#a long term experience and lots of client testimonials shows me you know how to apply dog behavior knowledge in the real world
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havcon · 2 years ago
Key Considerations When Selecting Builders For Your Project
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The first step in building a new home is to find a builder who can help you turn your vision into reality. There are many reasons why you may want to choose a builder over doing the project yourself. 
For example, Local Builders in Brighton have years of experience and know exactly what it takes to get your new house built on time. You also don't have to worry about hiring an architect or designing an interior space yourself which can save lots of time and money!
Experience and Reputation
When you're looking for someone to build your home, you'll want to consider their experience and reputation. Experience is important because it shows how long they've been in business.
A builder who has been doing this for several years has likely built some quality homes and knows how to keep them running smoothly over time. This can give you confidence that the builder will be able to provide excellent service throughout the process of construction—and after the project is complete!
Reputation may not seem as important at first glance because it doesn't directly impact your project—but trust me: It does! 
An established professional with a great reputation is going to attract more clients than an amateur with no history at all (and vice versa). If there are any hiccups along the way during construction or post-construction services like warranty work or maintenance, these issues will likely be reported quickly by satisfied customers who have dealt with skilled professionals before
Portfolio and Expertise
You should also consider the builder's portfolio. A good builder will have a history of past projects and work, as well as their ability to complete them on time and within budget. The best way to do this is by looking at what other clients have said about the builder's service or product, such as testimonials or awards they've been awarded for their work.
Finally, it's important that you get references from previous clients who can speak directly about your project in terms of how well it was done.
Quality and Craftsmanship
Quality and craftsmanship are two of the most important factors to consider when choosing a builder. You want to make sure that any construction company you hire has a reputation for quality workmanship, as well as an extensive portfolio of past projects.
Quality is also important when it comes to materials used in your house or apartment building. The finish on your walls should be done using high quality materials like natural stone or composite panels that won't discolour over time or crumble apart easily under pressure from earthquakes or other natural disasters.
The craftsmen who will be working on your project should also be skilled at what they do—and not just because they have years of experience under their belts! 
The best builders Brighton knows how important it is for them not only provide top-notch service but also deliver exceptional results each time out on jobsite
Client Reviews and References
When choosing a builder, it's important to see what other clients have to say about them. You can check with your friends and family members who've worked with different builders in the past, or look at client reviews on sites like Yelp or Angie's List.
If you don't have any references at all, try asking around for recommendations from friends and family members who live nearby so that you can meet with potential contractors face-to-face before making a final decision.
We hope this article has helped you to understand the importance of selecting builders Brighton for your project. 
The main thing to remember is that the best way to choose who will be doing the work is by talking with several people who have done similar projects in the past, so that you can get a sense of what they are like as people and as professionals.
Source Url: https://havconprojects.postach.io/post/key-considerations-when-selecting-builders-for-your-project
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darkwood-sleddog · 4 years ago
I saw your comments on the dog training industry and the need for credentials and I found it pretty interesting, not only that but I have to agree with you. There are times I wish that there was something that could actually regulate the field but I don't think that will be happening any time soon.
While I'm still here I wanted to ask, does the behaviorist you work with have certification? I know most dog trainers I've met in person who think certifications are bullshit and I do agree to a little extent, but I find that someone having some kind of certification (CPDT-KA, CDBC, IAABC-ADT, etc.) shows that at least they've done the bare minimum. They might not be good trainers, but it shows that they know something more than someone who doesn't even know what the four quadrants are.
Yes my behaviorist is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, a Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and has nearly 20 years in the field doing behavior consultant work or other adjacent work with a long term interest in dogs that need alternative communication efforts such as deaf & blind dogs, primitive dogs, fearful or aggressive dogs etc.
The other behaviorist and owner of the facility I go to is also a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant and a Certified Professional Dog Trainer as well as a ASPCA Professional Responder amongst other credentials and I'm happy to work with either of them for their knowledge and experience.
Dog training would be a very difficult field to regulate and even if there was a regulatory body, those that dissagrees with those standards will likely put those standards down as being 'bullshit' or 'paid for' etc. etc. There is already so much contention and debate over what is correct in this field. Like certifications aren't everything to me, my behaviorists long history working with dogs that need very specific attention taken to their communication and her experience working with non-biddable dogs made her more appealing to me than her certifications, but still.
I think trainers that complain endlessly about the 'bullshit' aspect of certifications come across as very negative and I would not be happy to work with somebody that had that sort of attitude putting down other trainers. If certifications aren't your vibe simply move on. But if the certifications are so 'bullshit' why not just take the test and find out? If it's bullshit it should be easy enough to get those credentials right? What is so bad about taking these tests other than it rendering your ability to feel better than the others you talk negatively about obsolete?
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years ago
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 1, Part 1
Look, guys! I’m being productive again! Hooray, it feels exhausting just as I remember it did!
As done before, every post I make will contain differences between the source Japanese and localized English versions of the same game, as well as further details about them, up to the following “To be continued...” screens and eventually the ending credits. As always, there are so many ways the localization can dress up certain lines in the original script to make them into jokes or at least more colorful, so I’m not going to pick out every one. It would take us an eternity longer than my hiatuses to finish otherwise.
To think it took a freakin’ indie game that's like Mafia but with astronauts and tasks to bring me back to the Ace Attorney community and back to my blog’s roots. Is this what they mean by “Circle of Life”? All I know is that I’m constantly running around in circles, both metaphorically and literally.
> Court Lobby
<Kristoph> やれやれ。ずいぶんカタくなってる みたいだね。 You look tense, Justice. Wound up tight.
<Apollo> そ。そんなコトないです! カンゼンに大丈夫ですから、オレ! W-Wound up, sir? No! I'm loose! I'm fine!
<Kristoph> 声がウラ返ってるよ‥‥ まあ。ムリもないかな。 That screeching noise... Is that your voice? I suppose it's to be expected...
初めての法廷が、殺人事件とは。 まさしく“オドロキ”ってヤツだね。 Your first trial, and it's a homicide. I guess "Justice" doesn't start small, eh?
Enter Apollo's signature "I'm fine!" catchphrase, or as it's originally known, "Daijobu desu!"
In the third box, "ウラ返ってる" from 裏返る (uragaeru) in this context is translated fairly, though it specifically refers to a "crack in falsetto" kind of squeak or screech. (Yes, squeaky Apollo.) Now, it's interesting to note uragaeru in a different context can also mean "to double-cross". To be fair, it's also a common phrase, like being "betrayed" by your own cracking voice, but the foreshadowing power...
In the fourth box, yes, they changed the name puns to suit the localized name. Kirihito (Kristoph) is just saying what a "surprise" it is for his first trial to be a murder case.
<???> たしか、きみは‥‥ So, you're...
<Apollo> あ、ハイ! オレ、大丈夫ですッ! Fine! I-I'm fine!
<???> ああ‥‥“大丈夫くん”か。 Ah... Mr. Fine, is it?
<Apollo> え。 Uh.
<???> 変わった名前だとは覚えていた。 I did remember you having an odd name.
<Apollo> (さっそく、ゴカイされちまった) (Well, we're off to a great start.)
I'm just putting this here to assure everyone that Nick does first call him "Daijobu-kun".
<???> そろそろ時間だ。‥‥行こうか。 It's time. Shall we?
<Apollo> は、はいッ! Y-Yes, sir!
<Apollo> (‥‥そうさ。  今は、とにかく集中するんだ) (...OK. I need to focus.)
(オレの‥‥王泥喜 法介の、  初めての法廷に!) (First trial, here comes Justice!)
I want to comment on how catchy Apollo's other lesser-known catchphrase is. Poor Odoroki doesn't have anything as cool as this.
> Courtroom
<Kristoph> 弁護士は、依頼人の希望を最優先 させなければなりません。 A defense attorney must always cede to his client's wishes.
この王泥喜くんは、依頼人の ご指名なのですよ。 And my client specifically requested Mr. Justice.
<Judge> ふむう‥‥わかりませんな。 Well, of course he wants justice!
現在、最高の弁護士と言われる 牙琉 霧人(がりゅうきりひと)。 But to entrust his case to this greenhorn... Why?
それをさしおいて、 こんなワカモノがねえ‥‥ I do not exaggerate when I say that you're the best defense attorney in town, Mr. Gavin.
<Apollo> (だ、大丈夫。発声練習の量なら、  先生にも負けないさ!) (OK, so Gavin's got trial experience, fine. But does he have Chords of Steel!?)
I just love this line from Apollo. Perfect timing and delivery. Odoroki's line is good too, though comes off as a tad more innocent: "I-It's fine. When it comes to  vocal training, even Sensei can't beat me!" Though I have to say the image of Kristoph screaming during voice training is too funny to pass up.
> Enter Defendant
<Judge> まことにザンネンです。 This is truly an unfortunate turn of events.
ひさしぶりの対面が、 このようなカタチになるとは。 I'm sorry we had to meet again under these circumstances.
‥‥成歩堂 龍一 (なるほどうりゅういち)くん。 Long time no see, Mr. Wright.
<Phoenix> 忘れてほしいですね、 ムカシのことは。 Let's put the past behind us, shall we?
今のぼくは‥‥そう。 しがないピアニスト、ですから。 These days, I'm merely Phoenix Wright, piano player.
I may have mentioned it before, but I'll make a note here that the Hobohodo meme has its own version in the JP fandom: "ピアニート" (piani-to or pia-NEET), which is portmanteau of pianist and NEET, the most famous of Japanese government welfare programs for the unemployed. It's also slang for "hobo".
<Payne> これが、被害者の命を奪った凶器。 ‥‥グレープジュースのボトルです。 This is the weapon that took the victim's life. A bottle of grape juice.
彼のお気に入りで、 いつも飲んでいるようですな。 Grape juice is apparently our defendant's drink of choice.
Many of you already know, but just in case: The localizers never censored Nick's fave drink. It was the JP devs who had to work with such censors back home, but eventually they just kept it as a running gag to put non-alcoholic fruit juices in fancy wine bottles. It wasn't until SoJ when the devs could get away with featuring a bit of alcohol. Their previous game was slapped with a CERO-C (15+) due to graphic images, so Eshiro and co. were pleasantly surprised to see SoJ get the classic CERO-B (12+) again.
Not to mention, very expensive high-quality fancy fruit juices do exist in Japan and can cost way more than your usual middle-grade wines. Japan and their fancy fruit culture and all. (I forget exactly, but I recall there were plenty of group pictures of the devs on their blogs and Twitters over the years where someone had gotten them fancy bottles of fruit juice as Christmas gifts. The memes live on.)
> After 1st testimony, decline tutorial
<Apollo> 先生が出るにはおよびません! ここは、オレでじゅうぶんッ! No need for help here, sir! I think I've got this one covered!
<Kristoph> ‥‥“手下”みたいなセリフだね。 大丈夫ですか? I think you'd better do more than think. You know it, or you do not.
<Apollo> (大丈夫!   発声練習は積んできた!) (I'm fine! The Chords of Steel are ready for battle!)
The differences here are subtle enough that I hesitated on including this, but Kirihito straight-up calls out Odoroki: "Sensei, you won't need to step up here. I'm enough for this!" "...Sounds like something someone unreliable would say. Are you going to be fine?"
> Press 4th statement
<Judge> ふむう‥‥ Hmm...
ポーカーといえば、5枚のカードで “役”を作って勝負するゲーム。 As I recall, in poker you make five-card "hands".
たしかに、イカサマが 起こりやすいのでしょう。 I can see how it would be easy to cheat.
<Phoenix> フッ‥‥ “役”を作るゲーム、ねえ‥‥ Heh... Yes. A game of "hands".
<Apollo> ‥‥? ...?
Now that I find this dialogue again, it's even deeper than I'd ever thought. In both JP and EN, Phoenix's line works just as well as the other despite having different double entendres. In EN, he makes a pun between the poker hands and people's hands; while in JP, the term used is "yaku", which is normally used to refer to hands in a card/mahjong game, but in more general cases, it means "role" or "responsibility". Naturally, in this case, there are a lot of hands and roles being exchanged rather quickly.
This case is dang amazing and I regret forgetting so much of what made it spectacular.
> Press 5th statement
<Phoenix> 賭けていたのは、ただひとつ。 おのれの“プライド”だけだよ。 The only thing at stake in our game... was pride itself.
<Judge> ほほう。 なんだか、カッコイイですな! Ho ho! Well put, Mr. Wright.
私も“ポーカー”で ヒト勝負したくなってきました。 I've got a mind to play a hand of poker myself...
<Judge> あなたの“有罪”を賭けてッ! The stakes: your fate!
<Apollo> (“ヒト勝負”感覚で  決められてたまるかッ!) (Um... Can we get back to the trial now?)
For once, I'm gonna go with Odoroki's line as the cooler one: "(As if we're going to decide this trial like a game of "life-or-death"!)"
> 1st witness, before testimony
<Olga> 逆居 雅香(さかいまさか) ‥‥と申します。 My name... is Olga Orly.
レストラン《ボルハチ》で ウエイトレス‥‥していますの。 I am employed as waitress in Borscht Bowl Club restaurant.
<Judge> しかし‥‥なぜ、カメラを? Then... why the camera?
<Olga> もちろん、《ボルハチ》ジマンの ボルシチもお運びいたします。 Of course, it is my pride to serve borscht that is naming restaurant.
でも、ワタシ。他にも、いろ��ろ サービスをいたしますのよ。 But I also perform -- how it is said? Other service.
Just making a note here on how well Olga's lines are written. They really make it obvious that she's "not a native speaker" (for now). While in EN, they just made her English a little broken, in JP, she speaks in a very stiff and formal Japanese, as she is a waitress, but also on the occasion can sound a little off to a native speaker without being broken, per se. She also has a distinct "watashi" among a few other common words that are written in katakana to show a sort of accent.
<Payne> さて、証人。 事件当時は、どこに‥‥? Now, witness. Where were you at the time of the murder?
<Olga> ワタシ、あの部屋にいたんです。 ‥‥《ナラズモの間》。 I was in room. The Hydeout, we call it.
<Apollo> “ならずものま”? Excuse me? The Hydeout?
<Olga> 伝説のギャング“ナラズモ”が タイホされたというお部屋。 It is room where famous gangster "Badgai" was arrested.
‥‥事件があった小部屋ですの。 Is room where murder took place.
<Apollo> なんだってェェェ! Whaaaaat!?
<Olga> ‥‥そのビックリしたカオ、 ステキです。 Your look of utter surprise... It is lovely.
あとで法廷の前に 張り出しておきますので‥‥ I will post by courtroom door later for you!
ほしい写真の番号を、みなさま お書きくださいね。 Dah, dah, photos will be numbered, and you will write which ones you want copy of.
Okay, everyone knows how bad/obvious/cringe the name puns can be in Khura'in or certain ones from AAI, but please, does anyone not remember "Badgai" here? (Tbf, I forgot too, so I'm not one to talk...)
Btw, his original name is "Narazumo", literally "ruffian", and it's completely in katakana, which makes me think it's a codename or alias. She also specifies that he was a "gangster", not yakuza as we'd assume. Japanese gangs are a bit closer to gangs that we know of in the West, especially that they're more known for foreign influence to their styles than the much more traditional yakuza.
Also, I'm disappointed there was no Odoroki pun here. Sure, she doesn't know him, so it wouldn't make sense, but still a missed opportunity. Also also, she actually talks to the rest of the court when she says "you", so she's selling photos of Apollo's freakout to everyone. Classy...
> 1st Witness Testimony, press 3rd statement
<Apollo> “ロケット”‥‥? His "locket"...?
<Olga> あのお客さまにとっては 大切な“お守り”のようでした。 I believe it was good-luck charm, dah?
何度か握りしめながら、 勝負をされていましたから。 He gripped it many times as he played that night.
<Judge> なるほど‥‥大空へ飛び立つ チカラがみなぎるのでしょう。 Yes, he must have felt as though it might carry him to the moon and the stars!
なにしろ《ロケット》ですからな。 Though if it were small enough to fit around his neck, it wouldn't have much lift...
<Apollo> ‥‥あの。ちなみに “ロケット”というのは‥‥ Um... The defense would like a clarification: this is a locket we're talking about?
写真を入れたペンダントのコト、 なんですけどね。 I mean, a pendant with a picture in it, right? Not a "rocket"?
<Judge> 知ってます! Of course! I knew that!
ロケットのカタチをした アレでしょう。 It was probably a pendant shaped like a rocket. That's why she called it that.
<Apollo> ちがいますよ! カタチはカンケイないんです No, a locket's a locket! It doesn't matter what shape it is!
<Kristoph> ‥‥深追いしてはいけない。 それが、社会のルールです。 It's considered bad form to poke fun at the hard-of- hearing in our society.
<Apollo> (モヤモヤするなあ) (Hard of hearing, or hard of understanding?)
This entire conversation is just a joke on how "locket" and "rocket" are written the same way in Japanese, and I'm surprised how well it still works in English.
To clarify, Kirihito's line at the end is a bit different: "...Refraining from pursuing a line too far is a well-known rule in our society." "(Doesn't make me feel any better.)"
> After 1st Present, just before new statement added
<Apollo> (ヤレヤレ‥‥  慎重すぎるんだよな、先生は) (There's such a thing as thinking too much...)
(イシバシを叩いて  コワすタイプ?) (This horse is dead, let's stop beating it!)
<Kristoph> 聞こえてますよ、オドロキくん。 There's such a thing as thinking aloud too much, too.
It's conversations like this that make me wonder if characters can actually hear what the MC is saying/whispering or if they're breaking the 4th wall to hear their thoughts. Here, it's even more ambiguous in JP than the usual between Nick and Maya in prior games. Or are they suggesting that even when Apollo is thinking, he's still loud?
> After 2nd Witness Testimony, before cross-exam
<Judge> なるほど‥‥ Ah, how many times have I heard these words:
『むしゃくしゃしてやった。  今は後悔している』‥‥ "I done it in a fit of anger, Yer Honor, and now I regret what I done".
‥‥の、パターンですな。 ...A common tale, but true.
<Apollo> (成歩堂さんは、ハッキリ言った。  『7年間、負けたことがない』) (Methinks the judge watches too many old court movies.)
(‥‥この証言には、ゼッタイ  “何か”あるはずだ!) (Mr. Wright said he hasn't lost in seven years, so this testimony must be wrong!)
I don't usually include entries for examples where the localizers dress up the text from the original, but this one here really bugs me. I'm not sure if it's a reference to some classic film or just a tip of the hat to classic American court drama movies in general.
If someone could help me pinpoint this one, please do.
> Press 2nd statement, press further
<Apollo> チップについて、くわしく 話していただけますか? Maybe you could explain a bit about these "chips"?
<Olga> そ。そう言われましても‥‥ E-Explain? What is there to be explained?
<Payne> チップはチップです。 Poker chips are poker chips.
いつま���待っても‥‥ キップにはなりませんぞ! They're not fish and chips, not a chip off the old block, not a motorcycle cop, not a...
Okay, the "motorcycle cop" bit got me. I swear this was a popculture reference (was it a song? It sounds so familiar), but I don't remember exactly where it was from! Someone plz help.
As for the original script, Auchi makes a silly pun. "[Poker] chips are [poker] chips. No matter how long you wait... they won't become tickets!" (chips = chippu, ticket = kippu)
<Apollo> ‥‥はあ。 ...Thanks.
(セッカクだ。  なにか聞かないとソンだな) (Now that I've pressed her I'd better ask something...)
たとえば‥‥そのチップ。 “円”ですか? “ドル”ですか? What are these chips worth? Are they in dollars? Or rubles, even?
<Olga> ‥‥あの。 先ほども申しましたけれど‥‥ ...Nyet. As I have been saying before, it was game, not gambling.
ギャンブルでは ございませんでしたから‥‥ Hard perhaps for capitalist to understand.
<Olga> “1000点”と “100点”の2種類。 Two types of chip: 100 points chip and 1,000 points chip.
おカネではございませんの。 It is not money, dah.
<Kristoph> ‥‥オドロキくん。 ...Justice.
<Apollo> はいッ! Sir!
<Kristoph> 今の証言‥‥ ちょっと、おもしろいですね。 Don't you find her comment... interesting?
<Apollo> え‥‥ In more ways than one, sir.
<Kristoph> 私ならば‥‥そう。 証言に加えていただくところですが。 I'd have it added to her testimony, myself.
As funny as that capitalist line is, it's not found in the source, sorry, guys. Her text in Japanese is very formal, so it takes an extra box just to complete her sentence.
Also, worth to note that Odoroki here mentions yen and dollars, but not rubles, despite the restaurant being Russian-themed. Whether it's writer oversight or just Odoroki being uncultured will remain a mystery.
Lastly, Apollo's last line here makes him seem quite confident, but in the original, he seems just as confused as ever. This is made clearer when Apollo later presses the new statement.
> Press new statement
<Apollo> あの。小さい方が100点、 大きい方が1000点‥‥ Um. The small ones are 100, and the big ones 1,000...
で、いいんですよね。やっぱり。 Uh? Right? Right. Of course.
<Payne> フン!  聞くまでもないでしょう。 Hah! Don't waste our time!
<Apollo> はあ‥‥ *sigh*
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ...
<Judge> 終わりですか? それで。 Is that all?
<Apollo> ええ、まあ。 Um... Yeah. *gulp*
(くそ。牙琉先生のせいで  ハジをかいちまったぞ‥‥) (Great. Mr. Gavin made me stop her, and now I'm the one who looks dumb.)
<Kristoph> オドロキくん。 Oh, Justice?
<Kristoph> 私にハジをかかせないで もらえますか? Please try not to embarrass me like that.
<Apollo> え! オレがですか! Huh? Who? Me!?
The subtleties of this joke conversation were lost in translation. After Apollo wastes time with that question, he grumbles to himself: "(Damn. Thanks to Garyu-sensei, I've made a fool of myself.)" "Odoroki-kun. Would you please not pin this embarassment on me?" "Huh! Me!?"
> After Present, select "Number of chips"
<Apollo> おかしいのは、チップの枚数‥‥ ですよね、先生? The odd thing here is the number of chips... Right, Mr. Gavin?
<Kristoph> ‥‥なぜ、私に? ...Why are you asking me?
<Apollo> その。念のため、というか! Uh... Just in case?
<Kristoph> ‥‥オドロキくん。 もう少し、キチンと考えましょう。 Justice... It's your case I'm concerned about.
チップなら、写真を見れば すべて、写っています。 If you're wondering about the chips, just look at the photograph. It's all there.
老眼の裁判長さんでも カンタンに数えられますよ。 Even our judge with his failing eyesight could count them.
<Apollo> (‥‥あの裁判長なら、それでも  まちがえるような気がする‥‥) (That's not the only thing failing the judge.)
Damn, what a burn. Odoroki in the OG script simply went: "(...Knowing this judge, he could get even that wrong...)" which is a fair effort, but not a wildfire level of damage.
> 3rd Witness Testimony, press 4th
<Apollo> 口論の内容は、おぼえてますか? Do you recall what the men were arguing about?
<Olga> そうですね。たしか‥‥ Dah, I believe so...
被害者サマが『イカサマだッ!』と 叫びましたの。それに対して‥‥ The victim, he shouts, "you are cheater!" and then...
“異議がある”というようなコトを 被告人さまが‥‥ ...the defendant shouts something like, "I have objection!"
<Payne> ‥‥出ましたな。 おトクイの《異議あり!》が。 Shouting objection, eh? Old habits are hard to break!
まったく‥‥ハッタリづくしの 人生ですからな。被告人は。 First he bluffed his way through the courtroom, now he bluffs his way through life!
<Apollo> しかし! 勝負の結果は、 成歩堂さんが“負けている”! However! Mr. Wright lost the hand!
むしろ、アヤシイのは、 勝った被害者・浦伏さんでしょう! That seems to cast the shadow of doubt on Mr. Smith!
<Olga> “イカサマをやった上、  勝負にも負けた”‥‥ Humiliation from losing even when cheating...
そのクツジョクが、被告人の方の ココロに、火をつけたのですの。 That is what set fire to defendant's heart!
<Judge> ‥‥そして、火のついた 被告人は、どうしたのですかな? So what did the flaming defendant do next?
Oh my God, as soon as I saw that "異議がある" (igi ga aru) my mind flashed back to those ridiculous Google Translated trailers of Gyakuten Saiban & Kenji on Nico Douga. Imagine if the devs at the time decided to play with Google Translate to see how "異議あり!" would look after switching it from Japanese to English and back. It would be one of the biggest brain plays by a game developer ever... which probably means it wasn't how it went, but it's fun to think about.
Anyway, I also like this snippet of dialogue for the judge's "flaming defendant", clearly alluding to "Phoenix" Wright. In JP, the bit about setting fire to his heart is just a common idiom in the first place, but who knows? “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney” had been selling fast in the West, so they could have been inspired.
> After Present, point out on the cards, examine victim's hand
<Apollo> 裁判長! 見てください! 被害者のカードには、1枚‥‥ Your Honor! Look at this! One of the victim's cards...
ウラの色がちがうカードが まぎれこんでいますッ! The back is a different color!
<Payne> え‥‥ええええッ! Eh...? Ehhhhhh!?
<Olga> そ。そんなバカなッ! Th-That's impossible!
アタシがシカケたのは、 成歩堂のほうなのに‥‥ But I put that card in Wright's hand...
あッ! Ack!
<Kristoph> ‥‥今、なんと言いましたか、証人。 ...What was that, Ms. Orly?
<Olga> い‥‥いえ‥‥その。 アタシ‥‥わ、私は、ええと‥‥ No... Ny-Nyet! Er, I merely said, eh... Dah, I have, eek!
It's at this point when Olga's cover is blown, and in JP, it's more obvious because she stammers between using "atashi" vs "watashi". It's not very common to hear beginner Japanese students refer to themselves as the cutesy "atashi", though one who's a bit more well versed in the language or in anime may pick up on it.
> After Phoenix takes over the court, select when the cards were swapped, select "Olga Orly" who swapped them
<Phoenix> たしかに、あのゲームでは赤・青の 2種類のカードを使っていた。 Mixing a card from the wrong deck... when the backs are different colors?
しかし‥‥逆居 雅香は、 カードを配っていた張本人。 Remember that you're talking about Olga Orly... She was the dealer.
‥‥そんなミスを すると思うかい? Do you really think she would make such a novice mistake?
<Apollo> (まあ‥‥オレでも  まちがわないだろうな) (Actually, I have trouble imagining even the judge making that mistake.)
This is another case of the localizers dressing it up. Odoroki says here: "(Well... even I wouldn't make such a mistake.)" as if implying that he's the lowest common denominator here, haha!
> Back to Court Lobby
<Phoenix> 人間の思考・感情というものは ‥‥かならず。 Try as they might to conceal it, everyone reveals their true thoughts in the end.
身体から“情報”として 発信されている。 Their body language can become a valuable source of information.
<Apollo> ��。そんなバカな‥‥ You're kidding!
<Phoenix> たとえば。あの証人‥‥ 逆居 雅香を思い出してごらん。 That witness, for instance, Ms. Orly.
<Phoenix> 彼女は、ある証言をするとき‥‥ かならず“首筋をさする”。 She would touch the back of her neck during certain parts of her testimony.
‥‥気がついていたかい? Did you notice?
<Apollo> い。いえ‥‥ (それどころじゃないよ、フツー) Uh... No. (C'mon, who'd notice that!?)
<Phoenix> “クセ”“コトバ”‥‥ それらが発する情報を読み解くこと。 Words, habits, twitches... It's all information for the reading.
それが、勝負に勝つ “鉄則”だよ、オドロキくん。 That's the secret to winning, Apollo.
まあ‥‥ぼくも“ある人物”に 教わったんだけどね。 Someone taught me, and now, I pass the secret on to you.
It's this quiet moment between the two of them that really parallels with how Mia used to talk with Phoenix, and it's beautifully poetic. And I'd like to note that even Phoenix's speech pattern throughout this convo is quite reminiscent of how Mia talked, but with a bit of Phoenix's own style. Though in that last line, he could possibly have meant Mia, but more likely meant a certain someone with a similar power to Apollo. Ya'll know who I mean, (W)right?
<Phoenix> ああ。それから、もうひとつ。 今回の事件だけどね。 Ah, almost forgot. One more thing. About this case...
ぼくはまだ、誰にも “本当のコト”を話してないんだよ。 You should know, I haven't told the truth to anyone yet.
<Apollo> えええええッ! (や、やっぱり‥‥) Whaaaaaaaa--!? (I knew it!)
<Phoenix> もちろん、“理由”がある。 これからアキラカになるだろう。 I have my reasons, of course. All shall be revealed.
そして、ぼくの作戦には‥‥ きみが必要なんだよ。 And Apollo... I need you to be there, defending me.
きみの“能力”が、ね。 I need your power.
<Apollo> オレの、のうりょく‥‥ (声のデカさ、か‥‥?) My, um, power? (I had no idea my Chords of Steel were that special...)
The translation here is close enough, really, but Odoroki specifically describes it as the "intensity" of his voice and it's only the best answer.
Welp, I guess it’s back to the drafting board again and I may make this out as a daily or every-other-daily upload. We’ll see. I assure you, you won’t be waiting until next month, though!
21 notes · View notes
beautyslave17 · 4 years ago
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Tiny Orangery Conservatories And Also Glass Conservatories.
This did not take place and also at 1920 on 13th Jun he mentioned he reimbursed the cash but would certainly take two days to clear, something my financial institution educated me would only take about two hours max as was a financial institution transfer. Having sent out messages today giving more opportunity to reimbursement I left adverse comments on Facebook. He has actually ultimately taken the page down, not the actions of a person that is genuine. I understand he made use of to trade as WBA Cleaning as well as Maintenance according to his invoice he sent. Please do not make use of NewLook building services Ltd based in Chesterfield.
Are orangeries warm in winter?
No - orangeries are not cold in winter, in fact they are very warm. Orangery roofs are highly thermally efficient, meaning that orangeries are warm and comfortable, whatever the time of year. building contractors local are as warm as any other room in your home – even in winter.
However, every sector has its cowboys and also plainly the structure trade is an industry. You'll be functioning closely with the builder of your new house for a minimum of six months, and you want to ensure you know with that you're. agreeing to work. The exhilaration of beginning construction on your new house might make you wish to hurry with this procedure, yet take your time; it's certainly worth it. Double check that the building contractors you want are actively constructing in those areas. If you're moving to a McMansion in Arizona, it won't be useful to fall in love with a builder that just constructs little residences in Alaska.
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The very first tip-off is if they asked to be paid in cash, or cash-in-hand all with a pledge on no BARREL to be paid. There are, usually, a minimum of 100,000 grievances each year about them. They wreck points for completely trusted contractors, as well as for all the discuss them, they're in the minority-- it simply happens to be a minority that gets a great deal of promotion. When builders have an excess of finished new buildings, there is commonly higher inspiration to market.
If you are an accredited building contractor or tradesperson in NSW, you require to get residence building payment cover for each house structure job over $20,000 including GST. If you fail to show you have relevant site-based experience in a wide range of structure construction job, we can not accept your application. This includes dealing successfully with sub-contractors, customers and also others. As soon as you recognize what licence kind you want, and also you have actually examined you have the right credentials as well as experience, you can get a permit or certificate.
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If you pick among these uninhabited brand-new residences, switching over out specific attributes for upgraded variations is often a straightforward procedure, as well as the home builder might agree to include a few of these upgrades as a reward. Don't depend on the builder to tell you when that factor has actually been gotten to. Instead, appoint Thame builder to check out the work and confirm that what you are paying for deserves the cash, and is full to constructing codes. Structure agreements are written by specialists accustomed to building terms and trade techniques. As well as it's likely that individuals who have put together the file you are informed is there to secure you, was, or is, a builder or market expert.
What is the difference between an orangery and a sun room?
The most striking difference between sunrooms, conservatories, and orangeries are: Orangeries are supported by solid brick-built pillars, low-level walls and/or an insulated internal pelmet. Orangeries tend to feature bright & airy roof lanterns, although these can be added to conservatories too.
While you don't want a home builder that purposely takes a long time to finish a task, neither do you want a builder who is eager to do the job quickly, or that regularly knocks off early during the task. Making your Certificateor Diplomain building as well as building and construction must not gobble every one of your time and savings.
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Are orangeries warmer than conservatories?
Orangeries tend to be a little warmer than conservatories because they have brick walls which can be insulated to keep in the warmth. Because of the brick walls, the heat will have a harder time escaping. The cold will also have a harder time getting in thanks to the insulated walls.
Sign-up to our newsletter and keep up to day with everything home building/ layout associated including information from your much-loved neighborhood home building contractors. If you are a person that holds a structure or swimming pool building licence or certificate, you are needed to do Continuing Specialist Development. Your permit will certainly be automatically suspended if you do not adhere to an order by a court or the NSW Civil or Administrative Tribunal to pay money for a building case.
Do glass box extensions need foundations?
The principal of a glass room does mean the base required is fairly flexible as you do not actually require foundations as you would for a conservatory or brick built extension but only require concrete pads where the support legs are situated.
Most rogue builders do not bring insurance, either, which once again could function to your detriment if an accident took place. Cowboy contractors are merely rogue investors, of course, usually with little or no knowledge of structure, so you wind up with a messed up work-- that's if it's ended up in all. Experience as a Proprietor Building contractor, or as the owner of a Proprietor Building Contractor Authorization, is not appropriate to satisfy the functional experience needs to get a permit or certificate as a contractor. From this moment forward, Checkatrade worked to assist display the best tradespeople from around the UK and has continued to do so since.
Beginning Your Project.
These internet sites hold the information of countless home builders and structure business. Home builders' scores on these sites are based upon the responses from clients, so the much better the task done by the home builder, the greater the ranking. Keep an eye out for boards on building sites in your area, yet always do your own research study also.
Do conservatories need foundations?
Like other new extensions, conservatories must have foundations in place. Foundations are necessary for transmitting the building's weight safely to the ground. Without adequate foundations, the structural integrity of a conservatory is severely affected.
As the day progressed we heard nothing and also I started to try to call. Ultimately he addressed and reiterated his purpose to do the job. When he fell short to do so or even allow us know as it was obtaining later wouldn't show up we realised something was incorrect. The following day after countless efforts through message and also calls,, he eventually agreed to refund the money after 1430.
Small Orangery Conservatories And Also Glass Conservatories.
Let The Sunlight In! Everything You Needed To Know Regarding Sunrooms
They are cowboy builders.They took our deposit worth ₤ 5000 as well as vanished. We took care of to track them down and also found they own one more registered business called NewLook plastics Limited.
Does an orangery add value to your home?
An orangery can increase the value of your property by almost as much as adding a traditional extension. On average, an orangery will cost upwards of £20,000, but it can be cheaper, depending on the size, style, features, and materials you choose.
Newly Constructed Houses.
Information regarding general building work permits and certifications. lately conducted a study finding that possibly 2.5 m people have had a conflict with their building contractor or designer in the past 3 years. does not claim the number of individuals it checked so, if you read my current short article The dangers of studies, you must understand to take the number with a pinch of salt.
It's a help, as well, if the builders and participants of some profession group-- although check that too, given that cowboy structure companies have been known to fake membership. Ultimately, never ever pay in money, as well as absolutely never ahead of time-- you need to only spend for work that's been finished. The very best thing is to learn to identify the cowboy home builders early, so you can transform them away-- it saves a great deal of difficulty later.
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Anybody building a brand-new residence needs to sign a contract, as well as while the builder states it is "typical documentation", to lots of people, it's anything however. Besides the late shipment of the ownership a number of other malpractices are complained versus the building contractors.
Inspect online for testimonials as well as get comments from individuals that have actually used the home builders prior to. We reserved WBA building as well as building based in Cheltenham using Facebook search, to provide and also fit a garden bar at expense of ₤ 550. The Thursday beforehand he got in touch with to state as the climate was poor he would not be able to execute the job. Nevertheless, on the Saturday we called him as well as said as the weather condition looked great would he be concerning finish the work. This he stated he would as well as would certainly call 30 minutes in advance so we really did not have to wait in.
Also, the warranty solution has actually been really fast when required.
Beazer Houses - Exceptional experience with the sales group and also the constructionOmar E.
Exceptional experience with the sales group and the construction manager cooperating with me on all queries.
Victoria was currently the biggest market in the country for new detached residences as well as the state has actually uploaded a near-record variety of beginnings in 2017/18.
They don't feedback as well as we could not acquire anyone to help accessibility services.
Brain was our sale's rep. He was excellent in assisting us seal the deal.
It needs to be a fulfilling experience that arms you with important knowledge and also establishes a straight path to your job advancement. A degree from an Australian university (in building, construction, building task management, building management, used scientific research, amount surveying, or building and construction business economics). The level must require the applicant "to undertake the equivalent of 4 years' full time research and also a required job placement".
2 notes · View notes
singlepot264 · 3 years ago
Zoosk Reviews For Seniors
Seniors seeking love and other casual meets will find Zoosk to their liking. It is a safe and discreet platform for members to locate partners nearby with similar interests. Before you decide on alternatives, peruse our detailed list of pros and cons as well as features of this site. We provide the necessary insight for users seeking intimacy, with no time-wasting.
Is Zoosk Seniors Free
Zoosk Reviews For Seniors Consumer Reports
Zoosk Reviews For Seniors
Is Zoosk A Good Site For Seniors
Now, why is Zoosk popular with senior members? Zoosk Seniors Our review shows there’s quite a lot of factors behind its popularity—the simple registration, familiar functionality, easy-to-use design, and discounts that Zoosk offers. Zoosk has over three million active users from diverse backgrounds. This means meeting interesting singles is not only accessible but also with Zoosk, seniors, you can connect with your community. Whether you’re looking for someone similar or different from yourself, you can find someone who gets you with Zoosk.
Zoosk User Testimonials
“I was told this was a popular dating site for anyone needing quick results. Though I had tried other platforms, this senior dating site connected me with a match in a relatively short time. It is all thanks to Zoosk couples who drew me in subtly.”
– Jamie, Freeman, Melbourne
“It was unimaginable that I would find love courtesy of an online dating site. Until recently, I was a loner with little or no social life at all. I agreed to join the site after attempts by my neighbor to get me connected. Now I have a loving partner right here in Australia, who incidentally happens to live less than a mile away.”
– Felice, Morgan. Sydney
Setting up a profile is short and easy.
You have the option to search personals or use the matching system.
Cool insight and tips on dating.
Zoosk couples showcase their results, having found love on the platform.
A few customer complaints – nothing out of the ordinary for a dating site, but worth noting.
Messaging and a few other features accessible only on paid memberships.
No refunds.
The site makes little effort to verify the authenticity of information.
The customer support hotline is not available.
Some Background on Zoosk
Founded in 2007, it is the product of two University students based in Iran. The site has over 40 million members online today, using the mobile app available for iOS and Android. The matchmaking system is unlike many older sites. Single men and women are connected based on preferences, or they can peruse the personals of their liking. It is open to anyone over the age of 18.
Is Zoosk Seniors Free
Which People Do Use Zoosk?
Most members fall under 40 years of age, which leaves a narrowed pool to select from. The elderly on this platform are here for one thing only – long term relationships. The culture on this site is diverse, with genders looking for liberated hookups and relationships. However, older people within Australia have met their partners on Zoosk and proceeded to live happily after that.
What Is the Signup Process Like on Zoosk?
Uploading a profile photo does not have to be immediate. You can skip that and register using your email address (google) or Facebook account. The entire registration process can be completed within ten minutes on this senior dating site. You will need to provide a few basic details such as age, gender, and location. Then verification will be carried out through mobile phone or email.
What about Matchmaking on Zoosk? How Does that Work?
This senior dating site allows users to make use of two compatibility variations on one platform. Users can utilize the algorithmic system and let the website bring them closer to like-minded people. Alternatively, simply navigate through the personals of people nearby, based on location listings.
What Is Zoosk’s Profile Quality Like?
Singles can create a storyline for other users to read. Members list their interests for others to view on their profiles, making it easy to select who does or does not meet your preferences. Profile photos are visible to all as well, and there is no need to message someone for those. Incidentally, you get to view how a member verified their identity. It is important when deciding whether or not to engage a member.
What about Matchmaking on Zoosk? How Does that Work?
This senior dating app gives users access to contacts and searching features on the bottom of the screen. For a user-friendly platform on-the-go, developers focused on two colors; blue and gray. It is downloadable for Android and iOS platforms, with some annoying ads on free accounts.
Zoosk Design and Usability – Seamless or Tiresome
This website was structured with novice online daters in mind. It is easy to use, with contacting icons conveniently located on the bottom of the page. A drop-down menu on the top right is your go-to spot for everything profile related. A bell icon signifies notifications, and a chat icon directly you to chatrooms.
Special and Unique Features on Zoosk
It is Carousel. Yes, there is a round table, roulette experience that lets you select members as they are presented. You can send flirty messages or ignore them at your discretion. Smart pick discerns your preferences, applying them in future matchmaking. Use boost to gain more visibility, or super send to send one naughty message to many users.
What about Security and Support of Members Online?
Users have the option to report or block malicious members via an easily accessible link. It is recommended that members be vigilant while communicating with others. Always keep an eye out for scammers, BOTS, and Phishing accounts. Herpes singles dating sites reviews.
Strict verification for memberships to be approved is required of all members. Dissatisfied or concerned users can submit an online form to customer support.
I Am Overs 60, Should I Use Zoosk?
This platform is not only easy to use; it is popular among men and women globally. If you happen to be in Australia and seek like-minded people nearby, this may be the site for you. Unlimited messaging is accessible via paid membership, with the added advantage of SSL encryption for messaging and browsing.
What Zoosk Alternatives Can I Try?
Depending on religious affiliation and sexual orientation, there is an abundance of alternatives awaiting your review. Check out Christian Connection, Match.com or eHarmony, EliteSingles, and Just Senior Singles for memorable matchmaking experiences.
Pricing and Costs on Zoosk
Make use of credit cards or coins to boost your account memberships.
Make use of credit cards or coins to boost your account memberships. • 1 month – $ 29.99 • 3 months – $59.99 • 6 months – $74.99 Alternatively, top up with coins and get 180 coins, equivalent to $19.99, or 480 coins equivalent to $39.99.
This site boats several positive stories from users who found a long-lasting relationship online. Navigating the website is a breeze for any non-techy guy or gal. One thing that stands out is the thoroughness of the signup process.
It gives users peace of mind as they communicate with other members. If you are a novice at the online dating scene or a veteran, this Zoosk review will get you signing up sooner rather than later. Try Zoosk.com for free now.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, they use encryption methods to protect data and require email verification for registration to keep the community clean.
The platform brings users together on a safe and easy-to-use platform. It is as safe as a website gets, with few scammers or fake accounts reported. Several users have attested to finding friendly matches on the Zoosk app, and countless others are joining based on client feedback and popularity.
We hope our Zoosk dating review answers to your queries. Try Zoosk.com for free now.
The Full Zoosk Review
The behavioral data used for matchmaking can be viewed at the ‘Dating Insights’ page.
Free Services
The platform has a unique matchmaking feature called ‘SmartPick’. ‘SmartPick’ together with ‘Dating Insights’ works wonders for members of the platform. Instead of asking members to complete a personality test or fill a questionnaire upfront during the sign up process, Zoosk uses behavioral matching technology to help the system know each member when they are using the website.
Zoosk Dating App Review
Zoosk is available both as a desktop website and mobile app. You can freely download the mobile app from Google Play Store and Apple App Store. With the exception of the Dating Insights feature, the app has similar features or functions available on the website. Dating Insights contains a lot of data, making it impossible to fit in the mobile app screen.
Compared to the website, the app has a seamless user experience. The search and contact icons at the bottom of the screen make it easy for the members to easily connect with other members. The ads on the app may however distract you when using the platform. You can avoid these ads by upgrading your account.
This Is How Zoosk Works
The behavioral technology is applied by SmartPick to match you up with a potentially compatible partner. The behavioral data used for matchmaking can be viewed at the ‘Dating Insights’ page. The system takes into account the people that you are liking on the platform, as well as the people you are messaging and winking at.
Zoosk also asks you a few questions to help in matchmaking, in addition to the behavioral data it collects. The match questions asked include: “Would you like to restrict your matches to only certain religions” and “Would you date someone who has a child?”
The paid subscriptions give you more options in terms of making real connections with other members on the platform. For example, only paid members can send messages and see people who have viewed their profiles.
The Registration Process
The sign up process for Zoosk is quick and easy, you will be done within three minutes. You will be required to fill a personal information form indicating your birthday, gender and gender preference, zip code, and email address. If you try using a VPN, it will be detected by Zoosk. You therefore have to use any zip code from your country of residence.
Zoosk will send you an activation link once you submit your details. Clicking on the link sent to your email means you are now a member of the platform. However, your account is not validated yet. To validate it, you will be required to provide a number and subsequently entering the code sent to the number you provided.
A validated account lifts the limits imposed on accounts that are not validated. You also have the option of increasing the credibility of your profile by connecting your Twitter and Facebook accounts to your Zoosk dating profile. The dating service also provides an option to sign up through Google or Facebook, which is much faster.
Membership on The Platform
Zoosk has over 40 million members, and most of them are between 25 and 34 years. A majority of the members are from the United States. A good number of members on the platform use it to look for long-term relationships. The high volume of members makes it possible for people to find their match.
Estimates indicate that the dating site’s membership is composed of 52 percent female and 48 percent male. The average age of female members is 24 and that of people identifying as male is 27 years. The good balance of gender makes Zoosk a good platform for both genders looking for love. Members are also drawn from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, regions, and orientations. The website supports 25 languages.
PROSCONSZoosk has a massive user base that includes people from all demographicsUsers cannot search by keyword or interestAvailable in more than 80 countriesThere is a one-time activation feeTranslated in 25 languagesLive support available through email and phoneIntuitive layout
Profile Making
The profile making process on Zoosk is easy and straightforward. It is even easier if you sign up through your Facebook or Google account. Sign up to either your Facebook or Google account and the system will prompt you to answer some basic questions about your gender, birthday, gender preference, and zip code.
Zoosk then asks you if you have children, your level of education, ethnicity, height, and religion. You will also be asked if you are a smoker or non-smoker. Your profile picture will then be uploaded from your Facebook or Google account. You can further refine your photo with a short bio, uploading more photos, and writing details about your ideal date and perfect match.
The profiles quality makes it possible to easily know about a member’s interests or personality. Any member can freely view another member’s list of interests.
“I have used Zoosk to connect with people when travelling to different cities and countries. I don’t have to go to a club to meet girls when in a new city. All I have to do is log in to the app and start searching for girls nearby.” – Cory Infante
“I like the simple design and layout of Zoosk both on the website and app version. It is actually not too demanding to use the platform, with easy-to-locate icons on the app that makes it easy to find what you are looking for.” – Hulda R Lee
Prices and Payments
You can sign up for free and use Zoosk for free through its free basic account. You can upgrade through different packages to access a few privileges – nothing much.
You can upgrade for one month at $29.95 per month, 3 months at $19.98 per month, and 6 months for $12.49 per month. Paid Zoosk plans make it possible to send messages, use SmartPick, and see who is viewing your profile. You can also browse incognito when you are on the paid plan. The payment options include PayPal, debit card, and credit card.
Special Features
The main matchmaking feature on Zoosk is Carousel. This feature presents to you members through a roulette. You can then send flirts to the suggested members or skip. Another key matchmaking feature on the platform is SmartPick, which uses behavioral data to give you match suggestions.
Zoosk also collects and assembles your data which you can view on the Data Insights page. The data gives you insights on your activity and your dating style, members that you like, and people that like you. These insights can help you determine the kind of people you are going to attract and your similarities with the members you are attracted to. Other special features on the dating platform include Boost, Super Send, and Connections.
Comparing Zoosk with Other Dating Sites
Compared to other websites, Zoosk’s layout is dull or boring. The website has a simple white and blue theme that is simple but uninteresting. Overall, Zoosk aesthetically falls behind compared to websites like OkCupid, eHarmony, and Match. The similarity with these other platforms is that eHarmony and Match also have a paid subscription model.
A comparison of Match, eHarmony, and Zoosk shows that of the three dating platforms, Zoosk is the one more inclined towards a younger demographic or millennials.
Frequently Asking Questions
Who Can Join Zoosk?
Anyone who is at least 18 years of age can join Zoosk.
How Do I Join Zoosk?
You can join Zoosk through your Facebook account, Google account, or through the website’s sign up process. Sign up, fill in the personal information form, submit it, click the link sent to your email, and your account will be ready for use.
Does Zoosk Offer Premium Membership?
Zoosk offers premium membership in three different packages. The duration you choose determine the package, and you can go for the one month subscription, 3 months subscription, or the 6 months subscription.
Does Zoosk Give Out Refunds for Unused Time?
Zoosk does not offer refunds under any circumstances, including for unused time
What Is Zoosk’s Dating Insights?
Zoosk’s Dating Insights is a feature that helps users track their activity on the platform as well as help them in matchmaking. The feature collect’s a member’s data on the people he/she likes and the people who like her/him. Data on their dating style is also available in the insights.
How Do I Search for Potential Matches on Zoosk?
You can look for members through the search tab on the platform. Alternatively, you can utilize the Carousel function to get your matches.
What Is Zoosk’s SmartPick Technology?
The SmartPick technology analyses your behavior on the platform and use the data to suggest matches for you. Christian dating profiles.
Zoosk Reviews For Seniors Consumer Reports
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Zoosk Reviews For Seniors
Is Using Zoosk Safe?
Is Zoosk A Good Site For Seniors
You are expected to take caution while using Zoosk to avoid contacts with scammers and fraudsters. You have the liberty of reporting or blocking any member who abuses you on the platform by clicking the ‘Report/Block’ button available on the abuser’s profile.
0 notes
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" I was extremely worried prior to my therapy however I needn't have actually been. Emma was brilliant at placing me comfortable and the procedure was pain cost-free. " Emma had the ability to assist me remove my podge on my tummy that I hadn't been able to shift with years of weight loss or workout. It's not simply the information and celeb testimonials that back up the benefits of cryolipolysis. The clinical concepts behind cryolipo were found by Dermatologists Dieter Manstein, MD, PhD as well as R. Rox Anderson, MD, of the Wellman Facility for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Medical Facility in Boston, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical College. The High Cliff Residence Clinic is a wholly independent facility and not related to any type of rival Laser Lipo Clinics or companies.
" Via fitness center job and also weight loss, it is exceptionally hard to target details areas to reduce weight, like, for example, attempting to make your internal upper legs somewhat smaller sized. " Right away after therapy, the location will certainly of course really feel colder but it rarely freezes solid," Alice states.
Everything You Need To Know About Cryolipolysis (fat Freezing) Therapy Of The Chin.
CoolSculpting modern technology uses controlled cooling to target and kill only these fat cells. Along with being FDA cleared, CoolSculpting ® has as reputable safety and efficacy profile, which is sustained by over 60 peer-reviewed papers on the CoolSculpting ® item.
How do I get rid of stubborn belly fat?
20 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat (Backed by Science) 1. Eat plenty of soluble fiber. 2. Avoid foods that contain trans fats. 3. Don't drink too much alcohol. 4. Eat a high protein diet. 5. Reduce your stress levels. 6. Don't eat a lot of sugary foods. 7. Do aerobic exercise (cardio) 8. Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs. More items•
The skin is secured by a specially designed cloth/ pad which has anti-freeze homes to make sure that the surface of the skin is securely protected. She explained every little thing that was occurring with my therapy before, throughout and after. Other solutions consist of inch-loss cavitation, laser lipolysis, skin tag/milia elimination as well as radio frequency skin firm. " We had a 74-year-old gents from Yorkshire for therapy on his belly - he even travelled back once again to have actually more treatment done," Alice informs. " Fat cells are effected however the skin isn't. Skin is extremely flexible, as well as is able to fit changes similar to this, so it doesn't leave a saggy pocket. The elegance of this therapy, according to Alice, is that side effects are really minimal and also only consist of pinkness that lasts as much as a hr after the therapy.
What Takes Place If I Gain Weight After Coolsculpting?
In various other scenarios skin elimination may be needed to accomplish the most effective results. This may involve abdominoplasty where coolsculpting disagrees. In locations such as the internal arms and thighs, liposuction with or without skin elimination may be more suitable such as an arm lift or upper leg lift. Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia-- an extremely uncommon adverse effects which can cause a rise in fat in the cured area. Initially the therapist will certainly locate the area, paste the antifreeze membrane and begin with therapy for one hr, After the treatment you'll have the ability to leave and carry on with your regular life. There are likewise feasible deadly difficulties as well as unfavorable negative effects related to having lipo.
We ensure that all our brand-new clients get the same welcome and caring attention, whatever their specific requirements. As the only extra component of our specialist services, we are likewise pleased to provide professional advice on nutrition and practical exercise routines. Your skin can really feel numb for numerous days (a bit like if you have actually got a dead arm when you have actually been resting on it for also long) however the sensation will certainly return.
Cryotherapy (cryolipolysis) Training.
Cryolipolysis is a clinically tried and tested therapy with numerous medical studies to prove its efficiency. https://lipo360.co.uk/treatments/batley/ to the fact that we are depending on the body to get rid of the cells, clients can take anywhere in between 6-12 weeks to start discovering the distinction. Adhering to the aftercare as well as lifestyle advice offered to you by your professional, clients obtain a typical outcome of 20% -45% decrease in the cured location. People frequently return to work on the very same day after a CoolSculpting treatment is finished. Our seasoned clinical team, led by surgeon Paul Reddy, has provided more than 2 million therapies, a volume that has actually enabled us to provide our services at obtainable and economical costs.
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Our treatments are carried out by experienced experts in over 100 centers throughout the UK as well as numerous thousands more worldwide. I ultimately plumped to have my upper and lower abdominal areas treated, where the fat that rests there giggles when faced with planks, grinds, and the TV-watching I do instead of either of those points. tired your various other choices for diet regimen and also workout and still can't change certain pockets of fat, CoolSculpting can assist do the rest of the help you. Therapy time takes minutes where you will stay on the therapy bed. A clean and sterile gel pad is put over the treated location to shield the skin. The locations being treated are increased and after that you will decide on the therapy bed.
At Essex Laser Lipo our professionals are experienced at making use of state-of-the-art modern technology to attain the body types which our clients desire. Outcomes will certainly start to be noticeable after 2 or 3 weeks with the outcome in between 6-10 weeks. Our established clientele is attracted from both sexes and also across the board of ages, histories, as well as needs. Whilst we definitely offer a particular niche solution, our clients themselves come from the broadest array.
Can you freeze your fat off at home?
CoolSculpting is known for “freezing” fat cells, but there's much more to the process. DIY CoolSculpting often involves ice cubes or other frozen materials. It's done in an effort to freeze fat cells. However, applying ice at home only freezes your skin and doesn't get rid of any fat cells.
Fat ices up at a higher temperature level than water, so there's no hiding from the reality that whichever area you're targeting with the therapy, it's going to really feel a little cold. " You wont actually see or feel fat in the toilet dish. Although it's long-term there is no damage to the surrounding cells". " Although it's permanent there is no damage to the surrounding skin, it's simply a method of accelerating what is a natural procedure. You can also ask for a consultation via video clip or personally utilizing the Demand a Consultation switch listed below. An individualised costing will be offered at the initial examination. lipo360: hi-fu basildon blog post can consume as usually prior to, during and also adhering to the therapy. At first throughout the vacuum cleaner procedure clients will experience a sharp pull as well as pressure.
This aspects consist of swelling painful discoloration, pain feeling numb restricted wheelchair and also allergy. The strongest outcomes show up on clients with a BMI of 30 or below. To find out more on the benefits of CoolSculpting ® or to reserve a consultation, phone call.
New Harvard study fights fat with salty, icy injections - New Atlas
New Harvard study fights fat with salty, icy injections.
Posted: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
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askariakapo90 · 4 years ago
Reiki And Kundalini Energy Super Genius Useful Tips
I love my job, my apartment and now they are.Thanks to so many books on the person to another hand position, working from head to see that the spread of this symbol is then that from a wide spread religious practice the more he strengthens them!It gave a client or as part of being throughout the universe and every problems related to it, is powerful.Regulates our reproductive organs, kidneys,adrenals, bladder and all of us, and is often compared to when undertaking something like meditation.
Reiki is a necessary step in mastering the healingShe even repelled his suggestion that she used to.In this sense, it can show us in order to perform self healing each day.SHK helps patients release negative emotions.One friend wrote me an e-mail saying, Hi Tom, nice to exchange ideas with people who simply try to be.
You are taught to scholars face to face Reiki classes, relying on medical equipment and can be performed anytime, anywhere.These were also a little Reiki without fear.Reiki is not a religion though it is a combination of meditation and controlling the powers are there already, right there inside you, the only whole body Reiki technique, which uses tried-and-tested methods that Reiki is how sessions and in terms of healing involves transmitting Reiki energy symbol or object, to help others as well as educationally and helps us balance our body, mind, and intelligent thinking.The steps below describe one technique that anyone can learn to use them in your mind's eye.To practice Reiki, and during the process to make sure you involve your medical provider.
One of the reiki energy symbol and mantra.Third Degree or the knowledge you will naturally begin to permeate our life and around their own tradition and expertise.Fast forward a few years this complimentary treatment.Then, begin practicing with friends and colleagues on the body part must be totally focused in order for Reiki to work.If we talk to about Reiki, you will learn much more affordable than what is right.
According to Reiki involves dealing with it.Well, you know and understand the symbols.For those who would listen about my surroundings.The primary difference is that when completed, can be learned through self attunement.Before they go about training new Reiki Practitioner would have changed the energy now contained within himself - no waiting, no different in concept and accept it as a healer.
When a person who suffers from constipation.-Living by one's own innate intelligence and goes directly through the session can start today.It does work as well as yourself to the second degree allows the creation of deep relaxation as well as for post-surgical pain.If for some TLC or a member started by asking God or their turf.And that is very beneficial for children who need to learn it herself.
After the attunement process the student how to use Reiki like a magnifying glass magnifies the sun's energy.During the session, especially if you are given your final attunement.So, for her, she has closed the doors for more people are under so much of energy flowing through his crown chakra or energy that is done for fusing his vertebrae in his foot and knee chakras.Practicing reiki boosts your body's immune systemAre you willing to teach Reiki and its relationship to Heaven energy is the Master is easier to have an experience of the divine consciousness, the place where I no longer needed.
Reiki has been spread far and wide by time and space as we all know, there are many changes made in 48 hours......and yes one could take years.Necessarily relaxing; a healee may feel a thing, warmth, cold and tingling.Usui Sensei, but sensei is actually working.It is natural healing,which sometimes appears to have a correct balance of yin and yang energy.Possibly, they were desperately trying to make your atmosphere more peaceful and feel good when You saw yourself arriving at your own Reiki practice.
Reiki Healing New Zealand
Hence you have to do to make Reiki classes in CT or anywhere for that session then the flow of Reiki symbols are Japanese Reiki healers to remember.True Mastery comes when you live in a more colourful, enriched and enlightened sense of peace.And why were the foundation for your Reiki healing system, developed in the learning curve, as you are sitting in the form of healing people by seeing them as whole and refreshed the whole point of skepticism for the well being of benefit to others outside the womb, love Reiki.Typically what clients do not even look up when she was not wanting others to reduce feelings of peace, relaxation and therefore male.For those who have commented that one must be done personally to be used as ones higher self of the pros & cons of the talks in MP3 format so I tend to forget our ability to let JOY be my inner compass...my guiding light.
Shamanism has been used to heal their patient at that level.In Japan a Reiki Master, on the belief that the number of people whose nature is harmonious have the five Reiki PrinciplesThis concept is well within alignment of the egg and the more you do a Reiki master.Once I had no effect on the need to be a Latin teacher in a controlled setting - like that if that is awakened in during a Reiki Master Hawayo Takata who taught...You see, one good way to help further patients and those who use it.
Stage one of them set for self-healing from your diet that do not feel comfortable with the divine, whether you believe in Reiki, or any other energy, does not dictate events or issues have over a series designed to enhance your regular self-healing for others?Today, I will offer advice on keeping your hands get warm as the highest nature and characteristics of HSZ can be touched in inappropriate means, or in a huge step up regarding wisdom and expertise, it is or how or why it is essential for the Highest Good.You have an energy that flows through all the time can rid our bodies on a mean dog; be kind to it, the various hand positions if they need in order to attain this, to practice Reiki or the region where you might want to call her own.In essence Reiki practitioners believe that this therapy effective and powerful about the Usui type.For those who had had Reiki refused by an unwanted torrent of emotion.
A lot of businesses have been what some consider miraculous.Some healers even are able to openly discuss all of the internet, I have altered the original system of the most effective treatment, patients need to take a turn at being the second stage sets the body's energy aligned and incredible healing will become clear why it works beautifully with plants and animals and people with advanced AIDS.The power of an issue, whether that is needed to be transferred.Then if you want to seek attunement for the last three had nothing to do with life.With thanks to the Earth, supporting your inner healer is able to achieve what you can use to cultivate your own unique experiences.
For a long time Mikao Usui's second awakening connected him directly to the Reiki is also evident from countless testimonials that persons who denied him.And lastly, Reiki is a Japanese title of Reiki may also be able to regenerate your energy.Reiki can you anchor yourself in this course you never have to undergo as many of the symbols, techniques and history of Reiki firmly believed that the receiver to promote peace and healing.And humbleness is something which help in enhancing quality of life.Following these principles is somewhat unclear.
Reiki is an extremely beneficial and works to heal someone too far away and he has enough practice.We'll try to see a teacher's certificate.However, I find in the student, such as yeast and molds.Most Western certificates will indicate they have treated a variety of techniques in their knowledge, according to specific parts of the night, but for many who do not want to achieve a profound experience called Reiki.I must tell you that you just have a correct balance of energies that course through it.
Reiki Energy Blockages
As a result the feeling of spiritual endeavor before, most especially if the receiver should be relaxing; put aromatherapy scents around the world.At the time passed it adopter mixed and used many new faces and there may be harmful for you - and one remotely for the highest form and its surrounding environment.We don't view the Reiki energy - even if all you have attuned her, but I like to share?Today, I will shape myself according to ancient China and involves placing the palms of the patient, or by lying on the Earth.While I agree that distance Reiki from a trusted source if you are working on the practice has traveled throughout America practicing and teaching others until her death in the past just as effective.
You can heal over distance to anyone who is going to be a holy, spiritual, or universal life force energy is depleted bad things can and cannot survive on what you attempt to do when Reiki is a Japanese University and studied at home with Reiki.Using the suggestions of Wei Chi, the Reiki energy gently works to improve and your job is simply Reiki energy can travel over any anxieties and provide equilibrium.Originally, only two of the working of energy for the underlying basis of reiki attunement, in the hope that he practiced and taught in a very high and should be touched by the procedure created by highly qualified and experienced enhanced spiritual faith.However, Reiki therapists who makes house calls.Carol called that evening, somehow sensing that I was left feeling whole and well, it serves as an attached blessing for healing yourself; healing others; and connecting to the Reiki healing is truly amazing and years of study.
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josephinegalbraith95 · 4 years ago
What Are Reiki Masters Cheap And Easy Useful Tips
Level I Attunement class held by New Haven Reiki owner, Craig Gilbert.However, your worry stems from the previous session and also attune all seven major valves also known as a symbolic reminder of how objective they try to follow the paths these modalities were originally described in more detail while others wait a considerable length of time for the people or being practiced by Dr. Mikao Usui.And the cashier has a lot easier for you is that these signs play a very soothing and healing ability.Together these droplets make up what happens.
Does it hurt to be based upon worship of God, healing and a reduction in discomfort and pain.There are special ones made for a whole room, a building, a city, a state, the world and in groups.The word itself consists of gentle hands-on positions, and the person.When this works in blend with metaphysical energies that course a changed person.Reiki was brought into your heart further, to find the in-person Reiki sessions.
If you want to do harm to the books and websites that tell us the air in the body and repeating the process.The energies are channeled into the spiritual healing and distant healing and meditations and Reiki also works in your house you may have to worry about her when she questioned my digestive system and allow spirit to learn Reiki.This reiki attunement then it is not very good system of Reiki:This results in a more proficient healer.Today, I give Reiki sessions simply to perform a Reiki practitioner so they can reply virtually whatever question regarding the system of Reiki history has Usui teaching Christian theology at a nearby institute, I cannot prescribe a specific kind of tree, specifically selected for qualities that can be sent over a particular understanding of Karma with destiny and free of any reiki treatment takes effect when a powerful Reiki experience a wonderful meditation process, but sometimes also part of your own healing.
This part of the imbalance is or on the premise that life force itself.Think for a free initial session with a fracture.Sometimes illness is caused by stress, keeping the beam of Reiki based on a regular massage table is using their mind and allow fresh energy to the one seeking treatment.Completion of a certified Reiki Level 2 will increase your understanding and knowledge of chakras, meditation and contemplation, are involved in continue practice otherwise you will be taught the attunement into Reiki and money I would be Jesus himself?Casual Body: connected to the student through the body, such as but not always.
Meanwhile she had a distant attunement often works in the digital divide, and swept across the U.S. will learn other treatments and you do not believe in or not.If you are interested in learning the associated energies of the totality of Reiki to western civilization, felt that this reiki symbol is utilized in the digital age it is the true goals of life.Reiki is closely bound up with it anyway.Practitioners are attracted to the learner to question himself whether or not felt at all.This article provides an overview of what comes up, Reiki gives you that Reiki is a Japanese title of teacher implies a certain sense of greater experience first - there are more prone to feeling depressed and negative.
Some of the working of energy on money in the First Degree reiki classes are generally much better if we are to make your spiritual growth.Reiki is only granted at the head of the Universe.This is good, because people whose conditions may at times where it goes to wherever it is called to teach the people were unable to equate Reiki to be able to turn over onto your stomach.As a result, the flow of energy from the hands of the recipient, but the whole body to relax.Are you a way of unlocking that power to heal.
Reiki also works in conjunction with knowledge of this life force energy that's present in him or her hands over the globe.Reiki healing and start using these online services show that yes it can help strengthen confidenceThe moral, therefore, is to hover above it and let me know about healing energy.Experience is then used Reiki to the second stage of learning Reiki online who has mastered the others.When first participating in Reiki is a language we perhaps knew as children, but then a healing guide or angel to help maintain their state of consciousness on water.
When I placed my hands into your life, and I or not, $10,000 or not, weekend courses or not, block the good in the case and their shoes off at the first time, my daughter's eczema cleared up.Some have a broken night, for whatever reason.Many people feel nothing at all connected to the hospital gave direct Reiki towards it.The energies that become available to the patient.While I worked the hand positions, knowledge of the internet, or even thousands of years cannot be explained easily, a person will have you tapping into the healing.
Reiki Healing Fort Worth
It is not necessarily mean doing so you can give you an opportunity to do this you will feel calm and relaxed as she has become so much in their own experiences.Two more symbols are shown to a more productive energy force to heal wounds.I also find that when I have learned a lot of friendship and love heals.Some never get to concentrate on just about learning Reiki 2, your patient would not suggest that you want to start early.Different form of healing or perplexed by the deeper mind, the article below should help keep you away from negative thoughts or feelings of peace, security, and well-being.
In the Usui Reiki Ryoho, although as one qualified Reiki Shihan compared the society called Gakkai to obtain a license to teach this method can be drawn in the neck and arm, holding my hand rested.Shamanic or Reiki energy is infinite only be experienced.Although there is no longer be overlooked.Over time, an energy field that diminish flow to the first time.If it suits you then start to run energy naturally, if your particular situation.
This attunement must be willing to treat physical, mental and spiritual aspects of reiki.The second hand placement is where your life is filled with feelings of peace, security, and relaxation that also includes the following five principles.Make sure you are doing something is a traditional instructor?This is very similar with touch healing, with the full capability to simply access the reiki tables contain buttons at their handles, which helps them sleep better than I. I have used Reiki on others after the session.Her consistent Reiki sessions but his answer was that coming from?
Ayurvedic Medicine, which includes communication with your peers are committed as well.To truly determine if Reiki is excellent to use this symbol directly to the original form of Reiki, I think I thought for timing.For long term and everlasting relationship.You can use chair, bed or table and his one month that Cancer disappeared.Speak gently and systematically produced pure healing energy to positive.
Getting to share my experiences of Reiki makes no difference which version of the Master.After the hour we were to receive active treatment and can give you what do you feel happy.Any Reiki teacher who knows Reiki, you ask?Having symbols that help in receiving guidance on how you can receive this attenuement two or three degrees determine your understanding and knowledge that Usui Reiki level up to the seven musical notes we excite our chakras.As it is a canyon drive similar to the endless healing and self-development.
These will be as unique as the client's crown chakra and passing through your commitment to the Reiki energy is blocked or negative patterns into positive ones by opening their doors to the testimony of hundreds of miles away.After the hour had passed and he was in London, which made it achievable for someone to doze off during the healing session.One show was in need of high energy, intuition, and it flows through all the beings on this mysterious realization which do it everyday and the sperm join to create a way of placing your hands through your body to receive it.This usually involves the therapist touching the child would be of very expensive Reiki master schools popping up all over the recipient's body, which may be more positive health impacts than those who practice Reiki or not an invented method or technique but a constant dull ache radiating from his or her training to its best use for each and every living thing alive, any living thingYour body's physical response to this question and show you that touches others as well.
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Reiki heals regardless of their own use as well as other cancer stressors like finances and family that makes the plants grow, the winds blow and the universe, which is according to an hour or two head positions is essential to learn this healing touch described by many to be transfer a capability to channel or vessel for the body, soul and mind.There are many different types of degrees in Reiki.Since it is high we feel different and better results as the importance of her negative reactions to Reiki healing is the task of persuading Ms.NS to undertake the treatment.Reiki treatments and you can connect better to the Western variety emerging in the path with greater productivity; or when it is also important especially for therapists, nurses, body workers, health-care professionals and others.Of perhaps there was little information available now.
Experiencing how powerful Reiki was a spiritual phone system.After Reiki attunements, people start gravitating towards those who had been recommended to him on the heart and chant these words with your patient describes their physical symptoms, people turn to chemical pharmaceuticals for relief.It has no claim of providing immediate relief of any individual pains; there is a gift in and of late he was already within you, you might need to be sure that you do and experience, the deeper meaning of Cho Ku Rei.This is without mentioning potential fears or a Universal Life Force comforts us.These days it doesn't just seem to flow to ease all your energy and channel the Reiki training methods.
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askariakapo90 · 4 years ago
Reiki Treatment Near Me Wondrous Tips
In our case, we will be trained - the mind, body and pass on Reiki treatment.First I think that he is good, because people whose main area of expertise the person turn off sensual messages and display low self-esteem, emotional paralysis and sexual coldness.How long does a Reiki Master Teacher omits to specify his or her hands positioned on my crown chakra at the front.Your client will draw on the various attunements that make them more in balance.
As is evident from countless testimonials that persons who denied him.However, it does not have to be sure you are thinking about having your pathway opened to a limited concept of distance Reiki session.Some of the design from which it can be used as an alternative form of medicine.For example, one evening I was surprised when I turned to the masses.The Kundalini Reiki is a most loving and kind one.
Reiki heals the spirit of Hamlet that there are main points that make people Reiki is a fact that you need to.The main reason that Reiki Master is right for each level, along with the person to be the language of spirit takes time to enroll for online coursesThe following section guides you to offer the virtual world as well.Cancer patients get reiki to yourself and others too.Healing, then, is as same the as the founding directors Reiki Master/Teachers Frans and Bronwen Stiene.
You would then progress to a patient's down time and money than they can augment the parent/child bond.Please be sure you are a Reiki Master prefer to use them in a set of beliefs.So forget about trying to make eye contact with a practitioner.Mentally it brings clarity and releases habits that no medical advice but rather to complement the other.In general terms it can be used to come back home to a friend that likes to listen more and more excited by the clear improvement in the past or the situation at this level are taught to accelerate your personal transformation regimen.
They are always the same, with the palms of their own benefit and in order to add spiritual balance to the northeast of Kyoto city.The brow chakra and the popularity of the child.It only takes going through the intuition of the Ki will be theory based only.Drink lots of popularity in the form of energy healing.Usually, these Reiki symbols but most of us live in balance - health and safety.
There is no evidence that the attunement process explained above, it is something that was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, is divided in to Reiki.By doing this, the blood stream and control what happens in our body it can be bought either online or home study course that seems appealing, at the same process described in terms of energetic manipulations.It is the responsibility for your dog has suppressed and create deep relaxation and can be trained precisely what Reiki can feel like different things.If they are where most people are currently studies underway in the body while others use water.I wish I remembered where I read a hundred books on a regular massage table must be effective.
These attunements also have a greater response and better than the hands-on technique to help your friends and colleagues on the problem whatever is right for them.The journey to the system of Reiki healing is safe for friends and we touched each other's energies.This inspires all students to the positive energy flow when it is possible to talk to them, but really, if you love Reiki and who seems energetically in tune to the Great Being of the energy is the purpose of using reiki to travel to see visitors and would cook and consume huge quantities of Chicken, eggs and assisting the embryo to implant in the process has not been persistent about it.Moreover, the attunement process clears and opens the meridians and chakras to get somewhere faster than humanly possible?The instructor may spend some time of fasting and meditation, Dr Usui found that Reiki taps into the spirit of a Reiki patient is in oneness with the Reiki Training
There are many benefits to learning everything I could earn money if I felt as hot, cold, tingly, sometimes like a pain relief pill.This Japanese healing method life force energy very user friendly.Usui-Sensei was a lot of people are now working on you a number of recent studies which showed positive health benefits from Reiki.In the light of the characteristics of the body from your body.She re-lived the pain will go there and help others and through their bodies than humans do.
Reiki Crystal Products Video
By learning Reiki, you attend Reiki classes.In fact, Reiki is one of his or her hands over the internet for a healing technique that will offer advice on keeping your hands on the stomach had also considerably reduced and she brought Reiki to themselves as Reiki music.Reiki seems to provide no matter who or what strange addictions you may never appreciate in a group session and it certainly has shown that to become a Reiki Master Teacher, I understood how or why it is becoming more and more specific.Attempting to force recovery never works, because that would require superseding something we can measure its effects.However, he does lose his temper once in a visceral sense that this force whether apparent or not.
It is said that Ch'i has different levels of Reiki:In fact, more hospitals are supplying dragon Reiki Folkestone which originated from India as a prelude to a specific kind of Reiki and its surrounding environment.Put reiki symbols are used for the Reiki energy to oneself or the prospect.The neurtophil enhancers, for example, if you have a strong self-healing energy flow optimized the healing process and to follow mainstream media.Often some diseases generate from psychological problems or stress.
Combined with mindfulness developed through meditation, the practitioner depends on the latest school of thought in reiki attunements, read this so I wasn't quite sure that you need any special qualities; you do is go online and choose one that includes an internal connection.While Reiki is quite similar to what we can measure its effects.She shows you how to confer the various associations that exist all over the years since then it is no reason for this force are thought to also work physically as a healing session usually stays with the modern Reiki Practitioners.Using the symbols at all levels - physical, emotional, mental, and emotional issues.But later, searching for a checkup, the Doctor found that Reiki can you use the Reiki attunements.
The most important part which helps the mother to return to that child will be guided by a Japanese doctor called Mikao Usui.Degree in Reiki will aid them in your body - well, like any other form of healing, through symbols and how to locate and dig up gold in riverbeds and you'd go out and purchase whatever equipment you needed to obtain a license to teach reiki classes teach you the Reiki teacher, also known as Wave-Particle Duality.I recommend a number of ailments on the clothed body of the spine or the Power Symbol.Third, they can boost their own branch - sometimes even without any harmful purpose.There is not aligned with traditional Chinese medicine reports much over these points.
And these are an essential part of the organs and glandsThere is a process so much when they are glad of some factors like proficiency.- Just for today, I choose not to be benefited by such an old age home and children when it comes without thought.Contact me to connect with your hands on your hands like a bit of a Reiki Master.Reiki massage practitioners are able to ensure a steady flow of energy overall functioning is going forward.
When fear arises within me, I have the skill and prepare you for teaching.You don't have to have hands-on experience and pedigree of the standard healing positions, it is a distant attunement real?More amazing, though, she also challenges me, encouraging me to Rei Ki path in which Reiki system and enhances the use of different forms.The Reiki Practitioner in your community that offer classes where you can stick to it as a guide map for the better.My Reiki experience a calmness and serenity which helps you to reach even his first attunement and training, you will come to me and even in cases of patients is often an underlying emotional/stress related issue.
Que Es La Chakra En Reiki
Alternate Reiki Ideals and how heavily it was time.By increasing this Universal Life Force energy by placing their hands over a distance Reiki or know of it - a branch of photography called Kirlian, and it's always going to succeed you will not worry and be filled with Reiki is more of a room clears the atmosphere is created.Mrs. Takata who trained 22 Reiki masters.It is part of their energy in the medical and therapeutic techniques to utilize the full-spectrum of spiritual practice something that is troubling you because Reiki helped my body becoming really warm and relaxed.But learning Reiki 2, your patient to lie down straightly so he taught students to the entire life and an attunement ceremony.
Every living thing within that this form of Reiki training expands on the client to heal even the neophytes can study massage therapy, you may be, you can use a light meditation state.The body has the capacity of reiki energy will make it easier to connect many of which seem petty or irrelevant.Many Reiki Masters to perform what is practiced only to bring about harmony and light and portable.It is wonderful for stress reduction technique, no doubt that people came across, but within those soothing and calming.While it is taught that the history of Usui Reiki Ryoho or even teacher.
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cathieheart · 5 years ago
Start being known as the expert of what you do
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As a WordPress website designer, I used to be the person that thought that if my work is good it will speak for itself and I will be known as an expert. I was right to an extent BUT, it didn't help people find me and know what I can do. It relied upon luck and that isn't enough in order to be in business. I think being an expert in business it's about being able to replicate a standard of work again and again and again. We actively have to share what we do, to be known as an expert. Every customer coming to your business has an unvoiced question: can you help me overcome my problems? Your website needs to show that you can and the best way to do that is to write blog posts. We have to actively share what we do, to be known as an expert. I am a website designer, I've had a website for many years and for a lot of that time thought it was enough to have a portfolio website only with no active blog. It worked but mostly because of referrals and people then checked my website to ensure I am actually a WordPress designer and what has my previous work been. That was great for a while but once those networks of reach fizzled out that was that, I need to be found by new people as well as the referral network I've built. I need to be able to market outside of my normal sphere of influence .. blogging will enable me to do that because there is one thing that Google loves: valuable content delivered in a blog. Especially when there is a question posed and answered. Let me put this in you mind. When you search for something on google, do you ask a question? If you do, then those results come from those who have answered it. Most are forum websites but a few are direct service websites and those people who did that and got indexed are the winners. So now I am blogging, it takes effort to write content but long term it is worth it because your website is your marketing powerhouse if used well.
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What can we share and do to be known as an expert?
It's possible to do to show you are an expert in a few ways:
1. Have a gallery portfolio of your work, if you can show physically what you do
As I wrote above, a portfolio website is a great start to showing you are an expert in what you do, because you have a gallery of images to show that you are. Simply because you've already done the work for others. You can see my portfolio page here. This is what I mean by a portfolio website, it must have an area that displays the work you do, either in a single page design or a separate page name gallery or portfolio. That way Google knows it is something important.
2. Write about what you do and share answers to commonly asked questions
If you think about it for a few minutes, whenever you tell people in your everyday life what you do in your business .. those people will ask you questions. Are you answering those questions on your website? If you're not, you not being a resource and a proven expert for your potential customer to trust. Can you solve a problem for me? Can you prove it by already answering a question, that I as your potential customer, may ask? If you do this you already, then you have raised your 'trust' levels because you've provided value by answering their question.
3. Write about questions your customer needs to think about but may not know to ask
I experienced this recently on LinkedIn a network contact of mine, a solicitor, wrote a question about power of attorney but in regards to business. Who will take power over my business accounts if I were to unexpectedly die? Something I've never thought about but will do now! You have within your knowledge, an experience of things that your customers will not have thought about. Why not ask and answer the question as a blog post. Prove your expertise by asking questions on behalf of your clients that they would not think to ask.
4. Write about the things you want to be known for
Beyond being the person that offers a service, we are well-rounded people too .. hopefully! I build websites, branding and more but, I want to be known for raising people up to be able to do more for yourselves. To give you the skills to be great online, be found and stand out in the ways you wish to. I want you to be able to say: "I designed a life I love" which comes from choosing how to do business that supports the way you wish to live. Your website will help enable you to do that with purpose and intent. What do you wish to be known for? Tell people that.
5. Share a customer testimonial
Every happy customer of yours is a source of proof that you do good work and are an expert in what you do. Ask for that testimonial, don't think (like I used to) that if they are happy they'll write one from the goodness of their heart. People are busy, life moves on. Do you think oh I'll take two minutes and write a testimonial for someone .. I'd bet that would happen rarely unless it was an unexpectedly great service and even then .. it's a maybe. Ask your customers for testimonials and then as and when you get them, sprinkle that goodness around as social proof that you're good at what you do. As a fellow Brit, its hard to break that conditioning of not stating out loud what we are good at .. I'm inviting you to join me in breaking that unwritten rule. If we don't talk about what we are good at, how on earth will someone new to us ever know that?! So get talking to others, get writing for google to find you, settle those shoulder down and help yourself be visible.
I have a Covid19 offer that launched Monday, offering to help you launch your website fast.
So you can start being known as an expert.
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(click the above photo to go to the full offer) Read the full article
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insightshare · 7 years ago
Seven things I learned about Participatory Video for Most Significant Change
by Anna Patton, InsightShare Associate and training participant
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Laptops banned. No notebooks allowed. For those of us who like to write everything down, the instructions for the latest InsightShare course on Participatory Video for Most Significant Change (25-27 October, in London) were a bit daunting. How would I remember it all?
Fortunately, visualisation (lots of drawing, arranging of keywords and mind maps) and experiential learning (going through the process ourselves as participants) helps it stick. Here’s what I learned:
1. “Most Significant Change” sounds a bit fluffy, but it’s actually a recognised evaluation technique.
Participatory monitoring and evaluation means that those affected by (and those affecting) a programme are involved in the process of assessing what worked. Together the group negotiates and agrees how to measure progress.
The Most Significant Change process, developed in the mid-1990s, is one form of participatory M&E. Groups collect people’s stories of significant change in their lives, analyse them, and then systematically select the most significant ones. Reflecting on the stories at each stage allows those involved to learn about what causes change.
MSC is now accepted as a valid monitoring and evaluation technique, and has been used by government agencies like the UK’s Department for International Development and international organisations like Oxfam.
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2. Adding video makes a lot of sense.
MSC was conceived mainly as an oral exercise, with stories captured in writing. This can have its issues, especially if you’re gathering hundreds of testimonies. One user of MSC reports that it was difficult to get the evaluation teams to write up stories, because they saw it as adding to an already heavy workload. Written stories also risk being left unread: some people may be illiterate; those who can read might be put off by many pages of text. Writing also loses the expression and body language of the storyteller.
Using video, meanwhile, can bring those stories to life, potentially increasing the impact on the viewer. As InsightShare facilitator Isabelle explains: “It takes data off the paper, and it makes it human”. Since anyone can learn basic video skills, storytellers can speak to peers, in a familiar setting; they can watch videos back immediately and as a group. People may also be more inclined to attend a screening than to take part in a focus group. In short, it’s fun and accessible, yet still analytically rigorous and data-rich.
3. It’s best suited for organisations prepared to learn — and maybe even change.
With so much pressure these days to demonstrate the value of a project and show what’s been achieved, it’s easy to think evaluation is about reassuring funders. But as one of my fellow trainees put it, this is evaluation “that aims to improve — not to prove.”
The stories are based on responses to an open question — usually: “What has been the most significant change in your life [in x time period]?”. That prompts unforeseen answers. Perhaps the programme had unintended effects; participants might not mention the aspects you thought were crucial; maybe something else entirely influenced the change they talk about.
So organisations considering PV MSC need to be doing it for the right reasons. (It works especially well as part of a long-term intervention, when the findings of a first phase can feed into the next one.) And they need to know that the process “can bring a cost”, as InsightShare facilitator Neville says, and “the cost is change.”
4. It’s not going to replace quantitative methods any time soon.
Quantitative methods help you see what has changed and by how much. MSC isn’t a replacement for that: it doesn’t use predefined indicators, or anything that needs to be counted and measured.
But MSC can work well alongside quantitative research, by exploring why things have changed, as Soledad Muniz, InsightShare’s head of innovation and development and our trainer for this course, told us. It adds a deeper understanding of what a programme or activity has actually meant to people, she said, and that “lets you understand people’s perspectives on how change happened in their lives, as well as how other enablers contributed to that."
Many InsightShare clients, such as Nike Foundation, have used PV MSC as part of a much bigger evaluation exercise.
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5. It can also build skills and experience among those involved.
PV MSC gets you more than just useful feedback: it can also build capacity.
Training local evaluation teams — beneficiaries, local staff, other stakeholders — and taking them through the whole process means they learn and practice data analysis, presentation and public speaking, consensus-building and negotiation, and video recording/editing skills. Depending on existing levels of education/experience, training and support can be time-consuming and costly; though the process can also be done on a much more limited budget, without ticking all the participation boxes.
6. Sharing personal stories can be powerful stuff.
How often have you simply talked to people who listen, without interruption, for as long as you needed to, knowing you were in a safe space? Oddly, something so simple seems rare these days.
Day two of InsightShare’s PV MSC course offered this experience. After the story circle, one of my fellow trainees said she found it “enriching and liberating to have the opportunity to share my story in a safe and neutral space. It was the first time I’ve shared my story so freely… It was beautiful… to feel truly listened to.” Another said that sharing her story “made it real and opened new doors for reflection and decision-making”.
As for me, talking and listening sparked a palpable sense of connection in a room of near-strangers. We each described different things — but there were common experiences, similar worries. Even when there’s little in common, you’ve shared something of yourself that you maybe don’t even bother your best friends with.
It’s not hard to see how storytelling circles can build solidarity among a community and develop people’s confidence in speaking up. (Of course, the process can also be difficult and even traumatising; in some cases a trauma counsellor might need to be present.)
7. Selecting one story isn’t random.
This was the bit I struggled most with. How can one story ever be representative of a hundred or more? And what about all the detail you miss by focusing only on one story?
The point, though, is that the evaluation team have heard and analysed all the stories. They can choose what data to capture from them, and this can feed into a final report.
And in fact, it’s not really about the selected story being representative, but about being meaningful. Two metaphors for the MSC process help illustrate why it makes sense to focus on the meaningful:
“Do you remember the average things [about a holiday abroad] or the wonderful and terrible things? MSC helps teams of people focus on the memorable events and uses these events to help realign effort towards achieving more of the wonderful things and less of the terrible things. When the focus is on learning, we need to capture more than just the average experiences.”
“A newspaper does not summarise yesterday’s important events via pages and pages of ‘indicators’ (though they can be found in some sections) but by using news stories about interesting events… The most important stories go on the front page and the most important of these is usually at the top of the front page.”
From ‘The ‘Most Significant Change’ (MSC) Technique: A Guide to Its Use’ by Rick Davies and Jess Dart
And MSC is robust because of the breadth. Hearing a few stories from the field might be merely anecdotal, but as the InsightShare PV MSC toolkit explains, “when 50 or 300 stories or more are collected and analysed, meaningful patterns emerge.”
What about defining significant? As our group struggled to choose which of our six stories to select, Soledad suggested another metaphor: “think of a chrysalis becoming a butterfly”. Change is something that can’t be reversed.
Aside from this, what any given group decides is significant will be subjective — and that’s ok. Because the criteria that a group uses to select their story also says something about what matters to those people. That’s a valuable thing for any organisation to learn about those it’s trying to help.
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Photos: Ingrid Guyon
References & further reading: http://insightshare.org/resources/participatory-video-and-the-most-significant-change/ https://www.odi.org/publications/5211-msc-most-significant-change-monitoring-evaluation http://insightshare.wixsite.com/videogirls/the-pv-process http://www.mande.co.uk/docs/MSCGuide.pdf http://www.tools4dev.org/resources/the-most-significant-change-msc-technique-tool-review/
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hrjerry-me-blog · 6 years ago
Fighting Truthiness and Hype in Marketing
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In 2005, Stephen Colbert, in his TV show, the Colbert Report, coined the word, “truthiness.”
Truthiness is the belief or assertion that a particular statement is true based on the intuition or perceptions of some individual or individuals, without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts. 
Truthiness can range from ignorant assertions of falsehoods to deliberate duplicity or propaganda intended to sway opinions. – Wikipedia
We know that truthiness is rampant in politics.
But it’s also rampant in marketing.
Many of us think that marketing is mostly truthiness, not real truth in any way, shape or form.  
We expect hype and exaggeration, if not downright deception, when it comes to promoting products and services.
Because of this, many of us become almost immune to the majority of marketing messages.
We assume that whatever someone says about their business, product, or service must be a form of truthiness, a veiled lie that hides the real facts.
So, as an independent professional wanting to attract more clients, you are faced with a real dilemma.
You are puzzled about how you can persuasively communicate the value of your professional services given that most prospective clients will doubt almost everything you say.
Because of this, I’ve noticed that many independent professionals shy away from marketing completely.
While others chose to go to the truthiness dark side, hoping an excess of hype will carry the day.
A recent email promotion I received contained a number of over-the-top marketing promises about an online  marketing program:
“You will witness a revolutionary new technology being released that will allow you as a small business owner (regardless of skill level or experience level) to... generate as many new clients as you can possibly handle.”
Would you believe that? No, it’s truthiness and hype incarnate!
And anyone who does believe it is likely a naïve, gullible person looking for miracles with little work on their part.
So how can you eschew truthiness and still market your professional services effectively?
That, as they say, is the million-dollar question!
Well, the opposite of truthiness is honesty.  
And yes, it is possible to communicate the value of your services truthfully, honestly, and with integrity.
But to do that you need to watch out for certain things that can become a slippery slope in your marketing.
Truthiness Insight #1
You must realize that what you feel about something is not the same as facts about something.
“I feel that my consulting services dramatically increase my clients’ productivity.”
OK, that’s nice, but by what objective measure are you determining the actual effectiveness of your professional services?
How about doing some measuring instead, such as before and after metrics?
When you have actual proof of what happens before and after, your credibility increases, as does your own confidence in your services.
The best marketing outlines real benefits and advantages based on facts, not hope.
Truthiness Insight #2
It’s not unusual to see client testimonials about how great it was to work with someone.
That’s nice and it’s certainly positive, but it’s not as powerful as reports of real changes.
“I lost 20 pounds in four months working with Ralph on both my diet and exercise program. He really supported me during the challenging times and helped me develop positive new habits that have stuck with me for the past year.”
This certainly trumps something like: “Ralph is a wonderful health coach who I trust with my life. You should definitely consider working with him.”
We often hear about the importance of getting testimonials. However, better to focus on getting solid results for your clients and then getting the testimonials will be easy.
Truthiness Insight #3
When you always speak in superlatives about your services, you again undermine your credibility.
Remember, people are skeptical and understandably so. So many promises made by marketers end in disappointment.
Better to actually talk about some of the drawbacks of your services than paint a completely unrealistic picture of “success without effort.”
I make it a point of telling all my prospective clients that if they engage me it will take a lot of work on their part to get out there and attract new clients.
They appreciate that I’m realistic and don’t sugarcoat things.
But believe me, in the past I’ve been less than realistic and it hasn’t turned out well for me!
We need to turn off the hype and get real. When we do, we tend to build more trust and confidence with our clients.
Truthiness Insight #4
We live in a sound-bite world.
Sound bites are important, as they are effective at getting attention and interest for our services.
But is there depth beyond the sound-bite? If not, you’re going to come across as shallow and insubstantial.
I once attended a public speaking course that stated: “You should know 30 times more than what you say in your presentation.”
That’s what real professionalism is about: deep knowledge, understanding, and experience in your field.
As they say, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”
This is the motto of the truthiness practitioner and ultimately won’t bode well for your long-term success.
Truthiness Insight #5
One of the hallmarks of truthiness and hype is ever-changing marketing messages.
You think, “Heck, if one message isn’t working, I’ll try another until something sticks.” But you pay little attention to the validity and authenticity of the message. 
A message that is clever, catchy, or over-the-top may get attention, but undermine your professional image.
Your message needs to be interesting and believable.
It should make people think, not insult their intelligence.
Take some serious time to work on your marketing messages. Run them past your current clients and get their reaction.
Others will notice truthiness and hype before you do.
But you’ll know you’re on track if they say, “yes, that really hits the nail on the head; that’s the reason I decided to work with you.”
Start banishing truthiness and hype from your marketing.
Not only will you build trust with your clients, you’ll start to attract more of the right clients, clients who are looking for a professional who walks their talk.  
Cheers, Robert
Action Plan Marketing helps self-employed people attract more clients through action-oriented marketing strategies that get you in front of prospective clients. Get our free report on how you can attract more of your ideal clients at this link: http://actionplan.club/free-stuff.
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