#a lot of toonophiles
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rapidreptile · 1 year ago
it's been fun lately seeing people comment and tag on my posts what impossible things they wanna fuck
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narrators-journal · 4 years ago
Witchly’s Bio
I’ve been having ZERO idea what to write for my original works, but here’s my fursona’s, Witchly’s, bio. Sorry for such a sporadic posting schedule lol.
Name: Witchly
Nickname(s): None as of yet, unless you count her boss calling her dear when she flirts
Age: She is 19 years old
Gender/Sex: She was born and identifies as female
Sexuality: Witchly doesn't actually know what her sexuality is completely. She's a toonophile primarily and crushes on both male and female characters as well as a few real people through out her life, but in real sexual encounters it's difficult for her to completely feel in the moment and easily get off, so she doesn't know if she's ace, demi, bi, or whatever else. So she mostly just sticks to calling herself bi in some way.
Date of Birth: October 31st
Ethnicity/Species: Witchly is a cat-demon hybrid
Occupation/Job: She works as a maid for a very well off family of snow leopard-demon hybrids.
World/Universe: Witchly lives in a world of anthropomorphic animals very similar to our own with similar trends, fandoms, and whatever else. The biggest changes from ours is the fact that predatory creatures like tigers, wolves, and birds of prey are commonly seen as a societal upper crust. While they aren't all wealthy, the general population seems to have higher expectations for those who are predator anthros. Other than them, there are shapeshifting demons of sorts that aren't uncommon.
Height: She is 5'5 at most,
Weight: 125 pounds
Body Type: she's pretty average, not too curvy, not too formless, just pretty normal.
Fur: She's a black, short-furred cat
Eye Color: She has gold colored eyed
Hair Style: Witchly has long black hair she usually wears in a bun Tattoos/Piercings/Scars?: she sometimes is drawn with scars on her stomach Dress: Commonly, she wears baggy shirts or sweaters and pajama pants when she's not on the clock. When she does work, she wears a knee-length french maid uniform. The uniform is likely because her boss is notorious for enjoying that aesthetic.
Accessories: She wears a thick collar around her neck sometimes, just in general liking chokers most of the time
Personality: Witchly's personality is rather fluid, but in general she can be described as sarcastic, mean, even bitchy, flirty, and asocial. In public or around general friends she's quiet and tries not to talk too much, just follows those friends around and vibes. Around close friends she's still rather quiet unless prompted in a group, but when alone with only her friend, she can become sarcastic, self-deprecating, and begin to ramble more than she would around others. When alone though, she usually isolates herself and doesn't open up, even to her family. She's sensitive, being very bad at hiding her anger sometimes and no matter who she's around she can sometimes become viciously mean to those who piss her off, even passive-aggressively violent. Aside from that, Witchly's generally really flirty or lewd despite being as asocial as she is. The only real shift that happens outside of her friend group happens around more assertive people. In that type of situation, she can become very obedient to downright submissive to the point of codependence and relying on said person for comfort and guidance in social situations if the circumstances are right
Likes: She enjoys fictional characters, demons, angels, other occult or monstrous things, art, writing, being left alone most of the time, and Soda. More than that, she enjoys routines like going to school provides, animalistic instincts intrigue her greatly, as does the way animals are so capable of inflicting damage, but decide not to under some circumstances. On a more intimate level, she enjoys making sexual jokes, thinking dirty thoughts, and writing smutty stories. She especially enjoys thinking of certain things that might very well be kinks or fetishes like being dominated, wearing collars, being chased, being bred, bitten, and tied up. She is very much a sub who enjoys being controlled, even though she also has a rather bratty side. Of course, that's all speculated within her own mind, she more-so enjoys the thought than she might the reality.
Dislikes: Witchly fucking HATES change in her routine. She's most comfortable in a structured, scheduled life in a job that gives her direct orders. Outside of that schedule or routine, she hates going outside when not needed. She also rabidly despises chicken, will not eat it unless it's from specific fast food chains she trusts to make the chicken right. Witchly irrationally hates touching paper with damp hands, chewy, squelchy foods like fat, some gummies, and anything else that feels slimy and rubbery on her tongue, and generally being belittled of course. Despite her taste for dominance, she doesn't like a complete lack of control or powerless feeling, as with any good bdsm, there has to be a balance and a limit where the control stops and she's allowed to say no during intercourse.
Greatest Fear/Phobia: If Witchly had to claim any sort of phobia, she'd go with agoraphobia and a lack of control. She's also found that she fears or highly distrusts men more than she does women. Another fear is financial instability. RELATIONSHIPS
Friends: Witchly has had a few friends, but most of them have grown apart as she grew older.
Best friend: She has a single best friend who she's very caring towards and tries her best to learn how to act in public from, that way she's less awkward. Along with that, they're the only person Witchly has truly opened up to.
Significant Other/Crush: Witchly has a big fat crush on her boss, a rather wealthy snow leopard-ess. It may not be completely healthy, as she knows her boss has a lot of control over her due to giving her room and board as well as food in exchange for her work. They don't have a blatantly sexual relationship, but her boss does enjoy flirting and feeding into her liking for being dominated and controlled.
Pets: She owns a male calico she's named beefaroni
Strengths: She's not super capable, but she at least has the forethought to realize that. That's why she sought out a job that provided her a place to live and food that paid pretty fairly while still being manageable for her. Aside from that, she's rather good at art, and isn't bad at writing either. To her closest friend, she can also be a good voice of reason, able to provide some logic on some topics when needed so long as her words are taken with a grain of salt.
Weaknesses: Witchly has severe low self-esteem with admittedly codependent behaviors and an absolute shit ton of anxiety towards the world in general. She's also somewhat socially inept, super awkward and can either be very talkative and seemingly rude, or very closed off and cold after any perceived annoyance or hostility from the others. She cleans, but doesn't know how to cook and struggles with independence in general.
Hobbies: She loves to draw and write smut and feels she's pretty good at it.
Habits: She has a bad habit of taking over conversations when she gets to rambling. She also has horrible sleeping habits and eating habits. She generally just has horrible personal habits from her mental health, but she's trying her best. Other than that, she has a habit of rocking back and forth when in thought, or shaking her hands when excited.
Health: Witchly struggles with depression, anxiety, and her boss believes she's autistic. Other than that, her health has ups and downs, mostly because of her bad habits encouraged by her mental issues. She has yet to get therapy but her boss and best friend is trying to encourage her to get help and likely medicated to help.
Bio template: CriticalCritiques
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askdawnandvern · 5 years ago
May Patreon Thank Yous! And Roadmap!
Attn; This list of Patreon backers is from last month, and as such is still using the old Patreon Reward Tier names and so forth. This will change next month as the new Patreon stuff went into effect pretty much this month. If you are interested in supporting me, and are curious about the change of tier pricing and reward check out my Patreon!
Anyway, sorry for the self promotion, just wanted to make sure nothing was confusing here. Let's get on the the supporter shoutouts!
FluffWolf117 Toonophile KarakuriCentral Unformed HyenaFur AmanCalledDominik Sypher597 Warwolf416 Bjerken Badger
TheLastShogun BatDuskyLycanroc3blr Reddawn7744 Luposong Kei Fox Ross C. The Strickland Mark
The General 501 BovineMage
Thanks to all of you for your continued support, especially now with all that's going on in the world and my...health issues getting increasingly in the way. Seriously, it means a lot, and I'm almost ashamed to even take it.
Of course, that doesn't mean I also don't value the support by those of you not in the Patreon. Seriously, your kind words and support do wonders, and I appreciate you caring about my work even with how long it's been going on.
Now...ahem, on to news. First the Val fic, I'm about half way through the second chapter and it's coming along. I did hit a few walls and snags, but it's going to get there and I really hope it's worth the wait because I assure you, based on Patreon in progress feedback, it's going to be a heavy one.
Now for Ask related stuff, As you may be aware there was a delay this week. I mentioned briefly that I was sorting some stuff out behind the scenes, and that's true, but I spared you the details before. Well, let me now explain why the delay happened and what to expect in the immediate ask future.
Part of the delay was due to health reasons, but the majority of it was because of the increasing number of asks about Joel in Japanda making it a priority to finish it. That of course, required some scheduling in order to make sure I made time to conclude the arc. So I sat down on Tuesday and wrote the script to the remaining Joel strips, all 3-4 of them, and spent the next day hammering out the page I posted today. Unfortunately, the health issues are why I didn't finish it till today, but it is done and up. Now, what about the remaining strips? Well, I'm going to be using every other ask week to conclude the comic. Example, next Tuesday-Wednesday I'll be doing standard asks. However, the following week I'll be doing the next Joel installment, and then back to asks the next week, and so on. I'll keep up that schedule until the “Japanda Journeys” comic is all done. I realize of course that this will slow down the opening of the ask box even further, as I'm still sitting on close to 70 asks, but with Joel's arc playing a minor part in the Val fic, and just all the asks regarding Joel, I want to finish it. I think int the future I will also have to toy with a better system overall for asks. Something where I won't get overwhelmed by volume, or feel too guilty over cutting some (Something I almost never do). But for the moment I'm not entirely sure how to go about that, so I'll be mulling it over along with the help of the Patreon’s to figure out a solution.
Now, Commissions...well, I've hit a real bump in the road there, so much so that I had to change my Patreon rules over them. As most of you who aren't Patreon’s know, I've had commissions largely closed to the public for like...four or five months now. This was due to a combination of factors. My health, Patreon Commission fast laneing, work for the blog/or for fun, writing, and life stuff outside of all this, I haven't been able to arrange for any outside commissions. I'm not going to give a strict time table on when I'll be able to take all comers again, as my health is...worse than usual at the moment, but know that I am making a concerted effort to try to please as many folks as I can.
And with that...I guess I should explain health issues that are currently hanging over my head at present, and why it's directly affecting work. As most of you may already know, I have issues with my drawing arm and muscle tearing in my shoulder. I managed to avoid needing surgery at the time when it was at it's worse thanks to having anti-inflammatory medicine, which seemed to solve the problem for the most part. The last few weeks though it had been acting up more than usual because I didn't have my anti-inflammatory meds, at least...that's what I thought. Now that I'm back on them, it has helped a great degree, but it still feels a little worse than it was...which probably means I'll have to go back to the doctor about it. There's also an ongoing issue with my heart which cropped up again recently, so I have to visit a cardio doc.
So yeah, that's me being up front about it I guess...I don't like being public about my health, but I figured as it impacts my work output, I needed to tell you guys.
So...with all that said, once again, thanks for your continued support and contact and stuff. I do appreciate it, and I'm glad to see so many folks still dig what I do, even if it's at a snails pace. Much love to you all...
P.S. Oh yeah, I have a twitter I guess. Half smut, half garbage posting when I do use it. You can check it out at link below.
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askdawnandvern · 5 years ago
January Thank Yous!
First and foremost I want to take the time to thank my Patreon folks. Seriously, you guys rock, and your continued support helps make art happen! (Hopefully art you want to see)...
FluffWolf117 Toonophile KarakuriCentral Unformed HyenaFur AmanCalledDominik Sypher597 Warwolf416 Bjerken Badger
TheLastShogun BatDuskyLycanroc3blr Reddawn7744 Luposong Kei Fox Ross C. The Strickland Mark
FOLLOWER The General 501 BovineMage
You guys are awesome, and I love you all.
So now for an outline of what's to come...Well the Juno picture is all wrapped up, so now it's time to start talking February Poll.  Now I don't theme a lot of my months, a problem I'm looking to rectify. But if there's one month I have been themeing for several years now, it would be 'February".  And what's the theme you may ask? Well Foxes of course!
That's right, it's Foxy February once again. The time of year when foxes go into heat...(It's true), as well as a great bit of alliteration. Probably the best alliteration I could ask for. So what does that mean for this months poll? Well as you can guess, it will be fox themed!  Granted I'll have to take a bit of time to ruminate on just which characters to put on the poll, mostly because we will probably have to put some of the vixens I've done on the bench to allow for new contenders.
As for other work, I'm working on several comics at once, commissions and otherwise. We've got the Japanda Comic, A Gentlemam's Duel (Which hasn't even had it's first page released yet.) Burrowed into my Heart (An ongoing long project) and The second page of the "Tea Party" Comic. So expect to see progress on all of those as well as a few stray commissions here and there. All that and I have to desperately find the time to write in there somewhere as my writing projects have been sitting gathering dust for waaaaay too long. I mean, you guys are still hanging on that Ada fic! And the whole purpose of 'Tales from the Bellhunterverse" was to allow me to do some short-form content! Now I'm not going to be foolish and make promises, as time tends to get one over on me... but considering the amount of drawing work ahead of me I'm going to need some down days for my arms sake...so here's hoping that some of those down days turn into decent fic work.
That's all for now, thanks again!
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askdawnandvern · 6 years ago
Patreon Soundoff! Plus Updates
Hey y’all, I just want to send a powerful shoutout to my good ol’ Patreon Peeps, to whom without their generosity, none of this would be possible.  Now we got a few new folks this month, so give ‘em a friendly heya!
ACYLOTES Unformed Warwolf416 NervousBlackRabbit AManCalledDominik Bjerken FluffyWolf117 Sypher597 Hyenafur Toonophile Karakuri
Luposong Ross C. Kei Fox The Strickland Mark
MajorMattMason Chisisi
Once again, thank you guys so much for your support, of the blog, the stories, the art, all of it. It really helps. Of course, that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the kindness of the rest of you fans and supporters out there. Knowing I make you guys happy, doing what I love to do, just makes me love it all the more.
Now, onto my vague sense of schedule. I’ve been doing a lot of commission work as of late, including an ambitious ‘for me anyway’ comic project featuring Moira and other persons OC. I’ll actually be doing a stream at about 10:30 EST tonight on Picartotv where I’ll be working on page two of said comic, but warning it is NSFW. Look for Wastedtimeee on picartotv if you are interested. I’ve also launched the first installment of “Tales from the BellHunterverse” called “Queen of the Dead” which can be read on Fanfic.net or A03, as well as the Ask Dawn and Vern blog. This is a two-part short fic about the night Yuri met Ada, but the purpose of the “Tales from the BellHunterVerse” title is that it’s an umbrella title to place all my one-two chapter shorts in one place.
All that said, I think I’m going to have to dial back the drawn commissions a bit soon as it seems to be aggravating my arm a bit...and I don’t want to overdo that for fear of having to go back to the doc for injections or something. But inversely, that will allow me to spend more time writing.
That’s all for now. I’ll have more updates for ya in August, and I’ll try to keep ya abreast of changes to my vague schedule and medical stuff as it develops! Thanks everyone!
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