#a lot of the good lore is lore that hasnt been touched in years
wp100 · 1 year
did the wow devs actually do an interview and really say that gnomes are a joke race?
that shit is disappointing ngl. Mekkatorque was a badass in BfA. Mechagnomes are fucking cool if you read the comic and don't just look at their in-game model, which doesn't really do them justice if I'm going to be honest. Their fanart is way better than the in-game model
And it's sad because a whole chunk of the playerbase think they are a joke race too. That doesn't help. Is that why we never have gnome lore lol... Kinda sad. They have the most interesting lore. But perhaps it's better untouched, then it's not ruined.
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b00ket · 3 years
Its been a hot sec since ive done a just text post, so in an attempt to not feel pressure to post art every time I want to drop lore…
✨ Lucas is a dipshit and this is why people don’t like him ✨
Okay this is going to need some context but
Lucas’ presence makes people go on guard, they’re uncomfortable and awkward around him. Even if he is being extremely nice people who have lived there for more than even a year are nervous when he’s in the general area.
Occasionally some people feel threatened enough by his presence to try attacking him, sometimes he just takes it, other times he doesn’t. He’s still a very easy dude to set off.
He’s only been working his job at the docks for just a year. Trying to shake off his reputation has proven extremely difficult.
Family tidbits (this is relevant I swear)
His father, Bekarys Karimov, was well loved by the city, hosting soup kitchens on a regular basis and being known for giving away so much free food. His restaurant often doubled as a safe haven for criminals after dark. People generally knew him as the nice food guy with all those kids.
Lucas’ 2 aunts, Uuliinyagaansetseg and Sarnai Karimov,were constantly organizing and attending protests against Lucio’s rule and helped set up secret words to avoid Lucio’s spies around the city (particularly the marketplace). Most people did just think of them as gossipy and bringing guards to the streets. Also we’re annoying to talk to and had many rumors swirling around them.
Temujin Karimov, the eldest sibling, was entrenched in the Red Market. All sides of it, from the light selling of goods to the nastier side of it. He was a man of secrets and was considered more dangerous as time went on. Needed someone killed, got some nasty narcotics to transport? Hes your guy. Him and his gang of crime buddies are particularly responsible for almost all the bad connotations the Karimov name holds OUTSIDE of Lucas.
Okay actually onto Lucas:
So for the 1st 12ish years of his life Lucas was actually pretty well liked. The most shy out of all the Karimov kids and not known for being social he was a pretty blank slate. Most people mainly knew about him finding his sister in that canal, so pity was given to him. He definitely went more inward with himself as time went on, notably looking just distant most of the time.
The public execution of his aunts is when things started going downhill. Their execution was a big deal, and brought all those bad rumors and talk about them back into the city streets.
Lucas is a protective shit, ESPECIALLY with his family. Talk shit get hit as they say. Lucas walking the streets hearing you talk bad about any of his siblings is going to cause a fight.
That defensive fighting just kinda devolved into fighting all the time. He walked around with a “im going to beat your ass” vibe. Glaring at everyone and being generally disrespectful to anyone that isnt his family. (Lots of reasons behind him being like this that I dont have time to dive into)
So 15 is when his little brother died. This particular death broke the family a little and Lucas got the brunt of it (cause the family did agree it was his fault). Verbally and physically abused, kicked out for days at a time, he was homeless as often as he was at home.
By this point Lucas had been labeled the problem child, a walking bomb of anger that will steal your shit and beat your ass. (An exaggeration but rumors tend to do that) No one really wanting to help him when he was out of the house just made his anger worse.
He was fortunately liked by most orphans and acted as a occasional older brother. (He always had a prep bag at home full of food he snuck off in case he was kicked out, most of that food did go to those orphans)
He did get a small gang that, after Jargal’s death in the coliseum, went full ham in vandalizing Lucio’s shit around Vesuvia and messing up the Heart District.
So here’s the big thing, HE WAS A GLADIATOR. 4 years of being an executioner of MANY did not help his relationship with the people.
Thats cut and dry, he escapes and is under his Temujin’s care. And Temujin is shit and helping him, he hasnt even touched his own issues he cant help with whatever hes going on. Any tries he made just made things worse tbh.
Lucas during and after gladiator times is just mute. Temujin’s few attempts to just take him out into the public backfired hard enough for him to just keep Lucas at home and only take him out when he’s doing his job with his gang.
Last family members DIE, Lucas is torn up and is puppetted by Temujin’s old friends into being the muscle for them when they went out to gamble.
So in conclusion
Lucas hasn’t been an active threat on the streets for around a year. His name is synonymous with danger and people react accordingly.
He tries to be nice and kind, not to notice the looks and mood shifts when he enters a room but its hard.
The docks and ash beach are the only places he doesn’t feel completely ostracized. The orphans are mostly too young to feel in danger around him. Plus he brings them food.
He doesn’t want to get in the way or make people uncomfortable. Only shopping either late at night or early morning. He takes back alleys to limit interactions.
It doesn’t always work, some dude attacks him out of fear or anger at the things he’s done. Not sure if he should just be passive and take the beating or letting his anger get the best of him is a battle.
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kinessie · 4 years
Newer player here (tarted last year). What's your opinion on the current state of the game's lore?
i’ve always had mixed feelings about how they handle the lore, but i assume most of that is nostalgia from the time where there wasnt any lore at all and the community made their own connections, those were the good days!
this is gonna get very long so i’ll put it under a readmore
the game has been notorious for ignoring the lore of older champions and instead focusing on the stories which fuel the main story going forward, which is both a good and a bad thing.
its a bad thing because me and many other players have favourite characters who were added to the game during its beta and alpha stages really havent gotten much spotlight or exploration of their part of the story, and personally it leaves me pretty indifferent towards the new champions. if i had it my way there would be events about certain past events, or comics, or short videos, literally anything to give background to the world and characters theyve already created. i feel that the lack of this has made the worldbuilding in paladins quite poor? the best thing that happened in regards to the lore was the ‘a realm divided’ video which gave us that background, but it kinda ended there.
theres a lot of questions to be answered that i think would benefit the worldbuilding, such as more info on a lot of the nonhuman characters, the stallaga, the vulpin, the summer court. to be honest a good handful of champions mention nature as a big source of power but that just hasnt been touched on yet?
a problem that i’ve talked about for years is the way they haphazardly throw random, and sometimes quite important pieces of lore, at us on places like twitter or discord. only a few weeks ago was mal’damba revealled to be a ska’drin in a reply to a tweet by the community manager, which now that we know that, is a major piece of his character. other examples include buck being confirmed a past member of the thousand hand guild in a lore question on twitter. as someone whos been following paladins for years, the only place i trust to get all the paladins lore knowledge i need is myself, because i’ve kept up to date with everything from everywhere, and there isnt really a place where its all accurately recorded. and thats a major problem.
in regards to the current continuing story, it feels to me that conflicts and storylines are never really resolved? we jump to one threat to another without any real conclusion. gods and incredibly powerful keep coming to the mortal realm and you’d think that would be a major thing but it seems to happen so fucking often that nobody bats an eyelid. hell, corvus summoned raum who is a literal destructive demon from hell and...... then what? we just jumped to story about the darkness. from a marketing standpoint, this continuting story and constant conflict is good for the game because it gets new players interested in the next big action packed event, but honestly its really overwhelming.
octavia’s addition has been a momentary breath of relief because shes the first champion in a year who hasnt been associated with a god or a higher power, shes just a woman with a gun, and i missed that so much. i think if the game’s story continued with the conflict brought on by the crystal war then it would have been beneficial to the worldbuilding, older characters, and story as a whole. presenting the resistance and magistrate as both morally grey sides in the debate would make for a very interesting point of exploration (if you want a story that handles grey morality of opposing factions fantastically, i recommend picking up arknights).
overall, i understand why the lore is like this. they need to release these big, powerful, crazy looking characters because at the end of the day paladins is a free-to-play game that needs engagement and characters like the huge abyss worm yagorath bring that engagement. i get it. but viewing the lore as it is, it is messy, poorly handled, and the only reason i’m still indulging in it is because i’ve been here too long and i want to see how it ends.
sorry this got so long! i didnt know how many problems i had with the lore until i started writing lol. tumblr user kinessie is not dead she is here and will always be here even if i dont post as much as i used to.
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windupnamazu · 4 years
stories you want to write...
…but for some reason haven’t yet.
[looks into the camera as i pick up a bucket labeled “wip garbage” and pour it out into a pig trough]
double tagged by @fistsoflightning and @to-the-voiceless!! ty quings <3 im not sure who hasnt been tagged yet so im saying this ones an open tag! mutuals i want to see your fic ideas. feed me. 
1. what i lovingly refer to as my "baldesion ausenal," in which lunya is taken to the isle of val post-calamity so they can observe the effects of her mutated aether. she very briefly meets raha during that time and promptly makes a bad impression on him, and then they dont see each other again for six years until raha comes to eorzea for the crystal tower expedition and lunya, now a scion of the seventh dawn and a close friend of the warrior of light, tags along as the scions' representative and they promptly rekindle the start of a rivalry that never got to form when they first met for all of three minutes. then it switches to raha-flavoured angst through all of shadowbringers.
2. lunya and raha getting engaged pre-5.3 and having their engagement rings crafted by two very good friends!! which leads up to: [5.3 spoilers] lunya and rahas SHOTGUN WEDDING post seat of sacrifice, which i havent touched yet because the 5.3 Trauma and because its emotionally a lot, like i want to make myself cry by reading it and i dont think im good enough at writing to do that--
3. the Real(tm) luha wedding, complete with at least 30 friend oc cameos because its MY self-indulgence and i get to choose which way i die. 
4. my very stupid, VERY indulgent gamer au where totally-not-ffxiv is a hit mmorpg and rahas gotten into it because one of his cute internet friends is super into it and he desperately wants to bond with her. the whole guild knows theyre flirting with each other but a year later rahas an ultimate raider and they still havent made any relationship progress. they meet at fanfest in a perfect world where a pandemic didnt cancel me getting another battle challenge tshirt. 
5. just literally ANYTHING for my pokemon au oh my god.
6. a fic where raha gets his hands on lunya's carbuncle gem in the 8th umbral era timeline, which i tried multiple times to poke at during ffxivwrite but ultimately failed to because i dont know if carbuncle lore would let that even work? is that allowed? can you borrow your girlfriends aetherial construct 200 years after she died? how do you get around your girlfriends coworker being able to recognize the aetherial signature of the carbuncle as hers?!
7. my terrible, awful, no good "bad end" fanfic where everyone dies after the post-mt gulg cutscene goes Horribly Horribly Wrong(er). theres a primal and a lightwarden involved. prompted by a mutual and sitting unfinished for like... months. i got permission from my friends to kill their ocs for this so by GOD am i going to do it. someday.
8. more main street au. i want my ocs and my friends ocs to just have some good times and adorable small town romances + slice of life shenanigans, is that TOO MUCH TO ASK
9. shadowbringers lunya/exarch. not post-shb, but mid-shb, where theyre miserable because rahas a liar and lunya doesnt know if she trusts her heart with accepting who he is. probably includes a conga line of the mom squad recognizing who the exarch is but keeping quiet for different reasons.
10. my kimi no na wa au. thatse all i have to say. 
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