh, be advised, however, there are four more, repeat, four more motherfuckers.
They got one! They killed one of the sons of bitches!
You're not getting any penetration, even with the elephant gun.
Never figured on having to shoot through dirt! Best goddamn bullet stop there is.
They can feel our vibrations, but they can't find us.
The bastards are up to something.
Oh, wow, man! No way! No fucking way, man!
They're gonna tear this whole town out from under us!
We'll come get everybody. Just hang on tight.
Since when the hell's every goddamn thing up to us?!
We don't have a hell of a lot of time here.
We need a helicopter is what we need, or a goddamn tank.
Jesus. It's slower than hell.
Couldn't we distract them somehow?
We need a decoy.
Hey, [NAME], you wanna make a buck?
We're gonna save our asses here!
Get real. I'm faster than you.
Damn. Guess I have to do it.
Watch your ass, shithead.
Don't worry about me, jerkoff.
You goddamn suicidal son of a bitch!
He'll never make it! They're gonna get him!
Goddamn good thinking!
Me next!
Get me off of here!
We got about three seconds!
God damn! Armored transport!
What do you think? Max firepower or...?
I'd go for penetration.
Give me a gun! I'll take one!
I wouldn't give you a gun if it was World War Three.
Underground goddamn monsters?!
Any sign of'em?
Maybe they're taking a dump.
What the hell are they doing? They're up to something.
I don't care what they're doing as long as they're doing it way over there.
They dug a trap! I can't believe this!
Hungry?! Eat this!!
Here they come! They're coming back!
They'll sure as hell get us if we stay here!
[NAME] do you have any more of those things?
Then, when the explosion happens, if it drives them away again, we all run like goddamn bastards!
What if it doesn't scare them? What if they don't run?
They're so sensitive to sound, they have to run! It hurts too much!
We're gonna run. Get ready.
They're too fast! You can't outrun them, no way!
It worked! There they go!
You asshole! There's no bullets in this gun!
Could we make it to the mountains?
What's the matter with you? What are you talking about?!
Those animals would have killed you!
You haven't seen what they can do.
They're not falling for it!
I'll make'em pay attention, goddamnit
We can't kill them all.
Use the fucking bomb!
This better be one great plan!
We could make some real money off this whole thing, get in People magazine.
Sell the movie rights.
You're really leaving, huh?
There's going to be major research up here.
And thanks for everything, you know, saving my life and stuff.
Civil? I'm civil.
You're not civil, you're glum.
We got the world by the tail with a downhill pull and all of a sudden you go glum on me.
Somebody paying you to do this?
She just practically asked you for a date.
God, my work is never done.
Fine, make the mistakes I did.
I think I'll just be playing this hand myself.
I'd goddamn worship her.
Can you fly, sucker?! CAN YOU FLY?!
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