#a lot to discuss here ithink and i dont really have the knoweldge to go further than this !
avspol · 2 years
Arguing with a guy on tiktok rn who says JoJo characters having PTSD is bs made up by the fans. They specifically mentioned Polnareff and Bruno. Thoughts? Feelings?
i think the main problem here is that (as far as im aware) araki doesn't really acknowledge the psychological impacts from events that the characters experience. and there is a certain type of jojo fan that's like "Well if it isn't explicitly stated it isn't true" lol. so of course you have to read between the lines a little but absolutely id argue that multiple jojo characters WOULD realistically have developed ptsd (especially as it impacts around 1/3 of people who have experienced a traumatic event according to the nhs). and tbh ithink bruno and polnareff are very good examples of characters who would be affected by it? the traumatic events theyve experienced (esp. the incident with brunos father& joining the mafia at a young age and everything that would entail/ sherrys death and everything that happens in sdc) would plausibly lead to a long lasting psychological impact. and i honestly don't know enough about ptsd to talk about whether the way they behave actually reflects this but again i think it would make a lot of sense in both cases??
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