#a majority of my main ocs are bi
jazaesis · 9 months
Original SW Characters
Below is a little about my main Star Wars OCs and their tags!
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Avani of Cathar
Jedi Temple Guard and founder of the Guild of Force Users. 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 37 bby  Era: Clone Wars Sexuality: Ace/Aro
Padawan of Master Chyaro Xalendren, Avani is deeply spiritual, compassionate, and perceptive. She possesses a strong connection to the Force, guiding her actions and interactions with others. Avani's compassionate nature is evident in her willingness to aid and support those in need. She demonstrates a sense of wisdom, resilience, and a relentless commitment to the ideals of balance and harmony within the Force.
Avani served in the Clone Wars alongside her sister Jedi General Kalon, as they led the 107th “Storm’s Edge” Battalion. Knighted during the war, Avani was permitted to participate in the Jedi Temple Guard Trials, her life long dream. Her trials lasted a week, and when she emerged, the temple was in flames…
Following the fall of the Republic, and serving the Rebellions for years, Avani found herself questioning the established norms of the Jedi Order, but still finding a need for an alternative approach to understanding and utilizing the Force. She spent many years traveling the galaxy, observing the impact of the Jedi Order on the galaxy, studying ancient force related civilizations, and the wars that left scars on the galaxy and her friends. Avani established the Guild of Force Users on the planet of Avalon, and dedicated herself to teaching the ways of the force to everyone.
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Aro Rua Ris
A chronically ill, Ryloth-born Twi’lek and Jedi Knight. 
Pronouns: he/him Born: 43 bby  Era: Clone Wars Sexuality: MLM
Raised for the majority of his life in the Jedi Temple, Aro was a quiet, distant youngling. He frequently found himself in the Halls of Healing for mysterious ailments that hindered his training progress, and he often felt that he fell short of his peers. Despite displaying significant aptitude with his Force abilities, Aro was nearly ejected from the Initiate program due to his health before he was taken on as a Padawan by Jedi Master Ima Gun Di. 
Aro was Knighted in the early months of the Clone Wars when he was 20 years old. He was given command of the 482nd Battalion where he met Clone Commander Nite. Despite Aro’s commitment to the war effort and the Jedi Order, he found himself caught in Nite’s orbit and the two of them began to form a bond that lasted the duration of the Clone Wars and beyond. 
Aro is a fun loving and sarcastic, yet deeply caring person that struggles with both familial and romantic attachment. Although he had been warned against those types of relationships, Aro proved time and time again to be made stronger and more confident by those around him. He is very humble, often attributing his accomplishments to the support of those closest to him.
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Commander Nite, CC-23-6483
An ARC Clone Commander and Rebel Leader. 
Pronouns: he/him Decanted: ?? Era: Clone Wars Sexuality: Bi
Honorable, loyal and strong, Nite is an ARC Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic, known for his dedicated leadership alongside Jedi General Aro Rua Ris. Nite led the 482nd battalion during the Clone Wars. He can be serious yet maintains a humorous side, possessing a witty sense of humor. Nite is exceptionally skilled in battle and deeply cares for his troopers' well-being. He deeply values Aro's companionship, the two growing closer throughout the war, and eventually falling in love. Nite deeply values family, standing by Aro Rua and Thalia’s side no matter what challenges are thrown their way.
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Thalia Ris & Mei
A Togruta healer. 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 16 bby  Era: Original Trilogy/Guild of Force Users
Adopted daughter of Aro Rua and Nite and an orphan of the Clone Wars. Thalia is extremely emphatic and can feel the emotions of those around her, she’s particularly attached to Aro and is easily concerned and upset when he’s ill. Force sensitive, but not trained as a jedi, Thalia could often see force ghosts as a young child. Thalia is the light and joy of Aro’s life, extremely compassionate to all those around her, has a deep love for animals. She’s also super artistic and loves drawing and painting. Thalia grows up to become a doctor, traveling the galaxy and aiding those in need - much like a Star Wars Doctors Without Borders. Thalia is often accompanies by her grumpy tooka Mei.  
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Amarinda “Arri” Amar 
A Jedi learner in the Guild of Force Users.
Pronouns: she/her Born: 11 bby  Era: Guild of Force Users AU Sexuality: Bi
 Amarinda is a spirited and impulsive individual with a penchant for mischief and adventure. Growing up under pirate occupation on her homeworld of Caelisole  instilled in her craftiness, cunning, and resourcefulness, making her adept at sneaking, bluffing, and improvised problem-solving. Despite her impetuous nature, she deeply values her friends and family, displaying loyalty and care towards them. However, she can be stubborn and holds onto grudges. Amarinda's fiery personality often drives her to take risks and act impulsively, but her good-heartedness is evident in her desire to help others, even if it leads to unforeseen consequences.
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Kalon Marean
Former Jedi Shadow and First Sister Sith Inquisitor, “The Scylla.” 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 53 bby  Era: The Clone Wars Sexuality: Pan
Caught between two prodigies, Kalon struggled to live up to legacy left behind by Master Xalendren’s previous padawan and forge her own path through the shadows cast by the light of his new padawan. Trained by Master Chyaro Xalendren, Kalon harbored resentment toward Avani, feeling overshadowed by their shared master. Desperate to forge her own path, Kalon joined the Jedi Shadows. Her path diverged when she became a Sith Inquisitor during the Empire's reign, but eventually found redemption with the aid of Avani, reconciling with her past. 
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Chyaro Xalendren
Anomid Jedi Shadow, former Jedi Temple Guard.
Pronouns: he/him Born: ??? bby - idk he’s very old Era: Clone Wars
Initiated into the order at the end of the High Republic, Xalendren was raised with the oldest of Jedi traditions by his late master. After the death of his first padawan, Thayeon Tehom. Xalendren served in the Jedi Temple Guard, until his removal due to his “aggressive”  approach. Xalendren took on Padawan Kalon, training her to be better and stronger. Years later, Xalendren crashed on the world of Cathar, and discovered young Avani, taking her on as his next padawan. 
Experienced and knowledgeable, Xalendren is a dedicated mentor to Avani, but is quite stuck in the old traditional ways of the Jedi. His holds a high regard for hierarchy, order and tradition, and holds vast knowledge in the force, combat and negotiations.
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Hala Dymostra 
Pronouns: she/her/they/them Born: 15 bby  Era: Original Trilogy Sexuality: lesbian
A Nightsister in the Elomnii Coven born during the reign of the Empire. As “Prya’s Eye,” Hala is dedicated to her coven and well-being of her sisters. Hala can often be found hunting in the Dathomir mountains on her orbak Magick Man or sparring with her wife, Togruta assassin Morticia. 
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Gaia’voshi Laparedo
A film maker from the distant outer rim, studying filmmaking on Alderaan, documenting the Clone Wars and Rebellion. 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 15 bby  Era: Clone Wars & Original Trilogy Sexuality: lesbian
Born on a distant agriworld in the outer rim to farmers, Gaia'voshi was raised in the great outdoor with a great appreciation to all creatures and life. At the age of 12, Gaia'voshi's family moved to Alderaan in hopes of better opportunities and land. There, Gaia'voshi fell in love with filmmaking and earned a scholarships to study at one of Alderaan's greatest universities. Gaia’voshi spent the majority of her university years traveling the galaxy documenting cultures and communities. At the start of the Clone Wars, Gaia voshi realized she could use the power of her voice through documentation and journalism to raise awareness and support for civilians & troops. This project would go on to be called "A Galaxy Divided: Beneath the Fire.”
Gaia is joined by her film droid "Beq,” trusted ottabura, Leto (original species by @/sundownsquad), and later her speed-racer girlfriend Lu-Dal Kore. Gaia is an open character! Check more info here.
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Golden Guard Raze, CT-21-0019
A clone trooper serving with the Jedi Temple Guards.
Pronouns: he/him Decanted: ?? Era: Clone Wars
During the Clone Wars, Jedi Knights aided in the war efforts through supporting the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) through the Orders partnership with the Senate. Jedi Knights, often acting a Generals or leadership roles, accompanied Troopers into battle and lead operations. However, this meant the Jedi were limited in their abilities to oversee certain operations by the powers of Senate. The Jedi Temple Guards were crucial in the protection of Jedi temples across the galaxy and investigating force-related matters. However, since the Temple Guards solely operated under the jurisdiction of the Jedi Order, not the Senate, they were often unable to complete investigations, especially in matters involving the war or Separatists.
So, the Jedi Head of Security, Din Drallig, made a special request to the Jedi Council and Senate to have a trooper placed with the Temple Guards. This trooper would allow the Temple Guards to operate in war related matters. The trooper, ultimately selected by Commander Fox himself, was Coruscant Guard Special Ops Raze.
Raze, later nicknamed the Golden Guard for his gold detailed armor, accompanied the Temple Guards in investigations, battles, and galactic conflicts. While Raze may don the golden symbols of the Temple Guards, he himself was not a Jedi, nor force sensitive, and such, was not permitted in restricted zones of the Jedi Temple. Raze further is not privy to the secrets of the Temple Guards.
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lilacsandpetals · 1 year
First of all, I want to say thank you for making this beautiful fanfic Frozen Bloosom. It was almost perfectly written. I barely attached to any fanfics x readers before, especially from MK franchise. But When I discovered your writings, I was hooked up and couldn't stop re-reading all the parts. And this is the first time I have written my admiration for someone this long.
You described Bi Han accurately and fit the current situation. And you didn't force us (readers) to steal the spotlight or make us mary-sue-ish.
And I like that you gave us (the readers) a position as apprentice fighters in the Lin Kuei instead of making us the typical main characters who get miracles directly. You make us (the readers) humble individuals, willing to sacrifice for the sake of our family and the clan involved by marrying someone who doesn't seem to want us in the beginning. This is very relatable to life in the real world.
You successfully made this fanfic quite correlated with the timeline created by Liu Kang and not too contradictory. When I read it, in my headcanon, I felt that in his other timelines, Liu Kang deliberately made the marriage between the two clans happen so that there would be no more divisions and conflicts that would destroy the order of Earthrealm.
I feel like when you wrote it, Liu Kang chose us (the readers) to be Bi Han's redemption. Liu Kang aspires for us (the readers) so that one day we would be able to melt Bi Han's cold heart and prevent a major conflict in the earth realm or with his brothers.
Love takes time, and I like the process experienced by Bi Han and the readers. not too straightforward but also not too draggy. You didn't make Bi Han look 'simp' towards us, in fact, you created us to also make an effort to open Bi Han's heart and accept us as his partner.
I like how you keep our lore (the readers' lore) to a minimum so that we (the readers' lore) have the freedom to select and build our own OC lore (this may be due to my poor habit of shipping canonXheadcanoon or is it me who never read fanfic reader, but whatever).
The point is that I adore Frozen Bloosom. It's beautifully written and not forced.
Thank you much for the compliments, I really appreciate that 💖 I'm so happy that you've been enjoying my writing as well, and I appreciate you leaving such kind comments 💕💙💕
Yeah I tried to write Bi-Han as carefully as I could and I try to keep a balance of him and the reader for each chapter. Initially I was worried about how Bi-Han might come off because my main knowledge of him comes from MK1. I played the other MK games here and there but I don't remember too much.
I tried to make the reader's position as nuanced as I could. I didn't want to make them seem like they came off as perfect right from the start. I wanted some development throughout the story. I usually prefer flawed or complex reader x character stories so I'm glad that's the vibe it gives off. Plus I'm a sucker for characters caught in an arranged marriage they aren't thrilled about.
I like that headcanon of yours! And yes that's why I tried to set it as an AU for the MK1 timeline. In my mind, it would make it harder for Bi-Han to turn towards a darker path.
Yesss I love slow burn romances so I definitely wanted to make sure I portrayed that correctly. It takes two to make a relationship work so it was important for me to show that evolution of effort on both ends. Balancing the line of not moving along too fast and not dragging it can be a bit difficult, so hopefully I can keep up that balance :)
Mhm I try to keep the reader's background minimal so it's easier for them to self-insert or insert an OC, etc.
Again, thank you much for reading. 💕✨💕✨
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shadowthestoryteller · 2 months
Health Hiatus Announcement
This is gonna be a long post, but a necessary one that has quite a bit of important info relating to the future of my creative works concerning the Adventures!AU series. First, look at this lovely new cover art for Off to a Great Start I had done by my bud Arven92 on DA. The title has changed to The Adventure Begins, but the main story within is the same. 
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The light reveals their true Alphian form (symbolic only, not a lore aspect) while their shadow shows their ultimate fate as a member of Clone Force 99/Bad Batch. The bookshelves are a key location (library), but the merge into woods represents how they're entering into a very real adventure that isn't just a fantasy they write into books. Really happy how it turned out ^^
Onto the main post! 
TLDR: Adventures!AU is being drastically shortened for my sanity and physical health into two arcs (six books each) but most likely will cease full chapter uploads after arc one as I am tired af, I don’t want to be doing this series into my 50s, and I want to turn my focus back to my originals eventually. Next year will see postings of the series prologue, Anachronism, as well as hopefully the Remaster of Off to a Great Start/The Adventure Begins. I will still be very active on my discord, where some chapters of next year's stories have already been posted. But for my other story posting sites (aka Wattpad) all new Star Wars content is on hiatus until 2026.
Been wanting to make a big post for a while for the people who aren’t a part of the discord, especially since I’ve more or less dropped off the face of tumblr after it became unhealthy due to comparison eating me alive. If you like my work, you’re welcome to join the server which is dedicated to my works. I’m active in there a few times a week, and even post bi-weekly updates as to what I’ve been working on. And I’ve posted six chapters of remastered Off to a Great Start/The Adventure Begins complete with new scenes, new povs, and even more snark! Just message me for the link, I'm still wary of a stalker finding me again.
Now, for the meat of this update. 
Y’all. I am just… dog dead tired. And stressed beyond belief. Some of it isn’t related to the Adventures!AU itself (job hunt, burnout from completing my Masters in May, ect), but a lot of it admittedly is. Considering I’ve written almost 500k words in just under 5 years, it’s no surprise. Some people don’t write that in a lifetime, and I’m out here doing that on top of college. Proud of myself for that. 
What I’m not proud of, however, is ignoring my body’s warning signals and pushing myself past my limits not once, but twice. Once in 2022, and now again in 2024. Nothing major or genuinely life-altering, but when I say my health anxiety went off the rails. Been a rough few weeks lol. 
But that leads me to now. 
Adventures!AU. My series following the adventures of my self-insert as they become a member of Clone Force 99 back when it was just four members, with the added twist of it being in an alternate universe where the Star Wars universe has crossed over with my original stories. It’s not as big as non-self insert series, but Over the River and Through the Woods (which sits at a whopping 66 chapters and 200k+ words) once got #19 out of 60k in the ocs tag. The series has been going since April 2020, seeing four completed stories of various lengths and one WIP that sits at 21 chapters and 93k words. 
Aside from the recently completed Fallen Not Forgotten, it’s been on hiatus since Dec of 2023. At least as far as chapter uploads go. It’s certainly not been collecting dust. To say it underwent some intense restructuring in July is an understatement. A big understatement. 
I originally had seventeen books planned for the series as of three months ago, sectioned into four arcs with Anachronism kinda being a “prologue” to the main Adventures!AU series. Before this timeline is banished to the dream graveyard, I’m sharing it so y’all can at least see where it was gonna go. The four arcs would have had four books each, and were structured thus:
Bonds Forged Through Fire and Storm
Off to a Great Start (25 chapters)
Over the River and Through the Woods (66 chapters)
To the Far Reaches (66 chapters)
Welcome to War Games (25 chapters)
Into the Light Through Acts in the Dark
Commander, Meet the Cat (Remastered, 20 chapters)
Fallen Not Forgotten (Remastered, 20 chapters)
Risk vs Reward (20 chapters)
Bane of My Existence (20 chapters)
Wars of the Realms
Call of the Wild (20 chapters)
Convergence Hijinks (20 chapters)
Let’s See What You’re Really Made Of (20 chapters)
Anachronistic Adventures (20 chapters)
Decaying Dreams and Deadly Dances
Shadow in the Dark (40 chapters)
Murder Uncle Mayhem (40 chapters)
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (40 chapters)
A Legacy in Question(40 chapters)
The plans I had for this series were intricate, deep, and would push many characters to their limits. 
But turns out, it wasn’t just the characters pushed to their breaking point. 
I got sick. A rather severe case of acid reflux that landed me in the docs office for the second time in two years. That started in mid-July, and I’m still dealing with it. Will probably be dealing with the sickness afterward for another month at least. But leading up to all that, I’ve been reflecting on the series as a whole and where exactly I want it to go, how I want it to end, and all that jazz. 
Then I did a scheduling test in Excel using the above chapter load plus the 30 I had planned for Anachronism. Assuming two chapters a month with minimal breaks here and there, this series would finally end in 2050. That is by no means sustainable, and while I have had a lot of fun with this series and daydreaming about the different plotlines is a comfort activity, I can’t see myself writing these books for that long. I really want to publish my original stories some day, but I also won’t pretend that I’m not a bit tired of the series. At least, tired of pushing myself to work on stories that just don’t give the same rush of dopamine they used to. It’s almost a chore now to work on them, at least in the case of FNF. 
Full disclosure, that story has been a problem child since day one. Actually, I’m pretty sure the stress of that story is what pushed me over the edge and caused the health issues in 2022 that sent me to the doc with acid reflux the first time. Messing with canon and trying to keep the timeline continuous (with timetravel in the mix too) was nothing short of infuriating. The trajectory changed so many times as I wrote it, which I sadly feel is evident in the story. It really seems like a disjointed mess. I’m just so disappointed how it turned out, but I was determined to at least finish it and not leave everyone on a cliffhanger. And I’m proud of myself for at least finishing it, even if I cut out at least four threads from the ending. It just wasn’t healthy to keep going. 
Nor was it going to be healthy if I kept the series structured like I had it. 
So, I took the steps to fix that. 
Seventeen stories became twelve, four arcs became two. Some storylines were combined into one book (ex: Risk vs Reward and Bane of My Existence) while others (ex: Adventures!AU Batch meeting canon batch in Convergence Hijinks) were cut completely. I hated to lose some, but I’ve always been one to appreciate quality over quantity. Combining books and plotlines will help streamline things and make it more manageable. Some books also get new titles.
Arc one keeps its name, and will cover six books; Four main books then a prologue and epilogue of sorts. Anachronism, The Adventure Begins, Over the River and Through the Woods, To the Far Reaches, Welcome to War Games, and Moving Back to Look Forward. This arc covers Shadow’s initial fandom jump into the Tintin 2011 movie, their first mission with the Bad Batch, and them meeting the sailors again this time with the Batchers. Arc two will also keep its name and cover the entirety of the group’s interference of Star Wars the Clone Wars canon (rescuing Domino to taking down Palps), with a similar set up to arc one. Fallen Not Forgotten, Risk vs Reward, Level Up, Shadow in the Dark, No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, and A Legacy in Question. 
But I know that even the shortening isn’t drastic enough. I feel only dread thinking about the series now, and that won’t do. So, though it kills me, Arc One will probably be the only arc that gets an official posting. Once Moving Back to Look Forward ends in 2030 (barring any major complications), that will be it for official full length postings of Adventures!AU. I’ll still post snippets and segments from arc two on Discord (like I do now occasionally), but MBtLF will end in a way that wraps everything up nicely. I’ll be sure to craft it so it can remain open ended to their adventures, but the current trajectory will see the “main” storyline with Shadow and the Batch, plus the Tintin sailors, close in arc one. 
That’s the long term goal. So what’s short term? 
Next year I plan to at least partially post Anachronism. That story has remained in the drafts for long enough. Yes, that means To the Far Reaches is backed up another year for posting (2026). That story has a lot of emotional moments, a lot of dealing with past trauma and relationship issues, and I just don’t have the spoons for that right now. For those intense moments, I have to crack myself open a bit and let my heart bleed onto the page. I’m not in a position to do that right now. Anachronism lacked that depth, being a bit more surface level than the stories with the Batchers. It’s got its own emotional moments, but it’s not nearly as taxing. Additionally, I’m going back through what was Off to a Great Start (now The Adventure Begins) and bringing it up to the standards I try to hold OtRaTtW and TtFR to. But I learned my lesson posting stories out of order so I’m going to get Anachronism finished so there’s no continuity issues. 
That brings me to my next point; Adventures!AU canon. 
I’ve already announced that the posted C,MtC and FNF are both non-canon and should not be taken as fact. You can still enjoy them (best you can with the crack-writing) but any continuity issues should be ignored as they are from an earlier draft of the Adventures!AU. Well, that decanonization treatment is extending beyond those two. The Adventure Begins, Over the River and Through the Woods, and To the Far Reaches aren’t non-canon per se, but rather some elements of the remastered versions may contradict the original postings. Going forward, the “truest” version will be those depicted in the works posted to Adventures!AU Remastered on Wattpad. The first story (The Adventure Begins) won’t drop there until at least November 2025 but you’re free to watch it in the meantime. It’ll sit dormant for quite a bit longer though. Nothing major will change in the stories, but I plan to add some extra scenes and tweak some minor details (the Batchers time in the galaxy is one big thing I’m looking at tweaking). 
Let’s see. checks notes Yep, I think that covers everything! At least for now lol. I always have stuff to say, but this will probably be the last long update post for quite some time. 
Thanks for hanging around, and for reading this long post lol.
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starboy14176 · 3 months
hi ccan you tell me more about Subject A and Subject B. cause I looked through their tags on your blog and um. 👁️👁️👁️👁️ interested
Hai this ask got lost somehow but I FOUND IT so hello yes I’d love to talk about my special interest
So subject A and subject B are characters from the idkhow arg/concept albums, they are unwilling test subjects of an evil corporation called tellexx and basically tellexx uses them to invent time travel and then go through time performing propaganda music to brainwash people. There is VERY VERY LITTLE canonical information about the subjects as people but we do know that their real names are Dallon and Ryan (just like the band members) and we know that the white shadow (the ghost thing in the videos) was sent by tellexx to monitor them throughout time. We also know the subjects are being drugged using sugar pills but can presume the drugs aren’t affecting B as much as they are affecting A or B is not being given the same amount as A based on B’s general vibe in the videos. Also it seems B is the one who administers tests on A sometimes (ex. New invention and diatt) which is possibly real to why he’s being given less drugs? Thats all stuff from the first too albums though, uh gloom division gets more complicated. The subjects get separated, A gets moved to a new program called the gloom division and basically tellexx turns him into a personification the sin of pride ? And that’s like all we know. I have a lot of thoughts on gloom div but I’m gonna mostly stick to razz because my gloom div interpretations get kinda out there lol. Uhhh I think that’s all the canonical information we have about them?
So basically I made it my life’s mission to make up elaborate lore for them and I’ve written a ridiculous amount of fanfics about them. Also I have several OCs in the tellexx universe to fill out the cast a little more, and like the subjects are basically my OCs too at this point because their is little to no canonical charactieztion for them (aside from song lyrics which are vague at best). Ok so let’s talk about the subjects.
I stick the subjects around age 20 when they get kidnapped and then around 24 when they start actually successfully time traveling. Subject A was raised in a doomsday cult and had very abusive parents. He was super sheltered and rarely left the house. When he was 19-20 he decided to run away and tellexx found him after that. Subject B’s dad was abusive and he ended up getting kicked out when he was around 17, he was homeless for a while but he was living with a friend at the time of his kidnapping.
Subject A is autistic and gay, he’s also on the acearo spec and genderfluid but he doesn’t find that stuff out until after escaping tellexx. His special interests are stuffed animals, space, and cats (with a big emphasis on stuffed animals lol). He’s extremely clingy to anyone who shows him affection and I play around a lot with the idea that he age regresses on occasion as a trauma response. (But obviously neither he nor subject B have the language to know that that’s what’s happening)
Subject B is bi and also autistic, he is also on the acearo spec cuz I said so :3 his special interest is the ocean and sea creatures. He has anger issues and major major trust issues. Him and A are very codependent and they both have issues with separation anxiety. He has a history of being violent with tellexx employees and it takes a while for them to get him to cooperate but once he does he’s relatively easy to get to do what they want.
Anyways now to some of my OCs, rapid fire addition
Dr. Adalia (aka Dr. addy): the subjects main handler/tellexx issued therapist. Her job is to keep them compliant and basically gaslight them until they act like good little tellexx robots. She’s super fucking manipulative ‼️
Gloom: a clone of subject A (not the mannequin I made up gloom b4 the mannequin existed ok), he’s the replacement they give B after A has to go get turned into a demon or whatever. Gloom has been watching the subjects on security cameras for like a year to learn A’s mannerisms and stuff and over that span of time got parasocially obsessed with the subjects. He looks like Dallon from the what love music video and he’s very special to me.
Mr. Cain: glooms handler. He sucks we hate Mr. Cain >:[
Rose: breezy’s character from gloom division. Subject A was in love with her b4 he got got by tellexx (?) and now she’s involved with tellexx in some way and it’s breaking A’s brain. Yeah idk about her rlly yet
Dolly: A’s new handler during gloom div :3 she, well not actively participating in the tellexx torture stuff, is complicit in all of it well insisting it’s not her fault and she didn’t realize tellexx sucked so bad until she was too far in to quit. Her and A get into a super weird toxic sort of relationship :( it is hashtag bad
Ok so that’s my tellexx universe. I could probably go more in depth but that’s my attempt at giving a basic run down. 👍👍👍👍👍
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Fic Update
Okay, so, on my AO3 I've mentioned a couple times that I'm working on a really long subscorp fic and that I'd post updates on it here as I got them. That was ages ago, but I finally have an update!
The fic is going to be a series in the MK9-Mk11 timeline, though I'll probably bring in elements of other continuities here and there if they spark joy. It's also going to be pretty Kuai Liang centric.
Some of the installments are going to be set in his childhood while others will be during his time with the Lin Kuei pre-tournement and others in the sort of "present day" kind of.
By present day I mean that there is sort of a main set of fics in the series and all the other ones that are set before it are just sort of going to be scattered around that, if that makes sense?
Some of the installments will also center around other characters (Bi-Han, Hanzo, etc). Frost is also going to be a major character, but she's going to be very different than she is in the games.
I'm pulling lore entirely out of my ass and most of this is just going to be headcanons that I have all just sort of mashed together. Fair warning, there are a few OC's involved, mostly out of necessity. I know that's not everyone's jam so I thought I'd mention it.
The first part of the series is written, I'm just working on editing it as I write the next few installments. I can't promise when I'll post it but as soon as I do, I'll post about it here.
I'm also probably going to be making a couple polls about things I want to include or am having trouble deciding on as well as cries for help when research into various aspects of the things I want to include in the fics stump me.
Sorry for the really long and rambling post! Hopefully it made at least a little sense and wasn't too annoying!
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spacerangersam · 5 months
Could you tell me more about some of your ocs???? (Only if you’re up for it tho)
I’m always down to gush about my ocs! But I do have a lot of them, especially with the story I'm currently working on, and I don’t always know what to say, so sorry if this is a bit all over the place. This isn’t even everyone, I left out a few like the main antagonist, Irene and a few other side characters for the sake of this not being essay length but yeah. Here are some of the main guys:
(also, unless otherwise specified, they're all welsh)
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Simon Huw Taylor, 32, tenant of flat no. 6, he/they, bi and ace (maybe on the aro spectrum, but idk. It’s none of my business).
He’s the main character of my story, Where the Lost Souls Meet. He’s a pretty quiet guy who likes to keep to himself, much to his own detriment. He’s been travelling around all his life, never really interacting with people his own age, leaving him with mediocre socialising skills. He can see ghosts, has been able to since childhood, and is a mortician while doing psychic ghost stuff on the side. His mum could also see ghosts and she also did the ghost business, which is why he and his parents were moving around all the time, basically living in their van/hotels). To honour her, Simon uses her maiden name for ghost work (meaning his name is then Simon Huw Hughes, which I just thought was cute). She died a few years back, his father even earlier, leaving Simon the last of his family line and all alone in the world.
His whole life revolves around death, which isn’t healthy but Simon would rather die than go to therapy and actually address his problems, so it stays that way for a while. He does try to quit smoking though, so that’s something. He is also a liar. Dear god does he love to lie about everything and anything, to everyone. Well, I say loves to lie, he doesn’t really love it. He does it both to keep himself safe and to keep others from worrying about him. Honestly, he’s fine, he’s functional, and he definitely has family who loves him. Just don’t ask to meet his ‘sister’. He also tries to protect people by keeping a certain distance from them, not wanting to hurt them like he’s been hurt because of [REDACTED], which is why he kept moving around even after his mother died. But he desperately wanted top surgery and so stopped in this town with a well-known trans-safe doctor to get it done, and unfortunately for him landed in a manor turned flat filled with people who very much would like to be his friends, please.
He has no hope for the future, no plans, having a fairly pessimistic look on life because of [REDACTED], and is basically just waiting for the day he finally dies. Again, will he do anything about this? Maybe, eventually, at some point.
He doesn’t like / struggles to watch TV and movies, his ideal night involves doing puzzles and maybe a spot of reading, he loves puns and he’s a vegetarian. I love him and his terrible coping mechanism. Go king, communicate absolutely nothing and never let people share your burdens. 
Also, his neighbour dies in front of him during an argument one day, which isn't great, going on to haunt Simon in a distinctly violent fashion, which is the thing he's desperately trying to deal with in the story.
more losers under the cut
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Charlie Tops, 35, tenant no. 5, he/him, trans bi+ace. He’s a very sweet guy, very open, with major himbo energy, just without the muscles. He makes the best tea and the worst coffee. He writes kid's books in the vein of Winnie the Pooh / Peter Rabbit, taking over the job after his grandfather passed, now writing them for his own daughter, Lottie. But Lottie’s getting older and losing interest in those types of books, and so he’s losing interest in writing them and having a mild panic over what he’ll do next. He’s kinda obsessed with taxidermies. His flat is quite literally filled with them and no one likes it, nobody wants to be in there, and the vibes are way off (except Will for, who thinks it’s very interesting, actually).
He’s deeply in love with Simon and they have a thing. An unexplained, deeply intimate thing that neither talk about, mostly because Simon can’t communicate for shit (which he feels deeply guilty about, and he keeps telling himself that he’ll break it off but can never quite work up to it), and Charlie’s worried if he asks, Simon will end it. He really struggles with Simon’s whole silent martyr ordeal even outside their thing because even if he doesn’t know the extent to which Simon is trying to hide his problems, he knows there is something being hidden, but again, is worried about pushing too hard and losing him completely. It’s messy, but they’ll work through it. 
He can’t see ghosts but does know about them, unlike the other Woodward tenants, and feels a bit left out /awkward about the whole thing. He had an amicable divorce from his wife Irene after he realised he was ace, she realised she was aro, and that they were both trans, the two staying friends and her staying on as the illustrator for his books. And as I mentioned earlier, he does have a daughter, Lottie.
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William Isaiah Beaton, 30, tenant no. 7, he/him, gay, English. An archivist for the local museum who moves into the manor in chapter one, and comes off as a tough, rude ex-vet.  And that is true, to a certain extent. He is rude, and an ex-vet. But he wasn’t in the army for long, he got mowed down by a car on base like, two weeks after arriving, leaving him with a permanent injury to his leg. He feels he failed to live up to his father’s expectations, and in shame, never told the truth to his father about having to leave the forces. Will has… a lot of complicated feelings about that, and his relationship with his father, and his relationship with his religion. He works some of that last one out with help from Penny.
It’s a bit of a spoiler, but whatever- he can see ghosts. He doesn’t realise that’s what’s happening though and instead is fully convinced he’s just losing his mind, and that crash did irreparable damage to his head. Nah though, just ghosts. Has a guilty love of werewolf media and cake, and cares a lot about bugs and plants (he even ends up taking Simon’s plants off him, because Simon kills every plant he owns, without question). He has limited zero social skills and finds big groups overwhelming, but nevertheless, he will be dragged into this friendship group (if Penny has any say in it, at least). He came to Hangar for a reason, though he doesn’t say why.
He also definitely fancies Simon and has no idea how to handle that. It’s the first time he’s fancied a man (or at least, a man-adjecent person) who isn’t straight, and that coupled with the fatc Simon actually seems to like him is just a lot for him to process. The two of them bond over their shared loved of history / interest in the history of the manor.
I should make it clear: this isn’t a love triangle, this is poly thing.
The ghouls:
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Florence Blossom (left), 40, and Gwenllian Baker (right), 42. Both were performers in a small acting trope who died in 1941 (though not at the same time or in the same way, funnily enough) in the manor Simon lives in. They love each other very much.
Florence is a bit judgy, loves a good moan, and is very anxious about everything and everyone, always. Her anxiety tends to make her come off as a bit snappy. She can control the lights.
Gwen is a bit vacant, with her head absolutely in the clouds at all times. She struggles a bit with empathy and reading the room, leading her to be mindlessly cruel sometimes. She never means it though and genuinely cares about Simon and Florence, and will look after them both in her own weird ways. she can lock, unlock, close and open doors
Now back to the living:
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Agatha Jeorme, 55, tenant  no. 1. She’s kinda like if an angsty teen was stuck in the body of a middle-aged woman, and we love her for that. She’s the daughter of the landlord and hates it. If she had any other skills / if her father had helped her get a better opportunity elsewhere like he did with her brothers, she would have jumped on it. But instead, he gave her the job of looking after Woodward. She hates him, deeply. She often shovels off small jobs onto Simon because she knows he won’t say no, and is having an affair with the next-door neighbour’s wife. I kind of made her sound like a bastard, and she is kinda, but a fun one I hope, and she does learn to be less of a bastard as the story goes on. 
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Gwynfor Geraint Jones, 34, tenant no. 2, he/she, bigender, aroace. Just a chill guy who loves rock music and slasher movies. She’s in a QPR with Adam, them being the first two to move into Woodward. this isn't entirely related to his character, but he's called gwynfor geraint after two twins i went to primary school with. their names always stuck in my head, in so i thought i'd put them to good use.
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Adam Diana Keats, 36 tenant tenant, no.3, she/her, aroace trans woman, Scottish. She’s a librarian with a love of reading, especially poetry, and a bit pushy, a bit bossy, but ultimately well-meaning. She’ll drag Simon out of his room but with the intent to encourage him to mingle and hang out with the Woodward crew, you know. She hates Will on sight. There’s more I could say, but that would be spoilers. also, despite her dark academic vibes, she does love a good animal print
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Penny Sion Seagrove, 29, no.4, she/her, lesbian. A tired, friendly gardener who would love it if everyone would get along and be friendly. She sometimes sticks her nose in places she shouldn’t to figure out people’s beef with each other (cough, Adam and Will, cough) to see if she can find a way to squash it for them, which doesn’t usually work. She tries anyway. She’s Catholic, shares Simon’s love of puns, and is dating Alice.
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Alice Rhodri Blackwood, 30, she/her, trans lesbian. She lives in town with her best mate Mickey. She’s a loud, cheery, extroverted goth with an interest in witchcraft who can also see ghosts. She has slightly different opinions about ghosts and how they work from Simon, but she’s still his go-to when he’s having ghost issues. 
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Mickey Dolores Palmer, 29, she/her, English (Yorkshire). Idk what her deal is, and she just is, you know. A very nervous, clumsy, mousy person who works at the local museum. She tends to jump to conclusions and is not a fan of ghosts. Unfortunately, she can also see ghosts, so that’s not great for her. She's doing her best.
god i wrote way too much for this, sorry asdfghj. but uh, also, i did a voice claim video for some of these losers, if you're interested. also,t hank you so much for asking. i do love talking about these idiots
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bjornolf-bjarki · 1 year
Sigurd, Captain and Walter! (for that thing you just reblogged)
Thanks for the ask! Ok i was typing it out and my laptop decided to not light back up the correct way so now I have to start all over again :/ here it is Sexuality Headcanon:
Sigurd: Pansexual, dude is literally eternally horny and proud of it. Too bad I gave him blue balls in the beginning of the last fanfic in the series I'm conceptualizing rn.
Hans: He gives me bi guy vibes idk why Walter: Can't even begin to comprehend his sexual preferences. Nobody is safe from his antics (In a consensual way of course) Gender Headcanon:
They're all men.... so it's a sausage fest. A ship I have with said character: Sigurd: Pip and Seras are his two main partners, but they do have a selectively open relationship. Hans: Might make an oc for him but other than that he's alone. Walter: Whoever can keep up with him has a spot in his heart for sure.
A BROTP I have with said character: Sigurd: Alucard has a pretty close bromance for sure but maybe it will turn romantic, still working on the details of it. Hans: Fuck if I know. I think he isn't friends with anybody at millennium. Maybe Seras or Pip will be his friend if he switched sides? IDFK Walter: None. Maybe he had one with Arthur if he forgave him for making Walter a child soldier but idk really. A NOTP I have with said character: All of them ain't shacking up with or budding up with the millennium crew outside of Hans if he switches sides. I just don't see it happening. A random headcanon: Sigurd is an avid manhunter and monster hunter when he's up to it. Usually has to be sanctioned with a bounty on the target's head. It's very rare for him to do this sort of thing on his own. Walter is probably jealous of that once he learns about Sigurd's hunting escapades. Hans Def hates the major with a burning passion. I feel his tiredness throughout the series like he doesn't want to be close to anyone in the zeppelin or millennium. Still don't know why he joined anyways. As for other hc's on him. It's pretty hard to since there's very little info on him. General Opinion over said character: Sigurd: He's my best DIY blorbo yet so I love him Hans: He's hot, he's even hotter without his uniform on. Walter: Old Walter doesn't do it for me but he's pretty awesome. Dark Walter is next level stuff though, although I'd like him better if he didn't betray Hellsing and stayed a vampire.
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pjunicornart · 1 year
Late night ramble incoming.
It's been a hot minute since I've tried to write fanfiction/original stories. I used to write all the time, but as I grew up my focus shifted to my end goal project, Student's Echoes.
I used to write a lot of Undertale and Meet the Robinsons fanfiction, but sadly I got rid of most of the notebooks that had all that in them. I remember specifically hyperfixating on the Undertale Nerd and Jock AU, as I do now. It was my favorite AU then and it still is now (especially since recently I've seen it being remade without the problems).
The NaJ fic I was the most proud of was one I made for a ship. It wasn't about any of the "core" ships at the time. It was between Paperjam and an early version of an OC of mine, Mintalene (Mint). I remember in the original idea for NaJ, PJ was being hit on by a cheerleader-rabbit girl. I don't know if she ever had an official name, but I've always just called her BonBon. That's why her SE counterpart has that name. (I also could be completely misremembering this.) Anyways, Mint was essentially what I dubbed the "nicer alternative" to BonBon. She was sweet, had a little spark to her, and she actively called PJ out on his bullying bullshit. I specifically recall writing BonBon to be like... the jealous spoiled rich mean girl type. Which to be fair probably wouldn't have been too far off. It's funny remembering this fic because Mint now is totally different. She's now a college student majoring in theater/acting who has no romantic/sexual attraction towards men whatsoever. She's also notably more "punk" as opposed to "cheery" nowadays.
As for Meet the Robinsons style fics, I remember the classic "What if Lewis was never given up for adoption?" query. Which, funnily enough got revamped to who I call "Reboot Lewis". It hits a lot of the same notes the original fic did, just more fleshed out and you know... logical. Miscellaneous ones I did were about a lot of my AU Lewis'... but I did do another original one, this time focusing on a ship! Not between Franny and Lewis though, no. And definitely not Timecest. I refuse to touch that with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole. Seriously, they are father and son, gross. But Lewis and Lizzy. For those who are unaware (or you forgot), Lizzy was a character we only see briefly near the beginning of the movie in the first science fair scene. She's notably goth and she seems to have an infatuation for fire ants. Lizzy is the stereotypical "weird goth girl" I'd say. Like when Mr. Willerstein notes that fire ants have the tendency to bite people, she says "Only my enemies" and raises an eyebrow while still scowling. Later when the sprinklers are on and all hell is breaking loose in the gym, she can be seen in the background smiling like a maniac. Anyways I made a ship fic between her and Lewis. Why? Dunno, I thought it would be funny. Now I ship her with Franny and Lewis as a polycule, and all of them share the same bi for bi energy.
Yeah... I don't think a single one of the main/prominent one off characters in that movie are straight. Aside from Stanley and Goob, they seem straighter than planks of wood to me. But Lewis, Wilbur, Franny, and Lizzy are all LGBT is some way. I headcanon Lewis as bisexual, with a 50-50 preference split (however I remember a couple times where I would write him as an FTM trans bi boy, though this is not my go to headcanon). I see Franny as a bi girl with more of a preference for men, and Lizzy the opposite. Wilbur is just gay. You cannot convince me otherwise. I would always lean into these headcanons while writing these characters in fics. Like a line about Lewis finding a male classmate cute or Lizzy looking at a girl for an uncomfortably long time. You know, stuff like that.
All this to say that I kinda miss just writing short stories and longer works. Might try to get back into it one of these days. Maybe not for NaJ, but Meet the Robinsons. WE NEED MORE MTR FICS ON THE INTERNET! AND IF NO ONE ELSE IS GONNA MAKE THEM THEN I'LL DO IT MYSELF, DAMN IT!
Alright, I'm done rambling for the night.
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yanxioustrikas · 1 year
hi i'm shirls !
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- about me -
20 | jan 5 | capricorn ♑️
she/her | greyace bi
🇨🇳🇻🇳 | 🇨🇦
uni student | psych major
in the fandom since 2020 :,)
- my blog -
welcome to my blog! here i post supa strikas related content!
max power, invincible united, background characters, my supa strikas ocs!
i may also post my art and headcanons.
this is actually my side blog lol… my main is @matchanxious where it’s just other general stuff like hockey lmao
- other stuff -
i play genshin impact and (occasionally) honkai star rail
casual hockey enjoyer, especially goalies
i used to speed skate
i can speak / understand some french (canadian edition lol)
i like green
likes -> matcha. hockey. ice capp. countries and flags. psychology. new brunswick, canada. travelling. math (kinda). cats and dogs.
dislikes -> probably alcohol. any humanities subjects. dark chocolate.
dni -> zionists. homophobes. transphobes. racists. xenophobes. proshippers. basically those who fall under the basic dni criteria.
- links to some of my posts -
all parts to my “asian / asian-coded characters in supa strikas” series
list of non-main characters in supa strikas
my supa strikas oc masterlist
- super league nationality/ethnicity headcanons -
grimm fc headcanons parts 1, 2, and 3
invincible united fc headcanons parts 1, 2, 3, and 4
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puyonauts · 1 year
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Ursa Major! 🪄💫
HI i’m klug but u can also call me chase :]
18 • they he she • bi + transmasc
🎂 december 6th 2005
i AM klug from puyo puyo irl (/srs). id prefer if doubles do NOT interact but if you have him as a small kin / not irl kin ur totally free to! i also have berdly from deltarune and tobey from wordgirl as irl kins, though i experience kinshifts of these characters when i get hyperfixated on the source - id prefer if berdly doubles dni (low kins fine) but tobey doubles r ok !
my main interests include:
puyo puyo
martin walls (twf/tmh/bg)
school for little vampires
the band sparks
gregory horror show
if ur triggered by any of these medias then youd probably not wanna follow me bc i will be reblogging stuff from these a LOT!
GROUND-EDucation is the name of the (eventual…) video game my OCs will be in! You can find art of them under the tag “#ground education“!
tags i use:
#🩻 (posts i make)
#🗣️ (my silly ramblings)
#🎨 (my art!)
#me (me in media, usually Klug)
dni if:
proshitter/zoo, basic dni criteria (homophobic/racist/shitlikethat), ship aya/klug and/or aya/sig, frequently post about tohru kunikuda from liar liar, hardcore dream stans, alfred’s playhouse “”fans””, and people who don’t like Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers (<— this last one is /j… or is it?)
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Have fun and welcome to my page! If we share any of the same core interests feel free to talk to me ab it! (ESPECIALLY PUYO…)
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[🐟] Salutations!
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✨ Welcome to my blog!
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My name is Arden (she/he) and as the username suggests, I am a fish that draws as a fun little hobby. I am fond of fauna in general, have a specific obsession with salmon, and is currently being consumed by at least 2 of my interests. I also like dragons and angels! Hey guys have I mentioned that I really like fish? Well now I have, and now you know. Very normal about those guys.
Also I hail from Indonesia and is more than a tad bit fruity (bi aroace) but that is not as important, I just wanted to say that.
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Click this to know more abt my stuff + tag list ↓
✨ About my stuff
In here you will find original content and fanart, the original content being stuff about my beloved ocs. Occasionally I will dabble in fauna posting as I find great joy in working with them. If I were to slap a genre onto my stuff... I'd personally say I work with fantasy a lot. Feel free to hang if that is your thing! I cannot guarantee 100% satisfaction but I hope you find even a sliver of entertainment.
In terms of fanart I can't say I'll stick to one thing but to give you a reference of what you may find, here's a few things I am invested in:
Sky: Children of The Light
Identity V
Genshin Impact
Honkai: Star Rail
How To Train Your Dragon
Minecraft (+ Story Mode too)
Undertale + Deltarune
The Owl House
Wild Kratts
And many more things I will not list haha, you will have to find out for yourself.
✨ Other platforms
Instagram: therawfishthatdraws (main socmed, other accounts are listed on my bio)
Twitter: therawfishdraws (main) + samekhposting (account dedicated to the Valley Elders of Sky, currently inactive + in need of editing)
Tiktok: therawfishthatdraws (have not posted there, just there for the content atm + sharing here so there aren't any misconceptions)
Art Fight: therawfishthatdraws
Toyhouse: therawfishthatdraws (under major construction)
⚠: I usually go by the same username everywhere, but if you ever find me on platforms I have not listed and linked then that is not me! Do not believe in impersonators if you ever encounter one, and wait for my official statement.
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✨ Personal tag list
#rawfishart — self explanatory, go here to view a complete compilation of my scribbles!
#luscious lure — art reblog tag that I wanted to have a fishing theme, lurk here to see cool stuff
→ Alternatively you can go to @thelightthatruins which is my main reblogging + miscellaneous account.
#splendiferous siren song — text post reblog tag that I wanted to get a bit extra with, lurk here to read interesting stuff
#blub blub 🐟— text post from yours truly 🐟
#[insert creature] posting — hey, I love these critters a lot! Check out this tag for posts of them
#fishy wisdom — inbox reply tag
✨ Tag list (original/oc edition)
#tales from the horizon — sky:cotl au tag
#a world of gray — oc universe tag 1
#edencoria — oc universe tag 2, which is actually a personal shared story my friends and I have!
#sonaverse — apparently I have a lot of sonas, posts with any of them in it will have this tag
#oc posting — general oc posting tag
More shall be added in the future!
That will be all from me! Enjoy your visit, or your stay, and make sure to have a splendid day 🦈
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Hey!! People who still visit this blog for any reason ...and bored people! Curious people! People with entirely too much time on their hands! People who like cringe! HEAR YE...
(Plain text: Hey!! People who still visit this blog for any reason...and bored people! Curious people! People with entirely too much time on their hands! People who like cringe! HEAR YE...)
So, um. Basically I'm trying to like, start an OCverse. And you know, if you want to collaborate, and help, and bounce ideas, and have fun because this isn't supposed to be that serious all the time, and stuff, you know, that would be, COOL
It's still just a little sprout, my verse. Actually let me tell you how this started. Well you see I'm in this fandom....and I made a lot of stuff for this fandom.....and now I realised that workload is way, way too much, and I'm FINALLY just keeping it solidly on the side, or atleast trying to. People who've known me for a while will know this fandom is for the 2019 game Smile For Me. People who've known me longer than that while( if I've told them) will know I eventually accumulated all that Stuff into an AU, which I go by calling Roseverse these days.
But, Well! You don't really need to know all that,
Because, you see, this OCverse ( working name is Fading Edge after one of my first Tumblr usernames HA) started out as me OC-fying that AU, but now after a few weeks in incubation it's becoming it's own thing.
And...well....look...I have my friends, but the ones I'm talking to about this right now to try and develop it are, well Busy. So I'm reaching a branch out to you good folks on Tumblr....please, if anyone's interested, help me write!
To let this not turn into a giant ramble ...let me just put down the Qualifications(LOL) that you need to get ON THIS WAGON!;
--Uh, please be tolerant of LGBT/Queer stuff. I know this is Tumblr but one can never be too safe. I'm, like, bi, so if you hate me we can't really make this a good partnership man.
-- Not required but if you're Indian as well, Hi! I am too and most likely the majority of the OCs or atleast the main ones will be so we may have an easier time with that aspect due to our shared background, maybe. The MCs are of Tamil descent if it matters.
-- Also not required but if you have previous knowledge of the game I mentioned AKA Smile For Me or S4M as it is shortened, just the canon is enough, I think we could, with some explaining, work out more on how certain character interpretations or general ideas can translate to original work without being the exact same. If you don't know or care though that's fine we can just talk OC stuff.
-- Read my pinned before you message me or send an ask about this to me! Please I don't want drama.
-- Very likely any writing partnership we form will be longterm because uh. I want to work on this for LIFE. I hope it's not as intense as it sounds, I just need a comfort to fall back on during hard times at the core of it. And...telling a story, my own. You know. And uh....this is for fun so.....hey...we may become friends!! Do you want friends?? I can try to be yours, this is seriously not a professional endeavour.
OK, let's stop the list before THAT drags on too.
I think the last general thing you gotta know is that my writing is by no means a set of structured written stories but instead I prefer it to be a dialogue between me and a friend where I'll send memes, make shitty jokes, good jokes, a lot of jokes really, try for character introspection, connect the dots together and have really satisfying moments when they click, probably get Writing Blocked, have large bouts of anxiety, make lots of art, just fucking. Goof around and get over emotional ( i WILL cry) in general and maybe if the dear sun shines upoun us I will produce writings and such things of varying quality.
So...I think that's it....uhhh..bottom line>
Please if anyone's interested to write with me about my OCverse, send ask or DM-- read pinned first
( Plaintext: Please if anyone's interested to write with me about my OCverse, send ask or DM-- read pinned first)
And the rest of you, who are just passing this by, hey, uh, help a guy out and REBLOG THIS FOR REACH....If You Want To. No pressure!
( Plaintext: And the rest of you, who are just passing this by, hey, uh, help a guy out and REBLOG THIS FOR REACH....If You Want To. No pressure!)
Alternate title: Local Anxiety Sufferer Explains Himself About Fake Little Blorbos Too Much Once Again
Sighhhh...oh yeah and my names Haider.
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pri-the-writer · 2 years
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I posted 6,904 times in 2022
10 posts created (0%)
6,894 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 248 of my posts in 2022
#saved - 18 posts
#yes - 4 posts
#me - 3 posts
#mass effect - 3 posts
#honestly i respect it - 2 posts
#wait there’s an ad free option - 2 posts
#man wanted to be honest with us - 2 posts
#i mean - 2 posts
#mass effect rp - 2 posts
#discord - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#the sad part is that realistically they’re just going to go to some other country that’ll put up with their bs and the cycle will continue
My Top Posts in 2022:
Mass Effect: Shepard Initiative
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In 2157, humanity discovered it was not alone in the universe.
Thirty years later, they found a peaceful place among dozens of galactic species. But this idyllic future was overshadowed by a dark past: Reapers, a sentient race of machines responsible for cleansing the galaxy of all organic life every 50,000 years. Paralyzed with indecision, the galaxy's leaders failed to act in time, and it was only the act of one woman and her allies that brought an end to the Reaper threat.
Now, in 2187, the galaxy is finally beginning to heal after the Reaper War. With almost every major government and military force brought close to ruin during the war, the galactic community knew no one species could recover together. A new initiative was created, built out of the ruins of dozens of worlds, colonies, and peoples. This organization- comprised of thousands of politicians, soldiers, doctors, scientists, engineers, and common workers alike- is dedicated to reviving the galactic community and rebuilding it into something better.
It was named after the woman who made it possible, who saved the galaxy they are rebuilding:
The Shepard Initiative
So, now that the dramatics are out of the way, let me answer some questions. First and foremost, this roleplay takes place one year after the Reaper War. The Shepard Initiative is an organization built by the survivors of the galaxy and aims to rebuild the galactic community. Our Shepard is played by myself; she had a mostly paragon run where Ashley died, the Council was saved, Anderson became a Councilor, she romanced Kaidan in 1, Garrus in 2 & 3, none of the crew or team died in the suicide mission, cured the Genophage after Mordin sacrificed himself, made peace between the Quarians and the Geth, and chose the synthesis ending. Except, Shepard managed to survive the synthesis. How? Who knows, but you can pry her out of my cold dead hands. Currently, she is in a coma, and thus will not be used in the roleplay for now.
There are opportunities to roleplay at any location in the galaxy but the main storyline will primarily take place in Shepard Initiative Station, a massive space station/ship that is a mobile vessel for the project. It houses people who work for the Shepard Initiative and the supplies they will need.
We are currently looking for OCs to fill the roles of the Initiative's leadership. Each species will have one representative each. So that means there is a representative for the Asari, Turians, Humans, Krogan, Salarians, Quarians, Drell, Hanar, Volus, Elcor, Batarians, and Geth. Along with OCs, we have almost every canon character available for claiming.
This is a literate RP server, meaning we prefer detailed and well-written posts. If your writing skill is below this, this might not be the best server for you.
9 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Mass Effect Andromeda RP
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In the year 2185, humanity lives in a golden era of interstellar travel. Our discovery of ancient alien ruins on Mars propelled our understanding of science and technology ahead by thousands of years. While many now enjoy the newfound freedom and challenges of exploration in the Milky Way, others looked to even more distant stars. For the hundred thousand adventurers embarking on this one-way voyage, the future began in Andromeda.
And when many awoke to chaos and death, they feared their daring dream had turned to an ill-thought-out nightmare. But then the Pathfinder came to them. Not the one who was intended for the role, but instead someone who fell into it. Despite their shaky beginning, they rose to the challenge: making a home out of ruined worlds and peace out of genocide.
Ryder made Heleus live through Meridan, but while they killed the Archon, the Kett threat still exists. The challenge now is to hold on to what they have, and make even more. While work continues in Heleus, eyes turn to other clusters. The secrets of the Jaardan, the missing Ark Keelah'Siyah, and the threat of the Kett are all out there, ready to be discovered. Will you stay in Heleus and help the Initiative thrive, or will you chase the unknown?
This roleplay is a mix of open-world exploration and writing and a main plot that is still in the works. Whatever idea you have for Heleus or beyond, we can make it happen here- within reason, of course. Do you want to interact with the Tempest crew? How about the Angara or the Kett in Heleus? Do you want to find the Ark Keelah'Siyah? Explore beyond Heleus to discover the secrets of Andromeda? Ask, and we shall make it so.
Ryder is currently available, though the standards for a Ryder OC are higher than normal OC applications. OCs are welcomed and all canon characters are available for claiming. This is a literate RP server, meaning we prefer detailed and well-written posts. If your writing skill is below this, this might not be the best server for you.
13 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Okay so about Lin being cast as Hermes
I like Lin, he’s a decent enough actor and his musicals are pretty good, but I just don’t feel like he fits Hermes.
Now Nathan Fillion, HE fit Hermes. I don’t know why- probably because I loved Castle as a kid- but he has always been my personal favorite actor for Hermes. I kind of wish they had used him instead.
But I’ll stay open-minded. If he sings though, I’m out.
14 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Betrayal of a Lover
Happy Holidays @gelatingem! I was your Secret Santa for the @d20exchange! So sorry for the late posting, my schedule has been hectic lately. I decided to write a ficlet featuring CalAmethar, from Calroy's POV during the Safe Harbor episode and the notorious rampart scene and For Candia Part Two, as well as an "after-credits" scene of sorts. I hope you enjoy it! <3 Calroy thought his plans were ruined after Amethar escaped Comida. But then a messenger bird arrived, reporting the arrival of the former royal family in Port Syrup. Things were back on track, but he needed to move quickly. Place the proper bait, alert the right people, and put on his best pants. And then, there he was. The former king of Candia. Amethar the Unfallen. His lover.
Amethar immediately lights up when he sees Calroy. He ignores how his heart flutters when their eyes meet. The candy rock man laughs as he says, Got some pants. Now, those are some pants.”
“Well, I've had to upgrade in the absence of Candia's greatest fighter.” Calroy says, choking up at the end of his words. He makes sure not to overdo it. Amethar was as dull as a hammer when it came to subterfuge, but the others- especially the new man who seems familiar in a haunting way- might be better at picking up on this. Amethar immediately moves into his space, placing a hand on Calroy’s shoulder and saying, “Oh Bulb, Cal, no.”
They embrace, and Calroy can practically feel Caramelinda’s eyes boring holes into the back of his skull. He never understood why Caramelinda hated his relationship with Amethar; she had Sir Amanda Maillard, after all. But, in this instance, her anger was justifiable. Once he pulls away from Amethar, Calroy begins the dance.
A joke here, advice there, silence in-between. It’s a dance he knows well, and tonight, it will crescendo. Caramelinda wants to speak with Amethar in private, so Calroy suggests that he and Cumulous- another hiccup in the plan, but not a major one- explore the castle and see if the monk can awaken any arcane fortifications. Calroy is careful to avoid the castle areas where his men are preparing.
After some time, Cumulous and Calroy part, and the swashbuckler heads to Amethar’s chambers. A familiar path, no matter where he is coming from. His mind drifts to the first night Amethar had invited him to his chambers. Well, invited wasn’t the right word. It was more like a heated tumble down the hall and into his bed. After that, Calroy saw much more of the king’s chambers, and the queen spent more and more time in her own. Speak of the Hungry One, Calroy passes by Caramelinda in the hall. She doesn’t even look at him. Entering the bedchamber, Calroy winces and asks, “Oooh. Bad time? Good time?”
“Anytime.” Amethar replies numbly. Calroy lets out a heavy sigh as he says, “Well, instead of being in the place where your wife will come back to go to sleep and maybe make you feel terrible some more, let's, I don't know, wanna go take a shit in a field? In all honesty, the ramparts of the castle need some tending to, and I think we should talk about what we do if Sir Maillard fails to hold them at the Cola River.”
Amethar agrees, and they head off to ramparts. The dance partners are lined up now. Calroy looks out at the tents amassed below as they walk across the ancient ramparts. He’s surprised Amethar doesn’t notice the Ceresian tents. Then again, he certainly wasn’t the sharpest rock in the family.
“Look at all those tents. Like 20 years of peace just flew by, huh?” Calroy remarks. Amethar chuckles and replies, almost wistfully, “I guess so. Right back to where we started.”
“I guess so.” Calroy says. He starts to go for the dagger, but Amethar speaks up again and asks gently, “Cal… are you mad at me too? Because of… Catherine?”
His hand moves away from his belt, and Calroy shifts to stand in front of Amethar as he asks, “Of course not. Why would I?”
Amethar answers, a bit surprised, “Because we love each other.”
Calroy smiles and leans up to press a kiss on Amethar’s lips, one hand on his chest and the other moving to hold his waist. Amethar returns the kiss passionately, his mouth conveying his longing for Calroy, just how much he had missed him, and how sorry he was for abandoning him. After a heated moment, Calroy parts with Amethar and says, “Oh Amethar… I don’t love you.”
With one swift movement, Calroy stabs Amethar in the back with his water steel dagger, pulling him closer as he did, just to ensure the paralysis kicked in. Feeling Amethar stiffen, Calroy removes the dagger and steps away as he says, “You know what I always hated about you, Amethar? You were so damned lucky. I mean, fifth in line for the throne, and the crown rests on your head. And each of your sisters better and more-” he stabs Amethar in the gut as he enunciates, - “clever than you. It really makes the unfortunate minor lord of a less than wealthy barony feel… a little underwhelming. And sure, I bedded my way to a position of power, but everyone in court sees me as the Royal Consort. How do you think that feels? I have so much talent, so many abilities, but you know what everyone first thinks when they see me? “Oh, there’s the king’s right-hand man. His paramour. His…””
Calroy stops himself, his teeth grinding in his jaw. So much anger, bottled away for so long. But he needed to remain composed. It would be unseemly to step on his partner’s toes. He took a moment to enjoy the look in Amethar’s eyes- he couldn’t precisely express himself beyond that- it was heartbreak and shock, plain and simple. Eventually, he finds his voice again and says, “Oh, I'll say your sisters were a little bit less lucky. The least lucky thing that ever happened to Rococoa was when she found out that I was selling weapons to the Ceresians. That, that had to be dealt with-” Amethar’s eyes were filled with rage now, as Calroy expected- “and I think you'll remember how strange it was that she was found riddled with arrows so far behind our own lines! But that's war, and strange things happen all the time. Ceresians, I find, are very reasonable. Very reasonable. And you can see some of their tents out here in the field.”
He points to the field, and Amethar’s eyes dart towards it and widen as he sees the tents. It all begins to sink in, and the music speeds up. Calroy continues, “You know, I don't have luck, so I have to work. I have to work a lot. First, I had to put the little cheese boy onto the scent of the Duchess Coldbottle, and I had to ferry his idiot sailors all the way up the Sucrosi Road to that little farmhouse, I mean, had to get them there somehow, they couldn't sail there, could they? And they would be so suspicious walking up the road. And yet, you miraculously survived when you should have died! Amethar the Unfallen! You uncharacteristically leave a fight; you jump out of the ring rather than trying to behead that carrot. And they call the tournament, even with all the work that me and Alfredi put into getting those water steel daggers into her hands! I… I thought I was going to fail.
And then… And then your friend Manta Ray Jack mentioned a girl at the banquet stashed somewhere in the Dairy Islands, and I thought, that's so interesting. Amethar loves me, doesn’t he? Why would he never tell me? And I got to thinking, Amethar was never quiet about his exploits as a roving Prince of Candia- present company excluded- so why didn't I hear about this girl? And I thought I'd better talk with Manta Ray Jack. He didn't want to talk, but a few fingers and pints of blood later we remembered your sister's book, very useful your sister, very useful indeed, up until a young Belizabeth Brassica ordered her run down in the street by Vegetanian knights. That hurt because she had always been very sweet to me.
Well, after Manta Ray, we saw an opportunity. You know, it hurts to have all of your plans fail, but they say that improvisation is the better part of planning, so I was happy to take advantage of that opportunity when it presented itself, Amethar. I’ve worked hard, and I’ve sacrificed so much, it’s time for my dividends to pay up. All that’s left to do is clean up your mess.”
He moves Amethar- not an easy task, mind you- so his back is to the rampart, and he faces Calroy. As he looks at the face of his former lover, Calroy sees tears falling from his eyes, despite the rage held in them. Indulging his worst instincts, Calroy presses one last chaste kiss to Amethar’s lips, telling him, “Don’t take it personally, dear. It’s just politics.”
Reaching down to pull Amethar’s legs up and hoist him over the rampart, Calroy muses, “I wonder if they'll call you Amethar the Unfallen after this. Here's to a future you can't ruin.”
And with one big heave, the former King of Candia falls from his castle rampart. Calroy watches him for a moment- he should wait, make sure he dies, but part of him doesn’t want to watch that. Instead, he leaves to find Caramelinda and others loyal to the Rocks. The night was hardly over, but the dance had finished at last.
They weren’t winning this battle. Calroy knew this, and thankfully, he had prepared for this. His status and power were assured; he just needed to get out. But as he ran across the ramparts towards the secret exit that would lead to his escape, an obstacle places himself in his way. The monk, Cumulous, appears in front of Calroy, who turns to run. And suddenly, he sees him. Amethar, his armor covered in blood and gore, and a look of cold, steely rage on his face.
Gone was the soft look of love. Gone was the sadness, the despair of betrayal. With just one look, Calroy knew that whatever love Amethar might have kept for him died along with Jet. Quietly, in a reserved tone Calroy had rarely heard before, Amethar says- no, commands, “What's the last part of my title? Say it.”
“Amethar.” Calroy says, uncharacteristically struggling to find the words. Amethar asks again, “What's the last part of my title?”
“You-” Calroy starts to say but is cut off by the same command, “Say the last part of my title.”
Before he can speak, Cumulous kicks Calroy in the back of the knees, forcing him to bow. He takes a moment, then lifts his head to look Amethar in the eyes as he says, “Amethar… the Unfallen.”
And in an instance, Calroy draws his sword and leaps at Amethar, slashing him deeply across the chest. But a second too late, Calroy realizes he has made a grave error. He looks to his former lover one last time as the king raises Payment Day. Calroy sees the heartbreak in Amethar’s eyes, not just for the daughter he failed, but for the lover he lost to his greed and lust for power. Calroy whispers, “I’m sorry.”
And then Amethar brings Payment Day down, and the world goes black.
See the full post
16 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have a feeling we’re getting Billy back… but not in the way we wanted…
118 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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RP anyone?
30 ftm here.
Anyone interested in some Anime Roleplay? Must be 20+ (even if there’s no funny business going on, I won’t RP with anyone under this age), and open to RPing with male OC’s (either as just friends or more), as that’s all I really RP as. Would prefer to RP over private message and not on Tumblr boards, Discord preferably. Just personal preference! Anime’s of interest are currently as follows. Most of these anime’s have more than one OC from me, so if you’re interested we can chat.
Haikyuu (I’m not caught up, but spoilers are AOK! I have three OC's for this one, two cisgender oc's (one libero, one middle blocker) and one ftm oc (who is a setter).
My Hero Academia (Caught up on the Anime (dubbed). Two OC's for this one. One has the ability to melt into shadows and carry a limited weight of items/people, the other can transform into a wolf and is wheelchair bound (double amputee) )
Free (Just have to watch the final stroke episodes. I have one OC for this world who is pretty deaf and has some deformities with his ears and some major trauma in his past.)
Yuri on Ice (Also caught up on the Anime. Three OC's for this one. None of them compete anymore, but one travels with is group to help out from Denmark, another travels with his sister as moral support from Québec Canada, and one is more of a homebody in Australia. The one who travels with his sister is blind, but does skate, though not competitively obviously.)
Kuroko No Basuke (I am not fully caught up on the Anime, but spoilers are AOK. One OC for this anime, someone who retired in high school after an incident leaving his back broken. He's able to walk again after surgery and rehab, but he can't compete anymore.)
Soul Eater (Caught up with the original Anime, not Soul Eater Not. One OC for this anime, a Meister who is honestly only one out of obligation than anything.)
Percy Jackson (caught up on all the books. Two OC's for this, one son of Apollo, one son of Athena.)
Pokemon could be fun, too! (I've seen all the anime, and have played all of the main games except for sword and shield. One OC for this, a canine type trainer from Alola.)
86 (Caught up on the anime, slowly getting through the light novels. One OC, a one legged ex republic 86 soldier who worked as a mechanic at the Spearhead Squadron.)
You're also welcome to RP as an OC, so long as said OC isn't over powered and has some thought behind them (I've RP'd with a lot of OC's that were just made up on the fly and were honestly a hot mess... but I love a well made OC!). Or you can RP a Canon Character!
I'm also not so good at RPing with female characters, and most of my characters are bi (with heavy preference towards men) or gay, as friends however they're fine.
I try my best to be literate with my replies, and personally do not enjoy one line RP's, though I myself don't write novels, so no major requirement on length! I'm also not the GREATEST with proper punctuation and grammar, but I try to get the point across.
Also open to just casual slice of life RP's with no series to necessarily dictate the theme. (example: I also have OC's who are dog show handlers, jockeys, rodeo cowboys, general medical professionals). Also not opposed to trying out a Game of Thrones RP, but I've never RP'd that before, so there's that. All characters from the Anime's would be aged up to minimum 18 (so like going to college or already in the work force)
Can either message me here on Tumblr or on Discord (more likely to get a reply on discord as that's what I have access to outside of the house). tommy36011
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ao3feed-izch · 2 months
Crimson Oni
by Ewes
Pretty much the same story as the original MHA, but with my own hero character, Kyūketsukiro Mashumaro. Some events are skipped or only mentioned in favor of others.
My first fic on Archive! (I apologize in advance if anything is too cringy, I'm currently not the best at relationships or suspense.) This fic will (hopefully) be updated regularly.
I hope you all enjoy reading! :3
Words: 780, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Original Male Character(s), Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Eijiro Kirishima, Sero Hanta, Uraraka Ochako, All of 1-A/B, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Original Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Original Character(s), Hanta Sero & Original Character, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: vampire quirk, bloodsucking, Violence, Original Character is bi, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Angry Bakugou Katsuki, Protective Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako is a Good Friend, Cute Uraraka Ochako, SEROtonin: A Wholesome Sero Hanta Zine, Kirishima Eijirou is a Dork, Gay Kirishima Eijirou, Minor Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Yagi Toshinori | All Might is a Good Teacher, Insecure Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Tired Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Eri is a Ray of Sunshine (My Hero Academia), Precious Eri (My Hero Academia), Eri is Rescued Early (My Hero Academia), Musical Instruments, Performer OC, OC is a lil' gremlin, Mentioned Festival Performance, Follows main MHA story with slightly different points
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57970792
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hail-ey2711 · 8 months
Hey have been on here in a while but I thought I should share my ocs here since I want to post more content with them :3 all drawings are done by me so if there bad that’s why!
Here we go:
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That’s Jackie or Jackson (Jackson is his actual name, Jackie is just a nickname). He uses he/him pronouns and he’s gay & poly. He is taken by his demon boyfriend named Max. His backstory is kind of a long story and it will be explained in later posts when I make a little comic about it. He’s in his 20s (I think 28ish but idrk) and he’s a major dickhole or was. He cheated on his two ex-partners which he deeply regrets now but yeah he’s not the best person. He’s best friend with Gabe (who you will meet in a sec), and also ex-lovers. There relationship is a little complicated right now, they kind of off and on again. Some facts about him is he has 10 siblings (used to have 11) and his natural hair color is black! That’s the basics about him.
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That’s Gabe or Gabriel. He also uses he/him pronouns and is bi. He’s questioning poly. He doesn’t have a boyfriend if we’re not counting Jackie but he loves seeing slvts and such. His backstory is very boring and plan before Jackie comes along so we won’t get into it at all. He’s the same age as Jackie (Jackie is older by a couple of months) and he’s also a major asshole. He constantly doesn’t take things seriously that he should and can be really mean. He’s never cheated though so I guess that’s a plus. His best friend is Jackie of course. Some facts about him is he is color blind and he loves animals :3. That’s the basics about him.
So yeah, those are the two main ocs I have. Also this has nothing to do with the MHA au I previously mentioned. This is based on MHA but is an entirely different universe. You will see more posts about them soon. Bye <3
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